Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (2024)

This Blog describes implementing Recurring Integration in Dynamics Finance and Operations Data Management. The blog provides a technical implementation in .NET for queuing and dequeuing of the Jobs using REST API of Dynamics 365 FO’s Recurring Integration Module.

Use Case: Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration

Dynamics 365 UO DMF Import and export fails during parallel execution of the Job

Data Management framework works great when a large amount of data should be imported or exported from Dynamics 365 UO. The DMF REST API to import and export doesn’t work when third party applications queue Import and export Jobs in parallel. It results in an unexpected exception from DMF endpoints and failures in the DMF Data Job. The parallel import/export data jobs work for different entities and fail only when the job is for the same entity.E.g. We can import Vendors, Customers and General Journal in Parallel, but we cannot have parallel import of multiple jobs for same the entity.

Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (1)

The following exceptions were discovered during the import

  • XML is not in correct format and thus 0 General Journal records are inserted in staging.
  • Cannot edit a record in Entities for a processing group (DMFDefinitionGroupEntity).\nThe record has never been selected.
  • Cannot delete a record in Source (DMFDefinitionGroupEntityXMLFields).\nDeadlock, where one or more users have simultaneously locked the whole table or part of it.”,
  • Exception occurred while executing action ImportFromPackage on Entity DataManagementDefinitionGroup: BOX API can’t be used from non-interactive sessions
  • ‘The record already exists’
  • “Cannot create a record in Source (DMFDefinitionGroupEntityXMLFields). Entity: General Journal,ACCOUNTINGDATE.\nDeadlock, where one or more users have simultaneously locked the whole table or partof it.”,​

Resolution : Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration

Resolution to the problem is to use the Recurring Integration D365UO module. The recurring integration provides

Queuing mechanism for Data Jobs (import/export)

The module will ensure the sequential execution of the Job.

The module provides opportunity to ordered execution of the Job

Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (2)

Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration

Recurring integration does the following things:

  • It builds on data entities and the Data management framework.
  • It enables the exchange of documents or files between Finance and Operations and any third-party application or service.
  • It supports several document formats, source mapping, Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations (XSLT), and filters.
  • Document/file exchange in several document formats
  • It uses secure REST application programming interfaces (APIs) and authorization mechanisms to receive data from, and send data back to, integration systems.

The complete flow to import job to recurring integration is shown below

Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (3)
  1. The third party client applications authenticates to the Azure AD token issuance endpoint and requests an access token.
  2. The Azure AD token issuance endpoint issues the access token.
  3. The access token is used to authenticate to the D365FO DMF and initiate the import or Export Job. The endpoints are:

The following set of APIs is used to exchange data between the Dynamics 365 F&O Recurring Integrations client and Finance and Operations.

Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration API for Import (enqueue)

Make an HTTP POST call against the following URL.

https://<base URL>/api/connector/enqueue/<activity ID>?entity=<entity name>

In the message body, you can the pass the data as a memory stream.

To get the activity ID, on the Manage scheduled data jobs page, in the ID field, copy the globally unique identifier (GUID).

Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration API for Export (dequeue)

To return a data package that contains all the data entities that were defined in the data project, and that the client application can unzip and consume, use the following structure.

https://<base URL>/api/connector/dequeue/<activity ID>

After the client downloads the data, an acknowledgment must be sent back to Finance and Operations, so that you can mark the data as received. In cases when there was no file uploaded to the blob, the dequeue API will return a response indicating as such.

  1. The execution Id of the DMF Job has been returned to the client application, which can be used to monitor the progress of the execution of the Job.

The set up involves following set and the API supports import/export of DMF Data projects

Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (4)
Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF (5)

Authorization for the Dynamics 365 UO Recurring Integration API

The integration REST API uses the same OAuth2.0 authentication model as the other service endpoints. Before the integrating client application can consume this endpoint, you must create an application ID in Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AzureAD) and give it appropriate permission to the application. When you create and enable a recurring job, you’re prompted to enter the AzureAD application ID that will interact with that recurring job. Therefore, be sure to make a note of the application ID.

 internal static class AuthManager { static string aadTenant = "<<TenantName>>"; internal static string aadResource = ""; static string aadClientAppId = "The client ID"; static string aadClientAppSecret = "The Client Secret"; /// <summary> /// Retrieves an authentication header from the service. /// </summary> /// <returns>The authentication header for the Web API call.</returns> internal static string GetAuthenticationHeader() { AuthenticationContext authenticationContext = new AuthenticationContext(aadTenant); var creadential = new ClientCredential(aadClientAppId, aadClientAppSecret); AuthenticationResult authenticationResult = authenticationContext.AcquireTokenAsync(aadResource, creadential).Result; return authenticationResult.AccessToken; } }

Set up a Dynamics 365 UO data project and Dynamics 365 UO recurring data jobs

Create a data project

  1. On the main dashboard, select theData managementtile to open theData managementworkspace.
  2. Select theImportorExporttile to create a new data project.
  3. Enter a valid job name, data source, and entity name.
  4. Upload a data file for one or more entities. Make sure that each entity is added, and that no errors occur.
  5. SelectSave.

