How To Ride – Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap (2024)

The Tail of the Dragon is not a difficult road to ride. And with a few tips and tricks, it can be an unforgettable experience.

TRUCKS ON THE DRAGON. It is now illegal for trucks longer than 30 feet to operate on the Tail of the Dragon. However, it is not uncommon to see trucks that are either lost or using US129 as a shortcut. Read the historyof this long battle to ban trucks on the Tail of the Dragon.

Trucks are usually traveling slow allowing you time to take precautions. Watch for signals from traffic coming at you. Many times they will escort a big truck over the Dragon and wave a warning to you to pull over. Ignore these warnings at your own peril.

How To Ride – Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap (2024)


How To Ride – Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap? ›

You'll want to set aside about a half-hour or so to tackle the Tail of the Dragon. The speed limit is a strict 30 miles per hour, and you definitely don't want to push it. You could certainly devote more time to the drive, given there are a few pullouts along the way.

How long does it take to get through Tail of the Dragon? ›

You'll want to set aside about a half-hour or so to tackle the Tail of the Dragon. The speed limit is a strict 30 miles per hour, and you definitely don't want to push it. You could certainly devote more time to the drive, given there are a few pullouts along the way.

Where is the best place to start the tail of the dragon? ›

Whether you're starting or completing the Tail of the Dragon at the intersection of US 129 & NC 28, Deals Gap Motorcycle Resort in Robbinsville, NC is the perfect place to snap pictures, grab souvenirs, eat lunch, have a cold beer, or even spend the night.

How long does it take to drive the Dragon tail? ›

Since the road gets more crowded as the day goes on (especially on weekends), plan to start early. And if you're traveling by motorcycle, don't forget your helmet—they're required for both drivers and passengers in North Carolina and Tennessee. It will take about 30 minutes to drive the Dragon's 11 exhilarating miles.

What is the curviest road in NC? ›

Tail of the Dragon at Deals Gap with 318 curves in 11 miles: America's number one motorcycle and sports car road. Designated US 129, the road is bordered by the Great Smoky Mountains and the Cherokee National Forest with no intersecting roads or driveways to hamper your travel.

What is the best time of day to drive the Tail of the Dragon? ›

Avoid riding hard on the Dragon in heavy traffic times. Weekends from 11 am to 5 pm are the busiest. These are the times to lay back and watch the "show". The early mornings (before 11 am) and the late afternoons (after 5 pm) have the least traffic.

What is the best time of year to ride the Tail of the Dragon? ›

For the most part it is open year round. We will post closures on and Facebook. The primary season is April through October. March and November can be iffy, especially in the higher elevations of the Cherohala Skyway, Blue Ridge Parkway and US 441 in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park.

How hard is it to ride the Tail of the Dragon? ›

The Tail of the Dragon is a popular motorcycle ride but there are other rides that are more challenging and fun to ride. The Dragon's claim to fame is 318 curves in 11 miles. The ride is challenging but probably more from staying away from other bikes, cars & trucks coming into your lane more than anything else.

Is it safe to drive the Tail of the Dragon? ›

Most of the accidents on the Dragon are due to speed and then over-braking. DON'T BE SPOOKED. Do not make sudden avoidance moves. You might have to adjust your line to avoid a car, truck, or bike, but DO NOT lay on the brakes or turn off the roadway suddenly unless that is the only option.

Which way is best to ride Tail of the Dragon? ›

From a safety standpoint, the northbound has far less situations where the big dropoffs are an issue. Most of those hairpins/switchbacks put northbound on the outside of the turn. Southbound would be the opposite.

What is the accident rate on Tail of the Dragon? ›

Additionally, on the Tennessee side of the Tail of the Dragon, there were a total of 165 crashes in 2020 and 2021, 123 of which involved motorcycles, including nine fatalities – all motorcyclists. “Summer is the time of year for family vacations and outdoor activities,” said Tennessee Highway Patrol Col. Matt Perry.

How many motorcyclists have died on the Tail of the Dragon? ›

29 deaths on the 11 mile section of roadway known as "The Dragon". 28 of these deaths were on motorcycles.

What is the most famous street in North Carolina? ›

What is the most iconic street in North Carolina? The site says that North Carolina's most iconic street is Fayetteville Street. The “iconic” street acted as a parade ground, hosting such events as the march of Union troops toward the State Capitol in 1865.

What is the famous road in North Carolina? ›

The Blue Ridge Parkway

It is without question North Carolina's most famous road and no matter how many times we're on it, those blue ridgelines blow us away.

What is the most scenic road in North Carolina? ›

Running more than 450 miles between Shenandoah National Park in Virginia and Great Smoky Mountains National Park in North Carolina, the Blue Ridge Parkway is the mother of all scenic roads.

What is the fastest time down Tail of the Dragon? ›

The overall record was 18 minutes, or 9 minutes one-way (62 mph average).

Is the tail of the dragon hard to ride? ›

The Tail of the Dragon is not a difficult road. And with a few tips and tricks, it can be an unforgettable experience. TRUCKS ON THE DRAGON. It is now illegal for trucks longer than 30 feet to operate on the Tail of the Dragon.

Does Tail of the Dragon have a speed limit? ›

Speed Limit. The Speed limit is 30 mph on both the North Carolina and Tennessee side of the Tail. It is enforced, especially for showboats and squids.

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