I've been caught driving at 35mph in a 30mph limit. Is there any way of negotiating a speed awareness course? (2024)

According to ACPO guidelines the prosecuted limit is normally the speed limit plus 10 per cent plus 2mph, which means normally cases are only dealt with when the speed is 35mph and above. In addition, speed awareness courses are offered in many areas for 10 per cent plus 6mph (so up to 39mph). If they offer you one, take it, as although there is a fee you will avoid penalty points.

Section 172 (not 132) is a request for information as to who was driving. You must provide that information in any event, as it is a separate offence not to do so. At the very worst - if they will not drop the charge on the ACPO guidelines or offer a speed awareness - you will get three points and a £60 fine on a fixed penalty.

For 35 in a 30 you should be offered a Speed Awareness Course. If not, it's a standard £60 fine and three points.

I've been caught driving at 35mph in a 30mph limit. Is there any way of negotiating a speed awareness course? (2024)
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Name: Laurine Ryan

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Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.