Welche Anime Stream Websites sind legal? – Ein Überblick (2024)

Anime Stream – Legal oder illegal, das ist hier die Frage! Denn legale Streaming-Portale für Anime haben es in Deutschland schwer. Viele illegale Sprösslinge sorgen für Konkurrenz und schaden sowahrscheinlichder Anime-Industrie in Japan.

In den letzten Monaten fiel uns des Öfteren auf, dass der Unterschied zwischen legalen und illegalen Anime-Streaming-Websites verschwommen ist. Deshalb listen wir hier alle verfügbaren Streaming-Portale auf, die legal Anime anbieten. Doch zunächst einmal wollen wir ein paar allgemeine Fragen zu dieser Thematik beantworten …

Warum ist es wichtig, ob eine Seite legal Anime anbietet?

Normalerweise müssen Firmen Anime lizenzieren, wenn sie diese im eigenen Land als Stream, DVD oder ähnliches anbieten wollen. Dabei bezahlen die Firmen tausende Euro für die einzelnen Episoden an die japanischen Lizenzgeber, die diese wiederum in neue Anime investieren. Diese Firmen, die also für Lizenzen bezahlen, helfen somit dabei, den Anime-Markt am Leben zu halten bzw. diesen wachsen zu lassen. Wir haben bereits einmal über die Kosten einer Anime-Produktion geschrieben. Das könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

Illegale Streaming-Angebote umgehen jedoch diesen kostenintensiven Schritt und präsentieren den Nutzern die Anime ohne Lizenz und bringen somit die japanische Anime-Industrie um ihren Gewinn. Denn Lizenzen sind ein wichtiger Faktor, um die Kosten von Anime-Produktionen zu decken und evtl. auch Fortsetzungen einer Serie zu produzieren. Denn das wird nur gemacht, wenn sich die Serie gelohnt hat. Die Übersicht zu den allgemeinen Lizenzkosten könnt ihr hier nachlesen.

Dabei verdienen diese illegalen Seiten via Anime Stream sogar mit Werbeeinnahmen Geld, ohne die Anime-Industrie zu beteiligen. Crunchyroll dagegen gibt zum Beispiel die Hälfte der Einnahmen direkt nach Japan ab. Gerechtfertigt wird das Anbieten illegaler Streams/Downloads damit, dass man so einen Anime in Deutschland bewirbt, damit er es einfacher hat, sollte er einmal lizenziert werden. Diese Logik stimmt teilweise, da oftmals Figuren und anderes Merchandise von Animeverkauft wird, die hierzulande noch nicht einmal erhältlich sind. Händler haben somit auf jeden Fall einen Vorteil davon.

Mache ich mich strafbar, wenn ich illegal schaue?

Schwierig zu sagen. Wir können keine Rechtsberatung geben, aber auf verschiedene Fallbeispiele hinweisen. Fakt ist, dass im Normalfall der Uploader illegal erbeuteter Serien haften kann. Ein Anime-Streamer befindet sich laut e-recht24.de (Quelle) in einer Art Grauzone, da das Gesetz hierzu nicht eindeutig ist. Somit kann es wie Schrödingers Katze gleichzeitig als legal und illegal betrachtet werden. Wer also das Risiko einer illegalen Handlung nicht eingehen will, sollte sich an die unten aufgeführten Plattformen halten.

Anders sieht es jedoch bei Anime-Fans aus, die die Serien von Filesharing-Portalen downloaden. Diese begehen auf jeden Fall eine illegale Handlung, wenn sie nicht die Lizenz besitzen. Das gilt auch beim Film-Download etc. Deshalb sollte man solche Plattformen meiden, wenn man nicht belangt werden will. Übrigens sind technisch gesehen auch Fansub-Gruppen illegal, da diese raubkopierte Anime mit Untertiteln versehen und dann meist als Download anbieten. Nutzer, die Streams bei Fansub-Gruppen nutzen, befinden sich eher in der Grauzone, wie oben beschrieben.

