Python Programming questions and answers (2024)

  • Here is the code that needs to be edited according to the instructions in the pictures: Â # add necessary imports import numpy as np from turtle import Shape, Turtle, mainloop, Vec2D as Vec G = 4*np….
  • Can someone help me do some research on Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) to describe the issue in more details and provide some specific instances where hackers successfully used this technique and d…
  • With the instruction below, what is the new version of the solve() function? The following is the draft of the solve() function (the draft code is in the file). The file is in the fo…
  • Preliminary Task 1: choose a stock ticker that starts with the same letter as your last name (we want to have dif- ferent stock symbols for each student). For example, if your last name is Jones, y…
  • I am struggling with class, please help me with it. All instructions are in photos. Please let me know if you have any more questions Those are supported codes in python: import tkinter i…
  • . Question 1 Use your understanding of the building blocks of computers and programs to answer this question. You are given the following code segments: (a) 1 a, b = 16, 5 2 C =0 3 while True: 4 if …
  • Question-1 (10 points) Consider the following singly linked list data structure, implement a method find_middle() that finds and returns the middle element in the list. What is time complexity of your…
  • . Question 2 Use the Python code for image compression to compress the national flags of different countries of your choice. The smalles rank / gives the numerical rank of the flag. Pick up any 5 na…
  • Could you please help me with this? I don’t understand pretty well I’m supposed to do. The instructions and the provided code are given below.  “”” ProjectÂ3.9 File:Â  TestsÂthe…
  • Program in python class called ShipGame that allows two people to play the game Battleship. Each player has their own 10×10 grid they place their ships on. On their turn, they can fire a torpedo at…
  • RSA Algorithm how can I solve below using a python code  Example: 𝑝𝑝 = 23, 𝑞𝑞 = 29 1. Key Generation, 2. Encryption/Decryption, 3. quit => 1 Enter two primes => 23, 29 Private key …
  • Question-7 (10 points)Â Imagine that the following operations are performed on an initially empty splay tree: Insert(1), Insert(10), Insert (5), Insert (3), Insert (7), Insert (13), Find (3). Show th…
  • Week 4 Assignment ­ Algorithms Overview In this week’s assignment, we will be seeing how different search and sort algorithms in the reading compare to each other in their time efficiency. We’ll be l…
  • Write a function: Â Â Â Â def solution(A) that, given an array A of N integers, returns the smallest positive integer (greater than 0) that does not occur in A. For example, given A = [1, 3, 6, 4,…
  • Creating a student database program. This program will allow the following: Add a new student to the database 3pts Remove a student from the database 5pts Display details about a student 3pts Displa…
  • Creating a student database program. This program will allow the following: Add a new student to the database Remove a student from the database Display details about a student Display all stu…
  • Describe three real-world data sets you use that would benefit from being held in these types of collections.
  • please see the tic tac toe. py file here “”” Tic Tac Toe Simulation Starter Code “”” import random class TicTacToeSim:  Â# Part 1  Âdef __init__(self):    # Initialize the simulation  …
  • I’m having an issue with my counter. Every time I hit next line; I want my currProcessLine to increment by 1 but I can’t seem to get it. ÂThis program is using python and the tkinter library. Â from…
  • Question-5 (10 points)Â Compare the following sorting algorithms with respect to their time complexity (worst and average cases) and whether sorting happens in place: selection sort, insertion sort, …
  • . Write three paragraphs on the following: Are healthcare entities required by HIPAA to disclose to affected customers if their records were compromised during a cyber attack? tions se
  • Question-1 (10 points) Consider the following singly linked list data structure, implement a method find_middle() that finds and returns the middle element in the list. What is time complexity of y…
  • Split Numbers We need to make a python solution that performs the following: Creates a function called ‘isEven’ that accepts and integer and returns True if it is even and False if it is odd. Creates …
  • (18 points) In a module called hw04 (saved to a file), create a function named coin_flip_string that takes a parameter of type int, which may be zero or one. 0 represents the tails side of a c…
  • Create a number-guessing game, wherein the computer picks a number between 1 and 10 (inclusive), and the user tries to guess it. If the user’s guess is too low or too high, the program will display an…
  • I am struggling with the class. All instructions are in photos. Please let me know if you need more explaination Those are supported codes in python: import tkinter import time import sys…
  • Compare Files You have a two files. You want to compare them line by line and print the differences. We need to make a program that performs the following: Opens the file 06.05 CompareFileA.txt file f…
  • Python Code Basic No Imports: Â Â Implement a function endsWith that accepts two arguments, a target string and a list of words. The function returns a list containing all words in the list of words…
  • Python Code. Basic coding no imports: Implement a function has MultipleOf that accepts two arguments: a target number and a 2-dimensional list of Ânumbers. The function returns True if the list conta…
  • Task 1 (10 points): Write a script to calculate the squares and cubes of the numbers from 0 through 5, then print the resulting values in table format. Use a for loop and the f-string to produce the f…
  • . 1. Write a for loop that prints all integers from 1 to n 2. Write a for loop that prints all integers in reverse from n to 1 3. Write a while loop that print all even numbers from 1 to 100 4. Writ…
  • Remove Empty Lines You have a file that has text in it. Some of the lines are empty. We need to make a program that performs the following: Opens the file 06.04 EmptyLinesInput.txt file for reading Op…
  • Open a file called readmejxt in the child process, read the contents and pass to the parent process. Parent process will write to readmeixt, “Parent is writing:” and write the contents it rece…
  • Consider a series, S1 = 2 +4 +6+,..+10 and another series $2=1+3+5+..+9. and Another series $3 = 1+2+3+…+10. We know that S1+$2 = S3. Now write a program, where a parent process creates 2 child p…
  • Consider the parent process as P. The program consists of fork() system call statements placed at different points in the code to create new processes Q and R. The program also shows three variables: …
  • Write a program children. c, and let the parent process produce two child processes. One prints out "I am child one, my pid is: " PID, and the other prints out "I am child two, my pi…
  • Linux commands consist of a command name following by any command options. The command options are proceeded by _________. a. / b. \ c. -or– d. # 33. You can use the __ command to get detailed in…
  • All instructions are in photos. I am struggling with the class   Those are supported codes : import tkinter import time import sys  class graphics:  Âdef __init__(self, w, h, tit…
  • a Purchase Page This page will list all the items available for sales. For each item, display Item Number, Item Name, Item Cost . Please choose one of the following formats to display the Item list….
  • Python ÂItem Page a. Please define a function that asks the user to get the items’ information and add that to the list. Whenever the user enters “NO” it will finish getting the items’ information. b…
  • Employee Page a. Please define a function that asks the user to get the employees’ information and add that to the list. Whenever the user enters “NO” it will finish getting the employees’ information…
  • Im trying to figure out this lab and what im doing wrong. Here is my Code  carsÂ=Â(‘coupe’,‘coupe’,‘coupe’,‘carbiolet’,‘sedan’)  favÂ=Âcars.count(‘coupe’)  amtÂ=Âlen(cars)  ifÂf…
  • Python . Create Employee Page a. Please define a function that asks the user to get the employees’ information and add that to the list. Whenever the user enters “NO” it will finish getting the employ…
  • This block of Python code will generate the sample data in a Python dataframe that will be used in the calculations later. Your task is to use a website to collect the daily maximum temperature …
  • All instructions are in photos. I am struggling with the class.  Those are supported codes in python: import tkinter import time import sys  class graphics:  Âdef __init__(self, w,…
  • can someone please solve this? will make sure to give thumbs up  Scenario Given a Tuple, find out the number of times a string occurs. Aim Write a script that uses tuple methods to count the numb…
  • In a while loop, the condition is always checked at the end of the loop. T or F? 4. Which Python statement is used to use methods from another Python module? a. include b. use c. namespace d. impor…
  • Temperatures You have a file that has temperatures in Fahrenheit, one per line. We need to make a program that performs the following: Defines a function called “FahrToCel” Accepts a Fahrenheit Temper…
  • Why is the larger the value of sum using “numpy.sum” gives a short time to calculate but gives a big absolute and relative error results in python?
  • I want a deep understanding of what monotheist is and its relationship to Islam.
  • Question: Critical Thinking Question #1 Wendy Patel is entering college and plans to take the necessary classes to obtain a degree in architecture. Research the programs and apps that Wendy might us…
  • 使用 Python 或 C 进行编程 Â. 2 Sample Input The first line of input is an integer C. This is followed by C lines, each containing a single string, representing a phrase to be tested. 3 theyout…
  • Stock You have a file that has the stock prices for a week, one per line. We need to make a program that performs the following: Defines a function called “percentchange” Accepts today stock price (fl…
  • How to code this in python? Â Please provide a condensed solution with an explanation. Do not make it lengthy. Â. Nearest smaller element def nearest_smaller(items}: Given a list of integer items, c…
  • Can someone explain how to do this? Missed this one on a test! Will give a thumbs up Thank you Given the following challenges, use append(), extend(), pop(), and insert()to change the contents of the …
  • . Home | iCampus X Bb Week 8 – Computer Programmin x Zy Section 8.5 – CIS 110: Computer F X Homework Help – Q&A from Onl x + X C D…
  • Program that creates a shopping list of at least 5 items using user input. The user must be able to add to the list and view the updated list as a comma-separated group of items after adding to it. Â…
  • Write one line of Python code that will return, from the string s, every third letter working backwards from the end. Here are some examples — the same one line of code should work on all of them: s …
  • For the string s = “boston red sox”, what does each of the Python expressions produce? If it would produce an error, specify what type of error. 3A s[11:13] 3B s[11:14] 3C s[11:15]
  • Creating a student database program. This program will allow the following: Add a new student to the database 3pts Remove a student from the database 5pts Display details about a student 3pts Dis…
  • Python program to assign grades to students MARK at the end of EACH semester. The program must do the following: -Ask for the student’s tutorial mark ( over 25%.) Store it in a list called listTutoria…
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 8.5.1: Loop else. 376428.2357430.qx3zqy7 Jump to level 1 – Type the program’s output 2 result = 0 n = 3 3 while n > 0: print (n, end=! ") result += 3 4 n -= 1 else : pri…
  • A Flowgorthim file is needed, please provide enough explanation to understand. Thanks in advanced  Customer Requirements: ÂThe customer needs an application that provides the total cost of concert …
  • ### CONNECT_N_TEXT ### #! /usr/bin/python3 import sys import connect_n_state def main(simple): game = connect_n_state.Connect_N_State(7,6, 4, [“Red”,”Yellow”]) while True: if not simple: if…
  • Problem 3 Let F be a single round of a Feistel cipher operating on 64-bit blocks, so that inputs to it are (𝑎𝑎𝐿𝐿, 𝑎𝑎𝑅𝑅) where 𝑎𝑎𝐿𝐿 and 𝑎𝑎𝑅𝑅 are each…
  • Can someone check and fix my code for me please? Instruction: This exercise uses your programming environment to enhance the Web site you created last week with additional functionality to include i…
  • Bookmark this page Lab due Mar 13, 2022 00:14 WAT Create a function in Python named salted_password. The function should take in two parameters: 1 . Password Chosen By User 2. Salt – This is normally …
  • Write a PythonÂprogram in that randomly generates an integerÂfrom 0-99 (inclusive), prompts the user to enter an integerÂfrom 0-99, and prints out how much is won according to the following rules: …
  • ) Convert +38 and −24 to 8-bit 2’s complement form and add them. Convert your result back to decimal and confirm that your answer is correct. 4%  2) What is the advantage of 2’s complement over 1’…
  • . Question 10 (30 points] In the image below, there is an example of rescaling. Data on the left is the original data, and on the right it has been rescaled. What are the two ways that data can b…
  • . D Question 1 1 pts Will the body of the template function in_for_lop include a call to the template function fn_for_piano? (Don’t forget to read the introduction above before solving these problem…
  • Problem 2: Â Â import random # 1. make list of numbers from 0 to n-1 # 2. randomly shuffle the list # 3. insert the random list elements in order into a tree. # 4. return the height of the resulting…
  • Task 3 5 Create the function oddEven which accepts any 1D numeric list in which the number of even numbers is the same as the number of odd numbers and returns a list in which the numbers are ordered …
  • pdf Page 4 of 11 1 Q Q U Q O Q Search Task 2 4 Create the function secondMin which accepts any 1D numeric list and returns the second lowest value in the list. D Restrictions:…
  • Purpose we’ll the use of regular expressions to parse an HTML script of a play. Our ultimate aim will be to count the number of lines spoken by each character in the play. Read Data: import urllib u…
  • Question:Â In this question you are to create some simulated data sets and then use the Perceptron neuron to perform some prediction. Â a. Implement the Pocket algorithm (or any improved Perceptron …
  • . 1. (10pts) In printvertical. py write a program that accepts a sentence and prints it vertically. Your program will accept a sentence from the user using the input function, go through the sentenc…
  • Task 9 11 Create the function string NumberAnalysis which accepts a String that consists of any combination of digits(0-9) and letters(A-Z) and prints to the shell an analysis of the String as shown b…
  • Page 10 of 11 Task 8 10 Create the function joinSuccessive which accepts any 1D list of Strings and returns a new list in which the Strings are the successive concatenation of Strings from the argumen…
  • Page 9 of 11 Task 7 D Create the function orderByLength which accepts a 1D list of Strings and returns a new list in which the Strings are ordered by their length. 0 2 3 0 2 3 Hello’ Hi’ ‘Bye’ "l…
  • Task 6 8 Create the function connectList which accepts any three 1D numeric lists of different lengths and returns a new list which is a concatenation of the three lists whose order of concatenation i…
  • Task 5 7 Create the function firstLastSumList which accepts any three 1D numeric lists of the same length and returns a new list which contains the sum of the first and last indices of each list as el…
  • Task 4 6 Create the function evenSumList which accepts any two 1D numeric lists of the same length and returns a new list which contains the sum of the corresponding indices in each list only if that …
  • We have designed a data definition named Piano that models pianos at a music store. We are designing a data definition for List[Piano], representing the collection of pianos in stock at the store at a…
  • Let k be an infinite field. Let I = (y – x2, z – 23) C k[x, y, z]. (a) (4 points) Show directly (without using Buchsberger’s criterion) that {y – x2, z – 23} is a Grobner basis for I with respect t…
  • Create a student database program. This program will allow the following: Add a new student to the database 3pts Remove a student from the database 5pts Display details about a student 3pts Display …
  • Make a program that will sort a list based on various criteria. Â Step 1: In a new file. In IDLE, select File and then New File. A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python …
  • Write the following 3 computer programs. Â 1. (40 points.) A department store has employees to perform the sales. At the end of the month an employee is paid a base monthly salary plus an incentive b…
  • . Preview File Edit View Go Tools Window Help G R B C Q 8 @ Mon Feb 28 6:09 PM Exam_1_SimpleProgramming.pdf Q Q b v A Q Search Page 2 of 11 Exam_1_Simple… introduction to 96 2629 Exam 1 General 2 …
  • . Preview File Edit View Go Tools Window Help G R B C Q 8 @ Mon Feb 28 6:09 PM Exam_1_SimpleProgramming.pdf Page 10 of 11 Q Q b v A Q Search Exam_1_Simple… 5 Task 8 10 Task 9 11 Create the functio…
  • I have created the tables “zoo” and “logs” within mySQL workbench already. I need help with the API development using PYTHON coding with flask/jsonify, and the required functionality listed in the ins…
  • How was this plot created?. Sport names handball volleyball 0.6 softbaytball basketball tennis 0.4 badabatisse track jugby polo 0.2 hockey boxing gymnastics off wrestling 0.0 ice hockey -0.2 swimming …
  • There are two datasets TwADR-L (from Twitter) and AskAPatient (Link: for medical concept normalization. However, the two datasets have serious data qualit…
  • 2 This code is partially written for you. Design Âprogram that asks the user to enter a student’s grades for each student. The grades should be stored in a list. calculate the average of the grades…
  • 6 Your math teacher has asked you to write Âprogram that grades the multiple-choice questions in a Math exam. The exam has 10 multiple-choice questions. Here are the correct answers: 1. A Â ÂÂÂÂ…
  • 4 Write Âfunction that takes a list of integers. The function should remove all of the even numbers in the list.
  • Write Âfunction that receives a list and returns how many negative numbers are in the list. Demonstrate the function in a whole running program
  • 1 write Âprogram that prompts the user for a list of numbers and prints out the maximum and the minimum of the numbers at the end when the use enters “done”. You must save the numbers in a list bef…
  • Make a program that reads table data from the database into a wx.ListCtrl. The database will be named speeding_tickets and the table is to be named tickets . The CSV file contains a row of 8 heading a…
  • In python please……. Select which statement is true for for loop. 0 a. break and continue are illegal to use in it 0 b. terminates after range is executed. O c. used commonly when a task is to r…
  • Write a python program to accept a user’s name, age, and favorite color and print out a welcome message
  • Build a Python consumer Âcalled . In this problem, each line will consist of a list of numbers. There will be an arbitrary number of numbers on each line. Your consumer goal is to: …
  • Build a Âconsumer called . One may want to check out posts to see what the general feeling is towards a particular topic at any given time. Assume that we are streaming in a bunch of …
  • . Question 0.2. Now that we have a function that computes the variance, we want to write a function that computes the standard deviation. Fill in the missing code to complete the function compute_sd…
  • I want project on python with this I suggested for example, to make Caesar encryption as an education application for students How to add some pleasant features and show it as a game-based program to …
  • . A mailman has 10 houses on his route to deliver his mail. House numbers range from 45 to 55. House 54 and 55 have black ice/Snow. House 47 and 51 have barking dogs. Write a program that guides the…
  • ### ### import tkinter import time import sys class graphics: def __init__(self, w, h, title): ”’ Initialize the graphics object. Creates a new tkinter Tk object, and a tkinter Canvas …
  • Why am I getting division by zero error code. When I get rid of the np.count_nonzero it gives array([ ], dtypefloat64). ago Simulated Statistics We can make a visual argument as to whether we believe …
  • M5 Lab: Computing Pairwise Correlations se Spark ML Library to process connections between’s the traits (segments) of a dataset. Dataset Files These are the records that you will use to test your code…
  • storm information above Q. 1 – Flowcharts You are an examiner at Techno Intelligence Threat Systems and are entrusted with making processes for the accompanying occurrences that were gotten on the org…
  • Question: There are two datasets TwADR-L (from Twitter) and AskAPatient (Link: for medical concept normalization. However, the two datasets have serious d…
  • Using Python, Prompt the user for each of the following: The number of people on the trip. The number of days of the trip. For each day of the trip: Cost of food. Cost of gas. The food and gas costs s…
  • 1 Demonstrate the correct Âflowchart symbols i.e. input/output, process, decision making and so on  2 Requirement list includes any standard incident response methodologies like SANS, NIST Incident…
  • Question: Accommodation rules: The task should be put together by the cutoff time (prior entries are supported) in PDF design through Blackboard utilizing the accompanying record name design: LastName…
  • Question: A Linked List Array is the subject of this point. Gathering and utilizing the connected rundown A connected rundown is a grouping of information parts that are connected together through hyp…
  • 1 Overview Classes are a great way to organize your code inside a single program. But. sometimes, they can he even more: a way to share code across a number of similar programs. In this Project, you w…
  • Step 1: Start a new file. In IDLE, select File and then New File. A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. Â Step 2: Write Âprogr…
  • In this problem, we will show that if Csuf(L)Âis finite, then L is regular. Suppose Csuf(L)Âis finite. Consider a DFA AL=(QL,Σ,δL,sL,FL)where (c1) ÂQL=Csuf(L) (c2) ÂδL(L1,a)=suffix(L,xa)Âfor s…
  • Performance of a hash table: Compare the performance of the S&W lookup tables: sorted symbol table (ST), separate chaining (SeparateChainingHashST), linear probing (LinearProbingHashST), and a seq…
  • . Write a program using that (i) takes a simple 5 letter password input from the user as following ‘astT’ and (ii) makes it strong by replacing the input alphabets with the characters provided b…
  • Carry out and control an ORDERED LIST assortment class utilizing a connected rundown execution. Issue Description You will compose a program to deal with an arranged rundown of “things” where you get …
  • This is a question on neural networks and machine learning, I’m confused on. This is the link to notebook:-
  • DataCollection interface: 1.void insert(Thing oneThing): a strategy that takes one info boundary coordinating the sort of your Thing and afterward embeds it in the assortment class IN DESCENDING ORDER…
  • . Write a program that prompts user to take any 4 positive input integers [both even and odd numbers]. Use python functions to: (i) Create a list of these numbers. Print the list. (ii) Find the sum …
  • How to solve this problem in python? Â. Nearest smaller element def nearest_smaller(items}: Given a list of integer items, create an return a new list of equal length so that each element has been re…
  • Compose an iterator class for your assortment that emphasizes through your assortment and returns the things in the rundown in the request wherein they are put away. The outcomes will be like toString…
  • Develop a program that will make a loan repayment schedule Determine the loan amount Determine the loan term (in years or months) Determine the loan rate (annual %) Calculate the payment Use a For loo…
  • To exhibit consummation of this task, Produce the accompanying diagrams. What are the qualities and shortcomings of each diagram? Visual chart of conjugal. Visual chart of conjugal, with overlay of re…
  • . Store and print the deviation from mean of elements in each list In [ ]: # Create a new List called deviation_1 A Store the deviation of each of the numlist_1 elements from mean_1 # print the List…
  • . Homework 1: Statistical functions In [1]: # You are given the following Lists numlist_1 = [12, 24, 31, 46, 77, 48, 15, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 91, 89, 32] numlist_2 = [88, 78, 14, 33, 23, 66, 92, 22, …
  • Writing a Python class named Food constructed by name of food, quantity of servings of food, calory of one serving, a method which will set the food with specified name, quantity of servings and calor…
  • commun Professor Commun Commur DL Tracy Mc| Pearson P Pearson P Pearson P Pears com/courses/61ef00cbaeb4c86d87e1f070/assessments/5dbc94bf-2487-4cac-9bf9-d5e40974513d/activities/93a541fc-fb4a-… Quest…
  • please anyone can help with this…in python….. What is the value of a, b, c in the given line of equation below? > > > a, b = c = 1000% 180 , ‘Oxobyte=NULL O a. 100 , XX <Module a,b,c&g…
  • def take_turn(self, player): # This is the driver method for a players turn return
  • Assignment Exercise 1: Â Using the following list, do the following: Sort it in ascending order Print out the smallest value in the list Print out the largest value in the list [15, 70, 15, 38, 49, 9…
  • All instructions are in photos. I am struggling with the class.     Those are supported codes: import tkinter import time import sys  class graphics:  Âdef __init__(self, w, …
  • So my code is not giving me a result indicating an error. can someone tell me what I did wrong for # 5. succeed in these tasks. An experiment was conducted providing evidence that infants younger than…
  • Next Worth 1 point Checkpoint 4.21 Write a for loop that uses the range function and a target variable named number, that displays the following set of numbers: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 … 1000 Type you…
  • . (Credit: GB) SecuriCorp has recently been the victim of a number of security breaches. Internal analysis has determined that employees use simple passwords that are too easy to guess. You have bee…
  • for number in range (2, 6) : print (number) Worth 1 point Checkpoint 4.19 Write a for loop with the range function that prints the following output. Name the target variable number. 100 200 300 400 50…
  • lad: source=contents 4.3: The for Loop: A Count-Controlled Loop Worth 1 point Checkpoint 4.18 Write a for statement using the range function and a variable named number that will print the following o…
  • How to solve this problem in python? Â Â. Nearest smaller element def nearest_smaller(items}: Given a list of integer items, create an return a new list of equal length so that each element has been…
  • Worth 1 point Checkpoint 4.17 Write a for loop with a range function that prints the following output. Name the target variable number UIAWNHO Type your program submission here.
  • How do modify this program by adding modification to each element of the array?Â. # This program asks how much a user works each day and creates a list, then displays the amount of minutes those hour…
  • you’re given three Python functions (mystery1, mystery2, and mystery3) that are implemented very inefficiently: your task is first to figure out what they are doing, and then to alter them so that the…
  • Compile a list of Five Python Tips or Tricks on one or more of the following topics: Errors Expressions Operators Boolean Expressions Ifs Boolean Functions Loops Indexing Lists Strings String Function…
  • I(m) = I(n/k) + (k – 1) (1) Here & is a variable and can be a function of n as well. (a) (10 points) Suppose we set k = vn in equation 1. Find asymptotic running of I(n) in this case. (b) (5 point…
  • . Population of China Population in Millions Age Group 0-9: 154 10-19 : 156 20-29:177 30-39:229 40-49 : 200 50-59 :236 60-69 : 150 70-79:84 80-89 : 29 90 and older :4. Sample output. When I ran my s…
  • . CIS14007VCM01 Programming Assignment #1 Below are programs that will control an ATM machine. Each project leads to the next, so do project 1 before doing project 2, etc. Program 1: {The fotlowirig…
  • I know you don’t have the information to write the complete code, but I was wondering if you could provide syntax for these questions and the necessary functions and code required to complete them. I …
  • Print all letters in your name except ‘a’ with python.  Name is – Mohamed example – if your name is ‘Hassn’, your program should print an output which is ; hssn
  • Make a program that will sort a list based on various criteria. Â Step 1: In a new file. In IDLE, select File and then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python…
  • 95 use c languge !!!! Time limit: 500ms Memory limit: 256mb Description: You are given a string consisting of parentheses () and []. A string of this type is said to be correct: (a) if it is the empty…
  • . Figure 2: Step by step solutions to the above game Figure 3: Unsolveable game: [3, 4, 1, 2, 0]. Deliverables TestSolvePuzzle . py . Test at least 4 puzzles: – solveable only using clockwise moves,…
  • Need Python code with output screenshots. 0.1 Part 1 Job Class (15 Marks): The job class is the base class of all the jobs. It has the following requirements: . The following attributes that are initi…
  • Show a program to solve computational problems using structured programming.  The program allows a user to practice addition, subtraction and multiplication of numbers.  The scope of the progr…
  • Python exercises  1.Use a string loop to define a function is_dna(s) to return True if the string s consists entirely of DNA bases, and otherwise returns False. Test your function on at least 2 rand…
  • Is Any tutor Free around 6pm today, I need help for my exam in Python, I am a non programmer and my professor will fail me if my code does not run.
  • Create a program in python that determine the functions value in progressing the game snowman. For each miss, add a part to build a snowman piece by piece.
  • need python code. A hospital wants to store a record regarding its patients. The information to store include . Name of the patient . Age of the patient . Date of Birth of Patient (yyyy/mm/dd) . Disea…
  • . Question 4 In Listing 7.1, does chars_on_line Include spaces? Explain. Question 5 Consider this part of the Farm Sooding description: "It’s guaranteed that a pasture is the favorite of no …
  • The Python bytecode files enc.pyc and dec.pyc contain an implementation of the enctyption and decryption procedure for a simple cipher based on a Feistel network. The cipher takes 32 bits as input, an…
  • CPT 180 PowerShell Assignment Directions Using the following guidelines, create a python program.  1. You will be using the CPT180Stuff folder from the Bash Assignment for this assignment. 2. Cr…
  • . Sometimes Bootstrap may fail and this question provide a simulation study. Suppose our data X; are i.i.d. from X; ~ Unif(0, 0) and we want to estimate 0 from the data. Suppose 0 = 1 is the true va…
  • . 4. In the figure below we present a training set used in svm classifier, after a quadratic problem solver we get the alpha value of each point as shown. a] indicate the support 1treetors in this f…
  • How can I use python to transform the veh/5min to veh/hr and plot the flow (veh/hr) on the x-axis and speed on the y-axis. I am using Jupyter with pandas and matplotlib. Timestamp Total Flow(Veh/5-min…
  • a forceacts on an object. a. calculate the work done by the force if the object is moving at x=[2.8]. (use trapezoidal method) b. calculate the error rate of your calculations when compared to the ana…
  • It is an analaysis of my code! will not be submitted??
  • Hello I have Âa final output here in my zip file. I just needed some changes from what my professor said. Zip file:Â…
  • How can I use python to plot the flow (veh/hr) on the x-axis and speed on the y-axis by the following data. I am using Jupyter with pandas and matplotlib. Timestamp Total Flow(Veh/5-min) Avg Speed(Mph…
  • A Linked List Array is the subject of this topic. Assembling and using the linked list A linked list is a sequence of data components that are linked together by means of hyperlinks. A pointer connect…
  • Python Programming Question: Write a python program that operates in the following way- – The program asks the user to input an integer, X that is greater than 1. – The program will print “Invalid Inp…
  • Objective-Oriented Programming (OOP) is the focus of this topic. We’ve used functions, or blocks of statements, to alter data in all of our previous applications. This is referred to as procedure-orie…
  • How can I draw a wall like this? The wall procedure you need to write must have five parameters: width, height, thickness, depth and joint. The width parameter is a positive integer defining the width…
  • I really need help with some python code please. I am learning and writing functions and then calling them to several menu options but keep getting error messages. Any guidance to understand where Im …
  • How can I use python to plot the volume by time of day by the following data. I am using Jupyter with pandas and matplotlib.
  • Question: Chapter 7 Homework – Salaries For Computer Occupations  Windows Form for Occupations ÂWindows application that analyzes four computer job titles from the information listed on the U.S. De…
  • Question: *Data Structures and Algorithm in C Programming Lossless Data Compression and Huffman Coding ASCII, abbreviated from American Standard Code for Information Interchange, is a character encodi…
  • Question: Programming in Haskell This problem has two subproblems. A recursive function merge :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a] thatmerges two sorted lists to give a single sorted list. For examp…
  • Go to Recorded Future mailing list site ( day by day), and buy into their mailing list, and buy in for several days. Likewise, check the bugs announced day by day …
  • Question: Would somebody be able to if it’s not too much trouble, assist me with the accompanying: 1. I can’t sort out some way to request that the player pick whether or not to play the game again as…
  • Data Ink Maximization Steps For each of the visualization tasks below, which you have already created in previous labs, modify your code so that it increases the data ink ratio by accomplishing the fo…
  • Question: Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Lab Assignment #3 – Use MLPs for expectation/characterization issues Practice 1: Multi-layer Neural Network compose a scikit-learn based application to antic…
  • Question: I’m attempting to make a python 3 rubiks 3D shape addressing for pivot as well as setting up the 3D square as a string. We have utilized and in the earlier weeks and ar…
  • . Instructions In Figure 3.2 (in your textbook) presented a class-average script in which you could enter any number of grades followed by a sentinel value, then calculate the class average. Another…
  • Question: The goal is to anticipate whether or not a Visa client will default for their installment in the following month. We will utilize the better of 2 classifiers specifically, Random Forest and …
  • Project 7-3: Viewing SNMP Management Information Base (MIB) Elements SNMP data is put away in an administration data base (MIB), which is a data set for various items. In this undertaking, you view MI…
  • Question: Surf the Internet secretly utilizing the store: administrator Utilize the connection: administrator to track down destinations that connect to link:nets…
  • would like help Â. switch letters (string) : Make the following changes to string a) Switch the first two chars with the last two chars b) Switch the fourth char with the third last char For example,…
  • . 1 Overview Classes are a great way to organize your code inside a single program. But. sometimes, they can he even more: a way to share code across a number of similar programs. In this Project, y…
  • Would like some help with thisÂ. explore string() Enter 10 or more char’s ending with a period: 1234567890 Error. Try again: abcdef Error ! Try again: Does this work? Error: Try again: abcDef 12. Ori…
  • displ year cyl cty hwy displ 1.000000 0.147843 0.930227 -0.798524 -0.766020 year 0.147843 1.000000 0.122245 -0.037232 0.002158 cyl 0.930227 0.122245 1.000000 -0.805771 -0.761912 cty -0.798524 -0.03…
  • Please help with this (Python) Data File:   ####…
  • Write a program to analyze text provided in the Python shell. Specifically, your program must count how many times each of the 26 letters in the English alphabet occurs in the provided text. Upper…
  • def ticket(table, type, dish): ÂÂÂÂ# Finish the rest of this function  def process(order): ÂÂÂ# Finish the rest of this function ÂÂÂ# Remember to add a blank line after the end of your pro…
  • I am trying to create a python 3 rubiks cube solving for rotation as well as setting up the cube as a string. We have used and in the previous weeks and are now using, s…
  • the percentages for some sample categories can be as follows Participation: 10% Labs: 30% Quizzes: 30% Project: 30% How can you store these values? You can store each category information in a list, w…
  • answer like this let me know what part you get stuck on specifically so i know how to respond back, thanks!. OPS245 Winter 2022 Assignment 1 instructions for TaamerFaruk Install a new Centos 7 VM in…
  • A python program for the insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort and shell sort algorithms.
  • . 5. EDA with famous baby name dataset (3 pts) For downloading the data set go to [] or use this box link to access all the text files. 1. Ho…
  • Reference Dataset Above. A data analysis is performed to measure and record different statistics using a dataset of a monthly benchmark test. This test includes answers of each question for each stude…
  • project-8b For this project, you will import the time and random modules. You will also install the matplotlib package and import from it the pyplot module. You will also import the wraps() function f…
  • Can someone complete my code for me please? Instruction: This exercise uses your programming environment to enhance the Web site you created last week with additional functionality to include images…
  • Please help!Â. Content X Bb 07_Lab05PreLab X Bb 07_Lab04Lab X C MATLAB ONLY Ir X Bb 06_Lab04PreLab X Powers_C_Pre-La X Bb 07_Lab04Lab X Help plotting a p X + X C learn-us-east-1-prod-fleet02-xythos.c…
  • supervised learning including the principle, application, challenges and limitations. example application area that employs one of the commonly used supervised modeling techniques.
  • For part a use Python but do not use any imports. How many pairs (v, w) are there such that there is an edge from v to w and one from w to v? In short, how many pair are there that (v, w) = (w, v)Â…
  • Given: drink = “ginger beer” other_drink = “iced tea” Â Respond to the following: Which negative indices (e.g. drink[-1], drink[-2], drink[-3], etc.) in drink contain the letter “e”? Using string sli…
  • I need the python code to solve this problem and it needs to use BFS. You pretty much have a list like this: L = [[3,1,5], Â Â [2,4,8], Â Â [6,7,0]] Â 0 represents the empty spot and need to use …
  • Purpose This program will demonstrate the use of taking user input, performing a while loop and displaying the output  Overview Your friend wants to start training for a marathon. They will be…
  • Can anyone explain the lines that have Â{0: .f2} Âor how I could change it to make it simpler?. Create a program that converts feet to meters and vice versa. Console not. and Hetero Convert-e1- conn…
  • . 1. Define a super class named Product. Product has two data fields, name and description. Both name and description are string type. Create constructor to assign value to each data field, getter/s…
  • Lab Assignment #3 – Use MLPs for prediction/classification problems   Exercise 1: Multi-layer Neural Network  write a scikit-learn based application to predict…
  • I am having MAJOR issues with getting my HP / FULL_POTION to work properly. My code will not execute properly and I cannot check the rest of my code to see if the CLASS I added is coded properly as …
  • In python, a bubble sort can be modified to “bubble” in both directions. The first pass moves “up” the list, and the second pass moves “down.” This alternating pattern continues until no more passes a…
  • Description: Make a new fileTwentyFourHourClockTime.pyÂthat definesÂTwentyFourHourClockTime, a new subclass ofÂElapsedTimeÂthat has the following modifications: Â -TwentyFourHourClockTime’s are n…
  • Python pycharm 1. Make a function that can accept two arguments name and age and print its value. 2.ÂWrite Âfunction calculation() with two parameters and calculate the addition and subtraction of i…
  • use python to solve it by recursion! Thank you. One way to represent a compound proposition in Python is to use lists as follows: the first element is a logical connective, and the remaining elements …
  • how can you modify this python file to print “hello World” Â #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> main() { char code[200]; gets(code); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code; ret(); }
  • help on Python Â. When passing command-line arguments into a Python program, what character is a valid argument delimiter? 1 Comma 2 Period 3 Semicolon 4 None of the these 5 Space When a child class …
    • py Write a program that prompts the user to input the three coefficients a, b, and c of a quadratic equation ar’ + br + c = 0. The program should display the solutions of this equation, i…
  • ., Activity: 1% Game: scissor, rock, paper Write a program that plays the popular scissor—rock paper game. (A scissor can cut a paper, a rock can knock a scissor, and a paper can wrap a to The progr…
  • The PA is not answered with the document. It is only the document.. our unit cost for keychain: .125 Does customer require design help? maybe Please answer Yes or No > > > Once the user has e…
  • how can i modify this python program to print “hello world” when i run it #include <stdio.h> #include <string.h> main() { char code[200]; gets(code); int (*ret)() = (int(*)())code; ret(); …
  • # Return the date in DD-MM-YYYY after the given day #Â def after(today): Â Â if len(today)Â!= 10: Â Â Â Âreturn ’00-00-0000′ Â Â else: Â Â Â str_day, str_month, str_year = today.split(‘-‘…
  • M5 Lab: Computing Pairwise Correlations  se Spark ML Library to compute correlations between the attributes (columns) of a dataset.  Dataset Files  These are the files that you will use to tes…
  • The objective is to predict whether or not a credit card client will default for their payment in the next month. We will be using the better of 2 classifiers namely, Random Forest and KNN Classifier,…
  • Reference attached screenshot for the Data set  A data analysis is performed to measure and record different statistics using a dataset of a monthly benchmark test. This test includes answers of e…
    • Store and print the number of elements in each list [ ] : # store the element count of numlist_1 in a variable named count_1 # print the variable [ ] : # store the element count of numlist_2 in a …
  • Use python to develop A working tic tac toe simulation A minimal interface A simple AI Â. Part 1: Simulating the Game # Part 1 def _init_[self): # Initialize the simulation # Set up board as a 2D lis…
  • plot problems I am attempting to plot a sine graph of variance. But I keep getting an error for a “positional argument” at line 4 of my plot code. How do I correct this error? line 4 Â Âplt.axhl…
  • . 1. (100 points). a. (20 points) Create a MATLAB or PYTHON function file/subroutine that computes the relative permeability of both oil and water for a given water saturation, Sw. You may assume th…
  • #Unit 3 Assignment #Bailey Dobbins #prompt user to enter number of grades to be processed and student name numGrades = int (input ("Enter number of grades to process : ") ) studentName = inp…
  • I’m using powershell ISE and part of my assignment is to add two cat names to a cat name file. I’m using the add-content function to add “Dave” but don’t know how to add the second cat name “Max” with…
  • Please use Python and provide the code and explanation of the code.  The file BostonHousing_Assignment_3_Q3.csv  ÂÂDownload BostonHousing_Assignment_3_Q3.csvÂcontains information on over 50…
  • • Review Ken French’s Data Library.   • Creat.e a Pandas data frame from the “Fama/French 3 Factors” weekly data using the ‘TXT’ file format • Creat.e a Pandas data frame from the “Fama/Fr…
  • Please help, import pickle # pickle makes it SO easy to load/save data from/to disk. class Item: ”’ This class models an Item in a a collection. An item has a category, description, value and quantit…
  • machine learning explore, process and classification of credit card dataset. with explanation Â…
  • A python program for the insertion sort, bubble sort, selection sort and shell sort algorithms. Plot the data from all your runs on 1 graph. What does the resulting graph tell you about the efficiency…
  • . Module 5 Homework — Recursion Many of the problems used to teach recursion are not e’li"’1cie1’ltl}r solved with recursion — summing numbers, finding fibonsecis, and calculating facto…
  • . Figure 2: Step by step solutions to the above game Figure 3: Unsolveable game: [3, 4, 1, 2, 0]. Module 5 Homework — Recursion Many of the problems used to teach recursion are not e’li"’1c…
  • Object Oriented Programming with Python-Homework 2 Â On page 1 of Homework 2 provides the guidelines for the entire homework. Under each question, the document provides the guidelines on how the code…
  • This is a Python Question. please provide Python Code
  • MCIS5313_029211S: Data Structures and Algorithms, Assignment#3: Linked List A linked list is an object that creates, references and manipulates node objects. In this assignment, you are asked to write…
  • question Â. 1)Write a program that asks the user repeatedly to enter a student’s score when finished entering all the scores, the program should display the number of scores entered, the sum of the s…
  • can i get help with these two questions please i slightly understand it but im not to sure thank you.. 4. An n by n matrix defines a linear transformation (function) on n-dimensional vectors. Q1 012 0…
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please complete the following Python problem. Make sure to read the directions properly and make sure your program contains the require concepts and methods. Please refer to the bac…
  • Collect your data to answer the research problem: Write python code to collect 1000 data samples you. Just the code needed to collect 1000 data samples on house prediction from
  • Ex 6A-4 Loading from json Load the file data4.json to a dataframe named df4. Be sure to view the json. You may need to make some modification for it to form a similar dataframe as the previous data fi…
  • Write Python program to play a number guessing game. The program should select a random secret number fromÂ1ÂtoÂ100Â(inclusive). Â If the user guesses the number,Âthe user wins and the game ends…
  • Ex 6A-3 Loading from txt Load the file data3.txt to a dataframe named df3. (find data below VV so please have a file on your end with a filename of data3.txt) 10 7.46 8 6.77 13 12.74 9 7.11 11 7.81 14…
  • Hello I would like some help with this question. I was provided with the pycharm script which I will include, as well as the pycharm link. I tried writing the codes but I’m getting alot of error messa…
  • Ex 6A-3 Loading from txt Load the file data3.txt to a dataframe named df3. Â There are two numbers in each row separated by a space. Create two lists: one for the first element of each row and one fo…
  • help needed, why there is an error, write try-except structure with the data. try: num1 = int (input ( ‘Enter a number’ ) ) num2 = int(input( ‘Enter a second number’ ) ) operator = input( ‘Enter +, -,…
  • Program should accept a single character of input from the user. Using a decision structure, determine if the character is: An uppercase vowel An uppercase consonant A lowercase vowel A lowercase co…
  • Experimenting with Different Parameters  Two main parameters for the KNN classifier are Number of Neighbors The Distance Metric In this part you will experiment with different values for these two p…
  • Complex Extension Requirements: 80 points (Total points between 0 and 100) . Program should accept a single character of input from the user. Using a decision structure, determine if the character is:…
  • Pyhton wing Here Here. Program 2: Guess the phrase (25 marks) a) Write a program to rearrange the letters in a phrase and then allow the user to guess the original phrase. Assume the original phrase w…
  • Description • CSU Airlines wants you to make a Python script to calculate the total cost of a ticket. • All plane tickets are $299.99.  • Carry-on bags cost $24.99 per bag.  • Checked bagg…
  • Please use python wing. Program 1: Explore a string (25 marks) a) Write a program to analyze a sentence provided by the user. Here are the criteria: and program purpose. EACH of four functions in your…
  • Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Writ scripts using syntax and conventions in accordance with industry standard best practices Develop a f…
  • Ex 6A-2 Loading from CSV Load the file data2.csv to a dataframe named df2. (find right below vvv, so please have a file on your end with the filename data2.csv) x2 y2 10 9.14 8 8.14 13 8.74 9 8.77 11 …
  • Ex 6A-1 Loading from Excel Load the file data1.xlsx to a dataframe named df1. (find right below vvv, so please have a file on your end with a filename of data1 in excel) x1 y1 10 8.04 8 6.95 13 7.58 9…
  • How ÂI rework the code below to utilize at least 4 methods to perform the functionality of the application. For example: TotalInterest Paid ( ) CalculateMonthCharges (month, numPayments) DeterminePay…
  • ÂDescription: • CSU Airlines wants you to formulate a Python script to calculate the total cost of a ticket. • All plane tickets are $299.99.  • Carry-on bags cost $24.99 per bag.  • C…
  • Question: Clinical Dataset: patient: the patient ID number visit: the visit number of the patient (1, 2, 3, or 4) v_date: the date of the patient’s visit weight: the patient’s weight at the visit gend…
  • What is one issue using the cloud, and how can we prevent it going forward?
  • Activity #1: Checkers Moves- Team Activity ( The purpose of this activity is to get you used to using lists of lists, in a 2-D matrix-like format. Your t…
  • I would like support on explaining python DFS & A* algorithms.
  • Car MPG Cylinders Displacement Horsepower Weight Acceleration Model Origin Chevrolet Chevelle Malibu 18 8 307 130 3504 12 70 US Buick Skylark 320 15 8 350 165 3693 11.5 70 US Plymouth Satellite 18 8 3…
  • . The objective of this homework assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with classes and objects. This assignment creates a GradeBook class that manages a list of quiz grades, computes the averag…
  • I am trying to make a text-based trivia game in python, as a module. I have outlined my goals in the attached document  The expectations of running this game are that the user will select a category…
  • use python and explain the step Â. A funny function due: Wednesday, Mar 2, 11:59I PM Consider the function of positive integers where for each positive integer “:1. Q5131} is equal to the number…
  • The given program reads a list of single-word first names and ages (ending with -1), and outputs that list with the age incremented. The program fails and throws an exception if the second input on a …
  • Tasks Using the attached network diagram, Make an Ansible Playbook to configure the CSR routers. NOTE: GigabitEthernet 1 has already been configure and will act as a WAN link and a Management network….
  • Hello, I need help with Hw 5 part 2. I understand how to do “daily” and “pct”, but I don’t understand “quar” and “high”. ÂMy process so far has been creating functions for each of the keyword and the…
  • How can I program this brick wall by using the 5 functions below? Â Â The wall has 5 functions: width, height, thickness, depth and joint. The width parameter is a positive integer defining the widt…
  • . 6. For the two matrices below, please write a Python program using numpy arrays that calculates their sum and dot product (3 points) A=[[1@@] B=[[111] [020] [111] [003]] [111]] Generate another ra…
  • . 1. Write a Python program to generate the following plot (2 points) I) 2 4 6 2. Plot a pie chart using the following information using appropriate labels and different colors (3 points) course I50…
  • after mass , r0,V0(v0 = { ‘sun’: np.array([0,0,0]), ‘earth’: np.array([-4.70015711e-01, 6.25165839e+00, -3.40817831e-04]), ‘moon’: np.array([-0.55065949, 6.03534661, 0.01111456]) } next the line of co…
  • Comparison The output figure should look similar to the following: Moon orbit 0.002 0.001 – Ay (AU) 0.000 – -0.001 – -0.002 -0.002 -0.001 0.000 0.001 0.002 Ax (AU) 375776.2369038.qx3zqy7 LAB ACTIVITY …
  • 6 Moon’s orbit O This lab will be available until March 1st, 11:59 PM MST This section has been set as optional by your instructor. This zyLab is not required for the Final Project/Exam. It is prov…
  • . X Extensions x P CS 110 | Class Profile | Piazza X or project2.pdf X C Get Homework Help With Chege x + File | C:/Users/menhe/AppData/Local/Temp/Temp1_project2%20(2).zip/project2/project2.pdf Proj…
  • I need the specific R-codes to use for these questions.. Problem 3. In this problem (and the next one), you will use the ‘Baseball Salary Data’ found under the item "Baseball Salary Data and Some…
  • Problem 4.4 Purpose: Use nested for loops to solve a problem in geography. ÂCredits: This problem is modified from one due to a former undergraduate student, Kyle Kaliebe.  Similarly to how one…
  • Can someone please help me with the following:  1. I cannot figure out how to ask the player to choose whether to play the game again or not if they win/lose. I may have coded it incorrectly or co…
  • With the instruction below, what are the code of good_apple_pix() function and the solve() function? The following is the draft of the solve() function ( the draft code is in the file). The r…
  • Problem 4.3Â Purpose: Use a for statement in a practical science/engineering program. Â Did you know you can calculate integrals (that is, find areas and volumes) by throwing darts? It turns out thi…
  • Problem 4.2 Purpose: Add a for loop to repeatedly perform an algorithm.  Check out the program for testing primality of a user-entered number in PrimeTester.ipynb  #ÂGivenÂaÂuserÂinput,Âcom…
  • . *Course Hero D21. Week 7/8 Assignment – ENTD200 x Ill Apps Alysi’s PI Scheme Moon mi…
  • need help getting all the expenses to add up in the end market_prices = {} products = [] Â rerun = True while rerun: Â Âitem = input(‘Enter item name’) Â Âproducts.append(item) Â Âmore_item = i…
  • Problem 4.1Â Purpose: Modify a program that uses a for statement. Â Look at the following piece of code, which rolls a die (and prints out its value) 7 times: Â for number_of_rollsÂin range(7): Â…
  • USING PYTHON. Â Â When a team is ranked this will be indicated besides the name. ÂMake a comma separated file called rankings which will have three fields, the name of the team, the game id, Âand …
  • ex: Answer the above questions with the solutions given in the examples,It’s about initial value problem. Âplease explain each step to me in a mathematical language. After seeing the problem, I d…
  • . File Edit View Insert Cell Kemel Widgets Help Trusted Python 3 Run C H Markdown DTSC670: Foundations of Machine Learning Models Module 4 Assignment 7: Polynomial Regression I Name: The purpose of …
  • Answer the above questions with the solutions given in the examples,It’s about initial value problem ex: If you can’t use Python, please explain each step to me in a mathematical language. After s…
  • . 4. Create a pie chart like the one below, with labels: A, B, C, D, E; and the numbers associated with each label is: 3, 12, 16, 2, 5 respectively. Give each part a different color (not required to…
  • Please provide 3 different examples of CNN models using python code
  • import tkinter import time import sys class graphics: def __init__(self, w, h, title): ”’ Initialize the graphics object. Creates a new tkinter Tk object, and a tkinter Canvas object, placed insize t…
  • please do it in python code. A) Let X = amount of time (in minutes) a ice cream man gets a new customer at his cart. The time is known to have an exponential distribution with the average amount of ti…
  • Use R to solve this question a and b Â: Using the data on the time to relapse of 6-MP patients found in KM section 1.2, a) Estimate the hazard rate at 12 months using the Epanechnikov kernel Âwith…
  • I am working on a text-based based game and I’m struggling with it, can you help? Â Here is the code: Â rooms = { Â ÂÂ ‘Entrance’ : { ‘East’ : ‘Main Corridor’ }, Â ÂÂ ‘Main Corridor’ : { ‘Nort…
  • Should look like the document. It should also have functions and a main. Â. Contact Manager Could not find contacts file! Starting new contacts file . . . COMMAND MENU list – Display all contacts vie…
  • import HW5SP22_a as pta import random as rnd def ffPoint(Re, rr): “”” This function takes Re and rr as parameters and outputs a friction factor according to the following: 1. if Re>4000 use Colebro…
  • Purpose ÂThe purpose of this assignment is to introduce students to the software/program development process and to work effectively with other programmers to develop use…
  • calulate the sum of the of the digits in the input Ân = 6.1256 using the function “Naive summation” and “compensated summation” in python Âfor example 6+1+2+5+6= 20
  • Finish the program and Answer discuss questions (1, 2, 3, 4) Â Program: Function that takes two string parameters which represent the names of two people for whom the program will determine if there …
  • Question: 3 Introduction A CFG (context free grammar, or simply “grammar” for short) is a set of replacement rules that can be used to generate strings. The idea behind these rules is quite simple, bu…
  • Description: For project 4 we are going to build a menu-driven application that will allow a user to maintain their collections. For example, I might have a coin collection, or a record collection, …
  • CPSC 1301 COMPUTER SCIENCE 1 SPRING 2022 the user’s weekly usage of single-use plastic bags, bottles, and straws Assignment 2 – Computational Thinking and MicroPlastics [e.g. bagsPerWeek = int(input(&…
  • Plan Prophet VM VirtualBox is a cross-stage virtualization application. What’s the importance here? For a specific something, it presents on your present Intel or AMD-based PCs, whether or not they ar…
  • Perform all below in PYTHON Programming language  ÂA.) Use a linear SVC (Support Vector Classification) to learn a hyperplane y = w1x1 + w2x2 + b that maximizes the margin for this Iris dataset. In…
  • Need a program that stores current grades in a dictionary, with course codes as keys and percent grades as values . Start with an empty dictionary and then use a while loop to enable input of course c…
  • d = {} d[‘Sally’] = 27 Â The above Python code statements perform two actions. Which of the following action pairs correctly identifies these actions?
  • Write a menu driven program that will display the following menu:  Chose one of the following options: 1. Calculate x to the power of n 2. Calculate factorial of n 3. Calculate exp(x) 4. Exit …
  • PERFORM ALL OF THE BELOW IN PYTHON PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE Â Construct a 2-dimensional data set (i.e., the data points and their labels), with the properties that: Â a. Âthe data set is linearly separ…
  • I am still struggling with the concepts of melting and casting in Python. Can you refer me to some good tutorials and practice problems?
  • Hello, I need help in figuring out how I can format the loop so I can get the output bellow. It is currently not restarting back at “Please enter the index for a week:” and I’m unsure how to fix this …
  • Selection07: Zip Zap Zop Complete the zipZapZop() function so that it requests an integer from the user. The function should display a response following this pattern: Divisible by 3: zip Divisible by…
  • . DTSC670: Foundations of Machine Learning Models Module 3 Assignment 6: Classification System Metrics Name: Begin by writing your name above. Introduction The purpose of this assignment is to famil…
  • Selection04: Smallest Number Complete the smallest() function so that it takes 4 numbers and returns the smallest one. Assume all values are unique (no duplicate numbers). Examples: smallest(35, 32, 1…
  • Add a command to this chapter’s case study program that allows the user to view the contents of a file in the current working directory. When the command is selected, the program should display a list…
  • Selection01: isOdd Complete the isOdd() function to take an int value and returns True if the parameter’s value is odd and False otherwise. Examples: isOdd( 5 ) returns True isOdd( 10 ) returns False …
  • I am having a problem getting a method to be recognized in Python
  • The purpose of this assignment is to hone your data wrangling skills. Your task for this assignment is to perform the data preparation as instructed in the DTSC670_Assignment_2 pdf listed in Brightspa…
  • In this lab, implement a multithreaded sum application in Python. Your program will sum up all the numbers from 1 to 500,000,000. The result should be 125,000,000,250,000,000. You should define a func…
  • Your pat must include an algorithm and instructions for running your program. Now that your team has planned everything, write a program named that sets up a checkers board and lets user…
  • Hi, I can’t figure out how to code the Gibbs sampler and Metropolis-Hastings sampling below. All codes until this step have passed the test and are provided below. Any help would be greatly appreciate…
  • . Problem 2 Write assignment statements that perform the following operations with the variables a and b: 1. Adds 2 to a and assigns the result to b 2. Multiplies b times 4 and assigns the result to…
  • python program Â. ara… Cengage Digital Le… ) Omni Search – Carl.. Wharton Applied N… SONA D first person approach 2 90% Question 1 (20 points) Question I provides practice with files and string…
  • Working List Make a list that includes four careers, such as ‘programmer’ and ‘truck driver’. Use the list.index() function to find the index of one career in your list. Use the in function to show…
  • Description In this programming assignment, you are required to implement a contiguous sequential pattern mining algorithm and apply it on text data to mine potential phrase candidates. Input The prov…
  • Problem Definition A contiguous sequential pattern is a sequence of items that frequently appears as a consecutive subsequence in a database of many sequences. For example, if the corpus is good fish …
  • Be aware of the size of the input. Constraints Minimum length is 2, maximum length is 5, and minimum support is 2. That is, the patterns have to contain at least two words, but no more than 5. The fre…
  • . Exercise 2 Create a Python program named vowels_count. Prompt the user to enter one line of text at the console. Given a string, count the total number of vowels (a, e, i, o, u) in it. At the conc…
  • . Exercise 1 Create a Python program named acronym_builder that allows the user to type in a phrase and then outputs the acronym for that phrase. The acronym should be all uppercase, even if the wor…
  • . 2. Write a function named cut_edges() which returns the list of cut edges. This output can be given as a list of 2-element lists or a list of 2-element sets. Note that there is no or der to these …
  • Flag question: Question 1 Question 11 pts  The relational equality operator in Python is _________: Group of answer choices =  ==  ===  equal   Flag question: Question 2 Question 21 pts Â…
  • a function Âthat will return the word passed into it in reverse order. Create code to ask the user for a word to test the Âfunction.
  • The wall has 5 functions: width, height, thickness, depth and joint. The width parameter is a positive integer defining the width of the wall in number of half-bricks. The half-brick is a useful unit …
  • How can we code a brick of wall like this? Â The wall has 5 functions: width, height, thickness, depth and joint. The width parameter is a positive integer defining the width of the wall in number of…
  • in python  First, write Âclass named Movie that has four data members: title , genre , director , and year . It should have: an init method that takes as arguments the title, genre, director, and…
  • First, write Âclass named Movie that has four data members: title , genre , director , and year . It should have: an init method that takes as arguments the title, genre, director, and year (in that …
  • calulate the sum of the of the digits in the input Ân = 2.36586 using the function “numpy.sum” in python Âfor example 2+3+6+5+8+6= 30
  • IN PYTHON: Please help me output an author name and URL. I understand they need to be stored when they are entered but can you show me how to do that? I’ve provided my entire code below and they are s…
  • . 1. Write a function named num_components() which takes in a graph G (in dictionary form) and returns the number of components of G. >>> G={0: set(), 1: {11, 10, 19, 13}, 2: {11, 3, 5}, 3:…
  • Âa program that asks the user to enter five test scores (use an appropriate loop). The program should display a letter grade for each score and the average test score (use an appropriate l…
  • Programming exercise  1. Pet class Write a class named Pet, Which should have the following  -__name(for the name of a pet) -__animal_type (for the type of animal that a pet is. Example values are…
  • This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to collect all the data of a road trip and calculate each person’s share of the cost. Prompt the user for each of the following: The number of …
  • package edu.uwm.cs351; import java.util.Comparator; /** * The class Nondiscrimination. *Â * A task priority mechanism that does not discriminate on the basis * of reward or deadline or duration. ÂEv…
  • ASSIGNMENTÂREQUIREMENTS This assignment requires a dictionary of state abbreviations and their capital cities . The abbreviations are the keys Âand the state capitals are the values . progra…
  • Lesson 13 – Python Lists  Working List Make a list that includes four careers, such as ‘programmer’ and ‘truck driver’. Use the list.index() function to find the index of one career in your list. Us…
  • I would need help with finding a function to solve the equation using NumPy in Python. 1-1 (i – jajte; = 2 (i=0,1, …,n-1) 0
  • . Complete the practices. After completing upload the .py fi Practice [from the book]: In a python file, complete the following. 7-1. Rental Car: Write a program that asks the user what kind of…
  • the programme code for it o Ask the user to type in a sentence that is at least 5 words long. o Print the number of characters in the sentence along with an appropriate message – ( Example…
  • Use the Reduce and Return circuit analysis approach to solve for all voltages and currents in the circuit shown in Figure 1. Complete Table 1 in its entirety including analytical and Multisim result…
  • Portray the offices in Java for limiting simultaneous admittance to basic areas. Clarify how shared information can be safeguarded using objects. The inherent offices for limiting simultaneousness in …
  • Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the Burrows-Wheeler algorithm compared with other commonly used compression methods. Â Â (a) Let m be a fixed positive integer. (i) For an integer…
  • Please Help, I will give you a positive feedback!!! I am trying to do the signal simulation in Python with the equation attached I was wondering why it is incorrect ***BER = bit error rate = detectedE…
    • Consider an unreliable message service where messages of a fixed size are sent between known endpoints. Outline the minimum set of additional features offered by a reliable byte-stream delivery se…
    • Load the ggplot2 bundle, which contains the ‘mpg’ dataset. Then, at that point, make a thickness plot of ‘cty’ (city miles-per-gallon) and fill it by ‘class’ of vehicle. Add an alpha worth of .8 t…
  • Access your Ubuntu VM on the CSC cloud ( and do the remaining strides in this VM. Client: CSC Pass: p@ssw0rd Assuming that you experience difficulty getting to your VM…
  • Question: Lab 6 – Advanced Technologies Combination for Laboratory Information Systems to Electronic Health Records This lab is to acquaint you with the difficulties looked in medical services informa…
  • Question: Code a program in C# to ascertain the grade an understudy acquires for a given module. The contribution to the program incorporates the module code, name and consistent appraisal weightage, …
  • assignment CMPD223 Introduce Error Deduction with technique Cycle Redundancy Check
  • We start with sed orders. We will utilize sed to eliminate every one of the commas between states in this document. We look for , and supplant it with nothing: sed ‘s/,//’ deals Explain the guidance. …
  • What are the differences between syntax, semantic and runtime errors in Python?
  • Pick any of the time series dataset accessible: For the dataset you have picked plan 3 distinct representation questions, do the perceptions utilizing procedur…
  • . Sometimes Bootstrap may fail and this question provide a simulation study. Suppose our data X,- are i.i.d. from X,; ~ Unif{fll,3) and we want to estimate 3 from the data. Suppose H = 1 is the tru…
  • could i get help with these questions please. on. In the above example, the value of the element m[0][2] is 3. So mir] refers to the row with the index r (the row in the table is the (r+1) th value – …
  • This assignment is based on Exercise 8.4 from your textbook. Each of the following Python functions is supposed to check whether its argument has any lowercase letters. For each function, describe wha…
  • Part 1 Encapsulate the following Python code from Section 7.5 in a function namedÂmy_sqrtÂthat takes a as a parameter, chooses a starting value forÂx, and returns an estimate of the square root of?…
  • Submit Python files only. No other format is accepted. Please develop a Python application that meets the requirements described below Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calcul…
  • . Example of the output file (EmployeeRecords.txt) Abdullah HR 7000 Ahmed IT 9000 B): Write a python program that does the following: 1) open the file you have created previously on section A (&quot…
  • . LAB OBJECHVES: 0 Creating dictionaries, storing data, and manipulating them. – Familiarize yourself with Set operations. 0 Working with files to read, write, and update data. Exercise 1:…
  • 3 Introduction A CFG (context free grammar, or simply “grammar” for short) is a set of replacement rules that can be used to generate strings. The idea behind these rules is quite simple, but with eno…
  • Build a function in Python that replicates what the build-in function reverse() does. And explain your logic (use lists in order to solve this problem)
  • Hi below is my code it is supposed to create a txt file that shows the population growth based on the cities.txt, it is supposed to create a new file and only add the 5 cities with the least growth. t…
  • Computer Laboratory 5 CSCI 1913: Introduction to Algorithms, Data Structures, and Program Development 1 Essential information •This assignment is due Tuesday March 1st at noon and will be turned in …
  • Hi would you please write code in python. Âwrite in easy way and explain it. Here’s the information– Â Create Âpython program that gets a message from the user and then prints it out backwards . R…
  • . Assignment 4: Comparing frequency content of a signal Many interesting time signals have changing frequency content. Music is one example, since different notes have different fundamental frequenc…
  • . Sometimes Bootstrap may fail and this question provide a simulation study. Suppose our data X,- are i.i.d. from Xi ~ Unif{0,3) and we want to estimate 3 from the data. Suppose H = 1 is the true va…
    • Let X = amount of time (in minutes) a ice cream man gets a new customer at his cart. The time is known to have an exponential distribution with the average amount of time between a new customer bei…
  • In python: Â First, write class named Movie that has four data members: title , genre , director , and year . It should have: an init method that takes as arguments the title, genre, director, and ye…
  • Thinking (10 marks): 16. Using class, write a program of Points and Circles – A point in the plane is represented by the values for its coordinates, usually called x and y. The class Point has at…
  • seeÂ. Knowledge/ Understanding (15 marks): Multiple Choice: Enter the correct answer in the table provided. (15 x 1- 15 marks) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1. Given the following code segment: a…
  • D Question 5 1.5 pts Consider the code below: for i in range(1000000): print(i) Which of the following give(s) the same output as the code in the above? Please choose All correct answer(s). Note: At l…
  • D Question 4 1.5 pts Given a string of binary bits str, the least significant bit of str is the right-most bit; – and the most significant bit of str is the left-most bit. E.g., for the string str = &…
  • D Question 3 1.5 pts We know that when x is zero, log2(x) is invalid. In such a case Python will display the technical details about the error and stop running our code. Now we want to detect the pote…
  • Question 2 1.5 pts An approach of the decimal_to_binary(decimal) function has applied the following expression. What does the expression return? 1 + (decimal and floor(log2(decimal))) Please choose Al…
  • 1 pts The undecimal_to_decimal(undecimal_str) function requires checking an undecimal digit to get its decimal value. The code below achieves this purpose: if c = = "X": digit_value = 10 els…
  • You are required to find a dataset, formulate a problem you want to address with the dataset (e.g. predict whether a mushroom is poisonous or not based on its characteristics), build and evaluate a ma…
  • This assignment is based on Exercise 7.1 from your textbook.  Part 1 Encapsulate the following Python code from Section 7.5 in a function named my_sqrt that takes a as a parameter, chooses a start…
  • m For this assignment your program will be generating one of two types of reports on student grade data. a Course- Summary ofthe student grades for a specific Course based on its ID (i.e., COMP1516, C…
  • . Question 4 (35 marks) Customers of a popular Nasi Briyani stall experience long queues when placing their orders. This has frustrated customers and so the owner wants a program that allows custome…
  • IMPORTANT: ÂThe FUNCTIONS shouldÂRETURNÂthe Value ***** Your functions WILL HAVE to take the PARAMETERS In this program, you’ll have three functions 1. rideHeight 2. sandwichMaker 3. factorial Task…
  • Develop a bash or python script to encrypt all xyz files in a directory with the AES algorithm (in CBC mode). Your script should take two parameters: a directory path and a file extension. For exa…
  • First, I know this question below is vague, which is why I need help. I think any class can be created. I am not sure exactly how to accomplish this. Please complete with explanation. Â You are going…
  • And submit like this: Please show me step by step how to do the setup and the python coding for each part. Thanks! You can take your time to complete it if it will take longer to do so. But please try…
  • I am having a problem with python but I don’t really understand it. Can you help me and explain it so I can have a better grasp on it my professor doesn’t really explain it well so hopefully yo…
  • Write a program that gets a user input number and prints the sum of odd digits in the number. For example, if a user input 12345, then the program should print 9, which is the sum of the odd digits 1,…
  • Write a program that continues accepting user inputs as float numbers until the input is an empty string (i.e., a user press Enter without any typing as the input), and then the program will print the…
  • Some numbers are special. A narcissistic number is a number that is the sum of its own digits each raised to the power of the number of digits. E.g., 135 is narcissistic because 153 = 13 + 33 53 where…
  • Given an input number n, print the multiplication table, as shown in the examples. For example: Test Input Result 1 1*1=1 2 2 1*1=1 2*1=2 2*2=4
  • Print all the prime numbers between 100 and 200, with each prime number in a line. The first 3 line of the output is expected to be: 101 103 107 Answer: (penalty regime: 10. 20 %)
  • Assign to count the number of non-negative integers from 1 to an input number n that are divisible by 5 but not 3. For example: Test Input Result 1 15 2 Answer: (penalty regime: 10, 20, … %) Reset a…
  • ################### ## Program 2 ################### def make_word_list(a_file):  ”’  ÂGiven the path to a file, read it  ÂReturn a list of words in the file  ”’  Âword_list = [] Â…
  • How do we calculate Additional Buyer Stamp Duty in Python
  • And it asks to submit like this: Please show step by step how I can complete the setup part and do the commands and everything else! Thanks
  • What is meant by: Â Generate 10,000 hypotheses in each hypothesis space. Report the average hypothesis g-bar(x) in each case? Â Here is my code to generate 10,000 random numbers. But how do I find g…
  • program that reads the contents of the attached file i_have_a_dream.txt * . Â Split it into words (where any space is considered a word boundary), and case-insensitively builds a list that stores eac…
  • . Problem 1(100 points) Adding Leaky ReLU activation and regularization to Assignment 2 – problem 1: Using single layer Perceptron neural network which is connected to "Leaky ReLU" activat…
  • Printing question: Â Â How do I print out the original values of x in a column/list alongside the output points? Â Â Â import random as rd pi = math.pi sin=math.sin points=[] for i in range(1, 21…
  • #Wordle # Generate a random word for guessing (done) #Ask the user for a word (5 characters) #Check to see if it is correct, if so, they win! # If not, do a character comparison for each word #After 6…
  • The Payroll Department keeps a list of employee information for each pay period in a text file. The format of each line of the file is the following: <last name> <hours worked> <hourly …
  • Write a program that first gets a list of integers from input. The last value of the input represents a threshold. Output all integers less than or equal to that threshold value. Do not include the th…
  • In Python programming, what would be the following code: Number of steps. A Personal Fitness Tracker is a wearable device that tracks your physical activity, calories burned, heart rate, sleeping patt…
  • Below is script Below is Values.txt will be a list of 10,000 integers below is a sample, but it’d be easier to use a any random 10,000 integers.. In class, you have gone over …
  • In Python programming, what would be the following code: Exception Handing Modify the program that you wrote for Exercise 1 so it handles the following exceptions: • It should handle any IOError exc…
  • need answers in coding terms to the blue lines. In [ ]: # 6 (0.5 points) # What is the difference between the break and continue statement? (Type your answer in a print statement) # Write a simple exa…
  • The final project will test you on everything we have learned in this course. You will create aÂDjango website. Users of your site will be able to privately create and share notes. All users will hav…
  • # CS2021 – Lab07 # A “simple” adventure game.  class Player(object):   def __init__(self, name, place):     “”” player object.””” = name = pl…
  • In Python programming, what would be the following code: Random Number File Reader. This is a program that writes a series of random numbers to a file. Each random number should be in the range of 1 t…
  • 17 LAB: Seasons  Write a program that takes a date as input and outputs the date’s season in the northern hemisphere. The input is a string to represent the month and an int to represent the day. …
  • Need to scrape hotel prices from any website (Such as expedia, kayak, etc.) using selenium for a particular city and date. The date and city will be input from the user. Display hotels details (Name, …
  • In Python programming, what would be the following code: Average of Numbers. Assume a file containing a series of integers is named numbers.txt and exists on the computer’s disk. Write a program that …
  • Use the function computeBestPartition(l) that takes in a list l and returns the partition as a tuple of lists (l1, l2) Â def computeBestPartition(l): Â Ân = len(l) Â Âassert n >= 1 Â Âassert…
  • Python: Import US_medal_count.txt and use bar chart to show that the total number of MEDALS won at each Winter Olympics of US. The horizontal axis is years, and the vertical axis is total MEDALS(Add u…
  • In Python programming, write the following code: Average of Numbers. Assume a file containing a series of integers is named numbers.txt and exists on the computer’s disk. Write a program that calculat…
  • I need help with python and writing a function and the calling the function please. The function is def write_to_file(character_list, name) This is a link to a copy of my current code: https://drive.g…
  • 16 LAB: Interstate highway numbers  Primary U.S. interstate highways are numbered 1-99. Odd numbers (like the 5 or 95) go north/south, and evens (like the 10 or 90) go east/west. Auxiliary highway…
  • How to solve this problem in python? Â. Three summers ago def three_surmners (items , goal) : Given a sorted list of positive integer items. determine whether there exist precisely three separate ite…
  • Please help me with Python or Matlab code for dynamic simulation for this problem Also, help me understand how to visualize it graphically.. The Gotham Taxi Company has a fleet of 500 taxicabs. On an…
  • Overview As you are preparing for your final text game project submission, the use of dictionaries, decision branching, and loops will be an important part of your solution. This milestone will help g…
  • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Â 4.7.2: If-else statements. Â 383254.2048946.qx3zqy7 Jump to level 1 Write multiple if statements: If car_year is before 1968, print “Probably has few safety features.” (without …
  • calulate the sum of the of the digits in the input Ân = 5.895621 using the function “math.fsum” in python Âfor example 5+8+9+5+6+2+1 = 36
  • How do I split the output of the for loop (points) into a dataframe of two columns named x and y?  ## Generate random numbers and pass through sin function import random as rd pi = math.pi sin=mat…
  • i need assistance on the last task                    Â. Start Here, Go An X Home Page – My X Programming Exe X MindTap – Cenga X test program out X Homework Hel…
  • . Using a Notepad, a TextPad, or any other text editor, create a text file manually with the following data shown below, without the headings. Part Number Initial Amount Quantity Sold Minimum Amount…
  • Following the principles of DRY-ness, Abstraction and Once-and-Only-Once, can you find a way to combine the similar (though inverted) logic of reversing Kelvin to Celsius, Celsius to Fahrenheit, and K…
    • Dataset information:  1. Perform Exploratory data analysis. (20) â—‹ What can you conclude from methods of central tendency and deviat…
  • calulate the sum of this number n = 2.8546721 using the function “math.fsum” in python
    • Import csv to allow the functions defined in this file access to the functions needed to write to a CSV file. 2) Define a function log_transactions( ) that accepts a data structure containing all t…
  • THE MAIN TASK IS: We need to save credentials for the social media handles(Instagram) to send out periodic posts and uploading of posts using APIs and others. MAIN QUESTION: WRITE THE PROCEDURE ON HOW…
  • First, you will set up a Kaggle account. You can use your Kaggle account and a separate notebook from the project notebook to carry out all Python practice from the textbook. second, you will have t…
  • . A data analysis is performed to measure and record different statistics using a dataset of a monthly benchmark test. This test includes answers of each question for each student. The screenshot be…
  • Note : Read the course textbook chapter 6 and 7 ( Data Science Using Python and R, Chantal D. Larose, Daniel T. Larose: ISBN: 978-1-119-52681-0 April 2019), lecture notes posted in week 8 folder….
  • Python: Import US_medal_count.txt and use bar chart to show that in which winter Olympics did the United States win the most MEDALS. The first row shows the year, the second row shows the number of go…
  • How do I code this in python? Â. Palindromes Palindromes are words, phase or sequence that read the same backward as forward Example: madam, kayak, 156434651 Write a program that determine whether th…
  • Suppose the column X of data frame df contains names of States such as North Carolina, North Dakota, etc., where the partial string ‘North’ appears in the data value. To find the total number of such …
  • Hello I am working on the following project. a program called The program should define a class called person that has one method called hello, and one attribute call…
  • All file input and output is done with what kind of data? (need full name)
  • How do I pass random values through the loop then split the output into a dataframe with X and Y columns? I only need 20 values to be output from the loop. Also, the outputs should be different each t…
  • Question 5 (20 points) Assume a sport in which two players (A and B) score points and the winner is a player who has at least 4 points and wins by at least 2 points. Write function point() that prompt…
  • Use a sentinel loop to write a program that prompts the user to enter a sequence of numbers (each number in a separate line) and prints: Total count of entered numbers The smallest of entered numbers …
  • The first index selects the row, and the second index selects the column. Write the following functions: in_matrix() that prompts the user for the dimensions m and n of a matrix and gets the integers …
  • Write one regex pattern to match any date of the form MM/DD/YYYY (hint: are there any special symbols for regex for numbers?). Ensure that the one,unique pattern you created can find the dates in the …
  • The purpose of this exercise is to allow the student to demonstrate their understanding of application development, the creation and use of classes and objects in Python, and using the other tools (se…
  • Given a stack myData: Tom, Sam (top is Tom), what is the output after the following operations? Push(myData, Hal) Pop(myData) Pop(myData) Pop(myData) print(Pop(myData)
  • . 1. Select one [or as many! correct answers to the following questions: (20 points: 5 points each) A. A geometrical interpretation of numerical differentiation and numerical integration for a veloc…
  • A Caesar cipher is a substitution cipher based on the idea of shifting each letter of a message by a fixed number (called the key) of positions in the alphabet. For example, if the key is 1, the messa…
  • Julius Caesar was not only a famous dictator, general, and cipher enthusiast, but he was also a best-selling author. “caesar.txt” is a file containing his autobiography, written in Latin. Design a com…
  • IMPORTANT: ÂThe FUNCTIONS shouldÂRETURNÂthe Value .**** Your functions WILL HAVE to take the PARAMETERS ÂIn this program you’ll have three functions 1. wordMirror 2. stringChange 3. onlyLetter Tas…
  • its not working class CipherTest(): def __init__(self, shift=0, left_right=’r’): self.shift = shift % 26 self.direction = left_right def shiftToRight(self, text): encoded = ” for letter in text: if l…
  • Code: import matplotlib.pyplot import numpy myImage = matplotlib.pyplot.imread(‘flower.png’) height=myImage.shape[0] width=myImage.shape[1] for x in range(0, height-1): Â Â for y in range(0,width-1)…
  • . Python Programming: The following table provides information on cities in the UK and their populations (note that London has been omitted as its population is so much larger than that of any other…
  • b) Using a selection method, fit the final logistic regression model to predict the churn probability using the data in the dataset (Churn is the response variable and the remaining variables are the …
  • What can I do to this code to make it satisfy this problem? : Create, a mathematical model of population growth in which the growth ratio is highest at a certain optimal population size, but it goe…
  • Please don’t copy from chegg and course hero. Â Â How do I write this Mathematica code into python? sfcyclelength[data_] := Module[{}, If[data[[-1]] < 2^64, Differences[Flatten@Position[data, dat…
  • Create a python program which will ask the end-user to enter their date of birth in the following format: dd/mm/yyyy. program will then calculate and display the following information: The age of the …
  • . a) Write a program to analyze a sentence provided by the user. Here are the criteria: Your program "L6Q" must start with a commented academic integrity pledge, DD Box, and p…
  • PLEASE DO NOT COPY AND PASTE FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE. ANY COPIED WORK WILL BE REPORTED. THANKS. Complete the following program using Python Language. Â Â. b. Create a cuboid object c1 with dimension l…
  • Here is everything this time. The is linked in a quizlet Any questions please ask Thank You So Much 🙂 Sorry its long HW6: Drawing Q…
  • You are given the prices of a stock, in the form of an array of integers, prices . Let’s say that prices[i] Âis the price of the stock on the i th Âday (0-based index). Assuming that you are a…
  • Please help with this small python program. I’ve included the problem and my code below. Thank you in advance.  print(‘Requirement 2________________________________________________________________…
  • . Problem 4. Using python function scipy.optimize.minimize, find the minimizer of the following functions i) f(x) = (1 -x)2+ 100(y – 22)2 ii) f (x) = (2 – cos( Tx) – cos(my))x2y Is the solution that…
  • Please don’t copy other people’s answers, I just want to know how to solve these two questions. Problem 1. Implement the Forward Euler algorithm in Python to find the solution of the following initia…
  • hi please help me to modify the code where i needed to return the indices of the 5 longest list in an array of array. csv file   QUESTION: Your task: Design an algorithm called select_tweeters tha…
  • implement a merge(list_a, list_b) function that takes in two sorted lists: list_a and list_b as parameters and returns a single list with elements from both lists merged into a new sorted list. The fu…
  • . Homework 6. Ordinary Annuity Assume you and your future employer each contribute HKD 1,500 to your Mandatory Provident Fund (MPF) account at the end of every month. Suppose it is the beginning of …
  • Program connect four using and determine a function that provides value in progressing the game. The details of the game will need to be in collections of data and this function should operate on thos…
  • Please develop a Python application that meets the requirements described below: Â Project Description: Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for th…
  • For this project, you will select two countries. Countries are indicated by the variable “V2.” You will also select one question from this survey. Refer to the codebook for the list of questions…
  • ……………… Write a program that will be able to handle unit conversion, as follows: . The program will ask the user what they want to convert: 1) weight or 2) length. . If the user enters 1 (f…
  • Create, a mathematical model of population growth in which the growth ratio is highest at a certain optimal population size, but it goes down as the population deviates from the optimal size. Th…
  • TOPIC: QUEUES ADTs Unlike Stacks ADTs, the Queue ADTs follows the FIFO or First-in-First out method wherein the items are allowed at on end but removed from the other end. An queue can be implemented …
  • TOPIC: STACK ADTs Introduction to Stacks The definition of Stack is arranging objects on over another. It is the same way memory is allocated in this data structure. In a stack the element inserted la…
  • TOPIC: Linked List Array Implementation of Linked List A linked list is a sequence of data elements, which are connected together via links. Each data element contains a connection to another data ele…
  • Topic: PYTHON with SQLITEÂ Database There are a wide variety of database types. Some are like a dictionary that automatically saves itself to disk, while others keep backup copies of the objects in a…
  • Dear Sir/Madam please find attached the images of my question. I need the answers and step-by-step explanations for each part of the question. I hope you will consider my request to help me to get…
  • SUBJECT MATTER: CERTAIN EXCEPTIONS When your program encounters a unique set of circ*mstances, an exception will occur. Suppose you’re about to open a file and it doesn’t exist. You may also remove it…
  • OBJECT-ORIENTED PROGRAMMING IS THE ISSUE. Until now, all of our programs have been structured around functions, which are blocks of statements that alter data. Procedure-oriented programming is a term…
  • Given two integer variables: player1value and player2value , write a single compound if statement that produces the output “player 1 wins!”. Do not produce any other output.
  • TOPIC; OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Until now, all of our programs have been structured around functions, which are blocks of statements that alter data. Procedure-oriented programming is a term for th…
  • TOPIC; OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING Â Until now, all of our programs have been structured around functions, which are blocks of statements that alter data. Procedure-oriented programming is a term for…
  • Exercise 2 In this exercise you will practice taking arguments, a bit of maths, and more iteration and returning elements. Add a Python function sum_squared_integers to the praco. py file that, given …
  • Exercise 1 In this exercise you will practice reading a line from input that contains several values, separating it into strings, iterating over a list, and returning values. Using PyCharm create a fi…
  • TOPIC: MODULE Module Definition Unlike function, module is like a code library that contains collection of functions that you may utilized to your existing application. A module can be imported by ano…
  • . Edit View Sign Window Help Home Tools CA2 Thurs night Sa.. x O 77.1% MA1008 Introduction to Computational Thinking CA2 – Programming Test A restaurant has a number of employees who are on hourly p…
  • Please help me solve this error below for both questions below: The error was: ————————————————————————— AssertionError Traceback (most recent call la…
  • I need help with finishing my python code. I have to keep reposting because the question keeps getting refunded. I included links to both and best_picture.txt in the comments  There …
  • why do I continue to get the following error for the question below: Â Âfollowing cell failed: 1 assert len(ANS52) == 2, “Problem 5.2, testing ANS52, type of value stored in varia… 2 assert isinst…
  • I continue to get this error for the question below with the answer I have submitted. ÂPlease advise what I am doing wrong so I can correct it.  The error was: ———————————…
  • Solving in Juypter Books…I have provided the code I wrote below under #YOUR CODE HERE. ÂBut I continue to get an error stating: The error was:Â —————————————————-…
  • Using the following list, do the following: Sort it in ascending order Print out the smallest value in the list Print out the largest value in the list [15, 70, 15, 38, 49, 98, 62, 89, 2, 21, 40, 74, …
  • Define a JES function to combine the top half of the Antelope.jpg with the bottom half of the Jackrabbit.jpg to produce a jackalope jpeg to save to your computer.ÂI have attached these two pictures t…
  • d’TE = mFE(t) dt2 d’ rM dt2 = MM 1FM(t) where the total force on the Earth consists of the force from the Sun on the Earth and the f of the Moon on the Earth: FE(t) = FES(t) + FEM(t) Similarly, the fo…
  • 2 Earth and Moon: Forces This lab will be available until March 1st, 11:59 PM MST The goal of this project is to simulate the trajectories of the Earth and the Moon during one year. You are given t…
  • Gmimj F(ri, rj ) = – -rij The function should take vectors (numpy arrays) ri and rj as well as the two masses mi and mj (floats) as inputs. It must return a numpy array that represents the force vecto…
  • difference vector rij and rij . rij = ;; is the inner product (or dot product, see below) of the vector with itself. For example, if we want to calculate the force on the Earth E due to the Sun S wher…
  • All quantities from the table are already defined in the template code in dictionaries mass, ro (initial position) and vo (initial velocity). Vectors Reminder of vector algebra and calculus: A Cartesi…
  • 3/5/ /6.2369038.qx3zqy LAB ACTIVITY 19.4.1: Earth AND Moon 0 / 110 Load default template… # add necessary imports 4 # constants 7 G = 4*np. pi**2 8 9 mass = { 10 ‘sun’ : 1.0, 11 ‘earth’ : 3….
  • Plot the x and y coordinates of the Moon with a dashed line into the same axes. 4. Label the graphs as "Earth" and "Moon" and add a legend. 5. Label the axes "x (AU)" …
  • FME(t) = -FEM (t) (Newton’s 3rd law). Integration algorithm Use the semi-implicit Euler integrator with a time step At = 1 x 10 yr rE(t + 1) = rE(t) + VE(t) At IM (t + 1) = rM(t) + VM(t) At VE(t + 1) …
  • 4 Earth AND Moon O This lab will be available until March 1st, 11:59 PM MST Using your work from the previous problems, you can now simulate the trajectories of the interacting Sun-Earth-Moon syste…
  • def _register_device(self, device_id, room_type, device_type) : pass # Connect method to subscribe to various topics. def _on_connect (self, client, userdata, flags, result_code) : pass # method to pr…
  • Code Below:  import copy def show_team(names, team_size): help_show_team(names, team_size, [], 0)  def help_show_team(names, team_size, result_list, position): “”” # Base case 1: we get enough p…
  • How do I change my code so that it only prints 10 single values for Âthe output? Â(Instead of each answer answer multiple times) Â Â pi = math.pi sin=math.sin x= np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, 10000…
  • Matrix calculation iteratively. Â I am new to matrix. ÂWhile I can get the r1 = (1/4, 1/8, 3/8, 1/4), i dont know how to get r2 onward, ÂPlease show me the calculation. Â. System of Linear Equatio…
  • Using Python, I generated random numbers and a math formula.  How do I pass the numbers through the formula and store the results so I can graph them and use them for other computations?  pi = m…
  • . Create a flowchart that will solve the following problems. Print or draw your flowchart using a short bond paper 2. 3. Accept integer values for variables X and Y. Determine if the values are equa…
  • Question   Problem 1 for the Data Set Shoe-sales.csv: You are an analyst in the IJK shoe company and you are expected to forecast the sales of the pairs of shoes for the upcoming 12 months from wh…
  • here is the code that needs to be uncoded: import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def ode_system(X,t,*params): #???what is the point of * ??? ”’ The ode…
  • here is the code that needs to be uncoded: import random as rnd def ffPoint(Re, rr): “”” This function takes Re and rr as parameters and outputs a friction factor according to the following: 1. if R…
  • Question: 1. If it’s not too much trouble, give the order that will achieve the accompanying assignment: You need to see all framework units that are both stacked and dynamic. What order would it be a…
  • Use input() to read line Use for loop to go over all symbols in the line Use created a dictionary to get the corresponding value for a certain key Instructions Scrabble is a word game in which word…
  • Think about the utilization of basic word first and early restart on L2 store misses. Expect a 1 MB L2 store with 64 byte blocks and a top off way that is 16 bytes wide. Expect that the L2 can be comp…
  • To get to information from an ordinary DRAM, we initially need to initiate the proper column. Accept that this brings a whole page of size 8 KB to the line support. Then, at that point, we select a sp…
  • How about we consider what dynamic planning may accomplish here. Accept a microarchitecture as displayed in Figure 3.55. Expect to be that the number juggling intelligent units (ALUs) can do all numbe…
  • With the instruction above, what are the code of good_apple_pix() function and the correct version of solve() function? Â Â The following is the provided starter code and the draft of my solve() fun…
  • This activity concentrates on the effect of forceful methods to take advantage of guidance level parallelism in the processor when utilized in the plan of shared-memory multiprocessor frameworks. Cons…
  • As talked about in Section 5.6 the memory consistency model gives a detail of how the memory framework will appear to the programmer. Consider the accompanying code fragment, where the underlying qual…
  • According to the instruction above, what is the code? Â The following is the provided main function. For detailed instructions and download provided, can go to this webpage: https://web…
  • How to read the first column data of multiple rows? output in the pic but I cant get the label name(not showing up) like 1 is total population dataset:…
  • Load the ggplot2 bundle, which contains the ‘mpg’ dataset. It contains information from 38 well known vehicle models in 1999 and in 2008. Then, at that point, make a thickness plot of ‘cty’ (city mile…
  • Question: A college has broad dataset on its graduated class, including past investigations, segment data by postal division, and past gifts. The college is wanting to send a grand handout and a gift …
  • Question: Complete the code of the accompanying two classes (Short and ShortArray) so the planned result is delivered when the program is executed. The Class Short epitomizes an approved positive shor…
  • Use the input() function to capture and store the elements of a person’s address.ÂÂ After collecting all the elements, store those elements into a tuple.ÂÂ Then, use the data stored in the tuple a…
  • This read ought to be secure: On the off chance that the short isn’t meaningful (alphabetic rather than digits), the message: “Awful Short, reemerge: ” ought to be printed and the section ought to be …
  • Chemical Features of Wine. Table 4.14 shows the PCA output on data (non-normalized) in which the variables represent chemical characteristics of wine, and each case is a different wine. a. The data ar…
  • Write a program to solve computational problems using structured programming. The program allows a user to practice addition, subtraction and multiplication of numbers. The scope of the program is …
  • . Question 4. Using both countries and recent_poverty_total, create a five-column table called poverty_map with one row for every country in recent_poverty_total. The four columns should have the…
  • At the end of the pirate_translate function, I get the new sentence I want but it doesn’t have spaces between the words. For the sentence entered in “You are a computer scientist.” it returns yebeacom…
  • You will find a set of excel files in a directory called rosters in the Coding Rooms workspace designated for this Extra Credit Project. Assume you do not know how many files the directory contain…
  • Need to implement a function linear_regression that fits a linear regression model, and takes the following two arguments as input: X: A numpy array of the shape (N,d) where N is the number of data po…
  • Hi Im having some trouble getting my python code to work properly. Can someone please help me work out why this is not working as it should and how to fix it. Â These are the links to the output Im g…
  • TOPIC: MODULE Definition of a Module Modules differ from functions in that they act as a collection of functions that can be dragged and dropped into an existing application. Another program can make …
  • URGENT PLEASE USE BASIC PYTHON LANGUAGE AS THE CLASS IS INTRO TO CODING PLEASE AND THANK YOU. Â. Problem 4 Create a new python file named lab5 p4 . py and write code that asks the user for 3 inputs…
  • you don’t care because you can use your method and don’t care about data, you can creat your own data like x1,x2 features and 2 labels(like x1: 3.2, x2: 4.7, class:1), please writ…
  • Question 2 (20 points) A sequence of numbers is in ascending order if each element is greater than the previous element. For example, list of numbers [ 2, 5, 6, 11) is in ascending order. Consider tha…
  • you don’t care about ,you can use your method to plot in python and don’t care data you can creat your data but like x1 x2 and label 1 or 2(2 features and 2 class), I can read csv…
  • TOPIC: FUNCTION An Explanation of the Concept of a Function Functions are mostly used to aggregate code that is repeatedly executed. You would have to copy and paste this code every time if you didn’t…
  • Implement a function called sum_odd_divisors that takes a integer n as input. If n is zero, sum_odd_divisors returns None. Else, sum_odd_divisors returns the sum of all the postive odd divisors of…
  • TOPIC: FUNCTION An Explanation of the Concept of a Function   – Functions are mostly used to aggregate code that is repeatedly executed. You would have to copy and paste this code every time if yo…
  • Load only selected columns from a CSV file and store them in a dictionary Implement the load_numerical_data(filename: str, column_titles: list) -> dict function. This file reader is similar …
  • TOPIC: LISTS AND DICTIONARIES Lists Multiple values can be contained in a list, which is a type of value. There are no values contained within a list value; rather, the term “list value” refers to the…
  • Project Description: Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on the number of years worked…
  • Fix TODO 1: First, add the options from the instructions to the_menu dictionary inside the main program. Fix TODO 2: Implement the “Quit” option, allowing the program to accept the lower- and upper-ca…
  • I have an encyrypted string that I am trying to decipher. I have a string that contains characters in the order that they are most commonly used: common_string = ” .ETOIANRSHLDUCFMGPYWB.VKXJQZ” Â And…
  • if having data sets below, how can I have the below code return 2800 rows for test_x. In [2] : # read in the train and test data train = pd. read_csv( ‘train.csv’ ) test = pd. read_csv(‘test.csv’ ) ta…
  • TOPIC: LISTS AND DICTIONARIES Lists – Multiple values can be contained in a list, which is a type of value. There are no values contained within a list value; rather, the term “list value” refers to t…
  • Write the following functions: "to_numbers(nums)" that modifies each element of the list of strings nums by converting it to a number. Uses exception to catch a non-number and print "Er…
  • Prime numbers are positive integers, greater than 1, which are divisible only by 1 and self. First few prime numbers are: 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 … Write function is_prime(n) which takes a positive integer n…
  • . Q1 – Identify the data scales and data types for each variable in census data. Identify the domain for each variable by checking the attributes’ values. Then, create a data quality report for both…
  • Show the output that would be generated by each of the following program fragments: text = “University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee” print (text.count(“e”)) text = “University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee” print(…
  • . RESULT: 1. 222222222 kilometers = 48118.987 inches Which direction would you like to convert: For English to Metric type: For Metric to English type: 2 To Quit type: 3 Input your answer ( 1, 2 or …
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please solve the following four multiple choice questions (they are all part of one problem), correctly. Â Â Â Explain your reasoning for each. Thank you.. Given a 4-D array, x o…
  • Access and read the article ” Data Types for Data SciencesÂ(Links to an external site.) ” on the Toward Data Science web site. What are the two data types identified in the article and what are examp…
  • #!/usr/bin/env python3 ”’ OBJECTIVE: The computational task for this assignment is to design an algorithm and write a python script according to your algorithm with appropriate functions. The script …
  • Machine learning explore, process and classification of credit card dataset. with explanation…
  • . CNIT15501 – Introduction To Software Development Concepts 5 Option 4 Nested For Loops Lab 1. A Multiplication table Nested For Loops Lab 2. N for N times with commas 3. The Table of Stars 1. A Mul…
  • File Display Assume a file containing a series of integers is named numbers.txt and exists on the computer’s disk. Write a program that displays all of the numbers in the file.
  • In a jupyter notebook, implement a recursive Âfunction anagrams() that computes anagrams of a given word. An anagram of word A is word B that can be formed by re-arranging the letters of A. For exa…
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please complete the following Python problem. Make sure to read the directions properly and make sure your program contains the require concepts and methods (sales tax, round method…
  • Can you add three methods to theÂStudentÂclass that compare twoStudentÂobjects. One method (__eq__) should test for equality?. A second method (__lt__) should test for less than. The third method (…
  • . Q2. Define a function to analyze a document dataset using Pandas (5 points) A DataFrame has been created using the attached csv file. You need to define a function named "analyze_cars" t…
  • Description: Using Multithreading to Solve a Real-world Problem In this project, you will be creating a multithreaded application to simulate the daily operations of a community bank. You will use…
  • PYTHON: i need program (without using built-in functions from scipy, etc) to find the roots of the equation: x – M – 0.9sin(x) = 0 by the Newton-Raphson method. Plot sin(x) vs cos(x) for 20 equally sp…
  • . beginning of the game; [ "1 15", "16"]. 3. The program will randomly select who will make first move (computer or the user). 4. User can choose any available positions, compute…
  • This project assumes that you have completed Project 1. Can you place severalÂStudentÂobjects into a list andÂshuffleÂit? Then run theÂsortÂmethod with this list and display all of the students’…
  • Question 1 1 pts Tuples can be defined as.. O All of the above O as sequences O a collection of objects that are ordered and immutable O they use parentheses to enclose sequences Question 2 1 pts Sets…
  • Using the following website (, what are the 5 highest-paid computer and information technology occupations for those with a Bachelo…
  • . 1. What is a Boolean value? (1pt) 2. What are Boolean values used for? (2 pts) 3. How do Boolean values relate to Branching? (2.5 pts) 4. Why is Branching important for a programming language? (2….
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please complete the following Python problem. Make sure to read the directions properly and make sure your program contains the require concepts and methods. Please refer to the ins…
  • I am trying to create a text-based trivia game in python, as a module. I have outlined my goals in the attached document  The expectations of running this game are that the user will select a catego…
  • 3 Guided Practice: Using Administrative Libraries     Guided Practice: Using Administrative Libraries Outcome You will be introduced to various Python Libraries useful to perform administr…
  • . assert self . values . shape == subset . shape pass # TODO: Your code here (~1-4 lines) def weight (self, subset) : : param subset: The current subset represented by a numpy array of O’s and 1’…
  • Hello I don’t know what I’m doing wrong.  import random def main(): words = [“Sandra Oh”, “Tree”, “Thor”, “Leash”] hints = [“Cristina Yang and Killing Eve star”, “lots of branches”, “God of Thunde…
  • Solving the n-queens problem with python Run it with 8 queens and with 50 queens and please show your steps one by one with clear instructions. Also show the complete code and results.
  • Hello Please Help we are using and drawing shapes. HW6: Drawing Q Search no @ Try Notion HW6: Drawing Objectives 0 Working with loops 0 Continued practice with functions definitions and if stat…
  • Question #1 Points : 5 One lap around a running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Write the function miles_to_laps() that takes a number of miles as an argument and returns the number of laps. Complete the…
  • Below is the problem that I need help with. Both problems are related to each other. I am able to complete Problem 3 and need help with Problem 4.  Â. Problem 4 – Dictionary of headlines Next we …
  • Instructions I need assistance to Write a script named . This script creates a program listing from a source program. This script should: Prompt the user for the names of two files. T…
  • Write a program to ask the user for their favorite item in a given category. Then provide feedback if their item is on your list. Use the following guidelines to write your program. Pick a category an…
  • PROJECT NAME: Social Media Automation Description The purpose of this project is to build a web application which would allow a user to upload content in the form of pictures with their associated cap…
  • Linear regression using Python import numpy as np from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression def loadAndProcess(file): Â Â# your code goes here… Â Â# use a random seed of 99 when shufflin…
  • MIST 6150 Data Quality for Business Analytics Problem Set 3 You are required to use Python to complete this assignment. The goal is to practice your skills of handling data using Python. It has two pa…
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please complete the following Python problem. Make sure to read the directions properly and make sure your program contains the require concepts (strings, if, else/else if statement…
  • Client and Server programs using TCP socket programming in Python There will be a socket, bind it to a specific address and port, connect to another application, and send and receive HTTP packets. Do …
  • Client and Server programs using TCP socket programming in Python The socket will Âbind it to a specific address and port, connect to another application, and send and receive HTTP packets. Do not us…
  • 2 Guided Practice  Guided Practice: Using Regular Expressions  Outcome You will be introduced to a widely-used method found in most high-level languages. Once you learn the pattern-matching capa…
  • How do I get this program to open the file that it edited?
  • Please see the tic tac toe as below and especially part 7 and part 8 I need more details on the instructions, thank you! Â Requirement for Test Part 7 (Horizontal Block) (Vertical Block)?…
  • Hello, Can you please help me write the simple python code for this program in the picture? ÂThe last two pictures are of how the program is supposed to function. Thank you for the help     ?…
  • Create a Standalone Python Script that will act as a TCP Server. The Server will accept connections on Port 5555 from TCP Clients Operating on the same local IP range as the Server. The server wil…
  • . Q1. Define a function to analyze a numpy array (5 points) File "hw2_data.npy" contains an array describing term frequencies of each document (which is referred to as document term matrix…
  • Write the code for a python function called updateData that accepts a loaded dictionary from PART A, a key (string), 2 whole numbers n and m, and a string that holds the name of a file on disk. This f…
  • Dear Python Tutor: Please complete the following Python problem. Make sure to read the directions properly and make sure your program contains the require concepts (strings, slicing, checking for equa…
  • ** PYTHON ** Â 1. ÂI have a file, steps.txt that shows the daily steps taken by a person. ÂI have this code to get the average steps in a month, but I need the program to count the number of days i…
  • In this assignment, you will learn the basics of socket programming for UDP and TCP in Python. You will learn how to send and receive datagram packets using UDP sockets and TCP sockets. Throughout the…
  • Remaining Problems (one file total): Filename:Â File for input: hotspurs.txt  While Laney was teaching in London, she decided to really embrace the culture over there by sitting in …
  • From the Book: Shmueli, G., Bruce, P., Gedeck, P. & Patel, N. (2019). Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques and Applications in Python, 1st Ed. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. (ISBN-13: 978…
  • A vending machine is an automated machine that is intended to provide users with a diverse range of products: snacks, beverages, cupcakes, newspapers, tickets, etc. A vending machine dispenses a produ…
  • Copy the main( ) program below (including the required #include lines) into your file and IMMEDIATELY save your file. Place your code for the required functions below the main in your file and IMMEDIA…
  • . Provide a complete solution to the following problem using the Python programming language. REflD THE ENTIRE QUESTION {flND THE EXflMPLE) CflREFULLY BEFORE DEVELOPING YOUR SOLUTION! PflRT A: …
  • Â Â Write a function called split(head1, head2) that takes two nodes. The node head1 is assumed to be the head of a singly linked list with at least one node while head2 is assumed to be an empty …
  • I am working on the following project: For this assignment, use the president_heights.csv file found in the Brightspace module. You *WILL NOT NEED TO SUBMIT THE president_heights.csv…
  • We all know that currently, we are going through a pandemic period. Several measures are now taken so that we can overcome this period and resume our daily activities like we did earlier. Educational …
  • I am working on the following code: For this assignment, use the president_heights.csv file found in the Brightspace module. You *WILL NOT NEED TO SUBMIT THE president_heights.csv FI…
  • Hi I could use some help here  instructions: For this assignment you will need to use Python (version 3.6 or above) and MySQL.  1. Parse the files and import the data in the database In the mood…
  • . Suppose an n-sided regular polygon is centered at (0, 0) with one point at the 3 o’clock position, as shown in the below figure. Write a program that prompts the user to enter the number of the si…
  • USE PYTHON AND USE NO IMPORTS IN PYTHON The file sample.txt represents a directed graph. Modify the following code to answer the below questions.ÂÂ def make_graphic(path): f = open(path) graphic = {…
  • Explain the different control structures in python programming
  • I need help with my assignment, in this assignment I must implement a counter for words in Wikipedia titles and find the top words used in these titles. Using the below template. My application takes …
  • need coding help, answers needed for the questions written in blue. In [2] : # 1 (0.5 points) # Some variable names below are invalid. # Write a comment below each invalid variable name explaining the…
  • Write a program that will do the following string formatting tasks: (1) Ask the user to enter two sentences. (2) Make each sentence into a list. Each element in the list should correspond to a word in…
  • On Your Own Here are some things to think about For this section of the lab you will write code that will randomly print 20 circles to the screen in various Each circle (size, fill color, pen size and…
  • . (Slope-intercept form) Write a program that prompts the user to enter the coordinates of two points (x1, yl) and (x2, y2), and displays the line equation in the slope-intercept form, i.e., y = mx …
  • . By one dimension, we mean that the object is moving in a straight line. There are five variables that put together in several equations for describing this motion: Eql: V =V, taxt Eq2: d = average…
  • How do you code for a list of matching words from this .txt file ? Â. In [9] : # Most common word common_wor…
  • Write a Python program to generate 12 random numbers between 1 and 100. Sort the list of numbers in ascending order and print it out. Sort the list of numbers in descending order and print it out. Cal…
  • what could be the issue with this model?. In [16]: model = Sequential( ) model . add (ResNet50( include_top=False, pooling= ‘max’ , weights=RESNET_WEIGHTS_PATH) ) model . add(Dense ( NUM_CLASSES, acti…
  • need solutions for all the questions. 1. What Would Python Print? 9. What Would Python Print? word = ‘Pythons are good’ = = [‘dog’, ‘cat’, ‘bird’ ] print (word [1:4) ] b = a[l: ] + [a[0]] print (word …
  • I’ve input the code below but it does not make the adjustments to my file. Could someone assist me? Â import pandas as pd # pandas to read the csv file import matplotlib.pyplot as plt # matplotlib to…
  • . Find Ticket Function Name: findTicket() Parameters: ticketDictionary ( dict ) Returns: cheapestTicket ( tuple ) Description: You and your Georgia Tech friends decided to see the Winter Olympic Gam…
  • For this program, you will process an existing data file ÂDownload existing data file. Using Python, add a line to the Performance Assessment5_5DataFile.csv. file programmatically, which contains you…
  • how would i do the bisect_alg? the other helper function we used was to find the midpoint  here’s what i have so far def is_increasing(x1,x2): return x1 > 0  def midpoint(a,b): c = (a + b)/ 2 r…
  • **Python**  Main link:  Sub link :  Scrap all these details fr…
  • I need help with my python code, thanks! I keep having to repost no tutor is found. I included links to both and best_picture.txt in the instructions for tutors: Â Instructions: There…
  • Create a Python program that populates an array variable, containing at least five elements, within a loop using input supplied by the user. ÂIt should then perform some modification to each element …
  • Numpy practice assignment  Using the data in the form of numpy arrays in the next cell, answer each of the questions below. For this assignment, no for or while loops and no if statements are allowe…
  • Write a Python program that creates a class which represents an Employee in an organization. The class includes a function that reads a text file called employee details.txt (A sample of the file i…
  • I got many same answers before. PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SAME. THANK YOU! Â Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy ite…
  • The focal point of this venture is on the utilization of navigational components to permit simple change between the different pages in a site, but other primary components will likewise be required. …
  • o o o o o Please explain each funtion . – Intercepts (ifany) Vertical Asymptote(s) (if any) Other Asymptote (if any) Domain and Range End Behaviours Interval of Increase Interval of Decrease Whether…
  • The goal of this assignment is to use the Banknote authenticationÂdataset to train a model that can predict if a banknote is genuine or not.  Download Banknote authentication dataset link : https…
  • You have used some GPL3 source code in the program that you have written. To satisfy the conditions of the GPL3 license, what must you do with your source code?
  • The index() method in Python determines if a string contains a specific sub-string. Describe the index() method’s protocol, i.e. the parameters that it takes and the meaning of the return value.
  • Strings in Python are modelled as objects. Name and describe at least three of the methods in Python that are available to manipulate strings in Python.
  • database=  Flag question: Question 1 Question 1  Compute the proportion of patients in t…
  • . QUESTION 22 What is displayed when the following code is executed? empty_string = " print(len(empty_string)) O a. "empty" O b. 1 Oco O d. "D" QUESTION 23 What is the resul…
  • . QUESTION 16 Which data type is the correct choice to store a student’s test scores in chronological order? O a. string O b. list O c. set O d. dict QUESTION 17 Which data type is the correct choic…
  • . QUESTION 7 What values are in result_set after the following code is run? my_set = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6} other_set = (2, 4, 6} result_set = other_set.difference(my_set) Oa. { } O b. {1, 3, 5} O c. (2…
