[OpenWrt Wiki] LuCI on lighttpd (2024)

LuCI is the main web administration utility for OpenWrt. By default LuCI uses uHTTPd.

You can use other web servers for LuCI. There are a couple available in the OpenWrt archives: webserver This article explains how to run the LuCI web interface on the lighttpd web server.

See also:

  • lighttpd

  • luci.essentials

Please be aware that versions from version 1.4.56 to version 1.4.59 had a problem in HTTP/2 implementation, which might influence loading of LuCI page (F5 refresh was necessary to get the page loaded correctly and working). The problem was fixed in version 1.4.59-2, so updating is recommended.


The following procedure brings you a minimal LuCI-Installation (instead of the full installation that is obtained when using the meta-package “luci” or “luci-ssl”, which also automatically installs the webserver “uHTTPd”)

First, install lighttpd and LuCI packages:

opkg updateopkg install lighttpd lighttpd-mod-cgi luci-mod-admin-full libiwinfo

NOTE: The libiwinfo package is only needed if your router has wireless.

Since lighttpd package version 1.4.56 the SSL module is not installed by default and you need to install one:

# Check the up-to-date list of lighttpd modulesopkg list lighttpd*# Choose one and install it, version 1.4.56 offers lighttpd-mod-gnutls, lighttpd-mod-mbedtls, lighttpd-mod-nss, lighttpd-mod-openssl, lighttpd-mod-wolfsslopkg install lighttpd-mod-openssl

Then choose a LuCI theme

opkg install luci-theme-openwrt


opkg install luci-theme-bootstrap


Either go on with default configuration and make few changes, or add a file, which does the same. In order to understand the changes, lets start with default configuration (the more complicated way).

Using default configuration (more changes)

Check that /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/30-cgi.conf loads the mod_cgi-module:

server.modules += ( "mod_cgi" )

Now we need to tell lighttpd to process requests for the web interface using CGI. The LuCI administation package installs files in /cgi-bin, which is the default CGI gateway for LuCI. The main script luci is a script (with shebang line) that can run LuCI independently and calls Lua by itself. Other files cgi-backup, cgi-download and cgi-upload are symbolic links to cgi-io executable. To tell lighttpd that it needs to execute scripts in /cgi-bin we need to add

"/cgi-bin/luci" => "","/cgi-bin/cgi-backup" => "","/cgi-bin/cgi-download" => "","/cgi-bin/cgi-exec" => "","/cgi-bin/cgi-upload" => ""

to the cgi configuration file (/etc/lighttpd/conf.d/30-cgi.conf):

cgi.assign = ( ".pl" => "/usr/bin/perl", ".cgi" => "/usr/bin/perl", ".rb" => "/usr/bin/ruby", ".erb" => "/usr/bin/eruby", ".py" => "/usr/bin/python", "/cgi-bin/luci" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-backup" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-download" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-exec" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-upload" => "", )

This makes LuCI work as a CGI process. See http://redmine.lighttpd.net/projects/1/wiki/docs_modcgi for an explanation of the cgi.assign syntax.Note that the index.html file in the document root /www that comes with the LuCI package redirects to /cgi-bin/luci, thereby allowing access to the web interface by just loading the address of your OpenWrt device (e.g. instead of having to load

LuCI needs root privileges to access configuration, so lighttpd needs to run as root too, so edit the configuration file /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf:

#server.username = "http"#server.groupname = "www-data"

Using easy configuration

The same effect as the previous changes could be made, if you create file /etc/lighttpd/99-luci.conf and put all changes there:

## Necessary LUCI configurationcgi.assign += ( "/cgi-bin/luci" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-backup" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-download" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-exec" => "", "/cgi-bin/cgi-upload" => "" )server.username := ""server.groupname := ""

Or specify CGI execution as a default for a whole /cgi-bin URL:

## Necessary LUCI configuration$HTTP["url"] =~ "^/cgi-bin" { cgi.assign += ( "" => "" )}server.username := ""server.groupname := ""

☝ The key to understand it is that += merges the values, := replaces/overwrites previously assigned value and = simply assigns a value if not set already (see lighttpd configuration documentation).

Finalizing the configuration

If you want lighttpd's logs in the output of “logread”, add this (to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf or /etc/lighttpd/99-luci.conf, or your own config file):

## enable syslogserver.errorlog-use-syslog = "enable"

Add the following for the server to listen on ipv4 and ipv6 (create for example /etc/lighttpd/50-http.conf):

#Listen on ipv4$SERVER["socket"] == ":80" {}#Listen on ipv6$SERVER["socket"] == "[::]:80" { server.use-ipv6 = "enable"}

Enable lighttpd (so that it will be started at every boot) and start it:

/etc/init.d/lighttpd enable/etc/init.d/lighttpd start

SSL Redirect

If you want to redirect to SSL, install lighttpd-mod-redirect package:

opkg updateopkg install lighttpd-mod-redirect

Next, create /etc/lighttpd/conf.d/50-https.conf with the following content:

$SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/your_private_and_public_key.pem"} else $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0") }}

And if you have SSL certificate from any authority without hostname-only alias, you can redirect like the following (replace hostname with your hostname and hostname.domain with your fully qualified domain name):

$SERVER["socket"] == ":443" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/ssl/your_private_and_public_key.pem"} else $HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { $HTTP["host"] == "hostname" { url.redirect = (".*" => "https://hostname.domain$0") } else $HTTP["host"] =~ ".*" { url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0") }}

Unfortunately redirecting from https://hostname to https://hostname.domain does not work well, so it is not shown in the example above -- the reason is that the SSL channel is set-up based on SNI (i.e. hostname) before the redirection could happen, so certificate is matched against hostname and not hostname.domain.

