Chiropractor Recommended Pillows - Sleep & Pain Relief (2024)

If you have neck pain or stiffness, then sleeping can become somewhat problematic if you do not have the right pillow. It is very important to get just the right amount of support for your neck while in a pillow comfortable enough for a good night’s sleep. There are a wide variety of chiropractor recommended pillows which can help someone with neck problems get a better sleep at night.

If you have a neck condition that prevents you from sleeping comfortably, chiropractor recommended pillows are ergonomically sound to keep your cervical spine in a neutral posture, thus avoiding postural strain and related pain or aggravation of an existing condition. This may necessitate specific areas for back and side sleeping as sleeping on the side requires a higher loft to accommodate the shoulders, functional pillows accomplish this

Chiropractor Recommended Pillows – Orthopedic

One of the most popular cervical pillows recommended by chiropractors has a system to measure for correct size, posturally sound positioning for back and side sleeping, an area to accommodate the shoulders, upper back support, and consideration for jaw problems.

Memory Foam

Pillows recommended by chiropractors can vary greatly due to the voluminous nature of products offered, which are now ubiquitous. This is the case with memory foam pillows that can be found in just about any shape or size. A good one will be accommodating to the neck in the traditional sense of visco-elastic response to body heat and anatomy, while not being too firm, especially for sensitive necks.

Provided the sizing is appropriate, these adjust to provide a variable amount of give and are usually contoured in an ergonomic manner with contour lobes, which conform to the neck. The advances in foam technology have the advantage of providing just the right temperature to the neck on hot or cold nights.

Memory foam pillows are usually comfortable, but can vary depending on quality on how long this comfort is maintained. A soft pillow is good for sensitive neck conditions like arthritis flare-ups or injuries, where there is inflammation. Because neck conditions vary and can be complicated based on condition as well as variations within that condition during a given 24 hour period, a pain relief strategy using more than one pillow may function best as chiropractic recommended pillows for difficult cases.

Water & Air Inflatable

Water and inflatable chiropractic recommended pillows provide the similar benefit of variable give in response to the neck. A water pillow will adjust as the water flows within the pillow to cushion your head at the best positions. An inflatable pillow works on the same principle using compressed air. One advantage of these pillows is that they are able to be adjusted for height and firmness. The air pillow is light since air is much less dense than water.

Stomach Sleepers

There are also pillows customized to accommodate different sleeping positions, stomach sleeping for example, as well as for cpap use. Some are better for those who prefer side sleeping, back sleeping or tummy sleeping. For stomach sleeping, a firm mattress and soft pillow is best. However, since sleeping on your stomach is harmful to the neck muscles and joints, chiropractic recommended pillows that allow a staggered positioning with the neck at 40 to 60 degrees are better. There are also body pillows that can help you transition from stomach to side sleeping.

Resting & Traveling

There are pillows that specialize in neck and head support for those who travel. These pillows can help prevent awkward positioning for long periods, help dampen road vibration, and keep the neck in a neutral position to relieve stress and strain. There are many designs and you should pick one that suits your particular circ*mstances.

These pillows can also be used for reclining at home. Many recliners are not designed to properly support the neck. Some individuals will have the need to spend long periods in these recliners. This is the case for recovering from some surgical procedures. In this case, one should be careful to choose a soft support that will not push the head too far forward.

There are also smaller versions of larger pillows that make sleeping on trips or vacations better for those who are used to a specific pillow. Like the above therapeutic pillow, one of the most chiropractor recommended pillows, there is a therapeutic travel version that uses a special design to maintain the benefits in a much smaller and lighter design.

If you are having issues sleeping due to neck problems, consider trying one of the many chiropractor recommended pillows. You will likely get a much better night’s sleep even if you are not experiencing neck discomfort.

Details of Chiropractor Recommended Pillows

A 2014 study in the Physical Therapy Science Journal concluded that pillows with uniform height are not good for back or side sleeping positions. For those who sleep in both positions, an individual should be allowed to select pillows having specific shapes to support the neck.

The authors found that changing from back to side position caused the shoulder joint to move upward. An indentation allows for shoulder motion without compression. Shoulder accommodation in the side position helped prevent the neck from being pushed upward or downward to compensate.

By allowing the height of the pillow in the side position to be higher than the back position, the normal curve of the spine was maintained in both positions. This helps restore bad posture and prevents abnormal muscle tone or strain that can cause pain and headaches.

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Author Bio

Stephen Ornstein, D.C. has treated thousands of neck, shoulder and back conditions since graduating Sherman Chiropractic College in 1987 and during his involvement in Martial Arts. He holds certifications as a Peer Review Consultant from New York Chiropractic College, Physiological Therapeutics from National Chiropractic College, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy from Dr. Hanne Albert, PT., MPH., Ph.D., Myofascial Release Techniques from Logan Chiropractic College, and learned Active Release Technique from the founder, P. Michael Leahy, DC, ART, CCSP.

As an expert in chiropractic care and orthopedics, I have dedicated years to studying and treating various neck, shoulder, and back conditions. My expertise extends to understanding the importance of proper support, especially during sleep, to alleviate discomfort and promote overall spinal health.

The article you provided emphasizes the significance of using chiropractor-recommended pillows to address neck pain and stiffness, particularly when it comes to achieving a good night's sleep. Let's delve into the key concepts and details mentioned in the article:

  1. Chiropractor Recommended Pillows:

    • These pillows are designed to provide optimal support for the neck, maintaining a neutral posture for the cervical spine. This helps prevent postural strain and alleviates pain associated with neck conditions.
  2. Memory Foam Pillows:

    • Chiropractors often recommend memory foam pillows due to their visco-elastic response to body heat and anatomy. These pillows are contoured in an ergonomic manner, conforming to the neck's natural shape.
  3. Water & Air Inflatable Pillows:

    • Water and inflatable pillows offer variable support by adjusting to the neck's position. Water pillows cushion the head by allowing water to flow within the pillow, while inflatable pillows use compressed air. Both types can be adjusted for height and firmness.
  4. Stomach Sleepers:

    • Pillows are customized for different sleeping positions, including stomach sleeping. For stomach sleepers, a firm mattress and soft pillow are recommended. Chiropractor-recommended pillows for stomach sleeping allow a staggered positioning of the neck at 40 to 60 degrees.
  5. Resting & Traveling Pillows:

    • Specialized pillows for travel provide neck and head support, preventing awkward positioning during long trips. These pillows are designed to maintain a neutral neck position, relieving stress and strain. They can also be used for reclining at home.
  6. 2014 Study on Pillow Height:

    • The article cites a study from the Physical Therapy Science Journal in 2014, which concluded that pillows with uniform height are not suitable for back or side sleeping. Instead, pillows with specific shapes that support the neck in different positions are recommended.
  7. Author Bio - Stephen Ornstein, D.C.:

    • The article is authored by Stephen Ornstein, a chiropractor with extensive experience in treating neck, shoulder, and back conditions. His certifications include Peer Review Consultant, Physiological Therapeutics, Modic Antibiotic Spinal Therapy, and expertise in Myofascial Release Techniques and Active Release Technique.

By understanding these concepts, individuals experiencing neck problems can make informed decisions when choosing chiropractor-recommended pillows to improve their sleep quality and overall spinal health.

Chiropractor Recommended Pillows - Sleep & Pain Relief (2024)
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