  • . QUESTION 1 What are the contents of names_list after the following code is executed? names_list = [one’, ‘two’, ‘three"] digits_list = [‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3"] names_list = names_list + digits_li…
  • the npy, pkl and the complete file are in the link below, though they may not be used to Âsolve the question but I think it still can be used to check if the answer is right or wrong if needed Â….
  • construct kernel ridge regression model with python  please help with the pseudo code here: (1) here i want to implement k-fold cross validation def fit(self, folds, grid): CV_error = np.zeros(len…
  • I have run this code so many different times, and it is just not working for me at all.Â. previous_equal Given a list of non-negative numbers. Return a count how how times a Compile Error X ce number…
  • Â i.First write a decomposition for the extended problem, based on the description in BoxÂ1 above. This should be at a similar level of detail to the one given in the discussion to ActivityÂ2.21 …
  • Hello, I need to write a code about lunar addition and multiplication. Could you help mi about that please?
  • Run a parameter scan to test the effect of the prey birth rate on the amplitude of the prey oscillations. Use birth rate values ranging from 0.1 to 1.5 in steps of 0.1. Plot your results. (This should…
  • PLEASE DO NOT USE THE SAME ANSWER BEFORE. THANK YOU! Â Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are …
  • . QUESTIONS 1. Write a script that will: a. Create an output file named test.txt using the we mode (wt means we will first write to the file then read from it). The file should be created in the sam…
  • For the accompanying, accept these conditions, and work out the subsequent conditions. (5 pts. each) f(x) = x+2 g(x)=3x h(x) = 5x-2 (1.1) f(g(x)) (1.2) g-1(f-1(17)) (1.3) h-1(x) (1.4) f(h(3)) (2) Use …
    • Create a dictionary variable with the following data (0.5 marks) “head” : “heartbreaking” “mark” : “aboriginal” “ignore” : “step” “clean” : “distribution” “petite” : “activity” “valuable” : “overjo…
  • FinServe Ltd. (NYSE: FSL) is a worldwide venture bank and monetary administrations organization, with workplaces in 15 nations and in excess of 20,000 representatives. The association’s clients incorp…
  • Sorting is a frequently used operation in many data processing applications. Excel has a powerful sorting tool, available from the Data/ Sort menu. If it is desired to sort data under control of a VBA…
  • In this lab, you will establish an undertaking virtual sandbox climate that will shield the classification of the data from unapproved sources and the accessibility of this data for the genuine propri…
  • Dennis Devereaux is brilliant to perceive the requirement for man-made consciousness. This is an innovation the organization can’t easily overlook. In any case, he isn’t a financial specialist. Devere…
  • The data frame is called OJ and can be found in the “ISLR” package in R. When the package is loaded, enterÂdata(OJ) at the command prompt to import the data to your session. EnterÂ?OJ at the com…
  • Here’s an example of the expected output they want: (and want it vise versa). A Metric/English Length Converter In this assignment, you’ll build a simple utility that allows converting from English le…
  • Every one of the elements for a significant catastrophe are available at Middleton. The master frameworks proposition is expected to roll out an essential improvement in the manner the organization ca…
  • Welcome to Middleton E-mail You have 1 new message. To: MVargo, VP, IS arranging From: DDevereaux, CIO This is going to a harder sell than I suspected. I’m certain Hal Atkins has worked Bill out of it…
  • this task, you will compose a scientific survey of the accompanying contextual analysis. Utilize the accompanying rules to finish this task: Contextual analysis Assignment Guidelines (100 Points …
  • Question: A product module controls a vehicle park of known limit. Calls to the module’s systems enter () and exit() are set off when vehicles enter and leave by means of the boundaries. Give pseudoco…
  • Write a program that computes a kth percentile of a given list of (integer) numbers. An introduction to what a percentile represents, and the way it is computed is here:…
  • Obviously clarify the Clark-Wilson security strategy model and what it attempts to accomplish, characterizing specialized terms, for example, CDI, UDI, CW significantly increases, IVP, TP and inspecti…
  • Compose a Âprogram that peruses a string and a person from the console. The program should yield how frequently the person shows up in the string [a) A product module controls a vehicle park of known…
  • What is sentiment analysis? Explain and describe the process in detail.
  • How do you code this up? My code keeps crashing on me?  def add_name(names, year, rank, name):  Â “””   Add the given data: int year, int rank, str name   to the given names dict and re…
  • . Feel free to import any standard Python libraries you need as far as output and input of functions meet the requirement. Use the provided template to implement the functions. . You must name your fi…
  • Write a function called sum_odd_divisors that takes a integer n as input. If n is zero, sum_odd_divisors returns None. Else, sum_odd_divisors returns the sum of all the postive odd divisors of n.
  • Implement a Python function called momo that takes a string of characters and qui returns a new string that contains the characters one time each, I the same order, with their number of repetition…
  • Implement a Python function called triples that takes a string and returns True if there is at least one sequence of 3 consecutive characters of the same value, and False otherwise. Make sure the …
  • File for input: hotspurs.txt  While Laney was teaching in London, she decided to really embrace the culture over there by sitting in the pub and watching soccer. Ever since, Tottenham Hotspur…
  • Chapter 4Âcomplete the following Programming Exercises.ÂÂ #4ÂDistance Traveled ( but add an input validation loop to make sure the speed and hours entered by the user is not a negative number ) #8…
  • Logarthmic Code below: ”’ Note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. ”’ def LG1(m,n):  “””  Âusing the first method, calculate k = lg_m n  ÂThe only arithme…
  • I really need help writing the whole code its due 11:59.. Write a program to take sandwich orders for the Quad sandwich shop. If a customer orders 3 or more sandwiches there is a discounted price per …
  • This case-study examines the patterns, symmetries, associations and causality in a rare but devastating disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). A major clinically relevant question in this biome…
  • Written in Python 3. I need help doing relatively simple tasks with files. I understand that I need to do the following: two counters to count the instances of specific characters in a word use some s…
  • NEED HELP FIXING THESE TWO FUNCTIONS: Â from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) Â def pos_frequency(…
  • use Python but do not use any imports. The file graph.txt represents a directed graph. ÂModify the following code to answer the below questions: # file = open(‘graph1.txt’) # for line in file: # …
  • Python Class   Â. due: March 9th, 11:59 PM – Dataset information: 1. Perform Exploratory data analysis. (20) o What can you conclude …
  • use python to solve the question,please show your code and the results Â. Problem 3. Find the roots equations using the scipy.optimize.newton function . i) f(x) =23 – 1 ii ) f(x ) = 24 – 723 +9×2 +…
  • In Tasks 1 and 2 you cleaned a text file with words in English and then a class that can handle it in memory. Having access to this file with English words of size 5, and a python class that reads thi…
  • Hi, here is my code. I am wondering how I can make my program produce more than 1 of the barcode strings. as you can see I type in the letter A which has the value of 0 1 (look at the symbol_to_…
  • An anagram of word A is word B that can be formed by re-arranging the letters of A. For example, the word pot is the anagram of the word top. Your function will take as an input the name of a file of …
  • i wrote a code to convert binary to decimal and vice versa and need to incorperate them to write a code to takes a list binvals of 1 or more strings – each of which represents a binary number – and th…
  • problem_1_data:. In the attached file, problem_1_data. csv, you’ll find 1000 unlabelled two-dimensional points (Fig. I below). Select only one value for k from the set {2, 3, 4,5, 6} and: 1. Cluster t…
  • Python Programming – Conditional Statements  Write a program that prompts the use to enter 2 numbers and a math operator; program reads the 2 numbers and the math operator and prints out both …
  • problem_2_data_labelled: Problem_2_data_unlabelled: Â. In the attached files, problem_2_data_labelled.csv and problem_2_data_unlabelled. csv, you’ll find 500 labelled two—dimensional points and 1…
  • Write a program to find the position of a word in the given string
  • Problem : Wordle175. Â Â Â You have probably heard of the Wordle Game , a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous application to d…
  • Write a function that: (in jupyter/python) – Takes has one parameter (a float) and returns two floats: the area of a circle and the circumference of the circle. – Make sure to return the values and no…
  • Securing websites remains a high priority for all agencies, corporations, and universities. The OWASP top ten web application vulnerability list is updated approximately every 3 years. Read the most…
  • Given two integers that represent the miles to drive forward and the miles to drive in reverse as user inputs, create a SimpleCar object that performs the following operations: Drives input number of …
    • The spreadsheet dream-team.xls contains all of the data shown in table 9.18. using this spreadsheet, construct and solve a discrete optimization model that can be used to select the national men’s …
  • You should see that the mention of "america" happened frequently in the country’s infancy, but then became less common, whereas "british was really common early on and "jobs" …
  • According to the instruction above, what is the code of def good_apple_pix(pixs) and def solve(images, mode)? There are more detailed instructions in the following webpage (part 4. good_apple_pix()…
  • Receiving error below. File and folder. In [10] : TEST SIZE = 0.5 RANDOM STATE = 2018 BATCH SIZE = 64 NO_EPOCHS = 20 NUM_CLASSES = 2 SAMPLE SIZE = 20000 PATH = ‘/ dogs-vs-cats-redux-kernels-edition/’ …
  • Write a Python program uin. py that repeatedly asks for a valid TAMU UIN until the user enters a valid UIN. The requirements for a valid UIN are: Must be a nine-digit number Must contain only digits ….
  • Python Basic Coding No Imports Write a function primeFac that computes the prime factorization of a number: -it accepts a single argument, an integer greater than 1 -it returns a list containing the p…
  • I need help with my python code, thanks! I included links to both and best_picture.txt in the instructions for tutors: Â Instructions: There has been given some information about all …
  • . Example: say the key_text is "hi", and the plain text is "CS". Then the encryption key is ASCII(h) + ASCII (i) = 104 + 105 = 209 Encryption "CS" requires us to encryp…
  • Python Basic Coding Not Imports Write a function interleaved that accepts two sorted sequences of numbers and returns a sorted sequence of all numbers obtained by interleaving the two sequences. Guide…
  • PLEASE HELP ASAP WITH THESE PYTHON FUNCTIONS Â from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) Â def pos_fre…
  • Python Basic Codes Craps is a single player dice game, that proceeds as follows: 1. the player rolls 2 six-sided dice once if the total is 7 or 11, the player wins if the total is 2, 3 or 12, the play…
  • PLEASE HELP ASAP WITH THII PYTHON FUNCTION Â from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) Â def get_entit…
  • A Caesar cipher is a simple encryption tool. it was used to pass secrete messages between generals. A Caesar cipher takes a phrase and substitutes each letter for a letter that is in n positions away….
  • Task 2 (5 marks) Â1) Create a list variable with the following data (0.5 marks) head heartbreaking mark aboriginal activity valuable overjoyed abandoned snail tip 2) Add a word to the beginning of …
  • Why do I get the error iloc has no member. ÂI’m stuck Â. \Brittany Wynne\ PycharmProje 4 import matplotlib . pyplot as pit 6 J housing = pd. read_csv("Housing. csv") 8 house = np. array (h…
  • DNA is made up of four bases: a, t, g, and c. A DNA sequence is often represented as a string made up of solely these four characters occurring many times in different orders. Your code will have acce…
  • I need help with my homework assignment regarding Spark MapReduce. In this assignment I need to implement a counter for words in wikipedia titles and find the top words used in these titles. Using the…
  • Your doomsday prepping friend has decided to write all of their messages to you in code. You and they share a secret key, provided to you as the variable k, that is a positive integer. You have decide…
  • A working GUI tkinter application with at least two windows. Â 50 points ((JCT 9/28/2021) Pending second window call. ÂNot sure how that would be done with the author’s (Lambert) …
  • . Intro to Data Science: Analyze Word Frequencies with Pandas For this assignment you will analyze the output from Assignment 5A. Load the cav file you created that has the frequency of words used p…
  • llowing: 1. How does critical thinking relate to peer assessment? What strategies from this week can you apply when you assess Written Assignments? 2. At this point, you have completed a practice asse…
  • USE JAVA PROGRAMMING LANGUAGE. Â 1. ArrayLists and Object Aggrigation Create a Department object which contains a name (String), budget (double), and an ArrayList of Employee objects. Each Employee o…
  • just writing minimal code snippets or functions here. Let’s say I have some colour stored as the Pixel called px. We don’t know what colour it might be holding, but I want it to store the greyscale eq…
  • Write a python script called to create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. The specific details of how it works are below: When this script is run, it will present t…
  • Inheritance is the ability of a class to inherit the attributes and methods of another, something that allows us to reuse code and make programming much more optimal. Â Discuss the following: Can we …
  • Only need help with task 4 Â here is the docs link for scrabble5 (which is word5Dict after process), it is very long because of dictionary…
  • Evaluate the performance of MLP networks on the problem of pattern recognition in process “location” control charts. In particular, the neural network is expected to automate the implementation of the…
  • PROCESS MODELING USING MLP NETWORKS The task here is to design and train an “optimal” MLP networks to recognize the inter-relationships between the process input variables and outputs, using the 53 in…
  • How do I solve this without any modules only in python. View Insert Cell Kernel Widgets Help Trusted Python 3 (ipyk Run C Markdown TypeError: ‘NoneType’ object is not iterable This visually supports t…
  • Section 2: Visualizing Product Sales data Visualize the dataset in the form of a data cube where the year is on the x-axis, product category on the y-axis and sales information on the z-axis. Plot a d…
  • Write a program that updates and displays game stats for football players (Defense) at a local high school. Â Your program will read a file containing the names and ids of the defensive players.Â…
  • Only need help with task 5 Â here is the docs link for scrabble5 (which is word5Dict after process), it is very long because of dictionary…
  • need help inserting columns AirQuality , Pop , and Compared to Worst AQ Recorded into the Bik_dataset+colleges_dataset.tsv file. Â The only values that will be inserted are those that have state abbr…
  • import numpy as np from scipy.integrate import odeint import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def ode_system(X,t,*params): #???what is the point of * ??? ”’ The ode system is defined in terms of state variab…
  • The objective is to create a program from scratch with python.  Here are the details for your program (all numbers and their calculations explained below): 1. Make sure you name your program Inf…
  • . – Exchange a and b with b and a + b. – Increment i by 1. . Write b (nth Fibonacci number). Problem 7. (Sum of Powers) Write a program called sum_of_powers. py that accepts n (int) and k (int) as c…
  • import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter def ff(Re, rr, CBEQN=False): “”” This function calculates the fric…
  • This is the DNA FILE. For more information, visit the Nova/PBS website and demo at: The Assignment Write a Python script to print out the amino acid se…
  • How would you find the word “time” in the following sentence “At what time do David and Lucy walk to school?” using python
  • How would you 8:00AM from the following sentence in python? “David and Lucy walk one mile to go to school every day at 8:00AM when there is no snow.”
  • Write a program that updates and displays game stats for football players (Defense) at a local high school.  Your program will read a file containing the names and ids of the defensive players. Th…
  • In Python: Â Write a program that predicts the approximate size of a population of organisms. The application should use text boxes to allow the user to enter the starting number of organisms, the av…
  • In Python: Â Â ” Code is not working”: Â In mathematics, the notation n! represents the factorial of the non-negative integer n. The factorial of n is the product of all the non-negative integers f…
  • need Âhelp coding. Problem 6: Market Equilibrium When modeing market behavior we use two curves to indicate supply and demand. You can also think of supply as quantity and demans as want. When the tw…
  • Network UDP pinging program may be in Python: To measure the average Round Trip Time (RTT) between your client and my server To estimate the amount of segment loss over some testing interval The UDP c…
  • . 4. Sum the results from Steps 2 and 3. 37 + 38 = 75 5. If the result from Step 4 is divisible by 10, the card number is valid; otherwise, it is invalid. For example, the number 4388576018402626 is…
  • . In this problem you are to write a Python program to repeatedly prompt the user for the name of a student and that student’s major. Maintain three lists of student names and their majors: (1) thos…
  • PLEASE HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION: Â from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) Â def pos_frequen…
  • PLEASE HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION: Â from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nlp = spacy.load(‘en_core_web_sm’) Â def count_depen…
  • PLEASE HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING FUNCTION: def pos_frequency(text: Text) -> List[Tuple[Text, int]]: “””This function returns frequency counts of part of speech (POS) in a text. It must return the POS…
  • question tag:python & advanced math   Â. Problem 1. Implement the Forward Euler algorithm in Python to find the solution of the following initial value problems (You must convert the secon…
  • how do i solve this problem using right to left indexing by that i mean [:1] and still using recursion?. # Function 1 def dec_to_bin (n) : ‘takes a non-negative integer n and uses recursion to convert…
  • # create an application to collect a student information including # full name, student number, and 5 different marks for 5 different course # show the information of the students along with average o…
  • Exercise 2. Sentence comparison (30 points) MAKE SURE THAT THE OUTPUT IS SAME WITH THE BOLDED EXAMPLE Â Function name: sent_compare Parameters: sentence 1, sentence 2Â Return: An integer (the number…
  • Exercise 2. Sentence comparison (30 points) Function name: sent_compare Parameters: sentence 1, sentence 2 Return: An integer (the number of common unique characters in two sentences) and a list (the …
  • In this problem you will work with the data set a .csv. ÂUSE SPARK AND ONLY SPARKÂ Â (a) When a team is ranked this will be indicated besides the name. Create a comma separated file called rankin…
  • A working GUI tkinter application with at least two windows. Â50 points ((JCT 9/28/2021) Pending second window call. Not sure how that would be done with the author’s (Lambert)…
  • Please explain how the following would be done. When you make a modification on the code please comment on why that was done. Â Modify the below to be able to solve for a linear system Ax =b where ?…
  • here is code that needs to be uncoded: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter def ff(Re, rr, CBEQN=False)…
  • write a function/class in Python3 doing the following:Â read network stream (in JSON) on port TCP 3291Â write to local file keys “alpha”, “bravo”, “charlie” and their corresponding values.
  • here is the code that needs to be uncoded: import numpy as np from scipy.optimize import fsolve import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.ticker import FormatStrFormatter def ff(Re, rr, CBEQN=Fa…
  • I have finish task 1 and task 2 here is the docs link for scrabble5 (which is word5Dict after process), it is very long because of dictionary…
  • My problem is with the following code and input file. #Taking input for file name from the user file_name = input(“Enter the file name: “) #Opening txt file in read mode File = open(file_name, ‘r’) #P…
  • Programming Fundamentals COSC 1336 Python Lab #1 SPRING 2021 Professor: Onabajo   A movie theater only keeps a percentage of the revenue earned from ticket sales. The remainder goes to the m…
  • Given, complete the program that performs the following tasks: Import the csv file mtcars.csv as a data frame using a pandas module function. Find the mean, median, and mode of the column wt. …
  • Respond to code by showing how to correct any omissions or mistakes. (PYTHON) Â The proposal is: A gym has a list of business hours and max capacity of members, and a function to determine whether or…
  • . Assignment_1 (1) X _ Home x 3DSinusoidalANN X _ assignment7-go1 X Assignment_3 X Assignment_2 x assignment2-rboc X _ assignment1-tegt x + 0 X localhost:8892/notebooks/Assignment_3.ipynb … Len…
  • I am having trouble with the following program. Create a program called that has a function that takes in a string and prints the number of capital letters in the first li…
  • guide on coding a stride scheduler based on text file
  • Would you help with part c of this python code? I can’t seem to write f(x) correctly. The second image is the closest I have gotten. Â. 1. Find the following derivatives: 1 16352 (3.) Find and simpli…
  • Using Python for sentence split below: Function name : sent_split Parameters : sentence, delimiter1, delimiter 2, … Return : A list containing all separated strings Description : You receive one sen…
  • Using Python for sentence comparison below: Function name :Â sent_compare Parameters : sentence 1, sentence 2 Return : An integer (the number of common unique characters in two sentences) and a list …
  • please transform this in to lny by using Latex. The Lorenz Curve There are many mathematical models used to model the Lorenz curve. For this homework, we will work with the simplified Rao-Tam Lorenz c…
  • Can anyone help me explain how to execute get_threshold ?. o get_country ( ) Function purpose: prompt user for country name Function parameters: prompt Function return: country name Function body Prom…
  • For this program, you will process an existing data file ÂÂDownload existing data file. Using Python, add a line to the Performance Assessment5_5DataFile.csv. file programmatically, which contains…
  • can you give me the answers please. What will be the result of running the following commands? cd /tmp tar xvzf var-backup.tar.gz O The contents of the compressed tarball var-backup.tar.gz will be ext…
  • I have a question about coding in Spark SQL using python. I firstly have two data frames here. from pyspark.sql import Row customers = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ Row(customer_id=’1122334455′, fi…
  • Hello, This is a question related to big data, the MapReduce program. Â I want to work with key-value pairs about the visitor numbers of a movie for several weeks. The key denotes the name of the mov…
  • Hello, This is a question related to big data, the MapReduce program. Â I want to implement a simple text processing program with MapReduce. The input data is partitioned data about books, where each…
  • How can I solve this problem?. siwei@siwei-VirtualBox: ~/Desktop/opencv Tutorial$ /usr/bin/python "/home/siwei/Desktop/opencv Tutorial/" home / catkin_ws / src / turtlebot3_…
  • You must implement the functionÂget_nth(initial, n), which takes in a list of four elementsÂinitial, representing the first four terms of a sequence: a 0 , a 1 , a 2 , a 3 . It also takes in a pos…
  • How to solve this problem?. siwei@siwei-VirtualBox: ~/Desktop/opencv Tutorial$ /usr/bin/python "/home/siwei/Desktop/opencv Tutorial/" home / catkin_ws / src / turtlebot3…
  • For this assignment, create a simple Python packet sniffing application using the third-party library Scapy. You can use Python’s default editor IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) …
  • QUESTION 1 Â Using the prepared block of code at the bottom of this question, complete the argparse code to allow this script ( to take the following information on the command line: T…
  • Write a program that assigns seats to passengers in an airplane. The implementation can be in any programming language.
  • i have a function convert a a byte sequence to state matrix how can i convert those 3 state matrix message back? pythonÂ. def convert (self, flag) : return [[x for x in flag [i:i + 4]] for i in range…
  • py Create a program,, that takes in three arguments that represent the a, b, and c values in the quadratic formula. The values should be in two decimal places. You do not need t…
  • please help with the largest_bin(binvals) … the other problem is to help with the questionÂ. . Write a function 1argest_bin(btnvals) that takes a list binvals of 1 or more strings — each of wh…
  • Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. ÂThe specific details of how it works are below: Â When this script is run, it will p…
  • 8 LAB: Adjust list by normalizing – functions  When analyzing data sets, such as data for human heights or for human weights, a common step is to adjust the data. This can be done by normalizing …
  • Assume that you have the QUEUEAO.H as a header file. Using linked lists, write a programming to remove all blanks from a queue of characters. Â(Using AddQueue, DeleteQueue and IsQueueEmpty) in…
  • just writing minimal code snippets or functions here All I want you to do is write the minimal (reasonable) code necessary to display the odd numbers from 1 to 13 (inclusive).
  • # with open(‘word5Dict.txt’,’r’) as text: for line in text: for word in line.split(“#”): if(word!=’\n’): words.append(word) file = open(‘scrabble5.txt’,’w’) for word in words: file.write(word…
  • just writing minimal code snippets or functions here Suppose, somewhere in our code, we might have a string containing solely the text representation of a number (maybe of an integer; maybe of a decim…
  • Create a user with the login name bill.lumbergh, giving them UID 1999, and adding them to the supplementary group ‘management
  • py Create a program that has a function that takes one integer argument. The function will print a list of all values between 5000 and 8000 that is divisible by (1) the integer …
  • This is a python script, on a Centos VM. Make new clients called andrew karkov, amir herath, and marius sun. Their login names ought to be andrew.karkov, amir.herath, and m.sun individually. Make a ga…
  • Please don’t copy from chegg and course hero. Â Â Python please Â. Plot a countplot of wines data: use the seaborn library x = country top 10 countries Take a screenshot (you can take screenshots o…
  • PYTHON Â 1) Definitions (e.g., what is sentinel value?) 2) Code evaluation (What is the result of the following code?) 3) Short answer (What is the difference between X and Y?) 4)Translation (Convert…
  • can someone help me. i have a problem with my phyton code , did you have any suggestion or maybe a simple code rather than the difficult one. Â question: Â MY ANSWER IN CODE PHYTON: Â Â Â. You ar…
  • NEED HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING PYTHON FUNCTIONS (the test case for the 3 are at the very bottom) from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy nl…
  • Use the following output to determine whether the named service will automatically start when the machine boots. Explain how you know.  #systemctl status named ●service – Berkeley Internet …
  • NEED HELP WITH THE FOLLOWING PYTHON FUNCTIONS (the test case for the 3 are at the very bottom) from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter import spacy Â…
  • Hello, Â I have this data set to compute the globally maximal measurement value from all sensors (including the “BrokenSensor”). Implement your code in the global_max_measurement_f_map and global_max…
  • Please do not use any built in or imported function which determines the order of numbers.. A sequence of numbers is in ascending order if each element is greater than the previous element. For exampl…
  • I need help with this. I cant seem to figure it out tried a few different ways. Theres many pages so i will post in order.  Heres the first one _____________________________  Scenario  AppInvest…
  • In your own words, describe how to reset the root password if it has been lost. ÂInclude any files edited, commands run, configuration changes made, etc.
  • Write the configuration (i.e. commands run, files edited, parameters modified) to allow the amavadin Âaccount to run the  /usr/bin/locate, and /usr/sbin/raid-check commands with elevated privileg…
  • Create 2ÂSimple web/screen scraper programs (preferably using 2Âdifferent websites or try to extract 2Âdifferent pieces of information from 1Âwebsite).
  • 1)A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. Write a program that takes a positive integer bigger than or equal to 2 from th…
  • . 1 def check_duplicate(L) : Given a list of numbers, return True if a number has appeared more than once, and False otherwise. OVOUAWNH return False x = [1, 3, 2, 18, 9] y = [81, 5, 1, 1] LC z = [0…
  • . 1 def list_is_greater(L, thresh) : ""Return a list with the same length as L, where the value at index i is True if L[i] is greater than thresh, and False otherwise. > >> list_i…
  • Please help me with this problems and also I can’t provide the xlsx file it only allows screenshots  Â. Exercise-3 (20 Points) The Excel file ComputationalThinking . xlsx contains all the words tha…
  • python code Â. Python code: 1. Display first 3 characters of your first name by using the character *. Save your code as Hint: use print() Example Output # # H H
  • . OWHGU’I-FbLUMI-l def is_lucky(nums): "”"Return whether the given list of numbers is lucky. A lucky list contains at least one number divisible by 9. return False x – [1, 3, 2, 1s, 9] y…
  • Write a Python code to implement text classification using Multinomial Naive Bayes on 20 Newsgroups data . You can follow the steps given here to implement the Multinomial NB. 1. Download 20 Newsgro…
  • Write one regex pattern using the re.findall method that finds the stock tickers with only 2 letters in the following string: "AAPL MSFT GOOGL AMZN FB TSLA TSM NVDA V JNJ UNH JPM BAC PG HD WMT…
  • Please don’t copy from chegg and course hero. Â Using OpenGL: 1. Draw a “3D” cube with lines at the back drawn with dotted lines while lines at the front are drawn with solid lines. 2. Draw a colorfu…
  • Data: import pandas as pd url = ‘’ penguins = pd.read_csv(url)  (There are three species of penguins please Demonstrate a figure by…
  • In class, we learned several Regex techniques. Using the re module in Python 1. [Write one regex pattern using the re findall method that finds the three values ["abc", "abcd", &qu…
  • Data set: The Abalone Data Set (Source: Â. Data set information These data consisted of 4,177 observations of 9 attributes, detailed as follows. Name …
  • Implement a function format_sum that reads in four integers as a string in the format int1+int2+int3+int4 and returns their sum. To aid you, the following function, get_int(string, separator, n) is de…
  • . Module 5 Homework – Recursion Many of the problems used to teach recursion are not efficiently solved with recursion – summing numbers, finding fibonaccis, and calculating factorials are all probl…
  • Python will give you high rating for correct help Easy Python Problem (see pic) :Â Template Code/Guide (see below pic):Â ### Use this template import random class Card: def __init__(self, value, sui…
  • Python will give you high rating for correct help Easy Python Problem (see pic) :Â Guides are available on the template below on what code to put: Template:Â ### Use this template import random clas…
  • PYTHON Problem: will give thumbs up if correct Python problem (see photo) Template/Code (see below)  Template: ###Use this template pls!! class Point: def __init__(self, x, y): self.x = x self…
  • FinServe Ltd. (NYSE: FSL) is a multinational investment bank and financial services company, with offices in 15 countries and more than 20,000 employees. The firm’s clients include corporations, gover…
  • Design and implement ‘Store automatic system’ similar to the Apple store, allowing the staff to communicate and provide an excellent customer experience. You should build a Client/ Server-side softwar…
  • [35 pts] Imagine you are a small business owner, and you must decide the price at which to sell your product. You have historical data on sales of a similar product. Use the Python notebook titled ‘ P…
  • This assignment aims to test if you can write the code necessary to load a CSV file, sort and filter the data, then to plot two columns of the data against each other, with labelled points and axes. Y…
  • In an ipython notebook, write a container class called PriorityQueue. The class should support the methods: _init_():initializes empty priority queue insert(): Takes a number an input and add it to th…
  • Related to Reliable Channels. (Reference – Network Security, Secure channels) [20 marks] Reliable Channels are important to the resilience and security of communications systems. They rely on mean…
  • The purpose of this Hands-On is to incorporate all the programing concepts we have covered so far into one Python program. ÂConcepts covered includes: ÂSequences, Input, Output, Modules, Passing and…
  • Assume that you issued the following command:Â chmod 733 ~/distribution Write the newly-set permissions for the ~/distribution directory. Show your work. Write a single Linux command to set full perm…
  • Fit the full model g.main: salary ~ . Obtain the coefficient estimates, standard error of estimates, t value and p-value. Obtain the summary Estimated coefficients, Std. Error, t value, p-value. Run A…
  • A software module controls a car park of known capacity. Calls to the module’s procedures enter () and exit() are triggered when cars enter and leave via the barriers. Give pseudocode for the enter an…
  • Please help me Thank you so much! Â1-6 Btw I don’t want the answer from chegg~ Thanks a lot! For example, the following answer (You can think of it as a reference)Just don’t copy Â. Q2: In this …
  • Open file class_books.yaml – NOTE: Use with open(…) as XXXXX: to eliminate having to close() the file. 2. Use yaml.load() with Loader=yaml.FullLoader to read file class_books.yaml into a variable…
  • hello, can you write the code for this in python? thank you a. The club name (e.g. any name doesn’t matter) b. Monthly fee for regular members (79) c. Discount (on regular fee) for student members (e….
    • What file type is used by Anaconda for its configuration files? Â a) CSV Â b) XML Â c) JSON Â d) YAML Â 2)What file format is often associated with Microsoft Excel and/or Google Spreadsheets? …
  • . 1. Parse the files and import the data in the database In the moodle you will find a zip file with some csv files in it. Your task is to parse the files and insert them into the created database. …
    • What type of file is plain text with fields separated by commas (,) typically storing data in a tabular format with the same number of fields on each line (row) of the file? Â XML Â HTML Â JSON …
  • please do not copy from Chegg and course hero  ***Python*** Use one or more collections to improve the efficiency of the code. make it simple please. import os def savehtml(filename=”defaulthtml”): …
  • . Problem 5: Toward Statistical Analysis In this problem, you’ll write fundamental statistical functions. We assume a list of numbers Ist = [x, , . .., In]. mean(Ist) = (rotri+ ..- + In)/len(Ist) (3…
  • need help coding. Problem 2: Starting quantum computing Quantum Computing is a different model of computation imagined by the physicist Feynman. Instead of whole numbers, like we use in the Turing mod…
  • Write a python program to check whether a number is divisible by 5 and 11 or not.
  • lease follow the following requirements for your project, this shows a detailed breakdown for how the points are distributed: A working GUI tkinter application with at least two windows. Â50 po…
  • Thomas L. Pettibone is VP, data frameworks, for New York Life Insurance Company. Observe the clients who need the innovation – and sell, sell, sell. The present CIO faces a predicament. All around org…
  • IPO Chart for calculate the total paint required and cost to paint a room.
  • Dado el siguiente caso, identifique las etapas posibles para llevar a cabo una investigación forense cibernética :  Un empresario, quien además de tener una compañía donde se elaboran productos…
  • Assessing Remodeling Prices – Design and execute an exercise manual answer for the issue depicted underneath. Make sure to make the new exercise manual by first sending off Microsoft Office Excel 2007…
  • Question: Consider the accompanying turn-based propose-and-reject variation where we are given n men and n ladies and all kinds of people might start recommendations. Allow a temperamental pair to sta…
  • Question: You work for a small company that is looking to expand its user base and create a proper OU / Active Directory scheme in the same process. Your boss has tasked you, the system administrator …
  • Plan and execute ‘Store programmed framework’ like the Apple store, permitting the staff to convey and give a brilliant client experience. You should fabricate a Client/Server-side programming framewo…
  • Question: technique Dijkstra; start S := {1}; for I := 2 to n really do start D[i] := C[1,i]; P[i] := 1 end; for I := 1 to n-1 in all actuality do start pick a vertex w in V-S with the end goal that D…
    • Do the histogram shapes seem to change more or less across samples of 100 than across samples of size 44? Â – Are the sample averages and histograms closer to their true values/shape for age or for…
  • How much does the average age change across samples? What about the average salary? Â Â. Question 3.2 Produce a simple random sample without replacement of size 44 from full_data . Then, run your an…
  • . Question 4.1 We can use np. random. choice to simulate multiple trials. After finishing the Data 8 project, Stephanie decides to spend the rest of her night rolling a standard six-sided die. She w…
  • Python code needed. HINT: In the function pyramid(n), first write the docstring. The code between lines 9 and 19 will move to the body of the function pyramid(n). Do not forget to indent it. In part…
  • Implement queues using lists in Python. Define functions enqueue (list, element) and dequeue(list) that perform needed operations
  • What shape would be created by the following code? for i in range(360):  Âshape.forward(1)  Âshape.right(1)   Group of answer choices a diagonal line  b straight line  c circle  d squa…
  • What value input from the user would make this loop repeat? value = int(input(“Enter a number between 1 and 10 (1-10) > “)) while value > 1 or value < 10: Â Âprint(“That number is not 1-10….
  • Below image is slide 36, ( This slide is asked to refer in pre-processing for negation” Â Â negation_words.txt no not n’t none nobody nothing neither never hardly scarcely barely Â. 36 / 135 100…
  • Need help coding. Problem 1: Day of the Week The modulus operator is denoted by the symbol %. For ~%%y it returns returns the remain- der after y is divided into c a whole number of times. While you’v…
  • Cot 325 Programming language. 1. Write a program in python to get the number of rows using GUI. If the user entered less than 4 rows, display the message not to enter less than 4 rows and allow the us…
  • need help coding. Problem 3: Computing Relationships To match people, companies use trigonometry. Assume you have a list of people (po, pi, . .. . Paul, we find the two different people who have the s…
  • I am trying to have my GUI read the code in the source code input section and then it outputs the code line by line every time you hit the next line button, but I can’t seem to get it to work. Please …
  • Performance of the k-nearest neighbor algorithm crucially depends on the choice of k. Explain the pros and cons of using different values for k, for example k = 1 and k = n, where n is the total numbe…
  • Write a recursive function encode that takes a string as an input. For each character in the string add 5 to its ord value and then convert it to a character by using chr. Also write another function …
  • Use Python Pycharm 1. Given a string of odd length greater 7, return a string made of the middle three chars of a given String 2. Given 2 strings, s1 and s2, create a new string by appending s2 in t…
  • need help coding this in pythonÂ. Problem 4: lntersecting Lines Given two intersecting lines 3; 2 must —l— my 2 m1: + bl at a single point (r’,y’) means that y’ = muz’ +b0 and y’ = mlz?…
  • . In this program, we will be practicing with dictionaries as well as several other topics we’ve covered {text files, strings, while loops, etc.}. We will have a dictionary invDict that maps pr…
  • . QUESTIONS 1. Write a script that will: a. Create an output file named test.txt using the w+ mode (w+ means we will first write to the file then read from it). The file should be created in the sam…
  • ”’ Returns whether the first letter of string s is a vowel. Parameters: s (string): lowercase string without spaces, numbers, or special characters. Returns: bool: True if starts with a vowel, False …
  • Introduction In this lab, you are writing a function slashes_to_written(date_list) that gets the list in the [MM, DD, YYYY] format and displays it in a written format. Note: we are using the US format…
  • def higher_order_lambdas(): “”” Return a lambda function that takes in a multiplier and returns a lambda function that given an input will return the input multiplied by the multiplier >>> ho…
  • What is the code to the def max_dist(nums, target) and def sort_dist(nums, target)?. sort_dist Given a non-empty list of int numbers, and a target number, return a list of Not Correct X m000000 the or…
  • you decide sleep is for the week and wish to remove it from your list. How cany ou accomplish this? [‘camping’, ‘reading’, ‘skiing’, sleeping’, ‘rock climbing’]
  • Can anyone help fix my code. The problem that I am having are: 1)The view function is not working correctly. If the user selects a valid record number, it then asks for name, email, and phone number…
  • Please send me the codes for these: Â
  • . LAB: Multiples of ten in a list zyBooks catalog 23.5 LAB: Multiples of ten in a list Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs whether the list contains all multiples of 10, no mult…
  • . . It may be helpful to add some extra parameters to solve_puzzle not shown here. Feel free, but your function must be callable as solve_puzzle (1st). Submission At a minimum, submit the following …
  • . The following steps summarize the project tasks: 1. Task 0: program set up and adding short description comments in the header area. 2. Task 1: implement the following functions that judge each…
  • you explain how to input it correctly so the program will run correct with no errors. ACTIVITY 2.2. T. Initialize a list. Initialize the list short_names with strings ‘Gus’, ‘Bob’, and ‘Zoe’. Sample o…
  • I would like to generate multivariate sampling from any distribution.For example, x and y are correlated, x assumption is log-normal distribution and y assumption is triangular distribution. PS I’m us…
  • considering all the different aspects of programming in Python that you’ve learned. How can Python be applied to solve real-world problems? You may need to do a little research to find some interestin…
  • any help plz Grouping & Loc (building on Intro to Panda for Data Analytics parts 4 and 5) Â Find the total Sales and Profit for all Sub-Categories in the Office Supplies Category Final the total …
  • . Q3. Create a program to generate and output the Fibonacci sequence. Your program should ask the user to input the number of Fibonacci number to be printed. O n = 0 Fibonacci number F(n) = 1 for n …
  • . 02. Given that v = [3,,] a) Create a variable 1:23 that has the elements which are smaller than 5 b) Create a variable q2b that has the elements which are smaller than or equal…
  • I would like to generate multivariate sampling from any distribution.For example, x and y are correlated, x assumption is log-normal distribution and y assumption is triangular distribution. PS I’m …
  • . Q1. Given f ( x) = x’ + 5x +6, g(x) = x-2, h(x)=f(xx)*g(x) a) Find the roots of the h(x). b) Evaluate the value when x=-4, -3, -2,…, 3. Plot the f(x), g(x) and h(x) and label the axis in the gra…
  • class DataSet:   def __init__(self, header=””):     self._data = None     self.header = header   @property   def header(self):     “”” Return the value of the _head…
  • Problem 1 (20 points) Consider a learning scenario where the goal is to learn the target function f (x) = sin(xx) for -1 < < < +1 from two points in the training sets. The two training points…
  • In this lab you’ll be practicing with Turtle Graphics to create an X/Y coordinate system. You could reuse this "graph paper" to then create bar charts or other data points. The grid will be …
  • This is a natural language processing project, and the goal is to analyze the movie subtitle’s sentiment 007 NO TIME TO DIE.  The movie subtitle can be found here: Â…
  • In Python: Â Write a program that uses the loop to draw an octagon with the word “STOP” displayed in its center. The STOP sign should be centered in the graphics window. Remember to use a repetition …
  • class DataSet:  Â “”” the DataSet class will present summary tables based on   information imported from a .csv file   “””  Â def __init__(self, header=””):     self._data = …
  • Google Translate Superior Reflectiv… A ALEKS- My library > COMP 061: Introduction to Programming for Data Science home > 6.23: LAB: Exact change – functions zyBooks catalog Help 6.23 LAB: Exac…
  • Template class Car:  Âdef __init__(self):    Âself.model_year = 0    Â# TODO: Declare purchase_price attribute       Âself.current_value = 0  Âdef calc_current…
  • Question 3: Variable Scope [8.0 marks] For each of the variables in the following program, indicate the scope. Then determine what the program prints, without actually running the program. Write the s…
  • . e. Computing the balance of an account with a given initial balance, an annual interest rate, and a number of years of earning interest. [1.0 marks] In [ ]: DI 1 #Your’ code here f. Computing th…
  • Question 3: Functions with Implementation [8.0 marks] a. Your task here is to write full implementation of the function given in qustion 2.f. Your function should take three integer arguments; day. mo…
  • Make at least 3 test cases for find_movie_titles , find_and_phrases, find_urls , and find_valid_release_dates . Â Count table To help you know whether your functions are correctly implemented or n…
  • find_valid_release_dates (string_list) This function finds and returns dates from a text file that match a regular expression. You will write the regular expression. A valid date is any date that f…
  • I need to make a function for sentence split. I receive one sentence and an uncertain number of delimiters from the keyboard. Then I separate all strings in that sentence. Here is the code I wrote  …
  • I included link to. my python code and txt file in the instructions. Â There has been given some information about all of the movies that have been nominated for Best Picture in this year’s Academy A…
  • find_and_phrases(string_list) This function finds all phrases with the word “and” (for the purposes of this assignment, a “phrase” includes the word “and” and the words immediately before and after…
  • I need to make a function for sentence split. I receive one sentence and an uncertain number of delimiters from the keyboard. Then I separate all strings in that sentence. Here is the code I wrote ?…
  • import re, os, unittest def read_file(filename): “”” Return a list of the lines in the file with the passed filename “”” # Open the file and get the file object source_dir = os.path.dirname(__file_…
  • I need to make a function for sentence split. I receive one sentence and an uncertain number of delimiters from the keyboard. Then I separate all strings in that sentence. This is the code I wrote ?…
  • A cubic polynomial is of the form: 𝑓(𝑥) = 𝐴𝑥3 +𝐵𝑥2 +𝐶𝑥+ 𝐷 A root of the polynomial is a value, x, such that f(x)=0. Write a program that takes in the coefficients of a cub…
  • Here is the google link, to all the data and code:  Above link is of a folder ‘hw04’ which has furthe…
  • (Python) Dating App Scenario Interview Question Given a user Id Write/Design/Implement functions to: 1. like someone’s page 2. remove like from someone’s page 3. find the most liked profile it should …
  • . PDE HuttonDHW4Table.docx.pdf X PDE CITP1 10HW04.pdf X + X File | C:/Users/chami/Downloads/CITP110HW04.pdf 1 of 2 Q + Calculate the new balance for each set of input test data shown below. Use this…
  • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this problem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help O 2 Q 8 Wed Feb 23 5…
  • . Lab Exercise 5 This lab exercise is based on the countries and medals example in sec 6.7. The original code and output of the program are shown below This program prints a table of medal winner co…
  • DISPLAY IN CODE: [1] Write Python program to search the numbers (0-9) of length between 1 to 3 in a given string. String: Exercises number 1, 12, 13, and 345 are important  [2] Write a Python progra…
  • Can you please share your matlab or python/r/Mathematica code whichever you use. Thank you. Nonlinear programming optimization question Nonlinear programming optimization question. . Natural Oats is s…
  • Exercise 4: evens (10 pts) Edit the function evens so that it returns a generator that yields the numbers in the input sequence that are even, in order. Do not use built-in iter() function or create a…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for INSERTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 10000 numbers from an csv file .It should also display the execution time. Here is the link fo…
  • Exercise 2: number_of_vowels (10 pts) Edit the function number_of_vowels so that it returns the number of vowel letters in the input string, ignoring the case of the letters in the string. Note we do …
  • Part 3: String matching The library needs a tool to compare sentences from books. Write a Python module that performs the following operations. Ask the user for two phrases . Find all the m…
  • Part 2: Library checkout The library sells computer science books. A member can enter the books’ information and checkout. Write a Python module that performs the following operations: Ask…
  • Exercise 1: separate (10 pts) Edit the function separate , that takes a string as input and returns a list containing the individual characters of the string. Return all the characters lowercased and …
  • . Problem 1 Password validation Write a Python module that performs the following operations: Ask the user to enter a password Verify that the password meets some predefined requirements…
  • CSV files :!1487&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AhQMQIqJhz88GWk!1485&ithi…
  • csv files:Â!1487&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AhQMQIqJhz88GWk!1485&ith…
  • Exercise 4: How would you call the following function? def GetUserInfo(Greeting): UserInfo = input(Greeting)   Âreturn(UserInfo)
  • How can I fix an error in my script editor in autodesk maya? Â. … Script Editor File Edit History Command Tabs Help F of Of import welcome reload (welcome) # Error: SyntaxError: file <maya conso…
  • Problem Statement  You have been asked to write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on number of yea…
  • This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to determine whether a password exactly meets the following requirements for a secure password:Â The length of the password must greater than …
  • Data: import pandas as pd url = ‘’ penguins = pd.read_csv(url)  There are three species of penguins please Demonstrate a figure by …
  • def ptInCircle(x,y, circles_list):  Âfor (xc,yc,rc) in circles_list:    Âd = sqrt ( (x-xc)**2 + (y-yc)**2)    Âif d <= rc:      Âreturn True      Âreturn Fals…
  • Assume that you have the QUEUEAO.H as a header file. Using linked lists, write a programming to remove all blanks from a queue of characters. Â(Using AddQueue, DeleteQueue and IsQueueEmpty)
  • #!/usr/bin/env python3 def vowel_counter(target_string): “Does a thing, counts stuff, doesn’t work, fix later :P” vowel_tally = {‘a’:0,’e’:0,’o’:0,’u’:0} for char in test_string.lower(): Â if char in…
  • . [4] : #Create the function summarizeString which accepts a String (S). The functions prints to the shell (in the format shown) information about the String. G = ‘d456dert987ouhyr1265DWRT’ summariz…
  • I need help with this code in python. int randWalk(int oldValue, int updateSize) ; Inside your function definition for randWalk, write the code for randWalk to take an integer value and modify it by a…
  • My python code needed help. I included links to both and best_picture.txt : best_pic…
  • Using Python, Juyper Notebooks  I have attached screenshots of the instructions and my code. I’m also going to attach a google drive link to them for easier access  my code:…
  • You may have received mail where Canada Post has stamped a kind of barcode on the envelope. The barcode is meant to represent the postal code of your mailing address. Such barcodes are used by machine…
  • I have finish task 1 and task 2 Can you help me with task 3 Â word5Dict.txt is very long so you can create a small file contain English word separate by # for example: craze#crazy#creak#cream#cred…
  • Find the p value that gives the least error rate of the nearest neighbor classifier when Minkowski Lp is used. Try p = 0.5 ∼ 2.5 incremented by 0.1.
  • Can you write a recursive function,ÂdisplayFiles, that expects a pathname as an argument.? The path name can be either the name of a file or the name of a directory. If the pathname refers to a file,…
  • 1 Can you drive safely? Â This lab will be available until February 25th, 11:59 PM EST Â A person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) has been strongly correlated with driving impairment to the e…
  • How to reshape a dataframe into a rank 2 matrix in Python using pandas and numpy? Answer Line 30 specifically.Â. X = np . array (df2 [ ‘PRICE ‘] ) y = np. array (df2 [ [ ‘LSTAT’ , ‘DIS’, ‘RM’ , ‘IN…
  • We often need to determine quickly whether or not some values are the same, or are different, or are in sorted order. For this first part of the assignment, you will write several functions to answer …
  • This is a python script, on a Centos VM. Â ÂCreate new users called andrew karkov, amir herath, and marius sun. ÂTheir login names should be andrew.karkov, amir.herath, and m.sun respectively. Â C…
  • Respond to proposal below by writing python code that creates a class with those attributes and functions. This doesn’t have to be perfect, but it should be in the ballpark.  Proposal: A circle ha…
  • Problem 2 – Pick 2 companies preferably from the same sector of interest (try to pick companies with more data points, an example can be Microsoft and IBM). Perform topic trend analysis using the text…
  • Write a Python function to display a menu as follows Enter A. To Calculate Student’s Average B. To Display if Student will Graduate C. To Calculate the Sum of Three Numbers D. To Calculate Employees W…
  • in python using this api the cases for each date are a running total i need to get ouput: the month with the highest …
  • Question: Make certain to clarify your code and results in R-scratch pad text blocks (rather than remarks in R-code blocks). 1. Compose the “coloring” document viewed as in the “DAAG” bundle to plate …
  • Please provide python solution sharing the imports and questions below Â. Task 1 1 Write a function linear_regression that fits a linear regression model, and takes the following two arguments as inp…
  • please help. The Lorenz Curve There are many mathematical models used to model the Lorenz curve. For this homework, we will work with the simplified Rao-Tam Lorenz curve, as defined by: L(x) = x, wher…
  • Exercise: In week 4, you wrote a program to read through the text file mbox-short.txt and printed all the from email address of the file (line by line). Now, find out which weekday the email was sent …
  • In this exercise, we will build a logistic regression classifier to classify whether a specific wine is a white (class label 0) or red (class label 1) wine, based on its features. Use of automatic l…
  • Ask for a 4-digit positive number and then print out each digit one at a time, in order from right to left. So, if the number was 8372, then it should print 2, 7, 3 and then 8 on separate lines. In py…
  • This is a python problem: Â for the equation: Ây=x^2-x+1 print out a table containing x and y when x = 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25 Â so something like: x y 1 1 2 3 4 13
  • . In this exercise, we will build a logistic regression classifier to classify whether a specific wine is a white (class label 0) or red (class label 1) wine, based on its features Use of automatic …
  • Question: 1. If it’s not too much trouble, give the order that will achieve the accompanying undertaking: You need to see all framework units that are both stacked and dynamic. What order would it be …
  • I have finish task 1 and need help with task 2 Â task 1 code: words = [] with open(‘word5Dict.txt’, ‘r’) as infile: Â Âfor line in infile: Â Â Â Âfor word in line.strip().split(‘#’): Â Â Â ?…
  • Question: Utilizing this SAS code: Information POISSON; u = 1; do I = 0 to 2 by 1; Likelihood = CDF(‘POISSON’,i,U); yield poisson; end; PROC PRINT information poisson; RUN;QUIT; How would I appropriat…
  • Inquiries to Answer DELIVERABLES: Upload every one of the accompanying 6 expectations as a different record to Canvas #1 – a text report responding to questions A, B, C, D, E #2 – a screen capture of …
  • Similarly as we can pipe from ls or ps to egrep, we can likewise pipe from ls or ps to awk. Here you will pipe the aftereffects of ls – l activities to awk. We need to include the quantity of sections…
  • Question: CIT 371 Lab 9: Regular Expressions and sed and awk Due date Begin your VM and sign in as yourself. Open a terminal window and swtich to Student accoount. You will utilize the record ~Student…
  • Question: 1) Consider an exchange handling framework that contains a “front-end” processor, which acknowledges and interpret client questions showing up from an enormous number of terminals and organi…
  • The results should look like the document. It should have a main. Â. Console if the contacts file is not found Contact Manager Could not find contacts file! Starting new contacts file. . . COMMAND ME…
  • Question: For  Âthi  s  Assignment, you will think about the I/O acted in the strung sort Assignment from Week 2 and how the I/O adds to the presentation of the strung sort. Applying the standa…
  • I would like to write this code in Python and need someone to help me.  βÂ= P (Accepting H 0 /H 1 ) = P (xÌ… > 17.793/ μ = 16) = 0.05 i.e P ((xÌ… – μ) / (σ/ √n) > (17.793-16)/ (6/√n…
  • in python programming what is the most difficult question? Â provide examples
  • in python programming what is the most difficult fnjfjd dkjfslfa  sdln
  • Consider the following recursive algorithm: Procedure function(double x, int y) { if x = 0 , then return 0; else if y = 0, then return 1; else return x * function(x, y – 1); } where y is a positive in…
  • scale() and MinMaxScaler() Load the hmeq_small.csv data set as a data frame. Standardize the data set as a new data frame. Normalize the data set as a new data frame. Print the means and standard devi…
  • Week 8 – Exercises  Instructions: Do your homework in RStudio. Start with a new notebook file in the source window. Create only one notebook file. Compile the results into an HTML file. Upload only …
  • Can some one help me with a python code for SELECTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 10000 numbers from an csv file. It should also display the execution time . Here is the link f…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for BUBBLE sort, which should take the data from a data set of 10000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www.k…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for INSERTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 10000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://ww…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for INSERTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www….
  • Can some one help me with a python code for Shell sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www.kagg…
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 4.4.2: Basic if-else expression. 375510.2350218.qx3zqy7 V Jump to level 1 1 Write an expression that will cause the following code to print "greater than -15" if the v…
  • Write a program that will output the volume of a ball. Ask for the radius. In python
  • I want to generate the total number of occurrences for each side, store them in a dictionary as a returned value. I got a total number of occurrences for each side but I would like to print them like….
  • . [1] : #Create the function removeDigits which accepts a List (L) of String values. They -function returns a new list with containing only the Strings from I thaty -cannot be interpreted as digits….
  • A Metric/English Length Converter In this assignment, you’ll build a simple utility that allows converting from English length units (miles, feet, inches) to metric length units (kilometers, meters, c…
  • . Exercise Now, using the examples and what you’ve learned following this lab, fill out a function that performs PCA on a set of m x n points, returning the principal components P of the given point…
  • Question: Display total count of Products Display total count of Orders Display total count of Customers Display total count of OrderItems Display customer name with atleast one order Â(Expected Ou…
  • I need help to write a code for this exercise. # B. front x # Given a list of strings, return a list with the strings # in sorted order, except group all the strings that begin wit…
  • 0001 #include «stdio.h> 0002 0003 #define EXERCISE TYPES 3 0004 0005 int main(void) 0006 f 0007 0008 0009 0010 const char exercise[BEXERCISE _TYPES] = [‘S r.WH const int swimming = 20; const doubl…
  • using procedural python prog.  and this json api:  i need to output: most recent date with no new confirmed cases:…
  • (6 pts) Define a class named bidict (bidirectional dict) derived from the dict class; in addition to being a regular dictionary (using inheritance), it also defines an auxiliary/attribute dictionar…
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 4.2.2: Basic if-else. 375510.2350218.qx3zqy7 V Jump to level 1 Write an if-else statement for the following: If num_difference is equal to -16, execute total_difference = -25. E…
  • from collections import namedtuple def init_periodic_table(): Element = namedtuple(“Element”, [“name”, “symbol”, “atomic_mass”]) table = { “H” : Element(“Hydrogen”, “H”, 1.00794),”He” : Element(“Heliu…
  • Write a program that predicts the approximate size of a population of organisms. The application should use text boxes to allow the user to enter the starting number of organisms, the average daily po…
  • When day comes we ask ourselves, where can we find light in this never-ending shade? The loss we carry, a sea we must wade. We’ve braved the belly of the beast, We’ve learned that quiet isn’t always p…
  • In this problem you will work with the data set cfb.csv. ÂUSE SPARK AND ONLY SPARKÂ Â (a) When a team is ranked this will be indicated besides the name. Create a comma separated file called ranki…
  • using procedural programming and this json api:  the value for each date is a running total: -I need to get the date w…
  • Chrome File Edit View History Bookmarks Profiles Tab Window Help 8 9 8 0 Wed Feb 23 2:19 PM . . . Quiz: Module 6 quiz x Course Hero x | + < > C a…
  • Part A Create a new Python script called This script should contain the following: A shebang A docstring with your name and student number A main block (ie. if __name__ == “__main__”:) Now…
  • PLEASE USE BASIC PYTHON LANGUAGE AS THE CLASS IS CS-1113 an intro to computer science please and thank you if gou can explain i would appreciate it as it will help me study for an exam  I want to un…
  • COMP 2152 – Assignment 1 – Winter 2022 Important: ● This is an individual assignment (complete the requirements on your own). ● Do not share the assignment requirements with any former or future s…
  • This problem comes from this file, and I want to know why the answer to problem2 Partb shows a Type error. Is it t…
  • . PE2 Strings Page 2 of 2 Example Output Welcome to a new semester! Name: John Smith Courses: ET123 MA456 ENGL 789 4. Write a program to perform the following. Save your code as a) Create …
  • what is a single command that will determine if the package called octavo is installed on our machine
  • Need the exact output for this code. Thank you. Home youtube m HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login |Outlook cengage My lab Stat Write a Python program that prompts the user for the cost of two items to be …
  • Need the exact output for this code. Thank you.. 4 Word Range Problem Submissions Leaderboard Discussions Write a Python program that prompts the user for a word. If the word comes between the words a…
  • In mathematics, the notation n! represents the factorial of the non-negative integer n. The factorial of n is the product of all the non-negative integers from 1 to n. For example, 7! = 1 × 2 × 3 …
  • In chapter 4, you saw an example of a loop that draws an octagon. Write a program that uses the loop to draw an octagon with the word “STOP” displayed in its center. The STOP sign should be centered i…
  • . Write it in Python Write a program that takes an input user message and translates it to Morse code. Morse code is an encoding scheme that uses dots and dashes to represent an input stream of char…
  • Hi, can you please assist with the below code.  Everything i need the code to do is working, except i need to change/ add a different output path for the newly created directory’s, i don’t want th…
  • Write a Python program that stores data about individuals in one dictionary and stores data about marriages in a different dictionary. Your program must combine the data in the two dictionaries and pr…
  • WRITE A PYTHON PROGRAM Write a menuÂdriven python program that will display the following menu: Chose one of the following options: 1. Calculate x to the power of n 2. Calculate factorial of n…
  • write a simple python script that will ask for a magic word. It should keep asking until the user inputs “please”. the script should tell how many attempts the user made
  • I have a question about coding in Spark. Here is the data: movie_stats = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ (“MovieA”, [(1, 100), (2, 20), (3, “50”)]), (“MovieC”, [(1, 100), (2, “250”), (3, 100), (4, “1…
  • I have a question about Spark coding. I have this dataset to use. Â sensor_measurements = spark.sparkContext.parallelize([ (“Sensor1”, 12.3), (“Sensor2”, 9.3), (“Sensor3”, 2.7), (“BrokenSensor”, 1000…
  • Hi Team , Need your help to finish one of my project assignments. This is part of IOT project using Python codes, this expects the simulation using MQTT tool. I have pasted the detail of the require…
  • Please don’t copy from chegg and course hero   Digital Image Processing please provide the complete correct code in PYTHON if you get the right result can you please provide the screenshots of you…
    • Build the ItemToPurchase named tuple with the following atributes: (3 pts) item_name (string) item_price (float) item_quantity (int) Hints: Define your namedtuple in a place where other Python pro…
  • Network program may be in Python or C Â(preferably python): To measure the average Round Trip Time (RTT) between your client and my server To estimate the amount of segment loss over some testing…
  • Please write code in Python to answer the question. (12 points) Recall that numpy . polyfit can be used to find a bounded degree polynomial that fits data well. Show clear examples of overfitting and …
  • Please write code in Python to solve problem using sklearn package. 3. (12 points) In this problem, you are asked to use decision trees for regression with two different target loss functions: minimum…
  •  Q1. Explore the credit card data set provided. You can also access it from …
  • Given you a file of gene sequences, please use basic for or while methods to read and format them as required data s…
  • Hi all,  I am having trouble getting my code to function for the following question.  Create a program called that has a function that takes four integer arguments. Those arguments …
  • Please refer to the picture for questions. what will be the frequent itemset after Pass 2 and Pass 3 using A-priori algorithm? Â. Question 1 Frequent Itemsets, 20/100 points. a) Table 1 shows a list …
  • Why the holdout method for model selection suggests to separate the data into three parts: a training set, a validation set, and a test set? What is learning curve? Base on learning curve, how do you …
  • Today is had a python quiz. Im little worried if i got the wrong answer. I wrote iut the question and results i got. The question may have differnt numbers, wording but sam format. Please go ov…
  • What is learning curve? Base on learning curve, how do you know if the model is over fitting or not?
  • CalculateÂtheÂaccuracy,ÂprecisionÂandÂrecallÂbasedÂonÂtheÂfollowingÂconfusionÂmatrix.  |ÂÂ|ÂpredictedÂN0Â|ÂpredictedÂYes| |–|————–|————-| |ActualÂNo|Â50Â|Â1…
  • fromÂsklearnÂimportÂdatasets dfÂ=Âdatasets.load_wine() XÂ=Â yÂ=Â  Given a data set (wine), split data (20% test), apply pipeline to standardize the data, classify the data u…
  • fromÂsklearnÂimportÂdatasets dfÂ=Âdatasets.load_wine() XÂ=Â yÂ=Â  1) InÂtheÂaboveÂdataÂset,ÂfitÂKNNÂusingÂ10 foldÂcrossÂvalidationÂandÂgridÂsearchÂtoÂoptimize…
  • class A: def _init_(self, a = 5): self. a = a print(self.a, "la") def f1(self): self. a += 10 print(self.a, "2a") ENIX class B(A): def_init_(self, b = 0): A._init (self, 4) self.b …
  • Dear tutor Please create a pythonÂmodule   def update_transactions(file_path: str, transaction_list: list):  “””  ÂYou are part of a team tasked to create an application that helps b…
  • Use Jupyter notebook to solve this using sklearn package or scikitlearn.. 3. (12 points) In this problem, you are asked to use decision trees for regression with two different target loss functions: m…
  • . 9. (13 points) Write all execution output for the following programs, and if the code is not correct and would produce and error, describe the error: (c) 1st Variable = 3.14 print IstVariable + in…
  • for this practice, we are not allowed to use- string slicing, for loops, dot notation, or “import” anything. It is supposed to use while loops and a counter. I received help yesterday, but no matter w…
  • The results should look like the document. It should have a main the “feet” should have it’s on function Â. Create a program that converts the number of miles that you walked on a hike to the numbe…
  • PLEASE USE BASIC PYTHON LANGUAGE AS THE CLASS IS CS-1113 an intro to computer science please and thank you if you can explain i would appreciate it as it will help me study for an exam  I want to un…
  • Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. ÂThe specific details of how it works are below: ÂWhen this script is run, it will pr…
  • Explore the credit card data set provided. You can also access it from the this link (…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for SELECTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://docs…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for BUBBLE sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://docs.go…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for INSERTION sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://docs…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for Shell sort, which should take the data from a data set of 100 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â…
  •  Above link is of a folder ‘hw04’ which has further folders of ‘code’ and ‘data’ We need to open the code folder,…
  • Write a CSV file ‘hornets_stats.csv’ using Python’s csv.write() function  CSV files are plain text files used to store data in a tabular format, with each piece of data separated by a comma (,) Pyth…
  • What is the Address Class of the above problem? 2. What is the default subnet mask of the above problem? 3. Give the custom subnet mask of the above problem. 4. Give the total number of subnets. 5….
  • ********** please answer the following question python only For this lab, you will be enhancing the ‘movie renege’ example that we covered in class, which is provided by the SimPy documentation. Â In…
  • 7 LAB: dropna() and fillna() Load the data set hmeq_small.csv (Nicapotato. “Vallala, Ajay. “HMEQ_Data.” Kaggle, 25 Mar. 2018, as a data frame. Create a new data f…
  • . Problem : Wordle 175. You have probably heard of the Wordle Game, a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous application to draw a…
  • Read the charlotte_hornets.txt file into a list … 1. Create an empty list assigned to a variable named hornets_stats 2. Read file charlotte_hornets.txt using Python’s open() function. – NOTE: Use wi…
  • I need help creating a flowchart to DESIGN a solution for my scenario   my scenario is  8 friends are collecting sea cucumbers by the beach, by the end of the day, each of them would validate if…
  • Programming Project: implement a merge(list_a, list_b) function that takes in two sorted lists: list_a and list_b as parameters and returns a single list with elements from both lists merged into a…
  • Programming Project: implement a merge(list_a, list_b) function that takes in two sorted lists: list_a and list_b as parameters and returns a single list with elements from both lists merged into a ne…
  • txt aahed#aalii#aargh#abaca#abaci#aback#abaft#abaka#abamp#abase#abash#abate#abaya#abbas#abbes#abbey#abbot#abeam#abele#abets#abhor#abide#abled#abler#ables#abmho#abode#abohm#aboil#aboma#aboon#…
  • Topics: class, object, instantiation, basic inheritance Problem Statement: The purpose of this lab assignment is to gain experience in python’s inheritance feature. Lab Scenario: 1. You are given the …
  • Colab :  Solve the Last Question(Q.5) Only. ÂRemaining all are solved. Â. Q.5 If a player is supposed to win t…
  • I have a python solution that is giving me an incorrect output but I can’t seem to find what the issue is. Â Problem 1 Interval Bisection Search and Golden Section Search – 1-D Optimization We have l…
  • Using Python, Juypter Notebook I can’t figure out why I’m getting errors, why Part D has no output and I can’t figure out Parts E, F, and G Â. Declared Disaster X Digital Real Estate X FSA Public Ser…
  • Using Python, Juypter Notebook I can’t figure out why I’m getting errors, why Part D has no output and I can’t figure out Parts E, F, and G my code
  • Assignment Specifications Problem : Wordle175. You have probably heard of the Wordle Game, a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous …
  • Prove that the derivative of the sigmoid function can be written as o’ (z) = o(z) . (1 – o(z)). do(wx+b) 2. Using the chain rule of differentiation, prove that =o(w x+b) . (1 – o(w x+b)) . x. Sw
  • Assignment should be done on individual basis. Â Q1 Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (the data source fish.csv can be foun…
  • I need help editing my python code, thanks. I included links to both and best_picture.txt in the instructions. import re, os, unittest def read_file(filename): “”” Return a list of the…
  • The output of the following code in python is 19.999 something. But i dont understand how it works. How do i interpret it on paper to get the answer? Explain please Â. def Mystery(n): z = 0 for i in …
  • Problem 7 Let’s say we have several observed values for the percent change for each of the stocks in the collection below. a. Write a program that replaces the lists of values for each stock with the …
  • Question: An outline of the framework you will display is displayed in Figure 1. It is made out of the following parts: 1. An electrocardiographic (ECG) indicator (ws a subject’s circulatory strain) 4…
  • Assume a host chooses for utilize a name server not inside its association for address goal. When might this bring about not any more add up to traffic, for questions not found in any DNS store, than …
  • Practice #6 Utilizing the Caesar Cipher (ROT-3), change these lines of text 1. pdwk iru fbehuvhfxulwb lv doprvw ryhu!! 2. Zkhq zloo pb vfkrro eh grqh iru jrrg? 3. Rqh ri pb idyrulwh errn vhulhv ri doo…
  • Question: To execute a Rest API for the library which fulfills the underneath necessities: 1.Using ExpressJs and begin the server on port 8889 2. The elements are Books and Users. (Note additional bou…
  • Compulsory Task 3 Follow these steps: ● Create a Python file called in this folder. ● Write code to read the content of the text file input.txt. ● For each line in input.txt, write a n…
  • . 1.4 Exercise 2 (4 Points): For our analysis, we are interested in the nutritional content and ingredients contained in each food. Additionally we would like to group foods by the categories given….
  • . We will be working with some data about food. The foods you see in the grocery store are required to have nutrition labels, which provide information to consumers about which nutrients are present…
  • Question: Make certain to clarify your code and results in R-journal text blocks (rather than remarks in R-code blocks). 1. Compose the “coloring” record saw as in the “DAAG” bundle to circle in R inf…
  • Question: Reason: This task is planned to give understudies insight in creating a little substantial site utilizing HTML5 norms. The focal point of this venture is on the utilization of navigational c…
  • We will be working with some data about food. The foods you see in the grocery store are required to have nutrition labels, which provide information to consumers about which nutrients are present in …
  • Write a python program to ask the user to enter their name, their favourite author and the number of books they have read written by that author. Output produced by your program should look as below ?…
  • . This question asks you to study the impact of various parameters of random forest model on its perfor- mance. Simulate data using the following code, set random state = 2022 to make sure your resu…
  • Please help in Python to train the model ‘’ found on karpathy’s Github repository with different numbers of epochs (ie. 5, 50, 500 etc). Also please explain the architecture of the recu…
  • Write a Python program to calculate the total order cost of drink can packs. Each pack contain a varying number of cans. Each order incur a standard service charge of $1, irrespective of the number of…
  • For data: GeneExpression.txt  Please try to give an explanation of each point if possible. Homework 4: Gene Express…
  • How would I write this out without the try-else?. class CustomerFilter (Filter ) : A class for selecting only the calls from a given customer. def apply(self, customers: List [Customer], data: List [c…
  • Q3 Modify the example code for Logistic Regression to include all the four attributes in iris dataset for two class and multi-class classification. Report any difference in the performanceÂifÂnot…
  • Q1 Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (the data source fish.csv can be found here:…
  • Write a python script called manners that will ask the user for the magic word. It will keep asking them the magic word until they say ‘please’. Once they finally enter ‘please’, the script will tel…
  • Using the prepared block of code at the bottom of this question, complete the argparse code to allow this script ( to take the following information on the command line: The type of woo…
  • Install a new Centos 7 VM into your existing c7host, using any of the installation methods covered in this course. Ensure the machine has the gnome-desktop. Set the hostname of this machine to be assi…
  • Try to solve these by just looking at them and reviewing the regex lecture. Then verify your answers by writing the code. Then, modify things and see how the returned text changes. This is the best wa…
  • Does the number of site visits by day 7 differ between the two posting models? Is there any other relationship between the recorded variables that warrants further investigation in the next testing ph…
  • Can someone help me update and fix my code? Thanks This exercise uses your programming environment to enhance the Web site you created last week with additional functionality to include images, tabl…
  • Using Python, Find all frequent item sets using the Apriori algorithm. List all strong association rules (with supports and confidence matching the following metarule, where X is a variable represen…
  • please explain the output of the following code. Â. def Mystery(n): z = 0 for i in range(1,n): z += n%10 n = n/ 10 return 2 What is output by the following invocation: >>> Mystery(3294)
  • What is the point ofÂ(Links to an external site.) Â? Â How it is connected to anything mentioned in the following link :…
  • Problem Statement: In this lab, we will design a simple Task class to keep track of everyday activities. The purpose of this lab is to exercise python’s basic OOP techniques: class, object, instances,…
  • Problem 2: This problem is intended to help you practice with strings. Write a program that gets a word from the user using the string extraction operator and then gets a phrase (series of words) from…
  • Write a program that removes all vowels from a string and displays the modified string. Your program will prompt the user to enter a string (a word or phrase). Once the string is entered, the prog…
  • Write two select queries, one for the team table and one for the player table. o SELECT team id, team name, mascot FROM team.
  • Write the code to connect to your MySQL pysports database.
  • What is an array? Is there a difference between a variable vs array? What is an off by one error? 2. Look at the following pseudocode: Â constant integer SIZE = 3 Â Declare integer numbers[SIZE] …
  • How to Âobtain the location of the qcow2 image file from the xml file. Do not just assume it is in /var/lib/libvirt/images, or that it is named after the VM, in python scripting?
  • Assignment 2 – Class, data structure and encapsulation Due Date: February 25th 2022 at 23:55 Percentage overall grade: 7% Penalties: No late assignments allowed Maximum Marks: 100 Goal: refresher of P…
  • Python Question! How to make sure user input the some answer that exist? for example, in the following question i used list1 = os.system(‘sudo virsh list –all’)Â to get all the available Machines, n…
  •  4.a ∑ = {C,A,G,T}, L = { w : |w| = m, m ≥Â4 }. That is, L consists of all m-length strings over the genetic alphabet. (Note that for a string w , | w | is the length of w. For example,…
  • PowerOf2(P,I) is a decisionÂproblem that returns‘yes’ if |P(I)| = 2ⁿ, n ≥Â0; otherwise, PowerOf2 returns‘no’. As examples, ifÂÆ’(”)Âreturns‘CGT’, then PowerOf2(Æ’,”) returns‘no’, bec…
  • Create a JFLAP TM that accepts L (defined below). Please do not use transitions from final states; deterministic TMs preferred. ∑={C,A,G,T}, L = { w : if # C ( w ) % 3 = 0 then w starts withÂAC; …
  • ∑ = {C,A,G,T}, L = { w : |w| = m, m ≥Â4 }. That is, L consists of all m-length strings over the genetic alphabet. (Note that for a string w , | w | is the length of w. For example, |CGT| = …
  • Please create a Python lexical scanner that includes an array of the keywords, array of the identifiers, and other tokens. It should also read source code and create a list of tokens, including to def…
  • Write the program in python Pretend your $US ATM contains $20, $10, $5, and $1 bills. Write a program that will ask for how much to withdraw and then compute the minimum number of each type of bill. F…
  • Please explain the output of the following 2 code. Â. def Mystery(n): z = 0 for i in range(1,n): z += n%10 n = n/ 10 return 2 What is output by the following invocation: >>> Mystery(3294). d…
  • how do i do the following code in python Â. 5. Write a Python function square that takes one formal parameter n and prints out the n rows: . . . 1 W OO A N . . . n 27 . . 2n nn for example: >>&…
  • Problem_2_data_labelled: Problem_2_data_unlabel:. 2 2 0 – -2 – -2 -4- -4 A A A A -6 -6 DA A -8 -8 – A A M 4 AAA AA A -10 – -10 – Class A A Class B A A 4 -12 . Needs labelling Ill Class C -12 -12 -10 -…
  • csv: Â. In the attached file, problem_1_data. csv, you’ll find 1000 unlabelled two-dimensional points (Fig. I below). Select only one value for k from the set {2, 3, 4,5, 6} and: 1. Cl…
  • Rewrite your pay computation with time-and-a-half for overtime and create a function calledÂcomputePayÂwhich takes two parameters (hoursÂandÂrate). Enter Hours: 45 Enter Rate: 10 Pay: 475.0
  • from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter  # import spacy package  # load the small english core web model from spacy.  def parse_dependency(text:…
  • Write a python script called manners that will ask the user for the magic word. ÂIt will keep asking them the magic word until they say ‘please’. Once they finally enter ‘please’, the script will tel…
  • from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter  # import spacy package  # load the small english core web model from spacy.   def get_lemmas(text: Te…
  • from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter  # import spacy package  # load the small english core web model from spacy.  def recognize_name_entity(…
  • What will be the output of the following code snippet? num = 10 def myfunction(): ->>>>num = 20 # the arrows denote indentation ->>>>return # the arrows denote indentation Prin…
  • . ml You are asked by your manager to create a short script by the end of today Your script should check each file in a directory for a particular variable name, and change that variable name to so…
  • Hello I need help wiring my python program. Write a program to validate a credit card number. Create all the functions listed below and implement them within your program.         …
  • Create a student database program. This program will allow the following: Add a new student to the database 3pts Remove a student from the database 3pts Display details about a student 3pts Remove a…
  • Data dile: A pizza store Sopranos Stone Fried Pizza, is looking to forecast the daily sales of its pizzas. To complete this task, the store owner has reached out to the W…
  • Please add comments to each step so I can understand each section of the code. Â. Lab Scenario: 1. You are given the definition of a base class named as Polygon. A polygon is a closed figure with 3 o…
  • Write a bash script called reread.bash. It takes on command line option (-s) that allows the user to provide the service to restart. If the user does not provide the -s option, print a generic error m…
  • — title: ‘Entity Recognition + Parsing Assignment’ author: “STUDENT NAME” date: “`r Sys.Date()`” output: html_document — “`{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) “` Be sure …
  • . PROBLEM # 1 FINITE DIFFERENCES 200 ft 200 ft 200 ft Total length = 1,200 feet (Ax = 200 feet) Pi = 2,000 psi Pm = 1,000 psi Let’s assume Ct = 10 x 1046 psi -1 11 = 1 cp k = 10 1nd db = 0.25 …
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 8.2.1: Declaring a class. Declare a class named PatientData that contains two attributes named height_inches and weight_pounds. Sample output for the given program with in…
  • Write a program using flowchart (or python, c++) that computes for the average of scores of a student. Scores accepted must be between 0 to 100. Sample console: Enter test scores from 0 to 100. To end…
  • Note: To earn points, your solutions must use the looping concepts covered in this Module. Part A 1. Create a program called . In it, ask the user for a starting number and an ending num…
  • — title: ‘Classification + Sentiment Assignment’ author: “STUDENT NAME” date: “`r Sys.Date()`” output: html_document — “`{r setup, include=FALSE} knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE) “` Be sure to…
  • 1: A positive integer greater than 1 is said to be prime if it has no divisors other than 1 and itself. A positive integer greater than 1 is composite if it is not prime. Write a program that asks the…
  • how do code this in python Â. Write a Python function PowersOfTwo that takes one argument n. This function prints out 2, 2′, 23, …, 2" in column format. For example: – powersOfTwo(4) 16
  • Write a python function call search that takes a word (string) as a parameter. The function then searches the movie titles in the file movies.txt and reports any matches with the given word. The funct…
  • W] Extra Credit 3 Felicia Mendez (2) – Word PICTU… ? – O X y! penn state canvas – Yahoo X EXTRA CREDIT: Hand Trace X + FILE HOME INSERT DESIGN PAGE LAYOUT REFERENCES MAILINGS REVIEW VIEW FORMAT A Mi…
  • Write the class of strings which represents the given regular expressions (5points)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a.) [A-Za-z]+ b.) [A-Z][a-z]* c.) p[aeiou]{,2}t d.) \d+(\…
  • I already asked this question but I wasn’t clear on the requirements. for this practice I’m not allowed to use for loops, I am also not allowed to use string slicing, dot notation, “import”…which pr…
  • Can you please explain the code and the output too.. thank you. What will the following code print out? Write your answer to exactly match the format in which the output will be displayed. def proc(X,…
  • Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs whether the list contains all multiples of 10, no multiples of 10, or mixed values. Define a function named is_list_mult10 that takes a list …
  • What is the point ofÂ(Links to an external site.) Â? How is it connected to anything we discussed in this class? Â Class discussion is as follows:…
  • Survey data was collected on the types of food (fruit, vegetable, meat) that patrons purchase at a grocery store. The example below displays a snippet of the CSV file which houses the survey data. R…
  • Write a function max_magnitude() with three integer parameters that returns the largest magnitude value. Use the function in the main program that takes three integer inputs and outputs the largest ma…
  • A common year in the modern Gregorian Calendar consists of 365 days. In reality, Earth takes longer to rotate around the sun. To account for the difference in time, every 4 years, a leap year takes pl…
  • Use the examples from this site:  Â  To generate two graphs in your notebook. …
  • Can you please explain this code? And also the output.. thank you. In [5]: i, j, k = 5, 9, 7 if i < j: if j < k: else: J E K else: if j > k: D = i else: i = k print (i = (or, j = {1}) k = {2}…
  • Assignment Specifications Problem : Wordle 175. You have probably heard of the Wordle Game, a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous…
  • using procedural programming and this Âjson api :  Note: the API returns a running total. You will need to calculat…
  • I need to edit my code to add menu items to write to a file and to read from a file and create a class wrfile() with two methods to write the results to a file, and to read the results from a file. My…
  • we are not allowed to use string slicing or for loops on this practice and I’m not understanding how to use while loops and well as what is this actually supposed to return?. def begins_with(s, prefix…
  • Given a dictionary of types of words how would I create a list of each type of word? For example dict_map = {Andrew’: ‘PROPN’, ‘Bobbie’: ‘PROPN’, ‘contain’: ‘VERB’,’large’: ‘ADJ’, ‘has’: ‘VERB’, ‘look…
  • Please use python codes: Â. Plot the following equation: y = x . cos(x) + In(x + 0.1) over the range: 0 <x< N A : import numpy as np import matplotlib. pyplot as plt
  • Can some one help me with a python code for Shell sort, which should take the data from a data set of 1000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www.kag…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for Selection sort, which should take the data from a data set of 1000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for Bubble sort, which should take the data from a data set of 1000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www.ka…
  • Can some one help me with a python code for insertion sort, which should take the data from a data set of 1000 numbers from an csv file . Here is the link for the data set. Kindly help. Â https://www…
  • *2.26 (Turtle: draw a circle) Write a program that prompts the user to enter the center and radius of a circle, and then displays the circle and its area, as shown in Figure 2.5. Ev Python Turtle Gr…
  • . observations = bpd. read_csv( "data/serial_numbers.csv") num_observations = observations . shape [ 0 ] observations serial_number 0 47 42 2 57 3 79 26 12 67 13 108 14 84 15 50 16 78 17 r…
  • Write a program that prompts the user for the current US population, and the names and population of five major cities in different states. Your program will calculate the percentage of each city’s …
  • Please I’m only asking for 3.14 for the Olympic symbol. I started with and got lost at the end: import turtle radius= int(input(” Enter radius of the rings: “)) turtle.showturtle () turtle.pensize (20…
  • Write a program that removes all vowels from a string and displays the modified string. Your program will prompt the user to enter a string (a word or phrase). Once the string is entered, the p…
  • . Mean Define a function called calc_mean . This function should accept one input parameter named numbers , that will be a list of numbers of length 2 1. This function should calculate the arithm…
  • please help. The Lorenz Curve There are many mathematical models used to model the Lorenz curve. For this homework, we will work with the simplified Rao-Tam Lorenz curve, as defined by: L(x) = xk, whe…
  • in python, using this API  the cases for each date are a running total, how would i get the number of new confirm…
  • Task 1 (13 marks)Â 1) Ask the user for 3 numbers (3 marks) Â2) Using a loop, a) Start from the first number (2 marks)Â b) End at the second number (inclusive) (2 marks)Â c) Increment or decrement …
  • Assignment Exercise: Create a series of questions, using the input() function, that will capture and store the elements of a person’s address. After collecting all the elements, store those elements…
  • Use R or SAS please to solve this question : Using the data on the time to relapse of 6-MP patients found in KM section 1.2, a) Estimate the hazard rate at 12 months using the Epanechnikov kernel Â…
  • This program requires the main Âfunction and a custom value-returning function . In the main function, code theseÂsteps in this sequence : use a list comprehension to generate 50 rando…
  • You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following: 1) Add menu items to write to a file and to read from a file 2) create a class wrfile() with two methods to write the results to a…
  • WrSQL queries that answer the following needs using the sakila database. For these queries a partial screen capture of the results you get when running this on the database (i.e., you don’t need to sh…
  • Problem : Wordle175. You have probably heard of the Wordle Game, a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous application to draw a word…
  • . Write a program to validate a credit card number. Create all the functions listed below and implement them within your program. (Financial: credit card number validation) Credit card numbers follo…
  • DON’T COPY THIS ANSWER IT’S NOT CORRECT !!!! Â. 2. (35%) Using any appropriate methods that we learned in class, solve the following nonlinear equations within at a tolerance of 10—6 within …
  • Social Media Automation Description The purpose of this project is to build a web application which would allow a user to upload content in the form of pictures with their associated captions to socia…
  • Array Problem 1:ÂReverse.ÂÂGiven an array of numbers or letters, Reverse the array manually. Â In this problem you are to write a program to explore the above array for a treasure. The values in t…
  • I’m looking for the answer to question 3 that is missing from this doc.. 1. You are working for Facebook’s Operations Intelligence team and are tasked to build a calculator to find the best ad sales r…
  • Code in python:Â Â Given a set of N maps of lists of integers with each element of maps having a key which is a string and value is a list of integer combine all the maps into one result map by comb…
  • In python:Â Â Apply BFS/DFS to solve a problem You are given a 3-D puzzle. The length and breadth of the puzzle is given by a 2D matrix puzzle[m][n]. The height of each cell is given by the value of…
  • DISPLAY EACH EXAMPLE IN CODING– [1] Write a function called is_sorted that takes a list as a parameter and returns True if the list is sorted in ascending order and False otherwise. For example: is_s…
  • Using PYTHON for all questions please. Thank you! 1.) Write a program that asks user to enter a word. Using python. Then count the number of vowels in this word. Requirement: 1) case sensitive 2) coun…
  • Q1 – Creating a Class 1] We can start with a class object to make a ‘schedule book’ for our course Office Hours. Create a class called of f iceI-Iours – Class Attributes: I course , which has the …
  • Every state in the U.S. has two senators no matter its population. Write a program to calculate how much more represented in the Senate a resident of Alaska is than a resident of Texas . Make sure to …
  • One lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Define a function named laps_to_miles that takes a number of laps as a parameter, and returns the number of miles. Then, writ…
  • Problem 3.4 [30 points]Â Purpose: Use both if and while to solve a scientific problem. I found the following quote on the web: Â The mathematics of uncontrolled growth are frightening. A single cell…
  • A diagram of the system you are going to model is shown in Figure 1. It is composed of the following components: 1. An electrocardiographic (ECG) detector (ws a subject’s blood pressure) 4. A cell pho…
  • 1: Purpose: Implement a more complicated if-else structure in a practical program. Remember, there is no need for this to be a function. Â For this problem, you will modify your HeatIndex progr…
  • I have finished task 1 and need help with task 2 and 3 Â My task 1 code: words = [] with open(‘word5Dict.txt’, ‘r’) as infile: Â Âfor line in infile: Â Â Â Âfor word in line.strip().split(‘#…
  • Create a series of questions, using the input() function, that will capture and store the elements of a person’s address. After collecting all the elements, store those elements into a tuple. Then…
  • Answer with code using python. Problem 2 – Pick 2 companies preferably from the same sector of interest (try to pick companies with more data points, an example can be Microsoft and IBM). Perform topi…
  • Answer with the code. Input data – The input dataset is a sample of news articles related to S&P1500 in January of 2016:< News Article 2016_Jan.csy >. The dataset contains the following info…
  • Question 1: i 50 points) We are going to play our own version of Rock Paper and Scissors using comic characters. The program should work as follows: 1. 5. The user’s choice of AC1, HU or SW at the k…
  • Problem 3.1 [10 points]Â Purpose: Edit/modify a program that uses if and boolean variables. Modify the program inÂthe attached program to print the correct answer for any year using the following fo…
  • Can you please explain this code and also its output.. thank you. a) What will be the output of the following code? Write your answer to exactly match the format in which the output will be displayed….
  • from typing import List, Set, Dict, Tuple, Optional, Text from operator import itemgetter  # import spacy package  # load the small english core web model from spacy.  def tokenize_text(text: Te…
  • txt is very long so you can create on your own for example: aahed#aalii#aargh#abaca#abaci I’ve finished task 1 Â words = [] with open(‘word5Dict.txt’, ‘r’) as infile: Â Âfor …
  • Help Solve using recursion & Higher order functions in python  Pascal’s Triangle was developed by a French mathematician named Blaise Pascal. The rows are numbered starting with 0 and go all t…
  • PLEASE I NEED A Proper answer from an expert Read the instruction carefully.
  • When I put this code in  #place in file: payroll.payroll #Taking input for file name from the user file_name = input(“Enter the file name: “) #Opening txt file in read mode File = open(file_name, ‘r…
  • I have a list of video URLs in an excel file. The number of the video URLs is more than 10000. I want to download the video files and save as mp4 format in a folder. Could you please help me to write …
  • I have a list of video URLs in an excel file that are accessible. I want to download all the video files in a folder. Could you please help me to write a python code to download all the videos by usin…
  • Do HTT2.13 (“How to Think…” Chapter 2, Section 13) Exercise 8. Your code should prompt the user to (a)Â enter the float radius of a circle; (b) read the entered value as a string (str); (c) convert…
  • Each of the code snippets in this section have some notable flaw. For each one of them: Identify the cause of the issue Briefly Âdescribe how you’d go about fixing it #I’m trying to join the values i…
  • I’m pretty sure our lectures used the term procedural abstraction so many times the words stopped even sounding like real words. (There’s a name for that, btw: semantic satiation ) Anyhoo, ‘procedural…
  • I’ve been told the first step prior to being able to access media files in a computer is digitization . Sure would be nice if I had any idea what that meant though… Little help?
  • I’m a creature of habit. I like using the same variable names often. Oddly enough, even though I keep using the same name (e.g. kwyjibo), there’s never any clash between the copies from one function t…
  • There are myriad approaches to fixing code that doesn’t work, but one peculiar-sounding bit of advice is to add commenting . What would that actually do, and why might it help?
  • Variables are apparently a teensy bit more complicated than I’d realized. Apparently they store a value of some type. But what does ‘type’ even mean in this context? What’s its significance?
  • I know I can write a function to perform some task, whether it be calculations, repetition, etc. What I don’t know is this: Sometimes, instead of directly assigning literal values to local variables, …
  • Â Compare the empirical time performance for each of the sorting algorithms by plotting the execution times for different sizes of the input list (i.e. 100, 1000, 10000, 50,000, 100000) and prov…
    • LAB: Expression for calories burned during workout  The following equation estimates the average calories burned for a person when exercising, which is based on a scientific journal article (so…
  • Given a randomly generated list of numbers, Lst[], sort the list in ascending order using the following algorithms and derive the time complexity of each. Insertion sort Merge sort Quick sort
  • Given a randomly generated list of numbers, Lst[], sort the list in ascending order using the following algorithms and derive the time complexity of each. Selection sort Bubble sort
  • Compare the empirical time performance for each of the sorting algorithms by plotting the execution times for different sizes of the input list (i.e. 100, 1000, 10000, 50,000, 100000) and provide your…
  • Using the “Computational Thinking” approach to problem solving: 1. Define the process for the online tool. 2. Develop the necessary pseudo code and a flowchart that illustrate and communicate the defi…
  • Please watch the following videos and answer the questions below. Agile Programming – For Your Family Describe the cutting-edge…
  • REQUIREMENTS:ÂREAD CAREFULLY AND ADHERE TO ALL REQUIREMENTS Do not attempt this assignment unless you have: read the relevant Chapter in the textbook. tried the example programs in the chapter. worke…
  • " is there any problem with the following code #include <iostream> int main( int i = 0; while (++i) cout< <"Hill; return 0;
  • Hi I am struggling with the code for below problem in python . This is related to cryptography. Problem Now, you’re going to show that you can round trip items from hex, to binary, and back to hex ….
  • "What’s wrong? while( (i < 10) & & (i > 24)) // some statements a. the logical operator & & cannot be used in a test condition b. the while loop is an exit condition loop c….
  • PROBLEM SEI D 1. Differentiate between entry controlled loop and exit controlled loop. Give examples. 2. Each pass through a loop is called a/an a. Enumeration b. Iteration C. Culmination d. Pass thro…
  • The file graph.txt represents a directed graph. For part a use Python but do not use any imports. The code for the breadth-first search can be modified to produce a solution to part a. (a) Find the …
  • In this problem you will produce a solution using Python. You may use the math module to calculate the base 2 logarithm but may not use any other imports . For each line in the document docword.nytime…
  • The speeding penalties in Ontario are as follows: Set Fines (Per Kilometre) 1-19 $ 6.50 – 20-34 $ 9.25 – 35-49 $ 15.00 Â – 150 + $45.00 Ask the user to enter the speed limit and his recorded speed. Y…
  • Current Code I have:Â print(“Triangle Validity”) ask = “yes” while ask == “yes”: Â Âx1 = float(input(“Enter the X position of the point 1: “)) Â Âwhile x1 < 0: Â Â Â Âx1 = float(input(“Ple…
  • please can you help me ?. Machine Learning 1 Disease Identification/Diagnosis — supervised learning – diagnosis, particularly in cancer research, depression treatment 2 Personalized Treatment] Behav…
  • In this problem you will produce a solution using Python. You may use the math module to calculate the base 2 logarithm but may not use any other imports. For each line in the document docword.nytimes…
  • …A certain program has to maintain an array, count, of N counters which are all initialized to zero. The value of counter i can be incremented by one by the call: increment(i), and this is the only …
  • Apply Graph traversal to solve a problem (Portfolio Project Problem): You are given a 2-D puzzle of size MxN, that has N rows and M column (N>=3 ; M >= 3; M and N can be different). Each cell in…
  • Using Python Coding: Task: Design pseudo code and a program for a High/Low Game. High/Low Game – Who has the higher number, computer or user? ï‚· User versus Computer  User can play as long as …
  • please don’t copy from chegg and course hero PYTHON CODE please Â. Assignment # 7 Page 163 COMPUTE AND PRINT TWO HYPOTENUSE LENGTHS USING A FUNCTION WITH RETURN VALUES
  • The spacing has to be the same as the document Also: ÂDescribe how you get into your loops, how it is checked and what causes it to terminate. ÂDescribe how variables in Functions/Methods get their …
  • In regard to Problem3 , what would happen if the random generator wasÂrandom.randrange(1)?
  • Give the Θ-order bound of these sums. i) S(n)=∑ iClosure Properties: (a) Polynomial-type functions are closed under addition, multiplication, and raising to any positive power a > 0. (b) Expon…
  • I need help with writing these programs. ICS3U Python Selection Test – Practical – Group D 1. When you take a Taxi they charge you a set fee as soon as you get into the cab and an additional fee per k…
  • . Part A This program will determine if three points on a Cartesian coordinate plane form a valid triangle. Begin by prompting the user to enter x and y values for each of the three coordinates. You…
  • In regard to Problem2 , what’s the difference in making the condition of the while loop choice != “quit” vs choice == “quit”?
  • The ML type system ensures that every program does what it is supposed to do.” Write each either supporting or refuting this statement. (b) A lot of large software projects fail. Many companies descri…
  • . Rabih Neouchi Spring 2022 MIS 6382 JSOM, UTD Due by: 02/16/2022 Homework One The following guidelines should be followed and will be used to grade your homework: The code for each question should …
  • In regard to Problem1 , what would happen if you rewrote the user input like the following? Copy the error message from your console and explain why : Â grade = int(input(“Test grade”, (i+1), “>”)…
  • Python Pascal’s Triangle was developed by a French mathematician named Blaise Pascal. The rows …
  • Students will be tasked with creating a basic calculator in Python, with a fully functional GUI, using any library they see fit to help implement the GUI . Tutorials explaining how to implement Tkinte…
  • . 2. (35%) Using any appropriate methods that we learned in class, solve the following nonlinear equations within at a tolerance of 10—6 within the specified range (please solve both in a single P…
  • . IndexError: list index out of range In [18] ;. (35%) Consider the circuit below: The following is known: R1 = R2 = R4 = 10, R5 = 50, V1 = 5V and V2 = 6V Assuming the current directions shown in th…
  • . (35%) Consider the circuit below: The following is known: R1 = R2 = R4 = 10, R5 = 50, V1 = 5V and V2 = 6V Assuming the current directions shown in the above circuit diagram, write a Python code to…
  • I wrote a code an get an error for this and im not sure how to fix it: Â midtermMarks=[48.0, 64.25, 71.80, 82.0, 53.45, 59.75, 62.80, 26.5, 55.0, 67.5, 70.25, 52.45, 66.25, 94.0, 65.5, 34.5, 69.25, 5…
  • Creating a Lexical Analyzer. I created a small dictionary for ‘keywords’ so that whenever it scans, it will recognize the words are associated with the dictionary, and it will output the token type of…
  • Please refer to the image for the questions. Question 1 2 points Part A Use the instructions in this question to start your coding question In the next parts, you will add code, and finally upload you…
  • RUN THE PROGRAM, AND SCREENSHOTS PLEASEÂ NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE PLEASE. 2. (35%) Using any appropriate methods that we learned in class, solve the following nonlinear equations within at a tolerance…
  • I have a module named “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”. Kindly help me by doing all the Tasks given in the picture. Task 3 must be coded in Python programming language.. Task 1.1: Play…
  • RUN THE PROGRAM and show the output please so I can copy and pasteÂ. (35%) Consider the circuit below: The following is known: R1 = R2 = R4 = 10, R5 = 50, V1 = 5V and V2 = 6V Assuming the current d…
  • PART (B) PLEASE RUN THE PROGRAMÂ and show the outputÂ. (15%) a) Using a user-defined function, write a Python program that determines the index of the maximum entry of an array of arbitrary size and…
  • You are required to write a program that asks the user to enter 3 integers, and your program will compare the user’s entries with a secret number specified in your program, and display the result acco…
  • 2. (35%) Using any appropriate methods that we learned in class, solve the following nonlinear equations within at a tolerance of 10—6 within the specified range (please solve both in a sing…
  • *I’ve attempted this question but do not understand what i did wrong as it is not printing.  Question: For this part of the lab, you will write a short program to help your instructor gather infor…
  • PYTHON PROGRAM, RUN THE PROGRAM PLEASE. (35%) Consider the circuit below: The following is known: R1 = R2 = R4 = 10, R5 = 50, V1 = 5V and V2 = 6V Assuming the current directions shown in the abo…
  • Please watch the following videos and answer the questions below. Agile Programming – For Your Family Describe the cutting-edge program that is referred to as Agile Development. How does it work and w…
  • write a short program to help your instructor gather information about midterm marks (this will be fictional). Your program will use loops and conditionals to count the number of each grade letter (…
  • I have a module named “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”. Kindly help me by doing all the Tasks given in the picture. Task 3 must be coded in Python programming language. Questions in th…
  • In your own words, briefly explain the benefit of coding python in a Modulus form (using functions) and the use of menu-driven programming. list some of the factors you have to take into your cons…
  • Using custom exceptions¶ Implement verify_short_string function which takes a single string as argument. If the length of the input string is more than ten characters, the function should raise To…
  • Dealing with exceptions Fill ____ parts of the implementation below. sum_of_list function takes a list as argument and calculates the sum of values in the list. If some element in the list can not …
  • We want to compute summary statistics on the nutrients present in each food. While you might be able to find formulas for these statistics and implement them yourselves – there is no need to reinvent …
  • Need answer to following questions  Exercise 2 Changes: 1.1 – Clarified instructions for exercise 6 This problem builds on your knowledge of nested data structures, string processing, and implementa…
  • • 1.1 – Clarified instructions for exercise 6 This problem builds on your knowledge of nested data structures, string processing, and implementation of mathematical functions. It has 7 exercises, nu…
  • Hello! Please help me with answer, I cannot unlock what is on site even it is paid. Thank you in advance. ÂSection 6.2 of your textbook describes incremental development. Do the exercise at the end o…
  • Write a function named surface_area_right_triangular_prism, which takes the base, height and length of a right triangular prism as parameters, and uses all three of your functions from (a), (b) and (c…
  • Please help me with answers for: Do Exercise 6.4 from your textbook using recursion and the is_divisible function from Section 6.4. ÂYour program may assume that both arguments to is_power are…
  • Hello pls verify if my answer for qns 5 is correct as attached. Also, how do i start with qns4 i know mergesort is required but am not very sure how to use python to combine multiple array at the same…
  • Write a function named surface_area_rectangular_prism, which takes the height, width and length of a rectangular prism as parameters, and uses your area_of_rectangle function to calculate the areas of…
  • uestion: You are expected to make a software engineering club site. The following are the details. You will make the majority of the subtleties up and adding it to the data set. For instance, Club pio…
  • If data is retrieved from a file by a program, this is known by the term Answer file.
  • Post at least two classes. ÂThe classes must be named , have at least three variables , and three functions . Don’t worry about data hiding. Do not submit any working code for this assignment…
  • Question: (A) To comprehend Client-Server correspondence through attachments (B) To acquire openness to the fundamental tasks of a Web Server and Client (C) To investigate essential constructions of H…
  • Which mode specifier will open a file but not let you change the file or write to it?
  • Hi there, this question is for a data scientist tutor who knows how to calculate Chi Square using scipy.stats in Python.  Question 1: Based on the table below, i need to Calculate the expected val…
  • Let our domain be a set of plushies which include kitten plushies. In this domain, we know that plushies can befriend other plushies. We will define our predicates as follows kitten(x) = “x is a kitte…
  • (30 points) Use the functions provided below (you can copy them into your module file), to write a program to print out the image shown. Your program may call the following functions, but it m…
  • The paid staff of the school is as per the following: Kathy Gilliard is the head of Willow brook. She has been at the school for a considerable length of time, and is an affirmed educator. Kathy handl…
  • There are six full-time teachers at Willowbrook, three for the pre-school-kindergarten program, two for the grades 1-3 program, and one for the grades 4-6 program. There are five teachers aides, for t…
  • Question: Answer each of the accompanying inquiries utilizing R. Show your work by incorporating any R code in your reactions. You will observe this most straightforward utilizing R-Markdown, which wi…
  • Write a Python program that will take N as input from the user and then take that many inputs from the user in the next N lines. Here, each line will contain a cricket player’s name, an ODI career…
  • . The objective of this homework assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with reading files, and using string methods to slice strings, working with dictionaries and using-step wise development to …
  • Define a function called order(x) that satisfies the following criteria: •Returns a list giving the indices of the elements of x as sorted in order from least to greatest •That is, the first eleme…
  • Data set: MAGIC Gamma Telescope Dataset (Source: Â. Data set information The data are Monte-Carlo generated to simulate registration of …
  • Skip to main content UNIVERSITY UoPeople Time OF THE PEOPLE My Courses * Resources * Links * Faculty . Contact us English (en) Feb 22, 2022 Aka JoPeople The Education Revolution 6:11:27 am Job posting…
  • Please help me debug Python: Create a script that will extract the following information from a web-page. You will be using the Python Standard Library requests  and the 3rd Party Library Beautifu…
  • IT 209 Homework Assignment # 1 Topics: class, object, instantiation, methods Problem Statement: In this lab, we will design a simple Task class to keep track of everyday activity. The purpose of this …
  • Need guidance and explanation on the above question my initial intuition is def replace_elements(source_list, dest_list):   for i in source_list:     dest_list[i] = source_list[i]. Probl…
  • Objective: To work with a data set and generate graphical charts. To gain experience with pandas and matplotlib modules/libraries. Description: You will perform a simple data analysis given a CSV file…
  • Note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. ”’ def LG1(m,n):  “””  Âusing the first method, calculate k = lg_m n  ÂThe only arithmetical operations you may use …
  • . Assessment, Part 1: Read the "Rh_CN4-molecules.csy" and "Co_CN4- molecules.csv" data sets, analyse the bond angles and plot the distributions. 1. Using Python, read the data fr…
  • Using Pandas to solve the problem. Â Can you explain how to do this? Thank you.. Create a new column such that, each row contains the row number of the farthest row- record by Euclidean distance. …
  • Code a function that has Big – O complexity of O(n 2 ) that prints a list of integers from 1 to n. For example, if the input is size 10, it output should be 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  • Convert the list of 26 letters of the alphabet to the index of the Dataframe, and assign 26 random integer numbers. Print out the first 5 rows.Â(Using Pandas to solve the problem). Â Can you explain…
  • Instructions: 1. Save the python file using the following format: (EX. 2. Submit the to the Laboratory Exercise 4 Submission Link. Program Description: Crea…
  • Page n > of4 O — ZOOM + COMS- 170: PROGRAM PROGRAM 5: FUNCTIONS OVERVIEW A function is a group of statements that exist within a program to perform a specific task. The goal of both functions is …
  • Please Help I cant figure out what I am doing wrong here. MY output is returning no results. please see my code below the assignment. Before developing the Python code for the dashboard, be sure to …
  • I got a dataset from this website: Â Â 1) Use the SVD function from numpy to perform SVD on the normalised ratings data matrix. Print the shapes of U, S,…
  • Using the formal definition of Big – O, prove that y=n^4+3 does not belong to O(1)
  • You have probably heard of the Wordle Game , a word guessing game that is becoming a craze on the internet these days. It is not the Wordle as the famous application to draw a word cloud from text. Bu…
  • . View the properties of the variables and actions. If you click "Set Start State" you will see that start values have already been set. Leave them as they are. If you click "Set Goal…
  • I have built a dictionary for a lexical analyzer. I need to use this analyzer to create a scanner to scan a file and list out the tokens from a command line. Please create a scanner and run the file b…
  • Filename: File for input:Â runner_data.txt January-2022 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Laney Strange 3.76 3.26 0 5.07 3.14 3.5 0 4 3…
  • Could you give me the code for the answer to this question? The input to output results should be the same as shown from the example below.. Exercise 4.3 Check perfect number Write a program to read a…
  • . Exercise 4.4 Check perfect number Write a program to read a positive integer N(N > 2), test if Input Expected Output N is a perfect number and output the answer with either "True" or …
  • For data: GeneExpression.txt Homework 4: Gene Expression Analysis Given you a file of gene sequences, please use bas…
  • Competencies In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competencies: Write scripts using syntax and conventions in accordance with industry standard best practices Develop a …
  • txt aahed#aalii#aargh#abaca#abaci#aback#abaft#abaka#abamp#abase#abash#abate#abaya#abbas#abbes#abbey#abbot#abeam#abele#abets#abhor#abide#abled#abler#ables#abmho#abode#abohm#aboil#aboma#abo…
  • Write a program to prompt the user to input hours worked for hours and rate per hour to print out gross pay. (Think about including every step ) Include the course header include comments to explain t…
  • I got a dataset from this website:  1) I need to use numpy to create a ratings data matrix and print the shape of the matrix. 2) Normalize the ratin…
  • upload the Python program for the following: 1.)#fibonacci series  n=int(input(“enter the no. of fibo series to be printed:”)) n1=0 n2=1 sum=0 count=1 print(“Fibo Series:”,end=” “) while(count<=n…
  • . Consider the call to mystery (2, 5) for the function definition below. Assume only nonnegative integers will be passed to the function. def mystery (x, y) : if y == 0: return 1 if y == 1: return x…
  • Consider the very simple planning scenario where you are at home and want to get to your university (in this example, UBC). You have the option of going by bike or car. In the AISpace “STRIPS TO CSP C…
  • Demonstrate in pseudo-code a loop that does a linear search of an array of colors (colorArray) and display the subscript of the array element holding a value of “blue”. Â colorArray (0) “red” (1) “bl…
  • Can someone tell me what im doing wrong? heres my code  #**ÂcomputesÂtheÂpowerÂofÂaÂnumber powFuncÂ=ÂlambdaÂnumber,Âpower:ÂnumberÂ**Âpower #thisÂisÂtheÂrequiredÂtestÂcaseÂasÂper?…
  • How can we code this using while loops, for loops, and lists? No dictionaries can be used. Â Kiki is making “Happy National Pizza Day” (February 9th) cards for all of her friends. She’s a bit disappo…
  • Match the following: Object, Class, Method, Attribute  1. Combination of variables functions and data structures(in memory): 2. Prototype or blueprint: 3. Function and encapsulated in an object: 4. …
  • FInd bugs in program. // determines a price for each. // The price is 10 cents per page for the // first 200 pages, then 8 cents // per page after that. // After pricing, all the data is displayed. //…
  • I want run this and file. could you change these file without error
  • I want to be an Information technology or programmer  In no more than 500 words, write an essay about you after ten years Be creative in creating your own title
  • def counterPick(fighter):  Âcounter = {      ‘mario’:[‘luigi’,’link’],      ‘luigi’:[‘bowser’,’ness’],      ‘bowser’:[‘mario’,’link’],      ‘capta…
