Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (2024)

Quick Stats

Smite Live Player Users -
Online Players (1H) 15,980 Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (1)
Active Players (30D) 4,062,577 Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (2)
Twitch Watched Hours (30D) 1,146,749 Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (3)
Peak Viewers (30D) 15,924 Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (4)

Discover how many players are currently playing Smite. This Smite Live Player Counter will help you determine the game’s player base. Currently, Smite boasts a 30 million player base according to their website, but not all of these players are active so we created this Smite player counter to give you an insight into how many players are actively playing.

This Smite player tracker or counter is just estimated data and should not be used as a factual reference. However, we also have trackers that are from legitimate sources which you can consider real live data such as the data from Make sure to read the description we provide for each game.

Total Smite estimated concurrent players across all platforms such as PS3, PS4, PS5, Xbox, Wii, Nintendo Switch, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS [?]. See below on which platform you can play this game.


Above is an estimate on Smite Live player count we have compiled these numbers using the most recent data from various online sources. Smite live count player count is the number of players currently playing Smite. This counter changes as you refresh this page since Smite players worldwide started sessions and ended gaming sessions.

Smite Live Monthly Player Count [CHART]

Live monthly statistics is the summary of the logged Smite monthly active players. We have also logged the peak number of Smite players. Meaning the number of Smite players playing simultaneously at the same time. Smite We have gathered all the data and entered it on a chart for the user’s better understanding.

If you have questions suggestions on how this chart is generated feel free to contact us. Make sure to read on how we are generating these numbers on the how we collect data page.

Smite Live Monthly Player Detailed [TABLE]

Here’s a detailed table of Smite’s estimated monthly users. On the table, it is presented the max users of the game, gain/loss users, percentage of its gain and loss, and the max peak players on a given day.

Smite Available Platforms:



Nintendo Switch✔️

Here are the list of platform that you can play Smite.

About Smite

Smite is free to play the game, a multiplayer online battle arena for the big screen. If you have played League of Legends or Dota this is just like it but the difference is that Smite uses a third-person screen. You can play it across multitple platforms (see above for details). It was first released in March of 2014 over the years and a series of bugs, and problems during gameplay Smite lost a lot of its player base.

Smite boasts a 30 Million player base according to their website. These are the players are have played once, signed up, and active players, However, we are only be listing down concurrent players that have played the game in the past 30 days so you might notice that our counter and other counters are different.

If you have played other MOBA games then this is a much easier game to play for you. The player can choose their god/goddess or another mythological character under the classification of Assassin, Guardian, Hunter, Mage, or Warrior. Level them up, choose battle spells, buy items, and robust your character.

There are 5 game modes that you can play with – vs AI, Custom mode, Co-op mode if you want to play with your friends, Normal mode, and Ranked mode where you can level up your MMR.


Frequently Asked Questions

How Many People Playing Smite right now?

There are about 15,980 people playing Smite right now on all platform it supports, excluding mobile if there’s any.

How Many People Playing Smite Daily?

There are about 50,000 to 90,000 people actively playing Smite everyday.

Is Smite still popular in 2024?

Smite popularity trend is still going up, its player base is continually rising. Thus, we can conclude that Smite is still a popular game this 2024.

Is Smite dead?

Smite is far from dead! With over 15,980 concurrent players, it wont be dead anytime soon.

Is Smite Free to play?

Yes! Smite is a FREE to play game simply visit their website at and start playing the game. You can also download the game from EpicGame Store, Steam, Xbox and even PlayStation. However, if you want to level up your gaming experience you may want to buy extra packs from the Game.

Is Smite on Steam?

Yes, Smite is available on Steam for FREE!

Can you play Smite on Mac?

Yes, you can play Smite on Mac, to play it you may need external apps such as a Windows Emulator Parallels. Install Parallels and install Steam, buy the game and download it, you are now ready to play Smite on your Mac.

Tags: how many people play Smitehow many people playing Smite right nowplayer count live Smiteplayer count SmiteSmiteSmite active players

Smite Live Player Count and Statistics (2024)
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