Übrigens gilt das ganze auch bei unlizenzierten Anime. Sollte eine Lizenz nicht in Deutschland vergeben worden sein, heißt das nicht, dass der Anime Freiwild ist. Denn so besitzt noch immer der Eigentümer des Anime (in Japan) die Lizenz und kann theoretisch die einzelnen Downloader und vielleicht sogar Streamer strafrechtlich verfolgen. Somit ist der allseits bekannte Fansubber-Kodex, der es Fansub-Gruppen verbietet, in Deutschland lizenzierte Anime anzubieten, im Grunde wertlos. Er ist nur dafür gedacht, die Firmen zu unterstützen, die in Deutschland die jeweilige Lizenz erworben haben.

Sind Fansub-Gruppen gut oder schlecht?

Da gibt es geteilte Meinungen. Wie der Name schon sagt, bestehen diese Gruppen aus Anime-Fans, die wahrscheinlich keine bösen Hintergedanken haben. Die Szene hat sogar, wie bereits oben erwähnt, einen eigenen Kodex erschaffen, um der deutschen Anime-Industrie zu helfen. Wer sich daran hält, wird von deutschen Anime-Publishern meist als harmlos eingestuft. Das sieht man auch an Kazé. Das Unternehmen kooperierte in der Vergangenheit sogar schon öfter mit kodextreuen Fansub-Gruppen, um Untertitel zu erstellen.

Schlechte Fansub-Gruppen sind höchstens die, die in Deutschland lizenziertes Material anbieten und somit den Lizenznehmern als Konkurrent auftreten. Das erzeugt bei den Lizenznehmern schmerzhafte Umsatzeinbußen, die dann in weniger neuen Lizenzen für Deutschland resultieren können.

Wie hoch ist das Risiko belangt zu werden?

Wie bei vielen Dingen kommt es darauf an. Bist du Streamer, ist das Risiko gering belangt zu werden. Abmahn-Anwälte machen sich meist nicht die Mühe, Streamer abzumahnen, da der Ausgang eines Gerichtsprozesses nicht klar wäre. Zumal die Anime-Szene eher ein Nischenbereich ist und Streamer einer US-amerikanischen Serie deutlich größere Ziele darstellen.

Auch im Downloader-Bereich ist das Risiko nicht allzu hoch zum Leidwesen deutscher Publisher. Jedoch gab es scheinbar schon Abmahn-Briefe, die in Briefkästen unvorsichtiger Downloader flatterten. Ein User wurde zum Beispiel im Jahr 2013 für den Download und das Seeding vom Anime Blood-C zu einer Strafe von5.000 € verurteilt. Doch dies sind tatsächlich noch Sonderfälle. Denn meist gilt der Spruch: Wo kein Henker da kein Richter.

Die Kosten japanischer Lizenzinhaber für das Verfolgen ausländischer Anime-Piraten sind oftmals zu hoch, weshalb viele Firmen von Strafverfolgung absehen oder höchstens ab und zu Drohgebärden austeilen. Jedoch tat sich in den vergangenen Jahren einiges in der Szene. So entstand zum Beispiel die Anime Copyright Allianz (kurz ACA), die sich darum kümmert, lizenzierteKopien im Netz ausfindig zu machen und entfernen zu lassen. Außerdem besitzt die Website eine Auflistung aller in Deutschland lizenzierten Anime. Nutzer können dort auch Websites oder einzelne Streams melden, die Anime anbieten, die bei der ACA aufgelistet werden.

Gegen Torrents und andere Filesharing-Plattformen gehen seit kurzem die Manga Anime Guardians (kurz M.A.G.) aus Japan vor. Bei einem großen Schlag wurden über 700.000 Anime- und Manga-Dateien im Internet gelöscht (mehr dazu hier).

Auf der nächsten Seite findest du eine Übersicht aller aktuell existierenden Anbieter legaler Anime-Streams.

Welche Anime Stream Websites sind legal? – Ein Überblick (2024)


Are online anime sites legal? ›

There are lots of sites to watch a wide lineup of anime online wherever you live. When you search an anime streaming service, there are both legal and illegal anime sites online. It is not easy to find which is the legal one.