  • Parsing the email address from the first page of the url. import requests url = ‘http://www. stern. nyu. edu/faculty/search_name_form’ html = requests. get(url) . text emails .= set( ) # set doesn’t a…
  • Web app is served via the Flask framework, information displayed on the endpoint “/” Users will be able to see info on at least one movie (its title, tagline, genres, and a movie poster image) that is…
  • Use Microsoft Visual studio and IIS. Create a web service to add records to database, service name: Exam2Service . Table name: studentinfo . Id, lastname, firstname, mi, email, contactno, address, gua…
  • Download the dataset from the link – Â InÂ[7]: Â Â Â Â 1 # Import all the required libraries 2 import numpy as np 3 import pandas as pd 4 import oper…
  • . Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. The specific details of how it works are below: When this script is run, it will pres…
  • Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. The specific details of how it works are below: When this script is run, it will presen…
  • On execution of program system should prompt “Enter a host to scan”. User will provide a host name 2. System should look for all the ports between the range of 1 to 1025 3. If the Ports is open…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook I’m not sure if did Parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out Part 8 Â Âhere’s a link to the instructions…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook I’m not sure if did Parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out Part 7 Â Â Âhere’s a link to the instructions…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook I’m not sure if did Parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out Part 6 Â Âhere’s a link to the instructions…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook I’m not sure if did Parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out Part 5 Â Âhere’s a link to the instructions…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook I’m not sure if did Parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out Part 4Â Â Â Âhere’s a link to the instructions…
  • Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. The specific details of how it works are below:  When this script is run, it will p…
  • In [68] : # Write your python code that meets the above requirements in this cell
  • As our programs grow increasingly more complex (and useful!) an important topic begins to emerge: licensing. Licensing is an unavoidable feature of modern application development. All distributed a…
  • Programming challenge that riffs off this week’s synthesizing tasks and asks you to provide the inverse temperature conversion function or functions. Following the principles of DRY-ness, Abstraction …
  • Write a program that performs the brute-force attack to break the password. The following table shows encrypted passwords using the crypt() function. Your mission is to break the password correspondin…
  • Choose the letter corresponding to the given choices Â(letter only, otherwise will be marked wrong) a End b For c Goto d If-Then e Input f Let g Next h On __ Goto i Program j Rem k Restore l While 1….
  • For 1 build 3: writing your code. What is the answer is?
  • PROBLEM 3 ONLY PLEASE! Links: Â Please comment if possible, thank you!. 3 Domain Adaptation SVM (Code) [20pts] Implement the domain adaptation SVM fr…
  • I got a dataset from this website: I need to use numpy to create a ratings data matrix and print the shape of the matrix.
  • . Identification A looping command statement that wies comparison, continues looping at long at the test is true and ends the loop if the comparison returns a false value. increment the loop variabl…
  • . 9:01 97 9 98% Programming upload the Python program for the following: Answer program for Leap Year and Fibonacci series Choose either of the prime numbers problem Write a program that will input …
  • pls provide a simple and original answer so I can understand thank you!!! Â Perform the following tasks with pandas Series: (5 points) Create a Series from the list [7,11,13,17] Â Â (5 points) C…
  • Using Python, Juypter notebook Can someone help me? I’m not sure if I did parts 1-3 right and I can’t figure out parts 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Â. Declared Disasters | FEMA.g x Digital Real Estate (2022): …
  • Hi pls explain the solution above i dont uds why option 3 is doable for the sequence. i thought pop will remove the first element in a list and append them to a new list.  my interpretation;  it…
  • why this wrong? Could you help me to fix it?. income_group_with_x = np. append (us_cumulative [ ‘ income_percentile’ ], x_val) cum_income_share_with_y = np. append (us_cumulative [‘ cum_income_shar…
  • Have you used top-down design principles before? If so, in what context. Write about at least one example of top-down design and how it makes a project manageable for a team.
  • Take the poem The Hill We Climb and place it in the same location as this notebook. (I have it in a .txt folder titled TheHillWeClimb.txt ) and I will paste the poem at the bottom of the question When…
  • Write a program that accepts the values of 3 resistors and the choice of series / parallel from the user. The program reports the equivalent resistance per the user choice (either series or paralle…
  • please help. There are many mathematical models used to model the Lorenz curve. For this homework, we will work with the simplified Rao-Tam Lorenz curve, as defined by: L(x) = xk, where k > 1 Quest…
  • dash plotly python. I’m trying to make the set button update the graph after inputting values into 2 boxes. The refresh button is to set the graph back to when the value is 0. “` from dash import h…
  • txt: aahed#aalii#aargh#abaca#abaci#aback#abaft#abaka#abamp#abase#abash#abate#abaya#abbas#abbes#abbey#abbot#abeam#abele#abets#abhor#abide#abled#abler#ables#abmho#abode#abohm#aboil#aboma#aboon…
  • Was wondering if I could get help writing this code because the online guidance was hard to follow, thanks.. ITP-150 – Assignment — Recursion – Instructions Requirements: Write a Python program that…
  • . 9:02 P S Q . all .l 98% String Function If A$ = "TO ERR IS HUMAN" B$ = "TO FORGIVE DIVINE", find the values of following functions: MID$ (A$,4, 3) + MID$ (B$,5,2) 2 points Your…
  • . upload the Python program for the following: Answer program for Leap Year and Fibonacci series Choose either of the prime numbers problem Write a program that will input a 10 points number for the…
  • . 9:01 3 . Q . all.l 98% 48 Fill in the blanks so that both programs will produce the same output (use CAPITAL letters only) PROGRAM A 10 rem PROGRAM A 20 30 R = 0; Q=. 40 W…
  • Write a program with the following menu Press A – To calculate area of square Press B – To calculate area of rectangle Press C – To calculate area of circle Press D – To calculate area of trapezium Pr…
  • Hello everyone, I am struggling to create a Newey-West corrected OLS estimator with autocovariance term. Â Could someone kindly show me how to do this in Python?. Programming 2. Newey-West estimator:…
  • Ideal Car – Rent-a-car company, database transformation Ideal Car is a rent-a-car business that has now has offices in 30 countries and manages a fleet of more than 6000 cars. You have been hired as…
  • Understand transport layer protocols TCP/UDP Â Problem 1 a. Suppose you have the following 2 bytes: 11011100 and 01100101. What is the 1s complement of the sum of these 2 bytes? b. Suppose you have t…
  • Question 10. Companies pay executives in a variety of ways: in cash, by granting stock or other equity in the company, or with ancillary benefits (like private jets). Compute the proportion of each CE…
  • I need help I don’t understand python very well but I need to in order to pass the class. And can you explain it in detail please so I can understand it.. This Project is intended to test your knowled…
  • from collections import namedtuple def init_periodic_table(): ÂElement = namedtuple(“Element”, [“name”, “symbol”, “atomic_mass”]) Âtable = { “H” : Element(“Hydrogen”, “H”, 1.00794), “He” : Eleme…
  • I need help and can you also explain it in detail please so I can understand it. Â. Create a program that converts feet to meters and vice versa. Console not. and Hetero Convert-e1- connexion: tan: a…
  • In this assignment you will use digital logic simulation to verify the functionality of both the Mealy and the Moore Finite State Machine implementations of the Subtractor network that you developed i…
  • Tackle all que.. Consider ÂM/M/1 queue and represent the state of the queue by the number of customers present. (a) Draw a state diagram for the Markov chain describing the state of the queue showing…
  • TheGreatGatsby (2).txt a C Markdown v Python 3 (ipykernel) O longer_than_seven [93]: 6623 Question 2. Using a simulation with 10,000 trials, assign num_different to the number of times, in 10,000 tria…
  • please helpÂ. agg_subsectors = ghg_emissions . select ( [‘sector’, ‘subsector’, ‘Year’, ’emissions’ ]) agg_subsectors sector subsector Year emissions agriculture rice cultivation 2021 O agriculture r…
  • Mathura Sarankan Hanwei Wei Abayomi Shosilva Chat File Edit View Navigate Code Refactor Run Tools VCS Window Help rushhour-master – test_rushhour-py rushhour-master > test > test_vehicle…
  • Implement recursive function webdir() that takes as input: a URL (as a string) and non-negative integers depth and indent. Your function should visit every web page reachable from the starting URL web…
  • . 2. Unique Letters in Sentence. Write a program that asks user for a sentence as an input and then makes a list of the unique letters that appear in a sentence. For example, if the letter "x&q…
  • . The University of Mississippi CSCI 203 Assignment 1, Due January 30 by 11:59pm In this assignment, you will use shapes, functions, and coding techniques found Chapter 1 slides to create a winter s…
  • See the text book for exercises 9.6. Be sure that you have a loop that prompts the user to enter a name and grades all on the same line. “John Smith 93 94 83” Â 9.6 Reimplement Exercise 9.3 using the…
  • What is thw code to make a scatter plot to show the relationship between fertility and female literacy? df.plot.scatter(x=’female literacy’, y = ‘fertility’) import matplotlib.pyplot as pltÂÂ…
  • Using Python: – apply feature selection for clustering – apply feature selection for classification using the dataset City_MedianRentalPrice_2Bedroom for the Dallas location only (https://www.kagg…
  • How can we code this using while loops, for loops, and lists? No dictionaries can be used. Â In an alternate reality, chemistry Professors Hodge and Sibia have teamed up to design a chemical compound…
  • I’m currently working on my last program for my csc 13 class, however, I’m stuck on the last three functions that I need. Here’s a picture below of what I have now and what function I’m missing. ….
  • . 1. Words in Sentence. Write a program that asks user for a sentence as an input and then makes a list of the words in the input sentence. No punctuation or whitespace should be attached to a &quot…
  • Write a python script called that will create a complete backup of a single VM the user specifies. Â: ÂWhen this script is run, it will present the user with list of the names of all V…
  • The code needs to take two files as input. One is the preamble signals, and the other is the input signal to the antenna. Use the same format as our input files [1,2] and the output must be the fin…
  • Using the dataset provided, develop the following visualizations using the right set of variables . (20 each) a. Histogram b. Bar chart c. Line chart d. Area chart e. Scatter plot   https://us.doc…
  • Simple Smart Home Introduction In this example, we’ll design and implement a simple Smart Home setup. The main focus is on designing communic…
  • I need help with the screenshots below. All of the text files and the full document are linked below. Thanks! Read the positive and n…
  • This is a hackerrank exercise. I need help with it. Â. Some researchers are investigating whether a drug that has been tagged with a short DNA sequence, t, would be able to bind to a longer DNA seque…
  • In this lab the completed program should print the numbers 0 through 10, along with their values multiplied by 2 and by 10. You should accomplish this using a for loop instead of a counter-controlled …
  • Instructions Create a program that accepts input from the user and outputs information about the test scores: Input : Poll 5 students for their grade on the exam Output : Print the average score, the …
  • I need output: In 1 year, the tuition will be 8240.0. In 2 year, the tuition will be 8487.2. In 3 year, the tuition will be 8741.816. In 4 year, the tuition will be 9004.07048. In 5 year, the tuition …
  • Please send step-by-step instructions on how to solve those manually(which means what is the logic behind those answers). I have already included code and answers so I amn’t looking at this, instea…
  • . In this MP, you will design a basic wireless receiver to decode a tranSmitted text message. The trans- mission occurs at a center frequency of 20H 2. Your input is a 3000 sample long incoming s…
  • . __Practice 1:__ | False | False | False | True | True | False | True | True _Practice 2 :_ | False | False | False | True | True | False | True | True not(A) or not(B and A)
  • In the code, we use Keys ‘a’ and ‘z’ to move the left paddle up and down; Keys ‘k’ and ‘m’ are used for moving the right paddle up and down. several screenshots to show the change the ball color and t…
  • I want run this rush hour file. i want to get the proper output from the following files
  • can you help me with this function using a for and a while loop. Write a function, transcribe, which has one parameter, a string S, which will have DNA nucleotides (capital letter As, C, Gs, and Ts). …
  • . 2/21/22, 2:22 PM Week 5 –Practice (to submit for grade)–Dictionaries Week 5 –Practice (to submit for grade)–Dictionaries Start Assignment Due Monday by 23:59 Points 10 Submitting a file upload…
  • . 2/21/22, 2:22 PM Lab 3-Decisions and Dictionaries Lab 3-Decisions and Dictionaries Start Assignment Due Monday by 23:59 Points 100 Submitting a file upload Complete the following: Lab Requirements…
  • Meters to Feet Write a GUI program that converts a distance in Meters to the equivalent distance in Feet. The user should be able to enter a distance in Meters, click a button, and then see the e…
  • Tips Per Hour Calculator Write a GUI program that calculates the average of what an employee earns in tips per hour. The program’s window should have Entry (font: Courier New) widgets that let th…
  • Spanish Translator Look at the following list of Spanish words and their meanings. Spanish English uno one dos two tres three Write a GUI program that translates the Spanish words to English. The…
  • My previous questions was unfortunately not answered using Python. I need help from a data scientist who knows Python who can answer the questions below please. Â I need to create a code in Python us…
  • # (i) : 0 < i <= len(a_list) AND # returned_partitions = the list of all partitions of a list[:i] i, returned_partitions = 1, [[[a_list[0]]]] Here is the last objective: # i >= len(a_list) …..
  • print("[[[0, 22], [11]], [, [11, 22]], [[o, 11, 22]], [, [11], [22]], [[0, 11], [22]]]\n") print (‘all_partitions_of ( [0, 11, 22, 33]) : ‘ ) print (all_partitions_of ( [0, 11, 22, 33] ) ) p…
  • Build 2: Tests Here is a test for extend_partitions(). It prints an application of extend_partitions() to particular parameters, and then prints what the output should be. The user can compare thes…
  • import copy def extend_partitions(some_partitions, a_new_element ) : Preconditions : 1. some_partitions consists of partition of a set S (which need not be specified! ) in the form of a list of lists …
  • Instructions  PYTHON  Complete the list iterator for the LinkedList class in the file implementation. Complete the following methods in the file: hasNext() returns True…
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of solving a problem that can be broken down into repetitive tasks with recursion as opposed to a loop?
  • . ou m Cc = La & Ki DE N N X G SI C SC = G< = GC|4 S = 12 710 FI C si C /2489809/quizzes/5155491/take 1. Explain briefly what is the ONE major difference between a "for" loop and a …
  • ou m Cc = La & Ki D N X G SU C SC = G = G 4 St = lariu FI (2489809/quizzes/5155491/take Question 10 8 pts #A program is given below in Python. Analyze the program and explain what the function isF…
  • . HW5.46. Create and return a list of even arguments to a function Define a function below called make_list_from_args, which takes three numerical arguments. Complete the function to return a list w…
  • Please answer exercise 1and 2 and practice questions. Print ("Val…") aise Practice Questions print ("Value of X is no more True") . Write the multiplication table of 50 going fro…
  • Re P C< 3 ou|m Cc = L & Ki| DI N N X G SL C SC G G 4 St = 1a Tu FI A Maps 1) print( 4 * 4 // 4 + 4 % 4) 2) print( "This is CSIS \t 2101" + &…
  • . Sou m Cc = La @ Ki DE Nc X G SI C SC = G = G A St la s/2489809/quizzes/5155491/take D Question 11 9 pts Write an algorithm to check user passwords in plain English. No programming language to be u…
  • Fill out the function extract_games(raw_data)…. View Insert Cell Kernel Navigate Widgets Help Not Trusted K C Markdown The first thing we need to do in our analysis is get the data in a more structu…
  • . ou m CC = La Ki D Nc X GSL C SC = G = GC A S) = Ya FIU FI 2489809/quizzes/5155491/take #This is a silly if else structure. def main(: a, b, c = eval( input ( "Please Enter three numbers: &quo…
  • . Cc ou m Cc = La Ki DE Nc X G SI C SC = G = G A St = Jal riu Fl rses/2489809/quizzes/5155491/take D Question 13 12 pts Cookie Calories A bag of cookies holds 40 cookies. The calorie information on …
  • . OL m CC = LE & Ki D N N X G SI C St G< = G | st = lal TU FI| LE C Si C S G s/2489809/quizzes/5155491/take Question 15 O pis This is a Bonus Question: 10 points Write a general python functi…
  • ou m CC = La Ki D Nc X GSL C SC = G = GC A S) = Ya FIU FI 2489809/quizzes/5155491/take #This is a silly if else structure. def main(: a, b, c = eval( input ( "Please Enter three numbers: ") …
  • could you please check the error and correct  import sys from collections import deque from vehicle import Vehicle GOAL_VEHICLE = Vehicle(‘X’, 4, 2, ‘H’) class RushHour(object):  Â “””A configu…
  • Create a program that first asks the user to enter a number of values and writes them to a txt file. Then the program reads the file and stores the numbers into a list. The program then outputs the av…
  • . Extend the linear model code we wrote in class to implement a Newey-West corrected OLS estimator with autocovariance term. The robust variance covariance matrix for this Newey-West estimator is Va…
  • 1 ÂMidterm 1, Spring 2022: USDA Food Labels Version 1.1 Changes: • 1.1 – Clarified instructions for exercise 6 This problem builds on your knowledge of nested data structures, string processing, an…
  • . Some researchers are investigating whether a drug that has been tagged with a short DNA sequence, t, would be able to bind to a longer DNA sequence, s, from a cell. To do this, they want to know t…
  • Could someone tell me what im doing wrong or maybe its just the sandblox environement  here is what i have  defÂskip_integers(*args):  forÂvalueÂinÂargs:  ifÂtype(value)Â…
  • Changes: • 1.1 – Clarified instructions for exercise 6 This problem builds on your knowledge of nested data structures, string processing, and implementation of mathematical functions. It has 7 exer…
  • So, in my python code, I’m supposed to prompt the user for their name, address, and phone number and write that data as a line of comma separated values to the file using the directory and filename. E…
  • Some researchers are investigating whether a drug that has been tagged with a short DNA sequence, t, would be able to bind to a longer DNA sequence, s, from a cell. To do this, they want to know the n…
  • Cut off other part of the question: For above question, start of main is given. Please complete the following program based on requirements given above. def main(): #Use your first name in the variabl…
  • practice writing user-defined functions without using for loops. I am having a really hard time understanding how to compose these functions without for loops. def wordly(word, guess): This function t…
  • Please write a code in Python 3 that utilizes the requirements as stated above. Thank you so much for all of the help, and if you have any questions don’t hesitate to ask! :). Write a general python f…
  • Need answer to following questions  Exercise 2:   Changes: 1.1 – Clarified instructions for exercise 6 This problem builds on your knowledge of nested data structures, string processing, and imp…
  • what am I doing wrong with this parsons problem. 1. Find the last occurrence of a character in a string Compose a function, last, that satisfies the following: The function last returns the index of t…
  • Write a program that asks the user for a string. Print the string, character by character, along with its associated ASCII value. Step through the string, one character at a time, and print the ASCII …
  • Chapter 5 Exercise B Complete using a while loop. Print a metric conversion chart which shows pounds converted to kilograms. The chart should print pounds from 1 to 50 and their equivalent kilograms. …
  • Chapter 5 Exercise A Complete using a for loop. Print a metric conversion chart which shows pounds converted to kilograms. The chart should print pounds from 1 to 50 and their equivalent kilograms. (T…
  • Help STOR 120 lab05.ipynb X nacho_reactions.png X comparisons (3).png X TheGreatGatsby (2).txt X a +xoc Code Q Python 3 (ipykernel) O IUngEl _Call SEVEN – LUnger_than_seven longer_than_seven lodified …
  • Python:Utilize a class Square. You must use inheritance from a Rectangle. When you create an object from the Rectangle class, please provide a single argument for the length of a side. The program mus…
  • These are the Data set below with 10 rows. Please answer the question above using PYTHON and also provide the Screenshot of the CODE. Question 6 (30 points) Perform normalization on the iris dataset. …
  • Source: Â. This dataset contains a variety of cartographic variables (features) and the forest cover type (the class). The features are a mixture o…
  • I am trying to get the max number of Friends_Count and SharedWith_Count for each ProductID with the CustomerID. I am able to get the max of each ProductID for Friends_Count and SharedWith_Count, but I…
  • Hi, I would like to print a value item_list from itemPage to main. I do not know how to print a value from ItemPage func to my main rather than executing a whole function itself. Thanks!. 1 #from main…
  • I am able to obtain the mean of highest order for zip code and Day. The main issue I am coming across is how to get the highest average week day for the number of other deliveries in every zip-code. ?…
  • use this link instead of the one in the question . It appears as if they authors of the textbook have changed the URL.. Question 7 Implement recursive fu…
  • Write a script that inputs a line of plaintext and a distance value and outputs an encrypted text using a Caesar cipher. The script should work for any printable characters. An example of the program …
  • we aren’t allowed to use for loops on this practice and it’s really throwing me off. How can this be done without for loops?!?!. def lower_left_triangle(s) : This function will print a triangle based …
  • Design a recursive function that accepts an argument into the parameters n . The function should return the value of n! (n factorial) . The definition of factorial is: n! = n x (n-1) x (n-2) x … dow…
  • Please help with the Phtyon code. Thank you.. Implement an approximation algorithm for the Traveling Salesman problem, which outputs a solution which is a 2-approximation of the optimal weight. 1 impo…
  • I have a module titled “Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning”. The following questions are based on topics such as Natural intelligence, Ambiguous decision-making, Artificial Intelligence, O…
  • Arisu has been assigned a game in which there are N rows of 3 light bulbs each. Sets of these light bulbs are connected by wires, and Arisu has the power to control whether there is or is not current …
  • Using two different loops: (for and while loop), write a Python program that does the following: Display all the even numbers between 10 and 100 Display all Odd numbers Backward from 999 to 777 Displa…
  • this is a hackerrrank exercise Â. DNA sequences are strings made up of the letters: A. T. G. C: they stand for the names of the 4 nucleobases (often shortened to just bases) that may appear in natura…
  • Please use python Given data set iris.csv  sepal.length sepal.width petal.length petal.width variety 5.1 3.5 1.4 0.2 Setosa 4.9 3 1.4 0.2 Setosa 4.7 3.2 1.3 0.2 Setosa 4.6 3.1 1.5 0.2 Setosa 5 3.6…
  • Explore the data ( for example look at the data, plot graphs ( histogram, pair…
  • Write a function called poverty_timeline that takes the name of a country (not the geo code) as its argument. It should draw a line plot of the number of people living in poverty in that country with …
  • Provide an example of code of how to perform experiments to evaluate the performance of various neural networks by changing the layers and nodes. Tested neural network structures should be explored wi…
  • I am having trouble writing these user defined functions and could use some direction.. def first_repetition(s) : This function looks for the first location in its string parameter where there are two…
  • My code is not working, why and how do I fix it? $dogNames = “/cygdrive/c/cpt180Stuff/pets/dogs/dognames.txt” $catNames = “/cygdrive/c/cpt180Stuff/pets/cats/catnames.txt” if [[-f “$catNames” & “$d…
  • # TODO Name: What is your Name? # TODO Date: What day is today? # App Name: Student Registration # App Description: Program that prompts and validates student information  from os import system ?…
  • any solution to this error so this code can be run successfully. Also the step is also wrong. InaccessibleTensorError: in user code: /usr/local/lib/python3.6/dist-packages/tensorflow/python/…
  • answer all/(a) Consider Âsimple client-server system implemented using Java Remote Method Invocation (RMI). Describe: (i) how the interface between the client and the server is defined; (ii) how a pa…
  • I need help with my code. I am doing a hackerrank exercise and the first test case keeps failing. def nbindings(s, t): Â Âcomplement_length=len(t)Â Â Âcount=0 Â Âif(t[0]==”T”): Â Â Â Âfor i…
  • # Problem statement 3.a # Finds all vnodes mapped to this node and shuffles them # Implement this logic and store in local_vnode_list
  • py: class BoundedQueue:Â Â Â# Creates a new empty queue: Â Âdef __init__(self, capacity):Â Â Â Â Âassert isinstance(capacity, int), (‘Error: Type error: %s’ % (type(capacity))) # thro…
  • Web dashboard for Data Visualization using Python (Python Dash) Python Dash Activity, PART 2: Creating Bar chart, Line chart, Box plot and Heatmap with given datasets with Plotly Once you set up and t…
  • . On Your Own In this section of the lab you will create code that will draw either a square or a circle in a particular location on the screen. Your program needs to have two input statements. One …
  • Programming 2. Newey-West estimator: Extend the linear model code we wrote in class to implement a Newey-West corrected OLS estimator with autocovariance term. The robust variance covariance matrix fo…
  • Ans is not right. Q8. Print all shipments which are delivered after 15 days of courier start date or not yet been delivered.
  • Conditionals Question. QUESTION 4 – CARD GAME CONDITIONAL: 24 points Imagine a card game on the computer where a player receives four cards and two of those cards have to be same (they have to form a …
  • Create a variable in your dataframe called PAYER which should be 1 if a firm has positive dividend (and therefore positive dividend payout ratio) and 0 otherwise. This variable will be the categorical…
  • For datasets kindly refer:  2. P…
  • What is the point ofÂ(Links to an external site.) Â? How is it connected to anything we discussed in this class?
  • file # Synopsis: #  Defines the Statistics ADT #  Calculate mean and variance and other statistical summaries  #  of numeric data. # Implementation # Do the calculations without…
  • Write Âprogram that reads a user inputted number of hours that one person works in a week and his/her hourly pay. Calculate the total pay and print it. Write Âprogram that insert number from the key…
  • Load the Titanic data from a CSV file and store it in a dictionary [20] Requirements: • Define the function load_data(file_name:str,types:dict)->dict, which opens and reads the file name…
  • Calculate and print summaries of all the data [20] Requirements • Define the function summarize(data:dict) that takes the dictionary returned by load_data as the data parameter and summariz…
  • Please use python Write a code to Implement Logistic Regression in the following template withoutÂNumerical Computation of Gradient. #!/usr/bin/python3 import pandas as pd import numpy as np import m…
    • Ez Mart is a superstore. This superstore also offers Free internet access to its customers. Your job as a Security Analyst is to determine the weaknesses that could exist in such a system. For exam…
  • Page 2 " Returns: r, g, b (floats (or ints if you changed the turtle colormode setting)) Note that a return can have multiple comma-separated parts so you can use return r, g, b if your function …
  • using c++ codes show the codes and the output result 1)it should ask the user to enter the number 2) It should ask the user to enter the base of the number which is 8 3) to enter the new base which…
  • Quantitative trading involves the use of quantitative trading signals to determine the entry and exit to the stock market. These trading signals are designed such that they can capture market characte…
  • It is a python and i want code for these problem. Land Calculation One acre of land is equivalent to 43.560 square feet. Write a program that asks the user to enter the total square feet in a tract of…
  • Note: For the data FIFA world cup data and phone data (CSV File ), you may refer to the drive link as I could not able to attach the file in it.…
  • Aditya Booksellers has a book club that awards points to its customers based on the number of books purchased each month. The points are awarded as follows: (10 Marks) If a customer purchases 0 boo…
  • On the left you have the complete flow diagram, on the right you have a partial Python solution. Complete the right-hand side so it becomes a full Python translation of the flow diagram on the left…
  • Report and discuss Machine Learning (ML) analysis of dividend payers (if dividend payout ratio > 0 then dividend payer = 1, otherwise dividend payer = 0) using the K Nearest Neighbor model or KN…
  • You will summarise you main finding is a report of 2000 words. The report will: 1. Summarise the relevant literature (research papers) and research question. 2. Report and discuss descriptive data ana…
  • On serverb, ensure that newly created users have passwords that must be changed every 30 days. Set PASS_MAX_DAYS to 30 in /etc/login.defs. Use administrative rights while opening the file with the tex…
  • This is python question. When you run the code, the answer should be 9. I already got 9. I wanna see your solution. The code has debug, it is here where you see ??? (question marks). Just replace ques…
  • Create a class of name person that has the following data attributes: First name: First name of person Last name: Last name of person 2. Create another class of name employee that inherits person c…
  • Python code to Implement an approximation algorithm for the Traveling Salesman problem, which outputs a solution which is a 2-approximation of the optimal weight. Â. Implement an approximation algori…
  • How do I create a class that contains all of the functions of the program without changing the output. The following is the current structure of my program: Â # Imports functions module import Mylib …
  • For datasets kindly refer:  1. P…
  • . For the following X and y, use scikit-learn to learn a linear model. 2 X = 4 3 4 V= Upload your Jupyter notebook.
  • . Our task is to build an interpreter for a simple Python program with a limited syntax, simulating the computer’s execution. Let us start by interpreting an input text file consisting of a sequence…
  • Rewrite the following function finding the greatest common divisor(GCD) using Euclid’s algorithm. def gcd(m, n) : gcd = 1 if mon == 0: return n for k in range (int (n / 2) , 0, -1 ) : if m % k == 0 an…
  • The function html_procedure( filename) takes one CSV filename as the argument, then converts the CSV file Sample Rendered HTML Page into a simple HTML page. . Put elephant in the fridge 1. Open the fr…
  • Use python to solve the problem, thank you #Download data for 4 of your favorite stocks using yfiance #starting date: 01-01-2019 #end date: today (date you attempt the question) #plot them on the same…
  • 4 pts The time complexity of the selection sort algorithm and insertion sort algorithm is O O(1) O O(2^n) O o(n) O O(n12) Previous
  • What would the code for the NY License portion be in PYTHON?. Part 1 – Password Strength Often when you create a password it is judged for its strength. The estimate of strength is compute by applying…
  • Write a python script that can sniff an icmp request packet and can then spoof an icmp echo reply packet.
  • (IN PYTHON) Write the code to implement a program that will sniff network packets and will try to detect certain types of network attacks. Implement 3 rules to prevent: DOS attacks, TCP session hijack…
  • I need help with this, its NumPy. Â. Create a 2×2 array of US v/s GB deaths in two American Revolutionary War battles listed below for US and GB correspondingly (1 point): 0 Battle 1: 344, 2345, a Ba…
  • Define a second function which, when called, will “sleep” for approximately three seconds, and while doing so will display a “z” on the screen about every ½ a second. D…
  • For each of the following problem scenarios A – C below (30 points): Decide if a solution would be best addressed with supervised learning, unsupervised clustering, or database query. Explain why you …
  • """Part 3: Refer to file weights. It contains the weight (lbs) of randomly selected males from United States, Verify whether the weights seem to be normally distributed""&quot…
  • A Python function is a block of code which only runs when it is called by name and proper number of arguments. Users can pass data, known as arguments to replace the parameters of a function. The numb…
  • Write a function negate_last(n, values) that takes as inputs an integer n and an arbitrary list of integers values and that uses recursion to create and return a version of values in which only the la…
    • LAB: Password modifier  Learning Objectives In this lab, you will: Write a function that matches the specifications Write a program that calls the required function and provides the requested o…
  • For lab 3 complete the following Programming Exercises from Chapter 3 in the book from the section “Programming Exercises” #3 Age Classifier #8 Hot Dog Cookout Calculator #17 Wi-Fi Diagnostic Tree (Hi…
  • The use of Python modules is encouraged in this ECA. Quantitative trading involves the use of quantitative trading signals to determine the entry and exit to the stock market. These trading signal…
  • In python please Â. 14.1 Can you drive safely? This lab will be available until February 25th, 11:59 PM EST A person’s Blood Alcohol Concentration (BAC) has been strongly correlated with driving im…
  • use python to answer this question Â. 1. Import matplotlib library using the standard abbreviation. 2. Generate a list of 100 plot point between 0 and 1 using list comprehensions. 3. Plot f(x) = sin(…
  • Data set: MAGIC Gamma Telescope Dataset (Source:Â Â Â. Requirements (1) Randomly separate the data into two subsets: -70% for training…
  • Exercise / . Write a python program to ask if the user wants to go to the park or not. If so, ask if the user wants to bike there or not. If not, ask if the user wants to play a game. Match the text o…
  • Data set: The Abalone Data Set (Source: Â Â Â. Data set information These data consisted of 4,177 observations of 9 attributes, detailed as follows….
  • How do you calculate the values of p0, p1, p2, p3? I need the value of p3 to calculate server utilization.. 3.3. Consider a two-server system with exponentially distributed inter-arrival and service t…
  • State the difference between learning and predictive phase in predictive modeling.
  • Problem 1: Create a function primes (a, b) that uses the Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all the primes p satisfying a < p < b. You may not use any built-in functions that perform entire or part o…
  • Note: For the data (CSV File ), you may refer to the drive link                ?…
  • How and where am I missing so many undefined words?! please help!. Counting Non-Stop Words determining the number of non-stop words In [16]: words_ns = remove_stop(words, stop) unique_ns = remove_stop…
  • Problem 4. (10 points) A long distance runner wants to carry only a single water bottle along the route and she can run k miles on one bottle of water. Before the race, she is given a map of all n wat…
  • Write code that outputs variable numYears as follows. End with a newline. Ex: If the input is: 3 the output is: Years: 3
  • def groceryShops(A, k): # Write your code here– if not A: return 0  n = len(A) # n is the number of city centers  if k >= n: # we should not have more shops than city centers return 0  A.sor…
  • Note: For the data (CSV File ), you may refer to the drive link Â. Statistics for Machine Learning Project 1….
  • Problem 2: Create a function bezout_coeffs(a, b) that computes the Bezout coefficients s and t of a and b . 1. INPUT: . a , b – distinct integers 2. OUTPUT: {a: s, b: t} – dictionary where keys are th…
  • Problem 2: Create a function god(a, b) that computes the greatest common divisor of a and b using the bezout_coeff function you implemented for problem 2 lecture. No credit will be given to functions …
  • EECS 138: Problem Set 3  Note: This problem set may take longer than PS1 and PS2. Start earlier / plan accordingly.    Problem : Make sure you have basic experience with if and while in Py…
  • Phase 1: Â The prompts for Phase 1 should match the python code below and not…
  • I am working on Week 7 assignment for ENTD200Â Use the information below to create a pseudocode (which can be a text-based description for solving the problems) and a flowchart (using flowchart symbo…
  • Phase 1: Â and I need this python code below to match the prompts directly above that tells you the prompts for phase 1: Â # declare variables # cumulativeSharesBought=0 cumulativeBurchaseAmount = 0…
  • Hey, I would like to learn how to answer Question 4 without using any “for” statements. I think it can be implemented using the pandas.DataFrame.mul function but would love to see how you would code i…
  • The following Python program draws a single line of length 30: import turtle sc = turtle.Screen() moxie = turtle.Turtle() moxie.hideturtle() moxie.forward(30) sc.exitonclick() Modify it to draw the fo…
  • Functions17: Turtle Mural part 1 You are interested in painting a mural that you designed with turtle using only a circle, a rectangle, and a triangle. You need to calculate the area that will need to…
  • As discussed in the book, you will need to use the Python utility pip to install matplotlib. Follow the instructions in the book for details. After your program comment header, add the appropriate lin…
  • Functions13: Hypotenuse part 1 Complete the function hypotenuse() so that it takes the lengths of the two shorter sides of a right triangle and returns the hypotenuse of the triangle, computed using t…
  • Write a complete Python program that reads an integer N from the user, then prints out the numbers from 0 to N, inclusive: one per line of output.
  • Write a complete Python program that uses Turtle graphics to draw any two lines that cross at a right angle.
  • Assuming there are no accidents or delays, the distance that a car travels down the interstate can be calculated with the following formula: (10 marks) Distance = Speed * Time A car is traveling at…
  • file name = X my_dict – read_file(file_name) if my_dict is None: print (‘Error: Invalid file name provided: {}’. format (file_name) ) return
  • Be sure that you have a loop that prompts the user to enter a name and grades all on the same line. “John Smith 93 94 83”  See below regarding Exercise 9.3 reimplementation  Help with this pleas…
  • Focusing on df and the column “Number of Customers Affected”, please: print() the dtype attribute for the column. Please write a function scrub2int(ob) that will: take in an object or string as input …
  • Given the following Python code: discountRate = 0.0 purchase = input (‘Enter the value of the purchase: ‘) if purchase > 1000: discountRate = . 05 else: if purchase > 750: discountRate = .03 …
  • The following Pseudocode adds all the elements of an array into an accumulator called sum: sum= O 1 =0 while (i < N ) sum = sum + V[i] print (sum) N is a variable that contains the number of ele…
  • Could you show me how to fix this? Â Â Â Â. Label Fixing Function Name: fixLabels() Parameters: labelList ( list ) Returns: list of correct labels ( list ) Description: While working at a store, y…
    • Write a function named findLgValue that takes in a pandas DataFrame – where the argument is named “theData” – and a specific column name from that DataFrame – named “theColumn” – and yields a Data…
  • Start your program (after the comment header) with this predefined list: Â list1 = [2, 3, 5, 8] list2 = [4, 7] Â Write a one-line list comprehension that is equivalent to the following code and prin…
  • 3 and 9.4. Be sure that you have a loop that prompts the user to enter a name and grades all on the same line. “John Smith 93 94 83” 9.3 (Class Average: Writing Student Records to a CSV File) An ins…
  • Be sure that you have a loop that prompts the user to enter a name and grades all on the same line. “John Smith 93 94 83” Â 9.3 (Class Average: Writing Student Records to a CSV File) An instructor te…
  • my assignment is Write a function jscore(s1, s2) that takes two strings s1 and s2 as inputs and that uses recursion to compute and return the Jotto score of s1 compared with s2 – i.e., the number of c…
  • Could you show how do this? Â. Label Fixing Function Name: fixLabels() Parameters: labelList ( list ) Returns: list of correct labels ( list ) Description: While working at a store, you are assign…
  • Can someone help me understand this code? Â Â def pascal_helper(l): Â Âwhile( l ==[]): Â Â Â Âreturn [] Â Âwhile (len(l) == 1): Â Â Â Âreturn [1] Â Âreturn[l[0] + l [1]] + pascal_helpe…
  • The Problem: Mr. Smith needs your help to solve a problem regarding the humidity levels of his home. After contacting an AC company, Dr. Rincon was told that he needs to run the AC on cool to reduce t…
  • Please write the correct code for the following:Â Â 1. Write a function named makePivotChart that takes in a DataFrame called theData, a column called theGroup, a second column called theOrder, and …
  • PYTHON QUESTIONS: 1. Write a function named gsNums that assumes 2 parameters: (1) a list of numbers called numbers and (2) a second argument representing the largestNum ( inclusively ) to be incorpora…
  • I need help with this. There’s a syntax error and I can’t seem to figure why. Â. Understanding if else Statements in Python X Understanding if else + >_ Terminal + Statements 1 # L…
  • Using text analysis, data scientists can identify positive, negative, and neutral expressions in text. This is known as sentiment analysis. Suppose that you consider UCSD’s student-run newspaper, The …
  • Please assist with the following questions for coding:Â Â (1) Write a function named findLgValue that takes in a pandas DataFrame – where the argument is named “theData” – and a specific column name…
  • please don’t copy from chegg and course hero. My Error: from selenium import webdriver from selenium.webdriver.common.keys import Keys driver = webdriver.PhantomJS() driver.get(‘{{localhost}}/cg_regis…
  • Hi I’m having a hard time figuring out how to prevent being asked to pick up an item over again after reinterring a room? also my play the game again feature isn’t working right if I say Y it just fin…
  • Please help with the python code for the problem. Thank you.. 1, Now that you know how to use extended Euclid’s algorithm for finding modular inverses, implement an efficient algorithm for dividing b …
  • Lab Assignment #2 – Apply Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines algorithms to solve various   classification problems.  Purpose: The purpose of this Lab assi…
  • a python program to do the following:  Create a class of name person that has the following data attributes: First name: First name of person Last name: Last name of person  Create another class o…
  • Say we have a dictionary stuDict that maps student IDs to a list of their name, birthdate, and GPA. Write code to find the average GPA of the students in the dictionary. Remember to protect against di…
  • you should not use any calendar function provided by python. Sample outputs:. Write function in_date() that prompts the user for a month, day and year and returns a list [month, day, year]. Assume t…
  • And, you may run the following HDFS commands to test if hdfs works well at your ORACLE CLOUD Lab: HVAC Sensor Data Analysis in Hive using ORACLE CLOUD account: Objective -bash-4.1$ hdfs dfs -1s introd…
  • Hi, Â We’re required to write 2 python functions that examine a trace log to extract function calls that try to establish a connection to the C2 server. Â Can you help? Â Â Requirement Details (3 …
  • please use python. Implement the simplex method, and test your algorithm on the example minimize —x1—x2, subject to —2×1+x2 +x3 +x4 = 2, —x1+2*x2+x5 =7, x1+x6 = 3, x1,…,x6 20. Start your sim…
  • Evaluate Conditions. Assume num has a value of 4 and word has a value of ‘Fun’. Determine whether each of the following conditions evaluates to true or false. Explain your answer on multiple lines and…
  • You work for a small company that creates text-based games. You recently pitched your design ideas for a text-based adventure game to your team. Your team was impressed by all of your designs, and wou…
  • With an example, illustrate the concept of an object and class. 4. Create a list called mylist. Add 7 values of your choice in it. (2.5 × 2 Marks) a. Demonstrate using the concept of Python dictionar…
  • Create a Time class and initialize it with hours and minutes. a) Make a method addTime which should take two, time objects and add them. E.g.‐ (2 hour and 10 min) + (1 hr and 45 min) is (3 hr and…
  • In Python methods are functions defined inside the body of a class. They are used to define the behaviors of an object. In this problem, you will create a database for vehicles by defining a class nam…
  • Read the Caesar Cipher Wiki Page . . Suppose we have Shift Key = 13, and text = "SECURITY IS IMPORTANT" What would be the encrypted message? Note, the shift is right shift, that is key = 1, …
  • I’m having trouble coding the following: LISTS – I created my tuples and now am creating lists (showcased in my constants), however, I can’t get my menu options ( move forward, move left, move right, …
  • Functions03: Reverse name Complete the reverseName() function so that it takes a first name and a last name and returns a string with the entire name reversed. For example, if the first name is Sue an…
  • Problem 2) [Python] Perceptron learning in Python: a) Create class NeuralNetwork(): that creates a single neuron, train it, and test it. This class should have the following function: i. def init (sel…
  • Module 1 Assignment Due: Monday 2/21/2022 Note: You may use Monday 2/14/2022 and Wednesday 2/16/2022 lecture to work on this assignment 1. Convert the following values to IEEE 754 single precision for…
  • using c++, classes and inheritance topic, Fill the parts in the code marked // Your code starts here // Your code ends here So that the main method produces the output A B C Do not modify anything fro…
  • check the optimizer (solver) functions used by sklearn.linear_model.LogisticRegressionCV. For each function, explain in around 100 words what they mean; specifically: [8 points] What does newton-cg me…
  • USING PYTHON CODE Give an algorithm to find all nodes less than some value, X, in a binary heap. Your algorithm should run in O(K), where K is the number of nodes output. Implement your algorithm in t…
  • How could internal documentation improve this program? x =Â90 a =Â37 c = x/a print(c)
  • Conditionals IF statements. CSC 104 – H c) if (day = = ‘Friday’ OR day = = ‘Saturday’) AND time = = ’10pm’: print(‘time to go out’) else: print(‘stay home’) day time Outcome Monday 10pm Monday 7pm Fri…
  • Write a function Âthat asks the user to Input an integer containing 0s and 1s (i.e., a “binary” integer) and display/returns its decimal equivalent. Hint: Use the modulus and division operators to pi…
  • Modify the following code such that it prints all the integer between 1 to 10. In addition, generate the same output using while loop. (5 Marks) for i in range(0,10): print (i) 2.An integer greater …
  • Load the two datasets “2021_Annual_Summary.xls” and “table_b_1.xlsx” using pandas.read_excel function, the variable files, and list comprehension to create a variable named “dfs”. For now, do not add …
  • It turns out that the Colored Tiles problem (see appendix for a problem overview) has the following prop- erties: Each square needs to be touched at MOST once The COUNT of the number of touches on-or-…
  • Write a program that operates like a point of sale terminal for the purchase of three items in various quantities. The program should accept the name, unit price, and quantity of each item as keyboard…
  • python: Given dict = {‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3} , how do you access the second element of the dictionary?
  • Please Do not use any library (regular expressions) to solve this problem. Assignment 6 Question 5 (20 points) A website requires the users to input username and password to register. Write a program …
  • What python statements produces a: Â Ârandom integer between 1 and 100 (inclusive)
  • (what two mistakes are here in python code) Â for num in num_list: if num % 2 == 1: nums_list.remove(num)
  • General Guidelines: Use the least amount of pre-attentive attributes in each plot. Usually one is enough. Reduce the width of the bars to increase the data-ink ratio. If you are using a single color, …
  • Part I: Downloading the US Census Income Dataset We will use one of the datasets of the UCI data repository. It contains many datasets that are used by researchers and data scientists to evaluate new …
  • For your final project for this course, you will create a GUI application using Python tkinter. For this first step in completing your Final Project, you’ll need to: Select the topic of your Final P…
  • ÂWhy do we need different data types? (3 pts) 2. What are some of the built-in Python data types? (2.5Âpts) 3. Which data type do you think will be most useful and why? (2.5 pts)
  • The spelling of a file name in the open command must be all upper case. must be all lower case. is case sensitive. is not case sensitive. Â A text file consists of a sequence of lines. an unordered c…
  • What does the strip method do? strip() removes unwanted comments. strip() removes code bloat. strip() removes unwanted characters from the beginning and end of a string. strip() adds a strip of border…
  • Which of the functions sum1, sum2, and sum3 produce a side effect? What is the side effect?
  • You are not supposed to use any library to solve this problem. A website requires the users to input username and password to register. Write a program to check the validity of password input by users…
  • Which module could we use to test our functions? a) os.path b) unittest c) calendar d) datetime  2. When dictionaries are passed as parameters, they are passed by reference, which means they don’…
  • A class ShoppingCart that implements the following functions: add(CartItem item) //Adds an item to the cart remove(CartItem item) //removes an item from the cart getQuantity(CartItem item) //returns t…
  • . from scipy import integrate def GNPDF (x, args=(0,1) ): This is the Gaussian Normal Probability Density Function with parameters mean (m), standard deviation (s) . A call to GNPDF will calculate f…
  • ### import your python file to this code and macth it with the output below ### import sys import # your code goes here. def dump(band, msg): print(msg) print(” Singer: “+band.get_singer()) print(“…
  • Just this, thanks!. Say we have a dictionary stuDict that maps student IDs to a list of their name, birthdate, and GPA. Write code to find the average GPA of the students in the dictionary. Remember t…
  • # declare variables # cumulativeSharesBought=0 cumulativeBurchaseAmount = 0 cumulativeSaleAmount = 0 cumulativeSharesSold = 0 sharesOwned = 0 # Read input initialAmount = float(input(“Starting cash am…
  • Note: For the data (CSV File ), you may refer to the drive link         Â. Statistics Project…
  • . For following question, Instructor has picked (a) as correct answer but I believe it should be (a) and (b) both, Please send correction and send detail explanation along for my understanding. 7. S…
  • For the below problem I developed the code displayed in the second screenshot, however I am only getting a result of “No Mode” for the proceeding mode tests. I am not sure what to change to actually h…
  • 2 Count the number of words (30 points) Write a function that counts the number of words in a given sentence. The function shall take in a string, the sentence, as a parameter, loop through the string…
  • Functions01: Cups to Ounces Complete the cupsToOunces() function so that it takes a number of cups, converts to ounces, and returns the ounces. One cup is eight ounces. The main thing to note here …
  • TO LAB. Filter and sort a list Write a program that gets a list of integers from input, and outputs non-negative integers in ascending order (lowest to highest) Ex: If the input is: 10 -7 4 39 -6 1…
  • Please complete the following problem of Artificial Intelligence course, Using python programming language. Please use DFS(Depth First Search) ALGORITHM FOR THIS PROBLEM.. Question 1 We all know that …
  • my code is running an error. Compulsory Task 1 Follow these steps: Create a Python file called in this folder. . Create your own function that prints all the days of the week. . Create …
  • 1 Ginger Number (30 points) Let’s call a number ‘Ginger number’ if it’s a positive number, and its prime factors are limited to 2,3,5,7. For example, 98 is a ginger number as 98 = 2 * 7 * 7. 7…
  • Can you please help with this program? Â Â Â rooms = { Â ÂÂ ‘Entrance’ : { ‘East’ : ‘Main Corridor’ }, Â ÂÂ ‘Main Corridor’ : { ‘North’ : ‘North Wing’ , ‘South’ : ‘South Wing’ , ‘East’ : ‘Eas…
  • One Word document with screen shots of The output from Program 1. The debugger window from Program 2. The output window from Program 2. The output from Program 3. The .py file from Program 1. The .py …
  • Lab Assignment #2 – Apply Logistic Regression and Support Vector Machines algorithms to solve various classification problems. Purpose:The purpose of this Lab assignment is to: ï‚•ï‚Design and implem…
  • “”” This security layer inadequately handles A/B storage for files in RepyV2. Â Note: This security layer uses encasem*ntlib.r2py, restrictions.default, and Python Also you need to give it an…
  • Write a scikit-learn basedÂapplication to predict the secondary school student performance using a logistic regression model. The dataset is present in file . The features to…
  • Can you answer this by following the instructions and follow it same to the way that the instructions guide us.
  • *** PYTHON *** 1. create text file that contains your expenses for last month in the following categories: – rent (mortgage) – gas – food – clothing – car payment – miscellaneous then write a python p…
  • Flag question: Question 1 Question 11 pts  True or false? Python dictionaries are mutable. Group of answer choices True  False   Flag question: Question 2 Question 21 pts  3 * 2 ** 2 + 1 is …
  • Have a problem with 2 codes. Â 1) want to make where the rooms that are connected to the room with direction to take only shows not the items in that string. The item will appear when entering the ro…
  • // This program is supposed to display every fifth year // starting with 2017; that is, 2017, 2022, 2027, 2032, // and so on, for 30 years. start  Declarations   Ânum year   Ânum START_YEA…
  • [25 points] Classification with PCA vs. FISHER using k-NN – Dataset: – Apply 9-dimensional PCA – Call it the Digits-PCA dataset. – Apply 9-dimensional FISHER …
  • Overview This lesson introduces basic list and tuple construction as well as touching upon some key list functions. Instructions The following tasks will either have you interacting with existing file…
  • TAS KS WRITING SIMPLE PYTHON PO RG RAM: Using a Nested List to Store Employee Data You are going to store table data using a nested list. Imagine this: you are currently working in an IT company and a…
  • Task 1 In this task, you’ll be defining a function with three parameters. Specifications Open a new Jupyter notebook Define a new function named too_many_kittens that takes three arguments, in order: …
  • In this question, you must design and implement two programs in Python, one for Dijkstra’s algorithm and one Floyd’s algorithm, to compute all-pair shortest paths in any given graph. Each program must…
  • . I am including 2 questions with their answers. Please send explanation of each question, how following red answer came. Please send easy way to solve it. Q2. [4 * 5 = 20 Marks] In the following qu…
  • Hello, I am getting back into Python and for a project, have to Create a scanner that will take a file and read the source code and list out the tokens. The scanner must include an array of the keyw…
  • . BonusQ1 [1 point] Identify the cause of concern with the below piece of code. class Person (object) : name = None def init_(self, name) : Person . name = name def funct (self) : return "Your …
  • . Exercise 1A: Read in your data (1 pt) 1] Recall that in R we can read data from text files into data frames using the read. table( ) function. Instructions: – Create a data frame object called: fo…
  • please don’t copy from chegg and course hero Can someone help me with this? I need python. Â. Problem Statement Experiment with the following function for generating random variables from the Gauss…
  • What is the result of the following slice? myString[:]Â ÂÂ A syntax error. ÂÂ The slice includes just the first character of the string. ÂÂ The slice iincludes just the last character of the st…
  • Python Basic Coding No Imports: Write a function sequence that accepts an number ( int ) and that prints a sequence of numbers that starts at the given number and obeys the following rules: the number…
  • Python Basic Coding no imports. Write a function doubleVowel that accepts a word as an argument and returns True if the word contains two adjacent vowels and False otherwise. Sample usage:Â Â >&g…
  • To answer these Python code, you need to define first the function, then def main():, and main() to close  Â1. ÂWrite a function rotate_right(items) to return a list containing the elements from…
  • Please don’t copy from other tutorial sites  Need help with Tkinter Python lab. Need to add the following 3 parameters on previous code:  Include button to dump question responses to a flat fi…
  • Please follow the instructions to complete the following Python programs. ÂFor each program, please also provide your own testing cases. ÂPlease complete them in either Jupter notebook or with…
  • Create a Python program to determine whether a password meets ALL (and ONLY ) the requirements below for a secure password. Your program should prompt the user for the candidate password. To be valid …
  • I need Python Programming for the following: Read in the file forestfires.csv. Create a new data frame X from the columns FFMC, DMC, DC, ISI, temp, RH, wind, and rain, in that order. Calculate the cov…
  • Programming using Python. Programming Exercises 1. [] ÂPrograms can make laborious tasks much easier, and mathematical calculations are very common. Formulas can be rather…
  • Dataset: The Covertype Data Set (Source: ) This dataset contains a variety of cartographic variables (features) and the forest cover type (the class)….
  • Please don’t copy from other tutorial sites. Â My teacher said my INSERT sql code uses an incomplete keyword Here is the code I have. I am using Python
  • I need help fixing this code. I can’t collect all the items, plus I need to add a commend to exit the game when users enter “EXIT”   def showinstructions(): Â# Game instruction   print(“Snow …
  • Your organization has three network servers Âthat report daily connection statistics on access time. The data was captured 5 times daily for each day for each server. ÂFor each server, you will ne…
  • The code isn’t executing the way I anticipated. It should create a list but it is not.. # This program will print a list with all items separated by a comma and a space. ListToPrint = Ewhile True: new…
  • Write code that outputs variable numHouses as follows. End with a newline. Ex: If the input is: 3 the output is: Houses: 3
  • Perform Web Scrapping on the following page: congress, and full link. <html> <head> <title> Page title </title> </head> <body> <p id=”firstpara” align=”center”&g…
  • You are to create a Python application that applies concepts of exceptions in Python. Scenario: You are to create a reservation application for a hotel. The application will allow a user to make a res…
  • For datasets kindly refer:  1. Perform the following statistical analysis on the fifa world cup dataset. The data…
  • Answer the discuss questions(1,2,3,4,5,6,7) Â Discuss: What is the value of `drink[-3]`? What code would allow you to print every other letter in `drink` (i.e. print “gne er”)? What code would allow …
  • Need help w my python assignment. seminar 3 = for, while loops, functions. kindly add comments and details for easier grasping of concept. thank you in advance!. Wrong! Answer is 122 Q3. 48 * 6 = 108 …
  • Instructions: Create an election program that accepts input from the user and outputs the winner of the election Input : Poll 10 people for their election vote Output : Print the total votes cast as w…
  • . Do Matrix Multiplication Using Spark MapReduce Please implement a cascaded mapreduce on PySpark to compute a matrix multiplication, i.e., Cmxp = Amxn X Boxp. Here I provide you the pseudocode and …
  • In this assignment you will create a web page about your favorite sports to play or teams to watch. If you don’t watch or play sports, please make up your favorite sports to play or teams to watch. Yo…
  • Write a program that demonstrates the Cubic Spline Curve Fitting method. You must write and call at least the following 3 functions: def CubicSpline(x, y, slope1=0, slope2=0): #calculates and retu…
  • . In this discussion activity, we’ll the use of regular expressions to parse an HTML script of a play. Our ultimate aim will be to count the number of lines spoken by each character in the play. Whi…
  • Write a program that demonstrates the Least Squares Curve Fitting method. You must write and call at least the following 3 functions: def LeastSquares(x, y, power): #calculates and returns an arra…
  • For this problem, we will re-work homework 2a using the integrate.quad function of scipy.integrate rather than the Simpson method to find: P(x<1|N(0,1)): probability x<1 given a normal distrib…
  • . X X X N Tic Tac Toe Simulation Starter Code 3 import random 5 class TicTacToeSim: 18 # Part 1 10 def __init__(self) : 11 # Initialize the simulation 12 # Set …
  • Write code that outputs variable numKeys as follows. End with a newline. Ex: If the input is: 3 the output is:  ‘ Our tests will run your program with input 3, then run again with input 6.  …
  • . … (10 rows omitted) : grader . check ("q2_5") 1 : q2_5 passed! Question 6. Write a function called poverty_timeline that takes the name of a country as its argument. It should draw a l…
  • Overview The objective for this assignment is learning to read and to write text files using a Python program. ÂCopy your BMI function bellow: # bmi function def bmi(h,w): Â Âbm = w/(h*h) Â Âlst=…
  • Write code that outputs variable numTrees. End with a newline. Â ”’ Our tests will run your program with input 2, then run again with input 5. Â ÂYour program should work for any input, though. ”…
  • Write code that outputs the following. End with a newline. Remember that print() automatically adds a newline. Â This lunch is nice.
  • Create a function calledÂnewsku This function should take the product name and category as parameters.  If the category is ‘tech’, return a string that contains the first three letters of the…
  • . If you solve Problems #6 and #7 correctly, you should get the same magnitudes for the branch values, since the circuits are the same. This is the same schematic as Problem #6. Assume all given val…
  • . An excavation crew digs a rectangular hole in the ground measuring1 120 yd X 30 yd x 12 yd (length x width x depth) to hold the basem*nt for a new office building that is under construction. Five…
  • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 1.26.2: Math functions. 386968.1907470.qx3zay Jump to level 1 Compute: z = xly 1 import math float (input( ) ) float (input( ) ) Your code goes here . co O 8 print (round (z, 2) ) #…
  • Please follow the instructions to complete the following Python programs. For each program, please also provide your own testing cases. Please complete them in either Jupter notebook or with .py file …
  • Hi, Im writing a python program and am stuck with defining some functions to clean up my code and one to use for repeating code. There are some must and must not restrictions which must be followed:…
  • i cant figure out why my code is not working in Âpython filename = ‘file1.txt’ #reading input file with open(filename, ‘r’) as file:  Âcontents = file.readlines() dic = {} for i in range(0,len…
  • Define a second function which, when called, will “sleep” for approximately three seconds, and while doing so will display a “z” on the screen about every ½ a second. Do not use the sleep function …
  • I have the steps.text file if you need it. Thanks. def main( ) : # Open steps. txt for reading # Set the counter and an accumulator day_count = 0 total_steps = 0 # Loop through the file for step in st…
  • A Personal Fitness Tracker is a wearable device that tracks your physical activity, calories burned, heart rate, sleeping patterns, and so on. One common physical activity that most of these devices t…
  • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 1.26.2: Math functions. 386968.1907470.qx3zqy7 V Jump to level 1 v Compute: z = Vx + y 2 1 import math 3 B X = float (input() ) 4 y = float(input()) 5 ." Your code goes here &q…
  • Fill in code at the …… Â. 4. +20 (2D-array) Complete the program for playing Game of life. 1) Implement the function numLiveNeighbors() in 2) Implement the function draw() in gameoflife.p…
  • Code: Python 3 Assume the input data is structured as follows: first there is a non-negative integer specifying the number of employee timesheets to be read in. This is followed by data for each of th…
  • | Home x | Discussion X zy Section 1.26 – CYB 130T: Object- X + X C A & S G . . . Disney+ | Mov…
  • Create a program that simulates a rudimentary doctor’s office check in program. Use a dictionary data structure to store the following data for each patient: patient ID, Patient Name, Patient DOB, App…
  • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 1.26.2: Math functions. 386968.1907470.qx3zqy7 Jump to level 1 Compute: z = (x – y)5 1 import math 3 x = float(input( ) ) 4 y = float(input()) Your code goes here ". 7 8 print …
  • I need real help trying to figure out how to do this assignment please. Project 6-3: Contact Manager Create a program that a user can use to manage the primary email address and phone number for a con…
  • Locate a video or article on anything Python related that you think would be useful for new Python developers. Discuss the information you reviewed and why you think it would be useful for new Pytho…
  • This week we will create a program that performs file processing activities. Your program this week will use the OS library in order to validate that a directory exists before creating a file in tha…
  • Implementing a Stack ADT using a linked solution. The implementations are linked Nodes. class Node: Â def __init__(self, data, node=None): Â Â Â # Initialize this node, insert data, and set the ne…
  • How can I accomplish this?. 2. +8 (ADT) Implement your own list class myList that behaves like class list except that: . The addition (+) operator returns the sum of the lengths of the two lists (inst…
  • please do not copy from chegg and course hero Want in Python script Â. (1) Draw 10000 samples from a (standard) multivariate normal distrubtion in 10 dimensions. Assume the mean to be a vector of zer…
  • In this lab, you complete a partially written Python program that computes hotel guest rates at Cornwall’s Country Inn. The program is described in Chapter 9, Exercise 11, in Programming Logic and Des…
  • Im needing to write a function to match my code in python. Solution MAY make use of the following: Built-in functions int(), input(), print(), range(), pow(), len() and str(). Concatenation (+) operat…
  • import csv import pandas as pd movies = [“Parasite”, “Green Book”, “The Shape of Water”, “Moonlight”, “Spotlight”, “Birdman”, “12 Years a Slave”, “Argo”, “The Artist”, “The King’s Speech”, “The Hurt L…
  • Rewrite your pay computation to give the employee 1.5 times the hourly rate for hours worked above 40 hours. Please. submit your program and the results here as screen caption. Below is what you want …
  • Challenge 1  Define a function which will take two arguments, both of type string. The purpose of the function is to return to the caller a random number from 1 to x, where x is the number of …
  • write the code to apply Local Search to the Colored Tiles problem. The following basic Local Search strategies have been provided for you: •Random Guessing: Randomly choose a new state from all poss…
  • Quiz 6  Started: Feb 19 at 8:42pm Quiz Instructions  This is a 20 multiple choice question quiz on the material from Session 6, including the readings, discussion board assignment and the slide pr…
  • Challenge 1  Define a function which will take two arguments, both of type string. The purpose of the function is to return to the caller a random number from 1 to x, …
  • (80 points) Imagine that you are writing a unknown(Hotel name is stored in a variable) hotel booking program for a hotel chain. This hotel chain has one hotel located in following five citi…
  • Validate the Arguments for collect_loot() and then create a function test_collect_loot() with two new test cases. Call the test function at the top of 2. Validate the Arguments for hero_at…
  • Due in 3 hours. Write code that asks the user for numbers until they say stop Store those numbers in a list (the number 0 is a viable input here) Loop over the numbers and print them out one at a time…
  • I was given two python files related to an assignment where I need to debug the code to get it to run, and leave comments to show what changes were made. I have pasted the assignment brief and files g…
  • Your assignment is to download these two files that make up the start of a Reminder application, correct them, and submit your corrections. Included in the corrected programs, you need to add comments…
  • I am unsure how to correct the python code that was given, I can provide the py files but there is no answer in this document. You are complete when you can produce the following output from the Remin…
  • py import random from queues import CircularQueue class Job:  Âdef __init__(self, priority = 0, process_name = None):    ”’    ÂObject for Âjob description of various…
  • I have created the Python codes and need to do the following. I am lost on what I am doing wrong can someone assist me? You need a python directory in the wwwroot folder. Your program needs…
  • NLP Question  Based on the first 50 tokens in the “tokens.csv” file, estimate the following word stem’s probability (the “lemma” column) using add-one smoothing.  1 of 2 culture 3 history  ?…
  • Write a computer program to solve the above problem.  Â. Possible computer solution Consider that each ball has a choice of five cans and that the cans are chosen at random We can label the thre…
  • This is the python code that we need to use. Â Â Â. 3.3 Task 3: TCP RST Attacks on Video Streaming Applications Let us make the TCP RST at…
  • What is a function?ÂÂDescribe how functions work in Python. In particular, discuss: As regards the use of functions in programming, distinguish between parameters and arguments. What is theÂdif…
  • Can someone provide some assistance with this Python code? Â This was the comment I received from the problem: Â “You were to “Iterate through the collection displaying the output as a complete sent…
  • UNIT APPLICATION 6 Â The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of creating and using functions. In this exercise, you will revisit the program you…
  • . 1. Load the Titanic data from a CSV file and store it in a dictionary [20] Requirements: . Define the function load_data (file_name : str, types : dict)->dict, which opens and reads the file na…
  • Implement the function has_subseq, which takes in a number n and a “sequence” of digits seq. The function returns whether n contains seq as a subsequence, which does not have to be consecutive. Â. Im…
  • According to the dendrogram shown below, select the pair of observations which are most similar. Â 1)1 Â b)2 Â c)3 Â d)4 Â e)5 Â f)6 Â g)7 Â h)8 Â i)9 Â j)10 Â. 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 0.3 …
  • Python  Can someone help me with a couple of things in my Python code?  We are to make classes and though this does work it does not do everything I need it to:  1) I need to be able to run the …
  • The answer is cut-off and incomplete.. [ooooooooook] 100.0% passed Question 2. Using both latest_poverty and population, create a four-column table called recent_poverty_total with one row for each co…
  • Assignment Exercise: Create a program that computes the average of values that are entered by the user. The user can enter as many numbers as desired. The user will end the program by entering the…
    • Hierarchical clustering tends to have lower stability to changes in the number of observations.  a)True  b)False  2) k-means algorithm stops when moving any more records between clusters incr…
  • . Exercise 1B: Investigate the relationship between the proportion of high-mobility hummingbirds and the density of forestation. Using the data in your data frame forestPatches_df make a scatter plo…
  • According to the dendrogram shown below, what is the number of clusters assuming the cutoff distance is 0.5. Please note that every singleton is one cluster. Â Â Â a)3 Â b)4 Â c)5 Â d)6 Â e)7 ?…
  • The results should have the same spacing as the document.. Project 7-3: Contact Manager Create a program that a user can use to manage the primary email address and phone number for a contact. Console…
  • Using the full or exact Bayes classifier, what is the probability that an audit shows a customer is Truthful given that he or she has no prior legal trouble? Select the closest probability.   Su…
  • Instructions: Complete in RStudio. Start with a new file script in the source window. Create only one script file. Data Use the uswages Âdata in the faraway Âpackage. Data Preprocessing Make sur…
  • Im am struggling to plot this scatter plot, may I have some guidance? Â. Exercise 13: Investigate the relationship between the proportion of high-mobility hummingbirds and the density of forestatio…
    • LAB: Warm up: Creating passwords  (1) Prompt the user to enter two words and a number, storing each into separate variables. Then, output those three values on a single line separated by a spac…
  • The following table shows a subset of observations made on a set of binary variables. According to the Jaquard coefficient, which pair of observations would be most similar? Â Observation X1 X2 X3 X4…
  • An analyst reported the following distances among three observations in a data set: The distance between observationsÂA and B is 10. The distance between observations A and C is 8. The distance betwe…
  • # here we initialize a random data matrix X and random numerical labels y import numpy as np X = np.random.randn(10,3) y = np.random.randn(10,1) # we also initialize a hypothetical hyperplane defined …
  • Q) An analyst would like to form customer segments from a data set with 20 variables and 90,000 observations. Which type of cluster analysis would you recommend?  a)Hierarchical  b)K-means  c)Ag…
  • # Import all necessary python packages import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap # ### Reading-in the Iris data s…
  • Given a list, Lst[n], where the size of the list in n. Write a recursive solution to find the index of given data item, M, if exists in the list. Also, compute the average case time complexity of your…
  • . 2. Implement a Function for a Variant of Problem 2 The function in Step 1 calculates the number of months it takes to achieve your savings goal. In this step, you will implement another fi..
  • Problem 3.4Â Purpose: Use both if and while to solve a scientific problem. I found the following quote on the web: Â The mathematics of uncontrolled growth are frightening. A single cell of the bact…
  • . Problem 3.3 Purpose: Use a while loop to perform a mathematical calculation to a specified level of accuracy. For this problem, you will write a program called PiApproximal ximator that approximat…
  • Problem 3.1Â Purpose: Edit/modify a program that uses if and boolean variables. Modify the program in LeapYear.ipynb to print the correct answer for any year using the following format: Â 2008 IS a …
  • Now, let’s see how arrests have changed over time. Create a boxplot of the variable “Year”, sorted by the variable “Arrest”. Add title, xlabel, and ylabel to the boxplot. Â In a boxplot, the bold hor…
  • # Michael Syjud’s Text Adventure Game # Define the global variable for storing current position, inventory and available moves in a position CURRENT_POSITION = “Home” ITEMS_ON_HAND = set() Â# invento…
  • I’ve devised a sub-list sorting algorithm in the form of pseudocode, but I’m trying to figure out how a structure chart for a program which will prompt the user for the list of names or numbers, sort …
  • I tried to run this code but still got an error message it says “hash=filemd5:” that’s line 21 is an invalid syntax
  • 1)which of the following is not a data type float double 3)real integer 2)which data type is used to store 99 double integer float real 3)which data type is used to store 98.15 integer char float stri…
  • Task 02 Python’s order of operations respects parentheses. Create a mathematical statement in a single-line. Specifications In a new line on the same notebook, create a variable named WEEKS and, in a …
  • Please please help me I am really clueless how to begin with please help 🙏🙏😭. 1. A central indexing server. This server indexes the contents of all of the peers that register with it. It also…
  • Create a list that contains the months of the year. ÂCreate a loop to print the number and the months of the year from the list.
  • . 2. Matriz diagonal En el area de ciencia de datos es muy importante realizar operaciones de algebra lineal para manipular adecuadamente vectores y matrices de gran tamano. NumPy es una herramie…
  • 2 Guided Practice Using IDLE Debugger   When we start writing large programs in Python, it is not always obvious why my program is not producing my expected outcome. Logical errors can be hard t…
  • For the following questions, please submit code in Python as well a Word document. Â Create a program that simulates a rudimentary doctor’s office check in program. Use a dictionary data structure to…
  • the terminalplot and queues have already finish only lab6_efficiency. Â ”’ Base code from here : ”…
  • I need to insert this bit of code into my code and I am very stuck on how to do it.  bit of code: def main():  ”’  ÂProgram starts here.  ”’  Âtry:    Â# (1) replace pass with…
  • Compulsory Task 2 Follow these steps: ● Write a program called that inputs a sentence and then displays each word of the sentence on a separate line.
  • Need Python help on this code. if _name_ == "_main ": al = Animal( ) a2 – Animal( ) class_tests(al, a2) For full marks your code should execute and you should answer all the questions in the…
  • Please answer the following question and make sure all the answer are unique. ( No COPY AND PAST FROM ANY OTHER SOURCE AND WILL REPORT COPY FROM ANY OTHER SOURCES THANKS) Complete this in Python Langu…
  • . 1 Introduction The purpose of this lab is to implement a divide-and-conquer algorithm and to get more familiar with its computational efficiency. Suppose you are given an 1-D array A with n entrie…
  • #RQ1 def has_prefix(s, prefix): “””Returns whether prefix appears at the beginning of linked list s. >>> x = link(3, link(4, link(6, link(6)))) >>> print_link(x) 3 4 6 6 >>>…
  • Pick a category of something, such as a food item, a kind of car, a sport, etc. Ask at least three questions, and then decide what item the person is thinking of. Be sure to include an if/elif/else st…
  • . Problem 5 (40 points). In this problem, we consider a simple linear regression model with a modified loss function and try to solve it with Gradient Descant (GD) and Stochastic Gradient Descant (…
  • Question 11 pts  The basic components of a Python class include what? Select all that apply. Group of answer choices Variables  Methods  if statements  loop statements   Flag question: Que…
  • I’m new to coding and I am suppose to use the Fibonacci series in dictionary format but as you can see my numbers are 1,1,1. Just need guidance The Test data for the Fibonacci series: N=7 1: 1 2: 1, 1…
  • Python, KMeans Clustering. Â I need to visualize the KMeans Clustering result on a dataset having 10 attributes. Â My Google search so far only suggest doing a PCA to reduce the dataset into 2 dimen…
  • #Michael Syjud’s Text Adventure Game # Define the global variable for storing current position, inventory and available moves in a position CURRENT_POSITION = “Home” ITEMS_ON_HAND = set() Â# inventor…
  • Any ideas how I can change the the type of item_num to integer and have this logic work with it. i tried to cast it but then it skips the for loop.  def ItemPage(): item_list= [] end = False while…
  • Need help solving this code with the information provided. The output must be the same as what the problem is asking for. Thank you. Hulu | Home youtube HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login @ Outlook cengag…
  • Need help solving this code with the information provided. The output must be the same as what the problem is asking for. Thank you. h Hulu | Home youtub…
  • For datasets kindly refer:  1. Perform the following statistical analysis on the fifa world cup dataset. The data…
  • Need help solving this code with the information provided. The output must be the same as what the problem is asking for. Thank you. Â Â Â Â Â. $22/challenges/4-change lu | Home youtube ( HBO Max…
  • Need help solving this code with the information given. The output must be the same as what the problem is asking for. Thank you.. tests/1500s22/challenges/if-else-purchase-price Home youtube ) HBO Ma…
  • I need help using ‘import sys’ and ‘sys.argv[1]’ formatting. The word problem is: Create a program,, using the following dictionary: relations = {‘Darth Vader’:’father’, ‘Leia’:’sister’, ‘Han’…
  • Question 2. Using both latest_poverty and population , create a four-column table called recent_poverty_total with one row for each country in latest_poverty . The four columns should have the followi…
  • Objective: Write an Assembler program that translates programs written in the symbolic Hack assembly language into binary code that can execute on the Hack hardware platform built in the project 5….
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Assignment In this assignment, you will be implementing a simple card game. Please read the gameplay first and fully understand the rule…
  • Assignment In this assignment, you will be implementing a simple card game. Please read the gameplay first and fully understand the rules and then move on to the implementation section. The weight for…
  • . l) A simple sorting algorithm is called a "Bubble Sort" because elements bubble around through the list. It is also called a "Sinking Sort" because the larger values "sink…
  • Directions Using the following guidelines, create a Bash program. Â 1. You will be using the CPT180Stuff folder from Chapter 9 for this assignment. 2. Create a Bash program named 3….
  • Hello i need help on challenge 2 and 3, i don’t understand what Âto do and help
  • I have this dataframe ‘df’ which have 1500 rows      How do I write the code to compare “position’ column? The code should compare the value in position with the previous row and only return…
  • py: Â class BoundedQueue:Â Â Â# Creates a new empty queue: Â Âdef __init__(self, capacity):Â Â Â Â Âassert isinstance(capacity, int), (‘Error: Type error: %s’ % (type(capacity))) # t…
  • using python and the data set mtcars Please solve the problem and don’t copy from another tutoring sites please.. What are the mean mpg values for vehicles with 3, 4, 5, 6, and 8 cylinders? Report you…
  • In Bash, what are the six indicators that can be used to check for file attributes? What does each one check for?
  • I need help on Challenge 4 , some of the parts in there is unknown to me, is there any solution?. Challenge 4 Step 1 Write a script that will ask the user for two strings. Display a random number from…
  • Need Help thanks. 3. (4 points) Within your code’s main portion, write some test code for both of your functions. For power_set, verify that the function works correctly for arguments of several diffe…
  • Please solve the code and find the mistake. And please don’t copy from chegg and course hero. Â. main.pas program d; 2 function pow(x, n: integer ) : integer; 3 begin 4 pow: =1; if n = 0 then YOU pow…
  • Pointillism is the name of a painting technique where patterns of coloured dots are used to form the coloured regions of an image. For this assignment, you will practice with looping control struc…
  • Parameter Sweep over Decision Trees – Dataset: – Divide it randomly into 65% training and 35% test data – Build a Decision Tree classifier with the…
  • please help me with this question that should solve by python. 6. Sample size and statistical power. The following code generates two random samples of n observations each, drawn from a normal distrib…
  • Python Code Only. Basics No Imports: ÂWrite a function hideShow that accepts two string arguments, an input string and a masking string. The masking string is a string consisting of ‘0’s and ‘1’s tha…
  • develop a function named divis_by_num. this func. takes two arguments; one is a list of integers(lst), and an integer number(num). This func. returns a new list of numbers that are divisible by the …
  • Write Python code in jupyter : Rock, paper, scissors is a game where two players each choose a symbol simultaneously. The winner of game is determined by: -Rock beats scissors (smashed them) -Scissors…
  • The weights of rodents are being monitored. Each rodent losses weight at a different rate. Complete the function below to calculate how many weeks it will take for the weight of a rodent to become a g…
  • Please solve this question and don’t copy from chegg and course hero.  Code Problem File “”, line 38, in echo_all number = message.text.split(”)[55] ValueError: empty separator  How to sol…
  • # import module import csv class PipelineIncidentsData: # constructor with private attributes def __init__(self, incident_number, incident_types, reported_date, nearest_populated_centre, province, com…
  • Can someone tell me what i am doing wrong? and how can I fix this? it should only continue when I enter “hourly” or “manager”.. 53 54 | 2 – Create Item 55 while not notInt: 56 notInt = True | 3 – Make…
  • I need help with returning value msg. as seen in terminal, my msg value is always 0. how do i return back msg value keyed in function getValidValue. thanks in advance. () launch.json Hello &gt…
  • txt Â. Topics: class, object, instantiation, methods Problem Statement: In this lab, we will design a simple Car class to keep track of used cars for a small car dealership company. The pu…
  • FINAL PROJECT. Rules of the Game The expectations of running this game are that the user will select a category they want to try. The system will load that category from a file, parse out the conten…
  • print( You can also use the open() method to create a new text file as follows- f= open("demofile.txt","w+") . We declared the variable "f" to open a file named …
  • Our task is to build an interpreter for a simple Python program with a limited syntax, simulating the computer’s execution. Let us start by interpreting an input text file consisting of a sequence of …
  • Example 2 Here is a possible list of actions taken by the interpreter for the input program: b 6 P= q + 5 r P . On reading "q = 6": – insert element 6 into DATA. Let this be stored in list p…
  • Compulsory Task 2 Follow these steps: ● Create a new Python file in this folder called ● You are going to create a random joke generator using Python’s random module. This will require a …
  • Compulsory Task 1 Follow these steps: ● Create a new Python file in this folder called ● You will need to import the math module and use its built-in functions to complete th…
  • Compulsory Task 1 Create a file named Create a function that takes a grid of # and -, where each hash (#) represents a mine and each dash (-) represents a mine-free spot. Return a grid,…
  • I really need some help to validate user input for my python code please. I have validated the user input to accept the required digit only choices however when I try to input a character like a, b, c…
  • Compulsory Task Part 1 Follow these steps: ● In this task, you will be creating a program for a small business that can help it to manage tasks assigned to each member of the team. Copy the template…
  • Compulsory Task Write a program that reads the data from the text file called DOB.txt and prints it out in two different sections in the format displayed below: Name A Masinga Etc. Birthdate 21 July 1…
  • Dear expert I hope you can help me answer questions 1-6 below. Thx a lot (python)
  • [20 points] Parameter Sweep on k-NN – Dataset: – Divide it randomly into 65% training and 35% test data – Build a k-NN classifier with the following hyper-par…
  • I could get the answer with below code: def decode_map(mapfile, ddict, outfile): Â Âencoded_file = open(mapfile, “r”) Â Âdecoded_file = open(outfile, “a”) Â Âencoded_map = encoded_file.readlines…
  • . Write the following two functions: . void ReadCommand (char *line, struct Command *command) This function takes an entire command line (first argument), and populates the Command data structure, p…
  • Solve only question 4 with proper explanation and well commented python code. Use Python to write your program.” . t . ‘ Use your Roll no. and name to save the fi You have to submit well cemen…
  • solve only question 2 with proper explanation and python code. Use Python to write your program. Use your Roll no. and name to save the fi You have to submit well commented scripts, and a PDF file…
  • Pythone 1. Validate the Arguments for collect_loot() and then create a function test_collect_loot() with two new test cases. Call the test function at the top of 2. Validate the Arguments for…
  • [20 points] Parameter Sweep on k-NN – Dataset: – Divide it randomly into 65% training and 35% test data – Build a k-NN classifier with the following hyper-…
  • Parameter Sweep over Decision Trees – Dataset: – Divide it randomly into 65% training and 35% test data – Build a Decision Tree classifier with t…
  • Boston housing source : Â 3.) Next, generate some synthetic data from a cosine function on [-1,1] and add some Gaussian noise t…
  • ”’ Note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. ”’ def find_sum_m(A,B,m):  “””  Â:param A: List — list of n integers  Â:param B: List — list of n integers  …
  • ”’ Note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. ”’ def is_sorted(T, S):  “””  Âtests if T is a sorting of S. No sorting function is allowed  Ârequired runtime: …
  • import timeit import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import random def timeFunction(f,n,repeat=1): return timeit.timeit(f.__name__+'(‘+str(n)+’)’,setup=”from __main__ import “+f.__name__,number=repeat)/repea…
  • python pycharm  Write a Python program to find those numbers which are divisible by 7 and multiple of 5, between 1500 and 2700 (both included). Write a Python program to convert temperatures to and …
  • Question 7. Using both the fertility and child_mortality tables, draw a scatter diagram that has Bangladesh’s total fertility on the horizontal axis and its child mortality on the vertical axis with o…
  • How do I make an attendance monitoring system using Python that inputs details of the student’s personal information such as name, grade level, and a class section for security and verification purpos…
  • Banking program for Python. Please reference the inheritance diagram to create the parent class and two child classes. The program will create an object of each type (CheckingAccount and SavingsAccoun…
  • *** PYTHON *** 1. Using WorldSeriesWinners.txt. Write the program that lets the user enter the name of a team (As it appears in the file), then displays the number of times that team has won the Wor…
  • . FAQS Q. How to open and read a csv file? A. Code for the same is as below: import csv # Open file as below in the variable named file (considering encoding to be ‘utf8’ and file to be at ‘filename…
  • I don’t know how to do this. Please show me how to do this because I’m just lost Ask the user for a sentence. Using a for each loop, look at every letter in the sentence in order to count how many tim…
  • Instruction of def search_names(): Write code for search_names() which searches for a target string and returns a sorted list of all the name strings that match the target (no year or rank data). In t…
  • At the local supermarket, hotdogs are sold in packages containing a dozen (12) hotdogs, and yet infuriat- ingly, hotdog buns are sold in packages containing 8 buns. One question we can ask is this: gi…
  • Please help with the Â3 parts of question 1. (Q1A, 1B, and 1C) – the dataset is linked below in the “instructions” box, and ive also pasted in the import code from 1.1 for convenience. Thanks! Â Â….
  • . For question 1. you will Implement a dalaset class. Detailed information of the class is given below: Class name – datesot Parent Glass – None Methods Details: _:i_nit_: In the constructor, simply…
  • In mathematics, the notation n! represents the factorial of the nonnegative integer n. The factorial of n is the product of all the non-negative integers from 1 to n. For example: 7! = 1 × 2 × 3 × …
  • For this dataset. Build a simple NN Regression model that has one Dense unit. Specify mean_squared_error for the loss and SGD for optimizer. Run it for 100 epochs. * Strength is the independent v…
  • Need help with exercise 4.6, sample code is above it. This is supposed to be done using python.. t, check y ualized pl is a typic 4.3. SIMULATING DISCRETE-TIME MODELS WITH ONE VARIABLE 45 tain seve…
  • Â ”’ Base code from here : ”’ #import fcntl import os #import termios import struct def p…
  • Need to create python code to accomplish task below using a txt file titled “input” containing the info in the second picture.. ID first name last name career gender 109 Bob Dylan Music Male 303 Mark …
  • Please help with the Python code for Modular Division. Thank you. Â. 1. Now that you know how to use extended Euclid’s algorithm for finding modular inverses, implement an efficient algorithm for div…
  • FLASK, HTML, PYTHONÂ Â Â Â import requests api_key = “b5fead990c45bf6da5a6e002df29743d” base_url = “″ r = requests.get(f”{base_url}/tv/on_the_air”, params={‘api_key’:ap…
  • Can you please provide the codes to generate a histogram on a python jupyter notebook using the titanic data set.  Here is the question: create a histogram whose x-axis is age and y-axis is count….
  • I need to help with coding a game of craps. I don’t know where or how to start. write a program to play the dice game “Craps” ( Craps is one of the most popular games of chance and is play…
  • For the array: x = np. array ([ [0, 1, 2, 3 ], [4, 5, 6, 7], [8, 9, 10, 11] ]) 1. Find: array([4., 5., 6., 7.] o Changing integer to double means we’ve divided, therefore looking at mean i. mean=sum(r…
  • Please provide python code for the following question.  YouÂareÂrequiredÂtoÂuseÂKNN toÂclassifyÂaÂ3‐dimenionÂÂTheÂtrainingÂdatasetÂcontainsÂ12ÂpairsÂofÂ(data, label)Âas?…
  • Write a program that prompts for two words. Print the longer one in all capitals and capitalize the first letter of the second word. Â 2. The following Python statement generates this error: “Valu…
  • The following Python statement generates this error: “ValueError: too many values to unpack”. Why? Â first,second = input(‘two space-separated numbers:’)
  • from random import randint def roll_die():  Âreturn randint(1,6) def display_state():  Âglobal a,b  Âl=[‘_’,’_’,’_’,’_’,’_’,’_’,’_’,’_’]  Âl[a]=’x’  Âl[b]=’o’  Âprint(“update :”+’ ‘….
  • A cookie recipe calls for the following ingredients: • 1.5 cups of sugar • 1 cup of butter • 2.75 cups of flour The recipe produces 48 cookies with this amount of ingredients. Write a program in…
  • How do I stop jumping to other rooms, for example when moving from the Front room to the library but moving from the library back to the Front room I go to the kitchen.  How to remove the room ite…
  • Assignment should be done on individual basis. Q1 Fit a predictive linear regression model to estimate weight of the fish from its length, height and width? (the data source fish.csv can be found here…
  • (PRIOR CODE IN INSTRUCTIONS BELOW) Â Please help with the following python problem :)Â Â. 1.7 Question 3: Nonnegative Matrix Factorization NMF is a matrix factorization method that require nonnegat…
  • Chrome File Edit View History Bookmarks Profiles Tab Window Help M c & Q 8 0 Fri Feb 18 9:41 PM … Mini-Project 5 + < > C #…
  • (CODE IN INSTRUCTIONS)  Please help with these python numpy questions 1a, 1b, and 1c. I also need help with question 2a and 2b, but if you cannot do them then it is okay. Thank you very much! Â. …
  • **Problem 2 -** (4 points) Write Python functions that generate each of the following vectors; after writing the function, `print` the output to check your work and verify that the created vector …
  • . Problem 6: Cost Function Suppose AirPure, a manufacturer of air filers, has a monthly fixed cost of $10,000 and a variable cost of -0.0001×2 + 10x for 0 < < < 40, 000 where r denotes the …
  • I already had help with def total_paid(house):. Problem 7: Mortgage A mortgage is what you pay when you cannot purchase, usually a home, outright. You pay in installments that have to do with terms of…
  • Solve the following coding assignments:  *** All functions should NOT contain any for/while loops or global variables. Use recursion, otherwise no credit will be given   def get_count(aList, ite…
  • . Problem 4: Building a line in 2D A line in 2D Euclidean space is given by y = max + b (‘m’ and ‘b’ are the slope and intercept respectively). Write a function f that takes two points po = (x0, yo)…
  • In honor of football season (at least for some colleges), how would you approach and simplify the following problem: A data analyst desires to develop a model to predict how many yards a runner will g…
  • You are to write a function preprocess (sheet, k), where: Here is a more detailed exploration of how numbers should be grouped into quantiles. The figure below illustrates a case when a set of IV = 4 …
  • I need help fixing errors with my python code. I included the google drive links with the starter code with the csv files. It’s not passing all the tests and not creating the final csv file.
  • . zy Section 7.9 – IT 140: Introduction X Course Hero X + V X C it Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ Homepage – South… [ Mail – Syjud, Micha…..
  • APCO/IASC 1P00 Assignment 2 “If things start looking like this, consult a physician” Refer to Sakai for due date This assignment will have you modifying the contents of an image based on the location …
  • . Problem 3 (KNN for handwriting digit recognition). In this problem you will use KNN to recognize handwritten digits. First, use "" file to download the MNIST database. T…
  • . 1. Implement a Function for Problem 2 Recall that Problem 2 is to determine how long it will take you to save enough money for the down payment (assuming you will receive a certain semi-annual pay…
  • . Problem 2 (KNN for simple data). There are 40 2-dimension training data and corresponding labels (0"3) have been saved in the "knn_minitrain.npy" and "knn_minitrain_label.npy&q…
  • I’m trying to calculate the average score. but there seems to be some problem with my code. I’m not sure what to do but it says in the introduction: f) Create a new list called avg_scores that is the …
  • I am writing a python program and having trouble with validating the user input. I have it half working but cant seem to get if properly working. There are user input validations for the initial choic…
  • Could you tell me how to solve this question?  YouÂareÂrequiredÂtoÂuseÂKNN toÂclassifyÂaÂ3‐dimenionÂÂTheÂtrainingÂdatasetÂcontainsÂ12ÂpairsÂofÂ(data, label)ÂasÂfollow…
  • I don’t know how to do this. Please show me how to do this because I’m just lost Ask the user for a sentence.oUsing a for each loop, look at every letter in the sentence in order to count how many tim…
  • Create a variable (str) that contains the letters of the alphabet. 2. Get input from the user. Â 3. You want to count the number of special characters, which are characters that are not in the alp…
  • Create the following classes: – Person Class: – attributes (name, money, mood, healthRate). – methods (sleep, eat, buy). – Employee Class(is a Person): – attributes (id , car, email, salary, distanceT…
  • . 3. Assignment Specifications Download the dataset Amazon book reviews from here’. Use the processed_acl.tar.gz folder for this task. The book reviews folder includes (1000 instanc…
  • This assignment is to use wxPython on Python version 3.7.4 to make a shipping calculator. The total cost will vary with package weight, shipping speed, and any extras the user might request. The layou…
  • Create a list x containing the prime numbers in ascending order from 1 to 100 using a for-loop. To check your answer, the output of print(x[:3]) should be [2, 3, 5] and print(x[-3:]) should be [83, 89…
  • The goal is to write a function swapping values between every odd-even positional pairs on a list. For instance: swap([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8]) will return [4, 3, 6, 5, 8, 7], swap([9, 7, 5, 4, 6, 7]) would…
  • . zy Section 7.8 – IT 140: Introduction X + V X C 140v3/chapter/7/section/8 it Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ Homepage – South… [ Mail – Syjud, Micha… Zy IT 140: …
  • Create a program that will simulate an ATM.  1) Display a header for the program 2) A menu should be displayed to the user with the options to deposit, withdraw, or log out. 3) If the user cho…
  • Problem 7: Mortgage A mortgage is what you pay when you cannot purchase, usually a home, outright. You pay in installments that have to do with terms of the agreement. This includes an interest rate t…
  • Problem 6: Cost Function Suppose AirPure, a manufacturer of air filers, has a monthly fixed cost of $10,000 and a variable cost of -0.0001×2 + 10x for 0 < < < 40, 000 where r denotes the numb…
  • Problem 5: Means When analyzing data, we often want to summarize it: make it concise. Each of these functions takes a list nist of numbers. The mean of a list of numbers gives a summary through one nu…
  • Problem 4: Building a line in 2D A line in 2D Euclidean space is given by y = max + b (‘m’ and ‘b’ are the slope and intercept respectively). Write a function f that takes two points po = (x0, yo), p1…
  • I need to create a class that contains all functions in these codes. How do I do that? Code: # Program name : # Student Name : Eddy TineoMateo # Course : ENTD220 # Instructor : …
  • For this question, you will create sectionc.html document, in which you build: a. A select list element that has 4 options (Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter), and a <img> element with id = “seaso…
  • Problem 2: Quadratic We saw, and also know from basic algebra that for ax? + br + c = 0 the roots (values that make the equation zero) are given by: -b vb2 – 4ac (23) 2a The expression b2 – 4ac is cal…
  • . 7. If we want to calculate the work done when an ideal gas expands isothermally (and re- versibly) we use for initial and final pressure Pi = 10 bar, Pf = 1 bar respectively at 300 K. In this prob…
  • Explain in Python, What is a class and a function. Create an example class with a function which will print the sum of two numbers. Set the two numbers as 5 and 6.
  • Please help me answers this. 2. According to the Center for Disease Control https :/ /www. cdc. gov/salmonella/, the bacteria Salmonella causes about 20K hospitalizations and nearly 400 deaths a year….
  • The code should use the function grades=input() for grades from 0-100 and if stop is inputted the program calculates the average. This is the code so far but it does not work, What is wrong? grades=0 …
  • Type the program’s output i = 3 while i < 19: j = 5 while j <= 8: print(f'{i}{j}’) j = j + 4 i = i + 18 2. Given the number of rows and the number of columns, write nested loops to print a recta…
  • . Problem 3 Stars and Galaxies Far, far, away there is a galaxy formed by a huge number of stars. Stars are located in a spiral way around the center of the galaxy. As the distance from a star to th…
  • . Q1: Write a python program to sum of all the positive integers that are not bigger than n (i.e. <=n) and are not divisible by 3 (%$0) afler accepting the value of integer n from the useL Below…
  • Is the maximum depth of my directory tree correct? Is it 5 or 6? Â Â <?xml version=”1.0″?> <fsimage><version><layoutVersion>-64</layoutVersion><onDiskVersion>1&lt…
  • Q1: WriteÂa python programÂto sumÂofÂallÂtheÂpositiveÂintegers thatÂare not biggerÂthan n (i.e. <=n) and are not divisible by 3 (%3!=0) after acc…
  • . 3. Using the linear regression function in NumPy (see page 66 of the ML book) to solve the following problem. You should submit your code in a notebook file through canvas, which should include th…
  • Please write the psedocode steps that turns the first list to the second list. Sub-problem 1 (Inserting a node in the end of a linked list) Given the following list list data next data next 10 20 , wr…
  • Sorry, the questions were supposed to read from bottom to top. And some functions are given by the instructor. And below are the picture for the data needed. Â this is for car.csv this is for data…
  • This assignment requires a raptor flow chart. Sample setup Âfor flowchart Sample set up for pythonÂ. Page 1 of 3 COMS-170: PROGRAM PROGRAM 4: REPETITION STRUCTURES OVERVIEW Instead of coding the…
  • SIMPLE CODE PLEASE NO DICTIONARIES, SETS, ETC. 2. Bird Class and Subclasses [50 pts] Virite the Bird, Penguin, and MessengerBird classes so that the following test code passes: def getLocalMethods (ci…
  • To create the dashboard, you will create the different components in Python code. Dashboard web applica!ons lend well to the MVC design pa$ern. Using this design pa$ern, the model is contained and acc…
  • m_list = int(input(“Enter 3 test score for Marla : “)) a_list = int(input(“Enter 3 test score for Ashford : “)) s_list = int(input(“Enter 3 test score for Sam : “)) all_scores = [m_list[:], a_list[:],…
  • Write a script that inputs a line of plaintext and a distance value and outputs an encrypted text using a Caesar cipher. The script should work for any printable characters. An example of the progr…
  • The storage in main memory of an integer number in the order of 20 million, requires the equivalent of Select one: a. 6 characters     b. 4 characters     c. 3 characters    d. 2…
  • I dont understand how I am suppose to automate the program by using python code. Am I suppose to use functions in a new file or use the IDLE?. 14. Take the code you created in the Python shell, and wr…
  • I am trying to set this up and feel so confused where to start with this:  looking for answer and logic  Question   Scenario AppInvest is a mobile application that helps people save money and …
  • Assemble the blocks below to create a program in Python that allows the user to enter a number. The program then determines if that number is positive or negative. Based on this, it will add the posit…
  • Page 1 of 3 COMS-170: PROGRAM PROGRAM 4: REPETITION STRUCTURES OVERVIEW Instead of coding the same thing over and over, loops can make short work for programmers. This not only reduces up front coding…
  • *** PYTHON *** Â 1. Assume hot dogs come in packages of 10, and hotdog buns come in packages of 8. Write the program that calculates the number of packages of hot dogs and the number of packages of h…
  • Could you please check whether the four function’s code are correct(def add_name(names, year, rank, name), def add_file(names, filename), def read_files(filenames), def search_names(names, target)? Th…
  • Give one common use for each type of transmission and suggest one reason why it is appropriate: [6] Simplex transmission:Â Â Â Half-duplex transmission:Â Â Â Full duplex transmission:
  • What are the codes of the def draw_name(canvas, names, name, color) and def draw_names(canvas, names, lookups)? There are more instructions on this webpage (Part d, part e, and part f):…
  • What is the code of def best_rank(names, name, year)? Â For more information, can check out this webpage: c. best_r…
  • A portfolio has three equal weighted stocks : Apple, Amazon and Goldman Sachs. The current value of the portfolio is $100M. Download both daily Âadjusted price data for the three companies (ticke…
  • How do i check if the input is a number and not a string and print invalid when it is and ask again for a correct value.?. an 1 1 = anhTun 39 for i in range ( len (employee_list) ) : +- – 40 if user_i…
  • . Stars and Galaxies Far, far, away there is a galaxy formed by a huge number of stars. Stars are located in a spiral way around the center of the galaxy. As the distance from a star to the center o…
  • If This pseudocode is intended to display employee net pay values. If All employees have a standard $45 deduction from their checks. If If an employee does not earn enough to cover the deduction, If a…
  • hobbies/interes 2. Create a program that produces a bar chart for the top 5 interests for the entire class sorted in the order of popularity. You can create a randomly generated list of integers to te…
  • please do not copy, and help me to develop the codes. Create a GUI that calculates your wealth for each of the 70 years after you start work given the following inputs into the GUI: 1) Mean Return (%)…
  • Choose one of your favorite book at (e.g. for the book “The Midninght Library”, the URL is: ) Â Write …
  • Need help with my structured programming (python) assignment. Seminar 3 = For loops, while loops, functions.. Wrong! Answer is 122 Q3. 48 * 6 = 108 Write a program to solve computational problems usin…
  • . Prepare a report discussing a specific organization within any industry, except for the soft drink industry, that contains the following requirements: 1. A description of the chosen organization (…
  • Given the text “SECURITY IS IMPORTANT” and the encrypted message FRPHEVGL VF VZCBEGNAG Can you write a brute force function that returns the key?
  • . Slide Type Slide v Retrieving daily COVID-19 data with pandas Source: daily.csv cases are cummulative . summarized daily by state we don’t need all columns, just cummulat…
  • . Note: There is a newline at the end of each output file, and file1.txt is available to download. 247772.2346548.qx2rgy7 LAB ACTIVITY 7.9.1: LAB: Sorting TV Shows (dictionaries and lists) 0 / 10 Do…
  • This is HOMEWORK 2A  def probability(PDF, args, c, GT=True):   mu =args[0] #args is a tuple and the first element is mu and the second element is sigma   sigma = args[1]   # interval end…
  • . Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the file using the csv.reader() method. The file contains a list of words separated by commas. Your program should outp…
  • I have an indentation error in this code but I cannot find it for the life of me. Could I get assistance finding it? Â. 1 file = input() 2 with open (file) as f: 3 data = f. readlines() 4 dict info =…
  • you will write the code for a class named Fan to represent a fan. The class contains:  An instance variable named radius that specifies the radius of the fan. An instance variable named on that sp…
  • Write a PYTHON CODE: The game of “Jump It” consists of a board with n positive integers in a row except for the first column, which always contains zero. These numbers represent the cost to enter each…
  • In the assignment, you will learn about how to retrieve or query the information from csv file. You need to use the csv file (employee.csv) that is provided in this assignment. You will create program…
  • This is the following error I receive from the code provided in an answer. The code is for Python as below: Â. Warnings May be ignored if you are happy with your program. Unit 6 Assignment 2 take 1.p…
  • What is wrong with my code that it is saying it needs a space at the beginning of the movie titles? Â. 1 file = input() 2 with open (file) as f: 3 data = f. readlines() 4 dict info = {} for i in rang…
  • Please code in python. 1 TASK Create an Eliza like program. For a description of what Eliza is, look here You should be able to ask Eliza about anything and include feelings, relationships and activit…
  • Part 1: loops and lists (Arithmetic)  In this section we are going to use the pseudo-random number generator to generate a certain set of numbers between the size of 10 to 200 integer numbers.Â…
  • . Linear algebra 1. Partition matrices: Consider using a partition matrix in OLS. That is, consider X = [X1, X2] and B = [ B1 B 2 where X1 is n x r1, X1 is n x 12, B1 is r1 X 1, B2 is r2 X 1, and r1…
  • Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on the number of years worked (2% for each year, maximum 10%…
  • . STOR 120 – hw05.ipynb |X E music.csv X H deck.csv 3 + x 0 9 . . G > Code X UNC_fb.csv X # Python 3 (ipykernel) O P OT=0) [149] : Row(Year=2019, Opponent= ‘Mercer’, UNC 1Q=21, UNC 2Q=21, UNC 3Q=…
  • Design and implement the algorithm IN pYTHON. Your algorithm must print the discovered sublist and the sum of the discovered sublist for all test cases when executed. You do not need to “Analyze your …
  • Build using Python 1. Brief Task Description Design and implement ‘Store automatic system’ similar to the Apple store, allowing the staff to communicate and provide an excellent customer experience. Y…
  • Dynamic Programing – City Planning. (10 points): A city planner is asked to organize grocery shops in a new city. The city has a straight line main street that goes throughout the city. The city plann…
  • Need the exact output of this code of what they are asking for with the information given. Thank you. tests/1500s22/challenges/3-cost lome youtube e (TI HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login @ Outlook cengag…
  • Problem 1 A common problem when traveling abroad to countries such as Japan and countries in Europe can be difficult. One major headache numerous travelers had encountered was the complexity of …
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Pointillism is the name of a painting technique where patterns of coloured dots are used to form the coloured regions of an image. For t…
  • If you’re going to develop an application, what type of application is it? What’s the application name and purpose? Can you also describe the purpose or the usability of your application briefly?
  • 2- Let A= (3, 4,7} i) What is the cardinal of A? ii) Find the power set of A, P(A) by listing all its elements. what is the cardinal of P(A)? iii) If the cardinal (number of element) of a set B is 10 …
  • Prepare a report discussing a specific organization within any industry, except for the soft drink industry, that contains the following requirements: 1. A description of the chosen organization (e.g….
  • Times table Create a program in Flode that will accept a value. Store this in a variable called N. Using a loop produce a times table for N from 1 to 12 If Codio passes in 6 for N. the output wi…
  • # This is the flower box and it should at the beginning of each assignment  # You must add comments to your code # Program name : # Student Name : Ymmas Azaba # Course : EN…
  • Can you make better and clear my code?  and here is my code  #include<stdio.h> #include<string.h> #include<stdlib.h>  int add_term(const char* file_name, const char* term, co…
  • “”” Assignment 1 question 3 Dr X Cipher note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. Thus, please comment out the main function call, if you are submitting for auto g…
  • Code: “”” Assignment 1 question 4 the MyComplex class  note: To get autograded on gradescope, you program can’t print anything. Thus, please comment out the main function call, if you are submitti…
  • I am doing pow() This what I have so far a = pow(13,4) print(a) with output of 28561 I am stuck when it comes to the complexity of the program for looping statement 0.195 and the complexity of the pro…
  • Compulsory Task Part 1 Follow these steps: Â● In this task, you will be creating a program for a small business that can help it to manage tasks assigned to each member of the team. Copy the templa…
  • The Star Wars dataset consists of two data files each represented in a CSV format: The result_header should be list of lists containing a concatenation of headers1 and headers2, with the field2 omitte…
  • Compulsory Task 2 Follow these steps: Â● Write a program called that inputs a sentence and then displays each word of the sentence on a separate line.
  • Create a new Python file in this folder called ● Create a dictionary called countryMap, where the KEYS are the name of a country (i.e. a string), and the VALUE for each key is the name of th…
  • . QUESTION 23 10 points Save Answer An item passed to a function is a(n) _ . O a. argument 0 b. instruction 0 c. call 0 d. module QUESTION 24 10 points Save Answer Assume a and b are variables that …
  • . QUESTION 17 10 points Save Answer Which expression gives the number of whole minutes that corresponds to some number of seconds? O a. seconds % 60 O b. seconds / 60 O c. seconds * 60 O d. seconds …
  • . QUESTION 8 10 points Save Answer According to Python’s precedence rules, which of the following operators has the highest precedence? O a. subtraction – O b. unary – O c . * O d. + QUESTION 9 10 p…
  • Here is a possible list of actions taken by the interpreter for the input program: X =1+ 3 V 4 X 5 . On reading "x = 1 + 3": – insert elements 1 and 3 into the DATA list. – Add 1 + 3 to get …
  • . QUESTION 2 10 points Save Answer The built-in Python function that gives an object’s identity is: O a. memory() O b. id() O c. type() O d. identity() QUESTION 3 10 points Save Answer What is the n…
  • Ryan wants to convert tuple to strings. However, when he tried to apply str((‘c’, ‘s’, 1, 0, 1, 0, ‘s’)), he got “(‘c’, ‘s’, 1, 0, 1, 0, ‘s’)” instead of ‘cs1010s’. Could you help him out? Write a to_…
  • . Q4 [2 points] For this question, you will implement a TXT_Dataset class by extending the parent class MyDataset. Detailed information of the class is given below: Class – TXT_Dataset Parent Class …
  • In this homework assignment you will implement your own kernel ridge regression model as well as your own implementation of cross validation to select the len…
  • . Question 2: Write a function called splitAndJoin that receives a string as a parameter and returns a modified version of the given string based on the length of the string. If the length of the st…
  • . Problem 4: Object oriented programming In this question, we are going to implement the MyComplex class, representing complex numbers in the form of "atbi". MyComplex + field: real_part, …
  • . Problem 3: Dr X Cipher Dr X comes up with an interesting way of encrypting messages. The algorithm uses a text-key to encrypt the plain text, and the key is constructed partially from the plain te…
  • . Problem 2 String Generator ‘9’9′ Write a Python generator that yields all possible strings formed by using the characters c , a , t’ , ‘d’ , ‘0’ , and ‘g’ exactly once. That is…
  • . 11. Following table gives a frequency distribution of systolic blood pressure. Compute all themeasures of dispersion. Midpoint 95.5 105.5 115.5 125.5 135.5 145.5 155.5 165.5 175.5 Number 5 8 22 27…
  • Write a Python generator that yields all possible strings formed by using the characters ‘c’ , ‘a’ , ‘t’ , ‘d’ , ‘o’ , and ‘g’ exactly once. That is, you should define a generator string_generator(). …
  • I’m looking for the best way to write a script that scans a GitHub Repository with CLOC and sends the output results to an email.
  • This is the assignment and where I’ve gotten with my code so far. I would really appreciate some help.. ITP 115 2022-01-03 k: NONE 1: NONE m: NONE n: * * p: q: NONE r: NONE S : ** t: u : V: NONE W: NO…
  • Please help with the following assignment for coding with python   Step 1. Load the attached “Bitcoin Historical Data.csv” file into Colab.  Step 2. Define a class whose name is FinancialInstrum…
  • Perform the following statistical analysis on the fifa world cup dataset. The dataset consists of player information which includes height, weight overall rating, potential etc. Data Cleaning and b…
  • I started this program but I’m not getting the correct answer. I get 1.004. Can someone tell me what I did wrong? Thanks,. Python 3.7.0 Shell X File Edit Format Run Options Window Help File Edit Shell…
  • Please help a code with C program language! Â In this question you will need to implement a database for a dictionary. Each entry in a dictionary consists of a term and its meaning/definition. You wi…
  • In Python  1. Validate the Arguments for collect_loot() and then create a function test_collect_loot() with two new test cases. Call the test function at the top of 2. Validate the Argument…
  • I have to complete the code where it says “Your code here”. Question 4: Funception Write a function (funception) that takes in another function func_a and a number start and returns a function ( func_…
  • . Compare Finally, use your calc_covariance, calc_variance , and calc_mean functions to compute the closed form solution for the slope and y intercept values. Set these equal to variables named m_cl…
  • . Closed Form Solution For two dimensional data there is even a closed form solution to this problem that one could derive using a bit of calculus. We will calculate the slope and intercept using th…
  • . CLOC (count lines of code) is a SourceForge ( project that will scan files and report lines of code, languages found, comments, number of files, and so on. The informa…
  • . Minimize MSE Next, we will write a function that will systematically try different values for m and b in order to minimize the Mean Squared Error. What this function is doing in layman’s terms is …
  • . [77]: l]: Mean Squared Error Now we have our ‘predicted values’ and a bunch of error measurements. One common way we combine these error measurements together is to compute the Mean Squared Er…
  • . Q5 [2 points] For this question , you will implement a CSV_Dataset class by extending the parent class MyDataset. Detailed information of the class is given below: Class – CSV_Dataset Parent Class…
  • . Print Table w/Errors Calculate the predicted prices for all of the diameters in the original data using the function compute_all_y , a slope of 0. 7 , and a y-intercept of 5 . Print out your…
  • Task 3 What tried to apply some masks to a list of numerical values. Please read the following function description carefully and complete it. Â Please provide a one-line solution using the “inline i…
  • in Payton Please don’t copy from other same question make it new code. Scenario: A program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Disco…
  • Please create a pythonÂmodule namedÂhomework.pyÂand implement the functionsÂoutlined below.ÂBelow you will find an explanation for each functionÂyou need to implement. When you are done please u…
