Iowa’s Speeding Laws and Penalties (2024)

Read about Iowa’s speeding laws and the consequences of getting a speeding ticket.

By John McCurley, Attorney (University of San Francisco School of Law)

See Also
Pay a Fine

Iowa has two types of speeding laws: "absolute limits" and a "basic speeding law." This article explains the differences between the two and the consequences of a speeding violation.

Absolute Speed Limits

There is no trick to how Iowa's absolute speed limits work: If the absolute speed limit is 50 miles per hour and you drive faster than that, you've violated the law. Unless otherwise posted, Iowa's absolute speed limits are:

  • 20 miles per hour in business districts
  • 25 miles per hour in residential districts
  • 25 miles per hour in school zones
  • 45 miles per hour in suburban districts
  • 65 miles per hour on fully controlled-access, divided, multilane highways
  • 70 miles per hour on interstate highways, and
  • 55 miles per hour on other roadways.

Basic Speeding Law

Notwithstanding the absolute limits, Iowa's basic speeding law requires motorists to drive at a "careful and prudent speed not greater than nor less than is reasonable and proper, having due regard to the traffic, surface, and width of the highway and of any other conditions then existing." The basic speeding law also specifies that drivers must reduce their speed as appropriate when approaching crossings, curves, a hill crest, or when other road or weather conditions warrant the reduction.

In other words, motorists must always drive at a safe speed. What a safe speed is will depend on the circ*mstances. For instance, 55 miles per hour might be safe on a bright, sunny day. But if it's dark and the road is icy, going 55 miles per hour could be dangerous and a violation of the basic speeding law.

Penalties for a Speeding Ticket

Speeding is a simple misdemeanor in Iowa. For most speeding violations, the fines are:

  • $20 for exceeding the speed limit by not more than five miles per hour
  • $40 for exceeding the speed limit by more than five but not more than ten miles per hour
  • $80 for exceeding the speed limit by more than ten but not more than 15 miles per hour
  • $90 for exceeding the speed limit by more than 15 but not more than 20 miles per hour, and
  • $100 plus $5 for each mile per hour in excess of 20 miles per hour over the limit.

And the fine is generally $100 for speeding violations in school zones. However, a driver who's caught going more than ten miles per hour over the limit in a school zone faces up to 30 days in jail and/or $65 to $625 in fines.

Of course, if you fight a speeding ticket and win, you can avoid these consequences altogether.

Reckless Driving and Vehicular Homicide

Depending on the circ*mstances, a speeding violation can lead to a "reckless driving" conviction. Generally, a conviction carries up to 30 days in jail and/or $25 to $625 in fines.

And if a speeding violation results in the death of another person, it's possible to be convicted of "homicide by vehicle"—a felony. Convicted drivers are looking at up to ten years in prison and $1,000 to $10,000 in fines.

Iowa’s Speeding Laws and Penalties (2024)


Iowa’s Speeding Laws and Penalties? ›

Speeding is usually misdemeanor in Iowa. For most speeding violations, the fines are: $20 for exceeding the speed limit by not more than 5 mph. $40 for exceeding the speed limit by more than 5 but not more than 10 mph.

At what speed do you lose your license in Iowa? ›

Speeding is a misdemeanor in Iowa and license suspension comes from the Iowa DOT if someone is caught going 25 miles an hour over the speed limit. The minimum suspension is 60 days for 25 over and increases by five days for every mile faster.

How do you get a speeding ticket dismissed in Iowa? ›

Contesting an Iowa traffic ticket typically requires making a court appearance. However, a judge will be forced to dismiss the case if the officer that issued the citation fails to show up in court. If this happens, the defendant's attorney can file a motion to have the case dismissed.

Can you go 5 miles over the speed limit in Iowa? ›

Iowa speed violations, infractions and penalties

$20 if you go over the speed limit by more than five miles per hour. $40 if you go over the speed limit by between five and 10mph. $80 if you go over the speed limit by between 10mph and 15mph. $90 if you go over the speed limit by between 15mph and 20mph.