Create a Dynamics 365 UO recurring data job

  1. On theData projectpage, selectCreate recurring data job.
  2. Enter a valid name and a description for the recurring data job.
  3. On theSet-up authorization policytab, enter the application ID that was generated for your application, and mark it as enabled.
  4. ExpandAdvanced optionstab and specify eitherFileorData package.
  5. SelectSet processing recurrence, and then, in theDefine recurrencedialog box, set up a valid recurrence for your data job
  6. SelectOK, and then selectYesin the confirmation message box.

Submitting data to Dynamics 365 UO recurring data jobs

You can use integration REST endpoints to integrate with the client, submit documents (import), or poll available documents for download (export). These endpoints support OAuth.

Queue the Dynamics 365 UO recurring Import Job

Dynamics 365 UO recurring data jobs API for import (enqueue)

Make an HTTP POST call against the following URL and In the message body, you can the pass the data as a memory stream.

https://<base URL>/api/connector/enqueue/<activity ID>?entity=<entity name>

The following code shows the way to queue the import Job to recurring integration. This approach uses data package-based import. Recurring integration supports both Data package import and the file import. The following parameters will be used

  • The D365UO environment
  • The Legal entity Name
  • The ID of the recurring Job which was created in the previous step
  • The entity name which needs to be imported
  • Name or description for the import Job
 public static class RecurringIntegration { /// <summary> /// Post request /// </summary> /// <param name="uri">Enqueue endpoint URI</param> /// <param name="authenticationHeader">Authentication header</param> /// <param name="bodyStream">Body stream</param> /// <param name="message">ActivityMessage context</param> /// <returns></returns> public static async Task<HttpResponseMessage> SendPostRequestAsync(Uri uri, string authenticationHeader, Stream bodyStream, string externalCorrelationHeaderValue = null) { string externalidentifier = "x-ms-dyn-externalidentifier"; ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = SecurityProtocolType.Tls | SecurityProtocolType.Tls11 | SecurityProtocolType.Tls12; using (HttpClientHandler handler = new HttpClientHandler() { UseCookies = false }) { using (HttpClient httpClient = new HttpClient(handler)) { httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Bearer", authenticationHeader); // Add external correlation id header id specified and valid if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(externalCorrelationHeaderValue)) { httpClient.DefaultRequestHeaders.Add(externalidentifier, externalCorrelationHeaderValue); } if (bodyStream != null) { using (StreamContent content = new StreamContent(bodyStream)) { return await httpClient.PostAsync(uri, content); } } } } return new HttpResponseMessage() { Content = new StringContent("Request failed at client.", Encoding.ASCII), StatusCode = System.Net.HttpStatusCode.PreconditionFailed }; } /// <summary> /// Get the Enqueue URI /// </summary> /// <returns>Enqueue URI</returns> private static Uri GetEnqueueUri(string recurringJobId, string legalEntity, string entityName) { string enviornmentUrl = ""; string enqueueUrl = "/api/connector/enqueue/"; //access the Connector API UriBuilder enqueueUri = new UriBuilder(enviornmentUrl); enqueueUri.Path = enqueueUrl + recurringJobId; // Data package string enqueueQuery = "entity=" + entityName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(legalEntity)) { enqueueQuery += "&company=" + legalEntity; } enqueueUri.Query = enqueueQuery; return enqueueUri.Uri; } public static Stream Read(string fullFilePath) { if (File.Exists(fullFilePath)) { return new FileStream(fullFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read, 0x1000, true); } return null; } /// <summary> // Enqueue the Data package to Recurring integration /// </summary> /// <returns>Status</returns> internal static async void QueueImport() { Stream stream = Read(@"C:\Temp\GL\General"); string authHeader = AuthManager.GetAuthenticationHeader(); Uri enqueueUri =GetEnqueueUri("<<ID of the recurring Job>>", "<<Legal Entity>>", "<<Entity Name>>"); string jobName = "The name of the Job"; HttpResponseMessage result = SendPostRequestAsync(enqueueUri, authHeader, stream, jobName).Result; string resultContent = await result.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); Console.WriteLine("Response is"); Console.WriteLine(resultContent); } }
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Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using  DMF (2024)