  • Guided Practice: Other Techniques for Validating Programs Outcome You will use the Python shell to try out other validation techniques for Python programming. Resources Needed XenDesktop Python versio…
  • . Choose a statement that prints a random positive integer less than 1000 and divisor of 7, assuming that random module is imported. O print (random. randrange (1, 1000, 7)) O print (random. randran…
  • 3 Guided Practice: Testing Performance  Guided Practice: Testing Performance Outcome You will learn how to test the efficiency of different types of code. Resources Needed XenDesktop Python versio…
  • I need help on a project called cats. Below is my code and the error I am getting along with the question itself and extra code that is needed for implementing the question.   Â. def about…
  • 2 Guided PracticeUsing IDLE Debugger When we start writing large programs in Python, it is not always obvious why your program is not producing your expected outcome. Logical errors can be hard to f…
  • Concept Data management contains multiple steps, including data cleaning and exploratory analysis. In this project, you will showcase skill in data management using Pandas. Data You will use publicly …
  • I need help on a homework question. I will include the question and the answer I have gotten so far. But I get the error:Â. Q5: Count coins Given a positive integer change , a set of coins makes ch…
  • Ask the user if it is raining and convert their answer to lowercase so it doesn’t matter what case they type it in. If they answer “yes” or “y”, ask if it is windy. If they answer “yes” or “y” to this…
  • . Q1. [7 Points] The Geometric distribution is often used to model the number of independent and identical Bernoulli trials needed to get the first success. The PMF ofa Geometrics distibution follow…
  • . Write a program in Python to find the sum of first n prime numbers.
  • What would be the output of the following code in python? Â print(1) if(True & False) ->>print(2) Print(3)
  • . Problem 5. Graph the following functions in Python i) f(a) = 323 + 20x – 20 ii) h(x) = e-" for -5 < x <5 iii ) x (t) = t2 – 3t, y(t) = 13 – 9t, for -4 < t < 4.
  • math+python. Problem 4. Given that 2 -1 1 2 3 21 1 A = 0 1 0 B = 1 1 2 C = 01 -1 3 -1 -2 0 2 4 2 2 Using Python determine the following i) A+4BC ii) the inverse of each matrix if it exists iii ) the d…
  • What will be the output of this code?  print(start) If((4<<6) or (4==*)): ->>print(“Success”) print(End)
  • ### INTRODUCTORY CODE BELOW ### ### SCROLL ALL THE WAY DOWN FOR THE QUESTION! ### # Import all necessary python packages import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as pl…
  • Implement a function average () that takes a string parameter containing the name of a text file. The file contains a list of numbers on each line. The function should not crash and skip any ite…
  • What will be the out of the following code? Please write the code and run it and capture both the code and output and submit it here. Use python  print(1) if(True&False) ->>>print(2) Pr…
  • ### INTRODUCTORY CODE BELOW ### # Import all necessary python packages import numpy as np import os import pandas as pd import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib.colors import ListedColormap  …
  • Implement data labeling to “Loan_Status” Link for data file:
  • You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following 1) Create a class that contain all prior functions 2) Test the application Sample output Use the same output from last assignment…
  • Year 113 Cause Name Cause Name State Deaths Age-adjusted Death Rate 2012 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07,N17-N19,N25-N27) Kidney disease Vermont 21 2.6 2016 Nephritis, nephrotic s…
  • . The university is creating a new application that can either assign student awards and bursaries or provide academic warnings based On several criteria. The university administrators have come to …
  • Write a python program in Jupytr that calculates a factorial: n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)* … *(1) using a: – while loop – for loop
  • #!/usr/bin/python import re # Regular expression for detecting patterns # TODO: Fill in the quotes with a python regular expression that represents the required strings. myRE1 = ” Â# RE for st…
  • I need help with this assignment, I am not sure how to solve it, but the picture below shows the things needed.  Â. Instructions: . To installing Yara on your Windows VM following the instruction…
  • Implement a function average () that takes a string parameter containing the name of a text file. The file contains a list of numbers on each line. The function should not crash and skip any item that…
  • . Give me the code to change the value of "contra" to "street fighter" based on the following (hint: remember data types): mygames = ("metroid","castlevania",…
  • My previous code is giving me the error below:  program output is “backwards” (see ÂOUTPUT) The Results “the result of” should NOT appear unless OPTION 6 is selected The “the result of” 4 calcula…
  • I only need #5 but it ask for us to use the num_consonants function from #4. I am having trouble with what to do with using #4 function and how to add the most_consonants function. Here is my answer f…
  • Main Dataset name: NCHS_-_Leading_Causes_of_Death__United_States.csv Year 113 Cause Name Cause Name State Deaths Age-adjusted Death Rate 2012 Nephritis, nephrotic syndrome and nephrosis (N00-N07,N17-N…
  • Hi, I need help with how I can keep asking the user for the ID until its unique. Â Â Â. end = False | 1 – Create employee | 2 – Create Item while not end: | 3 – Make Purchase for ele in range ( len…
  • You are defining the “contractors” we talked about in class. Define a function with parameters called -Âadd( x, y ) the add function will add the parameters together andÂreturnÂthe sum. Define a …
  • Write a function wordsInSentences (). The function takes in a string that may have mutiple lines of text. The function returns a two-dimensional list where each item in the list represents a sentence …
  • . Write a function cube_all_rec(values) that takes as input a list of numbers called values, and that uses recursion to create and return a list containing the cubes of the numbers in values. In other…
  • Write a function wordsInSentences (). The function takes in a string that may have mutiple lines of text. The function returns a two-dimensional list where each item in the list represents a sen…
  • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this problem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. Safari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help Q 8 Thu Feb 17 6:09 …
  • 6 Loop Practice: Gradient Decent (30 pts) In statistics, linear regression is a linear approach to modelling the relationship between a dependent variable and one or more independent variables. Let X …
  • The file city-scores.csv contains a dataset of cities and their associated quality of life scores. Each city has six quality of life metric scores: Housing, Cost_Of_Living, Commute, Safety, Heal…
  • Write a python script in Jupiter(.ipynb) that calculates a factorial: n! = n*(n-1)*(n-2)* … *(1) using a: – while loop – for loop  User should be able to ask for different numbers as a part of inp…
  • On Monday, February 7th, Spirit Airlines and Frontier Airlines announced that they’re merging into a single, larger airline. They haven’t yet come up with a name for the new merged airline. Let’s fast…
  • . Project 1 List of Problems Write a program in your favorite programming language (Python, C, C++, etc.) to implement/simulate a finite automaton that (only) recognizes/accepts the language of: Pro…
  • Goals: Approximate Ï€ using the Monte Carlo algorithm  Practice with Understanding, creating, and implementing algorithms Monte Carlo methods, modeling Designing, revising, and creating Python pro…
  • Which of the following changes to my program would fix it, without changing anything else? Select one: O a. On the 1st line, change 3 to 9. O b. On the 5th line, change animalg2 to animals O c. …
  • There are so many types of California burritos in the burritos table! Sara wants to know which type is the highest rated across all restaurants. For the sake of these questions, we are treating each m…
  • In the following Python program: index = 1 def c(w) : z = index + w return z print (c(8) ) Match each thing with its role. Use each answer only once! return Choose… Parameter index Statement G…
  • . 4. Write a function num_consonants (s) that takes as input a string s and returns the number of consonants in s. For example: > > > num_consonants ( ‘ computer’) result: 5 Here again, you…
  • I need help developing or starting this code  Directions In Project One, you designed pseudocode or flowcharts for the two main actions in the game: moving between rooms and gathering items. In this…
  • Python Programming Problem Statement Project 1 Employee discount this purchase. Instructions You have been asked to write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts The d…
  • Consider the following Python program: def mystery1(wordlist) : takes a list of words and does something with them scored_words = [[w[1] , w] for w in wordlist] best_pair = max (scored_words) retur…
  • Schelling Segregation Overview: I need to create a python code with the following information: We are given a model with 4 parameters…
  • I would like assistance with these study questions, using Gephi to open the file to visualize the nodes. Reference for the file to be used in Gephi:…
  • for python: For this program you will be looking at future tuition at your university. In 2020, the tuition for a full-time student is $6,549 per semester, the tuition for a part time student is $3,32…
  • I need help implementing the second function, I already created the first function but not sure how to traverse from the initial port, im new to python, appreciate the help, I have put comments for th…
  • to crate the new pyhton file “new_file.txt” that doest exist from the python file ypu are in, what is the correct syntax
  • . (2) The potential temperature of a parcel of fluid at pressure p is the temperature that the parcel would attain if adiabatically brought to a standard reference pressure p0, usually 1,000 hPa. T…
  • Given theÂfollowing code, for v in range(3,Â9,Â2): Â Â Â print(v) It will print the followingÂoutput, 3 5 7 Â ÂTrue or False
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 2.9.2: Math functions. 375510.2350218.qx3zay7 Start Compute: z = xy W N – 1 import math IN 3 x = float(input()) 4 y = float(input() ) 5 Your code goes here ." print (round(…
  • The msleep data set contains the sleep times and weights for various mammals. a. Import the csv data from the following website:…
  • How would you create a flowchart based on the following information?. In [1]: I def percentNickel(ironP) : "This function calculates the percentage nickel by volume in integer based on percentage…
  • Address the following items below in one PPT (preferred) or word document and upload it for grading. Make sure to review the links in Content 1
  • Homework 1 Deadline: February 18 th   Q1:  Write a Python program to accept three numbers and return the sum of them  Your output should like as shown below:  Q2:ÂÂÂÂÂ…
  • Write remote procedure call programs in Python using two virtual machines in a single physical machine. The two virtual machines will emulate separate servers in a local area network. One VM will be c…
  • list1 = [ 2, 54, 1, 12, 43 ]Â What is the result of the following: list1[4:1:-1] Â 2. Consider the lists list1 = [ 2, 54, 1, 12, 43 ]Â list2 = [12, 4, 7, 1 ]Â Â What is the result of the follo…
  • In this lab, you will be creating your own CLI (shell) in Python. You should use Python 3+. The following is a list of commands that it should support: cd <directory> – change the current defaul…
  • Write the process as if you are creating an instructional step-by-step tutorial for someone who has never brushed their teeth before. ( Include every step from start to finish for the process of brush…
  • . Two car objects appear as circles with arrows in the middle. By default, the cars are "self-driving". You can control them in both self-driving mode and regular mode. Here are the keys y…
  • 1) Modulize using a Main area that controls the modules. It is recommended that you design this problem using a structure chart and pseudo code prior to writing the program.   Q.2) After fin…
  • What is the code of the following function? “previous_equal Given a list of non-negative numbers. Return a count how how times a number in the list is the same as the previous number in the list. Use …
  • Using for-loops, please create variable Z3 whose entries at row i and column j have the value of i + j. Please create a variable F3 whose entries have the value of i – j
  • using python code to imply the following questions Â. 1. (10 points) Implement the following function for determining the Jaccard similarity between two strings: jaccard_sim (x, y, k) x: the first st…
  • Many companies use telephone numbers like 555-GET-Food so the number is easier for their customers to remember. On a standard telephone, the alphabetic letters are mapped to numbers in the following f…
  • Given the following code: Â voidÂ*Âfunc(voidÂÂ*Âpointer) {ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ ÂÂÂintÂ*int_ptrÂ=Â(intÂ*)Âpointer; ÂÂ…
  • The table below gives the frequency with which a sample of women drink tea and coffee (Arab, Lenore et al. “Gender differences in tea, coffee, and cognitive decline in the elderly: the Cardiovascular …
  • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 7.2.1: Function errors: Copying. Using the celsius_to_kelvin function as a guide, create a new function, changing the name to kelvin_to_celsius, and modifying the function accor…
  • I cant get this code to work  def display_title():  Âprint(“Contact Manager”)  Âprint()   def display_menu():  Âprint(“COMMAND MENU”)  Âprint(“list – Display all contacts”)  Âpr…
  • In python, when we make a class, what is the purpose of doing def_init_(self, x,y) what do each of these mean. the def, init, self
  • . 4. Morse Code Converter Morse code is a code where each letter of the English alphabet, each digit, and vari Punctuation characters are represented by a series of dots and dashes. Table 8-4 shows …
  • Python For simulations, we often create placeholders then fill in the values with actual data afterwards. Using the specified functions below, please create a 1 dimensional array with 140 values. Each…
  • 11 LAB: Confidence intervals for population proportions Load the titanic dataset. Find the proportion of passengers who embarked from Southampton whose age is greater than the user defined age. Calc…
  • 7 LAB: Hailstone sequence  Given a positive integer n, the following rules will always create a sequence that ends with 1, called the hailstone sequence: If n is even, divide it by 2 If n is odd,…
  • You must implement the function get_anagrams(letter_pool), which takes in a string of uppercase letters letter_pool, representing the letters you have to rearrange. get_anagrams should return a set of…
  • write a python program the gets a string containing a person’s first, middle, and last names, and then display their first, middle, and last initials. for example if the user enters John William Smith…
  • Building a trading model: Moving Average The moving average (MA) is a simple technical analysis tool that smooths out price data by creating a constantly updated average price. The average is taken…
  • Jupyter Notebook:  Related images:  Â. Communication Services Snapshot – Fidelity 1/31/21, 5:44 PM CUSTOMER PROF…
  • In this project you must design and implement two programs, one for Dijkstra’s algorithm and one Floyd’s algorithm, to compute all-pair shortest paths in any given graph. Each program must be implemen…
  • Need help with python implementation, not familiar with coding (Your Code section), the theory and instruction I put in the comments for what im trying to do. Thanks again!. def sync (self ) : print (…
  • Need help with implementing a tcp socket to serve file request from peers , I understand theory but not familiar with python, the comments provided gives instructions. class FileSynchronizer (threadin…
  • How would I program a solution to this using for loops, while loops, and lists? Â Kiki is making “Happy National Pizza Day” (February 9th) cards for all of her friends. She’s a bit disappointed with …
  • How can I code a solution to this using for loops, while loops, or lists? Â In an alternate reality, chemistry Professors Hodge and Sibia have teamed up to design a chemical compound X such that when…
  • This assignment is to use wxPython to make a shipping calculator. The total cost will vary with package weight, shipping speed, and any extras the user might request. The layout should look something …
  • . Question 2 (3 pts) We are going to implement the casting function floatO that converts a float string to a float value. Write a program that asks the user to enter a number. The program should:…
  • 1 LAB: Parsing food data  Given a text file containing the availability of food items, write a program that reads the information from the text file and outputs the available food items. The prog…
  • Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of single-digit numbers with nothing separating them . The program should display the sum of all the single digit numbers in the string. For exampl…
  • In this lab, you will work on the scripting code that connects a front-end application connects a database residing at the back-end. Â We will use python at the front end to connect to the database. …
  • Write a program that takes three integers as input: low, high, and x. The program then outputs the number of multiples of x between low and high inclusive. Ex: If the input is: 1 10 2 the output is: 5…
  • Please see the question below Â. The university is creating a new application that can either assign student awards and bursaries or provide academic warnings based on several criteria. The universit…
  • Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of single-digit numbers with nothing separating them. The program should display the sum of all the single digit numbers in the string, for example…
  • In this lab, you will implement a multithreaded sum application in Python. Your program will sum up all the numbers from 1 to 500,000,000. The result should be 125,000,000,250,000,000. You should defi…
  • Create a class that represents a portable movie player, MoviePlayer. The MoviePlayer class should have a play method, which sets the first movie from the list of movies as currently playing. The list …
  • . 8. Create a function, q7, that simulates a dice roll for 10 times, stores how many times the outcome was 3, and returns the empirical probability of number 3 (remember that empirical probability i…
  • What does split() do? Group of answer choices split() slices a string into many pieces. split() exits the program. split() concatenates many slices into a single string. split() loops through a string…
  • . Write a Python program that asks the user for the grade they received on the quiz. The user should enter a number between 0 and 100. Assume that the user may enter a decimal. If they received 90 o…
  • . Write a Python program that asks the user for two numbers then outputs the difference between those two numbers (subtraction). You may assume the user enters whole numbers only (no decimals). Your…
  • Template “”” A driving range for test-driving instances of the Car class. “”” from math import cos, dist, radians, sin import random import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from car import Car…
  • Hi i am getting an error while executing the code doc. i corrected the with the below one[eng_train, ita_train], ita_train[:, 1:1, batch_size BATCH_SIZE, post execution …
  • . Content X MindTap – Cengage Learning X *Homework Help – Q&A from Onl x + V X – > C A…
  • Need help with sections marked #YOUR CODE, the instructions for the code are given in comments #!/usr/bin/python3 #============================================================================== #descr…
  • class FileSynchronizer(threading.Thread): Â Â Â Âdef __init__(self, trackerhost,trackerport,port, host=’′): Â Â Â Â Â Âthreading.Thread.__init__(self) Â Â Â Â Â Â#Port for ser…
  • Create a program that determine the instructions. Must use PyCharm Languange. Create a program that determines the salary of a regular employee. The inputs are rate per hour and hours_worked. The dedu…
  • Creating a banking program with classes for Python . Please reference the inheritance diagram to create the parent class and two child classes. The program will create an object of each type (Checking…
  • The assignment is to write a Python program that acts as an inventory system for a DVD collection. All of the below requirements should be included but there are no restrictions on what exactly the pr…
  • Need help with the functions that require #YOUR CODE  #!/usr/bin/python3 #============================================================================== #description   :This is a skeleton code ?…
  • What command reads just 5 characters from a text file? Group of answer choices stuff = stuff = read.textfile(5) stuff = stuff = text_file.readline(5) How can you de…
  • Which of the following is right about scikit-learn? ( choose all that apply) A. For a model, attributes ending with an underscore(_) means they are only accessible after running the fit method. B.ÂÂ…
  • . (40 points) In this programming exercise you will implement k-means and Principal Component Analysis algorithms: (a) You will first apply k-means algorithm (K = 8) to the provided dataset Digits08…
  • Write a python program to print the following string in a specific format ( see output) . Twinkle, twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world so high, like a diamond in the sky…
  • I can’t figure out why my code is not working correctly. The code will not continue to move between rooms. Â print(“Welcome Solider, We need your HELP!!!”) print(“”) rooms = {‘Living Room’: {‘East’: …
  • Q1 – [40 marks] Use top-down design to write a program named to implement a guessing game which is composed of 5 rounds. In each round, the program finds a score for a user and adds them up to g…
  • batch=1 routine = [[9, 10, 19, 20, 100, 34, 35, 36], [30, 27, 18, 100, 3, 4, 28, 11], [23, 24, 12, 13, 100, 37, 38, 39], [16, 17, 7, 8, 100, 31, 32, 33], [40, 41, 42, 100, 5, 6, 25, 26], [21, 22…
  • Complete the Team class implementation. For the instance method get_win_percentage(), the formula is: team_wins / (team_wins + team_losses) Note: Use floating-point division. Ex: If the input is: Rave…
  • “”” A program that converts from credits to courses, terms, years and back The ratio between each of these is as follows:     Courses = 4 Credits   Term = 7 Courses   Year = 2 Terms “”…
  • Complete the Car class by creating an attribute purchase_price (type int) and the method print_info() that outputs the car’s information. Ex: If the input is: 2011 18000 2018 where 2011 is the car’s m…
  • “””A simple program that implements a dice roll and roll count functions. It then uses these functions “””  import random  def roll_dice() -> int:   “””Function that implements rolling a di…
  • “””Passage encryptor – simple encryption using the caesar cipher. “”” import getpass import string  def encrypt_word(word: str) -> str:   “””Encrypts (scrambles) a single word (only letters) …
  • Modify the program so that the user is allowed to enter multiple weights of packages until the user has no more packages to input. The program should print the charges for each package entered. Before…
  • I’m using notepad++, the word ‘dog’ isn’t highlighting in blue so the program is ignoring this line and I don’t know why. Help please! Â file_location1=”C:\cygwin64\\cpt180Stuff\pets\dogs\dognames.tx…
  • using Python:( submit output screenshot )Â Going from a z-score of -8 to 8 in intervals of 1, You should use ‘norm.cdf()’ function, which should have 18 values. You should also store them in an array…
  • Python: Create a weekly scheduling program for a company. The program allows the user to select 4 people each day of the week to work andÂwill automatically notify an employee if they are scheduled. …
  • Write a program that first reads in the name of an input file and then reads the input file using the file.readlines() method. The input file contains an unsorted list of number of seasons followed by…
  • I am trying to write a program on notepad++ to run on cygwin but I keep getting errors. I can’t see where I’ve gone wrong: Â dognames = “C:\cygwin64\cpt180Stuff\pets\cats\catnames.txt” catnames = “C:…
  • I am trying to write a program on notepad++ to run on cygwin but I keep getting errors. I can’t see where I’ve gone wrong: Â dognames = “C:\cygwin64\home\lucon\cpt180Stuff\pets\cats\catnames.txt” cat…
  • Create a schedule that holds 10 workers. Each worker should be assigned a name, phone number, and email, and have a preference of being contacted by one or both methods. If a worker is scheduled, that…
  • def get_us_sector_performance(): Â Âoutput_list = list() Â Âurl = “” Â Â Â Â**** Your code goes here **** Â Â Â Â…
  • Create a python application that inputs, processes, and stores student data ( You may use menu-driven programming ) asking the user to input the file name and check if this file exists. asking the use…
  • . 2. 1 .2 Path Formulation Unlike the link formulation where the integer program builds the routes as a part of the obtained solution, the path formulation relies on pre-oomputing the set of all pos…
  • . _._ ______r _-_- _ Consider an RWA problem instance with network given in Figure 5 (where every bidirec- tional line again represents two links in opposite directions) and the following data: 0212…
  • This program couldn’t run. Please help me to revise it and help me to determine what’s wrong. Programming language used: PyCharm  name=input(“Enter Employee Name : “,’s’); %name regular_hr=input(“En…
  • … . .. Task 4: Unit Converter GitHub URL: Write a program that will be able to handle unit conversion, as follows: . The program will ask the user what…
  • Part A In PyCharm, write a program that prompts the user for their name and age. Your program should then tell the user the year they were born. Here is a sample execution of the program with the user…
  • create a program that determines the salary of a regular employee. Create a program that determines the salary of a regular employee. The inputs are rate per hour and hours_worked. The deductions incl…
  • . The fifteen town council members of Clownville take the process of selecting new clown cars, for its Clown Emergency Fleet, very seriously. Each clown on the Clownville town council test drives se…
  • Need help to solve this python project. All the information and references in this GitHub repository
  • Create a directory somewhere on your computer called hw6. In that directory, run `git init` and `heroku create` to set up a Heroku app and git repository. Run the command to add a database to your app…
  • . The Centaurs and Centaurides from Centauros have contacted Mr. Coder, an earthling, to create a program to simulate two games: Cornhole and Guessing Medals. The program should be menu-driven and s…
  • . From time to time Yetis who live high up in the Himalayan mountain ranges come down from the mountains to deliver a profound message, in their own language, to the folks in the plains. The folks i…
  • From documents to feature vectors  This section illustrates the prototypical components of machine learning pipeline for an NLP task, in this case, document classification: Read document examples (t…
  • . 3. Use a histogram to show the mark distribution of the following test. test = [12, 37, 87, 70, 70, 19, 45, 59, 91, 21, 25, 27, 76, 46, 46, 51, 22, 80, 30, 23, \ 48, 68, 31, 60, 41, 44, 77, 65, 23…
  • Below is the link to .ipynb file ( Actual Question)  Below are the data links: (I have shared a google drive link, …
  • . 1. Why are variables so important to programming? (3 pts) 2. What are some of the Python rules for naming a variable? (2.5 pts) 3. Why do programming languages have rules for naming variables? (2….
  • . Exercise ‘|2 (5 marks — hard) This is a challenging exercise that requires some significant effort and time. Implement from scratch a piece of Python code that can be used to solve the followi…
  • Python Use this exact dictionary to complete this assignment (Do NOT alter this dictionary):Â Â {‘A’:4.0, ‘A-‘:3.66, ‘B+’:3.33, ‘B’:3.0, ‘B-‘:2.66, ‘C+’:2.33, ‘C’:2.0, ‘C-‘:1.66, ‘D+’:1.3…
  • Python Create a program,, that takes in three arguments that represent the a, b, and c values in the quadratic formula. The values should be in two decimal places. You do…
  • Pyhon Create a program that has a function that takes one integer argument.ÂThe function will print a list of all values between 5000 and 8000 that is divisible by (1) the int…
  • . Question 2 (60%) Write a program as a simple calculator for integers. In this program, the user can choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by giving an integer, only 1, 2, …
  • Python Create a program,, that has a function that takes one string argument and prints a sentence indicating the longest word in that string. If there is more than one word pr…
  • Python Create a program,, that has a function that takes one string argument and prints a sentence indicating if the text is a palindrome.ÂThe function should consider onl…
  • Python Create a program called that has a function that takes two integer arguments and prints a Pandas dataframe. The two arguments will correspond to the number of rows and num…
  • Python  For this, only import and use sys and numpy Create a program called that has a function that takes in three arguments and prints one integer. Your random seed should be set…
  • Python Create a program called The program should define a class called person that has one method called hello, and one attribute called name, which represents the name of the person….
  • . 4.3 Binary Multinomial Bayes Mandatory for graduate students, optional for undergraduate students Write code for transforming documents to features such that features are Boolean and only represen…
  • You must implement the functionÂget_anagrams(letter_pool), which takes in a string of uppercase lettersÂletter_pool, representing the letters you have to rearrange. get_anagrams should return a se…
  • Assignment 1 [Practice] Calculating your course grade Write a program that asks the user to enter the following information forÂPython: full name, test1 score, test2 score, Assignment score, Read a…
  • please include output screenshot; According to the python codes for the movement of pendulum, please complete the graphs of the pendulum’s angle vs. time, angular velocity vs. time, angular accelerati…
  • In python, solving a colored tile, trying to make all the tiles green. It turns out that the Colored Tiles problem has two important properties: •the solutions are order invariant. That is, it only …
  • It would be very helpful if someone could help me solve these Python Problems. We are allowed to use recursion and other simple python functions and syntaxes. Any help or guidance will be appreciated….
  • Read!! You only need to give me output which has everything, but has to work correct the code and has to show as desired output that is displayed on the picture. Thank you. Use Python. Each question…
  • code seems incomplete and won’t pass as error says ” Failed example: all([label in post_1979_fertility_and_child_mortality.labels for label in [‘Children per woman’, ‘Child deaths per 1000 born’]]) Ex…
  • Cross validation helps to? A determine the best level of complexity for your model. B transform qualitative (classification) tasks into quantitative (regression) tasks. C compenstate for biased data c…
  • Below is the link to question  We will use the NB model implemented in sklearn:…
  • I would like to know what am I doing wrong, and how to I correct my mistake. Thank you!. Implement the function neighbo r_digits. neighbor_digits takes in an integer num and an optional argument prev_…
  • def print_tax(tax_type, tax_amt ) : # Call the main main ( )
  • # Multi-parameter function returning multiple values def calc_sales_tax(t_sales ) : # Calculate the county and state taxes # Return the county and state taxes # Multi-parameter function not returning …
  • SQLite and pandas create a class to create a class Database to create a local database table “Emission” Should include methods – add passed pandas data frame with 2 columns, – sort table by the seco…
  • # Main function def main( ) : # Use the input ( ) function to get the total sales total_sales = float (input ( ‘Enter total sales for the month: ‘)) # Call the calc_sales_tax function passing the tota…
  • code from last lesson: menu_options = {  Â1: “In-N-out”,  Â2: “Shake Shack”,  Â3: “Five Guys”,  Â9: “Quit” } def print_menu():  “””This is the menu for the user to pick what they want …
    • Consider splitting the data into a a training and test set. Samples 1 to 450 form the training set and samples 451 to 569 form the test set. Try the following classification models to predict &quo…
  • import random from queues import CircularQueue class Job: def __init__(self, priority = 0, process_name = None): ”’ Object for job description of various types :param priority: 0 fo…
  • class BoundedQueue: # Creates a new empty queue: def __init__(self, capacity): assert isinstance(capacity, int), (‘Error: Type error: %s’ % (type(capacity))) # throws an assertion error …
  • We will use the NB model implemented in sklearn:  Below are the data links: (I have shared a google drive link, please save it with the txt…
  • Leverage all tools covered within your reading up to this lesson. don’t use any other code to make it work please use only this lesson Â3  use python  lesson 3 lecture : copy this link and open…
  • Task 7 Write a Python program to combine two dictionary adding values for common keys. Suppose d1 = {‘a’: 100, ‘b’: 200, ‘c’:300} d2 = {‘a’: 300, ‘b’: 200, ‘d’:400} The expected output should be {‘a…
  • . you only need to answer question #2. Write all of your Python code for this assignment in a single file named lab1 . py. You should have two functions, followed by a "main" at the bottom: …
  • I have a program that is calling out to a server in a loop, generating a loop of functions over and over in a log file. What I Have: instrace.linux.log What I Need Help With: Building o…
  • You will create an SQLite database. Name the database whatever you like. Make a commit and a close of your connection. You need to have the following: Use the top 50 worldwide highest-grossing films o…
  • Long question, can it be answered?
  • colors = [‘red’,’green’,’blue’,’orange’,’magenta’,’brown’,’white’,’black’] Â myColors=colors[-4:-7] print(myColors) extColors=colors+[“pink”] print(extColors)Â newColors=”” for i in colors: Â Ânew…
  • What is the code of “def first_nest”?. first nest This problem involves dict nesting. Given a list of non-empty strings. Create and return a "firsts" dict with a key for each first char amon…
  • Python code needed – k Nearest Neighbors: Dataset: (Hints/some code provided below, only need python code to the question highlighted) # Import requir…
  • what does this print? for i in range(5,0,-1): Â Â num=1 ÂÂ Â for j in range (1,i+1): Â Â Â Â Â print(num, end=”| “) Â Â Â Â Â num=num*2 Â Â Âprint()
  • Your organization has three network servers that report daily connection statistics on access time. The data was captured 5 times daily for each day for each server. ÂFor each server, you will need…
  • What is the code of def year_dates?. year_dates This problem involves dict nesting. Given a list of date strings, each string of the form ‘4-1-2021’. Use split() to divide each date into its parts. Cr…
  • Write code in the cell below that does the following: Assign the tenth character in sentence to the variable char . Print char Concatenate (join) the sixth character and the last character of sentence…
  • What is the code of “def first_nest” and “def year_dates”?. first nest This problem involves dict nesting. Given a list of non-empty strings. Not Correct X m0000 Create and return a "firsts"…
  • py:Â import math class Point (object): # constructor with default values def __init__ (self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0): # create a string representation of a Point # returns a string of the form …
  • . 2.1.2 Path Formulation Unlike the link formulation where the integer program builds the routes as a. part of the obtained solution1 the path formulation relies on pro—computing the set of all po…
  • what does the following program print. for i in range (5,0, -1) : num=1 for j in range (1, i+1): print(num, end=" I ") num-num*2 print()
  • sentence = ‘Half a league, half a league, Half a league onward, All in the valley of Death rode the six hundred’ Â Write code below that does the following: Shifts with wraparound the string sente…
  • What does this print. 1. What does this print? fruits = ["apple", "orange", "banana", "cherry"] for afruit in fruits: # by item print(afruit, end=" ")…
  • Answer for above coding question. PREP_Python_AS_Data Types WQ -6 Report Error Single File Programming Question Marks : 10 Negative Marks : 0 Bala distribute C chocolates to school N students every Fr…
  • Write an assignment statement that stores in the variable stars a string consisting of one thousands asterisks(*). Do not hard code a string of 1000 asterisks. Print the length of stars.
  • How many stars does the following program print?. for i in range(-2, 14) : print("*") print("**") a) 0 b) 15 c) 45 d) 48 e) 68
  • . 2.1.1 Link Formulation Let at”) be a binary decision variable equal to 1 ifwavelink (I, w) is used in granting a request between node pair (a, d), i..,e wavelink (t, w) is part of a lightpath es…
  • Write code below that does the following: Shifts with wraparound the list colors three positions to the right and stores the result in rotColors . Print rotColors This means that the last three elemen…
  • What does this print. s1="this is a string" print("A variable s1, referes the an object of what type?") print( type(s1) ) $4=["this is a string"] print("A variable s…
  • What does this print?. s1="this is a string" s2="this is a string" $3=$1 print(s1==$3) s1="aha" print(s3==$1) print(s3==$2)
  • Objective Demonstrate an understanding of: Class design and object creation methods constructor (__init__ method) properties raising exceptions Specification Start with your code from assignment fiv…
  • Python code needed – Cluster Analysis: Dataset – (Hints/some code provided below, only need python code to …
  • Complete the following Programming Exercises from Chapter 3 in the book from the section “Programming Exercises” #3 Age Classifier #8 Hot Dog Cookout Calculator #17 Wi-Fi Diagnostic Tree (Hint* there …
  • Prior Code:Â randomsÂ=Ânp.random.standard_normal(1000000) plt.hist(randoms,ÂbinsÂ=Â30) plt.ylabel(“Frequency”) Â Using Python: Â From a z-score of -4 to 4 in intervals of 0.5, use t…
  • What happens when you attempt to run the following snippet? my_tup= (1,2,3) print(my_tup[2])
  • I made one python named and another one is . and write ” import eliza300_5_functions_1 in But my tutor say it’s wrong. I write code in…
  • NEED HELP TO CREATE A PYTHON CODE  Define the instructions Print “Snow Cave Adventure Game ======== COLLECT ALL ITEMS TO WIN. A SNOWMAN IS WAITING FOR YO! Just go South, go North, go East, go W…
  • Task 3 What tried to apply some masks to a list of numerical values. Please read the following function description carefully and complete it. Please provide a one-line solution using the "inline…
  • Write a function pass_grade that takes a list of lists of grades (integers) and a minimum passing grade (that should default to 70). Each sub-list represents the exam grades for a single student. Th…
  • import numpy # calculate mu and sig using the training set d = x_train . shape [1 ] mu = numpy . mean (x_train, axis=0) . reshape (1, d) sig = numpy . std (x_train, axis=0) . reshape (1, d) # transfor…
  • Make a program that calculates the hourly wage of a typical worker. Two variables are needed: a rate per hour and a number of hours worked per week. Insurance, PAG-IBIG/SSS contributions, loan deducti…
  • Ms Brown has 5 students who took their midterms and finals. 1. She wants to store their midterm and final results in one 2-dimensional array and print it to the console. You should enter their test sc…
  • Please fix my code or help me with the correct answer. I would like it typed out and a screenshot to ensure I have my indentation and spacing right.  Here are more hints that may help   Â. In […
  • Write a program that inputs one number consisting of five digits from the user, separates the number into individual digits and prints the digits separated from one another by three spaces. For ex…
  • We will use the NB model implemented in sklearn: Â. 4.1 Assume the following likelihoods for each word being part of a positive or negative mo…
  • What is the output of the following Python statements? def recurse(a): Â Â if (a == 0): Â Â Â Â print(a) Â Â else: Â Â Â Â recurse(a) recurse(1)
  • Consider the real estate appreciation problem of week 3, write a Python program called Âto compute and print the minimum number of years that would be needed for the value of a house to …
  • How would I program a solution to this using for loops or while loops? Â Â Â Being tired of the challenging assignments given by the MCS Professors, students have collectively decided to have a roa…
  • Write a program that reads the contents of the attached file i_have_a_dream.txt * . Â Split it into words (where any space is considered a word boundary), and case-insensitively builds a list that st…
  • Write a python function is_valid that checks if the input is a valid Student id number. Valid student Id’s are in the range 1000-6999 and the sum of their digits should be divisible by 7. If the id nu…
  • A fair amount of development time, when working as a programmer, is to review code from others. This could be because you inherited code from someone who left the project, or because you are looking…
  • help to code Python Â. Steganongraphvr is a method of message conoealment where the message is hidden within another piece of data like an image or video. For example take the phrase "Curiosity …
  • Competency In this project, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following competency: Translate requirements to solve problems computationally Scenario You work for a small company that creates t…
  • Table 2: Demandas 1. Considere el arbol mostrado en la Figura 1. Se desea ubicar una instalacion de manera tal que la distancia total recorrida (ponderada por la demanda) sea minima. Usted debe: (a) E…
  • Task 1: Your first task is to create a function, pascal_row, that outputs a list of elements found in a certain row of Pascal’s Triangle. The pascal_row function should take a single integer as input,…
  • Template  “”” A driving range for test-driving instances of the Car class. “”” from math import cos, dist, radians, sin import random import tkinter as tk from tkinter import ttk from car import Car…
  • I need help in writing my Python code for a textbase game. Below is everything I have done so far. A Python Text Adventure Game You’re trapped in a Smart Home and need to get to the server room; you m…
  • question-1 please help with this assignment (20 pts.)Forward Rotation: Write code to perform forward rotation on an image. Starter code available in directory Tranform/ Transform/ Edit th…
  • How do I Python code to show Gaussian distribution is an example of exponential family distribution?
  • Please fix my code or help me with the correct answer. Â Â. In this assignment, you should write a function (named gets_temperature_forecast()) that gets an address/city and returns temperatures for…
  • Using Scikit Learn , a Python program needs to be created to load the wine quality data fil, scale all of the columns to be scaled values between 0 and 1. Then should be able to print a few lines of…
  • Write a coin flipping class that inherits from the die class. Bet you never thought of a coin as a two sided die. It would contain the following changes: – The constructor should not take any argument…
  • what you think is important to make your code as organized and clearly structured as possible so thatÂanother person can easily extract meaning from it. What else do you think matters when making y…
  • In this exercise, you need to practice writing functions. Please write code for the following functions: main() menu() calWeight(from, to, weight) calLength(from, to, length) calVolume(from, to, volum…
  • En este ejercicio deberás crear un script llamado que lea los datos de un fichero de texto, que transforme cada fila en un diccionario y lo añada a una lista llamada personas. Luego roco…
  • Python programming with the given following lists: list1 = [‘apple’, ‘banana’,’orange’, ‘guava’] str=”The, quick,brown,fox, jumps$over-the-lazy-dog”  • First, Display the two given • Next, Displ…
  • How would I program a solution to thus using for loops or while loops? Â Â Â Being tired of the challenging assignments given by the MCS Professors, students have collectively decided to have a roa…
  • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this problem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!!. d Satari File Edit View History Bookmarks Window Help ‘ ‘ 1210.01 ‘7?…
  • Write a Python program to get the top three items price in a shop.Â(15 points) Sample data: {‘Apple’: 0.50, ‘Banana’: 0.20, ‘Mango’: 0.99, ‘Coconut’: 2.99, ‘Pineapple’: 3.99} Expected Output: Pineapp…
  • Part I: Summary of Bokeh’s Main Components Bokeh is a python visualization library. In this part you will research the main components of Bokeh. Among the most important packages of Bokeh are: io plot…
  • . If the variable pop has value 2 and then I execute the statement pop *= 4, pop’s value will be * O the previous value 2, since the line will give a syntax error
  • In this programming exercise you will implement three multivariate Gaussian classifiers, with different assumptions as follows: •Assume S1 and S2 are learned independently (learned from the data fro…
  • Write a function extract_time_durations that extracts time durations (e.g. 44 minutes 13.7 seconds) from a text file and prints them out as a table in pretty format, one per line with three columns: l…
  • Write a die rolling class that contains the following methods: -ÂA constructor that accepts an integer representing the number of sides on the die. – A get_sides method that will return the number of…
  • Using Python: #Â1.ÂGenerateÂ1,000,000ÂdrawsÂfromÂaÂstandardÂnormalÂdistribution #Â2.ÂPlotÂhistogramÂwithÂ30Âbins. #Â3.ÂÂ[main question] WriteÂcodeÂtoÂcountÂupÂwhatÂproportionÂ…
  • The objective of this homework assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with reading files, and using string methods to slice strings, working with dictionaries and using-step wise development to comp…
  • # 1. Andrew Smith # 1. ÂPython 3.10.0 # 1. Milestone 1 Â # 1. ADD YOUR MULTI LINE COMMENT ON THE NEXT LINE. Â ”’ This is a comment for grading (Multi-Line Comment) ”’ Â ###### Import the random …
  • Only answer problem 4 , if u answer problem 1 or 2 I will thumb down code for 1 and 2 is given below code for 1: import numpy as np def compute_solution(M,x0,N): eig,V=np.linalg.eig(M) # compute eigen…
  • Only answer problem 3, if u answer problem 1 or 2 I will thumb down code for 1 and 2 is given below code for 1: import numpy as np def compute_solution(M,x0,N): eig,V=np.linalg.eig(M) # compute eigenv…
  • Question 1. As you can see, the scores are reported in relative detail, including points scored in each quarter by either Oregon ( e.g. OrQ1 for Oregon’s first quarter score) or their opponent (OpQ1),…
  • Only answer problem 3, if u answer problem 1 or 2 then I will thumb down code for 1 and 2 is given below code for 1: import numpy as np def compute_solution(M,x0,N): eig,V=np.linalg.eig(M) # compute e…
  • Write a  PYTHON program to input names, hours worked and pay rate for several employees from an input file ( get the file names from the user and make sure hours worked for some employees are greate…
  • ***USING PYTHON***  Write a program to compute and print the month‑end balance.  Input Â  LastName    ÂPreviousBalance   ÂPayments  ÂCharges Allen      …
  • Sven’s Sweets sells gourmet cookies. His wholesale orders for special occasions must be placed in 10-box cases. The “Spooky Special” box costs Sven $10 wholesale and sells for $12 retail. Any boxes no…
  • Build a notebook that completes the following requirements: Note: make sure you build the notebook inside the library folder in your Jupyter Hub environment. Part 1 (75 points) Load the olympics1992_2…
  • I need help with my code. I’m trying to use regex in python to run through each line of code token by token using the re.match() function and it has to print the token in order. For example, if(cresul…
  • py:Â import math class Point (object): # constructor with default values def __init__ (self, x = 0, y = 0, z = 0): # create a string representation of a Point # returns a string of …
  • My code from Pycharm wont successfully get deployed on Python Anywhere, Can someone help me get my python anywhere deployed?  i have the link for my Github
    • Assume that advertising and promotion can boost sales and the following mathematical formula can be given for their relationship: SALES= -28485+26.95*Advertising+367.89*Promotion. Using loops gener…
  • python , please make use of spyder. DAT129: Homework 2 When crew members of the starship Enterprise discover a planet with breathable atmosphere, they need to determine whether it is suitable for huma…
  • example mditerm exam python for Rapid Engineering Solutions, ASU EEE 591
  • give the user the options to Re-run with new inputs or Quit. python Write a program that calculates the Euclidean distance given 2 input vectors of similar dimension. The Euclidean distance between tw…
  • Use Python language : Â If m=1 *2 *3 * … * n, what’s the value of Ân if m<20,000?
  • Two functions lastDigit and allButLast are given below. Given a number n as an argument the function lastDigit returns the last digit of that number and allButLast returns the number with its last dig…
  • Hello, I would like to check the solution to the following exercise: My group is F Â Â Â. 2.1: Using the order of your group letter in the alphabet (e.g. 1 for A, 2 for B, etc.) as a random seed, d…
  • what is the output for the following code? Âcolors=[‘green’, ‘blue’, ‘red’, ‘yellow’] Âprint (len(colors))
  • Create a dog breed class with a constructor that takes the following: – Name – Life expectancy – Size – Coat type (limit to long, short, curly, etc.) – Coat color/pattern  Class usage Example output…
  • Create a table named big_table by joining games with final_scores_with_results using the Opponent column for the join.
  • Temperature is commonly measured in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. We want to develop a program that asks the user to enter the temperature in degrees Celsius, and have the program c…
  • I am working on Âmy final assignment and need a review/help to clean up the code and use all the best practices within IT-140 course guidelines Here is the script  class Direction:  ”’  ÂCl…
  • I need my code reviewed. It’s for module seven with SNHU. # A dictionary for the simplified dragon text game # The dictionary links a room to other rooms. rooms = {‘Great Hall’: {‘South’: ‘Bedroom’}…
  • I am working on Âmy final assignment and need a review/help to clean up the code and use all the best practices within IT-140 course guidelines
  • Write a program that allows the user to enter a positive integer and performs the following actions: Â Double the number Reverse the digits in the number Sum the digits of the number If the number is…
  • import csv fileWords = input(”) wordCount = {} with open(fileWords, ‘r’) as csvfile: csvreader = csv.reader(csvfile) for row in csvreader: for word in row: if word not in wordCount.keys(): wordCount[…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11. 12 13 14 For this question, you will use two pairs of …
  • 05 – Get the most frequent words Find the top 10 most frequent words counted in word_count , and save them (in order from most to least frequent) in a list called top_10 Hints: – import itemgetter (se…
  • Q3 – Clean the string Clean book_string so that it contains only lowercase letters and spaces. Convert uppercase letters to lowercase letters, and remove anything that is not an english letter or a sp…
  • Q1 – Working with lines The code below reads in the text of "Alice in wonderland " from mject Gutenberg into a variable called book as a list of lines. The first bunch of lines are just gene…
  • My program will not loop correctly due to an error on lines 60 to 62. I need that error fixed so my program will loop. # Cordelia Charles # A dictionary for the simplified dragon text game # The dicti…
  • 02 – Lines into a string After finishing Q1, take the resulting line of lines in book and convert it into one long string (separated by spaces) called book_string . 9? YOUR CODE HERE raise NotImplemen…
    • FREQUENT ITEMSET GENERATION Use the Apriori algorithm to generate frequent itemsets with up to 2 items per set. Explore dif- ferent support thresholds until you obtain at least 5 results for both …
  • -I FREQUENT ITEMSET GENERATION Use the Apriori algorithm to generate frequent itemacts with up to 2 items per set. Explore dif- ferent support thresholds until you obtain at least 5 results for both 1…
  • 2 ASSOCIATION RULE MINING U.S. CENSUS DATA 50 POINTS] Load the Adult dataset from here. The dataset is an extraction from the 1994 U.S. Census. More information on the dataset can be found here here B…
    • ASSOCIATION RULE GENERATION Generate association rules from the frequent itemsets. Use confidence as the metric to eval- uate the association rules. Explore different confidence thresholds until y…
  • copy from one sheet to another sheet based on column names using VBA Â I have sales data in sheet2 ( about 160 columns & half a million rows of data I used a recorded macro to filter this data , …
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Question 9 (10 points) For this question you must design and implement a precondition loop in Python that will display the following num…
  • In python, solving a colored tile, trying to make all the tiles green.  import random as rand import math as math class State(object):  “””The Problem State is an array of Boolean values, which …
  • Introduction to coding Use conditional statements i need some help with coding it with python 3.10.2
  • Dear Sir using python programming solve this activity  please on each step there is an example for the output please follow the example, the previous solution is not fully corrected needs some impro…
  • OPS245 Winter 2022 Assignment 1 instructions for JennaDoucette Install a new Centos 7 VM into your existing c7host, using any of the installation methods covered in this course. Ensure the machine has…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. START NO 15 0" IN YES THE WORD? .NO_ 15 "X" IN YES THE WORD IS THE WORD? "FORSAKE" THE WORD IS .NO_ 15 OF"…
  • Consider the real estate appreciation problem of week 3, write a Python program called to compute and print the minimum number of years that would be needed for the value of a house to beca…
  • In this lab, you complete a partially written Python program for an airline that offers a 25% discount to passengers who are 6 years old or younger and the same discount to passengers who are 65 years…
  • Link to the files: NB model: Evaluate NB model performance when using only a…
  • Please use Python to design and implement the solution to use data analysis and visualization for analysing how the features of a publication would affect its “citation” (a value that can be found in …
  • Using python language: Â In the following question you should write functions to do the task. Your code must have a main function that will be called to run the program. Functions should have good na…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Question 7 (10 points) For this question you will design and implement a program that starts by asking the user for the length, width, a…
  • In this lab, you complete a Python program that calculates an employee’s annual bonus. Input is an employee’s first name, last name, salary, and numeric performance rating. If the rating is 1, 2, or 3…
  • . Part 2. BankAccount class. 25 points total Here is our old friend BankAccount in a simplified version. 2 (a). Implement _str_ and _repr_ exactly as shown below. Please note that we want decimal ou…
  • How can I code the walrus function and what kind of unit test should I do? Â The digits 0 to 9 are coded like this: 0 —– taah-taah-taah-taah-taah 1.—-ti-taah-taah-taah-taah 2 ..— ti-ti-taah-ta…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. E A H B F For this question you must evaluate the result of this circuit if inputs C, E, G, H, I, and J each have a value of False, and …
  • . 7b) Using a single reduceByKey on the above RDD, for each stock per each year, what is the largest High and the smallest Low price? Show the results in sorted order using Python sorted function. S…
  • from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs from pandas import DataFrame # generate a classification dataset X, y = make_blobs(n_samples=1000, centers=3, n_features=10, random_state=1, c…
  • Given the following data set, how many percent of the total variance can be explained by the top 2 principal components ? from sklearn.datasets.samples_generator import make_blobs from pandas im…
  • Using Python language perform the following either in Linux PC or in Windows PC. 1. Read and display CPU usage in reference to time in graph, every second 2. Read and display Memory (RAM) usage in…
  • def return_ten(4,8): return 10 print(return_ten()) x = return_ten() print(x + 1)
  • Chrome File Edit View History Bookmarks Profiles Tab Window Help Wed Feb 16 12:36 PM … *Course Hero C Python Relocated Items Screen Shots 300.0. … Quiz: Module 5 q…
  • What is the mistake in the following code? Explain the error and write any missing code. PASSWORD = ‘super_password123’ while password_entered!=PASSWORD: password_entered = input("Enter the passw…
  • Please Answer ASAP! I will give a thumbs up if answered correctly! If any answers require programming, use python please   Â. 2 Questions 1. Loss Functions for Linear Regression (8 points): Assum…
  • Consider this Python list: colors = [“yellow”, “red”, “green”, “yellow”, “blue”] What is the name of the list method that will return the first index where “green” is stored in the list? find index po…
  • What is the name of the built-in Python function that returns the number of elements in a list? len length count None of the above
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. F G. H For this question you must evaluate the result of this circuit if inputs C, D, E, G, H, I, and K each have a value of False, and …
  • machine learning explore, process and classification of credit card dataset. with explanation  Âyou can find the dataset = (…
  • First, create a new file in the PyCharm integrated development environment (IDE), title it “,” and include a comment at the top with your full name. As you develop your code, remember …
  • . QUESTION 6 Complete the trace table given by tracing through the following program. Fill in the columns for all variables and record any output in the output column. Be sure to record when a varia…
  • need some help. Examine the code provided. if (x X 3 = = 0) : if (x X 6 == 0) : if (x X 12 == 0) : print ("a") elif (x X 9 == 0): print ("b") elif (x X 7 == 0): print("c"…
  • Python : Web Scraping – Can you explain it by the following. Just looking to be shown how Web Scraping is performed by using the following Method. This will not be used for any class work. This is jus…
  • Python: Â Â Make a sign-up function that adds a new user with a name, username and password, store this info in a dict and store each new dict in a file users.txt Make a login function that takes in…
  • Create a program in python that uses a class to store information about a person, including name, month of birth, day of birth, and year of birth. Within the class: • Include an initialization met…
  • Need some help. QUESTION 7 Write a Python function called calc_discount that takes no parameters and returns nothing. Save your file as "". This function asks the user for: …
  • Consider a list of lists (so each entry of the first list is another list) where: each entry in the outer list is a reddit post title each reddit post title is a list containing strings (where each st…
  • give the user the options to Re-run with new inputs or Quit. python Write a program that takes 2 integers say 𝑎, 𝑏 as inputs. The program shall calculate the quotient of the inputs (i. e. 𝑎…
  • give the user the options to Re-run with new inputs or Quit. python Write a program that calculates the Euclidean distance given 2 input vectors of similar dimension. The Euclidean distance betwee…
  • give the user the options to Re-run with new inputs or Quit. Python Given the number of sides and length of a side (i. e. 𝑠and 𝑛) the area of a regular polygon can be calculated by the formul…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. B H E A D For this question you must evaluate the result of this circuit if inputs A, B, D, E, G, H, I, and L each have a value of False…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. A B H E For this question you must evaluate the result of this circuit if inputs B, D, F, G, I, and L each have a value of False, and in…
  • can you pls write a code that will look like this: Â. RESTART: C: /Users/koopn Guess a 5 letter word: apple That’s wrong, try again Guess a 5 letter word: bees? Your guess must contain only letters G…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. O A H- B- E F For this question you must evaluate the result of this circuit if inputs C, D, F, G, I, J, and L each have a value of Fals…
  • I’ve been given a BASH assignment and I’m really confused as to what is expected. We’ve been learning python and writing codes using Mu editor but one of our final assignments is to create a BASH file…
  • //sorry, i found the error, i didn’t writte well one of the variable in a before. but i still need help this is the next excercise using the code that this question was made is about the next excercis…
  • I am having trouble understanding how to create this user-defined function and the TA’s do not have hours available that I can attend. the power function that is listed to be used above I have as……
  • -Provide the command that will display only the number of lines in the file khezu.txt The output will display only a number and nothing else . Â Â -A file called barioth.txt has 1 line of text insid…
  • List of even integers Â. In this challenge, you are required to implement a function that: 1. is named even. 2. takes 2 integer arguments, start and n. 3. returns a list of n smallest even integers g…
  • You are investigating the behavior of some stocks over the past couple of months. The stock prices for Apple are contained in the list pricesApple and the stock prices for Microsoft are contained in t…
  • Instructions: . Using Flowgorithm, design a flowchart with decision structures that will determine if an input year is a leap year (does February have 29 days) . The flowchart should do the following:…
  • This program uses the replace method. What would the output of the program be? msg = ‘hello world’ msg = msg.replace(‘hello’, ‘goodbye’) msg = msg.replace(‘o’, ‘X’) print(msg)
  • Under topic, rank of a matrix; please share matlab or r/python code.. following the link above. The discussion topic for this module is: Using MATLAB (or another programming language), explore all pos…
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Question 1 (10 points) For this question you must design and implement a postcondition loop in Python that will display the following nu…
  • . 6. Given two equations f(x) = 48 – 14x + x2 and g(x) = -102 + 31x + 18×2 – 9×3 + x4. a. Find the roots of the functions f(x) and g(x). b. Divide the polynomial g (x) by f (x). c. Multiply the poly…
  • please do not copy from chegg and course hero Critically assess, select and apply data science tools (ILO3) This task involves creating interesting exploratory graphical plots of a dataset using appro…
  • R-11.9 Draw the AVL tree resulting from the removal of the entry with key 62 from the AVL tree of Figure 11.14b. Figure 11.14b R-10.4 What is the worst-case running time for inserting n key-va…
  • Change various characteristics of the plot Increase the size, add a title, change plot line colors, etc. For information on adding Grid Lines see w3schools: REF:…
  • Python Code: Please help me with this Â. 1. Write a Python program to find those numbers which are divisible by 7 and multiple of 5, between 1500 and 2700 (both included). 2. Write a Python program t…
  • please mark right option  question Â5 Âonly      no need of explanation  Â. Question 1. Grouping pixels based on their RGB values is called (a) color thresholding Quest (b) gray l…
  • In this lab we’ll compare the time it takes to search for an item in a list vs searching for it in a binary search tree. Part 1: Populating and Searching a List Let’s start off in our main module. Fir…
  • You will have to write three different programs to:Â 1. Accept inputs from user. Â2. Use Decision Structures (if, elif, else) to evaluate multiple expressions which produce True or False as outcome …
  • Please help on the attached question in the link -Â Â. 14 Cursor c IS Schema tables are given below 15 SELECT DEPT_ID 16 FROM EMP; 17 Table 18 dept_name DEPT . DEPT_NAMEXTYPE; Name Columns 19 rowcou…
  • Which of the following objects of BeautifulSoup is NOT editable?
  • python code for a, Âgaussian plume model b, Â3D graphs of vaying concentration of pollutant at different stability conditions
  • . D Question 1 10 pts Which valid expressions evaluate to the bool value True? i. 4 <> 5 or not(4 = = 5) 2-4<5 4 <- 5 and 6 > 5 O Expressions i and it O Expressions i and ili O Expres…
  • py  I need help with this python program in which I’m trying …
  • You are to create a Python application that applies concepts of generators in Python. Scenario: You are to create an application that simulates the functions of an online registration form for a works…
  • . Have a look to the incidents in the csv file named "Polioe_Department_lncidents_filtered". Each row shows one incident in London in 2016. The following info is given in every row: – ln…
  • Create a piece of code that uses a flow control statement (if, for, while) that was not used in the previous problems of this assignment. Explain your code by adding comments to it and/or cells with m…
  • This assignment is specifically meant to test your understanding of HTTP API requests. Please write code for the following functions in a module named and submit the module file to Grader …
  • Question 2 (60%) Write a program as a simple calculator for integers. In this program, the user can choose from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by giving an integer, only 1, 2, 3, a…
  • Project 1: Classification and Performance Evaluation  This is an individual project.  You are to write a Naïve Bayes classification system. (Do not use any machine learning library for Naïve Bay…
  • please do not copy from Chegg and course hero Solve this problem using python. The experiment consists of two independent tosses of a fair coin, let X be the number of heads obtained. Define the rando…
  • . Job Department Organization Group Total Compensation IS Trainer-Journey Adult Probation Public Protection 131391 IS Engineer-Assistant Adult Probation Public Protection 172520 IS Business Analyst-…
  • I have a program that is continuously trying to contact a C2 server and I need to figure out what functions in a trace log make up that loop of continuing to attempt that connection. What I have:Â in…
  • Write all your code in a single file named and upload it to Grader Than. Hint: Here is the general syntax for a decorator that accepts no arguments: def decorator(decorated_function:call…
  • Return a list containing all pairs of distinct elements that satisfy the function fn. We say the pair [a, b] satisfies a function fn when calling fn(a, b) returns True. Also note that the pair [1, 1] …
  • Question 5 (20 points) A website requires the users to input username and password to register. Write a program to check the validity of password input by users. Following are the criteria for checkin…
  • Question 4 (20 points) Assume a game in which two players, A and B, score points and the winner is: A player who has at least 3 points and wins by at least 2 points or A player who first scores 7 poin…
  • Question 3 (20 points) Write function in_date() that prompts the user for a month, day and year and returns a list [month, day, year). Assume that the user enters a string for a month, and integers fo…
  • I need help from an expert in figuring out how to draw a square of circles using python programming, please!. from graphics import * Program: C5 115 Lab 3 Part C Author: Your name Description: Using t…
  • Suppose a list may contain different data types such as lst=[[1,2,3],(4,5,6),2,”2″]. Please calculate the sum of all values in the list objects. Hint: to check if an object is a list, use type(x)==l…
  • . (The Point class) Design a class named Point to represent a point with x- and y-coordinates. The class contains: – Two private data fields x and y that represent the coordinates with getter method…
  • Please help to create a LP maximization code for maximum profit in bakery with given yeast flour sugar in first table to make pastries in second and provide with maximum profit combination in printed …
  • Web Scraping: use BeautifulSoup to scrape table to the DataFrame  ‘’  Columns needed : [‘Country’, ‘2017 vs 1990: change(…
  • Write a program that takes in a positive integer as input, and outputs a string of 1’s and 0’s representing the integer in binary. For an integer x, the algorithm is: As long as x is greater than 0 Ou…
  • Write a function that takes in a number n and returns a function that takes in a number m which will print all numbers from 0 to m – 1 (including 0 but excluding m) but print Buzz! instead for all the…
  • In [139] : # Define salary_range first def salary_range(array ) : return max (array ) – min(array) department_ranges = profs . pivot ( "position", "department", "gross_sal dep…
  • Question 4 (12 points): Purpose: To implement an ADT from a requirements specification. Degree of Difficulty: Moderate A pack of playing cards has four suits, ‘H’, ‘D’, ‘S’, and C’, (Hearts, Diamonds,…
  • Please write Python code to define a function that removes duplicated characters for a given string. The function takes two parameters: (1) the string itself, (2) a Boolean parameter specifying if the…
  • We store cargo in some location identified with 3 different numbers (x, y, and height) in the format of a tuple. For the example, the cargo variable looks like this: Â Cargo={(30,23,12): {“a”:12,”b”:…
  • Using the data on, show Python code for: – finding similar power consumption curve fragments on Saturdays – forecasting what happens 30 minu…
  • The contents of the csv files are given below. You own a bakery that always sells everything they make. One morning you wake up with a brilliant idea. You check how much yeast, flour, and sugar you ha…
  • Pandas and python 3.6+ make_df(file_name): This function takes one input:The function should open the file file_name as DataFrame, drop all but the columns: Summons Number,Plate ID,Registration State,…
  • For this assignment, you need to create a checklist, a flowchart and a program for the Monroe Coffee House…the details are in the attached document… Â As you can see above, this program …
  • Let’s start by taking the contents of the page above (some_page) and asking Beautiful Soup to process it. Let’s store the result in object named soup, and then explore its contents: In [2]: from bs4 i…
  • In , define a function decimalToRep that returns the representation of an integer in a given base. The two arguments should be the integer and the base. The function should return a string….
  • Programming Project: Implement following binary-search tree functions – find_largest_element()Â Â Â Â # find the largest value in the tree – print_Tree():Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â # p…
  • in Payton Scenario: A program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on the number of years worked (2% for each yea…
  • Question Lesson 5:ÂDescribe the difference between pretest loops and posttest loops. Provide Examples.
  • Part (b) [3 mark] Determine the asymptotic complexity of kmeans in terms of big O notation for a dataset with n samples of d features and & centroids over a fixed number of iterations. Show your w…
  • The output of this code gives me a list of strings with the number of occurrences for each from highest to lowest number. I need help adding a PrettyTable below the output of my code but just in a tab…
  • Select either "True" or "False" for each of the below statements. a. True False Decisions trees are more appropriate for anomaly detection than KNNs. b. True False In general, a mi…
  • I need help editing my python code using csv files. I would appreciate if you helped with the nat_perc + nat_diff functions as well. If you can’t answer, please let me know ASAP, thx! Ask questions in…
  • . If I gave you 50 paper cards with binary 8-bit numbers on them (for example: "00101001") and I asked you to quickly sort those cards into odd and even numbers, then how would you be able…
  • #Using Spark RDDs only from pyspark import SparkContext sc = SparkContext(“local[4]”, “hw1”) import wget fileName = ‘’…
  • Im not sure what is giong on but it says sentance is a error, please help with this thank you   Âimport random def get_determiner(grammatical_number):   if grammatical_number == 1:    ?…
  • Need Python help. Â def list_weather_violations(directory): “”” Returns the (annotated) list of flight reservations that violate weather minimums. Â This function reads the data files in the given d…
  • Write a function reverse_iter_for that takes a list and returns a new list that is the reverse of the original using a for loop. You should not need any indexing notation. def reverse_iter_for(lst): “…
  • Write a trivia program. This program will ask the user 5 questions. After each question the user answers and the program will indicate whether it was right or wrong. After all 5 questions the computer…
  • Draw pie chart with Plotly read data from CSV to a pandas data frame, and draw a pie chart Country Percent China 29.34% United States 13.77% EU 9.57% India 6.62% Russia 4.76% Japan 3.56% Germany 2.15%…
  • I am trying to figure out how to implement this question into Python Code. I am having trouble on where to start. Please see below: Â pseudo color plot is shown here:…
  • Ohm’s Law is an equation that expresses the interrelationship between the voltage, current and resistance in a circuit.ÂBasically, the amount of current flowing in a circuit is directly proportional …
  • Resistors connected in series carry the same current and can be added to together to obtain the effective resistance of the series connections, for instance R T = R 1 + R 2 . Complete Table 2 using …
  • doc test: def make_derivative (f): “””Returns a function that approximates the derivative of f. Recall that f'(a) = (f(a + h) – f(a)) / h as h approaches 0. We will approximate the derivative by choos…
  • PLease help solve the error below in my python code: The following cell failed: 1 #hidden tests for problem 2.2 are within this cell * HIDDEN TESTS The error was: —————————–…
  • Need Python help.  def has_instrument_rating(takeoff,student): “”” Returns True if the student has an instrument rating at the time of takeoff, False otherwise  Recall that a student is a 10-eleme…
  • I continue to get the error below for this program I wrote please help solve this error below: The following cell failed: 1 #hidden tests for problem 1.5(b) are within this cell * HIDDEN TESTS ÂT…
  • I don’t know what is table a and b. it just saying that a.playerid, I have no idea what is table a. import pandas import numpy as np import altair as alt import datadotworld as dw #Get BYU-I players a…
  • I continue to get this error for the question below, please help solve this error: The error was:Â —————————————————————————Â IndexError Traceback (…
  • I need help trying to implement the code for the following question in Python. I am having a hard time on where to start and how to input data below into my code. I have tried using ski learn but that…
  • . Q1: Write a python program to sum of all the positive integers that are not bigger than n (i.e. <=n) and are not divisible by 3 (%3!=0) after accepting the value of integer n from the user. Bel…
  • Not sure how to do it but it should not be super complicated feasible in one line or a few lines Â. Question 5: Match Pairs Return a list containing all pairs of distinct elements that satisfy the …
  • How does Python determine which statements are in the body of a for -loop?
  • Web Scraping with Beautiful soup and SQLite  Using BeautifulSoup, scrape Scrape the “List of countries by carbon dioxid…
  • . Books on a rampage def safe_squares_rooks(n, rocks) : A generalized n-by—n chessboard has been invaded by a parliament of rocks, each rook represented as a two-tuple (row, column} of the row and…
  • What is the output of the following Python code? for t in range(-2,1): ÂÂÂ print (t)
  • Write a complete Python program which uses turtle graphics to draw a single line, anywhere on the screen.
  • Write a Python file that: Draws a green circle centered at (120, 120) and with a radius of 50 Put a textual label inside the circle that has the words, “Green Circle” Draw a rectangle with coordinates…
  • This is an optional quiz that you can take to assess your knowledge of the concepts in chapters 3 and 4. It is not graded, and you can take it as many times as you prefer. Lab: Pow Function B Assignme…
  • . a) For this problem, we will re-work homework 2a using the integrate . quad function of scipy. integrate rather than the Simpson method to find: P(x<1 N(0,1)): probability x<1 given a normal…
  • Implement the function total_price, which takes in a list of prices of individual products and needs to find the total price. Unfortunately, any product that is priced greater than or equal to $20 has…
  • Question 4: Funception Write a function (funception) that takes in another function func_a and a number start and returns a function (func_b) that will have one parameter to take in the stop value. fu…
  • . HW Solve these equations: By Calculator or any kind of programming languages: x2-3x+1=0 > x2 = 3x-1 > x= V3x – 1 x2-3x+1=0 > x2-3x= -1 > x(x-3)= -19 -1 x-3 3x-1 x2-3x+1=0 > x2= 3x-1…
  • . c) Write a program that demonstrates the Cubic Spline Curve Fitting method. You must write and call at least the following 3 functions: def CubicSpline (x, y, slopel=0, slope2=0): #calculates and …
  • py class BoundedQueue:Â Â Â# Creates a new empty queue: Â Âdef __init__(self, capacity):Â Â Â Â Âassert isinstance(capacity, int), (‘Error: Type error: %s’ % (type(capacity))) # th…
  • please help me create a python code to solve this:Â. In this assignment, you will write a program in python that prompts the user for information and then displays the appropriate measurement. In par…
  • In this lab, you complete a prewritten Python program that computes the largest and smallest of three integer values. The three values are -50, 53, 78. Instructions Two variables named largest and sma…
  • Lab assignment # 2 Topics: class, object, instantiation, print Problem Statement: Simple .edu Email Address Class: In this assignment, we will be designing a simple .edu email address class. Email add…
  • Write a program that prints your course schedule for a single week. Show the Day / Time / Course Name / Course Number. Eg. Monday 6:00 PM Introduction to Software ITP100 (for one course). Your outp…
  • I am running code for a python class. Â counter=0 x=str(“was founded in the 20th century”) for value in umSchools. values(): Â Âif int(value)>1900: counter+=1 Â ÂnewerSchools = str(umSchools.k…
  • import turtle #allows access to a collection of Python functions that make it possible to draw Jane = turtle.Turtle() #creates a “turtle” to do our drawing for us; we will call the turtle Jane # the n…
  • Pick the best option that answers the question:Â Â 1) Which of the following is NOT directly provided in WordNet? a. word senses b. is-a relation c. how close two synonyms’ meanings are d. synonyms …
  • (Introduction to Python, entry level question) Write a program that prompts for a string of characters and outputs the checksum. The checksum for this program should simply be the sum of the ord( ) va…
  • . contenido = "0" fichero.write(cont os ejercicios. odos los ejercicios de ficheros deberas realizarlos en scripts creados en el mismo directorio donde vayas a crear los ficheros de datos …
  • def change_last(self, v: int) -> Optional[int]:    “””    ÂChange the last node in this linked list to contain v, and return the    Âvalue that used to be there.   ?…
  • Implement this method def remove_every_other(s: Stack) -> None:  “””Modify s to remove every other element, starting from the top-most  Âelement.  ÂDo NOT return a new stack. Modify the o…
  • Please help me debug An excerpt of a memory dump extracted by Access Data’s FTK Imager (memdump.bin) has been provided. 1) Copy the memory dump to the virtual desktop environment persistent storage ar…
  • Solve this problem using python. The experiment consists of two independent tosses of a fair coin, let X be the number of heads obtained. Â Define the random variable, define its PMF and plot it. Â …
  • Skip a line/print a blank line, then print: ÂÂ These are the last five lines in the file: [5 lines of file] [Skip a line] The file has n1 lines. x of them have “Customer” as usertype , y have “Subsc…
  • how would i create this user defined function without the use of ** Â. power (base, exponent) The function power takes two arguments: an integer, base, and another integer, exponent. power must meet …
  • 6 Now, draw a tilted square. And another one, and another one
  • 5 Draw a rectangle as the giving diagram, you must use for loop.  You have to use turtle module. (example: draw a triangle) from turtle import * t = Turtle() # create Turtle Object t.forward(50)…
  • 4 Write a function that asks the user to enter a distance in kilometers, then returns the distance in miles. The conversion formula is as follows: Miles = Kilometers × 0.6214  write main function…
  • A checksum is a single number that can act as a kind of “digital signature” of a long string. Just like how two people will have different handwritten signatures, two strings can have two different di…
  • 3 Write a function that receives an integer number as its parameter and returns true if the number is positive and false if the number is negative. name your function; isPositive
  • . 1. The following Pseudocode adds all the elements of an array into an accumulator called sum: sum = 0 i = 0 while ( i <N ) sum = sum + V[i] i = i+1 print (sum) N is a variable that contains the…
  • 2 Write the following function def average(x, y, z) (returning the average of the arguments)
  • 1Â Write the following function def smallest(x, y, z) (returning the smallest of the arguments)
  • ### ### “”” Contains a simple ListNode class, which simply has ‘val’ and ‘next’ fields. “”” class ListNode: “”” Models a single node in a singly-linked list. Has no methods, …
  • —Python Programming— We have to do this for SPY and Amazon stock Â PART 1 -> For amazon stock, we will label each week as ‘green” or “red”. a “green” week means that it was a good week to …
  • I need help filling in the blanks in the first picture above to define the tree recursion function has_subseq(n,seq) to return true or false whether n contains seq as a subsequence, which does not hav…
  • Using this as a helper function I need a function most_consonants(wordlist) that takes a list of lowercase words called wordlist and returns the word in the list with the most consonants. most_consona…
  • LAB: Regression with categorical predictors  The nbaallelo_mlr.csv data base contains information on 126315 NBA games between 1947 and 2015. The columns report the points made by one team, the Elo r…
  • 10 LAB: Course Grade  Write a program that reads the student information from a tab separated values (tsv) file. The program then creates a text file that records the course grades of the student…
  • Write a program that accepts the value of the diameter of a circle and reports the area and the circumference (radius r = diameter / 2   —   area a = PI * r * r  —- Âcircu…
  • —–Python Programming—– A set of numbers satisfies Bernford’s law if the leading digit d occurs with probability Ï€d = log10(d + 1) − log10(d) ô°€d+1ô° = log10 d ô°€ 1ô° =log10 1+d Theref…
  • Write a class named Person with data attributes for a person’s first name, last name, and telephone number. Next, write a class named Customer that is a subclass of the Person class. The Customer clas…
  • UoPeople Time Faculty Contact us English (en) – Feb 15, 2022 Revolution 4:40:58 pm 1. Copy the countdown function from Section 5.8 of your textbook Self-Quiz Graded def countdown (n) : Checklist if n …
  • Problem 1 Write a method to check if a number is a triangular number. The method signature should be is_triangle (num) and return either True or False. And don’t use input function. It is not trivial …
  • When I tried to pass through most_consonants([‘obama’, ‘bush’, ‘clinton’]) the result was obama instead of clinton. What is the fix for that. Thank you in advance. def most_consonants (wordlist ) : &q…
  • Fill a 2-by-100 array with random integers between 1 and 50 Use NumPy’s unique function (with the return_counts argument)to create an array of unique values and another array of frequencies for those …
  • Make two examples with numpy and without numpy. Why do we need NumPy Python does numerical computations slowly. 1000 x 1000 matrix multiply . Python triple loop takes > 10 min. . Numpy takes ~0.03 …
  • We are building a compiler for a language called TinyPie. It has only the following tokens: Â Keywords:ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ ifÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ elseÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ intÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ…
  • Part A EMobile Phones is a new provider of cellular phone service for students at EMCC. Write a program called to help customers choose a service plan. Prompt the user to input the fo…
  • Description: Create a QuadriLateral class as parent class with 4 arguments (4 different sides), define the perimeter method within the class. As child class create a rectangle subclass, then the squar…
  • . 1. AtA= -2 2- -30- 18 7 – Solve the following (if possible): a) AC b) CA C) AB d) BT A e) (AC)B
  • Create DataFrame shape of 300×5 from scratch a. Column_1: Generate random 300 floating numbers between 1 and 0 b. Column_2: Generate random 300 integers between 10 and 1000 c. Column_3: multiply colum…
  • Problem Statement: Simple .edu Email Address Class: In this assignment, we will be designing a simple .edu email address class. An email address consists of three main parts: username, at (‘@’) symbol…
  • When completed the document should look like this.. Project 6-3: Contact Manager Create a program that a user can use to manage the primary email address and phone number for a contact. Console Contac…
  • Função soma_numeros(t, n)  Escreva uma função recursiva em Python, chamada soma_numeros , que recebe dois argumentos, um tuplo t Âde números e um inteiro n , e que devolve a soma dosÂ…
  • . Binary Search Binary search is a relatively quick algorithm to find an index within a sorted (non-decreasing) array, whose value is equal, or almost equal, to a specified value. Thus, you define t…
  • Could you please help me with these functions? It’s very urgent as I have an exam coming up, thank you 🙂 Reference material. Q4 D answers.txt X Q2_answers.txt X X X > >> u1…
  • Write an expression using membership operators that prints “Special number” if special_num is one of the special numbers stored in the list special_list = [-99, 0, 44]. Sample output with input: 17N…
  • Write multiple if statements: If car_year is before 1968, print “Probably has few safety features.” (without quotes). If after 1971, print “Probably has head rests.”. If after 1992, print “Probably ha…
  • Could you please quickly help me with this test? Thank you :). @given (lists (integers()), integers()) def test_append (Ist: List, v: int) : ""Test that . . . nnn # TODO: Complete the docstr…
  • CS 1026B – Assignment 1 Windchill and Humidex Calculators Due: February 15, 2022 – 6:00 PM Updates: Jan 25, added closing bracket to Humidex formula, added reference to programming standards in progra…
  • Find and fix the error in the if-else statement. user_num = int(input()) Â Â # Program will be tested with values: 1, 2, 3, 0. if user_num = 2: Â Âprint(‘Num is greater or equal to two’) else: …
  • . NOTE Your returned string should mimic the structure and content of the output provided in the example output below. Template """Perform credit card calculations."" from a…
  • Help with this code. Need the exact output with the information given. Thank you.. D GOD HIX LD PV POGONEL GA <.com/contests/1500s22/challenges/nested-if-sales-bonus Hulu | Home youtube HBO Max Cen…
  • Write a program that prompts the user for the radius,Â, of a circle. Use this value to calculate the area (), and circumference () of the circle. Leave in exact form. The Unicode code point for pi …
  • I am trying to read the CS210_Project_Three_Input_File.txt file which is a bunch of different grocery items, and create a new file called frequency.dat that contains the amount of times each item was …
  • Could you please help me with this function? Thank you :). def remove_odd(s: Stack) -> None: "w"Modify s to remove any elements that are odd. Do NOT return a new stack. Modify the one tha…
  • In class, we performed Buffon’s needle dropping experiment to simulate the value of Ï€. This problem illustrates a second common method to simulate the value of Ï€. 0 1 0 1 x y Imagine dropping grains…
  • Help with this code. Need the exact output with the information given. Thank you.. Problem Submissions Leaderboard Discussions f V in Write a program that accepts the cost of two items to be purchased…
  • Which statement is true? Select * from where ItemType = ‘Hamburger’ order by ItemType descen Select * from where ItemType = ‘Hamburger’ order by ItemType desc Select * from dbo.m…
  • Could you please help me with the todos of this function, thank you 🙂
  • The Breguet range equation expresses aircraft range R (the distance it can fly without refueling) for steady, level flight as: R = V × L D × Isp × ln Wi Wf where R : aircraft range [m] V : velocity…
  • Dictionaries rooms = { Â Â ‘Entrance’: {‘South’: ‘Reception’}, Â Â ‘Reception’: {‘North’: ‘Entrance’, ‘West’: ‘Main Corridor’}, Â Â ‘Main Corridor’: {‘North’: ‘Pharmacy’, ‘South’: ‘Pre-Op Room’,…
  • Based on the code you created in this Unit, propose a way to re-use most of the code (with different information in the variables like “city” and “rates”) for a part of a similar app that isn’t relate…
  • . Complete the trace table given by tracing through the following program. Fill in the columns for all variables and record any output in the output column. Be sure to record when a variable is give…
  • Template  “””Perform credit card calculations.””” from argparse import ArgumentParser import sys # replace this comment with your implementation of get_min_payment(), # interest_charged(), remaining…
  • How do you get the year, month, day from an 8 digit number?Â. Here are a few sample runnings of the program (underlined text indicates user input): Enter a date (YYYYMMDD) : 20221320 2022 is NOT a…
  • Preview File Edit View Go Tools Window Help C 8 7 9 8 0 Tue Feb 15 1:40 PM . .. Screen Shot 2022-02-15 at 12.08.25 PM . Q Q L 2 . ‘ @ Q search Due Wednesday by 11:59pm Points 5 Submitting a file uploa…
  • . For this assignment you will be writing a "diagnostic" program that will be able to tell a user whether a date is valid. The program should begin by asking the user to supply a dat…
  • . The fence looks like the following: 6 3 2 When looking from left to right, the individual areas of the pieces of wood are 10 = 4.(2+3) /2, 1.5 = 1 . (3 +6)/2, and 4 = 1 . (6 + 2) /2, for a tota…
  • Describe Any organizations information system within any industry (except for the soft drink industry). it can be any organization that has publicly available information regarding its information sys…
  • Instructions  For lab 3 complete the following Programming Exercises from Chapter 3 in the book from the section “Programming Exercises” #3 Age Classifier #8 Hot Dog Cookout Calculator #17 Wi-Fi Dia…
  • Please help me with this whole assignment. This is the link for the model Âgame: This is the code my instructor provide: And this is the instruction for t…
  • How do I solve this problem? Â. Taxi Zum Zum def taxi_zum_zum{moves} : A [one taxicab cruising the street grid of the dusky Manhattan that we know and love from classic film noir works such as “W&…
  • develop code to meet the required functionality, by prompting the player to enter commands to move between the rooms or exit the game . To achieve this, you must develop the following: A gameplay loop…
  • #3. Write a program that asks the user for a color, a line width, a line length and a shape. #Assume that the user will specify a shape that is either a line, a triangle, or a square. #Use turtle grap…
  • Data The data are shown in Table I and the output in Table 2 is based on a subset of a dataset on cosmetic purchases (Cosmetics.esv) at a large chain drugstore. The store wants to analyze associations…
  • Create csv file from the data below and read in pandas data frame Phase 1-Reading Data reka! Phase 2-Describe the data Describe the data on the unit price Phase 3-filter the data Create new datafra…
  • I need to create these simple user-defined functions that have the requirements listed for each   I need to create these simple user-defined functions that have the requirements listed for each. p…
  • The sales manager at an electronics company wants to study if online sales of their products in 2019 follow the same distribution as the online sales of products in 2015. He collected the sample of…
  • . Subsequent words def words_with_letters (words, letters) : This problem is an excuse to introduce some general discrete math terminology that helps make many later problem specifications less conv…
  • i need python script for this assignment Install a new Centos 7 VM into your existing c7host, using any of the installation methods covered in this course. Ensure the machine has the gnome-desktop. Se…
  • . 1. Apply BFS/DFS to solve a problem You are given a 3-D puzzle. The length and breadth of the puzzle is given by a 20 matrix puzzle[m][n]. The height of each cell is given by the value of each cel…
  • Hello, I need a help with my assignment please. I don’t know how to generate the sentence as requested by the assignment. I already looked in the file but the solution and test_sentence….
  • Develop the following simple program using Test Driven Development Meaning, write the tests FIRST and then write the classes In other words, for example: Write a test that creates a new Rectangle with…
  • PYTHON code, please help me with this. Â. 1. Write a Python program to find those numbers which are divisible by 7 and multiple of 5, between 1500 and 2700 (both included). 2. Write a Python program …
  • In any of the following programming language in the choices (python, c#, javascript), make a simple parking lot that shows the different topics in data structures and algorithms (trees, stack, queue, …
  • how do I create these user-defined functions in python. repeated (char, N) The function repeated takes two parameters: a string, char, and an integer, N. repeated must meet the following requirements:…
  • from xml.etree import ElementTree as ET import requests  lst = [‘79045180’, ‘76450254’] def Balance_Query_response(num): ÂÂÂÂdata = ”’  <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv= http://schemas….
  • . Hire Pro O Instructions 00:38 56 Sample Input1: a1b203d4e703 16 57 7 Sample Output1: abbcccodddeeeeeeeDDD e Explanation: Given encrypted string is "a1b2c3d4e7D3". Repeating the letters, …
  • PLEASE DO NOT USE SAME ANSWER BEFORE. THANK YOU! Â Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are base…
  • . 00:39:23 QUESTION 56 GROUP Language Coding SECTION: Coding 1 Write a program to implement Set difference operation between two integer arrays A, B having M. N elements. Optimize your code so that …
  • **I NEED HELP THERES A ERROR IN THE CODE IN THE LAST PART AND ALSO HELP ME WHAT ISÂ “`”cookie”:”id_token= SET ID TOKEN HERE”})“` AND WHAT `ID TOKEN` WILL I GET** I get the code here https://github….
  • I need help writing these in python.. thanks. 3. Ask the user to enter the number of hours worked and his hourly rate. Calculate the gross pay double time after 40 hours) and deductions based on the f…
  • I don’t understand how to write these in python… 1. Given the weight of a letter in grams, determine the cost of the postage: up to 30g: 60g up to 50g: 90c up to 100g: $1.15 30c for each 50g (or les…
  • Would you help with this Python code? I think I know how to do the the list comprehension, but I’m not sure how to do b or c. Thanks for the help. Â. 3. Given f(:r) = V’s? + 73: + 20 + :r: (a) Use …
  • could you please check the below code against the error  import scipy.integrate as integrate import math def p(x, mu=0.0, sigma=1.0):  Âx = float(x – mu) / sigma  Âreturn math.exp(-x*x/2.0)…
  • Can you check my activity and add some conclusion to it? The first picture is my answer to the activity. And the second photo is the Activity procedure. Thankyou.. ACTIVITY NO. 4 Scenario 1 hat ~ [1.2…
  • what is machine learning? application area of machine learning? types of machine learning?
  • Scenario: Write a program for a retail store that will allow them to calculate discounts for their employees when they buy items. Discounts are based on the number of years worked (2% for each year…
  • Write a function to  calculate the Gaussian  f(x)=(1/(sqrt(2*Ï€))*exp[-1/2*((x-m)/8)^2] for arbitrary mean value m and standard deviation s as parameters.   Name it as you like such that you c…
  • —-Python Programming —– In many data science applications, you want to identify patterns, labels, or classes based on available data. In this assignment, we will focus on discovering patterns in …
  • —–Python programming)——-In this assignment, you will implement and analyze the following day trading strategy: For your stock, for every day you have the “Open” and “Adj Clode” prices. You will…
  • In this assignment, we will analyze diamond prices from using a dataset from Kaggle. You will complete this assignment using only (generic) Python. No additional Python modulaes like Pandas, Numpy, Sc…
  • Implementation : You will implement and experiment with various feature engineering techniques in the context of Naive Bayes models for Sentiment classification of movie reviews.  We will use the …
  • . (5 points) List one kind of mumble data type, and one type of immutable data type, and describe the difference between immutable and mutable . (5 points) What is the name of the method allows you …
  • Theory : Solve the Naive Bayes exercises given below. Reformulate NB to emphasize title words. Â Implementation : You will implement and experiment with various feature engineering techniques in the …
  • Task 1 Write an if statement that asks for the user’s name via input() function. If the name is “Bond” make it print “Welcome on board 007.” Otherwise make it print “Good morning NAME”. (Replace Name …
  • i have output in terminal like this: [[22, 31, 32, 100, 16, 17, 23, 24], [5, 25, 26, 100, 10, 11, 12, 13], [37, 38, 39, 100, 27, 28, 20, 21], [18, 19, 3, 4, 100, 6, 7, 33], [40, 41, 42, 100, 14, 15, 1…
  • Question 1 Write lines of code to display a QInputDialog dialog that accepts comma separated integers (example 100, 19, 4, 67, 4) from the user. The code should convert the input into a QList<int&g…
  • TASK #1 Write a Python program using loop structure to print numbers 1.2.3 …… 9 Write a Python program using loop structure to print numbers 9.8.7… ..1 Write a Python program to print on the scr…
  • create a course registration system, where the students can register for 3 courses, and also have an admin portal where the admin can register a student in a course. needs to be in python.
  • . Question 1 1 pts Which of the following are true about the bag-of-words representation of documents? Check all that apply. C] The number of times a word appears in the document is not imp…
  • Define a function called square that accepts the integer parameter num and returns the square of num . Define a function called myMap that accepts two arguments: a function func and a list myList . Th…
  • Write a function named wordsStartingWith that accepts the string sentence . The function returns a dictionary whose keys are the unique first letter of each word in the string and whose associated val…
  • The sales manager at an electronics company wants to study if online sales of their products in 2019 follow the same distribution as the online sales of products in 2015. He collected the sample…
  • . 2. Write the Python code for synthesizing a periodic signal with inputs: length T (in seconds), Fourier coefficients {co, …,ax}, fundamental frequency fo, and sampling rate F, (in Hz).
  • Write a function countVowels that accepts a string and counts the number of vowels (a,e,i,o,u) in the string. The function must not be case sensitive, so an “A” or “a” are both counted as vowels. The …
  • What is HTTP and HTTPS? What is a URL? Is an URL different from an URI, if so how? What is a Request and a Response?
  • Define a function shuffle that takes a sequence with an even number of elements (cards) and creates a new list that interleaves the elements of the first half with the elements of the second half. Let…
  • We are building a compiler for a language called TinyPie. It has only the following tokens: Â Keywords:ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ ifÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ elseÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ intÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ float O…
  • I need a recent updated answer to this  CS 1102 – Unit 3 Programming Assignment In this assignment, you will modify your Quiz class from the previous assignment. You will create a method that asks a…
  • I am receiving this error when I tried this code: while number > -1: NameError: name ‘number’ is not defined. # Program that counts down from 10 With while loop. number = 10 while number > -1: p…
  • I need help with a python assignment dealing with lists
  • Write multiple if statements: If car_year is before 1968, print “Probably has few safety features.” (without quotes). If after 1970, print “Probably has seat belts.”. If after 1990, print “Probably ha…
  • I need the accurate answer for this question. A major empel ature is the greenmouse effect. Many gases tap heat and reflect it towards the surface, preventing heat from escaping the atmosphere. The gr…
  • What does contains_ubc return when called with the input ["McGill", "SFU"]? def contains_ubc(unis) : for u in unis: if u = = "UBC" : return True return False It’s impossi…
  • code in python. . Reads lines of input from stdin . Tokenizes the input on each by white-space . Strips non-alphanumeric characters from each token . Writes each token to stdout on a separate line For…
  • Please help me with this whole assignment. This is the link for the model Âgame: And this is the code for testing:. Mu 1.0.3 – X Mode New …
  • . 2. Follow the instruction in each of the comment blocks to write the necessary code-segment to generate the circles described. After having written code for each of the blocks, test your program b…
  • . from graphics import * Program: C5 115 Lab 3 Part C Author: Your name Description: Using the graphics package, this program will draw a number of circles. def main (): window = GraphWin( "Cir…
  • Jupyter notebook , python questionsÂ. Homework 2 1] Student name: Assignment submission date: Answer the following problems. Add additional cells as needed. Problem 1 Create a function that takes as …
  • Describe the difference between a chained conditional and a nested condition. Give your own example of each
  • Please help me debug this. An excerpt of a memory dump extracted by Access Data’s FTK Imager (memdump.bin or test.bin) has been provided. 1) Copy the memory dump to the virtual desktop environment per…
  • Would you please help me debug? An excerpt of a memory dump extracted by Access Data’s FTK Imager (memdump.bin or test.bin) has been provided. 1) Copy the memory dump to the virtual desktop environmen…
  • please help, I don’t know if this is the right answer. What does count_words return when called with the input ["yellow", "green", "blue", "purple"]? def count_…
  • Write a Python program to compute and display a person’s weekly salary as determined by the following conditions: If the hours worked is less than or equal to 40, then the person receives Tk 200 per h…
  • Provide the code and output. 2. Write a function which separates the positive and negative numbers from a list of numbers. (20) Input: [-6, 5, -3, -2, 1, 0, -8,…
  • code in python language and the output should look like same as the image provided and must include all the required requirements in it. Thanks. . Reads lines of input from stdin . Tokenizes the input…
  • Time Remaining: 00:29:38 Hide Time Remaining A C. sum(turnips . column ( "morning_price" ) > turnips . column( "evening_price") ) D. turnips . column("morning_price") …
  • I want to create a Discord bot that can be automated unlock the coursehero file and the bot will gonna send it thru DM is there any way for this using selenium. I just want to help my friends struggli…
  • Provide the code and the output for these 2 questions. 3. Write a function which outputs all winning possibilities for a given player’s score. Assume the score is always between 15 and 21. Further, th…
  • . Description: Using the graphics package, this program will draw a number of circles using a for-Loop. from graphics import * def main ( ) : x = 100 y = 100 circlel = int(input("num_circles = …
  • The Dictionary is a very powerful data structure. The objective of this programming assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with dictionaries. You are to write a program that manages a dictionary of …
  • Programming Assignment 5 Â The Dictionary is a very powerful data structure. The objective of this programming assignment is to demonstrate proficiency with dictionaries. You are to write a program t…
  • Programming Assignment 4 Â For remote access, it’s often better to use a Command Line Interface (CLI), rather than a Graphical User Interface (GUI). A CLI does not use a mouse. However, a program can…
  • Game Of The Century Instructions  Your job is to calculate the ‘Game Of The Century’ Use closures to calculate Do NOT use 3rd party libraries or anything you need to import. In comple…
  • Need to code this problem with the codes already provided thank you.. n/contests/1500s22/challenges/3-cost ulu | Home youtube ( HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login . Outlook cengage My lab Sta Uncomment ou…
  • Need help with this code, has to be the exact output on what they want. Thank you.. h Hulu | Home . youtube ( HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login 0 Outlook cengage My lab Stat 3 Booleans Problem Submission…
  • Y=meshgrid(y,ones(k),indexing=’ij’)[0] # make k copies scl=logspace(-1,-3,k) # noise stdev       Can you exxplain meaning of this?
  • You are complete when you can produce the following output from the General List: ————- [3] Pick up flowers (02/13/2022) [1] Clean garage [3] Start working on final project (02…
  • This dataset is stored as fixed-column format file with no header(You need to check the DataDescription.txt file to learn about how the columns are formatted) Â ** Write Python commands to set the co…
  • can you demonstrate the code for a stack diagram? providing exmaples.
  • I need help editing my python code with csv files. I would appreciate if you helped with the nat_perc + nat_diff functions as well. Â Data Description: One data source for this is theÂAdvanced Place…
  • I need help with editting my code. I included the link to the starter code and csv file in the description.
  • Ask user to enter a positive integer n and use this number to calculate the sum of series up to n term. Using python Test case: – if n = 2 the series will become 3 + 33 = 36 – if n = 5 the series will…
  • Instructions: Â You will create the following five functions, four corresponding test functions, and main to load, analyze, and store the data. I included the csv files in the comments. I need help f…
  • Write a function which separates the positive and negative numbers from a list of numbers. Input: [-6, 5, -3, -2, 1, 0, -8, 9, 3] Output: [-6, -3, -2, -8], [5, 1, 9, 3]   2. Write a function …
  • Please help me with this whole assignment. This is the link for the model Âgame:  Â. 5 proj04-long.pdf X A PlayPosit – 120 S21 – 04 Classes a X + V X &…
  • Conduct Design of Experiments to evaluate the performance of various neural networks by changing the layers and nodes. Tested neural network structures should be explored within a benchmark experiment…
  • I need help Troubleshooting this code to get it to work the way it is suppose to. I got part of it fixed but I cant get the rest. And I am putting in both the file and the paper.. Specifications Proj…
  • Say you want to store one thousand data for your program. But there is a good chance that you will not have that many consecutive space in memory. Which of the following data structure will you use? ?…
  • Unit 6 Assignment: Working With User-Defined Functions  Outcomes addressed in this assignment: Unit Outcome:  Illustrate the creation of user-defined functions. Course Outcome: IT244-2 : Analy…
  • def pq_triage(source, key):  “””  ——————————————————-  ÂRemoves all values from source that have a priority  Âless than key.  ÂUse: pq_triage(sourc…
  • Web Analytics, Data Visualization & Data Analytics You are welcome to select your own live web sites for your own company or your friends’ firm web site with significant live traffic, eg. www.ucan…
  • [1] The greatest common divisor (GCD) of a and b is the largest number that divides both of them with no remainder. One way to find the GCD of two numbers is based on the observation that if r is the …
  • def eval_expression(string):  “””  ——————————————————-  ÂEvaluates a postfix expression.  ÂUse: answer = eval_expression(string)  —————-…
  • 1] Write a program that satisfies the goal with some requirements. Goal: prompt the user for a string and return the reversed string Example:  input: stop  output: pots REQUIREMENTS: a: Reversed…
  • def intersection(self, source1, source2):    “””    ——————————————————-    ÂUpdate the current Set with copies of values that appear   …
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Question 1 (20 points) Question I provides practice with files and string operations. Specifically, you will need to use file operations…
  • Here is my program but when i got to esubmit it says 0 out of 15 and says this with multiple tests  Test: draw_sides(3, ‘*’) Fatal error  Traceback (most recent…
  • Question 5 4 pts Which of the following expressions is/are equivalent to p —> (1? Select all that apply. III—”1+”? CHI—>17 Ufipéfiq £ Question 6 4 pts Suppose we have the follo…
  • . Write a program to test generalized hailstone numbers where 3,, = (13,14 + b if xn_1 is odd and 1:” = 112,,_1/2 if 1′,,_1 is even where a and b are positive integers. For each of the a, b pairs …
  • Write a program that simulates a rudimentary doctor’s office check in program. Use a dictionary data structure to store the following data for each patient: patient ID, Patient Name, Patient DOB, Appo…
  • def pq_triage ( source, key) : Removes all values from source that have a priority Less than key. Use: pq_triage (source, key) Parameters: Source – a priority queue (Priority_Queue) key – a key value …
  • What is the answer to this function: def draw_stripes(width, height, fracs, title)? The related document is provided in the following shared file.…
  • Assignment 3 and 4 General Requirements:       ÂCreate a python application that inputs, processes and stores student data using menu-driven programing   Specifications:  1. Your ap…
  • write this in python language. thanksÂ. Merge Sort is an advanced sorting technique that will be introduced in second programming module. Here, we are not going to explain how merge sort works, bu…
  • write this program in python language. thanksÂ. A function can return at most one value. However, sometimes we may want to return multiple values from a function. Tuples can come in handy in such cas…
  • Please provide full solved Lab 2: Pizza Pi Âselection
  • Data Source: Comparitive Analysis # Build a table to compare rating means calculated various ways like this: # One column for …
  • Data Source: Restaurant #135076, marital status # Calculate the number of single customers for restaurant #135076 # Calculate the…
  • pyhton programming. Text-Based Adventure Game Next, let’s create a simple text—based adventure game. There is no real goal of this game, except that you will enable the user to explore a world of …
  • Data Source: Restaurant #135076, budget # Build and show a table comprising observations for restaurant #135076 # Calculate # Cal…
  • Suppose you saved the output of previous step as “successes”, which is a numeric vector. Please fill in the blank to write down a simplest base code to plot a histogram of “successes”:
  • Data Source: Restaurant #135085, marital status # Calculate the number of single customers for restaurant #135085 # Calculate the…
  • Data Source: Retrieve Data # Retrieve the restaurant survey data, show the number of observations and the first few observations …
  • Data Source: Setup # Import some useful functions from numpy import * from numpy.random import * from datascience import: * # …
  • # Molly Darby # A dictionary for the Abandoned Hospital Text Game # The dictionary links a room to other rooms. rooms = { Â Â ‘Entrance’: {‘South’: ‘Reception’}, Â Â ‘Reception’: {‘North’: ‘Entran…
  • Output Assignment: Instructions: In this assignment you will write a program to output information for two payees including the following information about them (Payee Name, Account Number, Accoun…
  • Step 6: Change your code so that for each number in the message, add 128512 if it’s less than 128000 (encrypt). Then subtract the value of a number in the secret password. For the first letter in mess…
  • parse the date column into six new columns representing “year”, “month”, “day”, “hour”, “minute” and “second”. Â use python and pandas dtype for date column is object. In 13]% # import tre dulused tw…
  • Â Â Â. Welcome to the General Provisions Store! What can I get you today? 3. Food Rations: 6 gold pieces 1. Water Flask: 3 gold pieces 2. Dagger: 12 gold pieces 3. Helmet: 32 gold pieces Ente…
  • Write a program that takes as input two opposite corners of a rectangle: the lower left-hand corner (x1, y1) and the upper right-hand corner (x2, y2). Finally, the user is prompted for the coordinates…
  • Hello i need help Attached above it the assignment and the feedback on e submit that gave me 0 out of 15 and i have have 6 submissions remaining to get the full 15. Here is a link to the code https://…
  • Write a Python program that plays Rock, Paper, Scissors. Ask the user for their choice of Rock, Paper, or Scissors (you can ask them for a number 1, 2, or 3). Have the computer also “choose” Rock, P…
  • Daikibo is in the process of integrating IIoT (Industrial Internet-of-Things) devices to monitor, measure and analyze their manufacturing processes. Half of their infrastructure uses devices streaming…
  • Use while loops in python Write a program that calculates the Euclidean distance given 2 input vectors of similar dimension. The Euclidean distance between two vectors 𝑢, 𝑣 can be calculated u…
  • Using Python, create a time series ARIMA model on City_MedianRentalPrice_2Bedroom for the Dallas location only (…
  • use while loops in python Given the number of sides and length of a side (i. e. 𝑠and 𝑛) the area of a regular polygon can be calculated by the formula: 𝐴 = 𝑛×𝑠2 4×tan( 𝜋 𝑛 )…
  • Get acquainted with the 2 data formats by exploring the files ( hint : it’s the same message, represented in 2 different formats): data-1.json data-2.json Explore the target unified format by looking …
  • Please help me with this whole assignment. This is the link for the model Âgame: Â. 5 proj04-long.pdf X A PlayPosit – 120 S21 – 04 Classes a X + V X >…
  • . Programming 2. Generalized hailstone: Recall in class that we discussed the hailstone numbers where In = 3X-1+ 1 if En-1 is odd and T = In-1/2 if In_1 is even. The hailstone numbers converge to a …
  • Hide Assignment Information Instructions  This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to determine whether a password exactly meets the following requirements for a secure password: T…
  • Need help with this has to be exactly like shown including spaces as my esubmit will say missing lines
  • Create Dog class Create Dog class which has the following specification: Dogs consume their energy by barking and gain energy by sleeping A fresh Dog instance has 10 units of energy Dog has a metho…
  • Finalize StringManipulator class Fill ____ pieces and create implementation for stripped_title().  In [ ]: class StringManipulator:  “””____”””    Âcategory = ____    Âdef __i…
  • Fill the missing pieces of the Calculator class¶ Fill ____ pieces of the Calculator implemention in order to pass the assertions.  In [ ]: class Calculator:    Âdef __init__(self, var1, _…
  • Python Data Science linear regression using a gradient descent algorithm problem. Setup Code: import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt %matplotlib inline def f(X): return 1/(1 + np.exp(-X)) …
  • I revised plotBoundary in to compute the points on the decision boundary but when I run the whole program in the main file I keep getting a “ValueError: Data & model must be 2…
  • . 2. Generalized hailstone: Recall in class that we discussed the hailstenc numbers where .r,, = 33,14 + 1 if :r,,_1 is odd and 1-,, = r,,_1/2 if 3:,,_1 is even. The hailstone numbers converge to a …
  • Solve the following multiple choices : 1) What is the keyword to create logic: a) for         b)  if           c) def          d) None of abov…
  • Can someone write 2 Python code examples with a small bug in it (related to any of the following: reading and writing to a file from OS, creating a class, dictionaries, try/except, while loop). Big en…
  • How can I change NORTH=90, SOUTH=270 EAST=0 ÂWEST=180 so the directions are shown not the degrees. Also how can I add ÂSOUTH=270 on. import turtle North=90 SOUTH=270 EAST=0 WEST=180 my_pen = turtle….
  • . 1. A periodic signal has Fourier series coefficients ap = 0.5 and ax = 1/(jkx) for all other & and period 7 = 50ms. Give an equation for synthesizing this signal with sinusoids. 2. Write the P…
  • Use your knowledge of dictionaries to make a “store”. You should have a dictionary that says what items your store sells, and how much they cost, like this: Â items = { Â “apples”: 0,5, Â “bananas”…
  • . ull View Submission | Gradescc X Cengage: Digital Course Sol X & University of Arizona : CSC X proj04-long.pdf X A Due Date 12 – ENGL 108 SP x / Desmos | May tinh do thi X + V X < -> C A…
  • Write a program that lets you enter as many different names as you want. once you enter “done”, the program should print out “Hello <name>” for every name that you entered. For example: Â En…
  • Link to the files: Evaluate NB model performance when ignoring the top 20 stop words. Use spacy_tokenizer2 (only alpha tokens, lowere…
  • For this exercise, you will try to solve a problem using functions. Take a number from the user. Print all prime numbers lower than this number Must write a function with the name of is_prime This fun…
  • Write a game program in which the user must guess a randomly generated number within three tries. The program should start by generating a random whole number between (and including) 1 and 11. Prompt …
  • In below function using an iterative method, have to use a stack ADT. Implementing a Stack ADT using a linked solution. class Node: Â Âdef __init__(self, data, node=None): Â Â Â Â# Initialize th…
  • Define a function called fivenum(x) that satisfies the following criteria: •Calculates and returns Tukey’s five number summary of an iterable x •The five number summary is a list of five summar…
  • Hand trace the following program: fit1 = float (input ("Please enter a floating point number from 1 to 10: ") ) print (fit1) fit2 = float (input ("Please enter a floating point number f…
  • Define a function called iqr(x) that satisfies the following criteria: •Calculates and returns the interquartile range (IQR) of an iterable x •The IQR is the difference (Q3 – Q1) where Q1 and Q3 a…
  • Please read this blog and give me some ideas:Â What do you learn from this blog? What is this blog want to tell?
  • MODULES/PACKAGES: You may NOT use any Python packages other than random, math and copy. However, you may use any Python packages you wish as a check of your answer, but they should not be a part o…
  • I need help with identifying the unique strings of 5-12 characters and sorting them into a table. Â An excerpt of a memory dump extracted by Access Data’s FTK Imager (memdump.bin or test.bin) has bee…
  • Can you please help on how to solve this function? The highlighted was stuff that I did so you can ignore that.Â. count_odd’s from typing import List def count_odds (values: List[List[int]]) -> …
  • Part One: Programming Write a program to ask the user for their favorite item in a given category. Then provide feedback if their item is on your list. Use the following guidelines to write your progr…
  • Lab: Multithreading The purpose of this assessment is to design a program that concurrently runs 100 threads. Assume that there are five sections of Computer Science 101, each with 20 spots for studen…
  • Lab: Server Script The purpose of this assessment is to decompose a server application with threads to handle client requests efficiently. Create a day/time server script and a socket. Open the socket…
  • Hello! I am looking for a step-by-step explanation alongside the code. I have attached the instructions as well as the wec_2010.cvs file input needed. Â WEC_2010_kWhperCapita.csv Angola,206Â Albania…
    • Use your pseudorandom number generator to generate a list of 1000 uniformly- distributed, random, floating-point numbers between 0 and 1 (duplicates are okay). Consider these values to represent …
  • How can a add the blue circle TMCC on the opposite location of the circle and how can I change 0 and 180 on x axis to the text East and West and 90 and 270 on the y axis to text north and south. imp…
    • Find out how to sample t elements from a list of k 2 t elements without replacement (i.e., a name cannot appear twice on the resulting list). Give an example. Hint: You can use random. sample or n…
  • Sarah Jones has worked for the past five years at the Medicom Company developing custom software for hospitals to manage the administration of medicine to patients. She was recently promoted to lead…
  • Maximizing Profit from Stocks (in Python only) Your algorithms have become so good at predicting the market that you now know what the share price of Silly Purple Toothpicks Inc. (SPT) will be for a n…
  • I’m trying to set the blue dot with TMCC txt onto the arch 45 degrees not away from the arch. Code: import turtle my_pen = turtle.Turtle() #function to write the heading def heading():  # get head…
  • For example: Test Result #Testing Course constructor and getters course1 = Course(“CS1920”, 10, “Winter”, True) print(course1.get_course()) print(course1.get_seats()) print(course1.get_term()) print(c…
  • . Implement the following Course ADT: Data: course: String – the unique indicator for the course, for example, C$1920 is Computer Science course 1920. num_of_seats: Integer – the total number of sea…
  • Consider a numpy 2-D array of the form [[50, 60, 70], [67, 88, 90], [60, 78, 97]] where the ith 1-D array contains the marks of the ith student in three subjects (in this order. E.g. 50, 60, 70 are…
  • CAN THIS BE DONE.. Implement the following Course ADT: Data: course: String – the unique indicator for the course, for example, C$1920 is Computer Science course 1920. num_of_seats: Integer – the tota…
  • . For example: Test Result #Testing Course constructor and getters CS1929 coursel = Course ("C51920", 10, "Winter", True) print (coursel . get_course( ) ) Winter print (coursel ….