What anime sites are legal and free? ›

So, whatever type of device you are using, there's a good chance you can watch and stream Crunchyroll on it. Overall, if you are a dedicated anime viewer that loves all the newest shows coming in from Japan and want to watch them as soon as possible, Crunchyroll is your best free and legal anime streaming option.

What are some anime websites that are legal? ›

Best Anime Websites to Watch Anime Legally (2021)
  • Crunchyroll.
  • Funimation.
  • Netflix.
  • VRV.
  • Hulu.
  • RetroCrush.
  • AnimeLab.
  • HiDive.
7 Apr 2021

Is 9anime to legal? ›

Is 9anime legal? In a nutshell no, but there's a larger scheme behind 9anime that will make you think twice about using the website if you've been an avid supporter.

Is my anime list legal? ›

MAL has official partnerships with Crunchyroll, Hulu and HIDIVE, which provide the episodes. So yes, it is legal to watch these episodes for free on MAL.

What is the most popular anime website? ›

List of the Best Anime Websites to Watch:
  • 1) Hulu.
  • 2) Contv.
  • 3) Crunchyroll.
  • 4) Amazon Anime.
  • 5) 9anime.
  • 6) DIRECTV.
  • 7) AnimeDao.
  • 8) Gogoanime.
26 Sept 2022

Is Bilibili legal? ›

Is it safe to use? Yes, probably almost as safe as YouTube, because it's almost the same experience and offering. It's also legal because the content they are streaming are licensed by Muse Communication Co. Ltd.

Is RetroCrush legal? ›

RetroCrush is a new video streaming service dedicated to these cool old favorites. Plus, it's totally free and legal!

How can I legally support anime? ›

Both the dormitory fundraising campaign and the anime making system campaign are ongoing.
  1. Donating and Commissioning to Artists. ...
  2. Attending Live Events. ...
  3. Crowdfunding Anime Projects. ...
  4. Watching Anime in Theaters. ...
  5. Buying Merchandise. ...
  6. Streaming on Legal Sites.
27 Aug 2020

Is KissAnime a good site? ›

The KissAnime servers had gone down a couple of times, the site was a little unstable to use, plus there were some technical flaws along the way. So, even if KissAnime had not shut down, it's always wise to go for another Kissanime alternative that is working and offers similar anime content.

Is Soap2Day safe? ›

Watching free movies and TV shows on Soap2Day is illegal in many countries because the website has copyrighted content. Downloading the copyright content is unsafe because such files contain viruses or malware. Hackers can steal your important information also while streaming on such sites.

Is crunchyroll legal? ›

These free anime websites make anime more accessible than ever, and they're all completely legal to use. So you'll no longer have to question whether Crunchyroll is legal.

Is AniMixPlay virus free? ›

Overall, it appears that AniMixPlay is a safe and generally favorable option for anime fans. Use of the site is unlikely to yield any returns for the creators behind the series — a factor that users should certainly consider — but the major concerns of safety appear to be unfounded.

Is MyAnimeList free? ›

Join MyAnimeList to catalog your anime and manga, compare with your friends, create your own profile, and plenty more. It's Free.

Is MyAnimeList Net Safe? ›

Yes, your lists and accounts are safe.

How old do you need to be for MyAnimeList? ›

18. Additional Terms Regarding the MAL Online Manga Store and Digital Content.

What website can I watch anime for free without ads? ›

How To Watch Anime Without Ads on the Most Popular Streaming...
  • Where Can You Watch Anime for Free?
  • Funimation.
  • 9Anime.
  • Gogoanime.ai.
  • Chia-anime.su.
  • Animedao.to.
  • Animefreak.tv.
  • Animeheaven.pro.
19 Apr 2022

What is the best free anime website? ›

14 Best Free Anime Websites
  • Hulu – Best Free Anime Website Overall.
  • Amazon Anime – Best Free Anime Website for Amazon Users.
  • Crunchyroll – Best Free Anime Website for Rapid Episode Release.
  • Funimation – Best Free Anime Website for Dragon Ball Z Fans.
  • 9anime.to – Best Free Anime Website Overall.
7 days ago

What is the best free anime streaming app? ›

  1. Crunchyroll. Crunchyroll is one of the best anime streaming apps for Android. ...
  2. Funimation. If you want to watch English dubbed anime, then Funimation will suit you best. ...
  3. Netflix. ...
  4. YouTube (Free Anime streaming) ...
  5. AnimeLab. ...
  6. Amazon Prime. ...
  7. AnimeFox. ...
  8. AniMixPlay.