How many speeding tickets before you lose your license in Iowa? ›

In fact, the state doesn't even assign points for speeding 15 mph or less over the limit. However, your license still can be suspended if you receive 3 moving violations within a 12 month period. It can also be suspended immediately if you're caught driving 25 mph or more over the posted speed limit.

What is felony speeding in Iowa? ›

Depending on the circ*mstances, a speeding violation can lead to a reckless driving conviction. A conviction can carry up to 30 days in jail and $25 to $625 in fines. If a speeding violation results in the death of another person, it's possible to be convicted of homicide by vehicle, which is a felony.

Do speeding tickets go on your record in Iowa? ›

In Iowa, speeding tickets are considered civil offenses. This means that the tickets will not show up on your criminal record. However, if you are convicted of a civil traffic violation, your driver's license may be suspended or revoked.

Does Iowa offer traffic school for speeding tickets? ›

Our traffic school online course is available for students who have received an eligible citation in Iowa and wish to complete their required defensive driving course from the comfort of their own home. You can work on the course when you want and move at your own pace!

How long does a speeding ticket stay on your driving record in Iowa? ›

Concerning traffic infractions, convictions and penalty points remain on the driver's license for five (5) years.

Is speeding a simple misdemeanor in Iowa? ›

In the State of Iowa any speeding ticket is considered simple misdemeanor and traffic violation. But in Pennsylvania, speeding ticket is only an infraction.

Does Iowa have a right to speed law? ›

For example, Iowa has a “right to speed” law, which states that the first two speeding violations within any twelve-month period of ten miles per hour or less over the legal speed limit in speed zones having a speed limit between thirty-four miles per hour and fifty-six miles per hour do not count toward “Habitual ...

Is reckless driving a misdemeanor in Iowa? ›

Any person who drives any vehicle in such manner as to indicate either a willful or a wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. Every person convicted of reckless driving shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor.

Is it OK to go 5 miles under the speed limit? ›

Yes. In general, you can drive as slow as you like, with two rules to bear in mind: Some roads have a minimum speed limit, which you need to follow unless weather conditions are such that you can't - you do not have to do, say, 40 mph on an interstate if it's icy and going 40 mph would just end up in a ditch.

What happens if you get 3 speeding tickets in Iowa? ›

Your driving privileges may be suspended for: Habitual violator: If you have been convicted of, or pled guilty to, three or more countable moving violations (including out-of-state violations) that were committed within a 12-month period.

Do speeding tickets affect insurance in Iowa? ›

Yes, your first speeding ticket will increase your insurance rates by around 23%. However, multiple tickets cause rates to increase much more. Drivers with two tickets pay 67% more for full coverage. And those with three tickets pay twice as much as people with a clean record.

Does Iowa report speeding tickets to other states? ›

Kansas, Wyoming, Minnesota, Arizona, Iowa, and South Dakota will not put speeding tickets on record unless it is 10 or more mph over the limit. If the violation was committed by an out-of-state motorist, the violation may still be reported to the home state which can result in points being assessed.

What is the maximum speed limit in Iowa? ›

Maximum posted speed limits
StateRural interstates (mph)Other roads (mph)
Kentucky65; 70 on specified segments of road 455
47 more rows

Do you lose your license for reckless driving Iowa? ›

Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT) may suspend your license for recklessly driving. In some cases, your license could even be revoked.

How fast can you drive in Iowa? ›

for all vehicular traffic shall be fifty-five miles per hour. supervisors at the intersection or other place or part of the highway. traffic on fully controlled-access, divided, multilaned highways is sixty-five miles per hour.

What is considered reckless driving in Iowa? ›

Section 321.277 - Reckless driving 1. A person who drives any vehicle in such manner as to indicate either a willful or a wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving. 2. A person who is convicted of reckless driving shall be guilty of a simple misdemeanor.

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