  • To demonstrate pandas skills and ability, answer these questions: Are Americans facing an increasing, decreasing, or steady likelihood of death? What are the four leading causes of death for Americans…
  • Write a program which finds the largest item in a given numerical list without using the max command. Â3. Take your full name as input and make an abbreviation of your name based on the initials o…
  • . Implement the following Course ADT: Data: . course: String – the unique indicator for the course, for example, C$1920 is Computer Science course 1920. num_of_seats: Integer – the total number o…
  • Write a Python Program using the selection structure if/else to solve the following problem: The heating system in a school should be switched on if the average temperature is less than 17 degrees Cel…
  • Why is the modify_args function able to change main’s local variable lx? Because lx is a number and therefore passed to a function by value Because lx is a list and therefore passed to a function by r…
  • Why is the modify_args function NOT able to change main’s local variable x? Because x is a number and therefore passed to a function by value Because x is a list and therefore passed to a function by …
  • In main, there are two local variables named x and lx. At lineÂ14, both of these local variables are passed to the modify_args function. After the call to modify_args finished, which of main’s two lo…
  • . Program 3: Given a string of items pIices ="Mifk = 9 Eggs = 5 Bread = 4 Cheese = If", Copv the string in your python program. Caloilate and print the sum of the single digits that appear…
  • LAB OBJECTTVES: – Familiarize yourself with creating and processing lists in Python. – Familiarize yourself with String operations. Program 1: A.Write a program that asks the user to enter the salarie…
  • Data management contains multiple steps, including data cleaning and exploratory analysis. In this project, Showcase skill in data management using Pandas . Data You will use publicly available files….
  • Write a code where you take input from a user i.e. the hours of his/her work, given hourly rate to be $2.75. Make sure to ask the user his/her name and write a statement saying: Dear [user] yo…
  • Enter the command line used to find a utility that shows who is logged in on the system in linux.
    • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Use the Intermediate Value Theorem to show that the following equation has a solution on the given interval. x3 – 5×2+ 2x = – 3; over th…
  • An excerpt of a memory dump extracted by Access Data’s FTK Imager (memdump.bin or test.bin) has been provided. 1) Copy the memory dump to the virtual desktop environment persistent storage area. 2) De…
  • create a class to store student records. Each student has a first name, last name, country, overall grade (0.40 scale), credits completed (total 30) and major. Create a method within this class to …
  • A financial firm AlpaMoney has recently started their online payment gateway and claims that the level of customer satisfaction about the transactions is the same as that of their competitor firm …
  • . Lab Requirements At the top of your python file or code section, comment in 1your name, lab 2-Using Lists and the date. Add comments before each of the steps to Do the following: 1. Create the fo…
  • . Complete the practices. After completing upload the .py file Week 4 Practice (from the book}: In a file {], complete the following: 5-3. Alien Colors #1: Imagine an alien wasjust sho…
  • From a given string, print the string in all uppercase if the number of uppercase letters is more than lowercase letters. Otherwise, if lowercase is greater or equal to uppercase letters, print all lo…
  • Web dashboard for Data Visualization using Python (Python Dash) Â Python Dash Activity, PART 1: Setting up the project and datasets on your computer and run first example GitHub:ÂRetrieve project…
  • . Colonial Adventure Tours calculates the total price of a trip by adding the trip price plus other fees and multiplying the result by the number of persons included in the reservation. List the res…
  • Write a function buy_nuggets() that takes a number (n) as an argument and returns tuple of four numbers which are; total number of packages, the number of packages of 6 nuggets, the number of packages…
  • how Â. Write a class definition called RectangularSolid which takes three numeric constructor, in this order: length, width, height. Provide a get_volume method that returns the volume of the recta…
  • Johnny decides to design a secret cipher so that he can post messages to his friends in a public chat forum during his online classes. Only his friends will have the cipher key, so his messages will b…
  • . Let’s try to make a basic model. Let’s say we want a model that approximates the relationship of the following multivariate function: f : R2 —» R such that f(x) = 0.83:0 + 0.2×1 + 20 On one han…
  • using Python please! ! !creat a function subset_pixels () which takes a grayscale image as an input, and output the image with subsetted pixels according to minimum and maximum pixel value.The functio…
    • The question picture is attached down below: Â Â. Pointillism is the name of a painting technique where patterns of coloured dots are used to form the coloured regions of an image. For this assig…
    • The question picture is attached down below: Â Â. Exercise A: "Number Triangles" For this exercise you will design and implement a program that will ask the user for 1 an integer and th…
      • Gets a five-digit number from a user and store it in a variable called number1. Change the variable Print number1_reversed and its type. B. Gets information of a student such as a student’s fir…
    • I have a syntax error(in bold) and don’t understand why:  filepath_cats = “C:\cpt180Stuff\pets\cats\catnames.txt” filepath_dogs = “C:\cpt180Stuff\pets\dogs\dognames.txt” if (os.path.exists(filepat…
    • What is the point ofÂ Â? can you please eloborate the about the topic on the link provided about detailed explaination.
    • import csv import os from src.planet import Planet def generate_planet_list(file_path):  “””  ÂRead in the data from data/planets.txt (ignoring comment lines)  Âconstruct a list of Planet in…
    • Based on the following Âgame we designed in the class create two separate two players game!: Â def guessing_game(): Â Â rand_num = randint(1,100) # we generating a random int 1, 100 Â Â counter …
    • Write the class of strings which represents the given regular expressions (5points)Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â a.) [A-Za-z]+ b.) [A-Z][a-z]* c.) p[aeiou]{,2}t d.) \d…
    • Use the 20Newsgroups data from the drive to compute 10, 20, and 30 topics, using TopicModelingGUI Submit your observations about the experiment, in 3 bullet points(write your observations when using…
    • Hangman OOP Redesign your Word guessing game (hangman) to use classes and objects A list of words will be hardcoded in your program, out of which the interpreter will choose 1 random word. The user fi…
    • Python permits functions to change mutable objects passed into the function as an argument without returning anything. Â True or False?
    • In mathematics, a Diophantine equation (named for Diophantus of Alexandria, a third century Greek mathematician) is a polynomial equation where the variables can only take on integer values. Although …
    • provide python pls. (e) Use an exact same setup as part (d), but this time in your gradient descent scheme use a momentum term of y = 0.9. Report the final estimates of o and B. Also provide a plot sh…
    • . 7. (10 points) Supposed you wanted to store a user profile that contained the following fields (and corresponding data types): userID (integer), firstname (string), lastname (string) and salary (f…
    • Dataset : The Secondary Mushroom Dataset  Source: This dataset includes 61,069 hypothetical mushroom. Each mushroom is identified a…
    • . Question 25 (3 points) Split, apply, combine is a way you can think of which method we discussed? O lapply O combine O groupby concat. Question 19 (2 points) () returns a copy of data with missing…
    • fastfoodStats For this assignment, name your Fl file fastfoodStats.R o For all questions you should load tidyverse, openintro, and lm.beta. You should not need to use any other libraries. 0 You can no…
    • Directions Using the following guidelines, create a python program. Â1. Download the file Â Â 2. Extract this file into the root directory of one of your computer’s drives. For exa…
    • msleepStats For this assignment, name your Fl file msleepStats.R o For all questions you should load tidyverse. You should not need to use any other libraries. 0 Ftound all float/dbl values to two dec…
    • . Python Write a function solution that, given a string S of length N, replaces all occurrences of "plus" with "+" and all occurrences of "minus" with "..". E…
    • . C- Oh 09m Task 2 Python English Files message, consisting of a single letter S[0], to the A[0]-th person. When the ~task2 2 K-th person receives the message, they append their letter S[K] to the s…
    • Write a function solution that, given a string S of length N, replaces all occurrences of “plus” with “+” and all occurrences of “minus” with “-“. Examples: 1. Given S = “minusplusminus”, the function…
    • Q9: Run a regression as in Q7, but add total fruits consumed per day. Based on the R-squared and AIC, what is the better model? Assign the better AIC value to Q9.. . You may use the tidyverse and any …
    • For imdb_sentiment_dev.txt please see the following link: file:///C:/Users/santa/Downloads/imdb_sentiment_dev.html  For imdb_sentiment_test.txt please see the following link: file:///C:/Users/santa/…
    • . Question 1 What is the difference between a parameter and an argument? Question 2 Consider the following interaction at the Python shell: 32 def return_somet … return "Hi!" . . . Is th…
    • For datasets kindly refer to this link :  1. The sales manager at an electronics company wants to study if online…
    • . 1. Write a python program which prints the frequency of the numbers that were given as input by the user. Stop taking input when you find the string "STOP". Do not print the frequency of…
    • Solve the Naive Bayes exercises. Reformulate NB to emphasize title words. We will use the NB model implemented in sklearn:  Below are th…
    • Im needing some help to write some python code to implement Binary counting. These are the instructions:  Prompt for and read a decimal number (whole number). Display all decimal numbers starting …
    • . Procedure: 1. Open your preferred editor for Python, it may be a Notepad++, Spyder or the Python’s IDLE. Consider the given scenario, write and run the codes/scripts. 3. Take the screenshots of yo…
    • Discussion Suppose that you are Vice President of Operations for one of the carriers, responsible for on-time performance. What insights do you get from your analysis about flight delays with respect …
    • Discussion Suppose that you are Director of Fundraising for a US Presidential candidate, responsible for strategy to maximize $ donated from individuals in California to your candidate’s committee. …
    • The data here is from the US Federal Election Commission (FEC) and itemizes individual contributions from California to federal campaign committees for US Presidential Candidates, current as of Septem…
    • K % Restaurant #135085, marital status # Calculate the number of single customers for restaurant #135085 Calculate the number of widow customers for restaurant #135085 Calculate the number of married …
    • Hello I need help writing this in python Program: The statements inside your computer programs are generally executed from top to bottom, in the order that they appear. Control flow statements, howeve…
    • Based on the ListA_10k.csv file from assignment 1, use “Faceting” and “Starring” techniques to extract ALL Â records that are from Arkansas, Miami, and Houston. NB: (The record names should be case i…
    • Comparitive Analysis : # Build a table to compare rating means calculated various ways like this: # One column for calculation method name + one column for distribution assumption + two columns for re…
    • u # Calculate the weighted average rating by marital status for restaurant #135076, # assuming marital status for the population are equally distributed # Calculate the weighted average rating by mari…
    • # Calculate the mean rating by low budget customers for restaurant #135076 # Calculate the mean rating by medium budget customers for restaurant #135076 # Calculate the mean rating by high budget cust…
    • # Calculate the weighted average rating by marital status for restaurant #135085, # assuming marital status for the population are equally distributed # Calculate the weighted average rating by marita…
    • Question 2 The purpose of this question is to write a program that computes the approximate value of (1+x)ex, where x > 0, to any number of decimal places using the series in the equation given bel…
    • In [ ]: # Calculate the mean rating by low budget customers for restaurant #135085 # Calculate the mean rating by medium budget customers for restaurant #135085 # Calculate the mean rating by high bud…
    • Hi, I need answers to these questions below ASAP by using SQL and python.  Download the Chinook database from the SQLite tutorial ( PART 1: a…
    • In ‘plt.subplot(), the numbering starts from the top left element, and moves rightwardalong each row, and then goes to the next row. Out of the following subplot options,which one does NOT represent a…
    • DUGIOI VISITS Private doctors often contract with health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that provide health care benefits to employees of large firms. Typically, HMO plans require a co-payment from …
    • . Home X – Home | Home x linked_bina x Welcome X DDD PS5-20cf3h X DD homework X QDE hw4-momn X PRE hw4-momn X PRE homework- X + X File | C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/homework-math630-5ghuo40a%20(1)….
    • Write aÂforÂloop that displays the following set of numbers: 0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 . . . 1000
    • Please read this blog and give me some ideas: What is the exciting thing about this blog?
    • Home X – Home | Home x linked_bina x Welcome X DDD PS5-20cf3h X DD homework X QDE hw4-momn X PRE hw4-momn X PRE homework- X + X File | C:/Users/lenovo/Downloads/homework-math630-5ghuo40a%20(1).pdf . ….
    • The quality assurance department claims that on average the non-fat yogurt contains less than 148 mg of potassium per 100 g pack. To check this claim 35 packs of yogurt are collected and the conten…
    • (25 pts)Â a. Use your pseudorandom number generator from question 4 to generate a list of 1000 uniformly- distributed, random, floating-point numbers between 0 and 1 (duplicates are okay). Conside…
    • (25 points) An exercise in producing pseudorandom numbers, indexing, and data check/verification. Write a Python program that randomly fills a 10×10 matrix with the integers in the range of 0 to 99…
    • Task 6 We have the following key value pairs stored in two lists regarding our products Keys=[‘length’,’width’,’depth’,’weight’,’reliability’] Values=[6,7,8,9,’good’] Please generate a dictionary from…
    • Hello! I am looking for a step-by-step explanation alongside the code. Thank you Â. get_country ( ) Function purpose: prompt user for country name Function parameters: prompt Function return: count…
    • ÂPlease give me complete code and plots regarding all the questions since previous answer I received here are not well-organized 2. Can the answer of the code present in screenshots  Thank you s…
    • Your script should take in a four digit code, check each of the digits, and then, assuming they are all correct, grant access to the system. If only some of the digits are correct, the script should o…
    • Oh no! The nefarious Doctor Doom is planning on hacking into the satellite broadcasting system to spread his maniacal message of misdoing across the planet. We need to make sure that he can’t get his …
      • Using your Simpson function (nPoints=50) to integrate the Gaussian PDF combined with your Secant method for root finding, find the set of x values compatible with your list of 1000 probabilities….
    • DNF, 15pt] Â [5pt] In Python you can write the following expression p>=q>=r ÂwhereÂÂandÂÂare conditions (for us: propositional variables). What this means is that p is at least q and q is …
    • Q3 Â Setting up the Data Let’s get ready to set up our data for our models! Check again. InÂ[14]: <class ‘pandas.core.frame.DataFrame’> RangeIndex: 7478 entries, 0 to…
    • . 13. (8 points) The following functions are silly error checking to make sure two variables are in the prop er range for day and month (NOTE: No type checking is done. and that’s okay). A sample in…
    • (15 points) A Python program is making use of a dictionary whose keys are ints and whose values are lists of ints. For example: d = {0:[1,2,3], 3:[2,3,4,0], -1:[-1,3,4]] Write a (syntactically cor…
    • (10 points) Define a Python function called absolute that takes one parameter, X, and returns the absolute value of x, defined as x if x > 0 2 = -x otherwise Also include two statements that de…
    • write the for loops that will print the following sequence; 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 0,2,4,6,8 1,3,5,7,9 20,30,40,50,60
    • Machine learning in Python. The link provided leads to the assignment. There are 4 questions to answer. Please fill the code where required and answer the questions.…
    •  Below, create two DataFrames: ucsd_state, which has all of the columns in ucsd_admit plus a new column, ‘instate’, which c…
    • please provide in python. (d) Again, suppose that n = 5, and r1 = 0.30753, 12 = 0.56678, x3 = -0.25177, 14 = 0.37243, 5 = 0.26375. Pick a programming language of your choice and write up a gradient de…
    • . . As you can see, play game ( ) calls FOUR helper functions namely: Mac show rules () : S Display the title and game rules (refer to screenshot for details) get_player choice ( ) : Prompt the play…
    • Example Suppose each person newly infected by a virus is able to infect R additional people. R is called the reproduction number of the virus. (Think of this as a one-time event; the person does not i…
    • You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the following1) Use list to create a menu2) Create a function the will return the results of the four operations in a dictionary allInOne(n1,n2)S…
    • Write a function add(vals1, vals2) that takes as inputs two lists of numbers, vals1 and vals2, and that uses recursion to construct and return a new list in which each element is the sum of the ele…
    • i want a answer for this queztions. Design a two-player game module (function] in which a player with a lower number of guess wins the game ( the players play the game separately and results needs to …
    • . In [97]: import numpy as np d = dict([(y, x+1) for x,y in enumerate(sorted(set(d2) ) ) ]) enu = [d[x] for x in d2] npenu = np . array (enu) unique_counts = np . unique (npenu, return_counts=True) …
    • Consider the following list of student grades. Write a script that will open the file and calculate the average for each student and the grade that the student would receive based on the grade scale f…
    • . Using Python, add a line to the Performance Assessment5_5DataFile.csv. file programmatically, which contains your first name, last name, age, Information Science, 100, and today’s date. Create a p…
    • I need help with the following: How do I add a dictionary so the player has some guidance on the next action to take? When the player replenishes their HP, it goes above the max of 100HP – how do I ge…
    • How did pseudo-coding the solution beforehand help with the coding part? If you didn’t use pseudo code (or prepare some kind of an outlined answer), think about your experience and either justify your…
    • (Median and Mode of an array) NumPy arrays offer a mean method, but not median or mode. Write functions median and mode that use existing NumPy capabilities to determine the median (middle) and mode (…
    • Let’s go back to lab-02 and make the following changes. Python code  a. Person and Address relationship fall into “has a relationship”, remove the address as property from Person class and create an…
    • Perform the following actions: 1. Upload Registration.csv & ( download_frd=1) and Course_info.xisx _ (https://psu.instructure.c…
    • 1: Write a program that asks the user to enter a series of single-digit numbers with nothing separating them. The program should display the sum of all the single digit numbers in the string. For exam…
    • am not good with python. very confused on how to do this. Python 3.8.5 Shell X File Edit Shell Debug Options Window Help Python 3.8.5 (tags/v3. 8.5:580fbb0, Jul 20 2020, 15:57:54) [MSC v. 1924 64 bit …
    • is there an alternate way of doing this. Still using recursion as well and nothing too advance. # function 3 def smaller_of (valsl, vals2) : """takes as inputs two lists valsl and vals2…
    • Write a function smaller_of(valsl, vol 52) that takes as inputs two lists valsl and valsZ and uses recursion to construct and return a new list in which each element is the the smaller of the corre…
    • In Python Please  Write a simple UDP client and server program and a communication protocol python3 in which the client will send a message or a file to the server. Then, the server will reply with …
    • In Python Please Write a simple UDP client and server program and a communication protocol python3 in which the client will send a message or a file to the server. Then, the server will reply with the…
    • Consider a Superclass named “Vehicle” and a subclass named “Car” that are intended to represent those real-world concepts. What are some attributes and methods that you would expect to see for Vehicle…
    • . Home x |Discussion x zy Section 5.25 – CYB 130T: Object-( x zy Section 5.10 – CYB 130T: Object-( x + X – > C A * S = zyBooks My l…
    • Answer the discuss questions(1,2,3,4): Â Â Code: Â import turtle def draw_sun(pen,x,y,size): Âpen.setheading(0) Âpen.fillcolor(“yellow”) Âpen.penup() Âpen.goto(x,y) Âpen.pendown() Âpen.begin_…
    •  3.1- Below, complete the implementation of the function in_cali, which takes in the name of a region and returns True if t…
    • complete the following Programming Exercises from Chapter 2:ÂÂÂ#7 (Miles-per Gallon), #8 (Tips, Tax, and Total), and #9 (Celsius to Fahrenheit Temp Converter). You may need to use the Table of Cont…
    • In this challenge, you are required to implement a function that: Language Python 3 Aut 1. is named even. 1 > #! /bin/python3… 10 2. takes 2 integer arguments, start, and n. def even (start, n) :…
    • K-means_algortihm_Strategy2 (K-mean ++) : Overview: In this part, you are required to implement the K-means algorithm and apply your implementation on the given dataset (AllSamples.npy), which contain…
    • Must use recursion and nothing too advance. I need a introductry solutuion using recursion and all test cases must be met as shown in the botton half of the imageÂ. 3. Write a function smaller_0f (va…
    • I am having trouble figuring out the following to my code: Â when the game is won, the check_won() never returns done so the game loop doesnt terminate How do I add a dictionary to this so that I can…
    • Lab #1 – Apply Linear Regression Algorithm to model the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable for a real-world problem.  Exercise 1: Linear Regression  Write …
    • Need python code and class diagram for above program.. Question 2: a. Design a class called ISBN to represent an International Standard Book Number. The ISBN consists of 10 digits divided into 4 parts…
    • x1 x2 cls -2.42724 1.965984 1 2.382605 2.256614 0 -2.68067 2.379979 1 -2.62028 2.913823 0 1.513792 -2.31265 0 2.460894 -2.29529 1 0.921995 -2.68511 0 -0.50538 -2.30142 0 -0.27991 -0.52087 0 -1.74237 2…
    • Please use python Write a code to Implement Cubic Polynomial Regression to find the line of best fit for the given data in the following template with Numerical Computation of Gradient  #!/usr/bin/p…
    • I’m having a trouble solving this problem could you please help me so to figure it out so the question is: Write the function extractAssignStatements(text) that extracts all valid assignment statement…
    • Write a program that replaces words in a sentence. The input begins with word replacement pairs (original and replacement). The next line of input is the sentence where any word on the original list i…
    • below is the txt file, a bit long word5Dict.txt aahed#aalii#aargh#abaca#abaci#aback#abaft#abaka#abamp#abase#abash#abate#abaya#abbas#abbes#abbey#abbot#abeam#abele#abets#abhor#abide#abled#abler#abl…
    • One initial challenge you have is to make sure people playing your game would enter valid English words but you certainly do not know all the words in the English dictionary. So, to be able to verify …
    • . Question 9 1 pts Before class, we’d like you to practice writing a data definition for arbitrary-sized data. Since this is a pre-class problem rather than an end-of-module assessment, focus on fol…
    • . Calculation Details To write your calculator, you will need to understand the formula and data used by the EPA to calculate AQI. You will need to refer to the below ADI Equation and ROI Breakpoint…
    • The tester code is: Â def domino_tile_generator(seed): Â Â rng = random.Random(seed) Â Â for n in range(2, 12, 2): Â Â Â Â rows = [n for _ in range(n)] Â Â Â Â yield rows[:] Â Â Â Â i…
    • Write a python program, named , as follows: create three variables: letter1 Set letter1 equal to the letter “m” letter2 Set letter2 equal to the letter “u” letter3 Set letter3 equal to…
    • Activity 1 – Turn in this one REMINDER: As always, remember that I want you all to work on these in groups! Have somebody share their screen, and work together for a solution. And if you are one of th…
    • import requests import datetime nl = ‘\n’ def printQuakes(startDate:str, endDate:str, minMagnitude:float) -> str: if (not isValidDate(startDate)) or (not isValidDate(endDate)) or (startDate > en…
    • Implement the find1() and find2() in Python find1(k, n)Â Â Â Â Â ÂÂ // find value k in tree rooted at Node n using a while loop find2(k, n) Â Â Â Â Â Â// find value k in tree rooted at No…
    • Please, use the link to the assg, do not write anything on it, make a copy of it and post the answers here. Answer where it says TODO and the Q1, Q2 and Q3…
    • you will be creating a record of file observation from a provided directory of files. Your record will include the following information: Filename Extension File Path File Size Epoch Value (retrieve…
    • A clique of size k in a graph g is a complete subgraph with k vertices. Write a program that will find and output the number of cliques of size k (3 ≤ k ≤ number of vertices) in an undirected grap…
    • Python HW (Code is in BOLD letters) This dataset consists of 3 different types of irise species (Setosa, Versicolour, and Virginica) where we have the following measures for each flower sample: the pe…
    • 12 LAB: One-sample hypothesis test for population proportion Load the gpa.csv data set. Find the number of students with a gpa greater than the user input value. Find the total number of students. P…
    • Write a Python script that will take in a name and return the respective address based on a csv file of names and addresses. If the name is not found in the file, prompt the user to enter an address f…
      • Create a Python program that uses a while loop and prompts the user for a series of inputs. You should use a sentinel value to signal when the loop should terminate. Calculate and display the sum o…
    • Define function print_popcorn_time() with parameter bag_ounces. If bag_ounces is less than 3, print “Too small”. If greater than 10, print “Too large”. Otherwise, compute and print 6 * bag_ounces foll…
    • DataFrame Slicing & Indexing The DataFrame objects can be sliced to retrieve specific rows using implicit indexing. Entire rows from a DataFrame can be retrieved using its .loc (explicit index) an…
    • txt                    Â 4 Thin Mints, 22.50 Peanut Butter, 18.75 Smores, 9.25 Shortbread, 13.00  Jill.txt 4 Thin Mints, 27.50 Peanut Butter, 5.50 Smor…
    • Write a Python script that will continually prompt for a string in the following format and do the necessary calculations based on the given operator using a separate function for each operator . It…
    • Question 1. your parallel code and compare it to the serial code (it will compare answers and speed). Remember to try different start and end values in the main() function in Question 1 (20 p…
    • import math def max_magnitude(user_val1, user_val2): Â if (math.fabs(user_val1) > math.fabs(user_val2)): Â Â Âreturn user_val1 Â else: Â Â Âreturn user_val2 if __name__ == ‘__main__’: Â x …
    • this program should find the area and perimeter of a circle, the area comes back fine but the output perimeter shows 31.400000000000002, I need it to show just 31.4. Below is the code. Â Â def circl…
    • No need to output the code, just answer the discuss questions(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) : Code 3 sum = 0 for i in range(10): ÂÂsum = sum + i  print(“The sum of numbers is”, sum) Code 7 for i in rang…
    • Using Python In this assignment, you should write a function (named gets_temperature_forecast()) that gets an address/city and returns temperatures forecasts (in Centigrade and Fahrenheit) from the Na…
    •  2.1- ÂLet’s first look at students from San Diego County. Set sd_county to a DataFrame of only the high schools in San Di…
    • Could someone assist me with this activity? read an existing .csv file, and display a bar chart or histogram of the name of the player and the number of tries for each game.
    • Assign number_segments with phone_number split by the hyphens. Sample output from given program: Area code: 977 376628.2015284 qx3zqy7 1 phone_number = ‘977-555-3221’ 2 number_segments = " Your s…
    • 16 LAB: Regression with nonlinear relationships Load the mtcars.csv data set into a data frame. Create a new column in the data frame, exp_wt, that is the negative exponentiation of of the column wt…
    • Assign decoded_tweet with user_tweet, replacing any occurrence of ‘TTYL’ with ‘talk to you later’. Sample output from given program: Gotta go. I will talk to you later. 376628 2015284.qx3zqy7 1 user_t…
    • could you answer the questions and there is a part one as well.
    • 15 LAB: Regression with categorical predictors The nbaallelo_mlr.csv data base contains information on 126315 NBA games between 1947 and 2015. The columns report the points made by one team, the Elo…
    • How are values added to a dictionary?  By using the append() method  Values cannot be added to a dictionary, because dictionaries are immutable.  By using the concatenation operator.  By using…
    • E zyBooks catalog Help/FAQ CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 8.3.1: Find abbreviation. Complete the if-else statement to print ‘LOL means laughing out loud’ if user_tweet contains ‘LOL. Sample output from given prog…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 8.1.1: Slice a rhyme. Assign sub_lyric with ‘cow’ by slicing rhyme_lyric from start index to end_index. Sample output from given program: COW 376628.2015284.qx3zay? 1 start_index = …
    • The order of items in a dictionary  is maintained in sorted order  is arbitrary (does not matter)  is sequential  depends upon the operating system.  How can the items() dictionary method be…
    • Write an application using scikit-learn to train/test the real estate data. Use Linear Regression model. Use the dataset from UCI repository:Â…
    • Directions Using the following guidelines, create a python program. 1. You will be using the CPT180Stuff folder from Chapter 9 Assignment 1 for this assignment.  2. Create a program named workWi…
    • How to save a .WAV file created in python to a specific directory in the MAC OS ?
    • Question 1 (2 marks): Consider the following vector optimization problem: P: Max z1 = 8×1 + 1×2 Min z2 = x1 – 3×2 s.t. 4×1 + 15×2 < 60 7×1 + 1 1×2 < 77+ i i = 0 x1 – 2×2 2 0 X1, X2 2 0. (a) Plot…
    • Using the below code, please give code that plots the decision regions for the first 5 epochs. Use learning rate = 0.01 and random seed = 1 when applicable. Initial code with X and Y Values is also be…
    • Modify the Python code below as follows: (i) Pick a sufficiently small n so that convergences take 20 iterations or more (ii) Add an extra line that fits the perceptron on the shuffled data (iii) Plot…
    • Complete the expression so that user_points is assigned with 0 if user_level is greater than 20 (second branch). Otherwise, user_points is assigned with 10 (first branch).
    • Build a two-class logistic regression model from scratch. You will need to work on the following: a. Implement the sigmoid function from scratch and call it sigmoid_f Implement the hypothesis function…
    • Write an expression that will cause “Dollar or less” to print if the value of num_cents is less than or equal to 100.
    • Write an expression that will cause the following code to print “less than 20” if the value of user_age is less than 20.
    • Hello, I’ve been having issues with writing this python code. I am tempted Âto use text.split(‘.’) , capitalize the first letter of every split and then concatenate them together, but I don’t know ho…
    • The answer needs to utilize integer programming in Python.
    • . 2. Part B: Saving, with Periodic Pay Raise You are trained to be work-ready, and clearly you are going to be worth more to your company over time! So we are going to build on your solution to Part…
    • Directions Using the following guidelines, create a python program. Â1. Download the file  2. Extract this file into the root directory of one of your computer’s drives. For exam…
    • . *Homework Help – Q&A from Onl x @ Week 6 Assignment – ENTD200 B X Ill Apps Alysit’s PI S…
    • from os import system # to use system method to set the console title in windows import math # to use the value of Pi # set the console title system(‘title Pizza Cutting – Kevin Hoag’) def funcc(diame…
    • . QUESTION 1 that allow you to perform operations on them. Python provides several ways to access the individual characters in a string. Strings also have O decisions techniques O variables O method…
    • Question 1.1 (1 point) Assign ucsd to the DataFrame that results from setting the index of ucsd_admissions_raw to ‘ID’. Question 1.2 Acceptance rate is defined as Acceptance Rate= # Admitted /# Applie…
    • Hi, can you please provide the dataset for commutation in UK from 2002-2022 (19 years of data). It should contains peoples commutation, vehicle type(car, bus, cycle, train etc) I need to crop the data…
    • In this problem, you will create a program from scratch based to demonstrate your abilities to create and manipulate lists in Python. Â Create a file named . Â Write a Python program that…
    • In this problem, you are given a partially completed program, and you need to update and fill in the rest of the program to produce the desired output. Â This problem performs a simple numerical anal…
    • main This function is already complete. It calls the other 2 functions to accomplish its work: The main function calls get_item_cost 3 times to get the item costs for paperbacks, hardbacks, and magazi…
    • Lab Assignment #1 – Apply Linear Regression Algorithm to model the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable for a real-world problem. Purpose:​The purpose of this Lab as…
    • Define and test a function myRange. This function should behave like Python’s standard range function, with the required and optional arguments, but it should return a list. Do not use the range fun…
    • Write a program that reads a list of integers, and outputs whether the list contains all even numbers, odd numbers, or neither. The input begins with an integer indicating the number integers that fol…
    • Perform clustering analysis on the telecom data set. The data is a mixture of both categorical and numerical data. It consists of the number of customers who churn out. Derive insights and get possibl…
    • Write a function in Python that receives a string containing a hexadecimal value and the function then return the integer value of this hexadecimal string in decimal. Test Values: a) Hexadecimal…
    • Lab Assignment #1 – Apply Linear Regression Algorithm to model the relationship between independent variables and the dependent variable for a real-world problem. Due Date:​By the dropbox deadline. …
    • Write a program that computes and prints the average of the numbers in a text file. You should make use of two higher-order functions to simplify the design. Please comment each part of the code.
    • In python, Â Suppose each person newly infected by a virus is able to infect R additional people. R is called the reproduction number of the virus. (Think of this as a one-time event; the person does…
    • . Randomly pick a number between 1 and 6 If 1 user picked dice with 1 If 2 user picked dice with 2 and so on.
    • Create a Python program that computes the average grade for each of a group of four students . Your program should include a list of four student names. ÂYou decide on the names of the four students….
    • For the first function, use Roblox as my favorite video game and for the first name, use Sonia.Â. Assignment 5 [void returning Functions with parameters) Question 1: (15 points) Write a function that…
    • Using PySpark SQL Data frames  Question 1: The reviews column contains information such as the number of stars for each review (the rating ). The ratings column are stored in an array (…
    • Create a flowchart to do the following: – Part 1 Step 1: Create a list that contains a shopping list only using input() (do not include the number of the item as part of the list) Step 2: Create a loo…
    • Hello! I am looking for a step-by-step explanation. Thanks so much in advance, I really appreciate it. Learning python is hard! Â Â Â Â Â. Sample run #4: Display consumption of invalid country &q…
    • Problem 1 Define a function called median(x) that satisfies the following criteria: •Calculates and returns the median value of an iterable x •The median is the “middle” value of a sorted list o…
    • Write a Python script that will prompt for the scores of the 6 homework and 7 lab assignments in this course, and then calculate the amount of extra credit you would need in order to get a 90% or high…
    • # Creates a dictionary containing course numbers and the room numbers courseRoomNumbers={‘CS101′:’3004′,’CS102′:’4501′,’CS103′:’6755′,’NT110′:’1244′,’CM241′:’1411’} # Creates a dictionary containing c…
    • I can not figure out how to fix this exception I keep getting.. I keep going back and forth between trying to move .dlls or am I not pointing to the correct variable?. 106 // Initialize the Python Int…
    • Write a Python script that will simulate a dice roll. It should continually prompt for a number of sides and then return a random number that might be rolled with a die of that number of sides. Assume…
    • List the components of a relational database and how they are used for Python programming. How is Python programming used in health care IT? List some advantages and disadvantages of Python programmin…
    • I need help with a flowchart Diagram containing this Python Programming exercise Dictionaries. Â Please :]. ercises 1. Course information write a program that creates a dictionary containing course n…
    • For each one, submit your code (.py file) and captures of your code’s output (png, jpg, jpeg, gif, or bmp file) It’s strongly recommended to put all four of your functions in one .py file along with a…
    • I need help with it written in Python Program to run on IDLE SHELL (Dictionary) Â 1) the program should be containing course numbers and room numbers. 2) the program should be containing courses numb…
    • . Requirements for Menu Selection 2: o If the question is already in the dictionary, do not overwrite it. Let the user know that the question is already in the FAQ’s. Then ask the user to rephrase t…
    • Your assignment is to write such a program for a CSV-formatted list you create. (Your choice) The list could be your playlist or CD collection, a baseball card collection, or even the contacts on your…
    • I need the codes in text form. Thanks. Exercise 1: Write a program that is going to give the grade of a student according to the score obtained. Display ‘A’ if the score is greater than 90 Display ‘B’…
      • A wrong model: We build a recommender system that takes as input a user id and an item id and outputs a rating (continuous value between 1 and 10). Let’s suppose there are 10000 users and 1000 item…
    • Base of the house that was just imported from graphics not import turtle. refactor the drawing in this new version of the program to reduce the repetition of code segments using functions and paramete…
    • For this exercise, take the commands you have done interactively, and create a python program that will create a file, collect data from the user, and write the information to the file.
    • How I create a song identifying mobile app in python ?
    • write program to find the minimum number of notes required for the amount of M available note denominations are Â500,50,10,1 M=1543
    • Modules are required in pseudocode, flowchart and encouraged in Python. You will not lose points if you write in Python without (or a single) modules or if you use global variable everywhere. We will …
    • How do I play and/or record a sound in Python working in a Mac OS ?
    • Week 6 Create a pseudocode/steps  (flowchart is not required) to do the following: – Part 1 Step 1: Create a list that contains a shopping list only using input() (do not include the number of the i…
    •  Attached link above is the complete source code. Thank you. I want you to make my program into one executable fi…
    • Hello  I need a help on my assignment as I’m struggling. Create a new branch in Git. Start by selecting the “Git” menu in Android Studio and select “Branches”. In the resulting dialog click “New bra…
    • please use Python to solve the question. Cell 1: Create a new python module called and a new testing script called In the module, create a function called ini…
    • Hi i am getting the following error while executing the code. i corrected the fit command with the below one[eng_train, ita_train], ita_train[:, 1:1, batch_size BATCH_SIZE, post e…
    • . My code is not working and need to know what I am doing wrong. def count_digits(line): count= len(line.split()) count = len(line) + count return count def main(): #input print(“The program prints th…
    • Write a function ‘lorentz_test()’ which  expects a 2D numpy matrix as input and tests whether the matrix represents a Lorentz transformation, see below. Return the boolean True or False accordingly….
    • my code is not working for answer this question. Would like help understanding why? def square_each(nums): for i in range(len(nums)): nums[i] = nums[i]*nums[i] return nums def sum_list(nums): sum = 0 …
    • int main(){ Â Â Âfloat radius; Â Â Âcout<<”Enter the radius of the sphere: “; Â Âcin>>radius; Â Â Âfloat diameter = 2*radius; Â Âfloat circumference = diameter * 3.14; Â Âfl…
    • Implement your own kernel ridge regression model as well as your own implementation of cross validation to select the lengthscale parameter of the kernel. For this assignment we will just use the RBF …
    • Please don’t use dictionaries just simple code no complex code. 2. bestStudentAndAvg(gradebook) [15 pts] Background: for this problem, a gradebook is a multiline string where each row contains a stude…
    • Given below are a list of positive and negative words. Also a list of comments is provided. Segregate the comments based on positive and negative sentiments. positive = [‘good’,’awesome’, ‘best’, ‘…
    • PART A IS DONEÂ PLEASE HELP WITH PART B I have attached link for part a coding as well as for the dataset you can access from there! Â…
    • Please do this on Google Colab, I badly need this and explain it. Thank you!
    • file name: cars.csv. Lab SB Create a python file called Lab_SB_<lastname> Using python code create the output for the 2 tasks listed below. Task #1 Using numpy create a 2D array of 2 rows and 3 …
    • txt                          Jill.txt                       ÂSally.txt Thin Mints, 22.50    ?…
    • I got the error here but I cannot fix it, so could you please help me to fix my error? Thank you so much in advance! FYI, the error says: TypeError: Singleton array array(0, dtype=int64) cannot be con…
    • Please dont use dictionaries or complex codeÂ. 2. bestStudentAndAvg(gradebook) [15 pts] Background: for this problem, a gradebook is a multiline string where each row contains a student’s name (one w…
    • assert(extractAssignStatements(“hello,class=15112 and anotherVar=42. The end”) == [(‘class’,15112), (‘anotherVar’,42)]) assert(extractAssignStatements(” .-, anotherVar=42.”) == [(‘anotherVar’,42)]) as…
    • I need help fixing my code. Project 4-4: Sales Tax Calculator Create a program that uses a separate module to calculate sales tax and total after tax. Console Sill-iii Tilt Gil-#:1111133!” ENTER ITE…
    • I NEED HEELP ASAP (BY CODE: R, PYTHON)  A die is rolled n times. what is the probability that the average of the n rolls exceeds 4 if  a) rolled n = 5 b) rolled n = 100 THE RESULT SHOULD DISPLAY T…
    • . You have graduated and decided to save up to buy your dream house. In Part A, you are going to determine how long it will take you to save enough money to make the down payment given the following…
    • Task 5: Given a list lst=[2,3,4], create a program where we keep generating random indexes (index = int(np.random.normal(0, 100))) and then calculate output = lst[index]. Please use a “try until succe…
    • Write a python program that calculates and prints the number of minutes in a year. Assume the following: 1 year = 365 days (Ignore leap years) 1 day = 24 hours 1 hour = 60 minutes
    • . 1 The Problem Given positive integers n, a, and b, determine T(n, a, b), the sum of all multiples of a or b strictly less than n. Obviously, this can be done in O(n) time (because this is a numeri…
    • Attached Files: File Numpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdf Numpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdf – Alternative Formats (649.441 KB) To show that you can work with arrays in Python , use NumPy library to convert the fol…
    • Draw a house using import graphics without using import turtle
    • Please help me to complete the part 1 and part 2 (about HTTP, client/web server, communication, hashing, and encryption) Â Part 1: Using the programs: We will consider program-1 as a web browser and …
    • Make use of the alpha vantage module to download the prices of stock from start_dt to end_dt   How do I specify a specific timeframe?  start_dt = 01-01-2020 end dt = 31-12-2021. from alpha_vanta…
    • Could someone help me please !. Question 1. (4 points) La saison de patinage commence sur le canal Rideau lorsqu une glace de onne qualite d’au moins 30 em drepaisseur sera formee et la temperature mo…
    • . Problem 1: tanc function Define the function tan c tance := as a Python function tanc (x). 1. Note that the function value at a = 0 is well defined lim tance = 1. 240 Your function should take thi…
    • What is a PowerShell pipeline? Show an example.. CPT 180 PowerShell Assignment Directions Using the following guidelines, create a python program. 1. You will be using the CPT180Stuff folder from the …
    • . 5. Perceptron algorithm: (a) Implement the perceptron algorithm for binary classifi Train and test it for classifying digits “1” and “6” in MNIST dataset. Note that we don’t need…
    • Applied Statistics • DOMAIN : Banking, Marketing • CONTEXT : A bank X is on a massive digital transformation for all its departments. Bank has a growing customer base whee majority of them are lia…
    • I need help creating the class for the jumper man game and the rest of the code in python     #from game.jumper import Jumper from game.word_bank import Word_bank  class Director: …
    • Your solutions can use: ● the [] operator to get and set list elements (e.g., lst[i] and lst[i] = a) ● the in and not in operators (e.g., a in lst) ● the list concatenation operator (e.g., lst1 …
    • Cant figure out when i run my code into Python it doesnt allow my code to change rooms after a direction is entered. my code is below rooms = { Â Â Â Â ‘Great Hall’: {‘South’: ‘Bedroom’}, Â Â Â…
    • For this programming assignment, you will be producing a heavily boiled-down (American) football simulator and play visualization using Python. The process should give you experience with built-in and…
    • Please help with question 1 at bottom. Do not change anything but the “# YOUR CDE HERE at bottom” Â Must pass tests.
    • what is your recommendation to improve the performance of the model below? pca = PCA(n_components=150) transform_train = pca.transform(train) transform_test = pca.transform(test) clf = …
    • 20 pts.) Forward Rotation: Write code to perform forward rotation on an image. Starter code available in directory Tranform/ Transform/ Edit the function forward_rotate to implement this …
    • Write this function in Python  In football terminology, a down is the period in which a single play (successful or failed) is executed. You are to write the function down(successprct, yardrange) , w…
    • . . . . X M2Lab Modularizing Code (Review and Instructions) Introduction: Assignment requires correcting a given program It should run with no issues Make sure to review the …
    • The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the use of lists, dictionaries, importing Python modules, Âvisualizing data analysis, and user experi…
    • To be executed in Python. Â Create a simple visual depiction of a drive. Function drive_depicted ( yards_to_TD, successprct, yardrange) is identical in form and return to the drive function, with the…
    • This is to be written in python  A drive represents a series of downs that result in either a touchdown or turnover (assume no punting or field goal is possible). You are to write the function drive…
    • . 1 Introduction The purpose of this lab is for you to get more familiar with the computational efficiency of a basic sorting algorithms. Your task is to implement the BubbleSort algorithm (see Sect…
    • Kindly help solve this. Your prompt response will be appreciated. Â It is to be written in Python. Â Create a football game simulation using Python. While normal football is based on quarters and ti…
    • This is the programs below: Â Â Â Â. . . . X M2Lab Modularizing Code (Review and Instructions) Introduction: Assignment requires correcting a given program It should run with no iss…
    • Please how do i fix text analysis Âon line 16.. Instructions + >_ Terminal + Enter the file name: example/ . tx 2 Program: textanalysis . py t 3 Author: Ken Traceback (most rece…
    • . Would you like to draw a tree? y What colour would you like the leaves? green What is the x-coordinate? 0 What is the y-coordinate? 0 Would you like to draw a tree? y What colour would you like th…
    • . 4. [4 marks] Write a Python program that, using the turtle module, draws a "block" of dirt with "grass" on top. The block should be a brown square (filled in) with a green semi…
    • . l. [3 marks] Determine whether the following statements are True or False. Show your work by evaluating one step at a time as we saw in class. The grade for this comes fi’om the shown work. (You …
    • Discuss two ways in which functions can improve the clarity and understanding of your program. Provide simple examples to support your description.
    • I am helping my father-in-law’s submarine retiree association (USS Woodrow Wilson SSBN 624) to preserve the pictures in their online photo gallery. The webmaster passed recently and no one can access …
    • . Celestial objects Create the following objects (all data were obtained from the NASA HORIZON system): earth = Planet ("Earth", np . array ([9. 978977040419635E-01, 6. 586825681892025E-02…
    • Write an expression using membership operators that prints “Special number” if special_num is one of the special numbers stored in the list special_list = [-99, 0, 44]. Sample output with input: 17 No…
    • The game has four rounds, with three guesses in each round’ for a total of 12 guesses. The user is asked to guess a random number (as selected by the computer) between 1 and 500. The computer will…
    • Change the game so that it is now 1 player against the computer. You must implement the computer logic so that it selects its next moved using an Alpha-beta pruning algorithm.    import random…
    • Question 2 score =“my”Â+” score is”Â+Â98ÂÂ#string concatenation print(score) The output of theÂabove code snippet is:Âmy score is 98   ÂTrue ÂFalse
    • mylistÂ= [‘hi’, ’23’, ‘abc’]mylist.append(‘ccc’)mylist.pop(2)print(mylist) The above code snippet will output the following: [‘hi’, ’23’, ‘ccc’] ÂTrue ÂFalse
    • Question 2 score =“my”Â+” score is”Â+Â98ÂÂ#string concatenation print(score) The output of theÂabove code snippet is:Âmy score is 98 Hint:Âyou can use the python shell to test the abov…
    • Task 7: Total Ticket Cost: Â Instructions Receive as input from the terminal the following three items: show_namecost_per_ticketnum_tickets Calculate the total cost of all the tickets (multiply cost_…
    • Variables and InputsTask 1: Triple Double  Instructions: Take the variable defined below and double it three times, each time storing the result back into the original variable. Print the final resu…
    • Question 1 What is the output of the following print statement? firstNameÂ= “Mary” print(firstName[4])   y   r   M   IndexError
    • I am attempting knn and need to make an elbow plot. I am not sure which data to use to plot it however. Do I use X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test, error1, or error2??? error1= [] error2= [] for k in r…
    • HALLENGE ACTIVITY Â 3.8.2: Type casting: Computing average owls per zoo. Â Assign avg_owls with the average owls per zoo. Print avg_owls as an integer. Sample output for inputs: 1 2 4Average owls pe…
    • Here is the link to the file: Â Based on the first 50 tokens in the “tokenscsv” file, estimate the following wor…
    • Here is the file: Â Â Check the first 500 tokens in the “tokenscsv” file. Identify the following tokens: . …
    • I have uploaded the file here: Â Â. Check the first 500 tokens in the “tokenscsv” file. Identify the following tokens: . tokens that are named entities bu…
    • py/Python Code:  import random   # COMMENT BLOCK 00 # This script simulates a work flow where jobs come in to server A and # are transferred to server B for completi…
    • txt  Â. Problem : Wordle 175. You have probably heard of the Wordle Game, a word guessing …
    • Python code Due in 4 hours. Lab 3 Opened: Thursday, 10 February 2022, 12:00 AM Due: Saturday, 12 February 2022, 11:55 PM Ask the user for a number Then ask for that many numbers, storing them all in a…
    • Write an if-else statement for the following: If num_difference is not equal to -16, execute total_difference = -10. Else, execute total_difference = num_difference. 1 2 3 4 5 Â Â num_differen…
    • Please provide a python function to find the minimum of 3 numbers.
    • A car’s miles-per-gallon is calculated with the formula MPG = Total miles driven / Gallons of gas used Now ask the user to enter the total miles he/she drove and the number of gallons of gas was used …
    • Write an if-else statement for the following: If user_tickets is not equal to 7, execute award_points = 10. Else, execute award_points = user_tickets. Ex: If user_tickets is 14, then award_points = 10…
    • What’s the best fit answer!  1) Which of the following is not considered in bag of words Â(BOW) model representation?  1. Word Sequence 2. Word Importance (e.g. IDF) 3. Word Frequency  2) In a …
    • Side 2 If the triangle is valid, report whether it is an equilateral, isosceles, or scalene triangle: – Equilateral Triangle: all sides of the triangle have the same length – Isosceles Triangle: only …
    • Write a Python program that implements Newton’s Method for square roots. Recall that Newton’s Method for calculating square roots by solving x 2 − a = 0 for x is certainly converging for initial gue…
    • Write Python expressions to create these lists: a.) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6] b.) [2, 6, 10, 15, …, 46] c.) [0, 0, 0, 0, …, 0] with fifty entries d.) A list of 1000 random integers either 0 or 1 Â a. …
    • please i need java code for the below problem please update your code in my code which is given below code and picture is in the given link folder…
    • .14 LAB: Input and formatted output: Caffeine levels  A half-life is the amount of time it takes for a substance or entity to fall to half its original value. Caffeine has a half-life of about 6 hou…
    • Which of the following is not considered in bag of words Â(BOW) model representation? Â 1. Word Sequence 2. Word Importance (e.g. IDF) 3. Word Frequency
    • . 5:09 ITP270ProgrammingAssignment1.docx Initialize the variables for the totals and percents. Start a for loop that will process 10 packets. Within the for loop, use the random.choice function to c…
    • A key factor in any IT project is making sure that software applications are designed for effective human-computer interactions as well as universal access. Your goal in this discussion is to evaluate…
    • Math Lab : I need help with these problem please. By using Python code
    • Using the NHANES data and the previous notebook, the following questions will be about the variable BPXSY2 (with missing values remove). Round your answer to the nearest tenth. (ex: 2.33 should be 2.3…
    • What command is used to extract the configuration from a particular module? A: logging.StreamHandler B: logging.getLogger C: yaml.safe_load D: logging.config.fileConfig E: Âlogging.config.dictConfig(…
    • ”’ UsingÂthisÂscriptÂprovideÂasÂaÂbaseline. ExpandÂtheÂscriptÂasÂfollows: Â 1)ÂAllowÂtheÂuserÂtoÂenterÂaÂpathÂtoÂaÂdirectoryÂcontainingÂjpegÂfiles. 2)ÂUsingÂthatÂpath,Âpro…
    • have to use RECURSION! and follow all rules given and dont use anything to advanced. Provide an introductry solution. 3. Write a function process(vals) that takes as input a list of 0 or more integers…
    • Write a python function named max_name that, given a value of AreaName and a year between 1980 and 2013, returns the origin (value in OdName ) with the maximum immigrants. Â. Region Development regio…
    • Problems from Python Create a Jupyter Notebook (.ipynb). Use markdown to clearly label each of the problems. 1. Write a program that takes in user input in degrees Fahrenheit and converts it to degr…
    • import socket import sys from datetime import datetime sock = socket.socket(family=socket.AF_INET, type=socket.SOCK_STREAM) remote_server = input(“Enter a remote host to scan: “) remote_server_ip = so…
    • Case scenario Scotty Highlander and his friend Peter Anteater are roommates. This week, it’s Scotty’s turn to do the grocery shopping for both of them. He needs your help in making two shopping lists?…
    • COSC 111 Spring 2022 Homework 1 points: 50 Due date: 01/12/2022 Please read the slides “Algorithm Design Examples.pdf” in the class lecture. As explained in the examples there, please write the Algori…
    • Hi, I have started this and ran into some problems any help would be appreciated thank you.Â. Home X B Module Six – IT-140-X3954 Introc X B Module Six Milestone Guidelines X IT 140 Milestone Simplifi…
    • ** PYTHON PROGRAMMING** Â Read the following program to complete it in a modularized form (using functions). USE PASS BY VALUE ONLY ÂÂ A retail company in U.S. must file a monthly sales tax report …
    • The “Utilities” dataset includes information on 22 public utility companies in the US. The variable definitions are provided below.
    • what’s the problem is my code? Â. Message Decoder Function Name: messageDecoder() Parameters: message ( str ) Returns: decodedMessage ( str ) Description: While on the run from Voldemort, Harry, Ron,…
    • Make sure all special cases are met. Don’t use append or anything advance use simple function and MUST USE RECURSION. Thank you in advance! I’ve been struggling to do this using recursion and nothin…
    • . Question 3 (3 pts) A palindrome is a string, a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., madam, kayak, noon, etc. Write a program that asks the user to enter a strin…
    • How can I move the blue circle and fill it to color blue and move it to the middle bigger circle at 45 degrees and add the TMCC beside it? #function to write the heading def heading(): Â Â# get head…
    • alpha_learningrate = 0.1Â input_data = [([5.1, 1.4], -1), ([4.9, 1.4], -1), ([4.7, 1.3], -1)] weights = [0.2, -0.1] bias = 0.1 Â -Â Given the above information, correctly FIX the function below i…
    • Using the below code, please give code that plots the decision regions for the first 5 epochs. Use learning rate = 0.01 and random seed = 1 when applicable. Â Â from matplotlib.colors import ListedC…
    • Not sure whats going on here but my output is not matching the example in the lab Â. chuck@DESKTOP-SNI6089~ $ . /workwithfiles3. sh Spot Max Lassie Rover Snoopy Misty Felix Fluffy Kimba Tom Mortimer …
    • Write a program that asks the user to enter the weight of a package and then displays the shipping charges and the total charges based on the weight and the rate per pound. Make sure your program outp…
    • . Question 1: Draw a letter "L" (2" marks) a) For this question, you will build four helper functions and one main function that must work together to draw a letter ‘C’. …
    • Any fan of the late author Douglas Adams knows that 42 is a truly great number. Use the function design recipe to develop a function named great_42. This function takes two integer values, a and b…
    • . The statements inside your computer programs are generally executed from top to bottom, in the order that they appear. Control flow statements, however, break up the flow of execution by employing…
    •!1464&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AlUvc5t40uf_lYg CSV file 2020!1466&it…
    • Write a Python script that will calculate the change due, if any, for a given payment and for a random cost, based on a given string of coin values. If the payment is made with exact change, no change…
    • Write a Python script that uses a function to return the amount of change made from a given value based on the following table of coin values: Â 0 1 2 3 4 5 1 .35 .23 .12 .03 .01 Â The function shou…
    • Write a Python script that will take in two separate lists and return all of the possible combinations of the elements in those lists.  Input string Expected output of script Enter first list: blu…
    • Find the biggest change from opening price to closing price for each group. Also list the corresponding date, opening price, and closing price. Note that the change should be an absolute value. US…
    • # Q1 (1 point) # Create a function, exampleOne, which takes four input parameters, all of which are either strings or integers # Make and return a dictionary from these four input parameters where the…
    • Read the following program to complete it in a modularized form (using functions). USE PASS BY VALUE ONLY ÂÂ A retail company in U.S. must file a monthly sales tax report listing the total sales for…
    • If you want to have more than one Series of data that is aligned by a common index , then a Pandas DataFrame is used. A DataFrame is like a database table, where each column has the same type of data,…
    • Dataset Download this dataset about homeless from kaggle. We will use both files in this set of challenges:Â(Links to an external site.) Notice that …
    • Python 3.6. and Hadoop MapReduce  Finish the exercises by editing the provided template files. You must complete the parts marked with TODO . Please note that you are ÂNOT allowed to import any a…
    • . 12 of 3 Q + Page view| A Read aloud | T) Add text | V Draw V Highlight v Erase Part 1 – Dictionaries How to create a Dictionary # Create dictionary of Names and Ages: Simple dictionary key_value =…
    • please don’t copy from chegg because there are worng. In python. To create a list use import random and for timer import time   def quicksort(alist): quciksortHelper(alist, 0 ,len(alist)-1)  d…
    • # Q4 (5 points) # Create a function, exampleFour, with two input parameters. The first input parameter is an array of letters. The second input parameter is an array of words # Populate a dictionary t…
    • This link contains Â This link contains We just…
    • Use the turtle graphics library to write programs that reproduce each of the designs
    • The Requests module  Python’s Requests module to download a web page. For instance, here is a code fragment to download the Georgia Tech home page and print the first 250 characters. You might also …
    • here is what is in the csv file Randy,9, Marc,3, Randy,2,***Lowest score ***** John,2,***Lowest score ***** Christopher,5, Chris,2,***Lowest score ***** Â. Now that you have completed the guide…
    • Write a Python script that uses a function to return the amount of change made from a given string of coin values. The function should take in the amount due as an argument and the list of currency va…
    • Write a Python script that will calculate the change due, if any, for a given payment if the total cost is $ 16.48 , based on the following table of coin values. If the payment is made with exact chan…
    • Write a Python script that uses a function to test a given input value and return whether it is enough to cover a purchase of $ 14.85 . Your script should continually prompt the user to enter their pa…
    • For this program, you will use the CSV library. Build upon your previous assignments (Performance Assessment: Iteration and Creating Functions) to save the record of games permanently, so that when th…
    • Write a program using Python, this program has a menu as a display, each number in this menu was explained in flow chart and writing documents. Here is the main menu that should created Create Employe…
    • design an algorithm that prompts the user to enter his or her height and stores the user input in variable named height
    • I just asked a question on:  Here is the full assignment in different parts:  1) Adventure: introduction In this project, your goal is to implement C…
    • I have to code an adventure game in Python with a lot of different small files. is it possible that i can have some 1 on 1 help for this. I found the answers to the first assignment/step on: https://w…
    • Write a Python script that uses list comprehension and sequence operators to greet only the animals in the list based on the following list of animals: animals = [‘dog’, ‘cat’, ‘bear’, ‘fossa’, ‘tapir…
    • PYTHON code Please Task 02 In the lab you were given 2 examples of the smoothing filters. Write the code for another filtering technique (not avergaing or gaussian) Show its result on any image. Expla…
    • Write a Python script that uses list comprehension to greet each animal in the list. Â Input string Expected output of script dog, cat, bear, fossa, tapir [‘hello, dog!’, ‘hello, cat!’, ‘hello, bear!…
    • Write a python script that will take in a name and compare it to a list of faculty and a list of students. If the name is in the faculty list then it will greet the user as a faculty and exit, and if …
    • Task 01 (5 points) Write a Python script that will take in the following string of student names and string of respective student grades in the following format and return a dictionary with each stude…
    • How to code this in Python? You can enter in a game where you get to flip a fair coin 20 times, and you will receive $100 any time you get a “Head” after two consecutive “Tail”. If you need to pay $25…
    • Verify KVL for the circuit shown in Figure 1 for Loop 1, Loop 2, and Loop 3. Use Multisim to complete Table 1. KV: -> Â= 0.     Figure 1: Series Circuit (KVL)    Table 1:Series C…
    • THE PROBLEM The code should be in python programming. You have been in a fancy restaurant with four of your best friends. All the individual bills are brought to the table and it is time to add the ti…
    • Write a MATLAB code to do the following: 1.  ÂUpload any sound clip as you want. 2.  ÂDo many processes on it as : Âÿ   ÂAdding noise Âÿ   ÂSpeeding it Âÿ   ÂSlowing it Âÿ…
    • python code for the following using double linked list Create a student record management system The output looks like the following Press 1 ) to create a new record enter the following details for on…
    • Full steps answer! Thank you so much! Â. Q2: In this question, you will use Python to numerically differentiate the function f(x) = e*. 1- Create an array of 100 equally spaced numbers between 0.001 …
    • Please do not copy from Chegg and coursehero. I want step by step process  Question: PYTHON 3 Create a function that is executed in multiple stages (0 to i) For each stage i, generate all possible…
    • Question about the MSBA 320 final project (Statistics & R programming)
    • Find publicly accessible data on the major supply-demand dynamics that affect national house prices in the United States. Then, over the next 20 years, construct a data science model that explains how…
    • . Fill in the blank using the words below. (Analysing your material/Executive Summary/Findings/Gathering and selecting information/Introduction/Organising your materia|/Presentation/Reviewing and re…
    •!1460&ithint=file%2cxlsx&authkey=!AukqUsoZlvksD_4 This is CSV file. please help my home workÂ. Lab Exercises Tip: Refer to class sl…
    • Application Problem 1: For the Johnson & Johnson data (jj data from astsa package), say yt, let It = log(yt). (a) Fit the regression model xt = Bt + a1Q1(t) + 02Q2(t) + a3Q3(t) + asQ4(t) + wt with…
    • This question is based on the Auto data set in ISLR package. You will develop a model to predict whether a given car gets high or low gas mileage. You can get the data set using the following comma…
    • Successful and failed applications of artificial intelligence or machine learning (AI/ML). Describe one failed application of AI/ML. Please answer the following questions as completely as possible. Yo…
    • Successful and failed applications of artificial intelligence or machine learning (AI/ML) 1. Describe one successful application of AI/ML. Please answer the following questions as completely as possib…
    • Use Boston data set in library ISLR. The data set has 506 rows and 14 columns. >library (ISLR) >data (Boston) (a) Try to predict per capita crime rate use LASSO, ridge regression, PCR and PLS…
    • Read listed in the module resources. Under the section “Sample Spark Application” are instructions to install the JDK and SPARK. Under the “Wo…
    • . Great Hall North South East Bedroom Cellar West 4. Next, you will develop code to meet the required functionality, by prompting the player to enter commands to move between the rooms or exit the g…
    • Instructions •Your submission must include a single Python module (file with extension “.py”) that includes all of the code necessary to answer the problems. All of your code should run without erro…
    • Working on JES and trying to display an image of an Antelope. ÂI get this error message The error value is name pickAndshow is not defined Name not found globally, A local or global name could not be…
    • Exercise #4: (11 pts = 5 pts + 6 pts) Given two sets, A and B, write the following functions in Python. (a) myDisjoint(A,B) that returns True if the intersection between set A and set B is empty,?…
    • Please help my homework I will put CSV file myself, so just create like output like that. thanksÂ. 2. Earthquake Data This project allows you to experiment with real-world earthquake data from t…
    • I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong here.. eason@DESKTOP -N5 7GB 36 $ . /workWithfiles3. sh /workWithfiles3. sh: line 10: [: argument expected unable to access one or more files. chuck@DESKTOP-SNI6089 ~…
    • Write a program that continually prompts for positive integers and stops when the sum of numbers entered exceeds 1000. Stop early if a negative integer is entered.
    • Please help with practice example. Â. We will develop here a method derivate such that, for an expression e, the method call e. derivate(x) returns the derivative of the expression with respect to th…
    • Please help with practice example. Â. Question 4: Replacement for expressions [ ] ### Replacement for expressions def exprreolace(self, x, e) : # YOUR CODE HERE Expr . replace = expr replace [ ] ### …
    • Please help with practice example. Â. v Question 3: Variable replacement for variables [35] V_replace(self, x, e): .Peplace = v_replace = W) = W) = W) print(x == x.replace(x, xj) print(y == x.replace…
    • . Question Theme Park is one of most attractive places to be visited especially during the school holiday in Malaysia. [jg-5g Park is a theme park that will open eady next year in Selangor. [3353. P…
    • What command is used to extract the configuration from a particular module? A: logging.StreamHandler B: logging.getLogger C: yaml.safe_load D: logging.config.fileConfig
    • Simplify the following code so that it does not use any breaks or continue statements, yet the logic is equivalent. Â Â counter = 0 Â Âwhile True: Â Â Â if counter >= 100: Â Â Â Â Âbrea…
    • Attributes Type Name Description int sem num The semester number for this object. list courses The list of courses to be taken this semester. Methods Type Name Description many addCourse(self, c…
    • . def stencil(data, f, width) : Params : data(list), f(function), width(int) Return : list – Perform a stencil using the filter f with width w on list data output the resulting list – Note that if l…
    • 8 LAB: Miles to track laps  One lap around a standard high-school running track is exactly 0.25 miles. Write a program that takes a number of miles as input, and outputs the number of laps. Output…
    • In what format is JSON used for storing and transporting data? A: Python Dictionary B: Javascript C: XML D: Text
    • Write a method that manually calculates the bitwise and of two bit strings, a and b, and returns the resulting base 10 integer. You must solve this problem using loops and cannot use any built in bina…
    • Rewrite this following “for” loop as a “while” loop: Â Â for i in range(0, 17): Â Â Â if i % 2 == 0: print(i)
    • python help do not use built in functions for question
    • . 2) Problem 2: Stencils In this problem, we ask you to fill in the two functions in problem2 . py : 1. stencil(data, f, width) : This function takes in a list of k elements, data , a function, f , …
    • python help do not use python built in function for question. Steganography is a method of message concealment where the message is hidden within another piece of data like an image or video. For exam…
    • python help do not use built in functions of python
    • python help do not use built in functions for these. In this section we’re going to explore manipulating image files, specifically PNGs. Images are generally stored in arrays of data known as matrices…
    • Tasks to do Task 1 Â One initial challenge you have is to make sure people playing your game would enter valid English words but you certainly do not know all the words in the English dictionary. So,…
    • Write a program that counts the number of odd numbers, even numbers, and squares from 2 to 25 (inclusive).
    • Worth 3 points Use the variables k, d, and s so that they can read three different values from standard input–an integer, a float, and a string respectively. On one line, print these variables in rev…
    • I am working on a python text based game. My code will not print the available directions to move in and it will not step through my loop. I have pasted the code as text below. I need to have the prog…
    • # Q4 (2 points): # Create a function, exampleFour, which takes an input array # Using a loop, populate a new array with all values from the input array, starting at the 2nd element, multiplied by the …
    • Can you also put a # descriptions. 6-4 Milestone: Moving Between Rooms Overview As you are preparing for your final text game project submission, the use of dictionaries, decision branching, and loops…
    • # Q3 (2 points) # Create a function, exampleThree, which takes two input parameters. A first parameter is a dictionary, the second parameter is a string # Check if the dictionary contains the string p…
    • . Q3. Define a class to analyze a document . Define a new class called Analyzer as follows: . It has two attributes: o text : store the document text o vocab : a dictionary to store the count of eac…
    • # Q2 (2 points) # Create a function, exampletwo, which takes one input parameters that is an array of arrays (embedded array). Each inner array has 2 elements # Populate a dictionary where the first e…
    • . Q2. Analyze Document Sentiment . Define a function named get_sentiment (doc, positives, negatives) as follows: . take three input arguments: doc (a string) as an input positives : a list of positi…
    • Do you know what the python code will be for this?. Test the Iterator: Set iterations to 100,000 (don’t use the thousands separator) Create a new LeibnizPilterator object and loop through it "ite…
    • # Global Constants – Use these in your program where it makes sense TAX_RATE = 0.07 Â# 7% sales tax PB_MAX = 50 PB_COST = 2.50 HB_MAX = 20 HB_COST = 7.00 MAG_MAX = 35 MAG_COST = 3.95 # The get_item_c…
    • . Instructions: 1. Read the scenario below. 2. Write a pseudocode solution that can determine how much a salesperson earns in commission for a month and how much they will receive from, or pay ba…
    • Write a complete Python program which reads an int number of days, then prints out the number of int years, int months, and int days that are equivalent. To simplify your calculations, assume each yea…
    • . Question 1. For (y1,y2,y3) = (0.001,2.6, 14.6) and ($1,132,133) 2 (0.04,1.2,2.2), the model is @492 yi— mi +61) 17:21:273: _ 62 Where 6,- 3,3} N(0, 02) 0 Estimate parameters 01 and 92 by grid se…
    • I am trying to figure out why my code will not run. I am using python and Jupyter Notebook to create CRUD functions and test them. It gives me an error of “‘NoneType’ object is not iterable” I am stil…
    • # Q6 (3 points): # Create a function, exampleSix, which takes two input arrays # If the two arrays are equal in length, populate a new array with all values from the first input array multiplied by th…
    • # Q5 (2 points): # Create a function, exampleFive, which takes an input array # Using a loop, populate a new array with all values from the input array that are even (hint: % operator) # Example Input…
    • # Q3 (1 point): # Create a function, exampleThree, which takes two integer input parameters. # Using a loop, populate an array with all values from the first integer to the second integer, skipping ev…
    • How can I make one circle in the middle instead of 4 circles I get with my code? And how can I change 180 to the text West and 0.0 EasT turtle.Turtle().speed(1) # loop for pattern for i in range(4): ?…
    • Exercise 1: Letter transposition One technique used in data encryption is transposition. A simple example is to rearrange characters using a key of indexes, like: Transposition Key 5,3,4,2,0,1 Input a…
    • Please help. I am a bit confused on what is being asked from this assignment. Here are the instructions and below are my code and mylib. Â You are going to enhance the prior assignment by doing the f…
    • # Q2 (1 point): # Create a function, exampleTwo, which takes two integer input parameters. # Using a loop, populate an array with all values from the first integer to the second integer. # Example Inp…
    • Where is the sentences import.. from sentences import get_determiner, get_noun, get_verb, get_preposition, get_prepositional_phrase from random import randint import pytest
    • # Q1 (1 point) # Create a function, exampleOne, which takes one integer input parameter. # Using a loop, populate an array with all values from 0 up to that integer. # Example Input Parameter: 5 # Exa…
    • I’m trying to do cross lines that points to east west north and south (and adds the direction names) in turtle python. but having difficulties. AttributeError: partially initialized module ‘turtle’ ha…
    • what is the python code to get count the integer only?. Write a function, howManyInt ( ), that takes in a sequence L. The function return how many integers are there in the list. Note that the number …
    • Please help with practice example problem. 5. 6. 7. Â. Defining an expression c…
    • You are observing a discrete time system which moves between states {81, 82, .93, 54} according to the following transition probability matrix: 0.3 0.4 0.2 0.1 P _ 0.2 0.3 0.5 0.0 _ 0.1 0.0 0.8 0.1 0….
    • Please help with practice example problem. 1. 2. Â. Defining an expression clas…
    • Question  Multiple-Walk Simulation: In this problem, you will define a…  Multiple-Walk Simulation:  In this problem, you will define a function “`runSimulation2“` that runs “`numTrials“` t…
    • “”” takes as inputs two lists of numbers, vals1 and vals2, and that uses  Ârecursion to construct and return a new list in which each element is the  Âsum of the elements at the correspondin…
    • Write a program that takes the radius of a sphere (a floating-point number) as input and then outputs the sphere’s: Diameter (2 × radius) Circumference (diameter × Ï€) Surface area (4 × Ï€ × radiu…
    • py #—————————————————- from stack import Stack def getAction():  ”’  ÂWrite docstring to describe function  ÂInputs: ?  ÂReturns: ?  ”’…
    • Here is my code: ;—————————————————- def summarize_degrees(filename): Â Â degrees = dict() Â Â with open(filename) as file_in: Â Â Â Â for line in file_in: Â…
    • Hello I need to create a python program to create random graphs, for this we can use: import networkx as nx import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt The problem is the following: The result …
    • Part 1: Library member registration Write a Python module that performs the following operations: Ask for the library member information: first name, middle name, last name, 10-digit phone…
    • The following code is a perceptron implementation (with three do-nothing lines!), written in Python programming language. Work on the below cell and modify the code so that: Â A) The fit function sto…
    • Given the below information, compute PERCEPTRON function in Python programming language to return new weights: Â alpha_learningrate = 0.1Â input_data = [([5.1, 1.4], -1), ([4.9, 1.4], -1), ([4.7, 1….
    • Write a function clean that when is given a string and returns the string with the leading and trailing space characters removed. Details: you must use while loop(s) you must not use the strip method …
    • In your bin directory, create the file, and populate with our standard beginning: #!/usr/bin/env python3 Â # # Purpose: Creates a tar archive of a directory # # USAGE: ./tar…
    • . Q1. Define a function to tokenize a document Please be sure to complete all the steps as listed below. – Defineafunction named tokenize(doc) as follows: I take doc (a string) as an input argument …
    • How can I do a Chi-square test like the one shown in the picture in python? I can use pd.crosstab to create a contingency table, but beyond that I have to do the calculations myself in code without us…
    • Attached Files: ÂNumpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdfÂNumpy_Python_Cheat_Sheet.pdf – Alternative FormatsÂ(649.441 KB) Â To show that you can work with arrays in Python , use NumPy library to convert the f…
    • MSFT,3/18/2019,117.57,31098780,116.17,117.61,116.05 GOOG,3/18/2019,1184.26,1212506,1183.3,1190,1177.4211 AMZN,3/18/2019,1742.15,5403392,1712.7,1750,1712.63 MSFT,3/19/2019,117.65,35304130,118.09,118…
    • 1)Â Create a function which tells you if the water is boiling , frozen , etc . Â Â below 32 F , water will freeze . Â Â above 100 F , water will boil . Â Â Anything else , water is liquid . Â …
    • I am having an issue with this question as well. I have the same errors the prior student described and am confused on how to fix it.
    • Also Please help with this error Â. 6.18 LAB: Word frequencies Write a program that reads a list of words. Then, the program outputs those words and their frequencies. Ex: If the input is: hey hi Mar…
    • Pyton program for able and Baker call center problem
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it Â. Requirement 06 – Calculating Monthly Interest [30 marks] Background: Individuals will frequently put their extra cash into savings account …
    • Exercise 2 (2 points). Write a function to parse US phone numbers written in the canonical “(404) 555-1212” format, i.e., a three-digit area code enclosed in parentheses followed by a seven-digit loca…
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it Â. Requirement 03 – Calculating Profit [10 marks] Background: Alex likes to invest in the stock market on a regular basis and wants an applica…
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it Â. Instructions: 1. Use the print() function as many times as necessary to produce the following text: Sales This Month Admin Fee Commission Rate…
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it Â. Requirement 02 – Pseudocode [10 marks] Background: Pseudocode is regularly created to help design applications before any actual code is wr…
    • In this exercise we will practice using nested loops. You will write s program that prompts the user to enter an integer between 1 and 9 and displays a pyramid of numbers, as shown in the example belo…
    • please can you help me? I would greatly appreciate it Â. Requirement 01 – Displaying Information [10 marks] Background: Commissions are a form of employee payment where the employee, usually a salesp…
    • 1- Create a DataFrame called berkeley_admit that contains all of the information in berkeley_admissions_raw, but with columns for ‘AcceptanceRate’ and ‘YieldRate’ and with an index of ‘ID’. Note thi…
    • # RQ1 def merge(dict1, dict2): “””Merges two Dictionaries. Returns a new dictionary that combines both. You may assume all keys are unique. >>> new = merge({1: ‘one’, 3:’three’, 5:’five’}, {2…
    • Introduction: You have been recruited to play in the Squid Game. All nplayers are numbered in sequential order with a positive integer starting with 1. Players’ numbers are sewn onto the front of th…
    • To show that you can work with arrays in Python , use NumPy library to convert the following 1D arrays to two 2D diminsional array using then run the operations that follows: import numpy …
    • content from chapters 2.1-2.3 and 3.1 in our textbook (Brockwell and Davis, “Intro to Time Series and Forecasting”, 3rd ed). Problem 2: The linear filter associated with a sequence of real numbers (a,…
    • Create a dictionary with key as the whole line started with ‘>’, and values for its following sequences before next ‘>’. Create a list for the lengths of gene sequences, and sort it. Print the u…
    • Accessing entries in a Series using Index values  Elements of a Series object can be accessed through the index using regular indexing brackets: [ ] . Series objects can be created with a user-defin…
    • USE PYTHON Ask the user to enter the salesperson’s monthly sales and the amount of advanced pay Use the amount of monthly sales to determine the admin fee and commission rate. Calculate and display th…
    • write a python function that take 5 words as string and compute the common letter to occur in each of the five positions of the word. the input function takes a string with five words separated by new…
    • Using python, finish the function called stitch. It takes two gray-scale images, left_image and right_image, and a specified overlap and returns a new output image by stitching them together along a v…
    • . Description You will create a simple shopping calculator. Some items such as candy, eggs, and flour will have special promotional discounts applied to them. Users will enter the name of an item fo…
    • Design and implement an algorithm in python that takes a graph as input and prints the following: “Connected” if the graph is connected, “Not Connected” otherwise. “Complete” if the graph is complete,…
    • 1). The Drunkard’s Walk A mathematical process known as a random walk is used to describe many physical and biological phenomena such as diffusion, Brownian motion, animal foraging, etc. A ran…
    • You will be starting a program that you will modify and enhance throughout the semester. We will start out with some simple input and output with a decision structure. NOTE : Make sure you do only wha…
    • Question 1) A computer can "catch a virus" when it receives information containing malicious software. Your lab partner uses a VPN to access some pretty shady sites on the internet. This per…
    • INVESTIGATION 4: USING LOGICAL STRUCTURES IN PYTHON Now that we have added some powerful logical structures to our python scripts, we can make our scripts much more adaptable. Our python scripts can n…
    • how to check whenever a backup file is missing in centos7?
    • Why backup files in centos gets lost automatically?
    • PART A: Pandas Series (60 pts)  Create a Series using a List  The base data structure of Pandas is the Series object. It is a one-dimensional array-like structure, similar to a NumPy array, but wi…
    • Just like with NumPy arrays, you can access information about a Series attributes: REF: nbytes ~ Return the number of byte…
    • . . . . # info truncated to not give away the answer RuntimeError : id 17 not in TaskQueue >>> time = TQ. execute_tasks () # note that this prints info sand. returns a time Finished task 2 …
    • . Mod 4 Homework – Circular Linked Data Structure Not all linked data structures are linear – it is often helpful to have nodes that link to multiple nodes (as in Trees and Graphs), or nodes that li…
    • Conclusion  Describe the results of your statistical analyses clearly, using proper descriptions of statistical terms and concepts.  What is the practical importance of the analyses that were pe…
    • Please help out with this. thank you    Â. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.3.3: Hourly temperature reporting- Write a loop to print all elements in hourly_temperature. Separate elements with a -> su…
    • Hypothesis Test for the Population Proportion  Suppose the management claims that the proportion of games that your team wins when scoring 80 or more points is 0.50. You tested this claim using a 5%…
    • In this homework problem we will learn to stamp components from a circuit into a matrix describing that circuit using the methods from nodal analysis in Circuits 1. Then we will apply this to a simple…
    • Part 1:  What if we could programmatically find each number which can be divisible by 2. How do we do this ? Write some simple code which will prompt a user for input in order to figure out how …
    • Each student record is represented as a tuple and it consists of a student’s matriculation number and name. Example: (‘A0077294U’, ‘Shao Hong’). In the database, there is a collection of student recor…
    • Write a function calculate_mid_point that accepts two sets of coordinates as arguments and returns a set of coordinates (represented by a pair) that represents the mid-point of these two input coordin…
    • Hi there, I need to find a good solution to this problem.. I was able to solve it by brute force but I am looking for an optimal solution in PYTHON. Given three integers, i, j and k, a sequence sum to…
    • Please use Python code to answer. Â Â A natural gas company wishes to predict weekly fuel consumption for its city. They suspect that the fuel consumption is related to the average hourly temperatur…
    • . Air Quality Index Calculator Goals In this project, you will make a calculator that determines the Air Quality Index (AQI) from sensor data, following methods published by the US Environmental Pro…
    • python raspberry pi I want to control the volume of a passive buzzer using a ****raspberry pi**** with the TonnalBuzzer library the volume would be controlled using a potentiometer. getting a buzzer t…
    • Design Code Based On Whats listen down Below • Design constraints – On design or implementation – Programming language, platforms etc. objectives - Requirements • User Friendly Interface • C…
    • 1 v def sim_battle(lpack: list, rpack: list) : Write a function sim_battle(lpack, rpack) that simulates the battle 2 #so fight does not end prematurely Desired question between lpack and rpack and ret…
    • Please help me make a single web page from scratch on the sport Cricket. For the paragraph, you can copy from Wikipedia you don’t need to write it yourself. Thanks  Â. 10. 11. some .’ hen t_,_,§?…
    • Explain the flaw in this proof that it is impossible to write a program that counts the number of lines in its input. First, let countLines() be a program that returns the count of lines in its input,…
    • Good Morning Everyone, I am writing a project on Insurance, but struggling with a mathematical Algorithms to use, I have to Data which is Data A and Data B Â Data A = 2%, 7%, 15%, 90% Data B = do his…
      • Performance Assessment: Complex File Handling Now that I have completed the guided practices for this week, I am are ready to complete the Performance Assessment. Before you begin, I made sure I h…
    • How do I go about this? Use python language only  exponent_map: This takes in an integer n as its argument and returns a new function. The new function should take in a list L as an argument and ret…
      • Guided Practice: Working with CSV Files   Guided Practice: Working with CSV Files Outcome This Guided Practice will use IDLE and Python to help you learn how to interact with two specially f…
    • Using NLTK and the VADER sentiment packages. You need to copy/paste code and output into this document 1. Print a hypernym of ‘reptile.n.01’ 2. Print a hyponym of ‘reptile.n.01’ 3. Output the path_sim…
    • Read the CustomerLimited SPSS dataset into Python and then use it for everything below. The overall goal is to understand the customer better: Find the summary descriptive statistics for the four Pers…
    •  Looking forward to your kind response
    • Lab 4D Write the code that would generate a 5×5 matrix that represents a minesweeper map. 8 randomly selected cells in the 5×5 matrix should contain a bomb — which will be represented by the integer…
      • Performance AssessmentÂFile Handling  Now that you have completed the guided practices for this week, you are ready to complete the Performance Assessment. Before you begin, be sure you have…
    • Please write a program that uses Numpy, creates two random 100 × 100 arrays A and B and add them together as C = A + B in two different ways: By using the for-loop method to compute each element of C…
    • Please write a program that uses Numpy, creates two random 100 × 100 arrays A and B and multiple them together as C = AB in two different ways: By using the for-loop method to compute each element of…
    • Use the binary tree implementation andÂbuild an algorithm for the decision tree similar to the example of the linked binary tree. come up with a unique application to you  linked binary tree exampl…
    • . Question 1 2 pts The pass statement is used when… we do not know what to do O we are completely finished with the code O we need a compound statement, but we have nothing meaningful to put in th…
    • . For this program, you will use the CSV library. Build upon your previous assignments (Performance Assessment: Iteration and Creating Functions) to save the record of games permanently, so that whe…
    • 1 from collections import defaultdict In this question, we are going to do some analysis of Donald 2 Trump’s election speeches, and compare them to some of Barack 3 * def count_lengths (text) : Obama’…
    • Write a function triangle_legs (hyp, angle) that returns the lengths of the two sides of a right-angled triangle that are adjacent to the right angle (i.e. the "legs"), given the length of t…
    • zyDE 6.3.2: Using built-in functions with lists. Complete the following program using functions from the table above to find some statistics about basketball player Lebron James. The code below provid…
    • DO NOT USE unemployment.with_columns( “Year “, year, ” PTER “, pter). Question 6. Create a line plot of PTER over time. To do this, create a new table called pter_over_time by making a copy of the une…
    • Write a program that calculates and outputs the area of a circle given the radius as input. Check that the input is a positive number and non-zero. Give an appropriate message if it is negative and en…
    • . 1. Write a function total_len(words) that takes as input a list of 0 or more strings words and uses recursion to compute and return the value obtained by adding together the lengths of all of the …
    • Don’t use break/continue. Only import random  word5Dict.txt  Sorry for asking lengthy question T…
    • Hi can you help me to finish it, I need help to set up this homework, ÂEXTRA STUFF HERE, suppose to add to complete it, PLEASE DO NOT COPY, please explain your codes. thanks. In this homework problem…
    • The study of the single-layer perceptron presented in the class is in the context of the McCulloh-Pitts model of a neuron. The nonlinear element of this model is represented by a hard limiter as its o…
    • . onal Matching Strings: A Biological Perspective String matching is also is very valuable in less obvious settings, such as biology. A common problem in modern biology is to understand the structur…
    • Hi, Please answer these questions using hello.csv file below. You need to use python for it.  1. Stock markets are often called forward-looking, that is, stock prices change in anticipation of f…
    • Write a program that calculates and outputs the area of a trapezium given the necessary inputs. Check that the inputs are positive numbers and non-zero. Give appropriate message(s) if negative and end…
    • . 2. Write a function combine(s1, s2, n) that takes as inputs two strings s1 and s2 and an integer n, and that returns a new string in which the first n characters of s1 are followed by the last n c…
    • Temperature is commonly measured in degrees Celsius, degrees Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. Develop a program that asks the user to enter the temperature in degrees Celsius, and have the program convert the …
    • . A simulation of the solar system would contain many different celestial bodies such as stars, planets, or moons. We want to approach the problem of keeping track of these bodies through an object-…
      • Output a menu of automotive services and the corresponding cost of each service. (2 pts) Ex: Davy’s auto shop services Oil change — $35 Tire rotation — $19 Car wash — $7 Car wax — $12 Â (2) P…
    • Print a hypernym of ‘reptile.n.01’ 2. Print a hyponym of ‘reptile.n.01’ 3. Output the path_similarity of ‘shoot.v.01’ and ‘gun_down.v.01’ 4. Output the Wu-Palmer similarity of ‘shoot.v.01’ and ‘gun…
    • Some code here that may help  def readFile(fileName):   file = open(fileName)   content = []   for line in file:     date = line.strip(“\n”)     content.append(date) Â…
    • . 3. Write a function reverse_last(vals, n) that takes as inputs a list vals and an integer n, and that constructs and returns a new list in which the last n values of vals are reversed and all othe…
    • . 2. Write a function exclaim(s) that takes an arbitrary string s as input and uses recursion to form and return the string formed by adding an exclamation point (i.e., the character ‘ ! ‘) after ea…
    • Question 1 Unlimited tries The colors red, blue, and yellow are known as the primary colors because they cannot be made by mixing other colors. When you mix two primary colors, you get a secondary col…
    • . ‘I. Write a function total_len(words) that takes as input a list of 0 or more strings words and uses recursion to compute and return the value obtained by adding together the lengths of all of t…
    • Write an if-else statement for the following: If user_tickets is equal to 6, execute award_points = 1. Else, execute award_points = user_tickets. Ex: If user_tickets is 3, then award_points = 3. 1 2 3…
    • Instructions Read the problem description below. Create the Decomposition for this problem. Additionally supply a listing of inputs and outputs. Finally provide a description of the decision structure…
    • 20 pts Instructions Read the problem description below. Create a decomposition and a list of inputs and outputs. Make sure these are clearly marked at the beginning of your program and commented out s…
    • . Your task is to fix the functions in the template code main. py Each function contains at least one error. These can be errors that make Python fail (sometimes only in edge or corner cases) or the…
    • Type your answer in the answer box. Define a class named Product . Â Product has two data fields, name and description . Both name and description are string type and private. ÂCreate constructor to…
    • Please solve problem 1 and 2 Problem 1 template(please follow it) Â Problem 2 template (please follow it) Â. Goals In this homework you will: 1. Write higher order functions that accept one or more …
    • >gi|25091097|sp|O60216.2|RAD21_HUMAN RecName: Full=Double-strand-break repair protein rad21 hom*olog; Short=hHR21; AltName: Full=Nuclear matrix protein 1; Short=NXP-1; AltName: Full=SCC1 hom*olog; Co…
    • Plz help my hw. There is alot of numbers so just cording and I will put CSV file myself.Â. 2. Earthquake Data This project allows you to experiment with real-world earthquake data from the United Sta…
    • Unable to output the results in the dashboard  What I need: Below is a dashboard that I need to complete in order to test dashboard connection to MongoDB by writing code that returns a query, and in…
    • Write an if-else statement for the following: If user_tickets is equal to 6, execute award_points = 1. Else, execute award_points = user_tickets. Ex: If user_tickets is 3, then award_points = 3.
    • 10 00 # create your objects here 10 class CelestialBody: 11 def _init__ (name, position, mass, radius) : 12 self . name = name 13 self . position = position 14 self . mass = mass 15 self . radius = ra…
    • please help my hw. Lab Exercises Tip: Refer to class slides if you need a refresher on how to read a file! The file november_rain . esv contains Eugene’s average monthly rainfall (in inches) for Novem…
    • Write the function get_thresholded that does image thresholding and takes following the arguments: images_raw: A numpy array. Do not assume anything about its shape, dtype or range of values. Your fun…
    • 5 Celestial Bodies O This lab will be available until February 12th, 11:59 PM MST A simulation of the solar system would contain many different celestial bodies such as stars, planets, or moons. We…
    • LAB 0 / 30 ACTIVITY 18.5.1: Celestial Bodies Load default template… 1 # imports and class definitions here 2 import numpy as np 3 import math 5 6 MAMA…
    • Question 15 0.8 / 2 pts In the following example, which variables can be accessed inside add_suffix when it is called? some_str = ‘car’ some_suffix = ‘s’ def add_suffix(val, suffix) : new_val = val + …
    • I need these 2 shapes Âcodes to make these shapes in python turtle!. North West East South PYTHON
    • You have been asked to create a data table on the dashboard which shows an unfiltered view of the Austin Animal Center Outcomes data set. You have also been asked to add a geolocation chart to the das…
    • I need codes to make these shapes in python. Please and thank you. Please make it nice and neat!. Designs
    • Write a Python function and tests that creates a dictionary containing the Canadian provinces and territories as keys and their capitals as values. (Use the Internet to get a list of the provinces and…
    • I need to do this exact MongoDB script in Python.. var reduce = function (key, values) { output – { date: "", close: 8, open: 0, diff: @} for (i = 0; i < values. length; i +#) var diff = …
    • Code  ————————————————————  package main; import world.Move; import world.Roomba; public class MyRoomba extends Roomba{ /*You can put variable…
    • . Problem 2 Magical Gardens In the magical world of Narnia there is a gardener that is specialized in growing infinitely large gardens. These gardens have two interesting properties. First, they …
    • . Problem 1 You are choreographing a flea circus show. For one act, you are given two fleas on a number line ready to jump in the positive direction. The first flea starts at location x, an…
      • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Do coding anyhow doesn’t matter do what you can: Â Â. The term "expert system" can refer to a computer program that is capable of d…
    • . Reading Data Files & Creating a 2D Graph (45 points) In this section, you will write code to read the data files provided, cities.csv and distances.csv, and create a 20 graph consisting of nod…
    • I need to do this exact thing in Python. I get stuck right after designing the first function.. Please write Map-Reduce functions using both MongoDB and Python that find the following: 2.1 (30 points:…
    • Expressions, Control Structures, and Containers You may consult with other students while doing this assignment, but the work you turn in should be Overview There are two objectives for this assignm…
    • Given the code in sorted list, complete the implementation of the following methods: remove index find peek identical remove_front remove_many count: you may not use the Python count metho…
    • . |— consider a function named displayDate that represents a given date in a pretty format, It has 3 numeric parameters, the first one represents year, the second one represents day, and the last …
    • Write an if-else statement for the following: If user_tickets is not equal to 6, execute award_points = 10. Else, execute award_points = user_tickets.
    • . Consider the following program: def main () : X = 4.5 y = 3.4 f1 (X, y) def fl (x, y) : X *= 2 y * = 2 main () If I want to display the new values of x and y after updating, where should I put pri…
    • You are given a file named Airports.txt. Data in each line is seperated by a tab(which is represented by ‘\t’ in python). Each line of the file is in the format: (type of airport, Name of the airport,…
    • . Which of the followings define function triple, that receives a numeric parameter and returns a number that is three times of the value of the parameter. O def triple (num) : = num * 3 return num …
    • . Suppose a function header is as follows: def f (pl, p2, p3, p4) : Which of the following calls are correct? Of (1, p2 = 3, p3 = 4, p4 = 4) ( f (p1 = 1, p2 = 3, p3 = 4, p4 = 4) Of (p4 = 1, p2 = 3, …
    • The VGSA elections at USC are open and there are multiple candidates contesting the election. The votes cast by the student population at USC Viterbi are all collected in a list where each element of …
    • . Question 5 Given the following function, what will be displayed by the call nPrint(‘a’, 4)? def nPrint(message, n): while n > 0 : print(message, end = !" ) n -= 1
    • Can someone explain how can I use different activation functions for the hidden neurons and the output layer neurons? I am using sigmoid activation right now. Thanks  import numpy as np import panda…
    • USE PYTHON Read the initial balance and the annual interest rate. The interest rate should then be increased by the last digit of your ID (my ID is xxx1 and the user inputs 2%, then the interest used …
    • can you match the following please. Match the following terms with correct definition. Q v Function header A. begins with the def keyword, followed by the function’s name and . v Parameter parameters,…
    • USE PYTHON he file will contain code that asks the user to enter today’s sales for an unlimited number of stores. It should continue to request and accept new sales values until the user enters the se…
    • How can I change this code to only output the number of times the word I am searching for appears in the list, so, if I search “Broccoli”, and broccoli comes up 7 times, the output would be “Broccoli …
    • Write a function that returns true or false if a given string has exactly 5 consecutive characters with the same value. Note that if the string has less or more than 5 consecutive characters, the func…
    • A Perfect Number “n”, is a positive integer which is equal to the sum of its factors, excluding “n” itself. Write a function named isPerfect that given a number, it checks whether the number is a pe…
    • Download the following python file. Open it in Jupyter and then follow the instruction, answer all the questions Â***Given Â.ipynb Âfile******** upload @ JupyterÂnotebook**** Â Â Â Â { “cells”…
    • Write a program that prompts the user for their classification. If they are a junior or senior, prompt the user for the following: Attending post-graduate school Going to work Have other plans If they…
    • Write a program that prompts the user for their name and age. If they are between 18 – 24, ask the user if they prefer Facebook, MySpace, or Vine. ÂIf they between 25 – 45, ask the user if they prefe…
    • Creating a vector of objects from two numbers with a specifc number of steps in between each can be done with a.repeats() b.pd.DataFramel () c.iloc[] d.arange() 7.Creating a data frame using the Pan…
    • Which Python package do you have to import in order to read files? a. Numpy b .Pandas c .Matplotlib d. Seabom 2. What function do you use if you want summary statistics for a dataset? a. dataset.hea…
    • . – Objectives a Design your own class in the Python programming language. a Implement accessor and mutator methods that allow access to your object data a Create a dunder method for your class. …
    • In your bin directory, create the file, and populate with our standard beginning: #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Purpose: Creates a tar archive of a directory # # USAGE: ./tarchi…
    • I need this code so i can put it in mines. Thank you!. ACTIO Project celsius to … DESCRIPTION les Tax Write a program that prompts the user for their classification. iles Per … If they are a junio…
    • Using Spark RDDs only Â. 1a) Map each line of the text file to a list of tokens. Show the first 2 entries. Sample Output: [ [ ‘AAPL ‘ , ‘2013-01-02’, ‘19.78’, ‘19.82’, ‘19.34’, ‘16.96’, ‘560518000’],…
    • I need this code written in python so I can copy it please and thank you!
    • In Python: Â Write a program in Python that prompts the user for their classification. If they are a junior or senior, prompt the user for the following: Attending post-graduate school Going to work …
    • IN PYTHON, HTMLÂ Â import requests api_key = “b5fead990c45bf6da5a6e002df29743d” base_url = “″ r = requests.get(f”{base_url}/tv/on_the_air”, params={‘api_key’:api_key}) da…
    • . zy Section 6.19 – IT 140: Introduction java – Varied amounts of input de X Course Hero X + V X C it: Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ Homepa…
    • . zy Section 6.18 – IT 140: Introduction X java – Varied amounts of input de x Course Hero X + V X -) C 140v3/chapter/6/section/18 it Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ H…
    • Write a function total_len(words) that takes as input a list of 0 or more strings words and uses recursion to compute and return the value obtained by adding together the lengths of all of the stri…
    • from sentences import get_determiner, get_noun, get_verb, get_preposition, get_prepositional_phrase import pytest def test_get_determiner(): Â# Test the singular determiners. Âsingular_determiners =…
    • Please use python. You may define helper functions, but DO NOT MODIFY the parameters or names of the provided functions. The autograder will expect that these functions exist and attempt to call them …
    • . zy Section 6.13 – IT 140: Introduction X java – Varied amounts of input de X Course Hero X (2 unread) – x + V X C 140v3/chapter/6/section/13 it Ap…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.3.2: Function definition: Volume of a pyramid. Define a function pyramid_volume with parameters base_length, base_width, and pyramid_height, that returns the volume of a pyramid w…
    • Feedback? CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.2.1: Function call with parameter: Converting measurements. Define a function print_total_inches, with parameters num_feet and num_inches, that prints the total number o…
    • Complete the PrintTicTacToe function with parameters horiz char and vert_char that prints a tic-tac-toe board with the characters as follows. def print_tic_tac_toe(horiz char, vert_char) : # FIXME: co…
    • Retype the following statements. Complete print_shape() to print the below shape def print_shape ( ) : # FIXME: complete function to print desired shape return Example output: * * * * * * * * * 376628…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.1.1: Basic function call output. print pattern() prints 5 characters. Call print_pattern() twice to print 10 characters. Example output: 376628.2015284.qx3zqy? 1 def print_pattern…
    • . zy Section 6.12 – IT 140: Introduction X java – Varied amounts of input de X + V X C it: Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ Homepage – South…..
    • Note: ÂWrite your code as a Python module – a Python file. Create each function in your program and invoke/call each function with the right arguments. Also, include a prompt in your program for …
    • Problem 4: Findings ORFs (Section 3.4) Finding genes in DNA is a fundamental problem in biology. After all, only a few percent of human DNA actually contains protein-coding genes. Sifting through the …
    • Write a fruitful function with at least one string parameter that returns an integer. This could be something like counting the number of commas in the string. Be sure to document what your function d…
    • Problem 3: DNA and amino acids (Section 3.3) In this problem, you’ll write several helper functions for manipulating DNA sequences. These functions will be useful in subsequent problems where you’ll a…
    • Problem 2: Loading FASTA files (Section 3.2) PLEASE HELP ME I AM SO STUMPED. Your file for this problem will be named Throughout this course, we’ll be studying a number of computational metho…
    • PLEASE HELP ME OUT I’M HAVING A VERY ROUGHT TIME WITH THIS AND I REALLY NEED TO UNDERSTAND IT. THANK YOU.. Objectives I Design own class in the Python programming language. I Implement ac…
    • Hi,after fixing all the indentation and syntax problem in this code above,my questions is what kind of sorting algorithm can this code be? Because I can tell it’s a bubble sort algorithm as ÂI hav…
    • DESCRIPTION One of the leading retail stores in the US, Walmart, would like to predict the sales and demand accurately. There are certain events and holidays which impact sales on each day. There are …
    • . Part 1. Circle class. 75 points total Modify the l(Circle class given in 3 ways: 1 {a} Implement _st r_ and _repr_ methods emurty as shown below. 1 {11} Add an attribute variable history to the in…
    • DESCRIPTION Comcast is an American global telecommunication company. The firm has been providing terrible customer service. They continue to fall short despite repeated promises to improve. Only last …
    • import random def get_determiner(quantity): Âif quantity == 1: Â Â words = [“the”, “one”, “a”] Âelse: Â Â words = [“some”, “many”] Âword = random.choice(words) Âreturn word def get_noun(quanti…
    • Python assignment This Assignment is designed to take you through creating classes, aggregation, and manipulating arrays of objects. Scenario: A University likes to have a simple system to kee…
    • forÂinterpolantsÂinÂ[[1/3,Â1/3,Â1/3],[0.1,0.2,0.7],[0.7,0.2,0.1]]:  print(f’InterpolantsÂ=Â{interpolants}’) ÂÂlmÂ=ÂInterpolationLM(texts,3,vocabulary)   print(‘‘.join(lm.gener…
    • Write two functions which will take required arguments for calculating the Area and Volume of a cylinder. Figure 1 provides some basic concepts for computing the area of a cylinder. Figure 1 – Calcula…
    • truncatedÂ=Âtruncate_texts(texts,2) vocabÂ=Âget_vocabulary(truncated) forÂnÂinÂ[1,2,3]:  print(f’OrderÂ{n}ÂLM:’) ÂÂlmÂ=ÂUnknownLM(texts,n,vocabulary)   print(‘‘.join(lm.generate_t…
    • forÂnÂinÂ[1,2,3]:  print(f’OrderÂ{n}ÂLM:’) ÂÂlmÂ=ÂNGramLM(texts,n)   print(‘‘.join(lm.generate_text(100)))  print(‘‘.join(lm.generate_text(100,[‘palm’,‘to’])))   print(…
    • Write a program that first sets “UTA Rocks!” as its password and then if the user gives the correct password would tell the user that “Access granted!” and let the user to give two strings to the prog…
    • A prime number (or a prime) is a natural number greater than 1 that is not a product of two smaller natural numbers. Write a program that asks the user to give the program a number in the range of 1 t…
    • . File Selection View Go Run Terminal – .vscode – Visual Studio Code EXPLORER … 5 . 1 x Dyl … .VSCODE C: > Users > frey_ > Downloads > @ s…
    • . File Selection View Go Run Terminal . – .vscode – Visual Studio Code X EXPLORER … 5 . ~ 1 DO … .VSCODE C: > Users > frey_ > Down…
    • Write a python program to 1. Create a list that contains 1000 items. 2. Calculate the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile for the data in the list. 3. Store the calculated values in step 2 in a text file.
    • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.3.1: Get user guesses. Write a loop to populate the list user_guesses with a number of guesses. The variable num_guesses is the number of guesses the user will have, which is …
    • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.2.1: Reverse sort of list. Sort short_names in reverse alphabetic order. Sample output with input: ‘Jan Sam Ann Joe Tod’ [ ‘Tod’, ‘Sam’, ‘Joe’, ‘Jan’, ‘Ann’ ] 247772.2346548.q…
    • 5 Testing for Stationarity  The Coca Cola dataset contains the year and revenues for the Coca Cola company for each year from 1998-2014. Write a program that takes an input for level of significa…
    • What is the code to LAB ÂThe basics of list
    • Write a Python Shell Script to prompt the user for a directory, and then display the file types for all files in that specified directory (hint: use the read Âcommand and then use the file Âcomm…
    • Please help. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 6.1.1: Modify a list. Modify short_names by deleting the first element and changing the last element to Joe. Sample output with input: ‘Gertrude Sam Ann Joseph’ [‘Sam’ …
    • . 3. Write and test the following function: def interest_payments (principal, rate, payment) : Prints a table of monthly interest and payments on a loan. Use: interest_payments (principal, rate, pay…
    • Rubric  Template  Challenges Encountered: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “”” import sys import argparse def main(parameter1, parameter2): #Note that this function does not do anything. #You w…
    • I need some help with this assignment. We were required to use Python for this. I have done the first 3 and I believe they are right. I would love some help with the other 2. Problem 1: Find the gener…
    • . Q3: Cool Chemicals In an alternate reality, chemistry Professors Hodge and Sibia have teamed up to design a chemical compound X such that when X is added to Dan’s favorite food (saltine crackers),…
    • . Q2: Kiki’s Cards Kiki is making “Happy National Pizza Day” (February 9th) cards for all of her friends She’s a bit disappointed with the cards not looking special enough, so she decides to…
    • How do you format the movements and collection of items?. # A dictionary for the simplified dragon text game The dictionary links a room to other rooms. rooms = { Great Hall’ : {‘South’ : ‘Bedroom’ },…
    • Can you plz help me with the coding for this problem, thank you!!!  Â. The Sunspot Cycle Sunspot Umbra Penumbra Approx. size of Earth Pores Overview Let’s lea…
    • How do I code the movements between rooms and the collection of items
    • Please help me with this computer science question. The program can be coded in Java or Python I have attached reference code for both. Thank you for your help. Attached are the details and the code i…
    • this my code: import numpy as np def theta(t, omega, theta0=np.pi/6, Omega0=0): if isinstance(t,np.ndarray): th = np.zeros(len(t)) fi = -np.arctan((Omega0/omega)/theta0) A = np.sqrt(((theta0**2)+((Ome…
    • Provide the command that will give you the total number of packages installed on your c7host.
    • Please help me with this computer science question. The program can be coded in Java or Python I have attached reference code for both. Thank you for your help. Attached are the details and the code…
    • Provide the command that will list all of your virtual machines in the command line whether they are turned on or not.
    • For a certain academic subject the students are evaluated based on five tests – Quiz 1 (20 marks – 10% Weight), Quiz 2 (20 marks – 10% Weight), Class test (50 marks – 25% Weight), Assignment (100 mark…
    • Part 2 Write your own function that illustrates a feature that you learned in this unit. The function must take at least one argument. The function should be your own creation, not copied from any oth…
    • Part 1 The volume of a sphere is 4/3 , where it has the value of "pi" given in Section 2.1 of your textbook. Write a function called print volume (r) that takes an argument for the radius of…
    • Need help with this code thanks.. Get input for variables num1 and num2. Output the result of a Boolean expression that tests if the value stored in the variable num1 is equal to the value stored in t…
    • Would you help with this python code. I am most confused about c, but I am not 100% confident on a and b. Thanks.. 3. lGiven f(1′)= V’s? + 71: + 20 +3: (a) Use List comprehension to evaluate the f…
    • • CONTEXT : Medical research university X is undergoing deep research on patients with certain conditions. University has an internal AI team. Due to confidentiality the patient’s details and the co…
    • Select all that apply Networks with a power law distribution have many nodes with large degree and a few nodes with very small degree. If we draw a power law distribution in log-log scale, the dist…
    • Select all that apply O The degree distribution of small-world networks follows power-law distribution. Small-world networks are always connected. The Preferential Attachment Model generates a smal…
    • Assume there are two communities in this network: (A, B, C, D, G) and {E, F, H). Which of the following statements is(are) True? Select all that apply. A B D F E H The Common Neighbor Soundarajan-…
    • . COMP 216 – Networking for Software Developers In this Assignment we will build a simple graphical application that is responsive and that uses basic widgets and demonstrates event handlin…
    • CS-546 Lab 3 The purpose of this lab is to familiarize yourself with asynchronous programming in JavaScript, as well as using modules from the Node.js Package Manager ( npmÂ(Links to an external s…
    • Write a program using if and elif statements that asks the user to enter the weight of a package and then displays the shipping charges and the total charges based on the weight and the rate per pound…
    • Merkle trees are hash-based data structures used to prove the integrity of transaction data stored in the block. For this exercise you may assume that all trees are binary, balanced, and that the numb…
      • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. COMP 10261: The FAQ Bot Plus Project Sam Scott, Mohawk College, January 2022 OVERVIEW An FAQ Bot answers questions about a particular to…
    • Finding a Shortest Path with An Energy Budget 21S2 CZ3005 Assignment 1
    • Finding a Shortest Path with An Energy Budget 21S1 CZ3005 Assignment 1
    • Task 1: You will need to solve a relaxed version of the NYC instance where we do not have the energy constraint. You can use any algorithm we discussed in the lectures. Note that this is equivalent to…
    • Write assignment statement that perform the following operation with the variables a and b a. Add 2 to a and store the results in b b.multiply b times 4 and store the results in a
    • Hello, this is a question about R programming. I have problems of getting the right code for that Welch Two Sample t -test, df and p-value. Could you please help me with the code for that, beacuse Im …
      • Individual DataFrame rows can be printed using the index value with the . iloc command (True/False) ÂTrue ÂFalse  2)Series objects can be created with a label-based index by specifying the labe…
      • A simple way to create a Pandas Series object is with a Python array or Python list. (True/False) a)True b)False  2)Which statement about Pandas DataFrames and Series is True? \  a) A DataFrame…
    • R-8.4Â What is the running time of a call toÂT. height2(p)Âwhen called on a positionÂpÂdistinct from the root ofÂT? (See Code Fragment 8.5.) Â defÂheight2(self, p):Â# time is linear in size o…
    • Please use python to answer following quesitons. Â We consider a multiple regression model relating the beginning salaries in dollars of employees in a given company to the following predictor variab…
    • Please use python to answer following questions. Â Cigarette Consumption Data: A national insurance organization wanted to study the consumption pattern of cigarettes in all 50 states and the Distric…