LuCI and Another Website Simultaneously on lighttpd (Listening on Multiple Ports)

You can easily add other content to the document root and use it as your website. For example, you might aggregate the web interfaces of other OpenWrt programs under the same socket listening instance in lighttpd. However, you may want to have the web interface LuCI listening on another socket altogether. This is useful for example if you want to run a website next to the LuCI interface on another port. Or if you want to run an SSL website next to a regular one. Another reason is to prevent people that visit your website to see the LuCI log in screen, if they happen to access the document root, which normally accesses LuCI. (Another way to just prevent this, is to hide it a bit more by not serving LuCI on the docroot by removing the redirect HTML file explained above. And instead of putting the CGI script under /cgi-bin/luci you might come up with a more secret path for that as well.)

Listening on a second port with its own document root is very straigtforward in lighttpd. Here we consider the case where we run a simple static website next the LuCI web interface.

Suppose we make a directory for the website that we want to run next to LuCI and put some content in it:

mkdir /websiteecho "<P>It works!</P>" > /website/index.html

Now we simply need to use lighttpd's “matching on socket” mechanism (see the documentation on conditional configuration), for which you have to put the following somewhere in your lighttpd.conf:

$SERVER["socket"] == ":80" { server.document-root = "/website/"}

After restarting lighttpd your website is on port 81 and LuCI is still on port 80 using lighttpd. Naturally, you can interchange these two ports such that the website is on the default HTTP port 80 and set the web interface on port 81.

You can of course also add other statements to this conditional configuration (conditional on listening and serving requests on another port), such as another CGI package or a different PHP configuration. For more information, see the following from the lighttpd website:

Remark: Instead of opening a 2nd port for lighttpd it should be possible to activate the module “mod_simple_vhost” and serve your website (in a vhost) in friendly coexistence of LuCI via port 80. Please document this here if you get it to work.

‌> Please document this here if you get it to work.

Some hints for achieving “friendly coexistence” of luci, ssl and php-based website, but without using mod_simple_vhost:First, file layout (notice the luci → /www links):

root@OpenWrt / # tree /srv/www /srv/www|-- default| |-- example.org -> ../example.org| `-- luci -> /www`-- example.org |-- index.html |-- luci -> /www `-- phpinfo.php

luci-related (and php-related) lines in /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf

server.modules = ( "mod_rewrite", # needed for luci "mod_fastcgi", # needed for php "mod_cgi" # needed for luci)# luci - no handler means invoking the filecgi.assign = ( "cgi-bin/luci" => "" )# php via socket-driven fastcgi.# to get cgi-php working one needs to comment out (or update# accordingly) doc_root and user_dir in /etc/php.inifastcgi.server = ( ".php" => (( "bin-path" => "/usr/bin/php-fcgi", "socket" => "/tmp/php.socket" )))# port 80 is default, so this line can be commented outserver.port = 80# this enables https$SERVER["socket"] == "" { ssl.engine = "enable" ssl.pemfile = "/etc/lighttpd/server.pem"}# I prefer to keep sites hereserver.document-root = "/srv/www/default/"# rewrites to keep luci code untouched url.rewrite = ( "^/luci$" => "/luci/", # helper only "^/cgi-bin/luci.*" => "/luci$0", "^/luci-static/.*" => "/luci$0" )# block to catch accessing luci via http and "kind" redirect to https$HTTP["scheme"] == "http" { $HTTP["url"] =~ "^/(cgi-bin/)?luci" { url.redirect = (".*" => "https://%0$0" ) }}# rules for lan access$HTTP["host"] =~ "^\:[0-9]*)?$" { dir-listing.activate = "enable"}# rules for remote acces by example.org and www.example.org$HTTP["host"] =~ "^(www.)?example.org(\:[0-9]*)?$" { server.document-root = "/srv/www/example.org/"}

The “minimalistic” setup for putting own page in /srv/www/ and getting luci by http:/‌/…/luci I expect to work is to execute

mkdir -p /srv/wwwln -s /www /srv/www/luci

and add to /etc/lighttpd/lighttpd.conf file the following:

server.document-root = "/srv/www/"server.modules += ("mod_rewrite", "mod_cgi")cgi.assign = ( "cgi-bin/luci" => "" )url.rewrite = ( "^/luci$" => "/luci/", "^/cgi-bin/luci.*" => "/luci$0", "^/luci-static/.*" => "/luci$0" )

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[OpenWrt Wiki] LuCI on lighttpd (2024)
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