Is KissAnime legal? ›

Kissanime is, in fact, legal. KissAnime's legality can not be questioned. You are not infringing on any copyright clauses by downloading or streaming animation movies or series from KissAnime, since it is completely legal. A few proofs of KissAnime's validity are listed below.

Can foreigners use Bilibili? ›

Bilibili is actually open for overseas Registration which means overseas video creator can make money by uploading videos to Bilibili. If you are a Youtuber yourself, you can easily do that by uploading your Youtube video to this platform.

Is crunchyroll for free? ›

Crunchyroll is free with ads, but users can upgrade to one of three ad-free membership tiers through the premium subscription service. Crunchyroll is available across devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, Roku, PlayStation 4, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, and more.

Who owns AsianCrush? ›

Cinedigm to Acquire AsianCrush, RetroCrush's Owner Digital Media Rights. Cinedigm announced on Thursday that it has reached an agreement to acquire Digital Media Rights (DMR), the parent company of the RetroCrush , AsianCrush , and Midnight Pulp streaming services.

Where can I watch old anime? ›

Here is a list of popular Anime Sites:
  • 9anime.to.
  • Amazon Anime.
  • Crunchyroll.com.
  • Funimation.
  • Gogoanime.io.
  • AnimeFreak.
  • Chia-Anime.
  • AnimeDao.
24 Sept 2022

Where can I watch retro crush? ›

RetroCrush is available on iTunes, Google Play, Apple TV, Android TV, Roku and Amazon Fire TV. Please visit www.retrocrush.tv for the full direct links to download the apps.

Who has the most anime? ›

Of the standalone services, Crunchyroll currently leads the pack with around 1,300 anime series, a library that has grown even bigger after absorbing Funimation and VRV(Opens in a new window) in 2022.

How many anime are there? ›

According to the survey, more than 6,000 anime are produced, and more than 3,200 anime are aired on television. Also, about 60% of the all animations broadcasted in the world are made in Japan.

Which country Netflix has most anime? ›

Japan has the most number of anime shows available on Netflix. Also, you can access Japan's Netflix server by using a VPN. This way you can enjoy the anime series locked in your country. Netflix provides the best Animes in Japan, but there are no subtitles so it's of little use to people who don't speak Japanese.

Do anime studios make money from streaming? ›

Animation studios can make money by selling their projects to distributors, streaming sites, etc. A studio may begin work on an animated movie long before they've sold the project to anyone.

Does Crunchyroll really support the anime industry? ›

Crunchyroll is proud of the contribution it has made to both popularizing anime and to its finances, according to Gao, who said fans are also pleased their subscriptions help support the industry, “They know their money is going directly to creating more content; it's very transparent.”

How much money does Crunchyroll give to the anime industry? ›

Crunchyroll boasts that they spent over 100 million dollars in royalties for the anime industry. BUT it was estimated that the anime industry made over 17.7 Billion (yea BILLION) dollars last year. So if my calculations are correct then Cruchyroll has contributed about %0.056 to the anime industry.

What anime is better than kiss? ›

Top 9 Best KissAnime Alternatives
  • 9Anime.
  • Anime-Planet.
  • AnimeFreak.
  • Chia-anime.
  • Crunchyroll.
  • GoGoAnime.
  • AniWatcher.
  • AnimeLab.
20 Sept 2022

Why did KissAnime shut down? ›

The Official KissAnime Site is Down. As a consequence of the Japan's stricter new copyright law, many free websites that host or give links to pirated anime and manga have to face with the fate of being banned. Many people have reflected that they fail to open Kissanime.ru on August 14, 2020.