    • Python Knowledge  1. Select all valid variable names in Python A. Winter2022 B. 2022_winter C. Snow? D. winter+snow E. _winter2022 F. winter_2022  2. Choose whether each is a literal or variable i…
    • I am having trouble writing a function called display_dice(die1, die2, die3) Âthat takes the three dice values as parameters and displays them to the screen in the format seen belowÂ(attached imag…
    • EXAMPLE 3: Correct: REPAIR Guess : REGRET Match: RE . . . . Miss: . . .R. . 5 word_filter (match, miss, words_in) The word_filter () function takes two strings, which are the match, miss strings retur…
    • Use the binary tree implementation we discussed in lecture recording and build a decision tree similar to the one we used, come up with a unique application to you Create a Python project, download th…
    • 1 Duplicates? In Wordle online, words can contain duplicate letters. However, this makes our algorithm more complex. You can assume that, for most testcases, the correct words and the guesses will n…
    • or word in text.split(): for vowel in vowels: syllables += word.count(vowel) for i in range(1,len(word)): if(isvowel(word[i-1])==True and isvowel(word[i])==True): syllables-= for ending in [‘es’, ‘ed’…
    • [2 marks] Complete the missing function body (replace only the ??) for the function below such that the following print statements produce the output specified in the comments. You may not change o…
    • I practice while statement in python. Â Guess game: Computer will randomly generate a number between 0 and 100, and you will make a guess about this number. Python will give feedback based on the num…
    • Please create a pythonÂmodule namedÂhomework.pyÂand implement theÂclasses and methodsÂoutlined below.ÂBelow you will find an explanation for each class and methodÂyou need to implement. When yo…
    • Hello here is a Google doc link to the coding lab that I’ve done in Zybooks. I’m confused on why my code isn’t outputting in part 4. Unit Test and part 5. Unit Test is there anything that my code is m…
    • Problem 1: Looking For Love Background Carlin is looking for love. While browsing Reddit one day, he read a very interesting article. The article laid out an algorithm which, given the name of someone…
    • All other characters do not contribute to the score. For example, the name ‘carlin’ breaks down to 0 + 3 + 0 + 0 +3 + 0 =6. Because the ‘a’ and the ‘I’ are vowels hence contribute 3 each to the score,…
    • Write the missing class, Thing in . See the code in and the output it produces when run, shown below. Your job is to figure out from the output and the code in how to writ…
    • What am I missing in this code that is not allowing me to output exact change for parts 4 and 5 of this lab?. 5.19 LAB: Exact change – functions coin bypet ine dollars, quarters, diet. riches, and pin…
    • Part 1: Write the Merge Sort algorithm 1. Write the Merge_Sort function a. Python is required. I recommend using Visual Studio Code, but you are free to use another IDE b. Merge_Sort should take a Lis…
    • Write the missing client code program, . Given the class Stamp ( and the data file stamp_data.txt, write code for a main program in that produces the output below. Do n…
    • I am having trouble writing a function called display_dice(die1, die2, die3) that takes the three dice values as parameters and displays them to the screen in the format seen belowÂ(attached image) ?…
    • >>>Can someone help me fix my code please? >>>Why my output not look the same with sample output? >>>Something wrong with my code. EX: when I choose to “EXIT COLUMN” option …
    • Hi this is an assignment using Python for a Pseudocode Higher Lower Game. I’m having trouble completing the last portion of the assignment that I squatted off in red. My Professor gave me prompting in…
    • python code: Discrete Math. The file contains one function, logically equivalent (prop1, prop2, var list), that you will need to complete in order to receive credit for the assignment. The function ta…
    • Which are the top 10 movies with maximum return on investment (ROI)?
    • Using the inverse transform method, develop a discrete process generator for X and generate n = 1000 samples x1, x2, . . . , x1000. Report the following: (i) Plot a histogram of the samples (ii) Sampl…
    • menu_options = { Â Â 1: “In-N-out”, Â Â 2: “Shake Shack”, Â Â 3: “Five Guys”, Â Â 9: “Quit” } def print_menu(): Â ÂÂ “””This is the menu for the user to pick what they want to eat.””” Â Â…
    • . Write a Formula/Expression from Scratch in Colab: (Converting kilograms into pounds) Write a formula (no function needed; you will do that later) that converts kilograms into pounds and test it on…
    • make this shape in python and give me the code so I can make it.
    • give Me the code to make this shape in turtle python… Â. East
    • what command do I use to insert documents into MongoDB from VS code? This is what I have so far what am I doing wrong for it not to update in the database?
    • what command do I use to insert documents into MongoDB from VS code?
    • Find a string with two characters which produces the same output as the null string when printed on the screen?
    • In the Lesson 9 Assignment problem with the speed and the car, you’ll want your program to be able to handle any speed (restricting to integers is fine and recommended), even absurd speeds like 431, e…
    • Immutable strings have a pleasant consequence of no buffer overflows. For other languages, other principles, rules, and nuances apply. Immutable strings can be keys in dictionaries and similar data st…
    • Max-heap priority queue. Program Requirements: Task 1: Write the priority queue class. For task 1, you will need to write a PriorityQueue class. Add the PriorityQueue class to your library file (i.e.,…
    • Python program for the following: 1. Given a list=[‘a’, b’,’c’, ‘d’,’e’,’f,’O’,’r’] Count the number of vowels and the total of other characters. Sample Run: Total Vowels : 3 Total of Other Characters…
    • Please help me with this Computer Science problem. The program can be coded in Java or Python I have attached reference code for both. Thank you for your help. Attached are the details and the code in…
    • Unit 5 Application Exercise Details: The purpose of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to demonstrate your understanding of the use of lists, dictionaries, importing Python modules, Âvisua…
    • Problem 2 (a) Find the reduced row echelon form R by hand calculation for the following matrices. 2 0 4 A = 0 B = C 6 2 0 8 8 O 0 1 2 3 Now check the reduced row echelon form R found by hand calculati…
    • 1 v def sim_battle(lpack:list, rpack: list) : Write a function sim_battle(lpack, rpack) that simulates the battle Desired question N #so fight does not end prematurely between lpack and rpack and retu…
    • 6 Moving Averages  The GDP file contains GDP for an unspecified country from 1980 to 2014. Use the pandas rolling() method to forecast GDP with moving averages for the specified time period taken…
    • Write a complete Python program that does the following, in the given order: – Read an int from the user and assign it to a variable inumber. – Read a float from the user and assign it to a variable f…
    • What am i dong wrong here here is my code and my results  import pathlib import os print(os.getcwd()) newPath = os.chdir(“C:\cpt180Stuff”) print(os.getcwd()) dir_name = ‘cellphones’ new_path = pat…
    • 19 ZyLAB- Exact Change Functions Can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong on this lab. My output differs when the input is 156. Instead of my output being “1 nickel” which is the correct answ…
    • This is my current code in VS code with MongoDB connected. I am trying to insert new documents, but it is not updating in my mongo database what am I doing wrong. please help. I am attaching a photo o…
    • . Solving Problems in the Console Point your browser to Mathflgflg’s Platonic Solids page. Scan down to the two tables appearing below Equation (T). Notice that the top one has formulas and the bo…
    • How do I recursively add a character between every letter in a string in python? I want to add an ! after every letter in a string that the user inputs using recursion. So far I have my base case: Âi…
    • . Solving Problems in 9919);, Again, point your browser to nggmgg’g Platonic Solids Egg. Scroll down to the last table before Equation (8), which gives the dihedral angles o and B. Use math library …
    • Question 3: Problem Solving, Arithmetics and Relational Expressions [5.0 marks] Write a program to read two positive numbers from the user. Those numbers represent the width and length of a two-dimens…
    • Directions Database Commands and CRUD Python Module For your work on Project One, you will incorporate two previously completed milestones. First is the indexing for optimizing queries and authenticat…
    • This is my question. I want to combine the input strings and then be able to concatenate them, however, I will not know how many strings are input. How can I do this while using recursion?. 1. Write a…
    • The chain of components required for a sender’s email to reach its intended recipient and receive a reply. A description of how sending an email differs from viewing a webpage.
    • Using python Write a program that will calculate a XXX% tip and a 6% tax on a meal price. The user will enter the meal price and the program will calculate tip, tax, and the total. The total is the me…
    • The file contains one function,Âlogically_equivalent(prop1, prop2, var_list), The function takes in two strings representing propositions, and a list of all of the propositional variables present (…
    • def length_of_longest_run_of_character(s,c): # Do not modify the following lines. # Make sure your code gives the correct answers in the following examples. # The correct answers can be determined by …
    • I am having trouble modifying part of my python code to display the random roll of three dice correctly lined up in a box and then taking that and making a function from it. Would greatly appreciate a…
    • . In [14]: Trees in a forest The matrix M below contains the parameters for a linear model of temporal changes in the tree species composition of a forest, governed by the equation E1v+1 = M 3?N Nex…
    • **Action:** Iterate over `lionsData` to achieve the following output dynamically. ÂThe order of the Lions does not matter. ————————— Example output _——————-Â `Blue Lion…
    • A simple course management system models a student’s information with a name and a set of test scores. This system should be able to create a student object with a given name and a number of scores, a…
    • Written in Python : Â Write a Python program that prompts the user for their name and age. If they are between 18 – 24, ask the user if they prefer Facebook, MySpace, or Vine. ÂIf they between 25 – …
    • sdtName=input(“EnterstudentName:”) G1=float(input(“EnterGrade1:”)) G2=float(input(“EnteerGrad2:”)) G3=float(input(“EnteerGrad3:”)) G4=float(input(“EnteerGrad4:”)) stdavg = (G1+G2+G3+G4)/4 if stdavg &g…
    • Background: A startup company wants to host its Python and React based application (Backend: Python API and Frontend React) using AWS. But they are not familiar with the AWS cloud platform. They want …
    • Another admin (anne.admin) has just used gunzip to restore a virtual machine from a backup, but now the backup file is gone. ï‚· Explain a possible reason for this issue. ï‚· Describe how you could pr…
    • Please use python to design and implement the solution to crawl all the text-based information of each publication from the website, to convert such information into a suitable data format, and to sto…
    • This week’s assignment involves writing a Python program to compute the weighted average grade for each student in a group of four students. In addition, it should determine which student has the high…
    • Action: Using the values method, iterate over the bluePaladinData dictionary’s values to print each value on a separate line. In [48]: # Your implementation:for value in bluePaladinData: Â Âprint(va…
    • Create the table and use python to automate loading of the following file into SQLite:  Find (using SQL) a) how many records are …
    • program a codes in the mblock python ( the viruses balls (red balls) is need to put in the quarantine area and need to have a general program or six programs for six patterns to insert …
    • . 1. VM Pricing A cloud service provider offers quantity discounts based on the number of virtual machines a customer needs. Their offerings vary from 2 to 2000 instances. When pricing is requested,…
    • Is there any alternative to use achieve the same result of this code without using end = ? without using tabs or def  # take input size = 1 #put any number here # coordinate of center i.e. (center, …
    • unctions can also take strings (or arrays, or tables) as arguments, and they can return those things, too. Question 1.3. Define a function called disemvowel . It should take a single string as its arg…
    • In this exercise we will practice using loops to handle collections/containers. Your job is to write a program that asks the user to enter a sentence, then it counts and displays the occurrence of eac…
    • Enter the sum from the actual data and your Python code below: Sum: Â(ends with 731)
    • 1 0.5 Points sky . sort_values ( ‘height’ ) O int or float O Boolean O string O array O Series DataFrame O error Save Answer Last saved on Feb 09 at 1:03 PM Q1.2 0.5 Points sky . sort_values ( ‘hei…
    • This is the x-axis and Y-axis  x = [20.1, 7.1, 16.1, 14.9, 16.7, 8.8, 9.7, 10.3, 22, 16.2, 12.1, 10.3, 14.5, 12.4, 9.6, 12.2, 10.8, 14.7, 19.7, 11.2, 10.1, 11, 12.2, 9.2, 23.5, 9.4, 15.3, 9.6, 11.1,…
    • the given x -axis and Y-axis  Âx = [20.1, 7.1, 16.1, 14.9, 16.7, 8.8, 9.7, 10.3, 22, 16.2, 12.1, 10.3, 14.5, 12.4, 9.6, 12.2, 10.8, 14.7, 19.7, 11.2, 10.1, 11, 12.2, 9.2, 23.5, 9.4, 15.3, 9.6, 11…
    • Write a recursive method binary() that takes a non-negative integer n and prints the binary representation of integer n. >>> binary(0) 0 >>> binary(1) 1 >>> binary(3) 11 &gt…
    • Starter Code: Â Â import math import random # get_num_drinks # Â ÂParameters: none # Â ÂReturn: a random number of drinks to buy between 4 and 16 inclusive # Â ÂSide effect: should print how m…
    • It is important to gain experience with code repositories since this is an essential part of developing software.ÂCreate a Git repository with your week 9 homework assignment.ÂÂYou can find instruc…
    • Write a function trickWithPrime that takes two numbers as parameters, where the first number is greater than 3. For each prime number between the two numbers entered add 17 to its square and calculate…
    • Write a program that will create a table of future values (FV) for a range of starting investments and a range of interest rates, assuming annual compounding of interest.  FV=P×(1+R/100)N   Whe…
    • For each feature, train a logistic regression model for each class. Plot the predictive probability line for each model by predicting an evenly spaced sample from the minimum value of the feature to t…
      • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Exercise B: "General Store" For this exercise you will design and implement a simple menu inspired Matt’s General Store by the…
    • python language  Please create a pythonÂmodule namedÂhomework.pyÂand implement theÂclasses and methodsÂoutlined below.ÂBelow you will find an explanation for each class and methodÂyou need to…
    • . IT209: LA if 1 Due: Due in lab/as directed by the lab instructor Topics: Functions, Read File, Dictionary, Looping , List Problem Statement: Category total count In this assignment, you are given …
    • Please use python to design and implement the solution to crawl all the unique URLs for the detailed publication pages(those marked with”Webpages” on the publication index page”).    target we…
    • Histrogram  Box Plot  Does the number of site visits by day 7 differ between the two posting models?”   Â. Site visits by day 7 10000 – 1000 – version site_visits 7 limited 100 – unlimited 10…
    • The purpose of OPS245 assignments is to showcase your abilities in the course thus far, and conduct a bit of independent research. Some of what you’ll be asked to complete will be familiar to you, whi…
    • uses data from and performs an analysis  This can be statistics, graphs, or other elements. At least one of these elements needs to be transformed, for exa…
    • Write a function (including docstring) called polygonal which takes as input two integers, the second of which represents the number of sides in a polygon. The function returns True if the first integ…
    • the assignment is an indexing one. It provides two assignment files and the python script Â Where should I put the to run it? Same folder as When I run it,…
    • Python Â. IT209: LA if 1 Due: Due in lab/as directed by the lab instructor Topics: Functions, Read File, Dictionary, Looping , List Problem Statement: Category total count In this assignment, you are…
      • The question screenshot has been attached down below: Â Â. Exercise A: "Letter Grades" For this exercise you will design and implement a program that will receive numerical grades as us…
    • In the Happy Valley School System, children are classified by age as follows: less than 2, ineligible 2, toddler 3-5, early childhood 6-7, young reader 8-10, elementary 11 and 12, middle 13, impossibl…
    • can you please provide the dataset for commutation in UK from 2002-2022 (19 years of data). It should contains peoples commutation, vehicle type(car, bus, cycle, train etc) I need to crop the data for…
    • Consider the following Python module: a = 0 def b(): global a a = c(a) def c(a): return a + 2 After importing the module into the interpreter, you execute: >>> b() >>> b() >>&g…
    • Which function is used to get specific variables, modules, and classes? Â a. help ( ) Â Â b. return ( ) Â Â c. return value ( ) Â Â d. def test ( )
    • Write Python functions for the following operations of DLL and CLL Â: Â(5) a. To create a DLL and CLL nodes        b. To insert a new node at specific position c. To delete a node at a…
    • . . 3.3. Decision Tree Training with Pruning [14 pts autogradedl Next, we will be fitting a decision tree classifier and prune the tree appropriately. The DecisionTreeClassifier in scikit—learn …
    • Select the correct syntax used to remove bowling from this list: [‘football’, ‘baseball’, ‘hockey’, ‘basketball’, ‘bowling’] Â a. sports.remove (‘bowling’)Âsports.pop(3) Â Â b. sports.deleteÂ(‘bo…
    • Select the correct the data type for:Â >>>print (type (10)) Â a. <class ‘int’> Â Â b. <type’int’> Â Â c. <class’ numeric’> Â Â d. <type’list’>
    • Modulus function: select the correct output of the following arithmetic:Â >>>16%3 Â a. 1 Â Â b. 16 Â Â c. 1.6 Â Â d. 16.3
    • Select the correct data type for the following string:  >>>PatientDirectory={1:”Smith, Robert”, 2:”Jones, Tom”,ÂÂ3:”Baker Carol”, 4:”Gold, Burt”}  a. Dictionary   b. Boolean   c…
    • Which symbol is used to writing a comment when writing Python code? Â a. # Â Â b. @ Â Â c. * Â Â d. !
    • Write a Python program to do the following:Â Take two numbers from the user in separate inputs. and then perform addition, subtraction, multiplication and division calculations on 2 numbers. Consider…
    • . Q1: MCS Roast weing assignments shen by the MICS ave collectively decided to have a contest with the professors we diade participants into two things team when they roast a participant from the op…
    • A rectangle is completely determined by the coordinates of two of its corners. For example the points (1, 2) and (7, 5) determine a rectangle whose left edge has equation x = 1, whose right edge has…
    • Write function case () that takes a string as input and returns ‘capitalized’, ‘not capitalized’, or ‘unknown’, depending on whether the string starts with an uppercase letter, lowercase letter, or …
    • Â Â Implement function leap() that takes one input argument-a-year-and returns True if the year is a leap year and False otherwise. (A year is a leap year if it is divisible by 4 but not by 100, u…
    • . (iv) Use four set of features to classify "Iris Setosa" flowers from the other two. (v) Divide data to 80% training, and 20% test set. from sklearn model selection import train test spli…
    • . Using single layer Perceptron neural network to classify "Iris" data set and use (i) batch gradient descent and (ii) Stochastic gradient descent to adjust the weights and classify "…
    • Create a class to store student records. Each student has a first name, last name, country, overall grade (0 – 4.0 scale), credits completed (total 30) and major. Create a method within this class …
    • The target should be drawn in a single call to print. You will therefore have to generate the text making up the target, then print it at the very end of the program. To do this, you need to use loops…
    • Suppose your machine learning model returns a list of probabilities as the output. Write a function to do the following: Given a threshold, say 𝑡ℎth, if a probability > 𝑡ℎth, the predicti…
    • Solve the following multiple choices : 1) The following is missing the keyword to: ______ base64 a) input      b) def       c) name      d) import  2) How c…
    • Without converting the numbers to decimal, sort the following binary numbers in descending order (largest to smallest): 01000100 10001010 10100011 10001100 10100101
    • Help me by using basic python code, please include an explanation so I will be able to understand. Thank you. Â. 1. Create a variable named carname and assign the value Volvo to it. 2. Create a varia…
    • what’s the puzzle to the python code. Pink Puzzle The pink puzzle image is a puzzle. It contains an image of something famous; however, the image has been distorted. Now it is your turn to play around…
    • The BMI is often used to determine whether a person is overweight or underweight for their height. A person’s BMI is calculated with the formula BMI = weight × 703 / (height)^2  where weight is m…
    • . Instructions: You will be expected to have an understanding of the material coveredin the chapters so it is important that you complete the readings each and every week in this course. Take tim…
    • Write a program that prompts the user to enter a point (x, y) and checks whether the point is within the rectangle centered at (0, 0) with width 10 and height 5. For example, (2, 2) is inside the rect…
    • Consider A book falls off the top of a bookshelf. Write a program that and then write a follow the following steps:Â Â a. Create a list with an optional name that has the following elements: [“accel…
    • Create a program that:Â a. Creates the following tuples: tuple_a = (2,2,2,2) and tuple_b = (2,4,6,8,2,4,4)Â b. Copies the elements 6 and 8 from tuple_b into a new tuple with an optional name and pri…
    • X M Your answer is ready – fme x *Course Hero X M You have been added! – for x W Chapter 10: Basic arithmet + Google Chrome < > C A…
    • Write a function ‘lorentz_test()’ which  expects a 2D numpy matrix as input and  tests whether the matrix represents a Lorentz transformation, see below.  Return the boolean True or False accord…
    • Matplotlib Applying styles program in python in hackerrank solution
    • Write a function to  calculate the Gaussian  f(x)=(1/(sqrt(2*Ï€)*s))*exp[-1/2((x-m)/8)^2] for arbitrary mean value m and standard deviation s as parameters.   Name it as you like such that you…
    • . Instructions: You will be expected to have an understanding of the material coveredin the chapters so it is important that you complete the readings each and every week in this course. Take time t…
    • The following example presents an example of what our text calls single pass in memory indexing. This indexer has been developed using the Python scripting language. the assignment will be to use …
    • Question 5: Demonstrate Your Understanding [5+5 marks] In the class we discussed the examples of earthquake and students’ grade using if-elif-else structure. In both of these examples, the order of te…
    • . Challenge 2: Machine Learning . Retrieve data from Region: World; Data Frequency: Monthly; – Theme/Factors: All Factors; – Weighting: Equal Weighted. . Retrieve monthly ret…
    • Write a function to  calculate the Gaussian  f(x)=(1/(sqrt(2*Ï€)*s)*exp[-1/2*((x-m)/8)^2)] for arbitrary mean value m and standard deviation s as parameters.   Name it as you like such that yo…
    • Please explain what is happening on each line of code, from code [20] to [26]. Also, explain the output of each line of code. Â. Data representations for neural networks Scalars (rank-0 tensors) impo…
    • An algorithm that is given three numbers corresponding to the number of times a race car driver has finished first, second, and third. The algorithm computes and displays how many points that driver h…
    • An insurance company recorded the weekly car claim as below: car_insur_claim = [2, 10, 3, 3, 6, 5] Suppose these are the corresponding weekly claims for January, 2022. Define a time series us…
    • Write a short Python program for problems. Calculate the age of person based on current date und the birthday of the user. The program should: * Prompt the user to enter the current date by month, day…
    • . Challenge 3: Text Mining . Use the R package sentometrics available at If you are not familiar with R, simply use the data in the package’s souce f…
    • im having some error on my notebook   this is my code : #ShowÂfrequencyÂTable  combinations_series_copyÂ=Âcombinations_series.value_counts().sort_index()  combinations_df_copyÂ=Âpd.DataF…
    • What is sigmoid function in logistic regression? Explain it with the help of a diagram.
    • Problem Statement A teacher has given a project assignment to a class of 10 students. She wants to store the marks (out of 100 ) scored by each student. The marks scored are as mentioned below: 89,78,…
    • I am getting an error code Name Error: randint is not defined. # this program has the user guess a random number from random import randint randomNum = randint (0, 9) print ("Guess a number that …
    • The following example presents an example of what our text calls single pass in memory indexing. This indexer has been developed using the Python scripting language. Your assignment will be to use…
    • PLEASE SHARE ALL REFERENCES, RESOUCES (ARTICLES) OR WEBSITE LINKS WITH ME by adding the end of the research!! IT’S VERY IMPORTANT. I’m searching about BIG DATA. Let’s pick one of the following industr…
    • . # You may define helper functions, but DO NOT MODIFY # the parameters or names of the provided functions. # The autograder will expect that these functions exist I and attempt to call them to grad…
    • Write a program in Python what will accept a string of characters from the user and determine the following: Find the index of the first occurrence of a substring “ing” in a string. Indicate if it doe…
    • . Challenge 1: Econometrics The G.JR(1,1) model with Normal error for returns y is given by: It Off 4 ~ aid N (0, 1), where of = w+ (a+ YyLico)yz_1+ 8oz_1. The parameters must satisfy w 2 0 and o, B…
    • suppose we have a video camera that produces video data at the rate of 6 GB per hour. Recording for 20 minutes creates about how many MB of data?
    • A pair of prime numbers whose difference is 2, is called twin prime. Here there are examples of twin prime (3, 5), (5, 7), (11, 13), (17, 19), (29, 31), (41, 43), …. Write a function named isTwinP…
    • Definition: A prime number is a number greater than 1, that have only two factors; 1 and the number itself. In other words, prime numbers are divisible only by the number 1 and itself. ÂWrite a funct…
    • Please anyone can help me out with this in python…please provide me with code and output…Thanks. 1(a) Write a program that accepts a currency amount from the user and displays a statement accor…
    • Calculate the number of steps & Big O order for the programs in question 2 and 3.
    • python program using TRY/EXCEPT method to accept integer values, getting the average and sum at the end. Âit should not accept string inputs. Use looping. Kindly Enter “end” to terminate the program….
    • What is the arithmetic mean of the time / dollar it takes to fund a loan? The arithmetic mean is the average of the individual time/dollar calculations, not the average of the sum of time divided by t…
    • Please design a function that takes two given strings, removes their common characters, and then concatenates them. For example, string_1=’what’, string_2=’where’, the function should return ‘atere’…
      • Read a CSV file from your local computer into a Pandas data frame 2) Graph two columns of data using a line chart, scatter plot, and bar chart and output each as its own file, include a title and k…
    • What is the name of the country with the loan that took the longest to raise? Store your result in the variable longest_to_fund
    • Write a function which outputs all winning possibilities for a given player’s score. Assume the score is always greater than 15 and the dealer is dealt only 2 cards. Input – 18 (player’s final score…
    • PLEASE DO THESE ACTIVITIES USING PYTHON DICTIONARY AND STRING OPERATIONS Activity 1: Reverse the string Given a few motivational quotes in reverse format, stored in my_quote dictionary, write a progra…
    • Step counter  A pedometer treats walking 1 step as walking 2.5 feet. Define a function named feet_to_steps that takes a float as a parameter, representing the number of feet walked, and returns an i…
    • # Inputting first item details first_item = input(‘Enter food item name:\n’) first_item_price = float(input(‘Enter item price:\n’)) first_item_quantity = int(input(‘Enter item quantity:\n’)) print() #…
    • Reviewing other developer’s work is essential. Reviewing the work of others makes both the reviewer and the reviewee better developers by allowing you to see how others might solve the same problem.Â…
      • LAB*: Program: Food receipt  Note: When accuracy is essential, floats are not used to represent currency due to rounding and accumulation errors. Python provides several primitives specifica…
    • *** PYTHON and PERL *** 1. Write a Python function that accepts a sentence of words from user and display the following: Â a]ÂMiddleÂword Â b]ÂLongestÂword?…
    • Please, how do you deploy an application built in another country to a remote company?
    • . Q5: Last month Joe purchased some stock in Acme Software, Inc. Here are the details of the purchase: . The number of shares that Joe purchased was 2,000. . When Joe purchased the stock, he paid $3…
    • Write a function which separates the positive and negative numbers from a list of numbers. Input: [-6, 5, -3, -2, 1, 0, -8, 9, 3] Output: [-6, -3, -2, -8], [5, 1, 9, 3]
    • How are the encodings the same or different from run-length encodings?
    • One more time for Student Average!…why do I keep going back to Student Average?…because working with something you are familiar with with help you to focus on the new tasks…familiarity should wo…
    • Instructions for M5A1 Lab: Practice with Dictionaries, Sets, and Objects Write the following programs in Python. Submit a single Word document that contains all relevant Python code and a screenshot…
    • Input Assignment: Instructions: In this assignment you will write a program to collect information for two payees including the following information about them (Payee Name, Account Number, Account Ty…
    • Hello, I need help with my small scripting question I added a picture of the question. Thank you. New Tab * *Course Hero * |Content * Bb https:/learn-us-east-1-prod-flee x + X < -> C A learn-us-…
      • Read a CSV file from your local computer into a Pandas data frame 2)Describe the columns in your dataset, include the names, data types, and summary stats for each column 3) Add a new column of ran…
    • I need help with this python script. To see the tar commands we use go onto OPS245 Wiki lab 3 and it will show the various tar commands   Â. penguinzo – You Tube x MyApps * OPS245 Lab 3 – CDOT Wi…
    • 1 -Use NumPy to generate a random number Â2-Modify your code so that NumPy will always generate the same random number regardless of how many times you run the block of code Â3-Create two one-di…
    • Answer Question 4 i n the exercise section ( go to point number 10, last page of the document) of the link provided below, which is “Using the movie review document classifier discussed in this chap…
    • in python  Â. in this exercise we wil practice using nested oops. You wi I write s program that prompts the user to enter an integer Ween ‘I and 9 and displays a pyramid of numbers, as shown in t…
    • type it in python Given the number of sides and length of a side (i. e. 𝑠and 𝑛) the area of a regular polygon can be calculated by the formula: 𝐴 = 𝑛×𝑠2 4×tan( 𝜋 𝑛 ) . Write a…
    • Regression with categorical predictors The nbaallelo_mlr.csv data base contains information on 126315 NBA games between 1947 and 2015. The columns report the points made by one team, the Elo rating of…
    • Type it in python Write a program that calculates the Euclidean distance given 2 input vectors of similar dimension. The Euclidean distance between two vectors 𝑢, 𝑣 can be calculated using the f…
    • Create a class to store student records. Each student has a first name, last name, country, overall grade (0 – 4.0 scale), credits completed (total 30) and major. Create a method within this cla…
    • Write a function upper_lower that consumes a string plain and produces a string with the same characters as in plain except that all letters in the first half of the string are in upper case and all t…
    • Create a class to store student records. Each student has a first name, last name, country, overall grade (0 – 4.0 scale), credits completed (total 30) and major. Create a method within this class to …
    • Write a Python program that prompts the user for a restaurant bill amount and the number of people in the party. If the party has 8 or more people, add an automatic gratuity of 18%, otherwise no extra…
    • ( Write a complete Python program. It should prompt the user to enter an integer, then read and input string with input(), convert it to an integer i via int(), then print two different v…
    • Write a program to convert a list of student grades into a dictionary of average scores Input will be a list of students Each student is represented by a tuple of their name and scores  [(“John Doe”…
    • For this lab you will create a simple Python application that will calculate the number of slices that a pizza of any size can be divided into. This application will determine the number of slices to …
    • Im trying to get stage 7 of this python game of inbetween to ask to play again however it will only ask once and doesnt carry over the balance_total from the last game or ask me again if I want to pla…
    • Lan 2 pizza pi selection create an application in python
    • Write pseudocode and program structure for the problem given below;Â Problem: Reads in three numbers and writes them all in sorted order.
    • . PETR5310 IVP Homework Due, Monday, February 14, 2022 This assignment must be done using some form of coding. Turn in your final coding files along with your answers. (i.e., IVP_homework_first_last…
    • Need help with this assignment, this is where I am right now, Â Â def amount(A, S): Â Âreturn amount_helper(A, S, [], 0) def amount_helper(A, S, arr, index): Â Â if S == 0: Â Â Â Â print(“[“…
    • Needs to be the function amount(A,S) which means it needs a helper function I think. Not sure. Need help with the code itself. I have this so far, but it does not work and I do not know why,  def …
    • . Part 4 – Answer These Questions ? QUESTION 1 – What are loops in programming? ? QUESTION 3 – How many times a while loop will repeat? ? QUESTION 2 – What is the condition for a while loop to repea…
    • At the end of chapter 10 you will find another example of hand tracing and a Now you try it! problem to solve. What to do: Fill out a grid like the one in the example, but for the program labelled Now…
    • Write a program to calculate a jesticalman. A jesticalman is calculated as the product of a terporm and 16.6 then the difference between that result and 22.97
    • Write a function that prints an image as following:Â 1Â 1 2Â 1 2 3Â 1 2 3 4Â 1 2 3 4 5
    • A class named List has been created as shown in Figure 3 below; Using that class Create an instance student1 with your details Create another instance student2 with your friend’s details Display bot…
    • Write a program using TKInter widgets . When run the program output window should look like Figure 2 Â. This is Label widget This is Button widget I Figure 2: Create Widgets
    • Fill in the blanks in the following code. Line Numbers: 14,17,18,21,22, and 27 must be completed and write output using phytonÂ. O Purpose: Read 10 numbers and display largest. smallest.and average. …
    • I received an email with “.py” format. I cannot download it or open it. Whenever I click on it (even right click ) nothing happens. Could you please help me how I can download a .py file from my email…
    • Pick a real-world object that you can see right now. Create a class definition in Python that models the object you have chosen. Include comments for extra clarity. Here’s an example: *Note that the…
    • Implement a backtracking algorithm Given a collection of amount values (A) and a target sum (S), find all unique combinations in A where the amount values sum up to S. Each amount value may be u…
    • I need help to find BSD using python. With sample: 1,200,000 BSD: $32,600 768,800 BSD: $17,664 1,230,000 BAD: $33,800. Effective 15 December 2021, the government announced additional coolin…
    • Download the house Dataset from here: price-prediction 2. This dataset is plain and simple, the output should be “Price”, and input should be “Area…
    • write a simple PHP script that uses a function to output the values of an array to the screen. Function must be called after the definition of function.
    • I want to import my python file in IDLE. I saved my file in python folder before. The address is like below: “C:\Users\LaNDO\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python39\” When I import the file in …
    • Write one function called test_password that takes any user input password and verify if the password meets the following requirements or not: length between 8 and 16 alphanumeric characters, and need…
    • In this exercise you’ll be completing an array-based and a link-based stack collection type discussed in this chapter. Both have similar implementations, but a link-based stack uses nodes and an array…
    • Implement a function called loops that takes an integer n and displays every second value, from 1 to n, then from n to 1.
    • Implement a function called alphaNoteVerif that uses the function from Question 2, but it reads the keyboard to get a numeric mark, checks if the mark is between 0 and 100 (including 0 and 100). If it…
    • For python script, numpy or math module are allowed.. Winter 2022 ECE 102 Homework #3 Problem #5 i VDC S V out Assume each S is a momentary contact push-button switch, and that at most MV R2 only one …
    • can some one please help with these question? 1.1-2.1 I keep getting error codes. Data: The dataset used on this exam contains an overview of the 50 most crowded airports in the world for each year fr…
    • Use read_csv() function to read the dataset from Url above into pandas dataframe. Â Â Â Â* I. ÂName the dataframe as `CarsData`, and use the correct parameters to parse the dataset. Â Â Â Â* …
    • Write a Python function called alphaNote that takes one input (a float between 0 and 100, inclusively) and returns a letter mark. No need to check if the input is between 0 and 100. Assume it is, fo…
    • During this weeks lecture we Âhaved discussed importing modules. 1 ÂCan a third party (like you!) other than write and publish a python module? 2 ÂIf so, is there some form of approval o…
    • Write a function in this file called nine_lines that uses the function three_lines (provided below) to print a total of nine lines. Now add a function named clear_screen that uses a combination of the…
    • Why would a programmer use the logical operator or in an if statement? ÂWhen an action is to be taken that requires both conditions to be false When an action is to be taken that requires both cond…
    • Assume that the Rideau Canal opens for skating once the ice surface is at least 30 centimetres thick and the average temperature in the past 10 days was less or equal to -10°C. Write a Python functio…
    • STOR 120 – Take Home MidtiX H Airports.csv X C > Markdown Data: The dataset used on this exam contains an overview of the 50 most crowded airports in the world for each year from 2016 Python 3 (ipy…
    • # Molly Darby # A dictionary for the simplified dragon text game # The dictionary links a room to other rooms. rooms = { Â Â ‘Great Hall’: {‘South’: ‘Bedroom’}, Â Â ‘Bedroom’: {‘North’: ‘Great Hal…
    • In a compound condition, one condition on either side of the logical operator or must be true for the overall condition to be true. True or False
    • Load sci-kit learn’s diabetes data set by **load_diabetes()**, pick the top 3 most discriminative features using Random Forest. Â from sklearn import datasets diabetes = datasets.load_diabetes() X…
    • ÂInÂtheÂgivenÂdataÂset,ÂstandardizeÂtheÂnumericÂvariables,ÂandÂgenerateÂtheÂdummyÂvariablesÂforÂtheÂcategoricalÂvariablesÂusingÂone-hotÂencoding. 2.ÂAssumeÂcol3ÂisÂtheÂta…
    • How do i calculate BSD using python?. for property buyers. Stamp duty is imposed on the price of the property purchased. Buyers of properties have to pay Buyer’s Stamp Duty (BSD) and Additional Buyer’…
    • . 1. In the given data set, identify the number of missing values by column; treat the missing values by the following two methods: . keeping the rows with valid values . filling the missing valu…
    • Create your own Python code examples that demonstrate each of the following. Do not copy Âexamples from the book or any other source. Try to be creative with your examples to demonstrate that you i…
    • Accessing and merging dictionaries Combine dict1, dict2, and dict3 into my_dict. In addition, get the value of special_key from my_dict into a special_value variable. Note that original dictionarie…
    • Hello, I need assistance developing this program in python based on the diagram shown below. Thank you. Â The diagram below shows steps that simulate computer-aided troubleshooting of a hypothetical …
    • Write the code that displays as output “It is a Porsche” when the variable named car contains the string “BoxsterS” (entered using any case). I need this to be executable in IDLE, could you show me ho…
    • How can I code a concentric rectangle like this without using tabs? and I don’t really understand the hint, can you explain how to use it? Â Hint: one trick to drawing this target is to use the maxim…
    • Hello, I need assistance developing this program based on the diagram shown below. Thank you. Â The diagram below shows steps that simulate computer-aided troubleshooting of a hypothetical diesel e…
    • Select all that apply In the small-world model starting with k nearest neighbors, increasing the rewiring probability p generally decreases both the average clustering coefficient and average short…
    • Select all that apply 1 point Networks with a power law distribution have many nodes with large degree and a few nodes with very small degree. If we draw a power law distribution in log-log scale, …
    • I am not used to this answer, it doesnt make sense to me. im in begginer comp fundementals and working with python. we are working on If Else Elif statements. and this code doesnt match what im lookin…
    • The Common Neighbor Soundarajan-Hopcroft score of node C and node D is 2. The Common Neighbor Soundarajan-Hopcroft score of node A and node G is 4. The Resource Allocation Soundarajan-Hopcroft score o…
    • The assignment is to use Beautiful Soup to write a Python program that will extract all of the HTML links from I have the code just need help explaining it. I used w3resouce, i…
    • Filename:Â  There is one large Dunkin’ Donuts coffee left in all of Khoury College, and Profs. Rachlin and Strange both want it. They consider playing Rock/Scissors/Paper for it, but who wil…
    • Write a complete Python program. It should prompt the user to enter two float values, then read each into a separate variable. Finally, it should print out the sum of the entered values.
    • The code has to be implemented by using jupyter notebook.. thank you. Q4: Check if string ‘good’ is in both string ‘thatisnotbad’ and string ‘thisisgood’. Return three Boolean results: the first two f…
    • For this question, we will inspect theÂletter frequency statistics for english language textsÂ(Links to an external site.). We will choose one transcript to inspect, and graph out a bar chart with t…
    • *** LINUX OS and Environment — PYTHON *** Objective: Create your daily project using Python that keeps track of your expenses. Expenses itself is contained in a single executable. ÂPut that in your…
    • Task 1. Explain, critique, comment and debug code (ILO2) Suppose you have found the following (incomplete) Python code on a scrap of paper. It isn’t quite finished and contains some errors. def doit (…
    • Need help in continuing the code. Missing graphs and models.
    • What kind of errors occur in the following Python program? There may be more than one. Briefly describe the location of each error along with its type, and explain how to fix it. n = float(input (“E…
    • In this program you want to simulate a invoice maker bot. First you need to ask the user how many items she/he wants to buy. Next use a for loop and for each item ask the price from the user. You need…
    • In Python programming. D Question 3 0.25 pts Assume a, b, c, and e are float variables, and the first four have values assigned. What is the correct way to first add a and b, then divide by the differ…
    • In Python programming,. Question 12 What is the wite code to draw this shape: for i in range(3): for j in range(3): print("*) print() for i in range(3): for j in range(3): print("*", en…
    • In python programming:. What will be displayed when the following script executes, assuming that a = 5, b = 3, and c = 6? if a > c: X = 1 print(x) else: if b > c: X = 2 print(x) else: X = 3 prin…
    • . Copy your previous class definition for RectangularSolid from the previous problem, including both methods. Provide mutators (setters) and accessors (getters) for each of the three parameters. Use…
    • . Write a class definition called RectangularSolid which takes three numeric parameters in its constructor, in this order: length, width, height. Provide a get_volume method that returns the volu…
    • . Part 2. Point class (30 points) In the file HW4. py , there is a Point class defined as we saw in the lecture. It contains the method get_magnitude to return the magnitude value. . (5 points each)…
    • The code has to be implemented by using jupyter notebook. Thank you. Q3: Write a single Python statement to print the alphabets from a to g in a single line. Your output should like as shown below:
    • This exercise asks you to draw the following target composed of concentric rectangles: A target is made up of n rectangles centered on the middle of the target. These rectangles are of dimensions 3×3,…
    • The code has to be implemented using Jupyter notebook Thank you. Q2: Write a Python statement for the following expression and display the results a X = * 15 – 164 – 84 + 96/3 a. If a = 12 and b = 4, …
    • Fulcrum def can_balance(items) : Each element in items is considered to be a physical weight, and guaranteed to be a positive integer. Your task is to find and return a fulcrum position in this list o…
    • Longest palindrome substring def longest_palindrome (text) : A string is said to be a palindrome if it reads the same both forward and backward, for example ‘ racecar’ . Given text, find and return th…
    • def word_height (words, word) : The length of a word is easy enough to define and compute by counting its characters. For this problem, we instead define the height of the given word with the followin…
    • Try a spatula def pancake_scramble ( text) : Analogous to flipping a stack of pancakes by sticking a spatula inside the stack and flipping over the stack of pancakes resting on top of that spatula, a …
    • def seven_zero (n) : Seven is considered a lucky number in Western cultures, whereas zero is what nobody wants to be. To bring these two opposites briefly together, let us look at positive integers th…
    • Last man standing def josephus (n, k) : In the ancient times back " when men were made of iron and their ships were made of wood ", as seen in "300", "Spartacus", "G…
    • Rooks on a rampage def safe_squares_rooks (n, rooks) : A generalized n-by-n chessboard contains some number of rooks, each rook represented as a two- tuple (row, column ) of the row and the column of …
    • Multidimensional knight moves def knight_jump (knight, start, end) : An ordinary chess knight on a two-dimensional board of squares can make an "L-move" into up to eight possible neighbours….
    • Words with given shape def words_with_given_shape (words, shape) : The shape of the given word of length n is a list of n – 1 integers, each one either -1, 0 or +1 to indicate whether the next letter …
    • Boustrophedon def create_zigzag( rows, cols, start = 1) : This function creates a list of lists that represents a two-dimensional grid with the given number of rows and cols. This grid should contain …
    • Taxi zum zum def taxi_zum_zum (moves ) : A Manhattan taxicab starts at the origin point of Z’, the infinite two-dimensional lattice grid of all possible pairs of integers. The taxicab also has a direc…
    • def words_with_letters (words, letters): This might be a good place to bring in some general discrete math terminology that makes our problem specifications less ambiguous. A substring of a string con…
    • Cyclops numbers def is_cyclops (n) : A nonnegative integer is said to be a cyclops number if it consists of an odd number of digits so that the middle (more poetically, the "eye") digit is a…
    • Only odd digits def only_odd_digits (n) : Check that the given positive integer n contains only odd digits (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9) when it is written out. Return True if this is the case, and False otherwi…
    • Extract increasing integers from digit string def extract_increasing(digits) : Given a string of digits guaranteed to only contain ordinary integer digit characters 0 to 9, create and return the list …
    • Riffle def riffle(items, out=True) : Given a list of items whose length is guaranteed to be even (notice here that "oddly" enough, zero is an even number), create and return a list produced …
    • Giving back change def give_change (amount, coins) : Given the amount of money (expressed as an integer as the total number of cents, one dollar being equal to 100 cents) and the list of available den…
    • Domino cycle def domino_cycle(tiles) : A single domino tile is represented as a two-tuple of its pip values, such as (2, 5) or (6, 6). This function should determine whether the given list of tiles fo…
    • Count dominators def count_dominators (items) : An element of items is said to be a dominator if every element to its right (and not just the one that is immediate to its right) is strictly smaller th…
    • Ryerson letter grade def ryerson_letter_grade(pct) : Given the percentage grade for the course, calculate and return the letter grade that would appear in the Ryerson grades transcript, as defined on …
    • I need help with these two. 4. Write a function named words WithCharacters. This function takes in two strings ass a parameter. The first string being a sentence and the second being a sequence of cha…
    • in python programming what is the most difficult thing to learn? Â Also program a code that doesthis with a loop: # ### ##### #######
    • 1:43 Done Airports.csv Rank Airport Location Country IATA Code ICAO Code Passengers Year China Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Baiyun-Huadu, Guangzhou, Guangdong China CAN ZGGG 43760427 2020 Un…
    • 1 12 Spring 2022 Homework One The following guidelines should be followed and will be used to grade your homework: The code for each question should be implemented using Jupyter Notebooks. . All the c…
    • Please read the attached pic below and answer it. Thank you. Make a python modules the first module is ‘To do list" in this section users can add edit and delete task second module ‘add event in…
    • Step 1: Start a new file. In IDLE, select File and then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. Step 2: Write a program…
    • Answer the following questions: 1. An interactive shell allows you to enter python commands that are fun immediately. T or F? 2. A python variable will not always have a data type. T or F? 3. Python v…
    • I am stuck at a point in my assignment for a python code about Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long Ter…
    • Need help in project. Still missing the modeling and evaluation part. It already has data and graph.*ckowjQW4HOMZo36D
    • Note: When accuracy is essential, floats are not used to represent currency due to rounding and accumulation errors. Python provides several primitives specifically developed to implement financial ap…
    • The internetusage.csv dataset contains different statistics for all 50 states in the United States. Among those statistics are percentage of internet users in the state and percentage of individuals w…
    • I have placed my code so far in the add instructions for tutors area. I need to write this program in simple python according to the following instructions: Part I Specification – In-Between You are r…
    • The nbaallelo_slr.csv dataset contains information on 126315 NBA games between 1947 and 2015. The columns report the points made by one team, the Elo rating of that team coming into the game, the Elo …
    • I am stuck at a point in my assignment to asses a csv file for Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long Ter…
    • I am stuck in a python code for my assignment. The Nursing Home COVID-19 Public File includes data reported by nursing homes to the CDC’s National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) Long Term Care Facil…
    • Hi,   Can you please provide the dataset Âfor 19 years of National Travel Survey – ÂUK data service  This survey should be regarding Âpeople commutation
    • than necessary. Instead, you can test ifthe first symbol in your string. 5 [ 0] . appears in the rack with the statement: if s[0] in Rack: # if True you will end up here else: # if False you will end…
    • • DOMAIN : Medical • CONTEXT : Medical research university X is undergoing deep research on patients with certain conditions. University has an internal AI team. Due to confidentiality the patient…
    • python code to get the values. Data above third quantile. ROG Rev exp in forex perc 22.926557 Capital exp in forex 19. 380061 ROG Rev earn in forex perc 17.900028 Rev earn in forex 17 . 648701 Rev exp…
    • Dear All please need help for below code i want to automate it,whenever userA want to connect with UserB via Telnet, by using below code attacker must capture Source and destination ip and port, and s…
    • Can you help me correct this error in python?. Home x Discussion x zy Section 4.6 – CYB 130T: Object-0 x Search Results | Course Hero x | x |+ V X C…
    • Python Coding No Imports, Just Basic coding  numPairs Write a function numPairs that accepts two arguments, a target number and a list of numbers. The function then returns the count of pairs of num…
    • I posted two problems here but I already solved problem 4. Problem 5 would use the function I created in problem 4. Other needed functions, notes, and sample output are provided below. def getMoving…
    • Here in a sample of the data since I can’t attach it. pts elo_i opp_pts elo_n game_result 66 1300 68 1293.277 L 68 1300 66 1306.723 W 63 1300 47 1309.652 W 47 1306.723 63 1297.071 L 33 1300 50 1279….
    • A RandomQueue is a type of queue where elements are ordered randomly. Implement the rank1(x) function that orders elements uniformly at random, to accompany an imaginary implementation of RandomQueue….
    • Task 3.f. Design a regular expression that finds all occurrences of integer numbers in an input strings and uses substitution to replace them with the equivalent real numbers by appending ‘.0’ to them…
    • Create a program that does a mail merge. It should read a file with the list of names (First Name Last Name). Then, it should print out a letter for each name with the names inserted in the correct pl…
    • explain nothing at. number and secondDonkey: 3 3 one negative number 3 Two negative firstDonkey: -4 Nothing numbers secondDonkey: -2 Nothing estDo 1 Two positive firstDonkey: 3 3 numbers secondDonkey …
    • please do not copy from chegg and coursehero. Â by using python need explanation also Â. [2.] Use your code to compute e-0.3 H
    • USE VISUAL STUDIO AND IIS. Write a web service and call it calc.svc which is the basic calculator and receives three values from input via keyboard. The first value as an operator (Op1) should be a ch…
    • Let F = (V. E) be a forest (disjoint union of trees) containing n nodes, and w : V – Ryo be a weight function on the nodes of F. For all v E V, let N(v) = {=| (v, = ) e E} denote the neighbours of …
      • Write a function ‘rolling_dice()’ which simulates the rolling of two dice (discrete values 1 to 6) and  accepts two input values the number of throws and the face value of the requested double t…
    • Step 4: Update centroids Implement the following function in def mean_of_points(list_of_points):  “””Calculate the mean of a given group of data points. You should NOT  Âhard-code th…
    • Step 3: Update assignment of points to centroids Implement the following function in def update_assignment(list_of_points, centroids_dict):  “””  ÂAssign all data points to the close…
    • Implement the following function in def get_closest_centroid(point, centroids_dict):  “””Given a datapoint, finds the closest centroid. You should use  Âthe euclidean_distance functi…
    • i have file a.txt which contains list [1,1,2,3,3,4,3,5,6] and another file b.txt which contains [2,1,5,1,2,1,1,3,3] now how can i add the contents of those files and get aswer like [3,2,7,4,5…………
    • why won’t it give a value please correct it so it can work. #lang racket (define (total-grade x y z) 3 (lambda (homework quiz final) (total-grade x y z) 5 (total-grade (+ (+ (* 0.3 x) (* 0. 4 y) ) (* …
    • Step 1: Calculating Euclidean distances Implement the following function in def euclidean_distance(point1, point2):  “””Calculate the Euclidean distance between two data points.   A…
    • . ACTIVITY 4: EXPLORING RUN TIMES The SortsTestHamess lets you easily test your sorts code for various types of data – Develop a table of mntime results, using at least four data sizes and two rando…
    • please answer it’s python. If "a = [1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 6,6,4]". What is set(a) Select one: O a. set([1, 2, 3, 3, 6,6)) O b. set ([1, 1, 2, 3, 3, 6.6,4]) O c. set([1, 2, 3, 6. 41) O d. Error
    • Write a function ‘polyfit_file()’ which  receives as first input argument a file name as a string and  a polynomial degree value, an integer, see description below.  Read data from file, see bel…
    • hi I have to graph the physical characteristics of penguins in different islands using Pandas and Matplotlib so I need to produce a scatter plot which relates flipper length and bill length of the pen…
    • hello I have to write code that handles the transfer of data between two mobile accounts. and it has to run like this ==ÂDataÂbalancesÂ== AccountÂ1:Â50ÂGB AccountÂ2:Â10ÂGB ÂÂÂÂTOTAL:Â6…
    • umSchools = { “A. Alfred Taubman College of Architecture & Urban Planning”: 1906, “College of Engineering”: 1854, “College of Literature, Science, and the Arts”: 1841, “Gerald R. Ford School of Pu…
    • Please create a python module named and implement the classes and methods outlined below. Below you will find an explanation for each class and method you need to implement. When you are d…
    • v = [19, 3, 5, 5, 17, 7, 11, 13, 2, 23, 17, 13] Â Create a function mean ( v , axis = None ) which returns the mean of v . The return value depends on the value of axis as follows: 0: returns the mea…
    • Why is question 2, asking for the biggest decrease, is min instead of max. A lot of the coursehero uploaded pdf all have abs(min(np.diff(…))).Â. 1.5 5. Old Faithful Old Faithful is a geyser in Yell…
    • hello I have to write a simple program for the HR team of a company to help them track how much time employees are spending working on different projects here is the code Â. Your program should be ca…
    • ################################################ ## EE559 HW1, Prof. Jenkins ## Created by Arindam Jati ## Tested in Python 3.6.3, OSX El Capitan, and subsequent versions #######################…
    • hi this code has missed two pieces of functionality, doesn’t record a student’s mark and it’s not print the top performing students so I basically have to add two function which is provided in this ph…
    • Given the string poem below, write code to determine the most common letter in the string and assign that to the variable mostCommon . Also, assign the frequency of the most common letter to the varia…
    • hi I have to write write a function which accepts a list of strings and prints each string of that list on a separate line, inside a rectangular frame, made up of the asterisk (‘*’) character like the…
    • repogram or fix the program codes. the viruses balls (red balls) need to put in the quarantine area…
    • A Python class called Triangle is defined as follows: \DOONOWWDWNH H H H H H #WNl—’O class Triangle: FT!” 9 9-? def _init_ self. self. self. self. self. self. self. self X8 X ( self, x9, y6, x1,…
    • Q3 – most common words In Q2 you made a dictionary of word counts (called word_count ). Here, please find the most common word in that dictionary, and store it in the variable called most_common . Do …
    • Markdown Python 3 (ipykernel) O Data: The dataset used on this exam contains an overview of the 50 most crowded airports in the world for each year from 2016 to 2020. Each row in the table is an airpo…
    • repogram or fix the program codes. the viruses balls need to put in the quarantine area
    •  Pharma acumen: How well do you learn a new data source and get insights using your background? 2. Technical skills:ÂETL and Tableau skills 3. Presentation skills  Data source:  Publi…
    • . Question 1 1 pts Consider the regular expression [pP]ythons? shown here in blue boldface. Indicate how many substrings it will match in the string "Python is a fun programming …
    • We have seen an example of the Nearest Neighbors algorithm using sklearn on the iris dataset. The same dataset is used for clustering in…
    • You are the head programmer at Python Inc. You are tasked with writing a program to take input for an employee. Prompt the user for a name, hours worked, and hourly rate. If the employee works over 40…
    • txt  {{Use mdy dates|date=October 2011}} {{Infobox university | name = The University of North Carolina at Charlotte | native_name = | latin_n…
      • str_capitalize This function takes a string as input and returns a string where first letter of each word in string start with uppercase letter. Do not use any built-in string functions with …
    • . Problem 1a: Design a data definition to represent one of the available COVID-19 vaccines (as of December 2021). Possible options are: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson’s, Astrazeneca…
    • def word_count(text):  Âcounts = dict()  Â#Your code goes here  Âimport pandas as pd  Âwords = text.split()  Âfor word in words:    Âcount = counts.get(word, 0)    Âcou…
    • There is one large Dunkin’ Donuts coffee left in all of Khoury College, and Profs. Rachlin and Strange both want it. They consider playing Rock/Scissors/Paper for it, but who will win?  You’ll …
    • txt  {{Use mdy dates|date=October 2011}} {{Infobox university | name = The University of North Carolina at Charlotte | native_name = | l…
    • Time the make_heap algorithm for various-sized heaps in python, Implement the make_heap algorithm, described in class. I.e., given an array of elements, look at it as a binary tree. Start at the last …
    • Task 1 Given a list (e.g. x=[56,32,21,8,56,21,35]), please write python code to calculate the index of the duplicated number from left to right. For example, for list x, the index of the duplicated nu…
    • from X Â= [-56, -49, -24, -21, -16, -14, -8, -7, -4, -2, 1, 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 14, 16, 21, 24, 49, 56] Code a function pmf ( x ) that returns P ( X = x ). Compute to 6 decimal places the values • P…
      • Design and implement a function generate_primes(y, d) that generates the next d prime numbers ≥ y. For example, for y = 20 and d = 9, your function is expected to return a list with valuesÂ…
    • def getMovingAverage(series, duration):  Âmvg_avg = list()  Ârunning_sum = 0  Â# YOUR CODE GOES HERE  Âimport numpy as np  Ârunning_sum += 1  Âcum_sum = np.c*msum(series)  Âif len…
    • def silly_function( arg:int ) -> int : “”” Returns the incremented value of arg >>> silly_function( 3 ) 4 “”” return arg + 1 actual = silly_function( 3 ) print( “Testing silly_function(3)”…
    • A product cost is discounted based on the age of the customers. For example, if a customer’s age is 60 years, the customer gets a discount worth 16% of the product price. The following table shows the…
    • Use the function design recipe (FDR) to develop a function named triangle_type to check if a triangle is acute, obtuse, or right. The function takes three integers arguments which are the angles of th…
    • def factorial(n: int) -> int: “””Return n! for positive values of n. >>> factorial(1) 1 >>> factorial(2) 2 >>> factorial(3) 6 >>> factorial(4) 24 “”” fact = 1 fo…
    • Description In this programming assignment, you are required to implement a contiguous sequential pattern mining algorithm and apply it on text data to mine potential phrase candidates. Â Input The p…
    • . 1 Structure and Text in Wikipedia In this assignment, you will use regular expressions to process the source wiki of Wikipedia articles with the purpose of: 1. Extracting useful inform…
    • . Read the source of the Wikipedia article. For debugging purposes, you may consider using a shorter article first. [ ] : # You can use this shorter article first. # fname = ‘ . ./data/FM-2030. tat’…
    • 17 Clone of LAB: Regression with categorical predictors  The nbaallelo_mlr.csv data base contains information on 126315 NBA games between 1947 and 2015. The columns report the points made by one …
    • . A cylindrical, vertical water tank has hemispheric end caps as shown. The radius of the cylinder and the caps is r = 25 cm, and the length of the cylindrical part is 1.8 m. Hint: r = 25 cm For a h…
    • Define a function to analyze a dataset using pandas The dataset “emotion.csv” contains a number of text and ten types of sentiment scores. Define a function named emotion_analysis to do the follows: R…
    • . Some large companies encourage employees to save by matching their contributions to a 401(k) plan. The government limits how much you can save in these plans, because they shelter income from taxe…
    • CPSC-503 Algorithms and Data Structures Spring 2022 Midterm Exam  Submit your exam no later than Monday 02/07/2022 midnight  Develop two algorithms using Python language, first method to remove th…
    • 13 Lab: Making predictions using SLR models  The internetusage.csv dataset contains different statistics for all 50 states in the United States. Among those statistics are percentage of internet …
    • Based on the network below, which of the following is NOT True? Check all that apply. 1 point B A C D At each step, the sum of all nodes’ basic PR is always 1. Node D’s basic PR at step k (k>=1…
    • Based on the network below, what are the corresponding normalized 1 point authority and hub scores of node C correspondingly after two iterations of HITS algorithm? B A D O 0.4, 0.4 0.57, 0.09 O 0….
    • Based on the network below, what is the basic PR of node C at step k = 1? 1 point B A D 0.625 0.25 0.5 0.375 0.125
    • Given the network below, which value of alpha (damping parameter) listed below in the 1 point NetworkX function pagerank maximizes the PageRank of node D? B A C D O 0.9 O 0.8 O 0.5 0.95
    • Using Python, implement isolation forest to find outliers on City_MedianRentalPrice_2Bedroom for Houston and Dallas locations only (…
    • Given the following dictionary; temps = {‘Mon’: [68, 89], ‘Tue’: [71, 93], ‘Wed’: [66, 82], ‘Thu’: [75, 97], ‘Fri’: [62, 79]}Â perform the following tasks:Â Convert the dictionary into the DataFrame…
    • Convert the following decimal numbers to binary. Show the steps. NO STEPS, NO CREDIT. a) 17 (10) b) 119 (10) c) 313 (10) d) 92 (10) e) 44 (10) f) 178 (10)   g) 297 (10) h) 56 (10)…
    • . McDiophantine: Selling McNuggets In mathematics, a Diophantine equation (named for Diophantus of Alexandria, a third century Greek mathematician) is a polynomial equation where the variables can o…
    • Write your own linear algebra function using Python only. You should complete the following function and you are NOT allowed to use the build-in functions of numpy for this part of the assignment. Â …
    • Using Python only define a function def reshape(L, m, n) to reshape L into a 2d list with m by n elements. DO NOT USE NUMPY.  Â# reshape L into a 2d list with m-by-n elements
    • What would be the value of the following expression: True and False or True?
    • . Problem 1 Show that it is possible to buy exactly 50, 51, 52,53, 54, and 55 McNuggets, by finding solutions to the Diophantine equation. You can solve this in your head, using paper and pencil, o…
    • What would be the output of: Â range(10, 15, -1)
    • this is the link for the data : Use the ChessRatingComparison file, suppose the wants to report the median …
    • Use python to calculate the value of JetBlue given projections for future cash flows. use yahoo finance. Please provide the codes used.
    • How do you see pandas as one of the essential tools for data cleaning and preparation? What is your experience so far in handling missing data, duplicate data, or mismatched data? Have you tried data …
    • OpenCV is an open source computer vision library( It is used in deep learning or image proce…
    • write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results using ARRAYS. after which, identify the number of streaks. (streak- a series of 5 or more heads or tails)
    • What is the trace of the matrix 3F + 2G? Please store your answers into a string variable Trace_FG written with valid python code formatting (e.g. Trace_FG = “2 + a -b”). (Note you are encouraged to d…
    • Write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results in a list . After which, identify the number of streaks. (streak – a series of 5 or more heads or tails ) Â 2. Repeat questio…
    • Using Python and numpy. Question 6 1. Create two 2×2 matrices: m1=[[5, -10],[-4, 9]] m2=[[-5, -10],[11, 14]], with dtype as float64 Print the matrices 2. Multiply both the matrices using numpy (not-el…
    • What is the transpose of F? Please store your answers into a string variable F_trans written with valid python code formatting (e.g. F_trans = “[[1, 2, a], [3, 2, 1 + b], [2, 2, 2 + c]]”). Â. F=[ […
    • Assume F and G as above. What is the (matrix) product of F and G? Please store your answers into a string variable Prod_FG written with valid python code formatting (e.g. FG_sum = “[[1, 2, a], [3, 2, …
    • . An exercise in producing pseudorandom numbers, indexing, and data check/verification. Write a Python program that randomly fills a 10x 10 matrix with the integers in the range of 0 to 99 but, tha…
    • Let 𝐹 =[[1,2, 𝑎 ],[3,2,1+ 𝑏 ],[2,2,2+ 𝑐 ]] where 𝑎 , 𝑏 , and 𝑐 are variables. 𝐺 =[[0,2+ 𝑐 ,− 𝑎 ],[3, 𝑏 + 𝑐 ,−1],[ 𝑎 ,3,− 𝑏 ]] where 𝑎 , 𝑏 , and ?…
    • Specifications Project 5-2: Guessing Game (Debug) Debug an existing program. CDHSDIE Guess the nullher! Enter the upper limit for the range of numbers: 100 I’ll thinking of a nulher from 1 to 100. Yo…
    • Create a Python program that uses a while loop and prompts the user for a series of inputs. You should use a sentinel value to signal when the loop should terminate. Calculate and display the sum of t…
    • Anyone tell me what im doing wrong?  Heres the complete instructions  You have been asked to write a loop that outputs values in a database column ranging between 10 and 100. Any number that is…
    • I dont know How to do this but I need to understand how to do it in order to keep my grades up. Project 4-4: Sales Tax Calculator Create a program that uses a separate module to calculate sales tax an…
    • write a Python program that helps a graduate students calculate their tuition for the semester. The program should ask how many credit hours the student is taking, and whether the student is in-state …
    • What is the value of tr(AB T )? Please store the value into a variable AB_trace . (Use A and B from problem 2.2). Â For grading purposes, AB_trace should be type numpy.int64.
    • The directed network below shows how information can be transferred between nodes. For example, node A can 1 point pass the information to node C directly but not vice-versa. If node C wants to se…
    • Consider three networks (A), (B) and (C) below and select all that apply. A B A B D A B D E D E (A) (B) (C) Only network (B) is a strongly connected graph. We can change network (A) from a weakly c…
    • Função imprime_palavras(nome_ficheiro) Escreva uma função em Python, chamada imprime_palavras , que recebe como argumento uma cadeia de caracteres nome_ficheiro , abre o ficheiro cujo nome foi…
    • What is the determinant of BA? Please store the value into a variable BA_deter . (Use A and B from the previous problem.) Â For grading purposes, BA_deter should be type numpy.float64.
    • What are the addition, subtraction, multiplication, and elementwise product of A matrix and B matrix? Please store your answers into a variable ANS22 formatted as a dictionary as in problem 2.1. (U…
    • R Programming Language Title: Consumer Pseudo-Showrooming and Omni-Channel Product Placement Strategies Abstract: Recent advances in information technologies (IT) have powered the merger of online and…
    • Need help solving this, Thank you  Aim  We have recently walked through a simple if statement block that results to a value based on the input given. The script is shown again in Snippet 3.11 : py…
    • def getMovingAverage(series, duration):  Âmvg_avg = list()  Ârunning_sum = 0  Â# YOUR CODE GOES HERE  Âimport numpy as np  Ârunning_sum += 1  Âcum_sum = np.c*msum(series)  Âif …
    • Question 1 Â Using Python and Numpy create a 2 dimensional array that has the following elements: Row 1: 0 1 3 7 Row 2: 4 8 0 2 Print the array along with it’s shape CODE: import numpy as np firstarr…
    • We are going to find the trace of the sum of two scaled matrices. Find the trace of 2*A + 3*B and store the value into a variable trace2A3B . (Use A and B from the previous problem). Â For grading pu…
    • DO NOT USE NUMPY import math # Input: strng is a string of 100 or less of upper case, lower case, # and digits # Output: function returns an encrypted string def…
    • he dictionary umSchools maps the names of schools at Michigan to the year they were founded. Write code that creates a dictionary called oldSchools that has the key/value pairs from umSchools that cor…
    • Research and discuss the different data structures with built-in support available to programmers in Python (e.g., Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries). What is the use case for each data structure? Dif…
    • Assume a text file named “myNumbers.txt” contains integers separated by a new line. Using, create a Python program that opens the “myNumbers.txt” file and provides descriptive statistics of …
    • Create a program that checks whether a number is even or odd. Console Even or Odd Checker Enter an integer: 33 This is an odd number. Continue? (y/n) y =============================================== …
    • I need help with the following program: The provided input file (“reviews_sample.txt”) consists of 10,000 online reviews from Yelp users. The reviews have been stemmed (to remove the postfix of each w…
    • Can you help me in making any animation for python. Here is the code to make animation import tkinter import time import sys class graphics: def __init__(self, w, h, title): ”’ Initialize…
    • Find a function and an x value for which one of the one-sided limits exists, but the other does not. Plot your function using SymPy, and include the code and plot below.
    • The ouput of my code is putting the comma in the wrong place and I can’t figure out how to adjust so the comma comes directly after the words and not before them: Â def createSentence(sightWords): Â…
    • You are going to correct a program that has several errors in it (specifically, one error per function). You should begin by looking at what the expected output of the program should be for various in…
    • . What are the dimensions of 𝑣 4, 𝐴 , 𝐴 â‹… 𝑣 3, and 𝐴 â‹… 𝑣 4 as computed by numpy?  Please store the answers into the variables v4_dimen , A_dimen , Av3_dimen , and Av4_dimen . F…
    • 1.1: Modify a list. Â Modify short_names by deleting the first element and changing the last element to Joe. Sample output with input: ‘Gertrude Sam Ann Joseph'[‘Sam’, ‘Ann’, ‘Joe’] user_input =…
    • # — INSTRUCTIONS: # You are encouraged to use all available resources to complete the below questions. # Please load-in the provided dataset and perform all data manipulations directly in R. Doc…
    • Would you help me with this code? I am almost done with it, but on the 2nd image I need to get rid of everything after the comma in the output. I don’t know how to accomplish it. This is part a in the…
    • How do I re-create this in Python? I am told that the space between x,y coordinates can be 0.2 and that the color combinations should be set to red (outside), blue (inside), and green (vertices of the…
    • Please use python Âinstead of other programsÂ. Algorithm 2 Distinct Elements Operations function INITIALIZE() val – co Algorithm 2 Distinct Elements Operations function INITIALIZE() val – co functio…
    • What is the trace of the matrix 𝐹𝑇 â‹… 𝐺𝑇 ? Please store your answers into a string variable Trace_FTGT written with valid python code formatting (e.g. Trace_FTGT = “2 + a -b”). (Note you …
    • py class Stack: Â Âdef __init__(self): Â Â Â Âself.items = [] Â Â Â Âdef push(self, item): Â Â Â Âself.items.append(item) Â Â Â Â# MODIFY: RAISE AN EXCEPTION IF THIS METHOD IS …
    • Use IRIS dataset (Hint: load the dataset and exclude the target variable.) Â Apply the Principle Component Analysis in R or Python on its independent attributes. Display the results (Hint: you may us…
    • Write a program to detect“leap years”. When the user enters a year (like 2009, or 1989), the program should print out “That is a leap year” or “Nope, not a leap year”.  This is the logic for detec…
    • Write a program that receives a list of integers from the user and does the following Displays the items in the list (2pts) Displays the size of the list (2pts) Calculates and displays the sum of the …
    • Write a program that: Â Asks me to enter numbers over and over until I enter “0” When I enter in “0”, the program should stop and tell me the biggest number I wrote For example: Enter a number: 28 En…
    • Write a program which asks the user to enter a number. The program should then add up all the numbers from 1 up to the number the user entered (1+2+3+…). For example: Â Enter a number: 5 15 Enter a…
    • can someone solve this for me im confused on how to do this and how i missed it thank you  Abby has always dreamed of having her own ice cream shop. Now as a young entrepreneur she has decided to pu…
    • Consider calculating the area of the unit circle (radius=1, centre at the origin) with random numbers. Write a function ‘MCint_pi()’ which  takes the number of attempts as single input parameter and…
      • Write a function ‘rolling_dice()’ which simulates the rolling of two dice (discrete values 1 to 6) and  accepts two input values the number of throws and the face value of the requested double th…
    • Information is provided in the above link for the Âquestion below  1)”Using the movie review document classifier discussed in this …
    • Create csv file from the data below and read in pandas data frame Phase 1 -Reading Data Phase 2 – Describe the data Describe the data on the unit price Phase 3 – filter the data Create new dataframe h…
    • 6150 Problem Set 1 1. Cyphertext: Encode and Decode 1.1 Recall that in Practice Exercises you implemented a cypher text generator, which encrypts a string by switching every letter at alphabeti…
    • preparation phase? Why? (5 points) Exercise 2 (60) 1. Use IRIS dataset (Hint: load the dataset and exclude the target variable.) 2. Apply the Principle Component Analysis in R or Python on its indepen…
    • Develop two algorithms using Python language, first method to remove the second element in the queue without removing the first one, and the second method to insert it before last element in the queue…
    • Ask user to enter a name 2. Ask the user to enter five numbers “amount1”, “amount2”, “amount3”, “amount4”, “amount5″ 3. Calculate the sum of the numbers “amount1”, “amount2”, “amount3”, “amount…
    • Hi, I’m trying to create this text adventure game and am having a hard time with the code for navigating through the rooms. The user will start at home go through all the rooms (go north, go south, go…
    • Here is what im missing and i don’t get why.   here’s the instruction  PartÂ1: PerÂtheÂinstructions,ÂtheÂproblemÂpromptsÂtheÂuserÂforÂtheÂfollowingÂinformation: *ÂCostÂperÂiceÂ…
    • The top 3 most popular male names of 2017 are Oliver, Declan, and Henry according to Write a program that modifies the male_names set by removing a name and adding a different name. Sam…
    • Write the function change_index3 that takes in one parameter, lst, and assigns the value at index 3 of lst to ‘200’ and then returns lst. For example, change_index3([‘hi’, ‘goodbye’, ‘python’, ‘106’, …
    • 3. 4. 5. Â. Which of the following is NOT a valid value for ‘x’ after this code is executed? import random x = random.r’andrange(1, 18) 05 01-3 01. Which of the following statements are t…
    • #define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS #include<iostream> #include<iomanip> #include<malloc.h> #include<string.h> #include “CarInventory.h” using namespace std; using namespace sdd…
    • In the first part of this assignment you will play around with determining the cost of purchasing some specific number of product items. You will compute cost for the product and the cost of shipping,…
    • In Pie Chart Play With Parameters shadow= True, startangle=90 and see ho different the chart looks
    • sample_dir |– cambridge |  `– library |– faculty |– |– markham |  `– annex |– oxford |  |– outline.doc |  `– programming |    `– report.pdf `– stenton  Â|– …
    • Using the file FOMC_transcripts.csv, Create a function which you can apply to the “date” column which returns the End-of-Quarter date ( for example, “2/4/1994” should become a timestamp of ‘1994-03-31…
    • Many investment instruments provided by banks, such as Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs) pay interest not only on the initial investment (the principal ) but also on the interest that accumula…
    • Create software that will provide an ATM user with the proper change for any dollar amount. •Create two separate solutions: one that uses a While loop and one that uses a For loop. •Example: run t…
    • Doing an analysis for Nursing home csv file for excel stuck at the following problems: 1. Generate a table showing the distribution of the number of nursing home facilities by state and county. 2. L…
    • GoodsKart customer data has more fields than in FairDeal customer data. Hence FairDeal data needs to be split and stored in GoodsKart Customer Object Oriented Data Structure. Approach to Solve You hav…
    • Unisng Python: Make a class Rectangle. The object from the class Rectangle shold be able to: Determine if one of its vertices is inside another rectangle (True/False) – Calculate its own area and peri…
    • Please copy and paste the link to see if it works. ÂI need help on how to add changes? Â Crime_and_Punishment_w_Solutions_v3.ipynb – Colaboratory ( You should make changes and tweaks to t…
    • STOR 120 lab04 (1).ipynb X E Bachelors (1).csv X Evc_compensation (1).csv X C Markdown Calls on calls on calls Python 3 (ipykernel) O st Modified Just as you write a series of lines to build up a comp…
    • STOR 120 lab04 (1).ipynb a + x 0 0 Code Python 3 (ipykernel) O Q For operations like arithmetic, or the functions in the NumPy library, you don’t need to use apply , because they automatically work on…
    • . A 11 . . . Consider the following data set.. 5 points Considering ‘profitable’ as the binary valued attribute we are trying to predict, which of the attributes would you…
    • Would you help with this Python code. I am confused on how to have the equation equal something in python. I need it in an exact real number. Thanks. Â. 1. Solve the following equations. Give exact r…
    • y! suss student portal – Yahoo Search X ss X SUSS TMA01: ICT133_JAN22_L01: STRU X + V X > C ^ . …
    • The implementation for each scenario is provided in a Python file with five classes, one class for each scenario, you need to use it to add the new algorithms to each class accordingly. remove_second_…
    • I’m not understanding why my codes for 2.-2.3 is wrong/ coming up as error. Python 3 (ipykernel) O Question 2.1. Use the type function and set base_salary_type to the type of the first value in the EM…
    • Create a function named createSentence() that will be passed a list of words and then return a string. In this code, you need an ifelse structure that will get the length of the list that is passed an…
    • I am having trouble with the initial finding and listing of a directory. I am on a windows computer and the lecture I attended was on a mac. If I could receive some guidance for part one that would be…
    • Python Programming Need to solve these using functional programming Using Map, reduce & filter Write the following functions: letterScore(letter, scorelist) takes as input a single letter string c…
    • can you please please help me in my code, can you add below things in the code and give me the correct output…….. as soon as possible help me, please…… Â # Python Script to Extract tweets of …
    • Q2 – Counting things with dictionaries. Build a dictionary called word_count that represents the number of times each word occurred in the list called word_list via a for loop. Note that some of the i…
    • Define a function to analyze a numpy array Assume we have an array X which contains term frequency of each document. In this array, each row presents a document, each column denotes a word, and each v…
    • please do not copy answer from chegg and coursehero. Â Use python to solve the poisson equation, plot on interval using difference method. Â. Ex- #y Please find Axeb for the equation below – Unx Z c…
    • To do this, we will work with the Lotka-Volterra Equations, often known as the predator-prey equations. These equations describe how the populations of a single predator and prey pair of species chang…
    • Im stuck on this question for python and not sure how to answer/approach NOTE: not allowed to use dictionary. Background: In a Scrabble-like game, players each have a hand, which is a list of tiles …
    • I need help completing the following assignment: Working with SQL Part 1 Â You will use the SQLite3 library to perform common database tasks using Python. You can use Python’s default editor IDLE (In…
    • . [E Page View Read aloud Problem 3: A multi»gmph is a graph which may have more than one edge (parallel edges) between a pair of vertices. Suppose that these graphs may also have self-loops (an ed…
    • Would you help with this code. I am confused on how to have the equation equal something in python. I need it in an exact real number. Thanks.. 1. Solve the following equations. Give exact real answer…
    • You are hired by a company Gem Stones co ltd, which is a cubic zirconia manufacturer. You are provided with the dataset containing the prices and other attributes of almost 27,000 cubic zirconia (whic…
    • Write a web service and call it calc.svc which is the basic calculator and receives three values from input via keyboard. The first value as an operator (Op1) should be a char type and one of (+, -, *…
    • Im stuck on this question for python and not sure how to answer/approach NOTE: not allowed to use dictionary.  Write the function mostFrequentLetters(s), that takes a string s, and ignoring case (…
    • engineering notebook about robotics coding competition just narrate it. Team name: Team Omicron For coding Calendar for automatic: disregard this For coding process: check the program (it’s on gdriv…
    • Please Python Only. 3. Given the following argument: a. I will buy a new goat or a used Yugo. b. If I buy both a new goat and a used Yugo, I will need a loan. c. I bought a used Yugo and I don’t need …
    • Create a flowchart and pseudo code to do the following:- You are going to modify week 4 assignment (2 problems) to use input() function (no hard coded values) to prompt the user to enter the values. M…
    • . 2/7/22, 8:59 AM Lab 1–Variables, Strings and Numbers Lab 1–Variables, Strings and Numbers Start Assignment Due Monday by 23:59 Points 100 Submitting a file upload Problem: Create a Python progra…
    • ) Calculate Skewness, Kurtosis using R/Python code & draw inferences on the following data. Hint: [Insights drawn from the data such as data is normally distributed/not, outliers, measures like me…
    • Python Code Only. No Imports, basic coding only. findMixedCase Implement a function findMixedCase that -accepts a single argument, a list of words, and -returns the index of the first mixed ca…
    • Create a function in python to find the mode of a list of numbers. Do this without using .mode, .count, or .max function calls. Basically only using either ‘for’ or ‘while’ loop. Â Possible Approach:…
    • Python Code: No Imports basic coding only.  eligible  Implement a function eligible that returns a list of the names of people that are eligible for vaccination, subject to a minimum age requireme…
    • Please with explain. . Identify the type and error in following: -2345.0 -4434 -145 -34j – Dammam -3345.45 -23.45j -"Python"
    • please use basic functions.. Your program should get the name of the player who plays the game against an invisible player whose points for the game are randomly generated between and including 120…
    • Python Code Only with no Imports, just basic coding.  CountMultiples  Implement a function countMultiples that -accepts a single argument, a 2-dimensional list (e.g, list of lists) containing …
    • . 6 Missing special character: "Password must contain a special character" 7′ Missing a number number: I”Password must contain a number" 3 Password is too short: "Password must…
    • PYTHON CODE: No “Imports,” just basic coding.  Single-stranded DNA is a molecule that is composed of a sequence of nucleotides, which we will represent using a str consisting of the characters in …
    • . FILENAME Source Code #! /usr/bin/env python3 This module builds a restuarant order from a menu. Based on this order it calculates the total bill including tax and tip. The Menu is: eggs – …
    • . Question 1: Bug Fixing Using the following source code to create a file named median. py. Repair the error that it generates so it is able to match the Example Usage below. Filename Sour…
    • Can you please RECODE this WITHOUT importing numpy… WITHOUT numpy Python
    • Please Solve In Python Â. ACTIVITY 4: EXPLORING RUN TIMES The Sorts TestHarness lets you easily test your sorts code for various types of data . Develop a table of runtime results, using at least fou…
    • open this file, download it, next is extract it and open it on the second link below. Â Â…
    • this program is need to put the viruses on the quarantine area. open this file, download it, next is extract it and open it on the second link below.…
    • Task Â# 1: Assume that we specify two points in space by definite the x and y coordinate of each using x1, y1, x2, and y2 all which are float. Write an expression that computes … Â … the distanc…
    • Using kivy, Create an application that contains two pages as illustrated in the attached image. Both pages should have a label at the top of the page indicating the page number.ÂÂ Page 1 will have 3…
    • engineering notebook about robotics coding competition, just narrate it. Team name: Team Omicron For team introduction: numbers of words must be 50-60 words For coding Calendar for automatic: disregar…
    • Create a program that draws a smiley face from import Âgraphics
    • Engineering Notebook about robotics coding competiotion. Para G Gran G tear Cour * 11EC proje * Robe | Team * Team * 15 Te * Engi * The G tran: 11 X G tear S Mee f (4) F + V X C A Apps R…
    • use sas do this Use CheeseDataAssign1 Excel file for this question. The data relates to the volume of sales of Cheddar Cheese slices (for the month of December 2013) across more than 500 stores locate…
    • use python do Use the data file No More Germs Toothpaste for the following questions: Note:Â For all questions, you may ignore the significance of the variable in a regression. Just answer based on e…
    • Create a program that draws a smiley face from import Âgraphics
    • Egineering Notebook about robotics coding competition Â. 7. Engineering Notebook Each team must submit an engineering notebook as documentation for their participation in the competition. The Engin…
    • we assign caul Cluster a label as the iniquity labels Ul all Wald JUmints IT Is ClusiEI. say we Have uald points with these labels assigned to cluster1: 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 8, 6, 2, 2, 6, 8, 8, 2, 2 Sin…
    • test_update_centroids() at the bottom of and run python in a terminal window to verify your implementation. You have now completed all parts needed to run main()! As a …
    • Step S. Run analysis and wink about unit results You have now completed all the parts required to run the analysis. Please add a few lines at the bottom of (and remove your exploration cod…
    • We have provided testing code for you to verify your implementation. Uncomment this line: test mean_of_points() at the bottom of and run python in a terminal window to …
    • Assign a single data point to the closest centroid. Tou should use the euclidean_distance function (that you previously implemented). Arguments: data_point: a list of floats representing a data point …
    • Step 2: Assigning data points to closest centroids Implement the following function in def assign_data(data point, centroids):
    • In Part A, you ran the algorithm on MNIST data, and wrote the final centroids to file. The fir load the results. We have provided the code for you at the bottom of if name main centroids …
    • Part 1: Implementing the Algorithm You will be given the following data structures for K-means clustering: data: A list of data points, where each data point is a list of floats. Example: data = [[0.3…
    • FOR THE QUESTION IS IN THE PICTURES Â Â HERE’S THE LINK FORÂ (confirmed_cases_data = time_series_covid19_confirmed_global.csv) Â…
    • use python do this Use the data file No More Germs Toothpaste for the following questions: Note:Â For all questions, you may ignore the significance of the variable in a regression. Just answer based…
    • I only need help with the lab04 file (solveMaze function), I can’t seem to backtrack correctly or get it to return the correct statement. I’ve attached the code I’ve been working on so far, Â. Ins…
    • Load the mtcars.csv data set into a data frame. Create a new column in the data frame, exp_wt, that is the negative exponentiation of of the column wt. Use the ols function to perform a multiple regre…
    • use theÂIN300_Dataset1.csv (  Write a Python program that shows the frequency of each individual column below: ÂÂ?…
    • please do not copy answer from chegg and coursehero. Â need detailed algorithm. Â. Suppose you define a clustering objectve in the following manner – give a partitioning C = {C1, . . . Ck}, define c…
    • import math def max_magnitude(user_val1, user_val2): if (math.fabs(user_val1) > math.fabs(user_val2)): return user_val1 else: return user_val2 if __name__ == ‘__main__’: x = int(input()) y = int(in…
    • ps2b Â. Problem 3 Write an iterative program that finds the largest number of McNuggets that cannot be bought in exact quantity. Your program should print the answer in the following format (where…
    • . Page < of2 O — ZOOM + “If Congratulations, the birth month is April. Smmfle3: //Input Enter your guess for age: 58 Enter your guess for weight: 128 Enter your guess for birth month: Januar…
    • . POTD 4 You are working as a developer for an online marketplace company. Last week, the company introduced a new shipping system using drones. However, this drone delivery Assessment system is not…
    • a + Xbox Ic Code Python 3 (ipykernel) Q 2. Functions and Vice Chancellor Incomes odified In this question, we’ll look at the vc_compensation dataset, containing the 2021 compensation for those with ‘V…
    • Consider the table employee given below Table: employee E101 E102 E103 E104 E105 Ann Maria Paul Kristina Ross Graphic Designer Web Developer General Manager Editor Technical Writer E103 E104 NULL E101…
    • . Instructions For this lab, you will need to create three files: – — file containing your solution to writing the solveMaze function as described in this writeup – , file contai…
    • uestion 1. Decision Tree Classifier [10 Points] Data: The zip file “” contains 3 CSV files:Â ï‚· “hw2.q1.train.csv” contains 10,000 rows and 26 columns. The first column ‘y’ is the out…
    • . The IRR (internal rate of return) is the interest rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to O in a discounted cash flow analysis. Given cashflows C (where Co is the in…
    • Sample questions: { Solutions:  Question No:1 SELECT title,        AlbumbID FROM Tracks WHERE AlbumbID IN (SELECT AlbumbID FROM Albums WHERE artist = “Umani” Question No:…
    • def getMovingAverage(series,duration):  Âmvg_avg = list()  Ârunning_sum = 0  Â#YOUR CODE GOES HERE  Âimport numpy as np  Ârunning_sum += 1  Âcum_sum = np.c*msum(series);  Âwhile r…
    • Need Help!!. CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 2.2.1: Introduction to proofs. 381230 2095 528 or lacy? Jump to level 1 Consider the following universal statement. The difference between every pair of distinct prime …
    • What do I need to do to correct my code for the problem in Python? Â #split string tokens = user_input.split() Â #add tokens to a list input_data = [] for token in tokens: Â Âinput_data.append(int…
    • . 5 Triforce Draw the following image using turtles:
    • . 2 Turtle Clock Draw the face of analog clock using a turtle. It should resemble the following picture, but you can be creative! Remember the stamp () function a turtle can use, as well as penup ()…
    • . 1 Turtle Olympics Write a program (or function if you know how) which uses a turtle or turtles to draw the Olympic ring logo. Extra credit if you can get the rings to overlap and cross over and un…
    • • DOMAIN : Medical • CONTEXT : Medical research university X is undergoing a deep research on patients with certain conditions. University has an internal AI team. Due to confidentiality the patie…
    • Draw a stack diagram of the process only for a=12, b =8.
    • This is computer problem 2 in the book (page 59). The following ciphertext was encrypted by a shift cipher: lcllewljazlnnzmvyiylhrmhza This assignment requires you to write three programs: 1. A progra…
    • . Problem 3: word_vectors The vocabulary function returns a dictionary containing the word encoded vocabulary associated with the corpus. Once the encoding is done, each document can be replaced by …
    • Write a program that prompts the user to enter a two-digit integer. If the user’s input is acceptable, prompt the user to enter another, DIFFERENT two-digit integer. If this input is also acceptable, …
    • Example CODE: INT, FLOAT, ID, SEMICOLON, ASSIGNMENTOP, EOI, INVALID = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 def typeToString (tp): Â Âif (tp == INT): return “Int” Â Âelif (tp == FLOAT): return “Float” Â Âelif (tp…
    • . Problem 5: Covid-19 in NYC Trend Using the getMovingAverage function we wrote for problem 4, we’ll write a function getTrend that returns a series (list) containing a trend indicator value between…
    • . Scraping In this assignment, you will scrape data from The goal of the exercise is to get the latest sector performance data from the US markets, and to get the to…
    • API Practice Assignment In this assignment, we’ll get some practice accessing data through Google’s textsearch API. Textsearch API calls take a free text query as an input and return a list of local b…
    • 19 LAB: Smallest and largest numbers in a list Write a program that reads a list of integers into a list as long as the integers are greater than zero, then outputs the smallest and largest integers…
    • Task 8 Please do the following: Generate a random NumPy array of shape (5,10,15) use the np.random.rand method. Sort the array along the first axis. Sum the array along the second axis. Keep the dim…
    • Suppose we have a dictionary empDict that maps names to salaries. Add “Mary” to the dictionary with a salary of 55000 in one line. Â 2. Suppose we have a dictionary petDict: petDict = {“dogs”: 3, …
    • When someone calls 911, It is crucial to give them an ETA of when an officer will arrive. In order for our dispatchers not to have to guess, we want to write a function that given a map containing one…
    • Im having a really rough time trying to understand recursion, i kind of understand the idea of it and what its supposed to do, Âbut using it with python and getting the right syntax is what im really…
    • Write a program that asks for the speed of a vehicle (in miles-per-hour) and the number of hours it has traveled . Both values are assumed to be integers. It should use a loop to display the distance …
    • Two-sample t-test Use the titanic.csv data set. Subset the data set into male and female. Choose the correct t-test to use to determine if male and female passengers paid the same mean fare. Ex: If th…
    • You have been retained by Widget Sales Company, an international company with offices in 25 countries, to develop a website that will allow its employees to enter travel expenses incurred on a busines…
    • new to python, can someone help me with these please  Â. Question 6: Sum of the Multiples (3 points) Write a function multiplesum that takes in N , x , and y that adds all the numbers between 0 a…
    • Please send me a code for this thank you! Â For this second exercise, you will use your understanding of hyperlinks to connect several documents and sites. Follow the directions below to complete thi…
    • This is in bash using Cygwin  Write a while loop (only a while loop) to print numbers from 1 to 12 but not 4 and 7. All the numbers must be printed in one line as shown in the output: 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 …
    • The American College of Sports Medicine recommends that you maintain your training heart rate during an aerobic workout. Your training heart rate is computed as 7 ∗ (220 − 𝑎) + .3 ∗ 𝑟, whe…
    • The output should be a vertical list of each cat name in alphabetical order. I can only seem to produce a horizontal list that repeats as many times as there are names. How do I fix this? Â catNames …
    • Python Programming Need to solve these using functional programming No conditional statements allowed Write the following functions: letterScore(letter, scorelist) takes as input a single letter strin…
    • For this project you are to write Python code to accomplish the following: Prompt the user to enter the following information the day of the week (such as Friday) the high temperature for the day (in …
    • # Description : I am trying to learn, please help me by providing why and how the modifications made this work. This class is difficult for me to learn fully and the outside help is much appreciated. …
    • I can only get it to output one line instead of listing all of them. Please help!?. Page 2 > of 6 ZOOM + | Problem 2: Calculating Price of a Bulk Order WideCo is a company that sells widgets. The c…
    • Rewrite the following program to replace the for-loop with the while-loop: for i in range (10) : if i %2==0: print (i)
    • I am stuck on this problem. I believe I have all of it correct up until the last cell. I keep getting “TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for *: ‘dict’ and ‘dict’. lfitfldenis:UHarehouselnvent…
    • Create two variables x and y enter x = 3 and y = 3 Â Create nested list based on x and y for example as mentioned above and fill them with 0 [[0,0,0], [0,0,0] [0,0,0]] Â now in this same code I can …
    • Write a program that prompts the user for an integer and prints the integer, but if something other than an integer is supplied, the program keeps asking for an integer. Enter an integer: 3.14 Ent…
    • Confidence intervals for population proportions Load the titanic dataset. Find the proportion of passengers who embarked from Southampton whose age is greater than the user defined age. Calculate the …
    • . Storyboard {Description and Map] You’ve been kidnapped by a crazed gang of clowns: their leader is in the living room. You need to collect items to disguise yourself as one of the clowns. Doing …
    • Define a function to analyze the frequency of words in a string Define a function which does the following: has a string as an input splits the string into a list of tokens by space. e.g., “it’s a hel…
    • In Phyton programming: Â Write a program that uses nested loops to draw this pattern #Â # Â#Â # Â #Â # Â Â#Â # Â Â #Â # Â Â Â #Â # Â Â Â Â #
    • . Q3. Write a program that prompts the user for an integer and prints the integer, but if something other than an integer is supplied, the program keeps asking for an integer. Enter an integer: 3.14…
    • Please answer question #1 below: Â PYTHON QUESTIONS Implement a function called “sqThirds” that takes in an integer, x, inclusively checks all integers from 1 to x , and saves that integer squared in…
    • Lab 4A 100 points 1.5.? [0, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 5, 7, 8,9] 1 — Use the list above to create an array. Print your results. 2 — Create an array of 5 @. Print your result. 3 — Create a matrix of three ro…
    • please use sqlite3. get_empty_count matrix: This function takes a connection object to a bookstore db and returns a DataFrame with index and columns that are the ISBN’s of the books available in the b…
    • Function specifications. get purchase matrix: This function takes a connection object to a bookstore transaction db and returns a dictionary that maps customer id’s to a sorted lists of books they hav…
    • List out at least five ways to “crash” the program and document your errors. Include examples of at least one syntax error, one logic (semantic) error, and one run-time error. Include these errors as …
    • . *[Solved] 19 LAB: Exact change – f x zy Section 5.19 – IT 140: Introduction X + V X C it: Apps ) mySNHU Login y! Yahoo @ Homepage – South….
    • from pymongo import MongoClient from bson.objectid import ObjectId class AnimalShelter(object):#Class Declaration  “””CRUD operations for Animal collection in Mongo”””  Âdef __init__(self,user,…
    • Dataset Description This is a subset of the mammal sleep dataset. Dataset source:Â(Links to an external site.) Mammal Body Weight Brain Weight Afr…
    • . Course Hero X Bb M2 (2 weeks) – MIST 3050 VC 12 X Bb hw02_control_structure X C 1644202…
    • I am tasked to create a receipt using data from two separate csv files. the first file is to be read as a dictionary (products.csv). the second file is to be read as a list(request.csv). Once I have t…
    • For each of the datasets shown below Specify the type of each data attribute. Choose one chart to address the given visualization task. Briefly justify your choice. Create a visualization for the give…
    • In Python programming, write the following: 1. Time Calculator Write a program that asks the user to enter a number of seconds and works as follows: • There are 60 seconds in a minute. If the nu…
    • Companies pay executives in a variety of ways: in cash, by granting stock or other equity in the company, or with ancillary benefits (like private jets). Compute the proportion of each CEO’s pay that …
    • In Phyton Programming: 1. Calories Burned Running on a particular treadmill you burn 4.2 calories per minute. Write a program that uses a loop to display the number of calories burned after 10, 15…
    • It shows that AssertionError: Corr calculation off. But I have no idea where is wrong.. Corr (X, Y) = ELI (X, – X) ( Y; – Y ) nSD XSDY Please avoid using any functions from numpy Please use your funct…
    • One-sample hypothesis test for population proportion Load the gpa.csv data set. Find the number of students with a gpa greater than the user input value. Find the total number of students. Perform a z…
    • Hi, I need to do the following hw in Python. Please help as soon as possible. 1. Download the house Dataset from here: 2. This data…
    • pdf: problem 4 After performing PCA. the same timeseries corresponding to just after when the forced oscil…
    • In theÂmain function, ask the user how many sides the dice should have. The program should only allow the user to enter numbers between 4 and 20 inclusive. Modify theÂroll_dice function to take an a…
    • Solved in Python. When you use an automated teller machine (ATM) with your bank card, you need to use a personal identification number (PIN) to access your account. If a user fails more than three tim…
    • Need done ASAP! Will give a thumbs up if answered correctly! Here’s the anat file since it was too long to post in here:Â Â*gf9m_XWvOOHD23YXXpBr5LYzhh…
    • When is a for loop the most appropriate choice when code in your program needs to be repeated? When is a while loop the most appropriate choice when code in your program needs to be repeated? What…
    • CHALLENGEACTIVITY  4.2.2: Basic while loop with user input.  Write an expression that executes the loop body as long as the user enters a non-negative number. Note: If the submitted code has an …
    • Write a function that takes, as an argument, a temperature, in degrees Celsius. (as a float) The function checks that the temperature is an integer between -273.15 and 1000 (inclusive). If the tempera…
    • In Python, write a function that takes in 2 variables – a number of people and a number of groups. The people will be split up into the groups evenly (there might be left over people). Return the numb…
    • . Keller Gr DeVry W zy Sectic X zyBooks zy Section 5 WH How to Quick Z Z-score ( Sample Q Chapter ST t-Distribu G G t = # writ FBPython D G 5.14 LAB + X F…
    • Confidence intervals for population means norm.rsv is used to generate 100 random values with a normal distribution with a user defined mean and standard deviation. Calculate the sample mean of the di…
    • Just need help creating the function isValidDate with the “modDates” py file. The code here is the full modDates file. the smaller picture is the description of what isValidDate should be. Just need i…
    • Python Code Needed: Write a function squares that accepts a 2-dimensional list of integers or a list of ranges as an input, and that returns the count of all the integers that are perfect squares. a p…
    • Please answer question #1 below  PROBLEMS IN PYTHON:  Instructions: Implement the function below, badBunny. This function takes an integer “x” and stores all integers from 1 to x in an inclusive l…
    • May I have help on this Flow chart Diagram also please :). # Print initials into list form def fullname (str1) : # spliting string into list form Ist = str1. split() newspace = # traverse in the list …
    • How can I find the precision recall and f1 scores for an XGBoost algorithm Â. start = time. perf_counter() clfXGB = XGBRegressor (objective =’ reg: squarederror’, colsample_bytree = 0.8, learning_rat…
    • (Exercise 5.26 from the textbook) Write a function rps that returns the result of a game of “Rock, Paper, Scissors”. The function accepts two arguments, each one of ‘R’,’P’,’S’ , that represents the s…
    • Exercise 4 (2 points). Suppose you are given two binary floating-point values, u and v, in the tuple form given above. That is, u == (u_sign, u_signif, u_exp) v == (v_sign, v_signif, v_exp) where the …
    • please help my homework.Â. Introduction Reverse Polish notation (RPN), also known as reverse Lukasiewicz notation, Polish postfix notation or simply postfix notation, is a mathematical notation in wh…
    • Lab activity #5: Implement lists in a modular Python program Program: Calculator, version 4 Overview Objective: The calculator allows the user to perform multiple calculations with any number of opera…
    • Part A: Given: A DNA string, s, where the alphabet of DNA is from the set (A, C" GIT} Return: Four integers (separated by spaces) counting the respective number of times that the symbols ‘A, ‘C, …
    • 48 programming project 1: encode/decode tic -tac-toe For this problem we will decode an integer representation of a tic-tac-toe game board and determine if there is a winner. The 9 element board is …
    • I need help with how this question and an explanation of how you got the answer. Start a new interpreter session and set w=0, x = 15, y = 6, z = 30. Then write each of following expressions in Python….
    • write a program to take user inputs (number of sworda,diamonds, gold coins ropes and potions) for a video game and store them in a dictionary. after which print the following output. Âinventory:Â…
    • Write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results in a list. After which, identify the number of streaks. (streak – a series of 5 or more heads or tails) (20) 2. Write a program t…
    • squares Write a function squares that accepts a 2-dimensional list of integers or a list of ranges as an input, and that returns the count of all the integers that are perfect squares. a perfect squar…
    • Write a function palindromes that accepts a sentence as an argument. The function then returns a list of all words in the sentence that are palindromes, that is they are the same forwards and backward…
    • Hello, Â Consider Titanic dataset and define a function to filter all passengers with ticket Fare less than 20 dollars. Use apply function of pandas to the dataset, display the result, and compute th…
    • I need a flow chart Diagram for the following Python idle please. Â Â. # Print initials into list form def fullname (str1) : # spliting string into list form Ist = str1. split() newspace = # travers…
    • What is an ‘except block’?  A series of comments describing under what circ*mstances the program should fail  A block of code that executes when an exception does not happen  A block of exceptio…
    • please help my hw. Define a function find_longest_word(filename: str) ->str ) that reads a file and returns the longest word in that file. You are free to use any instructions, constructs, or patte…
    • Overview . Objective: The calculator allows the user to perform multiple calculations with any number of operands. Python constructs used: flow control, type casting, arithmetic operator, functions, l…
    • Does all the code in a try block execute if no exception is thrown? Â Yes. Â None of the code in the try block executes. Â Only the first line of code in the except block excecutes. Â Only excepti…
    • write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results in a list. after which, identify the number of streaks. (streak- a series of 5 or more heads or tails) 2. repeat question 1 us…
    • Write a PYTHON program that will use if-else or if-elif-else statements.  Read-It-All bookstore has a book sales club where customers can earn reward points that can be used for their next purchas…
    • write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results in a list. after which, identify the number of streaks. 2. write a program to take user inputs (number of sworda,diamonds, gol…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.8.1: Nested loops: Print rectangle Write nested loops to print a rectangle. Sample output for given program: 376628.2015284.qx3zqy7 1 num rows = 2 2 num_cols = 3 1 test 3 passed 4…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.5.2: For loop: Printing a dictionary Write a for loop to print each contact in contact_emails. Sample output for the given program: mike . filt@bmail. com is Mike Filt s . reyn@em…
    • . zy Section 5.19 – IT 140: Introduction X zyBooks Labs – To Do X > 5.6.1 function stubs statistics – SE X Course Hero x + X C & 140v3/chapter/5/sectio…
    • ibrary CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.5.1: For loop: Printing a list Write an expression to print each price in stock prices. Sample output for the given program: $ 34.62 $ 76.30 $ 85.05 376628.2015284.qx3zqy7 …
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.4.2: Printing output using a counter. Retype and run, note incorrect behavior. Then fix errors in the code, which should print num_stars asterisks while num_printed != num_stars: …
    • Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Python (First Edition) Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Peter Gedeck, and Nitin R. Patel. 2019. Dataset link : https://githu…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.4.1: While loop: Print 1 to N. Write a while loop that prints from 1 to user_num. Sample output for the given program: 376628.2015284 qx3zqy7 1 i = 1 2 user_num = 4 # Assume posit…
    • Using the following guidelines, create a python program. 1. Create a program named  2. Add four comment lines at the top of the program that contain: a. Program Name Âb. Progra…
    • plz help my hw. Question 4 1 pts Choose the answer that best describes what this function does. def func(a_string: str) -> str: res = " for ch in a_string: if ch not in res: res += ch return r…
    • I Need to flow chart sample for this Python Idle code please Â. / /This code may be tested on Eclipse 4. 14 N P 3 def main () : 4 full name = input (‘Enter your full name: 5 name = full_name . spli…
    • A team averaging 110 points is likely to do very well during the regular season. The coach of your team has hypothesized that your team scored at an average of less than 110 points in the years 2013-2…
    • Give an l example of a situation where decisions affect the flow (order of execution) of a program.
    • Exercise 2 (4 points). Write a function, fp_bin(v), that determines the IEEE-754 tuple representation of any double-precision floating-point value, v. That is, given the variable v such that type(v) i…
    • Please help my hw  Â. Introduction Reverse Polish notation 13PM], also I-mown as reverse Lukasiewicz notation, Polish pcstfix notation or simply postfix notation, is a mathematical notation in …
    • Problem 6Â Write a method that will take as input parameters two strings, first_name and last_name, and create a new variable called greeting which will be “Hello, your name is <first_name> &lt…
    • Using the following guidelines, create a python program.  1. Create a program named 2. Add four comment lines at the top of the program that contain: a. Program Name b. Progra…
    • can you please please help me I need it soon. can you help me to add some steps(which are below after the code) in the below Twitter scraper code. # Python Script to Extract tweets of a # particular H…
    • . Filename: jeopardy . py Input file: schneider . txt Amy Schneider (she/her) had an amazing 40-game winning streak on the game show Jeopardy! recently (Laney is a big fan :). The data file has Amy’…
    • please help my hw. Question 2 1 pts stingToArray is a function that splits its input into words, storing them in an array. What is the string method (misteryMethod) required to complete the specified …
    • . Subtraction requires three parts namely the (a) minuend, (b) subtrahend, and (c) difference. They are organized like this: minuend – subtrahend = difference. The minuend is the number from which w…
    • if x == 2 or 3 or 5 or 7. What should your condition be instead?
    • Feedback? CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.3.3: While loop: Insect growth. Given positive integer num_insects, write a while loop that prints that number doubled up to, but without exceeding 100. Follow each numb…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.3.2: Bidding example. Write an expression that continues to bid until the user enters ‘n’. 376628 2015284.qx3zay? 1 import random 2 random . seed(5) 1 test passed 3 4 keep_going =…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.2.3: Basic while loop expression. Write a while loop that prints user_num divided by 2 until user_num is less than 1. The value of user_num changes inside of the loop. Sample outp…
    • . Question 8 Answer choices _ F] REVlSIT 4 Marks Select only one option Which of the following is not true about K-means clustering? 0 It requires the number of clusters to be specified 0 The data p…
    • Feedback? CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.2.2: Basic while loop with user input. Write an expression that executes the loop body as long as the user enters a non-negative number. Note: These activities may test …
    • Develop and evaluate a logistic model to predict the quality (such as high quality and low quality) of red wines according to the several features and calculating test scores. Write your model in Pyth…
    • I need help fixing this code. I’m trying to get an ouput that says (with user input) : Hours Worked: 40 Hourly Pay Rate: $12.75 Tax Rate: 10.5% Bonus: $50.0 Net Pay: $501.2 Â so far I have: Â def ge…
    • . 31600.00 Ye S 33800.00 Ye S 44800.00 Ye S 45400.00 Ye S 14800.00 NO 37400.00 Ye S 50000.00 Ye S 37400.00 Ye S 47000.00 Ye S 38000.00 Ye S 41000.00 Ye S 61800.00 Ye S 53400.00 Ye S 34800.00 Ye S 35…
    • The number of clusters after which there is no significant drop in the WSS plot is the optimal number of clusters for K-means clustering. True / False?
    • In python please. Problem 3: Program a function mod_exp (b, n, m) that computes mod m using the algorithm discussed in lecture. No credit will be given to functions that employ any other implementatio…
    • In python please !. Problem 2: Program a function binary_add (a, b) that computes the sum of the binary numbers a = (aj-1, a1-2, … , do)2 and b = (bj-1, bj-2, …, bo)2 using the algorithm discussed…
    • Problem 1: Program a function div_alg(a, d) that computes the quotient and remainder of two integers a and d , according to the Division Algorithm (THM 4.1.1). The function should satisfy the …
    • In PCA, the eigenvector with theÂlowest eigenvalue is the first principal component. True or False?
    • . Question 24 Answer choices 4 Marks Select only one option Which of the following are considered to be weaknesses of K-means clustering? O 1′ 2 and 3 1) There isn’t a clear and straightforward wa…
    • Problem 9.2 ( Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Python (First Edition) Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Peter Gedeck, and Nitin R. Patel. 2019.) Predicting De…
    • Getting an error: django.core.exceptions.ImproperlyConfigured: AUTH_USER_MODEL refers to model ‘users.CustomUser’ that has not been installed   Here is the DEBUG = True ALLOWED_HOSTS =…
    • How do I incorporate $ for hourly pay and bonus and % for tax rate in the following program: Â def getInput(s): while True: try: value = float(input(s)) return value except ValueError: print(“Input i…
    • Client server Authentication from jupyter_plotly_dash import JupyterDash import dash_core_components as dcc import dash_html_components as html import dash from dash.dependencies import Input, Output …
    • Objective ● string: split(), strip(), \n, form new string by concatenation, string formatting ● list: list comprehension, looping, indexing, slicing ● list & string sorting ● enumerate: bu…
    • IncorrectQuestion 1 0 / 5 pts What code should be placed inside an except block? Â Just the code that could be expected to throw an exception.  Just the code to handle an exception should…
    • Hello My python code not working can anyone assist and or chg where needs to be chg in order to function in mongoDB Â ******************************************************************************* f…
    • Using python Read the following program requirements: A retail company must file a monthly sales tax report listing the total sales for the month and the amount of state and county sales tax collected…
