World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (2024)

Have you ever wanted to play a single-player version of World of Warcraft? Either to test out classes, learn dungeons or just explore the game world and see content you otherwise would never see, this can all be done by running a local private server. And it is surprisingly easy to do so.

It will populate the game world with bots that run around in place of other human players so the world isn't completely empty. If you invite these bots to your party, you can control their behavior, changing the game into a more traditional party-based RPG. You can order them to attack targets or to even guard positions. The Auction House even works, so you can still buy things you need from it.

In this guide, I will walk you through the setup process so you can get in the game quickly and easily.


There are several single player projects for different expansions. Typically the older expansions work better, while the newer ones may have missing content, scripting bugs or have no support for bots. I'll be using the Single Player Project Classics Collection for the rest of this guide, but much of the information should carry over to the other expansions as well.

You can also find links on the official Single Player Project Forum.

These downloads are just for the local server. You will also need the matching World of Warcraft client for the expansion you want to actually play the game.

Server Setup

While it may seem that "running a server" should involve some complex installation procedure, in truth it is just an application like any other. You simply extract the zip file you downloaded and place the folder anywhere you like. The only limitation is that it must be running from an SSD. If you try it on a spinning hard drive, you may find that you won't be able to login to your server.

World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (1)

To start the server, double click the Launch_Servers.bat file in the SPP_Classics_Collection folder. For the Classics Collection, you also have to download extra files for each expansion you want to be able to run. When you first select an expansion that isn't installed, it will automatically download and install it.

Your anti-virus or firewall software might try to block this connection. Make sure to Allow Access if a Windows Defender message pops up. If it doesn't seem to be working, try disabling your anti-virus or firewall and try it again.

Once you have your expansions installed, just type the number of the expansion you want to run and press return.

Starting the Server

World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (2)

From this screen, you can start and stop the server as well as backup or delete the character database.

Start the server by choosing either the Win32 or Win64 version, depending on which version of Windows you have installed. Type the number and press return.

Two new terminals will appear, realmd and mangosd. These are the actual server processes.

Realmd Mangosd
World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (3) World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (4)

In the mangosd terminal, you will know the server is actually running once you see this message appear:

--------------------------------------- CMANGOS: World initialized---------------------------------------SERVER STARTUP TIME: 0 minutes 15 seconds

The Burning Crusade Crash Prevention

If you are running The Burning Crusade server, you may find that it is prone to crashing after just a few minutes. Some people have found that changing the mangosdb.exe process priority to Realtime can help alleviate this problem. Open Task Manager > Details and right click on mangosdb.exe to change this setting.

Account Creation

Before you can login and play, you need to create a user account. This is very easy to do. In the mangosd terminal, type:

account create <your username> <your password>

Don't worry if messages start scrolling while you type, the command will still work just fine. Press return and you will see a message confirming that the user was created.

If you are using an expansion, you have to set the account to have that expansion's content available. In the mangosd terminal, type:

Change the number to 0 for Vanilla, 1 for The Burning Crusade, 2 for Wrath of the Lich King, and so on.

At this point the server is up and running, bots are already running around the world killing mobs. All that's left to do is to make the World of Warcraft client connect to this local server.

Client Setup

Go into your World of Warcraft install folder, open the file in Notepad and change it to this:

set realmlist

Start the World of Warcraft client and login using the username and password you created above. Now you can create a character and start playing as you normally would. Go ahead and play for awhile to make sure everything is working properly.

Bot Control

World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (5)

If you want to be able to control the bots in your party, you will want to download and install the MangosBot Addon. This provides a user interface to control the bots in game, rather than having to use chat commands.

There are versions for Vanilla, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King clients. On the GitHub page, click on Branches and select the version for the client you are using.

From the GitHub page, click on "Clone or download" then "Download ZIP". Extract the zip file and rename the folder from "mangosbot-addon-1.12" to "Mangosbot". Drag this folder into the Interface/AddOns folder in your World of Warcraft game folder.

Now when you click on a member of your party, a control window will appear, allowing you to interact with the bot. Type "/bot" in the chat to bring up a window that lets you use other characters you have created as bots.

I recommend creating new characters for each of the members of your party. It's nice to have them be actual characters that you create, as you can do all the class quests and easily control their equipment and inventory by simply logging in as that character.


Running a single player server is a lot of fun. Even though there are still bugs with some bot behaviors, they are still a great addition to the game. This whole project is still under active development and these bugs are often fixed in fairly regular updates. These will download automatically when you run Launch_Servers.bat.