When did KissAnime shut down? ›

History. The website, as well as KissManga, was shut down on 14 August 2020 after about 8 years of existence (the .com website had been registered in 2012 and a more recent .

Is Crunchyroll legal? ›

These free anime websites make anime more accessible than ever, and they're all completely legal to use. So you'll no longer have to question whether Crunchyroll is legal.

Is Gogoanime legal in UK? ›

Is Gogoanime Legal. Most free anime streaming and download websites are illegal, including 9Anime, Kissanime, AnimeHeaven, Animedao, and also Gogoanime. All anime episodes on such websites are not licensed by the original producers so they're essentially pirated.

Is KissAnime a good site? ›

The KissAnime servers had gone down a couple of times, the site was a little unstable to use, plus there were some technical flaws along the way. So, even if KissAnime had not shut down, it's always wise to go for another Kissanime alternative that is working and offers similar anime content.

Is RetroCrush legal? ›

RetroCrush is a new video streaming service dedicated to these cool old favorites. Plus, it's totally free and legal!

Is KissAnime legal? ›

Kissanime is, in fact, legal. KissAnime's legality can not be questioned. You are not infringing on any copyright clauses by downloading or streaming animation movies or series from KissAnime, since it is completely legal. A few proofs of KissAnime's validity are listed below.

How many animes are there? ›

According to the survey, more than 6,000 anime are produced, and more than 3,200 anime are aired on television. Also, about 60% of the all animations broadcasted in the world are made in Japan. Japanese Anime holds several Guinness World Record.

Is Crunchyroll OK for kids? ›

Crunchyroll has a couple of native features which reduce the risk of your child being exposed to inappropriate content, but they are easily bypassed. In order to stream content, users must be over 16 years of age to create an account – but no verification is required during this process.

Is Bilibili legal? ›

Is it safe to use? Yes, probably almost as safe as YouTube, because it's almost the same experience and offering. It's also legal because the content they are streaming are licensed by Muse Communication Co. Ltd.

Is AniMixPlay virus free? ›

Overall, it appears that AniMixPlay is a safe and generally favorable option for anime fans. Use of the site is unlikely to yield any returns for the creators behind the series — a factor that users should certainly consider — but the major concerns of safety appear to be unfounded.

Is crunchyroll for free? ›

Crunchyroll is free with ads, but users can upgrade to one of three ad-free membership tiers through the premium subscription service. Crunchyroll is available across devices and platforms, including iOS, Android, Roku, PlayStation 4, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV, and more.

What anime is better than kiss? ›

Top 9 Best KissAnime Alternatives
  • 9Anime.
  • Anime-Planet.
  • AnimeFreak.
  • Chia-anime.
  • Crunchyroll.
  • GoGoAnime.
  • AniWatcher.
  • AnimeLab.
20 Sept 2022

Why did KissAnime shut down? ›

The Official KissAnime Site is Down. As a consequence of the Japan's stricter new copyright law, many free websites that host or give links to pirated anime and manga have to face with the fate of being banned. Many people have reflected that they fail to open Kissanime.ru on August 14, 2020.

When did KissAnime shut down? ›

History. The website, as well as KissManga, was shut down on 14 August 2020 after about 8 years of existence (the .com website had been registered in 2012 and a more recent .

Who owns AsianCrush? ›

Cinedigm to Acquire AsianCrush, RetroCrush's Owner Digital Media Rights. Cinedigm announced on Thursday that it has reached an agreement to acquire Digital Media Rights (DMR), the parent company of the RetroCrush , AsianCrush , and Midnight Pulp streaming services.

Where can I watch old anime? ›

Here is a list of popular Anime Sites:
  • 9anime.to.
  • Amazon Anime.
  • Crunchyroll.com.
  • Funimation.
  • Gogoanime.io.
  • AnimeFreak.
  • Chia-Anime.
  • AnimeDao.
24 Sept 2022

How can I watch retro anime? ›

RetroCrush: Free Anime Streaming Service to Showcase Classic Series and Movies. There's never been a better time to be an anime fan, with streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, Crunchyroll, and Funimation all competing to provide an ever-expanding selection of anime shows and movies for viewers around the world ...

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.