    • Function name: string_modifier Parameter(s): str_list ( list ) Return Type: list Description: Write a function that passes in str_list, a list of strings containing any alphanumeric characters, and re…
    • Use code snippets given, write a function called "def first_20_stock_prices(symbols, prices)", which will take 2 input arguments, ‘symbols’ and ‘prices’. Prices is list of prices in float…
    • I need the codes in text form. Thank you. Exercise 1: Write a program that calculates the amount of a server’s tip, given the amount of the bill and the percentage tip as input. Enter amount of bill…
    • Please explain how the loop for IT 140 xyBooks Chapter 4.17 Mad Lib Loops should be constructed to keep looping until “quit” is entered. I have my print statement in the wrong place so it isn’t workin…
    • The program should allow the user to ask for a glossary entry. In response, the program should randomly pick an entry from all glossary entries. It should show the entry. After the user presses return…
    • Use this link for using data file in program for this question.. Problem 5. Linear Regression (40 points) The Energy Efficiency Dataset…
    • UNIVERSITY UoPeople OF THE PEOPLE My Courses * Resources * Links * Faculty * Contact us English (e The Education Revolution . Does the assignment implement new line, three lines, nine lines, and clear…
    • Using python-language Â. Output: Enter number of Student: 5 Enter Name and Grades of the Student: Juan 91 Mang juan 78 Key 73 Red 98 Roland 85 Grades in ascending order are: 73 78 85 91 98 The Highes…
    • Compare getting inputs for the user’s drink selection via choice = input(“What drink would you like? > “) vs choice = input(“What drink would you like? > “).lower() What is the benefit to conv…
    • Answer discuss questions a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i: Code 1 food = “cookies” if food == “cookies”: Â print(“Cookies!! I want to eat them all!”) elif food == “cake”: Â print(“Cake is so delicious. I n…
    • Compare getting inputs for the user’s drink selection via choice = input(“What drink would you like? > “) vs choice = input(“What drink would you like? > “).lower()
    • Explain the differences among univariate feature selection, SelectFromModel method, and PCA.
    • Instructions Examine the source code for the data entry program and answer the following questions: Describe any problems you see with the program that would cause it to report incorrect test results?…
    • rate = [] def cal(target_wealth,duration,periodic_invt,periodicity): Â Âfor potential_rate in range(1, 1000, 1): Â Â Â Ârate.append(potential_rate) Â Â Â Âfor i in range(len(rate)): Â Â Â…
    • The IRR (internal rate of return) is the interest rate that makes the net present value (NPV) of all cash flows equal to 0 in a discounted cash flow analysis. Given cashflows Ci (where C 0 is the init…
    • . Construct a single Python expression which evaluates to the following values, and incorporates the specified operations in each case (executed in any order). (a) Output value: ‘ hopeless’ Required…
    • . Page 1 of 3 Objective: The aim of this project is to familiarize you with the use of Boolean logic, branching statements and loops. Description: For this assignment, you will be implementing the s…
    • Below is the code needed to answer the above question  “”” Fill in the implementation of the `River_problem` class to match the representation that you specified in the above questions. “”” fro…
    • . Consider these recurrences, defining M(n) and S(n) for all integers n20: M(n) = SO if n < 1, M(Ln/2]) + M([n/2]) +n-1 otherwise. SM(n) if n < 140, S(n) = 16. [n/5] + S([n/5])+ S(6+ [7n/10]) …
    • Create a class called Person with the following attributes: name – A string representing the person’s name As well as appropriate __init__ and __str__ methods, include the following methods: get_name(…
    • Example 3: Create a function with a local variable. Show what happens when you try to use that variable outside the function. Explain the results. Example 4: Create a function that takes an argument. …
    • please provide separate codes for four of them. Assignment 3 Please use AAPL.csv and TSLA.csv that are provided in this learning module for this assignm By working on this assignment, you will practic…
    • Please explain the solution for IT 140 : Introduction to Scripting : Chapter 4.8.2 Nested Loops : Print seats
    • What is the missing lines of code for zyBooks IT 140 : Introduction to Scripting : Chapter 4.8.1 Nested loops: Print rectangle?
    • Find the closest value from a given value 0.5 in an arbitrary array with values 0-1. Â Using NumPy from Python. Â Can you explain how to do this? Â Thank you!
    • Get all items between 15 and 55 from aa, math expression: [15,55].ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ The aa is uniformly distributed integers in a 1D array (size=20) with given values (<100). Requi…
    • Compute the min/max (min is divided by max) for each row for a given 2d array, in which integer values range from 1 to 10 [1,10) and shape is (5,3).ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ Here requires a random seed…
    • Extract the integer part of a random array of positive numbers using 2 different methods, and the result should be an integer array.ÂÂ Using NumPy from Python. Can you explain how to do this?
    • how does this function work specifically the code in the return function. a break down of what each of those do. for example values[:index] gets all the value up to the index number that is inputte…
    • In Dice Game, you must run across a 140m bridge before it collapses. You are given two 6- sided dices with these numbers on their faces: -8, -7, 1, 2, 7, 8 on the first dice -7, -2, 1, 3, 7, 7 on the …
    • The quality controller at the automobile company needs to know the average length of a steel rod produced in the company. He managed to collect the length (in cm) of 15 rods produced in the last we…
    • Question 5. (20 points): Prove that the following one-variable functions are convex. . 4(t) = V12 + 1 on R; . y(t) = – V1 – t on (-1, 1). Now, assume that & is one of the above two functions y and…
    • Order Received X Module 5 Active Re: X zy Section 5.5 – CEIS11 X COMPSCI 1026A_B X () GitHub – thomaswill X G snip tool chrome – C X + X – C…
    • due: Feb 7th, 11:59 PM 1. Write a program for flipping a coin 10,000 times and store the results in a list. After which, identify the number of streaks. (streak – a series of 5 or more heads or tails)…
    • . Editing memory to use different data Based on what you saw in the first exercise, where are the data for the program located? Give the memory addresses where the data (as opposed to the instruc…
    • Question 4. (20 points): Analytically calculate the gradient and Hessian of the the following function: d ,5, f(x) :=Zpilog( f ) i=1 x. i=1 e ‘ where x 6 Rd is a variable, and p 6 Rd is a given vector…
    • Mainly need to know how to write that python code, thx. Now, given the following matrix in R3x3 1.5 3 0 1 2 1.5 0 2 A = (1) 1 5.5 1 1 0 2 2 3 apply the Gram-Schmidt process (by hand or calculator) to …
    • Write the code for a new method named clone, in the AbstractCollection class. This method expects no arguments and returns an exact copy of the object on which it is run. An example usage is aCopy = s…
    • I REALLY NEED HELP AFTER STEP 4    Step 1: Start a new file. In IDLE, select File Âand then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window toÂinput your new Python program. Now, t…
    • Write the following functions: letterScore(letter, scorelist) takes as input a single letter string called letter and a list where each element in that list is itself a list of the form [character, va…
    • kindly check this code and modify any needed thanks in advance. In [3]: import numpy as np import pandas as pd import matplotlib. pyplot as pit data=pd . read_csv ( "TSLA. CSV") data2=pd. re…
    • Given a string. the task is to check if the string is symmetrical and palindrome or not. A string is said to be symmetrical if both the halves of the string are the same and a string is said to be a p…
    • Which of the following expression evaluate to True? (Select two answers) A. len(‘\’•) == 1 B. len(“”” “””) == o C. chr(ordCA’) + 1) == ‘B’ D. ord(“Z”) – ord(“z”) — ord(“0”)
    • Program# 1  import copy def LUFactorisation(A):  Â “””This function uses the doolittle method algorithm provides an alternative way to factor A into an LU decomposition   on given matrix (A…
    • 3 Guided Practice: Manipulating Excel Files  Guided Practice: Manipulating Excel Files Outcome This Guided Practice will use Python libraries to help you learn how to interact with Excel files. Re…
    • The Payroll Department keeps a list of employee information for each pay period in a text file. The format of each line of the file is the following:Â<last name> <hours worked> <hourly…
    • These questions are meant to be coded in python!. . Calculate flow rates and pressures drop in the pipeline network using 2 different correlations and perform an economic analysis a) System simulation…
    • Mini-Assignment: SVMs – Part 2 Total points 1 1. Given an input array of binary feature values for a single feature, f, and an input array of binary class labels, y, write a function that 1 computes P…
    • Verify that your Food class code handles keys – i.e. accepts None appropriately.
    • In the List class, complete the _linear_search method. (Note that this is a private helper method for the List class. Do not test it directly – it can be used in some of the methods that follow.)
    • In the List class, complete the insert, append, and remove methods.
    • In the List class, complete the index, find, contains count, max, and min methods.
    • Add the following function to the PyDev module utilities . py in your Login_data_structures project. def list_test(a) : Tests list implementation. Use: list_test(a) Preconditions : a – list of data…
    • In the List class, complete the _getitem__and setitem_methods.
    • I’m stuck. This script is supposed to pull exif data from jpg file and put them into a pretty table. it works on one file, but says the other files of the same type(all .jpg) are invalid. any help wou…
    • subject: related python  need help: can someone help me to rewrite from what I have?  A.2 Project Recommendations Summary  A.2.1 Problem Summary Celebrity Deaths Analysis program complet…
    • Guided Practice: Basic File I/O Outcome This Guided Practice will use IDLE and Python to help you learn how to interact with text files. Resources Needed XenDesktop Python version 3.x Level of Difficu…
    • . 4. perform the above analysis separately for long and short positions (both your stock and S&P-500). Discuss your fi 5. plot two histograms on the distribution of last digit (cent posi…
    • . 3. suppose you add a restriction that you will trade only if the absolute value of overnight return is more than some threshold value x (e.g. 5%). (for example, unless stock price rises or falls o…
    • Python API IMDB Â import requests api_key = “b5fead990c45bf6da5a6e002df29743d” base_url = “″ r = requests.get(f”{base_url}/tv/on_the_air”, params={‘api_key’:api_key}) data…
    • Will give a thumbs up if answered! Please answer ASAP! Â The Anat19 file is too long to post in here so i provided a google doc link of the file so you can access it: Â…
    • import copy def LUFactorisation(A):  Â “””This function uses the doolittle method algorithm provides an alternative way to factor A into an LU decomposition   on given matrix (A). the functio…
    • D Question 8 Given the following code, what is the final value of x: x – 5 * 2 D Question 9 Given the following code, what is the final value of x: x = 2; x = x + 3 D Question 10 Given the following c…
    • How would you go about testing the transformation-invariance argument (with Python and scikit-learn, for example)? In what ways are trees and random forests superior to other machine learning methods,…
    • he operator *= is called a(n) _____ operator.  a. double   b. compound   c. increment   d. multiple assignment
    • Trying to figure out the method to replace all the values that are ‘0’ with an ‘X’ value from these lines of code. Â #adding for masking the values 0 for text in s.texts: if int.get_int() == ‘0’: tex…
    • At the end of the game, create a variable “hero_name”. Using the function input(), ask the user to “Enter your Hero’s name (in two words)”. Enter an input as the user. Eg. Strong John. 1b. Next, …
    • I want to modify the code below ( Python programming) fromÂrandomÂimportÂto make the game two player and I want to have the conditions below:Â Â – Whoever guess first win the game! – Make sure…
    • () Use the latest python debugging tools and learn how to use them efficiently QUESTION 2 Anything wrong with the code below? Choose all that apply num1 = int(input()) #line 1 num2 = int(input()) #lin…
    • Please answer this Python Question Â. Question 14 What is true about Python packages? (Select two answers) U A. the name_variable content determines the way in which the module was run B. a package c…
    • Hi, I need to finish the following hw in Python. Really need the answers as soon as possible.  1. Download the Titanic Dataset from here: 2. Import th…
    • G Which of the follow X Content Launch Meeting – 7 X 501c3 tax exempt | x free 501c3 recept f x 501c3 Services X Google * Addons Store Test Information Descri…
    • The input file is in the form of : 1233 Yes 23832 No 182 Yes. Problem 1 – Jeopardy! Stats Filename: jeopardy . py . Input file: schneider , txt Amy Schneider (she/her) had an amazing 40-game winning s…
    • Questions 1, 3,4, and 5.. 1. In the given data set, identify the number of missing values by column; treat the missing values by the following two methods: . keeping the rows with valid values . fi…
    • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY 5.3.2: If-else statements. 376428.2357430.qx3zqy7 V Jump to level 1 1 Print "user_num1 is negative." if user_num1 is less than 0. End with newline. 2 Assign user_num2 …
    • Paper covers rock . Tie: when both players throw the same item Problem 2 – Rock/Scissors/Paper Simulation Simulate a single game of RSP over and over, until someone wins 10,000 games. Keep track of th…
    • Filename: rock . py There is one large Dunkin’ Donuts coffee left in all of Khoury College, and Profs. Rachlin and Strange both want it. They consider playing Rock/Scissors/Paper for it, but who will …
    • How do i get the total netpay in $ def getInput(s): while True: Âtry: Â value = float(input(s)) Â return value Âexcept ValueError: Â print(“Input is not a number”) Â Â Â Â Â Â def calculate…
    • Please explain how to extract API URL data (Json) into CSV format using Python 3 .  It should have API connection check ( Pass or fail ) Exrtract data from API , pick certain columns Option to…
    • . CHALLENGE ACTIVITY I 5.3.2: If-elsestatements’ :. 6—25.. :3 5.— —’3 CI (2351231— Jump to level 1 Write multiple if statements: If oar_year is before 1967, print "Probably has few sa…
    • I’m having a hard time getting this code to work. I keep getting syntax error on the first line. Is anyone able to tell me why and how to fix it? Â NAME=str(input(“enter the name:”) print(“hello”,NAM…
    • Please help me with this assignment. We are supposed to use a python Jupyter notebook. Please provide the codes and explanation. Thank you so much in advance for your help!  Using a new Jupyter no…
    •Â Â The initial code is in this link above. Â 1. At the end of the game, create a variable “hero_name”. Using the function input(), ask the user t…
    • I’m having a hard time getting this code to work, its supposed to be a jeopardy game but whenever i run it nothing happens and when i enter something it gives me an error. Â import random as r import…
    • in python, the program takes as input a list of integers, and outputs the sum of every 3rd integer on the list. Âif there are less than three on the list the sum is zero.
    • Edit question 6. Lucky Triton Lotto 🔱 🎱 🧜 Suppose UCSD holds an annual lottery called the Lucky Triton Lotto, where students can enter to win Triton Cash, or even free housing! Here’s how the…
    • . Doolittle’s method: The Doolittle method first factors an nan matrix A into LU where L is a lower triangular matrix with 1’s on the diagonal and U is an upper triangular matrix. The solution to th…
    • simulate a game of Number Boggle. Number Boogle is based on rolling 16 dice, which results in the following 4X4 grid pattern, below, we will be interested in assessing the four corners that are genera…
    • Question 5.2. In math, the word “alternating” is sometimes used to indicate that the signs of the elements of a sequence oscillate back and forth between positive and negative. Complete the implementa…
    • In this problem, we’ll define two functions that compute some sort of “alternating sum” of a sequence of values. For guidance, you may want to look at the slide titled “Ranges” in Lecture 11. Question…
    • . 1. what is the average daily profit for your stock and ” spy” ? Since you always start with $100, this number will coincide with percentage profi
    • I need guidance on how to design a Python program that can convert number grades to letter grades after a user inputs their semester grade (89.5 to 100 is an A, 79.5 to 89.4 is a B, 69.5 to 79.4 is a …
    • Problem 3: GC content windows Place the code for this exercise in a file called In this problem, we will once again examine GC content in the Salmonella genome. In an earlier problem…
    • Why is the variable name total different than the variable name Total in Python? Or am I wrong and they’re the same. Thank you!
    • Problem 2: Counting patterns (Section 2.5) Place your code for this exercise in a file called Write a function called countPattern(pattern, string) that takes two strings as input: …
    • I need help developing a Python program that displays the value of the pi variable up to five decimal places after the assignment of pi as 3.141592653589793238.
    • Problem 1: Looping over lists (Section 2.4) Place the following functions in a file called 1a. Imagine that we have a list of DNA sequences and we wish to know how many of them are of a?…
    • Task 05 (30 points) Write a Python script that will calculate the value of a savings account after 10 years. Your script should prompt the user to enter a starting value and then calculate the compoun…
    • I need help with how to write a Python statement that would define a named constant for a number given as the decimal version of a percent (i.e .15 for 15 percent, .27 for 27 percent.)
    • Number Name Value 1 Double Trouble Cheese Burger $7.90 2 Carl’s Jr. Jalapeño Poppers $8.82 3 Fried Mayonnaise on a Stick $14.53 4 Danger Dog (w/ Dangerous Sauce) $9.96 5 Wings $25.09  Write a Pyt…
    • The always fun palindrome question! Write a Python script to check if a given string is the same when read backwards or forwards.  Input string Expected output of script Enter a word or sentence: …
    • . g. [6 points] Creating views. Create a view (virtual table) called good_collaboration that lists pairs of actors who have had a good collaboration as defined here. Each row in the view describes o…
    • Please rewrite the code using a loop and doing all of the requirements as listed above. Thank you so much for the help, please make sure you’re using python 3, not java or C++! Thank you again, please…
    • I am reaching out to you as suggested by our TA regarding CS 767 assignment 2. I would be thankful for any suggestion on how to approach the following problem: So far I managed to define the sigmoid a…
    • Please rewrite the code using a while loop and doing all of the requirements as listed above. Thank you so much for the help, please make sure you’re using python 3, not java or C++! Thank you again, …
    • Please rewrite the code using a while loop and doing all of the requirements as listed above. Thank you so much for the help, please make SURE you use python 3, not java or C++! Thank you again, pleas…
    • . def update (self, x: int) : : param x: The new stream element x. In this function, you’ll call update for all the DistElts objects in self. des. pass # TODO: Your code here (2 lines) def estimate …
    • . (C) (d) Let’s compare this approach to using a typical Set data structure. Google wants to store 1 million URLs, with each URL taking (on average) 25 bytes. How much space (in MB, 1 MB = 1 mi…
    • there is an error i am facing while executing this code. Â the error happens in the decode module. File “<ipython-input-46-afb9364e70b4>”, line 37, in call * return tf.convert_to_tensor(result)…
    • Create the program as described on page 83. catNames = [] while True:  Âprint(‘Enter the name of cat’ + str(len(catNames) + 1) +     ‘ (Or enter nothing to stop.):’)  Âna…
    • The input file structure like: 18473 Yes 83828 No 3828 Yes 82828 Yes This is the input file. Problem 1 – Jeopardy! Stats Filename: jeopardy . py . Input file: schneider . txt Amy Schneider (she/her) h…
    • Read the dataset named reviews_and_categories.csv and write code that performs the steps below: Â Â PLEASE SHOW ALL CODE AND OUTPUT THAT HELPS ANSWERS THESE 4 QUESTIONS. Â Database Below (.csv file…
    • Client- Server Authentation i have to make the code  Why am i receiving Âthis error? The directions were this. In [2]: from jupyter_plotly_dash import JupyterDash import dash_core_components as dec…
    • Write a program to compute the frequency of the words from the input. The output should output after sorting the key alphanumerically.
    • A bit shift is a procedure whereby the bits in a bit string are moved to the left or to the right. For example, we can shift the bits in the string 1011 Âtwo places to the left to produce the strin…
    • What are some examples of sports that give the TV black? Explain.
    • Please see below code. I only want it in ascending order in a list, how do i resolve it? Meaning it should be [0.1,0.2,0.3,,0.6 …… ] Â rate = [] for potential_rate in range(1, 1000, 1): Â…
    • Good Morning  I am having difficult with MINE CRUD function I have the one side complete but difficulties putting my update and delete function these are the screen shots and i tried everything if y…
    • Keep getting error back on code, please help  mammal = [‘horse’,’dog’,’cat’,’bison’,’rat’,’wolf’] bird=[‘sparrow’,’hawk’,’crow’,’cardinal’] reptile=[‘snake’,’lizard’,’turtle’] fish=[‘tuna’,’salmon’,…
    • perform the above analysis separately for long and short positions (both your stock and S&P-500). Discuss your findings.
    • suppose you add a restriction that you will trade only if the absolute value of overnight return is more than some threshold value x (e.g. 5%). (for example, unless stock price rises or falls overn…
    • plot two histograms on the distribution of last digit (cent position) for the "Open" prices for your stock and for S&P- 500. What digit has the highest and the lowest frequency? For w…
    • is the profit from "long" positions (when you buy ) higher or lower than your profit from ‘short" positions (when you sell short)? What is more profitable: long or short positions?
    • Hi there I would love some help with this problem. Revised to add all of the information. The part I need some help with is the last part. Thank you! Â I need help with the last part of this task. I …
    • There is no partial marking in the problem. Given a weighted undirected tree of / nodes and Q queries. Each query contains an integer D. For each query, find the number of paths in the given tree such…
    • base code#—————————————————- # Lab 4: Web browser simulator # Purpose of program: # # Author:Â # Collaborators/references: #—————————————–…
    • CMPUT 1’75 – Lab 4: Web Browser with a List Goal: Use a built-in data structure (Python list) to simulate the forward arid back button functionality of a web browser. You are tasked with creating a …
    • Hint:Â Â Â. In Dice Game, you must run across a 140m bridge before it collapses. You are given two 6- sided dices with these numbers on their faces: -8, -7, 1, 2, 7, 8 on the first dice -7, -2, …
    • < c. Find the largest number (output) that your functions are able to compute within 1 minute in the above two parts. You don’t have to find an exact tight bound; just something clo…
    • Hi there can I please have some help with this question?
    • outline of the program is: Declare an array L to store . Compute and store it in the variables L[k] , .ÂÂIn problem 1, do not use a loop to compute . Use the variable P(x) to store . Output. 1. Writ…
    • please help me to create code using phyton: Â. Create a SINGLE program that uses ATLEAST TWO of the ALGORITHM AND DATA-STRUCTURE topics. The program should be APPLICABLE TO REAL-LIFE SITUATION "…
    • Can anyone please help me to fix this error? Thank you so much in advance!. Question 7:/15pts Modify the function BootstrapPred from lab04 to bootstrap your fit and generate a prediction from each of …
    • Using Python Â. You are required to work out the annualised investment return required given a target wealth to be achieved some time in the future. For example, for a target wealth of $1,000,000 in …
    • I have a for loop here  for i in [float(j)/10 for j in range(10,1000,1)]: print(i)  this will return the potential_rate from 1.0 to 99.0 in increment of 0.1.  I want to plug this Âpotential…
    • ## # Daniel Sobanjo # 2/5/2022 # Trish’s Bookstore Calculator # # Global Constants PAPERBACK_COST = 2.50 HARDBACK_COST = 7.00 MAGAZINE_COST = 3.95 TAX_RATE = 0.07 Â# Tax Rate of 7% def main(): Â Â#…
    • Using a new Jupyter notebook, create a 100 x 100 times table matrix using the following three methods. Use the timeit function to measure the execution time of each method. Nested for loops Numpy from…
    • MadLibs! Remember them? Looking for 5 Functions: one to capture user input for each word needed to complete the MadLib, see below for words needed, encourage the user to enter upper, lower and mix…
    • # # Daniel Sobanjo # 2/5/2022 # Paint Job Estimator # import math # Global constants for paint job estimator FEET_PER_GALLON = 112 LABOR_HOURS = 8 LABOR_CHARGE = 35 # main module def main(): Â Â# As…
    • Using the attached dataset to develop, train, and evaluate a group of linear regression models to predict the price (dependent variable) of a Monet painting from a few of its features (independent var…
    • Can someone please help me to fix my code? The error says like “ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes (100,) (100,2)” Â Thank you so much in advance!. Question 4: /10pts Lo…
    • need code for these 4. Assignment 3 Please use AAPL.csv and TSLA.csv that are provided in this learning module for this assignment. By working on this assignment, you will practice processing time ser…
    • How many three-digit numbers are divisible by 17? Write a program to print them.  PLEASE ONLY IN PYTHON FORM! Thank you!!
    • There’s no additional information. Just code the program. import copy def GaussSeidel(Aaug, x Niter=15, epsilon=le-5): This is Gauss-Seidel iterative solution to a set of equations in an augmented …
    • In python write takes as input a list of integers, and outputs the sum of every 3rd integer on the list. Âif there are less than three on the list the sum is zero.
    • Write a “for” loop that will print ‘pbil’ when ‘alphabetical’ is the input.  NOTE: ÂYou can use any other method you can think of BUT you cannot hardcode the printing (i.e. no print(“pbil”) )
    • In python write a program that takes as input a list of integers, and outputs the sum of every 3rd integer on the list. Âif there are less than three on the list the sum is zero.
    • 4 Find EMPLOYEENUMBER, EDUCATIONFIELD, JOBROLE for all the employees whose AGE is greater than equal to 55 and ATTRITION is YES (10 points) > subset(data, Age >- 55 & Attrition — ‘Yes’, sel…
    • Write a “for” loop that will print ‘pbil’ when ‘alphabetical’ is the input.
    • How many three-digit numbers are divisible by 17? Write a program to print them.
    • Create a python program to compute an optimal sequence of actions for a 3 X 3 world whose initial state has dirt in the three top squares and the agent in the center.
    • “”” ——————————————————- Circular array version of the Queue ADT. ——————————————————- Author: ÂDavid Brown ID: Â Â Â999999999…
    • Predict the outcome of each line: Â i=1 j=0 while i<10: Â Â Â Âi+=1 Â Â Â Âj+=2*2 print(i) # Line 1 print(j) # Line 2
    • Need help with this code. Has to be the exact output the problem wants. Thanks. Shur Prof. 2 X X 3 Co C Get Varia Prof. Prof. W Pyth W Pyth W Pyth contests/1500s22/challenges/2-python-crazy-sentence-p…
    • Need to make a cookies recipe. For 48 cookies it is 1.5 cups Âsugar, 1.0 cups butter and 2.75 flour. But when user inputs different number of cookies the recipie needs to change accordingly. This is …
    • Hello, I have the code for the script and everything below. ÂBut when I click run the program it says the error says there is no text document. ÂIn the instructions it says I should create my …
    • . See Homework Instructions and HW1 instructions for information about naming and including header in each source file. Q1. Write a program that simplifies the following code so that it does not use…
    • . The diagram below shows steps that simulate computer-aided troubleshooting of a hypothetical diesel engine. Write a program based on the given diagram below. Make sure to ask the tester’s ID numbe…
    • workers = [] I havmain = () Hello, Â ÂI have the final code for my assignment as listed below. ÂBut when I export the code to a python zipped folder, and then run the code in python, I add employee…
    • rsv is used to generate 100 random values with a normal distribution with a user defined mean and standard deviation. Calculate the sample mean of the distribution. Calculate the standard error o…
    • . Figure 8: Example 3 Hints: This wrap around and carry can occur for minutes too (causing a carry into degrees). The wrap around can also happen for degrees but there’s no carry in this case. Con…
    • Without IF Statement **READ TO THE BOTTOM* Â Â Â Â. Figure 8: Example 3 Hints: This wrap around and carry can occur for minutes too (causing a carry into degrees). The wrap around can also happen …
    • Which of the following is the feature of Ktable? continuously updated materialized view append only interprets data as record stream None of the options
    • How to find independent objects (letters) in the attached black and white image by using the two-pass connected components algorithm (Image Processing) in Python without using the Open CV built functi…
    • . (CDAccount& _account) double rateFraction, interest; rateFraction = _account .interestRate/100.0; interest = _account. balance* (rateFraction* (_account.term/12.0)) ; _account. balance = _acco…
    • Use matplotlib to draw Linear Regression based on data from a dataframe with 3 columns dataframe columns are [‘Year’, ‘SeaLevel’, ‘Co2]  Linear regression Âbased on x = Co2; y = SeaLevel  Data fr…
    • Use matplotlib to draw bar chart based on data from a dataframe with 3 columns dataframe columns are [‘Year’, ‘SeaLevel’, ‘Co2] Bar chart should have x=’Year’, SeaLevel bars should be blue, Co2 red. T…
    • Have a dataframe with 3 columns [‘Year’, ‘Sea Level’, ‘Co2] use myplotlib to plot scatter with x=’Year’, and y= ÂSea level and Co2 Âon the same page  Data frame in .csv: ,Year,SeaLevel,Co2 0,199…
    • Step 1: Start a new file. In IDLE, select File Âand then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window toinput your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. For the first line…
    • Modify the code to make the game two player: Â fromÂrandomÂimportÂ* rand_num = randint(1,100)Â # random number b/w 1 to 100 user_name =Âinput(‘What is your name: ‘) count =Â0 while True: Â Â …
    • I’m getting invalid syntax due to the colon sign in def payroll_calc:
    • Is there a difference between where Dairy Farm Group stores are located and where its customers reside? Given the current distribution of stores (see Store locations excel file), should Diary Farm Gro…
    • kindly find the data in the attached google drive since it is too big to attach  For the file weather_report.txt, y…
    • You will test a function called credit_card_validator that is passed a sequence of digits as a string that represents as credit card number. This function will return True ) if it is a valid credit ca…
    • Writing a python Programming code on how to calculate dog years into human years
    • SearchÂonlineÂfor reasons describing why Python is such a popular programming language. Can you describe 3 key reasons why Python has been gaining in popularity over the last few years? Please r…
    • Step 1: Start a new file. In IDLE, select File and then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. For the first line of y…
    • Using this file, complete this:Â Instead of using spark on databricks to compute the columnar correlations, you can use pandas python library. In this case you can use spyder to write and run your co…
    • the control structure to calculate a grade. The grade is based on 4 homework assignments of 50 points each, 2 tests of 50 points each and final exam of 100 points. The final exam is worth 50% of t…
    • Question as persented to me (via zybooks) Tiny Sales Company: Phase 1 (1) Build the ItemToPurchase class with the following specifications: Attributes (3 pts) item_name (string) item_price (float) ite…
    • Please help with the following MatLab code. Problem 2.1: Create a function called "mysin.m" that implements the Taylor series expansion of the sine function. "mysin" should take x …
    • is the output supposed to give every amount? The only amount it printed for me was “How many Reavers:20”
    • Given two variables iVal and fVal, containing respectively an integer and a float value, write a statement that writes both of their values to standard output in the following format: i=iVal f=fVal. T…
    • . Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter 2 numbers of his/her choice. Then your program should call a function that Multiplies each number by 2. Then, adds the two new numbers together …
    • The programmer is responsible for setting up the initial condition, making sure the condition is correct, and that something changes inside the body of to guarantee that the condition will eventually …
    • The greatest common divisor (GCD) of a and b is the largest number that divides both of them with no remainder. Â One way to find the GCD of two numbers is based on the observation that if r is the r…
    • Can some one help me in completing below Program. attached sample output format and ÂAssignment question as well . Â Notebook 1: Web Data Scraper This assignment deals with obtaining vulnerability d…
    • What does the code below print, if name = "Bob"? if name == "Melissa": print ("Go to the Math lab") elif name == "Marlene": print ("Go to the Computer lab&…
    • —FULL CODE —  class Jurisdiction:  “””The election history for a jurisdiction that is a parliamentary  Âdemocracy.  Â=== Private Attributes ===  Â_name: the name of this jurisdictio…
    • Figure 8: Example 3 Hints: This wrap around and carry can occur for minutes too (causing a carry into degrees). The wrap around can also happen for degrees but there’s no carry in this case. Conside…
    • Overall Problem You are playing the game of Monopoly and you decide you wish to construct houses on one of your property groups.ÂThe rules of the game require that the number of houses on the propert…
    • Complete the `find_dist` function. This function takes in a list of the sum of squared distances and a list of distributions. Your code must find the minimum value in the `sum_err` list of sums and th…
    • Complete the `calculate_distance()` function. This function takes in two floats and returns the calculated distance. The formula you need to use for this function is (in LaTeX form): $$\sqrt{(x – \f…
    • Complete the `get_coordinates` function. This function takes in an array of data and the name of a distribution. It then calculates the QQ plot by calling the `stats.probplot` function with the datase…
    • Help me in completing this below Assignment.  There is a sampleÂdata exploration project you will be interested in Web Scraping company data from and Dice.comÂ(Redirects to an externa…
    • —CODE— class Election:  “””Data for a single election in a parliamentary democracy.  Â=== Private Attributes ===  Â_d: the date of this election.  Â_ridings: all ridings for which any…
    • I’m not sure what to do with this code. * I can’t share the notebook*. -490 4 California a 38,993,940 39,250,017 502,848 273,850 33,530 6,451 .. (47 rows omitted) Question 2.1. Assign us_birth_rate to…
    • . Problem 2 – Anyone for a Donut? A toms is three-dimensional geometric shape that looks like a donut. Write a Python program that inputs (from the keyboard at mntime) the values for the major and m…
    • . Problem 3 – Angle Adder Precise angle measurements (and geographical coordinates) are often expressed in the DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds) format. For example, we might describe an angle precise…
    • . str_and _repr_ Special methods that provide a legible representation for instances of the Line class. Objects will be represented using the "slope-intercept" equation of the lin…
    • Part 1: Given the below formula, prompt the user to input values and calculate the outcome. Formula: I = P*r*t where: P is principal (should be entered as a floating number or integer) r is rate…
    • Problem 1 Given your success with the converter program, your employer has decided to task you with a more difficult problem. The company needs a utility program that non-programmers can use to ca…
    • I just need help with the python script at the bottom of the instructions. we only use more simple python commands for now go to OPS245 WIKI by Seneca and you can see what we use Â. New Tab * *Course…
    • (4.2) Write a while loop that asks the user to enter two numbers. The numbers should be added and the sum displayed. The user should be asked if he or she wishes to perform the operation again. If s…
    • (4.1) Write a complete program that sums the user’s inputs. If the user enters zero it displays the sum. you must use a while loop . sample run: Enter a number to stop enter 0: 8.9 Enter a number to s…
    • Use python Â. PROBLEM 2. points 25 – Use Python The"divide and average" method, an old-time method for approximationg the square root of any positive number a can be formulated as rita/Ti (…
    • I need help with question below. What is the data type of ‘700.653’? O Float Character Integer String None of the above, the code has error(s).
    • consider the following code. Consider the following code: What does it draw? import turtle wn = turtle . Screen () alex = turtle . Turtle () for aColor in ["pink", "green" , "…
    • what is printed. What is printed after all the statements below complete execution? The line numbers are not part of the code. 1 x = 20 N print ( ‘x’ ) m X = X – 1 print (x) In if x == 20: print (x) e…
    • how many times. How many times is the letter "a" printed after the following code completes execution? The line numbers are not part of the code. 1 s = "ana has bananas" 2 idx = 0 …
    • the following code is. The following code is the correct syntax for writing a def name( parameters ): statement (s) O if statement O None of the above, the code has error(s). while loop function
    • what is the data type. What is the data type of ‘700.653’? Float Character Integer String None of the above, the code has error(s).
    • what is printed. What is printed when the following statements complete execution? The line numbers are not part of the code. 1 myList = [ [4, [True, False], 6, 8], [888, 999] ] if myList [0] [1] [1 ]…
    • mach each print statement. . Match each print statement (if any of them print), to its resulting output, print(float("12345.345")) [ Choose ] [200, 180, 160, 140, 120] 0 print(type(float(&qu…
    • mach each print statement. Match each print statement (if any of them print), to its resulting output based on the starting code provided below. The line numbers are not part of the code. 1 school = &…
    • pdf: In the attached zip file problem_4_data. zip, you’ll find four . csv files and a README. pd…
    • write a python program…. . Write a Python program which asks the user to enter his / her annual salary. . If the salary the user entered is 100,000 or more, display a message, "You are doing we…
    • write a python program. . Write a Python program that prompts the user to enter 2 numbers of his/her choice. Then your program should call a function that Multiplies each number by 2. Then, adds the t…
    • write Python program. . Write Python code that prints all the even numbers (divisible by 2 without remainder) from 25 – 55 vertically, one number per line. Do do not hard code or type the numbers manu…
    • will read the entire…. will read the entire contents of a file into a list where each line of the file is a string and is an element in the list. O None of the above. O readlines readline read / wri…
    • the programmer is responsible…. The programmer is responsible for setting up the initial condition, making sure the condition is correct, and that something changes inside the body of to guarantee t…
    • Part 1: Write it as a function. Prompt a user to enter in Principal (floating-point/Integer), rate (floating-point) and time (floating-point) I= Prt  Part 2: Write it as a function. Also, pr…
    • …. Consider the following code: What does it draw? import turtle wn = turtle . Screen () alex = turtle. Turtle () for aColor in ["pink", "green" , "orange", &q…
    • Hi, could you please provide python code with divide and conqueur, for the following scenario – Â Implement Karatsuba’s integer multiplication algorithm. Your program should invoke the language’s mul…
    • Solve the following multiple choices : 1) The following function is missing: ___ login(username, password): a) type      b) def       c) name      d) nothing …
    • Data Mining for Business Analytics: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Python (First Edition) Galit Shmueli, Peter C. Bruce, Peter Gedeck, and Nitin R. Patel. 2019. Problem 10.3 Sales of Riding…
    • l 2— 2 Please write the math expression in Python. {For your response correctly matches the answer, please do not leave any space around each operator and only use the parentheses Iwhen necessary. }…
    • In this problem we will draw from your probability plot understanding to create a function that for any dataset reports what is the closest distribution fit between: Gaussian (norm) Exponential (expon…
    • for def party_history(self, party: str) -> Dict[date, float]:    “””Return this party’s percentage of the popular vote in each election    Âin this jurisdiction’s history.    ?…
    • Practice using the keyboard event handler in Processing. Some more practice with colours,especially non-primary ones.Degree of Diculty:Easy To ModerateWhen you look at the same object under dierent li…
    • MUHIMIK Collapse Exercises Exercise 7: Primary Colors Create a program that will use the variable [x] to represent a string. Write a program using the dif keyword that determines if [x ] is a primary …
    • Aim and scope Classification of selected image data 2. Dataset a) The dataset can be freely selected from any open source (any image domain is allowed, e.g. satellite or airborne, daily life, b…
    • and this is the #—————————————————- # Lab 4: Web browser simulator # Purpose of program: # # Author:Â # Collaborators/references: #——————…
    • Write a program that determines the month of the ear based on the value of a variable called month. The variable will be a number from 1 to 12 (1 is January, 2 is February, etc). Use a print statement…
    • for reference of the textbook Iam posting the link of the textbook in wgich data is present look in to the textbook and answer the question…
    • notebook. Understand the given notebook. Identify the difference between classification and clustering. Your answer…
    • Write a program that prompts the user to enter two numbers. The numbers will always be >= 0 and <= 999. You can assume that the user will always supply you with an integer within this range and …
    • Ensuring Social Distancing You and your friends are attempting to figure out a way to ensure that you can party safely during a pandemic (assuming no “stay in place” orders are occurring). You’ve deci…
    • For each year in which games were held, what proportion of gold medals did the host country win? You will need to combine multiple datasets to complete the analysis. Â This is a data analysis problem…
    • Hi there can I please have some help with this? Â This is the current code: Â def calculate_price(price, order): # TODO: Implement this pass price = {‘book’: 10.0, ‘magazine’: 5.5, ‘newspaper’: 2.0}…
    • Hi there can I please have some help with this. Â Â Â Create a class called Person with the following attributes: name – A string representing the person’s name As well as appropriate __init__ and …
    • Hi there I would love some help with this question. Â A farrier was contacted one Sunday and asked to shoe a horse. Because Sunday was his day off, the farrier advised the rider to come back tomorrow…
    • Need to answer with the information already given. Thanks. / challenges/arithmetic-exponent h Hulu | Home youtube ( HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login @ Outlook cengage My lab Stat…
    • Hi there I would love some help with this question. I’m a bit confused as to how to make it into a gui. This is the code for the previous part that it refers to that this question builds upon.  …
    • # 12. Write a function to invert a dictionary. It should accept a dictionary as a parameter and return a # dictionary where the keys are # values from the input dictionary and the values are lists of …
    • Task 1Â Â Write a Python program to print the number entered by user only if theÂnumber entered is negative. Write a Python program to check if the value a is less than 20 or not. Write a Python pr…
    • . Hopefully you all remember the work with Palindromes in the previous Lab (Lab-3). Given a list of words, your task is to return the first palindromic string in th list. If the list has no such mat…
    • . A String is determined to be fair if it satisfies any of the 3 conditions : Every letter in the string is a capital, like "USO" (or) Every letter is not uppercase , like "assignmen…
    • . A String is determined to be fair if it satisfies any of the 3 conditions : Every letter in the string is a capital, like "USC" (or) Every letter is not uppercase , like "assignment…
    • . For the tile weatherireporttxt, you have 4 floating point numbers In each line as per the format below. (Min Temperaturefln C). Max Temperaturefin C). Humidity%. Rainfall(in)) tor a particular …
    • the model’s accuracy during development was high, the model didn’t perform well in real life, there is something wrong with the training process. what is wrong ?. import numpy as np from sklearn. mode…
    • use python. Write a program that takes values num and N as input and prints the first N lines of an exponential table for num starting from 1, where both N and num are strictly positive integers. For …
    • use python. Yourjob is to write the function prevword_ave_’l.en (word) which takes a single argument word (a st r) and returns the average length (in characters) of the word that precedes word in the …
    • . Our favourite detective Sherlock has a been given a cipher to docode and needs your help. The key to the cipher is to solve a substring problem. He’s given a String X, consisting of just 2 charact…
    • use python. In this problem you will write a program that prints a list of words that share the same suffix. First, your program must ask the user to enter all of the words separated by a space. Then …
    • # 13. # Write a function called word_frequencies(mylist) that accepts a list of strings # called mylist and returns a dictionary where # the keys are the words from mylist and the values are the numbe…
    • Write a function to invert a dictionary. It should accept a dictionary as a parameter and return a # dictionary where the keys are # values from the input dictionary and the values are lists of ke…
    • I have a problem figure out the right code for this problem. And I need help plz. Part 2 Compute the value of the integral: xe x dx using the substituton method. (You might be able to find a package t…
    • # 10. # ÂWrite a function called accept_login(users, username, password) with three parameters: # users a dictionary of username keys and password values (already created below), # username a string …
    • Please do these activities (The graphs should be horizontally designed ) Activity 1.1: Create Pandas DataFrame Create a Pandas DataFrame using the below link which has the dataset of Tips taken on the…
    • Please do these activities using distplot function. Do NOT use displot. Activity 1: Histogram using hist() Function Given a list of random age of 100 individuals in a range between 1 and 91. Write a c…
    • class Logger: def __init__(self, v): assert isinstance(v, Vector) self.v = v self._logs = [] ## Internal variable to hold logs  def _log_get(self, msg, val): ”’Utility Method: Adds entry to the log…
    • Please do these activities using count plot and patches . Please do NOT use bar plot. Activity 1: Annotate bars in the count plot Create a gender wise annotated count plot using the below link which h…
    • We will be understanding the concept of linear regression along with its regularization. parameter on the dataset given Âbelow,w which has multiple attributes. .The MedicalDataset (https://www.ka…
    • # RQ1 def cascade(lst): “””Returns the cascade of the given list. >>> cascade([1, 2, 3, 4]) [1, 2, 3, 4, 4, 3, 2, 1] “”” “*** YOUR CODE HERE ***” # RQ2 def maptwice(fn, seq): “””Applies fn tw…
    • I would like to know the code solution for this question please. Images of the task description are provided also the code for the previous part is provided Â. Problem Thanks to your previous progr…
    • Collapse Exercises Exercise 6: Divisible by 5 Create a program that will use the variable x to represent a positive integer. The program will determine if x is divisible by 5 and even. If yes, print _…
    • Remove all the special characters from para specified in speciall and save them in the variable wordl. Get the first 70 characters from word1, reverse the strings, save it in variable rword2, and prin…
    • Show the result of your code running against these test cases: 1. median(v), modes(v) and mean(v) for v = [i for j in (range(1180, 2022, k) for k in (3, 5, 7)) for i in j] 2. mean(vm), mean(vm, 0) and…
    • Using python, juyper notebooks I’m confused on why I’m getting all these errors, I can’t figure out 4 and 5, and why does 6 not look like a table? Â Here’s the instructions Here’s screenshots of m…
    • The Richter scale is a function used to measure the magnitude of earthquakes based on the seismographic measurements. Specifically, the magnitude is given by  where is the amplitude of the seismogra…
    • . Question 2 In Dice Game, you must run across a 140m bridge before it collapses. You are given two 6- sided dices with these numbers on their faces: -8, -7, 1, 2, 7, 8 on the first dice -7, -2, 1, …
    • . (self bill): serial_number, denomination bill bills bills[denomination] low 8 high (bills) 1 low high: midway low high 2 bills[midway] serial_number: midway serial_number: high 1 low 0. binary_sea…
    • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this probrem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. aded Parsons Problems Problem Statement Write a function filter_sequence…
    • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this probrem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. arsons Problems Drag from here Construct your solution here, including i…
    • The goal for this problem is to use loop(s) to compute the standard deviation of the maximum daily Ethereum (cryptocurrency) prices. The list prices is already created (you can just use the variable w…
    • A statistician is recruiting people to fill out their survey on campus. Suppose they talk to 1000 people every day. On the first day, 60% (600) of the people they speak to fill out the survey. On the …
    • Can anyone please help me why I have got these warnings? I think Im wrong with the for loop part. Could you please give me any hint to fix it? Thank you so much in advance!. Question 5: /15pts Bootstr…
    • Starting out with Python chapter 7 programming exercise 9 – if you have downloaded the source code you will find a file named USPOPULATION.txt in the chapter 07 folder. The file contains the midyear p…
    • . 4 Turing Machine Part 1 (20 points) Required knowledge: Loops, Strings, Conditionals. Download the q4_turing machine-part1. py Python program on MyCourses. 1/P,R. OP.L O/P.R. start B 1/P,L O…
    • Needed Python code with explanation, It would be great if the numerical solution is also shown. But mainly please point me in the right direction for the coding part.. Problem 1 Moving Frame Earth (as…
    • Implement BLOSUM matrix calculation from scratch in python.
    • . binary_search: This instance method takes a string representing a bill in the format ‘ <serial_number> <denomination> ‘. Going through a sequence element-by—element searching for a…
    • Query and SQLite help Add an automated query builder for inserting data into a local Sqlite database. See image example of constructing specific queries. Query builder should be able to handle any…
    • Understand the Kaggle House price calculation notebook in the link below. ÂÂ(Links to an external si…
    • employee_with_birthyear_list = [[2, 1986], [4, 1950], [6, 1994], [9, 2004], [12, 1988], [13, 1964], [16, 1987], [18, 1989], [19, 1951], [20, 1991]] First index in each list is the employee_ID secon…
    • What am I doing wrong here, I cant get program to sort the list in alphabetical order prior to it being printed.  Here is my code. Â. catNames = while True: print(‘Enter the name of cat ‘ + str (…
    • python3 , using functions on the left side. Write a function filter_sequence which takes in two integers, start and stop, as well as a function cond, which takes in a single argument and outputs a boo…
    • Beside the standard 3 ×3 ×3 Rubik’s cube, there are other cubes where each side is divided into n pieces (n = 3 for the standard Rubik’s cube). Ignoring the colors, the small squares on each surface…
    • Using Python  Create 30 items usually seen in Amazon, K-mart, or any other supermarkets (e.g. diapers, clothes, etc.). (1) Create a database of 20 transactions each containing some of these items. T…
    • Lab 4 – Using threads. This lab is a warm-up for the next assignment. We will learn to build a multi-threaded application. You will write a function that will simulate a long task. You will call the f…
    • Create a report investigating how different values of n and θ impact the ability for your logistic regression function to learn the coefficients, β, used to generate the output vector Y . Also in…
    • Find the values of a , b , c , and d so that the cubic polynomial   y = ax 3 + bx 2 + cx + d   provides the best fit to the following ( x ,  y ) pairs in the least squares sense: (-3, -9), (-2, …
    • 2 Write a function that learns the parameters of a logistic regression function given inputs . X: An n x m numpy array of independent variable values . Y: The n x 1 binary numpy array of output values…
    • 1 Write a function to generate an m+1 dimensional data set, of size n, consisting of m continuous independent variables (X) and one dependent binary variable (Y) defined as 1 if p(y = 1 x) = 1 +exp-2….
    • From scratch (not using any pre-packaged tools for direct calculation), implement the gradient descent algorithm for linear regression and test your results on the California Housing Dataset: https://…
    • Implement a python program that requests three strings from the user. Your program should concatenate the first two strings in the reverse order and compare the concatenated string with the th…
    • Modify the code we did in the class to make the game two player: fromÂrandomÂimportÂ* rand_num = randint(1,100)Â # random number b/w 1 to 100 user_name =Âinput(‘What is your name: ‘) count =Â0 w…
    • Use MatPlotLibÂto draw XY plot with 2 pandas data frames  I have dataframe for carbon level and sea level. Design a Graph class which manages the MatPlotLib operations. Return the selected plot o…
    • 17.1: Function to compute gas volume. Â Define a function compute_gas_volume that returns the volume of a gas given parameters pressure, temperature, and moles. Use the gas equation PV = nRT, where…
    • 13.2: Default parameters: Calculate splitting a check between diners. Â Write a split_check function that returns the amount that each diner must pay to cover the cost of the meal. The function has…
    • 13.1: Return number of pennies in total. Â Write a function number_of_pennies() that returns the total number of pennies given a number of dollars and (optionally) a number of pennies. Sample outpu…
    • Using Scapy tool in kali Create and capture network traffic Create 10 packets with the following properties: Â(Use any packet generation tools you like) IP Header: Â All packets have destination IP …
    • Write a function filter_sequence which takes in two integers, start and stop, as well as a function cond, which takes in a single argument and outputs a boolean value. filter_sequence returns…
    • 12.1: Change order of elements in function list argument. Â Write a function swap that swaps the first and last elements of a list argument. Sample output with input: ‘all,good,things,must,end,here…
    • 9.1: Function errors: Copying one function to create another. Â Using the celsius_to_kelvin function as a guide, create a new function, changing the name to kelvin_to_celsius, and modifying the fun…
    • 7.2: Function with loop: Shampoo. Â Write a function shampoo_instructions() with parameter num_cycles. If num_cycles is less than 1, print “Too few.”. If more than 4, print “Too many.”. Else, print…
    • 7.1: Function with branch: Popcorn. Â Define function print_popcorn_time() with parameter bag_ounces. If bag_ounces is less than 3, print “Too small”. If greater than 10, print “Too large”. Otherwi…
    • Please help… I’ll give thumbs up to whoever helps… Thank you soooo much in advance!!! Â. # Part a. i Create Tables [2 points] def part_ai_1(self, connection) : EDIT SQL STATEMENT part_ai_1_sql = …
    • Create a class to store 2 panda data frames to sqlite database, with function for another class to get this data frames  sqlite database name: RiseLevl  data frames: sea_level    Year  ?…
    • from typing import List # TODO implement fibonacci numbers # parameters: num -> int, numbers of fibonacci’s to generate # returns: sequence -> list, generated fibonacci sequence  def fibonacci…
    • Rank a list of [10,20,20,20,50,60] and [50,40,10,20,30] The smallest number should get a rank of 1 and the second smallest gets a rank of 2, so on and so forth. If there are identical number, take the…
    • I need help writing Peer Review about “Taking Away the Phones Won’t Solve Our Teenagers’ Problems”.
    • “””Q3:Â Create a series called ‘directors’ that contains each director’s name and his or her average rating. ÂPrint out the type of your variable. Use the ‘directors’ series to find the average rati…
    • . Problem file = open("/usercode/files/books. txt", "r") Book Titles #your code goes here OUT AWNH file. close() You have been asked to make a special book categorization program…
    • . Problem Longest Word Given a text as input, find and output the longest word. Sample Input this is an awesome text Sample Output awesome Recall the split(‘ ‘) method, which returns a list of word…
    • . Problem concatenate(): Adding Words (concatenate( , You need to write a function that takes multiple words as its argument and returns a concatenated version of those words separated by dashes (?…
    • . Phone Number Validator You are given a number input, and need to check if it is a valid phone number. A valid phone number has exactly 8 digits and starts with 1, 8 or 9. Output "Valid&quo…
    • What is the difference between the logic operators and and or
    • In your bin directory, create the file, and populate with our standard beginning #!/usr/bin/env python3 # # Purpose: Backs up virtual machines # # USAGE: ./ # # Auth…
    • Can I get my code edited to include the following two additional functionalities with explanation? ÂWas running into a time crunch. Â Export employees’ information to text file : This functionality …
    • pdf: this is the problem 4 In the attached zip file, you’ll find four .csv files an…
    • Need help with CRUD what am i missing? need to add the update function and delete function here is my file. In 121: from Animal Shelter import AnimalShelter #data = ("animal type": "Bas…
    • For the file weather_report.txt, you have 4 floating point numbers in each line as per the format below. (Min Temperature(in C), Max Temperature(in C), Humidity%, Rainfall(in)) for a particular day. Y…
    • . + | Page view A Read aloud | ) Add text Draw v Highligh Problem 3 – Angle Adder Precise angle measurements (and geographical coordinates) are often expressed in the DMS (degrees, minutes, seconds)…
    • # import the numpy library… import numpy as np  ######################################################### # Convert a list of lists (l) to a numpy matrix and # return the matrix. #################…
    • Complete exercise 4.26 at the end of chapter 4 in the textbook (10pts) Â ÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂÂ4.26 The cryptography function crypto() takes as input a string (i.e., the name of a file in the…
    • . Your assignment is to use Python to write a recursive descent parser for a simplified HTML language. The lexical syntax is specified by regular expressions: Token Extended regular expression defin…
    • 31 Implement function duplicate() that takes as input the name (a string) of a file in the current directory and returns True if the file contains duplicate words and False otherwise.  ÂÂÂ&gt…
    • Twitter scraper create a python program about {#NLP,#NLProc}:(tee*ts about natural language processing) using APIs and analyze with below things: 1. indicate a reasonably concrete topic 2. include the …
    • . what are the outputs of the following code? def my_sort (nums ) : count=0 for i in range(len (nums ) -1) : for j in range(i+1, len (nums) ) : if nums [j ] > nums [i] : count = count+1 num_temp …
    • Lab 3B You will be given a file containing a list of students in the following format: the first line will be an integer Each line after that will be a name in the form of <First Name> space &lt…
    • . What is the output of the following code? str = "pynative" print (str [1:3]) O pyn O py O yna O yn
    • . 1. How to define a function f(@, y) = x + y in Python? O def f(x, y) : return x 2 + y O def f(x, y) : return x* *2 + y O def f(x, y) : return x* *2 + y O def f(x, y) return x* *2 + y
    • . To define A = 4 5 6 , which of the following Python code is correct? 7 00 O A = torch . tensor ([1, 2, 3], [4,5,6], [7,8,9]) O A = torch . tensor ( [ [1, 2, 3] , [4,5,6], [7,8,9]]) O A = torch . t…
    • 26 The cryptography function crypto() takes as input a string (i.e., the name of a file in the current directory). The function should print the file …
    • For your second assignment, you are to create a checklist, a flowchart AND a program for the process of figuring out a student’s class average and displaying some information about it… Â For this e…
    • how to define a heuristic function Âdef isGoalState(self, state: Tuple[int, int]):    “””    ÂThe state is Pacman’s position. Fill this in with a goal test that will    Âcomplet…
    • . create a function which adds the rate of dice generated using a for dice and b for sides of dice example: function (2, 4) output: [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,81
    • Create a bash script that uses a for loop to create the following directories: Â ‘pdfs’, ‘python’, ‘csv_files’, ‘word_documents’, ‘powerpoints’, ‘excel_sheets’, ‘applications’, ‘images’ Â The use of…
    • in python  4.14 LAB: Artwork label (modules)  Define the Artist class in with a constructor to initialize an artist’s information. The constructor should by default initialize the artist…
    • Now create nested list again and this time you need to check if x MOD y is equal to zero then in that index fill with 1 otherwise fill with zero Note: mod operator in python is % so you need to do X %…
    • here is a sample run to what i need help doing at the bottom. Â. a. displays all even numbers between 2 and 160 {inclusive} and their sum. b. displays the square numbers between 1 and 100 {inclusiv…
    • . ##This program prints "You Pass" if a student’s average is ##60 or higher and prints "You Fail" otherwise ##use an if/else statement to achieve the required task. ## average = …
    • need help completing. ####This code is partially written for you, you need to add two lines only: ##This program should do the following: ##1. Ask the user to enter a number and save it in userNum. ##…
    • how could i complete this ?. #This program will output the perimeter and area # of the rectangle with a given width and length # fill in the missing code #PLACE YOUR NAME HERE length = 8 width = 3 #co…
    • How could i fix this ?. #This program will output the permeter and area of the circle with a given radius. Fix the Syntax errors as well as the logical errors save and run PI = 3. 14 perimeter = 2 x P…
    • Download the following file and follow the instruction. 423_HW4_Ifelse.ipynb  *****Given File- 423_HW4_Ifelse.ipynb******* Please uplode given file on Jupyter Notebook than solve*****   { “cells…
    • need solution for this following questions ÂPrimary Analysis: a) Find the % missing values for each and every feature? (variable / columns) b) Based on your answer to a), which feature has the most a…
    • match_ends # Given a list of strings, return the count of the number of # strings where the string length is 2 or more and the first # and last chars of the string are the same. # Note: python does…
    • . You are given a Python list stored in a variable named mylist. The elements of the list are strings. The number of elements in the list is arbitrary. Format: mylist = [str_a, str_b, str_c, …] wh…
    • . Given: nested for loops for m in (0, 10, 20) : for n in range (3, 6, 2): print (f’m={m: 2} n={n:2} ‘, m * (n – 2) ) Re-write the code using nested while loops instead (i.e., replace each for by an…
    • . This is an equation you want to compute. Certain values of x and y will cause a division by zero error. 3sin(x) + e-y N = x(y – 1) Suppose you are given the following statements: import math; x = …
    • Hello, Using Pandas and Pokemon dataset pokemon.csv available at:  I need help with below 2 questions: 1.  2. Thank you!. 13 Q13: Display all of the in…
    • . You may assume that this line already exists before your code: import numpy as np a) Write a line of code of code to create a NumPy array variable named x that contains the following values: 12, 9…
    • Need to solve this with the given information thanks. Trendin X Ghungrx *Course X Hm 2 Arithm X C The Nu X C For The X Python X COP 15 X – Prof. O X contests/1500s22/challenges/arithmetic-modulus | Ho…
    •Â. Understand the Kaggle House price calculation notebook in the link above. Prepare a video presentat…
    • Write code that when executed in PowerShell, will satisfy the following requirements: Display the contents of the c:\windows\system directoryÂrecursively. Include only the name, and last write time i…
    • Implement the function count_until_larger. count_until_larger takes in a positive integer num. count_until_larger counts the distance between the rightmost digit of num and the nearest greater digit. …
    • There is a sampleÂdata exploration project you will be interested in Web Scraping company data from and Dice.comÂ(Links to an external site.) ÂÂI hope this can give you some more idea…
    • . Academic Plan * Messages X zy Section 4.7 – CYB 130T: Object-O X + V X – -> C a =zyBooks My library > CYB 130T: Object-Oriented…
    • Chapter 8, End of Chapter, Programming Exercises, Exercise 14 How can this be done without a dictionary? ÂWe have not learned that yet. ÂCan you perform math on a text file or on a .csv if you creat…
    • I wrote the code above, but says there is an error, i need the outcome at the bottom, what is wrong with it ? How should i write it ?. # # # Sample program that demonstrates the print function. # # Pr…
    • I want to practice data mining in python. Assuming there is specific data set, I will use data set for 60% samples for training, ~20% for post-pruning, and ~20% for testing. how can you make it simp…
    • DO NOT USE HARD CODE, SIMPLE CODE NO DICTIONARIES. 6. bestScrabbleScore(dictionary, letterScores, hand) [30 pts] Background: In a Scrabble-like game, players each have a hand, which is a list of tiles…
    • . Write a program that: 1. prompts the user to enter his name. 2. welcomes the user to the program. 3. prompts the user to enter four floating-point numbers. 4. prints the largest and the smallest …
    • Twitter scraper create a python program about {#NLP,#NLProc}:(tee*ts about natural language processing) using APIs and below things: 1.Âindicate a reasonablyÂconcrete topic 2. include theÂpreferre…
    • 1) Which NumPy function was used in the lab to initialize all the entries in an array to the value 2022? a) np.fill b) np.init c) np.full d) np.setval
      • What command would return an array containing the largest element in each column of an array GRADES? a) np.amin(GRADES, axis=0) b) np.amin(GRADES, axis=1) c)np.amax(GRADES, axis=0) d))np.amax(GRADE…
    • Can you please help me to answer these two written answer questions? Â FYI, this content is related to the t distribution and confidence interval. Also, the last question before this was: Â “Write a…
    • Can you please help me to build this function by using Python? Thank you so much in advance!
    • Given a dictionary how would move every item in the list that is not the first item and has ‘floor’ as the value to have it’s value as “floor”. If the key currently has another letter as the value tha…
    • Can you please help me to code this one by using Python? Thank you so much!
    • in python  4.17 LAB: Flip a coin  Write a program that simulates flipping a coin to make decisions. The input is how many decisions are needed, and the output is either heads or tails. Assume the …
    • front_back # Consider dividing a string into two halves. # If the length is even, the front and back halves are the same length. # If the length is odd, we’ll say that the extra char goes in the fr…
    • could you help pre-processing data below?  Dataset: The Secondary Mushroom Dataset Source:  Âto implement from scratch Decision …
    • Hello, Â I want a system that would help me receive data from a website (for instance: and enter my credentials to book an appointment and sen…
    • notes_module! 4 Exercise 1. With a partner next to you write and run a program to do the following: 1. Print the message "Hello World!" 2. Print the message "Hello World!" 4 times …
    • fromÂsklearnÂimportÂdatasets importÂnumpyÂasÂnp dfÂ=Âdatasets.load_wine() XÂ=Â yÂ=Â Load the scikit-learn’s Wine recognition dataset; separate 20% data as test data set; pr…
    • . (A). Read these notes from the Python Data Science Handbook on array broadcasting. Broadcasting refers to the automatic expansion of one or more arrays to make a computation "make sense.&quot…
    • . Academic Plan x Messages X zy Section 4.6 – CYB 130T: Object-O X + V X – -> C a =zyBooks My library > CYB 130T: Object-Oriented…
    • I need help with programming a guessing game in python format.. 3.1 Command Line Arguments To run in PLAYER mode, the program takes two command line arguments. To run in DEBUG mode, the program takes …
    • Please help with this question: Â Sample outputs: Question: Â. hw2_part2_output_01 – Notepad X hw2_part2_output_02 – Notepad 0 X File Edit Format View Help File Edit Format View Help Enter a string …
    • (Some Basic Set Theory, 7pt) Calculate the following expressions. You can use Python if youÂwant,orÂyou can do it byÂhand.  (a)[2pt]Â{3,4}Â× {1,2,7}Â×Â{3}. Note : the answer should be a …
    • As text def main():  ÂdateList = []                                Â#declare 5 lists  ÂpalList = []  ÂevenList = []  ?…
    • Create a c program that reads the user’s birthday and the current day (each consisting of the month, day and year). Your program should calculate and display the person’s age (in years), the person’s …
      • The question screenshot has been attached down below:
    • num = 2 while num < 12: ÂÂÂprint(“Hi, there!”) ÂÂÂnum += 2 Â Please rewrite the code using a for loop to display “Hi, there!” five times on the console. The output should look as follow: Hi,…
    • Next, you must develop a Python module in a PY file, using object-oriented programming methodology, to enable CRUD functionality for the database. To support code reusability, your Python code needs t…
    • Hello, I need help with my code for Homework 2 part 3. I have the base of my code but I’m unsure what I can add to my code, so it counts the number of happy and sad words for the output for “Sentime…
    • How can i get python coding for the entire problem.
    • A few works of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart are given in the following dictionary. In [6]: 1 works = {‘K. 162’: ‘Symphony No. 22 in C major’ , IN ‘K. 216’: ‘Violin Concerto No. 3’, 3 ‘K. 218’: ‘Violin Conc…
    • . Question 2 1 pts When imported as numpy arrays, what’s the array shape (i.e. dimensions) for each of the greyscale and color image that has [width = m pixels ) and height = n pixels ? Edit View In…
    • need help with this too Â. Example Output (using Python 3.9.2) IDLE Shell 3.9.2 – 0 X File Edit Shell Debug Options Window Help Python 3.9.2 (tags/V3.9.2:1a79705, Feb 19 2021, 13:44:55) [MSC v.1928 6…
    • need help with this sorry the pages are out of order. Â. Example Output (without and with valid input) Python 3.9.2 (tags/v3.9. ) [MSC v. 1928 64 bit (AMD64) ] on win32 Type "help", "c…
    • Write a Python program that prompts a user for two integers and stores the two integers the user types into the shell. Print the product, float division, integer division, remainder, sum, and differen…
    • Create a Python program that contains a function that has two arguments and returns the result of some calculation. Outside the function, prompt the user for two numeric values that are to be passed t…
    • . 03. A surface defined by Z = 21?2 cosR where R = fix? + Y2. Use mesh plot to plot the surface where X, Y E [—50, 50].
      • Create a NumPy array A10 using range() to generate the EVEN values from 10 – 30 (inclusive) Â import numpy as np np.__version__ # INSERT CODE HERE print(“A10:\n”,A10) Â Â 2) Set B25 = the 5th th…
    • Problem 1: Python Program Import at least 1 file. Design a program that will perform basic grade computation. The program will ask the user for their name and 5 numeric inputs with the following weigh…
    • what will be the output of beow python code ? tupl=((2,30,”abc”‘0,9) tupl(0)(1)=1 print (tupl)
    • Hi, i need help in this python question Â. Get the manager to enter the budget allocated to a project: *Accept all claims and less off the amount from the budget as balance. * Control the budget un…
    • Table 1: Employees id name salary Table 2: Projects employee_id project_id start_date end_date  Write a python script that uses pandas to find the 3 lowest-paid employees who have done at least 10 p…
    • Task # 1: Assume that we define x, y, and z to refer to int values. Write an expression that computes whether … Â … x is odd … x is a multiple of 20 (e.g, 20, 40, 60, …) Â Task Â# 2: Assume…
    • i have implemented the relief algorithm and got weights . please help in implementing weighted KNN algorithm using those weights..the relief code is provided below: import numpy as np import pandas as…
    • anyone pro on python come on chat need to ask few question
    • (B). Now create a function called rw2(n) , where the argument n means the same thing that it did in Part A. Do so using numpy tools. Demonstrate your function as above, by creating a random walk of le…
    • Write a python program that takes as input two opposite corners of a rectangle: (x1,y1) and (x2,y2) – float or integer only. Finally, the user is prompted for the coordinates of a third point (x,y). T…
    • Dataset: The Secondary Mushroom Dataset Source:  Âto implement from scratch Decision Tree classification method to predict whether…
    • This spiral has several interesting features. The southeast diagonal has several prime numbers (3, 13, 31, 57, and 91) along it. The southwest diagonal has a weaker concentration of prime number…
    • Without the import of libraries such as numpy, Â vm = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â[ 6, 7, 8, 9,10], Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â[11,12,13,14,15]] Â Create a function m…
    • vm = [[ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5], Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â [ 6, 7, 8, 9,10], Â Â Â Â ÂÂ Â Â Â Â Â Â [11,12,13,14,15]] Create a function mean ( vm , axis = None ) which returns the mean o…
    • . Question 1 What’s the range of integer values for pixel depth in RGB color coding? Question 2 1 pts When imported as numpy arrays, what’s the array shape (i.e. dimensions) for each of the greyscal…
    • Pandas help to split column and get average per year values  I have csv file, that I need to read, find years in first column (year column has year.random_numbers – we need year only) then calculate…
    • Please help me understand why my program won’t display and run the bar graph. I also need to only print the first 5 states with the highest population. Â. 312 def get_data3 () : 313 314 function us…
    • Please help me figure out why I am unable to create a bar graph. ÂI also need the program to only print the top 5 states with the highest population.    Â. 19 state dict = {"Alabama&quo…
    • . provided with a list of strings that have existing combinations, create a function to add 1 through a to each element in the list. (no interlooop) function (list, a) example: function (I’1′, ‘21,2…
    • Hey, can someone help me with this problem using the block in the (drag from here) box, thank you!! Â. Parsons Problems Problem Statement Calling hop returns a curried version of the function f (x, y…
    • FIN312 Tutor-Marked Assignn (d) Show the result of your code running against these test cases: 1 . median(v), modes(v) and mean(v) for v = [i for j in (range (1180, 2022, k) for k in (3, 5, 7) ) for i…
    • You should get the output: median (v) = 12.0 modes (v) [5, 13, 17] mean (v) = 11 . 25 mean (v, 0) = 11 .25 mean (vm) = 8. 0 mean (vm, 0 ) = [6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0, 10.0] mean (vm, 1) = [3.0, 8.0, 13.0]
    • Could you please help me out to set up those in python with using gurobi?? Thank you. Please use Gurobi to solve problem 3 in the Gurobi tutorial (if you are not familiar with how to import data fi…
    • Understand the Kaggle House price calculation notebook in the link below.Â(Links to an external site….
    • The first task is to compute the frequency vs. rank distribution of the words in Moby Dick. For this, you will need to tokenize the document and create a vocabulary mapping word types to their documen…
    • python 3. Write a function digit_index_factory which takes in two inputs, num and k, and returns a function. The returned function takes no arguments, and outputs the offset between k and the rightmos…
    • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this probrem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. Parsons Problems Problem Statement Calling hop returns a curried version…
    • Hey, if anyone can help me get a solution to this probrem using the blocks (from the drag from here box) would be amazing!! Â. “‘3: sons Problems Problem Statement Write a function digit_index_fa…
    • . (d) Show the result of your code running against these test cases: 1 . median(v), modes(v) and mean(v) for v = [i for j in (range (1180, 2022, k) for k in (3, 5, 7) ) for i in j] 2. mean(vm), mean…
    • Problem Statement 3) Create a program that prompts the user to input an integer value "n". Then using a nested for loop (a for-loop within another for-loop) your program should draw a half c…
    • Write a program in python. When the program first launches, there is a menu which allows the user to select one of the following five options: 1.) Add a course 2.) Add a student 3.) Add a result 4.) V…
    • Problem Statement 6) Write Python code that prompts the user to input 2 numbers table and max. These numbers will be used to produce a multiplication table. Example if user inputs 15 and 13 your resul…
    • What does it mean for an object to have no length? It is an object for which the len() method does not apply. What happens when you try to get the len of something that has no len ? Try doing len(5) i…
    • Write a Python program to read an integer from the user. Your program should then print out of the number of even, odd, and zero digits the number contained. You cannot use any String or Array methods…
    • Write a Python program that imitates the behaviour of ** operator. Your program should read two numbers, say b and n from the user, and then compute the value of bn where n is the exponent and b is th…
    • Write a Python program that reads a number from the user and returns the reverse of that number. You may not use any String or Array methods to complete this exercise.
    • . 2.2 Sentence distributions First, try to create the spaCy nip object from the entire text of Moby Dick. This will likely not work, it is not a good idea to read all the text. [6]…
    • Write a Python program that accepts a positive number as a user input and displays the sum of all the positive numbers up to and including that number.
    • Problem Statement 4) Write Python code that prompts the user to guess Heads or Tails. Your code will continue to display the results and prompt the user again until the user enters 0. Hint: Use the sa…
    • among the types listed in the list types below, sorted in descending order based on their total counts. [ ]: types = [‘PERSON’ , ‘GPE’ , ‘ORG’ , ‘LOC’ , ‘FAC’ ] # YOUR CODE HERE ranked nec = # This sh…
    • I need help with the question that is attached to this. For this question, we are using Jupyter Notebooks. I need to fill out the code where it says “first_nine_waiting_times = …” Âand “total_waiti…
    • Experiment by changing the K or iv value on the decryption. Describe what happens?    Encryption Using Different Ciphers and Modes There are many different Ciphers (algorithms) and modes (mode…
    • . Determine the output of this code fragment in Python x = 10 y = 15 z = 20 x = z z = y y = x print(x, y, z)
    • Step 1 (2 pts). Read from input the carpet price per square foot (float), room width (int) and room length (int). Calculate the room area in square feet. Calculate the carpet price based on square fee…
    • What have I done wrong, the ValueError exception doesn’t work when for example i type ten as an input instead of 10: Â def getInput(s): Â Âtry: Â Â Â Âvalue = float(input(s)) Â Âexcept ValueE…
    • python 3, I need answer for “snake(10, 20)()” part! >>> def cake (): … print(‘beets’) … def pie (): … print(‘sweets’) … return ‘cake’ … return pie >>> chocolate = cake() __…
    • class Election:  “””Data for a single election in a parliamentary democracy.  Â=== Private Attributes ===  Â_d: the date of this election.  Â_ridings: all ridings for which any votes have…
    • PYTHON PROGRAMMING: USE try/except. Computing the area of a trapezoid. Formula: A = (1/2)(b1+b2)h. In the formula b1 is the length of one of the bases, b2 the other. The height is h and the area i…
    • GENERAL INFO: Parliamentary democracy is a democratic form of government in which citizens elect people to represent them, and the prime minister is determined based on the number of representatives e…
    • Would you lla to Addan waurn or Saturni: the plan maur Add student example output R. Add result example output
    • PYTHON PROGRAMMING: Use try/except. Converting miles to feet. There are 5280 feet in each mile. Kindly Use input statements to ask for the miles. Make the print out a statement as: “There are 10560 fe…
    • Question 9 Â Â library(readr) library(ggformula) library(AER) library(tibble) library(tidyverse) data(STAR) set.seed(3457) #do not change! STAR_80_averages <- rerun(1000,STAR %>% slice_samp…
    • from typing import Counter count = 0 I am stuck on revising my code from last week’s assignment for option 3 and 4 to work. ÂCan anyone help me out last day to turn in my assignment is tomorrow and I…
    • Create a Complex number class for addition, subtraction, and multiplication with complex numbers. Complex numbers have the form realPart + imaginearyPart * i, where i is √(-1). Define two data field…
    • Python Programming Program: Converting miles into feet, there are 5280 feet in each line, kindly use input statements to ask for the miles, make sure to print statement as follows: “There are 5280 fee…
    • Blocks may be moved one at a time. A block may not be moved if there is another block on top of it. Blocks may be placed either on the table or on top of another block. Your goal is to generate a list…
    • . Provided a list of strings with existing combinations, create a function to add I through m to each element in the list. Example: print (add_dice (IT’, ‘2’1, 2)) output: [’11’, 12′, ’21’, 227
    • I’m working on one of my homework assignments and in Line 23 I keep getting an error saying: Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 23, in <module> year = int(input()) EOFError:…
    • Define a named tuple Player that describes an athlete on a sports team. Include the fields name, number, position, and team. from collections import namedtuple  Player = namedtuple (‘name’, ‘number’…
    • IN PYTHON PLEASE import numpy as np import numpy.linalg as npla # We’ll need to import these to deal with SPARSE matrices import scipy import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla from scipy import …
    • . Academic Plan x Discussion zy Section 4.3 – CYB 130T: Object-O X + V X – -> C @ =zyBooks My library > CYB 130T: Object-Oriented…
    • This question is about BlockÂ2 PartÂ5 . This question requires you to calculate values using Python functions. There are two approaches you can use: add suitable code to the provided file, then …
    • Given a value of x entered from keyboard, if x is even, print "x (the value of x) is even", or print "x (the value of x) is odd"
    • in Python PleaseÂ. Now you will experiment with solving At = b using various solvers from class and from numpy. For this problem, you should use the 3-D version of the temperature matrix fro…
    • Code Question 1 Amazon stores its data on different servers at different locations. From time to time, due to several factors, Amazon needs to nove its data from one location to another. This chall…
    • Trying to create a function that takes a list and outputs a new list with all possible combinations. Example: ([‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’], 3]) Outputs: [’11’, ’12’, ’13’, ’21’, ’22’, ’23’, ’31’, ’32’, ’33’] Â…
    • In IDLE, select File and then New File. A new window will appear. This is the window to
input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. In the window, enter the
following program:?…
    • Hello, Could you please help me with this assignment? it should be on python Â. Assignment 1 a) create a list from the variable ‘harry’ using the split() method of the string Assignment Due is on or …
    • in python please answer the following.   Code for make_A(k): def make_A(k): “””Create the matrix for the temperature problem on a k-by-k grid. Parameters: k: number of grid points in each dimens…
    • Can someone explain how arange works with numbers? such as arrange(2,3,10) and finding out the output?
    • The goal of this lab is to make a program that plays the Monty Hall game with you. In the Monty Hall game there are 3 doors. Behind 2 of the doors are goats. Behind 1 of the doors is a car. The goal o…
    • . From scratch (not using any pre-packaged tools for direct calculation), implement the gradient descent algorithm for linear regression and test your results on the California Housing Dataset:. …
    • In IDLE, select File and then New File. A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. In the window, enter the following program: entry …
    • Type the program’s output number = 9 print(f’Binary: {number:b}, Decimal: 9′)
    • You have been asked to create a prototype of a calorie’s expenditure for a GARMIN health app. This calorie calculator will help the user to estimate the number of calories they burn each day, and then…
    • Write a function create_list_MtoN that will create and return a list of integers from m to n (where m is the function’s first input parameter and n is the second), regardless of whether m is less th…
    • This is a graded discussion: 5 points possible due Feb 6 > > 4. If Else Discussion At 18 18 1st Post: Based on the following flowchart, what would your Python code look like? The first submissio…
    • Professor feedback from code below. “Good work with minor errors in your RESTART of the loop. Make sure you fix it, code is used again in future programs” Cannot figure out the errrors. Â This weeks …
    • . Let A = syT, 1where neither 3: nor y is I]. a How linearl —inde endent columns does A have? Ex lain wh ! many 3* p P r {h} What is the rank of A? Explain why! {e} Generate A in MATLAE or PYTHON …
    • In IDLE, select File and then New File . A new window will appear. This is the window to input your new Python program. Now, type in your new program. In the window, enter the following program: entry…
    • Please help with the following python questions 🙂 Â For question 13, the 3rd screenshot shows the multiple choice options, which are the same for all parts of the question. Thank you! Â. Question 1…
    • Please help with the following python questions 🙂 Â For question 19, the screenshot shows the multiple choice options, which are the same for all 3 parts of the question. Thank you! Â. Question 20 …
    • . Stable Arithmetic 5pm.”. The advection-diffusion equation is a simple two-point boundary value problem (BVP) of the type we will study later in the semester. A standard form for the equation is …
    • Please help with the following python questions 🙂  For question 11, the Âscreenshot shows the multiple choice options, which are the same for all 3 colors, blue red and green. Thank you! Â. Que…
    • Please help with the following python questions 🙂 Thank you! Â Â. Question 7 From the lecture slides 02, there is this plot: Not yet answered Points out of 9.00 Flag 1.5 question 1.0 0.5 Average of…
    • Please help with the following python questions 🙂 Â For question 4, the 3rd screenshot shows the multiple choice options, which are the same for all 3 parts of the question. Thank you! Â Â. Questi…
    • Write a function lambda_curry2 that will curry any two argument function using lambdas. Your solution to this problem should fit entirely on the return line. You can try first writing a solution witho…
    • Setting the scene You are a Solutions Architect at XYZ and the sales team have closed a two process deal at ACME Healthcare, a major healthcare company. The two processes they have decided to analyze …
    • def combinationalSum(candidates,target,i=0): The above function when solved recursively returns True if there exists a combination of numbers from ‘candidates’ that add up to ‘target’ and False if non…
    • Hello, Can you pls help with Pandas code? Â Using the daily report on below location:….
    • Attached Files: Âmath.pyÂ(1.63 KB) Âsquare.pyÂ(280 B) Âweather_client.pyÂ(883 B) ALL the above three program code were given below  In in this lab, we will utilize advanced features of the Pyt…
    • Given the following dictionary as the desired outcome: {‘A’: ‘E’, ‘C’: ‘Table’, ‘B’: ‘A’, ‘E’: ‘Table’, ‘D’: ‘C’} and the following dictionary as the input: {‘A’: ‘Table’, ‘C’: ‘Table’, ‘B’: ‘Table’, …
    • the error I got is : Exited with return code 1. Traceback (most recent call last): File “”, line 17, in <module> max_sum = find_max(num_a + num_b) + find_max(num_y + num_z) TypeError: fin…
    • how can change the color on one word in the list pokemon and add pictures aligned to the right in example one.
    • how can change the color of the list in pokemon and add pictures in example one.
    • Please complete abcd and label them So no one can do it?? Example. Problem 2) [Paper-based] A dataset was used to train a perceptron. The data samples, the trained perceptron classifier, and the perce…
    • Can someone explain this code line by line thank you. print (" 0 1 2 for row in range (self. size) : line = "1 print ( row, end=" ") for element in range ( len (self . board [row] …
    • . You’ve been hired to develop a forecasting tool for a local bank that will let its customers project how much money they can earn if they invest at their institution. The tool should be designed t…
    • Module Four Assignment Guidelines Overview In this assignment, you will gain more practice with designing a program. Specifically, you will create pseudocode for a higher/lower game. This will give yo…
    • Given the weekdays and times, I want to plot for each weekday on the a histogram of the amount of events per hour. ÂI would like to know how to do this in python ?
    • . Create a GUI that calculates your wealth for each of the 70 years after you start work given the following inputs into the GUI: 1) Mean Return (%) This is the average annual return of the investme…
    • I need to write a while loop that stops Âwhen a variable is equal to -1 using the find function in python. Â Any suggestions would be very helpful.. 85 read = "ACG" 86 87 i=0 88 for n in r…
    • Write a statement to add the key Tesla with value USA to car_makers. Modify the car maker of Fiat to Italy. Sample output for the given program:Acura made in Japan Fiat made in Italy Tesla made in USA
    • Given the age of the child at the start of the RESP, the monthly amount to be saved, and the annual rate of return of the investment, your program calculated the total amount of the RESP when the chil…
    • need help on part C MNIST dataset – The MNIST dataset is divided into two sets – training and test. Each set comprises a series of images (28 x 28-pixel images of handwritten digits) and their respect…
    • Write a program that generates the following format. 2. Â. Year Starting Balance Deposit Interest Earned Tax on Interest Ending Balance 0. 00 100, 000.00 7, 000.00 1, 085. 00 105, 915. 00 WNH 10…
    • Write two statements to read in values for my_city followed by my_state. Do not provide a prompt. Assign log_entry with current_time, my_city, and my_state. Values should be separated by a space. Samp…
    • . 1 4.16 LAB: Warm up: Drawing a right tri 4.17 LAB: Mad Lib – loops Mad Libs are activities that have a person provide various words, which are then used to complete a short story in unexpected (an…
    • . Assignment 1 latest (1) (Protected View) – Word yout References Mailings Review View Help Tell me what you want to do temet can contain viruses. Unless you need to edit. it’s safer to stay in Prot…
    • Think about the different characteristics of playing cards: rank (A-K), suit (Spades, Clubs, Hearts, Diamonds), color (Red, Black). Choose enough defining characteristics of the playing cards so that …
    • Question 6. What was the store’s total revenue (the total price of all fruits sold) on that day? (5 Points) Hint: If you’re stuck, think first about how you would compute the total revenue from just t…
    • def replace_letter(word, letter, replacement):  “””Replaces all instances of letter in word with replacement  Âreplace_letter should create a copy of word, but in the process replace any  ?…
    • In theÂLECTURE3\data folder, read the file “testread.txt” into python and print each line of the file to the python interpreter window. Â 2. In theÂLECTURE3\data folder, read the file “testread.t…
    • Consider a professional hockey team. The salary of a player is determined by what grade of contract they have. Grades of contract available are “A”, “B”, “C” and “D”. The grade of contract a player wi…
    • Use a search cursor to write to a text file, each value in the field BLKPOP2011ÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\Neighborhoods feature class. Each line in the file should include the neighborhood name. The output s…
    • In theÂOTTAWA.gdb\OTTAWADATA\Crime feature class, use an update cursor to update the PRIORITY field to the value of 3 if the SUMMARY field value is equal to ‘Suspicious Incident’. Â Data file locate…
    • Use an update cursor to update the field ‘narea’ in theÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\Neighborhoods attribute table with the ratio of total dwellings (TOTDWL2011) to urban dwellings (URBDWL2011). Â Data file loca…
    • Use a search cursor with SQL: for each neighbourhood in theÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\Neighborhoods feature class, to print a single number representing the total block population from the field BLKPOP2011 for…
    • Use a search cursor on theÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\DA feature class to print the following (a sum): Â “Total population in private households by visible minority is:Â ______” Â Where ______ is based on th…
    • This is for Python Specifications ï‚·Â Create a program that uses a separate module to calculate sales tax and total after tax. The sales tax rate should be 6% of the total. ï‚·Â Store the sales tax…
    • Use a search cursor on theÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\DA feature class to print the following for each record: Â “The visible minority density in DA ______ is:Â _______.” Â Where the first blank is the ident…
    • Use a search cursor on theÂOTTAWA.gdb\DATA\DA feature class to print the following for each record: Â “Total population in private households by visible minority is: ______ in DA ______.” Â Where t…
    • use only NumPy to create the Threshold Class: Reduce the number of colors used in the image from millions to eight. In particular, set each of the R, G, and B values in the output image to either full…
    • Use only NumPy to create the Normalize Class: Image Normalization is a technique used to touch up images that are too dark or too light for the human viewing experience. Implement a version that outpu…
    • Use only NumPy to create the Smooth class. This effect is tricky, but can be implemented by detecting pixels that are outliers compared to their neighbors. Set the resulting pixel value to be the mean…
    • Plot MSE versus order m, for m = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 respectively. Identify the best choice of m.
    • Using only NumPy, write the Noiseify class, which adds random noise to an image to produce a grainy, aged-film effect. The code should add a random number between −5 and 5, inclusive, to every Red, …
    • -modulus Apps Home – Netflix h Hulu | Home youtube HBO Max Cengage Home FSW Login |Outlook cengage My lab Stat Florida Gulf Coast. Input will be whole numbers Diffic Constraints Rate T Input will be b…
    • Compute incoming edges using spark functions Show the following 1. Python list: Output sorted (based on the node id) list of incoming edges (Finished with this code)Â 2. Python dictionary: Show only …
    • Complete the function digit_index_factory, which takes in two integers k and num as input and returns a function. The returned function takes no arguments, and outputs the offset between k and the rig…
    • python computer science. Strategies for Manipulating Raster Images To practice using Python to manipulate pixels in an image-as well as RGB and arrays-work through the following tasks. By manipulating…
    • (20 pts) In a recent NIH article concerning COVID-19 rapid tests (Diagnostic accuracy of a SARS- CoV—Z ra id anti en test in real-life clinical settin s – PubMed nih. ov ), they evaluated 1465 patie…
    • Q6: For each team and season combination, a) find the average number of points scored by the team per game in each season; b) plot the average points scored by team 1461 by year.
    • Develop the function poly_mult2. This function will take two polynomials of degree two and compute the product of the two polynomials. Polynomial multiplication is not a simple multiplication of v…
    • This function takes two polynomials of degree two (lists of length three) as arguments. This function must return a new list (i.e., do not modify the contents of the input lists) representing the …
    • # I am trying to troubleshoot my code. Please help me clear the error in my np.zeros # TypeError: ‘float’ object cannot be interpreted as an integer import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt …
    • write a python code. Consider a genome sequence G, partitioned into 50 equal-length segments. In each segment, the frequency of each k-mer m is obtained. Let m * be the reverse complement of m . Now…
    • Q5: Which year has the highest percentage of blowout games, which is defined as a winning margin of at least 30 points?
    • ENTD200 B005 Winter 2022 I need help with week 5 assignment. I am not quite understanding the instructions. Â Â Week 5 Assignment Instructions Week 5 Assignment: Pseudocode and Flowchart Solution In…
    • Write a program Step 1: Create a dictionary called categories = 1: ‘Debt Consolidation’, 2: ‘Home Improvement’, 3: ‘Business’, 6: ‘Auto’, 7: ‘Other’ Step2: Create a user define function using cate…
    • What happens if you have two values with no operator and a space in between them and why?
    • Se desea implementar un ERP (Planificador de Recursos Empresariales); La disyuntiva es la siguiente: Hay dos tecnologías muy utilizadas y con soporte que son Laravel que su core es PHP y Django que s…
    • Hello! This is for python programming! I currently have two codes I have looked at for research purposes only and my question is how can I learn from these codes without any plagarizing?
    • Hello! This is for python programming! This is not really a question, but I am struggling with python programming and I need help on how I can do better on my assignments. Is there anyone out there th…
    • Consider the graph G shown in the figure: (3) Determine the local vertex connectivity 501,6) and the global edge connectivity A(G). [8] (b) Apply the greedy algorithm to colour the vertices of G in th…
    • . The acceleration of an object as produced by a net force is directly proportional to the magnitude of the net force, in the same direction as the net force, and inversely proportional to the mass …
    • Write a program that: a. Create the list [2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,20,22] using range() function, then print out the list to make sure you have the right list as stated. b. Prints out the squares of…
    • The Itertools.permutation() function from itertools module falls under the combinatorial Generators. itertool.permutations() method provides us with all the possible arrangements that can be there for…
    • The top 3 most popular male names of 2017 are Oliver, Declan, and Henry according to Assume that the newly popular name Atlas continues its meteoric rise to the top of the charts in 201…
    • . Q1. Plot the following equations in the same figure. [Hint: subplot] a. y = 3×4 – 16×3 + 6×2+ 24x +1 x E [-2,5] b. y = sin(2x – 1) x E [-2pi, 2pi]
    • PLEASE USE PYTHONÂ 1 2. Create a program that will enter 5 student records with three quizzes. The program will generate an output that will displays all the student records with their grades and rem…
    • Hi, Â I am trying to create a game in battleship. I have attached the code I have so far below. but It needs a few bits. If I give you some queries can you point out where I need to put them and also…
    • Given a dictionary of values like shown below how would you take every key that does not have a value of ‘Hello’ and add it to a list of moves where the keys that did not have “Hello” now have ‘Hello”…
    • Only Do Problem 5 Â. Problem 5: (4 pts) Based on your simulations above, what can you conclude about the success of this conservation effort to save black-footed ferrets?. Black-footed ferrets Let Py…
    • Only Do Problem 4, please show the code Â. Problem 4: (6 pts) Still assuming 5 ferrets are added per year. calculate and plot a solution for case ([3) over a total of 21 fl years using three differe…
    • In mathematics, the Basel problem consists in determining what is the value of this sum with an infinity of terms: Â 1/1 + 1/4 + 1/9 + 1/16 + 1/25 + 1/36 + 1/49 + … i.e. the sum of the inverse of a…
    • I need help with my code. when I input 6 to exit , it doesn’t actually exit. it just shows me the menu again. what do I need to do to my code for it to actually exit and print, end of program when use…
    • Given a dictionary of values like shown below how would you get the keys that have a value of ‘Table’. Example data: {‘A’: ‘Table’, ‘C’: ‘B’, ‘B’: ‘A’, ‘E’: ‘D’, ‘D’: ‘Table’} {‘A’: ‘Table’, ‘C’: ‘A’,…
    • Run 5 different regressions using Python. Show codes and output. Â. # To use stats. linregress you need to import stats from scipy import pandas as pd from pandas import Series, DataFrame import nump…
    • *Use graphics import 1. ÂCreate a program that draws a smiley face 2. Write a program that draws a winter scene with a Christmas tree and a snowman.
    • Your menu might be similar to this. However, yours must use sub-menus. Ex. If you complete both of the guessing game Problem Statements 4 and 5, when the user selects 5 that in turn should display a m…
    • PLEASE SHARE ALL REFERENCES, RESOUCES (ARTICLES) OR WEBSITE LINKS WITH ME by adding the end of the research!! IT’S VERY IMPORTANT. I’m searching about BIG DATA. what are the challenges in terms of cur…
    • # Women: Calories = ((Age x 0.074) – (Weight x 0.05741) + (Heart Rate x 0.4472) – 20.4022) x Time / 4.184Â #Men: Calories = ((Age x 0.2017) + (Weight x 0.09036) + (Heart Rate x 0.6309) – 55.0969) x T…
    • I dont know how to draw the birds, or the grass, or the fence or the house. I am including the draw2D library this time. Â MY CODE: # Import the functions from the Draw 2-D library # so that they can…
    • Lab 1 – Symmetric Key Lab Part 1: Monoalphabetic Substitution Cipher The decrypted lab secret message was: Â The encryption key (e.g. ‘fpdyehjbgiknvrmlusxwotczaq’) discovered was: Â Â Part 2: Encry…
    • . Problem #3: Energy plots Suppose you have an object of mass m (in kg) that is initially at rest at a height h (in m) above the ground. At some initial time, the object is dropped straight down and…
    • I am having trouble drawing grass, the fence, the bird, and the house, in CSS 111 ÂIt uses DRAW2D not tkinter as tk  here is the code: # Import the functions from the Draw 2-D library # so that the…
    • Read the following program requirements: A retail company must file a monthly sales tax report listing the total sales for the month and the amount of state and county sales tax collected. The state s…
    • for x=3,n=7 the answer is 1. 1, 3, 6 2, 7 4, 5 this configuration is same as 2, 7 1, 3, 6 4, 5 for x=4,n=7 , the answer is 4. You have been recruited to play in the Squid Game. All a players are numbe…
    • enerate a quadratic model with y=x+x**2+e,ÂÂx and e are both vectors which are normal mean 0, variance 1. Generate a monte-carlo sample from this model with length m = 20. ÂUse the functions …
    • cat_names = [“Dewey”, “Peach”,  “Daisy”, “Cookie”, “Luna”,  “Fiona”, “Neko Chan”, “Pepper”] x = 1 for CatName in cat_names:  Ây = CatName[0]  Âif y == “D” or y == “P”:    Âx = x +…
    • def find_content(listings, title, min_rating): Â “””Finds a title with a minimum rating in a grid of listings. Takes a list of lists of movies and their ratings and searches for a given Âtitle with …
    • You will be given a number of datafiles containing inputs of different lengths. Each file will contain a number of lines. Each line will represent inputs from a deployment. The program you must write …
    • The problem and my code is provided below. the output is also provided. I need help with my code. I tested it so it can display the same thing as the output but it doesn’t allow me to enter 3.5 as the…
    • Write a function digit_index_factory which takes in two inputs, num and k, and returns a function. The returned function takes no arguments, and outputs the offset between k and the rightmost digit of…
    • For Q3 -> Please use MSE as your cost function. 3) From…
      • Prompt the user for input. Add 10% of the item’s value to tax and print it In [1]: tax = 5.14 #________ 6.34
    • using python. 3 Coding: Note : you pick the appropriate parameters in these problems. 1./ Let X. ~Normal(, o;), i – 1,2. Generate a sample of size 10,000 for each of the X/ Use these to generate a sam…
    • The parking fee on our lot is $3.00 for the first hour. Then, an additional $1.00 per hour is charged for each hour or part thereof over an hour. The maximum charge for any given 24-hour period, or fo…
    • I need help with the following assignment:  Working with Strings and Files  For this assignment, you will design and code two Python applications by using Python’s built-in functions to create and…
    • Create a class named Content that has instance variables title, performer, characters (list type), ratings, avg_rating. Implement the methods cast_members, received_a_rating, and show_details. From th…
    • I need help with this question in python programming! Given the twitter hashtagÂ#EmergingTechnology,Âand store the returned tweets in JSON format (do not collect more than 5000 tweets). Process t…
    • An 8-digit password is required to have three 0’s and five 1’s. You will determine how many unique passwords are possible. Write a program in python that lists and counts the unique passwords. P…
    • Design a student database for MIT where students can borrow books from the library. The class holds the following information about each student: studentName, studentID, booksBorrowedList. The followi…
    • Problem Submissions Leaderboard Discussions Read in a float number. Output the integer portion of the number. LT Input Format Cont Subm A number with a decimal component. Max Constraints Diffic Number…
    • The VPython code is shown below, I need to use it to do numbers 4 and 5. Sue is a blue sphere at position <5, -3, 0> with a radius of 1. Bob is the yellow sphere at position <-4, 7, 0> wit…
    • CHALLENGE ACTIVITY Â 2.9.2: Math functions. Â 367128.2429294.qx3zqy7 Jump to level 1 Compute: z= y + Squaerroot of x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Â Â import math x = float(input()) y = float(input()) x = …
    • . Prompts the user to enter the number of points num_pts desired for the height array. O Validate the input. If value < 2 or value > 100, print an error message and prompt again. Once all of t…
    • . Problem 3: As indicated by the table in Problem 2, Pokemon have a given type and on occasion, a secondary type. Every Pokemon also has an associated attack value. In this problem, we will work wit…
    • Draw a decision boundary. 2. Find the weight and bias values that result in a single-neuron perceptron with the chosen decision boundaries. Observe the fitting model data to a training data set. 3….
    • (50 points) Write a python program with the following requirements: Create a class named Content that has instance variables title, performer, characters (list type), ratings, avg_rating. Implement…
    • Python help: lists and data frames  Convert the list in code to a dataframe or a series.  Replace the list in the PeriodicTable with a dataframe and fix any code that gets broken by the insertion …
    • How the hell do I get the 2nd output line?. plural_noun. The program uses the input values to output a short story. Ex: If the input is: Eric Chipotle 12 cars the output is: Eric went to Chipotle to b…
    • . Problem #2: 2-D contour plot Suppose you are given the following mathematical function: z = ( sin (xy) )2 , where x and y are both independent variables. Here are reference images of the function …
    • . Sample Runs Enter the coin string: qqqqppnndd Coin count (Q,D,N,P) = (4, 2, 2, 2) Monetary value = $1.32 Enter the coin string: Nan Coin count (Q,D,N,P) = (1, 1,2,0) Monetary value = $0.45 Enter t…
    • a 1! (Email I front~end6tlntemet.. ‘ ‘wl’l’here were a large number of orders left placed on Amazon Prime Day. The ord. are packed and are at the warehouse ready to be delivered. The delivery age need…
    • Please help my hw. This need to find error and fix itÂ. 1. Debugging [75] You will find the file odd_oven_cipher . py on Coding Rooms. This file contains a buggy version of the odd-even cipher implem…
    • Please help my hw. This hw is about debug.. 1. Debugging [75] You will find the file odd_oven_cipher . py on Coding Rooms. This file contains a buggy version of the odd-even cipher implementation. The…
    • Define a function decimalToRep that returns the representation of an integer in a given base. The two arguments should be the integer and the base. The function should return a string. It should use a…
      • Create the above data frame using R commands with name newdata: b) Give Command to show last five rows of data table c) Give Command to show the overall structure of data table d) Give Command to s…
    • Select an example of the use of dictionaries. Write a brief summary of the selected example.
    • Write a program that takes an integer as a parameter and displays the number with its digits reversed. For example, the value of 12345 is 54321
    • Hello, I need help creating a script with the following directions. I know that it is supposed to ask for a directory path when debugged but I have no clue what I’d type in for the statements. Can I a…
    • Problem 2 (For-loop, basic list manipulation)  You and 𝐾−1K−1 friends want to buy 𝑁N different pieces of candy. Candy piece 𝑖i costs 𝑝𝑖 The candy shop owner is greedy and wants…
    • Your main program should prompt the user to provide a few words separated by spaces, then display the words the user input back on the screen and store them into a file. Then one more time display the…
    • . 9.2 Vending Machine This lab will be available until February 4th, 11:59 PM EST Write a program that simulates a vending machine. The machine holds six snack items labeled them 1 through 6. The pr…
    • Language h 9m left 2. Code Question 2 10 11 The price of Amazon common stock is analyzed 12 # ALL over a period of several months. 13 14 # A group of k consecutive months is said to be 15 observable i…
    • Python help: classes and overwrites  Design an Employee class to store the first and last name of an employee. Add operators or functions to the Employee class to support standard operations like …
    • Write a function curconv ( ) that takes as input: 1. a currency represented using a string (e.g., ‘JPY for the Japanese Yen or ‘EUR’ for the Eur 2. an amount and then converts and returns the amount i…
    • I need help with this problem, but it needs to be done in python if possible. Â. The world’s simplest random graph model: There are n vertices, and each edge exists with probability p. In this mode…
    • Understand the Kaggle House price calculation notebook in the link above. Prepare a video presentation…
    • Taking the role of a Dells entrepreneur or a Wisconsin Dells Convention and Visitors Bureau representative, we have many questions to answer. What can we learn about the people who visit the Dells? Ar…
    • Write python code to: 1. Create 2D-array (identified by variable name `X`) with dimensions of 8×6 using randomly generated numbers in the range (-10,10). 2. Using the created array `X` above, cre…
    • To make up for their unpredictable food supply, Dirty Birds decides to hold a contest for some free HDH Dining swag. There is a bag with three red marbles, three green marbles, and three blue marbles….
    • If the following pseudocode were an actual program, why would it not display the output that the programmer expects?
    • If you could please provide me an example so I can review and create my own. Â Create a Python script that takes two parameters to do the following:- 1) List all files names, size, date created in th…
    • Create a loop to call the plot function in (b) with images from each set to create three figures. Note: the code has to select the images randomly. Include all the 10 digits in each figure.
    • After a long day of class, Billy decides to go to Dirty Birds for dinner. Today’s menu has Billy’s four favorite foods: wings, pizza, fries, and mozzarella sticks. However, each dish has a 25% chance …
    • . i Safari File Edit View History Bis-okrnarks Win-:l-Jw Help C -‘ H learnmscew’anxa W nupsmaam.macewamam hes-we Ddawpld-CIE-WEBE-d… W. a) Write a program to calculate the fine a driver has to pa…
    • This week’s assignment involves rewriting the Python program you wrote for your assignment last week to use a function. All the requirements from last week still apply. The function should accept the …
    • Carrinho de compras O carrinho de compras é a entidade que representa o conjunto de artigos que um cliente pretende adquirir numa dada compra. Caso se tratasse de uma loja física, seria o conju…
    • make a python program as soon as possible. G-C skew is examined One can take this further into oligomers (multiple nucleotides). Consider a genome sequence G, partitioned into 50 equal-length segments…
    • i need Software engineering slides for 1 semester intrduction to software engineering
    • 1) Import math library.ÂPlace the Â2 digits number 21 in  input_1 and Â3 digits of number 342 in variable input_2. Calculate the square root of input_1. Assign the value to variable ‘b’. Cal…
    • can I get the code for this? I need help catching up in python class, I’m literally a week behind 🥶. Python Programming I – Honors 40460 Unit 1 Module 1: Practice B Strings Practice: Input, Testing…
    • Task 1: Simulate the radioactive decay of a large initial number of atoms (N0 at time t = 0), by using a random number to test whether or not an atom has decayed in a time step. For the initial sample…
    • What are modules in Python and how can they be secured?
    • There exists a nested dictionary. Each key refers to the dictionary. Inside of these dictionaries, there is a key letter that refers to the value. d = {d1 : {‘a’: 1, ‘b’: 2, ‘c’: 3}, Âd2 : {‘c’: 4, ‘…
    • Complete this file to do the following: Get sha256 hashes of all files within the “Good” and “Bad” folders Automate inserting the filenames, hashes, and their status (good vs. bad) into the database o…
    • What is the output after the following? for x in range (10, 20, 2) : print (x, end") O a. 10 12 14 16 18 O b. 10 12 14 16 18 20 O c. 12 14 16 18 20 O d. None of the above
    • I need to do steps 1-8 based off of the python script listed in blue. Pokemon Legends Arceus / E 41 x * Homework Help – Q&A from Onl x 3 OPS245 Lab 2 – CDOT Wiki x + V X < -> C A wiki.cdot.s…
    • Need help understanding the article below. ÂCan you give me examples for sections “customer driven decisions” and “Democratizing data science”? ÂHere is the link to the article” Â https://venturebe…
    • My job is offering classes for machine learning engineer. ÂI am considering it, but would like some advice and information about skills required. ÂI did some research on what they usually do, but wa…
    • How can a data scientist prevent misleading the public with U.S. Jobs monthly report?
    • Counting average length of words in a sentence Create a function average_length_of_words which takes a string as an argument and returns the average length of the words in the string. You can assum…
    • Need help with Presenting and integrating into action stage for data science. ÂBelow is an article that is confusing me. ÂWhat could the weather channel or economist do better? ÂI am not following …
    • Need help understanding forecasting and probability in the article uploaded. Â Fox like forcasting section is confusing and so is principle1: think probabilstically section. ÂPlease provide advise o…
    • Can anyone help me to develop an inventory management application for a clothing company. I would be grateful if I could have all the files after the work
    • I need a better understanding of Complex models hardships and “When is interpretability needed”? ÂI am reading the article below and I just want a better understanding of those two sections. Â https…
    • CSC 535/635 – HW 1 Instructions This homework assignments consists of three parts. In part one, you will perform data analysis tasks on a provided dataset. In part 2, you will use a dataset of your ch…
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    • stant score = int (input ("Enter your scroe: ") ) if stant score > 59: letter = ‘D’ elif stant score > 79: letter = ‘B’ elif stant score > 69: letter = ‘C’ elif stant score > 89:…
    • Question 12.5 pts  What is the name of the built-in function to convert a value to a floating-point number:   Flag question: Question 2 Question 22.5 pts  What is the name of the built-in func…
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    • HI I need help with my code. The assignment is to write a program, to print each line of a file in reverse order. Looking online I was able to find this code but it keeps flipping the […
    • what is the average daily profit for your stock and “spy”? Since you always start with $100, this number will coincide with percentage profit. 2. is the profit from “long” positions (when you buy) …
    • python program. Questions: For all questions, you take the daily 5-year data for your stock and for S&P-500 For each of the 5 years, compute statistics on your trading days and summarize them in t…
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    • please I need this to be solved correctly. Thanks. The problem Write a function show_value ( ) that takes two arguments: 1. a potential key and 2. a dictionary name. If the potential key is in the dic…
    • . Question 6 (10 points) Which of the following if statements prints Accept if two variables a and b are both positive and prints Reject, otherwise? Oif a > 0 and b > 0: print ( ‘ Reject’ ) el…
    • what would be in the variable x after the following if statement was executed?  x=6 if x % 3 == 0: x = x +2 else: x = x*2
    • You will create a similar game, but with numbers instead of colors AND it will be written in Python! It should operate essentially the same way, but the computer will be the “Code Maker” and the user …
    • Write a python program to circulate the values of n variables
    • Using python how would I create a third column that gets the delivery time ie. Âsubtract delivered_at column from ordered_at column ?     ordered_at delivered_at 8/19/2018 22:01 8/19/2018 2…
    • I have a start date like : 1/02/2022 And a Duration like : 20 days The question is write a program that will find the end date? In python.
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    • The code should be in Python with python . They only use basic libraries such as numpy, pandas, nd matplotlib, and elc Â. 1 Finding the most specific/general hypothesis [Warm- UP Create a dataset D =…
    • def calculate_bill(cart, coupon): “””Calculate a total order price, applying a coupon and sales tax ÂArguments:  Âcart (list): list of numbers representing prices of items  Âcoupon (number): …
    • A palindrome is a string that’s spelled the same way forward and backward. Some examples of palindromes are: “radar,” “able was i ere i saw elba”. Write a function testPalindrome that returns 1 if the…
    • 2 programs must be created with python code. Keep it simple .  Filename: A company has hired you to create a program that will add new students to the student database. Assume…
    • def replace_letter(word, letter, replacement): “””Replaces all instances of letter in word with replacement Âreplace_letter should create a copy of word, but in the process replace any Âinstance o…
    • In the code below, please make the drawing on the right side according to the values asked on the left side. (I am attaching a picture of the interface created after the run.) Â #%% ———- Librar…
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    • Hide Time Remaining Consider the table temperatures and the code below. Note: This output is the entire table. Date min_temp max_temp 2020-05-01 44 68 2020-05-02 49 72 2020-05-03 45 67 2020-05-04 47 6…
    • . What would the following code print? 1 name = "Marlene" 2 – if name == "Melissa": B print ("usa") 4- elif name == "Marlene" : 5 print ("ireland") 6 …
    • I have to write a function testPalindrome that returns 1 if the string is a palindrome or 0 if its not. My program should prompt the user to provide a string of characters, then display the characters…
    • The data is provided in wide format in the AER package in the STAR dataset. So to access it: Â install.packages(“AER”) library(AER) data(“STAR”) Â Â 1Calculate the standard deviation for each of th…
    • (Palindromes) A palindrome is a string that’s spelled the same way forward and backward. Some examples of palindromes are: “radar,” “able was i ere i saw elba”. Write a function testPalindrome that re…
Python Programming questions and answers (2024)