You may also be interested in these World of Warcraft related pages:

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World of Warcraft Single Player

  • WoW SPP Quick Start Guide
  • WoW SPP Advanced Settings
  • WoW SPP Bot Control
  • WoW SPP GM Commands

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  • Druid
  • Hunter
  • Mage
  • Paladin
  • Priest
  • Rogue
  • Warlock
World of Warcraft Single Player Server Quick Start Guide (2024)


Is there a way to play WoW single player? ›

Yes, You can play World of Warcraft in a single-player mode even though the game is made for a bigger multiplayer platform. But in single-player, you still can level up your player, practice your profession, and if you are good at trading, you can make a lot of gold.

Is there a way to play WoW offline? ›

To play a game offline: Launch the App. In the login screen, click Settings (cogwheel icon) Select Continue Without Logging In.

What is a WoW private server? ›

Q #1) What is a Private WoW server? Answer: A World of Warcraft server allows people to play the popular multiplayer game online. Private WoW servers contain a copy of the Blizzard server-side game that is deployed in a private setting.

Is WoW Worth playing 2022? ›

WoW is going strong, and while previous expansions such as Warlords of Draenor seemed to contribute to a steep drop-off in players, Legion brought many millions of players flocking back. With Battle for Azeroth finished off, the game has been updated to version 9.0 with the release of Shadowlands.

Can you solo dungeons in WoW? ›

You can solo Legion mythic dungeons with BfA ilvl 100 gear. you have been able to solo them since bfa, lol. In other words, you need to understand the mechanics.

Are WoW Private servers Legal? ›

If you currently play World of Warcraft, Blizzard may permanently ban your account, losing any of your progress in the game, though as far as we know they've sued no one for playing with a private server. All-in-all, private servers occupy a legal and moral gray area.

Are WoW private servers safe? ›

Playing on a World of Warcraft private server is relatively safe, but if you want your mind focussed on raiding dungeons rather than what confidential information may be exposed, then you're best to log in using a Virtual Private Network.

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World of Warcraft US Population Statistics
StatusRealm's name
1.OnlineArea 52
31 more rows

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You have to log into Battlenet app once every 30 days. Then you can play Offline for 30 days before needing to log in again.

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Start Blizzard Games without Battlenet Launcher - YouTube

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How To Play Call Of Duty Black Ops Cold War Offline - YouTube

Can Blizzard ban you for playing on private servers? ›

Blizzard Entertainment considers using WoW private servers as stealing intellectual property and infringing copyright. Many players use private servers because they are free, but if Blizzard Entertainment detects you have been playing on a private server, it can ban you from the account you have on their platform.

Can you play WoW without paying monthly? ›

World of Warcraft is always FREE to play up to level 20, but in order to play high level characters you'll need a subscription.

Do WoW private servers cost money? ›

“People only play private servers because it's free. No one is going to pay money for Classic wow.” : r/classicwow.

Is WoW pay to win? ›

You don't HAVE to p2w to complete the game, but you CAN p2w to complete the game. I know people have different opinions on what p2w is but the fact is that in retail wow with wow tokens you can PAY TO WIN the game.

Is it too late to start playing WoW? ›

It is not too late because Classic Era servers are not going anywhere unlike the seasonal servers with a limited shelf life. Make sure you choose one of the populated clusters: Whitemane for PVP and Mankrik for PVE.

How many people are playing WoW right now? ›

In comparison to its fellow MMOs, World of Warcraft still proves to be the most popular by a landslide. Not a single competitor comes anywhere near WoW's total player count, which is effectively 120 million.
World of Warcraft population compared to competitors.
MMORPGTotal Players (millions)
Lost Ark17.36
3 more rows
Jul 29, 2022

Can you raid solo in WoW? ›

BFA raids are not currently suggested soloable

Uldir and Battle of Dazar'alor have a few bosses that can be soloed on LFR and Normal with item level 240, however the raids are mostly considered unsoloable .

What level can you solo ICC? ›

It would basically mean that legacy raiding is dead in shadowlands for sub 50s if you are correct and everyone can solo ICC once they hit lvl 40 or something, even if they are leveling thru WotLK xpac for example.

Can you play WoW classic solo? ›

Solo is playable, but not very good. End game is all group. I don't mind spamming LFG for a few dungeon or elite quests that need groups here and there, just don't have the flexibility to make group play a big part of my playing time.

Can you make money off of WoW? ›

Top WoW players make money by helping the weaker ones reach their intended goal and complete certain quests and raids like Sepulcher of the First Ones Heroic Raid Run. There are even specialized companies offering various boosting services.

How much does WoW cost to play? ›

The base edition of the game costs $39.99 and includes all eight expansions. You can also buy a heroic ($59.99) and epic ($79.99) version of the game with some extra perks. As for a subscription, you'll have to pay monthly to play the game. In the U.S, a single month will cost you $14.99.

Can you play WoW free? ›

Q: Can I play the WoW Free Trial if I already have an account? A: Yes. The WoW Free Trial is available to all players with an existing Account. Whenever your account doesn't have an active subscription or non-recurring game time, its status will revert to that of a Free Trial account.

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