Recurring Integration in Finance and Operations using DMF? ›

Recurring integration does the following things:
  1. It builds on data entities and the Data management framework.
  2. It enables the exchange of documents or files between Finance and Operations and any third-party application or service.
Mar 28, 2020

What is integration in D365FO? ›

Recurring integrations is a D365FO data integration platform based on DMF and data entities, providing automated data exchange possibilities between third party data providers. Once setup, Recurring Integration platform REST API's can be used by third party integrators to import/export data from and to D365FO.

What is REST API in D365FO? ›

This topic describes the Data management framework's package representational state transfer (REST) application programming interface (API). The package API lets you integrate by using data packages. The REST API can be used with both cloud deployments and on-premises deployments.

Which protocol is used to expose endpoints where all public enabled entities can be interacted with? ›

Synchronous services

Currently, OData protocol is used to expose endpoints where all public-enabled entities can be interacted with.

What is azure DMF? ›

Dynamics 365 for Operation provides two primary sets of APIs, Recurring Integration APIs & Data Management Platform (DMF) package APIs, to support file-based integration scenarios. These APIs allow DMF data files as well as data projects to be imported and exported from Dynamics 365 for Operations.

What is DMF in D365FO? ›

Data Management Framework (DMF) entities will be available for benefits management. The entities will enable setup and enrollment scenarios and include the following: Entity support for setup entities. Entity support for transaction-level entities.

How do I create a recurring data job in D365? ›

Create a recurring data job
  1. On the Data project page, select Create recurring data job.
  2. Enter a valid name and a description for the recurring data job.
  3. On the Set up authorization policy tab, enter the application ID that was generated for your application, and mark it as enabled.
Oct 7, 2021

What is OData integration? ›

OData provides the following benefits: It lets developers interact with data by using RESTful web services. It provides a simple and uniform way to share data in a discoverable manner. It enables broad integration across products. It enables integration by using the HTTP protocol stack.

How do you consume an external Web API service in dynamics for finance and operations? ›

In this article
  1. Create a new Class Library project in Visual Studio, and name it ExternalServiceLibrary. csproj.
  2. Build the project. ...
  3. Create a new Dynamics project in Visual Studio.
  4. Add ExternalServiceLibrary. ...
  5. In the X++ class, you can use the external web services that were referenced in ExternalServiceLibrary.
Aug 19, 2021

How do you REST API packages? ›

To package a REST API into a BAR file and deploy it to an integration server, complete the following steps:
  1. Package the REST API into a BAR file. You can use either the BAR file editor, or you can use the command line. ...
  2. Deploy the REST API to the integration server.

What is API based integration? ›

An API integration is the connection between two or more applications, via their APIs, that lets those systems exchange data. API integrations power processes throughout many high-performing businesses that keep data in sync, enhance productivity, and drive revenue.

What are the different types of API? ›

There are four widely agreed-upon types of web APIs: open APIs, partner APIs, internal APIs, and composite APIs.
  • Open APIs. Open APIs, also known as public APIs or external APIs, are available to use by any developer. ...
  • Partner APIs. ...
  • Internal APIs. ...
  • Composite APIs. ...
  • REST. ...
  • SOAP. ...
  • RPC.
Aug 26, 2021

What is API endpoint? ›

An API endpoint is a point at which an API -- the code that allows two software programs to communicate with each other -- connects with the software program. APIs work by sending requests for information from a web application or web server and receiving a response.

How do I import data into Dynamics 365 finance and operations? ›

Go to System administration > Workspaces > Data management. In the Import / Export section, select the Framework parameters tile to open the Data import/export framework parameters page. On the Entity settings tab, select Configure entity execution parameters to open the Entity import execution parameters page.

What is entity data management? ›

The data management framework consists of the following concepts: Data entities - A data entity is a conceptual abstraction and encapsulation of one or more underlying tables. A data entity represents a common data concept or functionality, for example, Customers or Vendors.

What is data migration in D365? ›

Legacy data migration: is migrating data from the legacy or other applications to Dynamics 365. In some cases, the legacy application might be on D365 platform where you may be reimplementing or moving from on-prem to online.

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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

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