How to Make an Employee Weekly Performance Tracker Using Excel (2024)

If you need to keep tabs on employee performance, Microsoft Excel is often the perfect tool to use. Not only can you quickly add data each day and have it added to the week's total, you can also pull data from other workbooks and have Excel update it automatically.

Setting Up a Weekly Performance Report

Suppose you owned a small manufacturing operation and wanted to track how many units each employee produced in a week. To do this, you'll need to enter a value for each day of the week for each employee and then have Excel add them for you.

Of course, you can track any performance indicators you want, like the number of hours worked each day, how many sales were closed or how many calls were made. You can also create a report for a month or an entire quarter. Setting up the report is the same.

To set up a report for one week, enter the employee's names in column A with the word "Employees" at the top. Then, at the top of each column enter the days of the week.

At the top of the next blank column type "Totals" and then click the cell below it. Click the "Formulas" tab, click "AutoSum." Highlight the cells between this cell and the employee's name – in this example, for each day of the week – and press Enter. AutoSum will automatically add up all of the numbers when you enter them beside the employee's name.

Next, press "Ctrl-C" to copy the formula. Highlight the cells below it, corresponding to the number of employees in your list, and press "Ctrl-V." This copies and pastes the formula for every employee.

Using Additional Performance Indicators

If you have more than one performance indicator that you want to track, you can place these in the same worksheet as the first indicator. For example, if you are tracking sales calls made each day but also want to track the number of sales each employee makes. You can insert these numbers in a second row below the first numbers and then use the AutoSum feature to add them up.

Suppose, however, it's not the number of calls or the number of sales that you use to measure performance, but the ratio of calls to the number of sales. In this case, you can add another column at the end of the worksheet and divide the number of sales each week by the number of calls. If the total calls and total sales were in cells G2 and G3, the formula would be: =SUM(G2/G3)

Pulling Data From Other Workbooks

If you already have Excel worksheets containing employee data, like overtime hours or production reports, you don't have to re-enter this information in a performance tracker. You can import it directly into a new Excel workbook, and when you update the other, your performance tracker will automatically be updated as well.

When you import data from another workbook, everything in the worksheet will be copied to your performance tracker, however you can delete any information that you don't need.

Click the "Data" tab in your performance tracker, select "New Query," "From File" and then "From Workbook." Select the workbook containing the data.

Click the "Data" tab again, select "Get Data, "From File" and then "From Workbook." Select the workbook and then select the worksheet containing the information you need. A preview appears so you can be certain you have the right one. Click "Load."

Each time you open the performance tracker workbook, select "Data," then "Refresh All" to update the data.

You can pull data from multiple worksheets, or add additional data as needed. Just be careful that the data is placed beside the right employees. As long as you enter the employees in alphabetical order in each workbook, this shouldn't be a problem.

How to Make an Employee Weekly Performance Tracker Using Excel (2024)
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