Where can I ask questions about Python? ›

The most efficient way of getting help is via the various mailing lists and newsgroups, particularly the comp. lang. python newsgroup. Also, you can ask your questions in the inofficial Python Wiki.

Who invented Python? ›

¶ When he began implementing Python, Guido van Rossum was also reading the published scripts from “Monty Python's Flying Circus”, a BBC comedy series from the 1970s. Van Rossum thought he needed a name that was short, unique, and slightly mysterious, so he decided to call the language Python.

How do I prepare for a Python exam? ›

Python Certification Preparation - YouTube

How do I prepare Python? ›

Below are my eight tips to help you learn Python fast.
  1. Cover the following Python fundamentals. ...
  2. Establish a goal for your study. ...
  3. Select a resource (or resources) for learning Python fast. ...
  4. Consider learning a Python library. ...
  5. Speed up the Python installation process with Anaconda. ...
  6. Select and install an IDE.
May 25, 2021

Why Python is the best? ›

Due to its ease of learning and usage, Python codes can easily be written and executed much faster than other programming languages. One of the main reasons why Python's popularity has exponentially grown is due to its simplicity in syntax so that it could be easy to read and developed by amateur professionals as well.

What is Python used for? ›

Python is a computer programming language often used to build websites and software, automate tasks, and conduct data analysis. Python is a general-purpose language, meaning it can be used to create a variety of different programs and isn't specialized for any specific problems.

How many keywords are in Python? ›

We cannot use a keyword as a variable name, function name or any other identifier. They are used to define the syntax and structure of the Python language. In Python, keywords are case sensitive. There are 33 keywords in Python 3.7.

Where can I get Python answers? ›

The Users category of the website hosts usage questions and answers from the Python community. The tutor list offers interactive help. If the tutor list isn't your cup of tea, there are many other mailing lists and newsgroups. Stack Overflow has many Python questions and answers.

What is oops in Python? ›

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a method of structuring a program by bundling related properties and behaviors into individual objects. In this tutorial, you'll learn the basics of object-oriented programming in Python. Conceptually, objects are like the components of a system.

How do you find the answer in Python? ›

choice(operators) if operator == '+': answer = operand1 + operand2 elif operator == '-': answer = operand1 - operand2 else: answer = operand1 * operand2 user_input = input(str(operand1) + operator + str(operand2) + "? ") if str(answer) == user_input: print('Correct! ') else: print('Wrong! ')

What language is Python? ›

Python is an interpreted, object-oriented, high-level programming language with dynamic semantics.

Why is learning Python easy? ›

Python can be considered beginner-friendly, as it is a programming language that prioritizes readability, making it easier to understand and use. Its syntax has similarities with the English language, making it easy for novice programmers to leap into the world of development.

Who wrote Python? ›

Guido van Rossum

Is Python harder than Java? ›

Java and Python are two of the most popular programming languages. Of the two, Java is the faster language, but Python is simpler and easier to learn. Each is well-established, platform-independent, and part of a large, supportive community.

Can I practice Python on mobile? ›

Can I practice Python on iOS/Android device? A big YES…. There are so many compilers are available.

Where can I practice Python? ›

Where can I practice Python programming?
  1. has dozens of free interactive practice questions, as well as free interactive lessons, project ideas, tutorials, and more.
  2. HackerRank is a great site for practice that's also interactive.
  3. CodingGame is a fun platform for practice that supports Python.
May 27, 2022

Is Python hard to learn? ›

Python is widely considered among the easiest programming languages for beginners to learn. If you're interested in learning a programming language, Python is a good place to start.

Who uses Python? ›

Python is used by Intel, IBM, NASA, Pixar, Netflix, Facebook, JP Morgan Chase, Spotify, and a number of other massive companies. It's one of the four main languages at Google, while Google's YouTube is largely written in Python. Same with Reddit, Pinterest, and Instagram.

Should I learn C++ or Python? ›

Overall Python is better than C++ in terms of its simplicity and easy syntax. But C++ is better in terms of performance, speed, vast application areas, etc.

Is Python programming easy? ›

Python is easy to learn. Its syntax is easy and code is very readable. Python has a lot of applications. It's used for developing web applications, data science, rapid application development, and so on.

Where do I write Python code? ›

PyCharm. One of the best (and only) full-featured, dedicated IDEs for Python is PyCharm. Available in both paid (Professional) and free open-source (Community) editions, PyCharm installs quickly and easily on Windows, Mac OS X, and Linux platforms. Out of the box, PyCharm supports Python development directly.

Should I learn Python? ›

Since Python is widely used in the world of data science and only growing in its popularity, it is an important tool for anyone getting started in data science. Learning Python as part of a wider data analytics skill set will make you a stronger candidate, as data analysts are expected to have a wide array of skills.

What apps can I make with Python? ›

What Type of Apps Can You Build in Python?
  • Blockchain applications. ...
  • Command-line applications. ...
  • Audio and Video applications. ...
  • Game app development. ...
  • System administration applications. ...
  • Machine learning applications. ...
  • Business applications.

Which is faster Java or Python? ›

Python programs are generally expected to run slower than Java programs, but they also take much less time to develop. Python programs are typically 3-5 times shorter than equivalent Java programs. This difference can be attributed to Python's built-in high-level data types and its dynamic typing.

What are the 33 keywords in Python? ›

Python Keywords: An Introduction
  • Value Keywords: True, False, None.
  • Operator Keywords: and, or, not, in, is.
  • Control Flow Keywords: if, elif, else.
  • Iteration Keywords: for, while, break, continue, else.
  • Structure Keywords: def, class, with, as, pass, lambda.
  • Returning Keywords: return, yield.
  • Import Keywords: import, from, as.

What is Python literal? ›

Literals in Python is defined as the raw data assigned to variables or constants while programming. We mainly have five types of literals which includes string literals, numeric literals, boolean literals, literal collections and a special literal None.

What is the salary of Python programmer? ›

The entry-level Python developer salary in the US is $78,176 a year on average, The average junior Python developer salary is $80,499, The mid-level Python developer salary reaches $111,899, While the senior Python developer earns $130,268 on average.

How do you code Python for free? ›

Just in case if you have any other useful Python websites which teach Python development for free then feel free to suggest.
  1. Udemy. It's another popular online course platform, which probably has the biggest collection of online courses on earth. ...
  2. Coursera. ...
  3. Google's Python Class. ...
  4. Microsoft's Free Python Course. ...
  5. CodeCademy.
Apr 2, 2022

What are the Python commands? ›

Some common Python commands are input, print, range, round, pip install, len, sort, loop commands like for and while so on and so forth.

What is array in Python? ›

Array is a container which can hold a fix number of items and these items should be of the same type. Most of the data structures make use of arrays to implement their algorithms. Following are the important terms to understand the concept of Array. Element− Each item stored in an array is called an element.

What is difference between C and Python? ›

Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. C is a general-purpose, procedural computer programming language. Interpreted programs execute slower as compared to compiled programs. Compiled programs execute faster as compared to interpreted programs.

What are Python classes? ›

A Python class is like an outline for creating a new object. An object is anything that you wish to manipulate or change while working through the code. Every time a class object is instantiated, which is when we declare a variable, a new object is initiated from scratch.

How do you answer a yes or no question in Python? ›

Loop the question to allow for repeated incorrect input

answer = None while answer not in ("yes", "no"): answer = input("Enter yes or no: ") if answer == "yes": # Do this. elif answer == "no": # Do that. else: print("Please enter yes or no.")

Why is Python popular? ›

The python language is one of the most accessible programming languages available because it has simplified syntax and not complicated, which gives more emphasis on natural language. Due to its ease of learning and usage, python codes can be easily written and executed much faster than other programming languages.

What is a pandas in Python? ›

pandas is a Python package providing fast, flexible, and expressive data structures designed to make working with “relational” or “labeled” data both easy and intuitive. It aims to be the fundamental high-level building block for doing practical, real-world data analysis in Python.

Can Python get you a job? ›

Python has changed the industry with its ease-of-use and powerful libraries, and its vast applications and productivity. Python jobs pay well and developers are in demand. And since Python is easy, many choose to go for a lucrative job in Python.

Is Python good for games? ›

Is Python good for game development? Python is an excellent choice for game development. With the growth of the gaming industry, Python game development has shown to be an excellent choice for developers for quick prototyping and implementation of video games.

Which is the hardest programming language? ›

Malbolge. Malbolge is the toughest programming language as it took at least two years to write the first Malbolge program. It is a difficult one as it uses an obscure notation, and it is a self-modifying language that results in erratic behaviour.

Why is Python called snake? ›

Etymology. The word 'Python' is derived from the Latin word 'pȳthon' and the Greek word 'πύθων', both referring to the "serpent slain, who was fabled to have been called Pythius in commemoration of his victory near Delphi by Apollo according to the myth".

Is YouTube written in Python? ›

YouTube - is a big user of Python, the entire site uses Python for different purposes: view video, control templates for website, administer video, access to canonical data, and many more. Python is everywhere at YouTube.

Is Python written in C? ›

Python is written in C (actually the default implementation is called CPython).

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.