Can I Remove Utility Flags In My Yard: Is this Illegal? (2024)

Seeing colorful flags in your yard can be surprising – and maybe at times, frustrating, especially if you like to maintain a beautiful, pristine yard. But if it happens to you, you should know that it means someone is planning to turn it into an excavation site. At this point you might start to wonder, “Can I remove utility flags in my yard?”

In general, you should not remove utility flags in your yard. Utility flags are placed to avoid any disturbances or accidents in the area while utility work is ongoing. Give the utility flag company a call first to inquire about their presence, and whether or not it’s safe to remove them.

Utility companies usually place flags to mark underground facilities for projects like repair and maintenance. As you spot those flags, you may not be sure what to do or what they mean.

Never fear, because in this article, we’re going to go over what utility flags are, what the different color utility flags mean, as well as what you can do as the property owner.

Here’s a Quick Pro Tip!

While you can’t really prevent utility companies from doing their jobs, it’s good to know who is setting foot on your property and what they’re doing.

Having a decent security system like a Ring Video Doorbell or Outdoor Security Cameras (both on Amazon) is a smart thing to do.

Legal Disclaimer: The information contained in this article is provided for informational purposes only, and shouldnotbe interpreted aslegal advice or acted upon as such. You should always consult with an attorney or legal professional before taking any action.

Why Are There Flags On My Lawn?

There are a few important reasons why there are flags on your lawn. The first one is that there will be an excavation project planned in the spot where the flags are. Flags can be used to mark even simple digging projects like installing clothesline or repair and maintenance projects such as repairing the fire hydrant nearby.

The other reason why there are flags on your lawn is that there is a bigger excavation project planned in your area. These projects involve underground facilities that need to be protected. The state requires utility companies and their subcontractors to locate and mark where underground lines are buried.

Digging on a spot without knowing beforehand the location of underground utility lines can be risky. If the utility flags are not in place, workers can just dig and end up damaging underground lines. This will result in everyday inconveniences that can affect not only you but also other people in the community.

You may panic as someone just came to your property to put up the marking flags. One thing to note is that utility companies do have the right to come onto your property, even without permission.

But just because there are flags on your lawn it doesn’t always mean the utility company is going to start digging up your yard. It could be that individuals or companies calling in the dig request can’t provide the exact location to mark. As a result, they will give an estimate, which includes your property.

What Do The Colored Utility Flags Mean?

When you see flags, you not only tend to question what it is and what purpose it serves but also what the different colors are. Utility color flags help workers who carry out the digging identify which utility line is running under the marked spots. The colors follow the Uniform Color Code set by the American Public Works Association.

Why Are There Little Yellow Flags On My Lawn?

If you see yellow flags across your yard, it means that there will be a planned work involving natural gas lines. The yellow flags will help identify contractors that a gas line is on that spot. That way, contractors will not dig it up.

For instance, a water company may ask to have that area marked with yellow flags so that when there is an installation, repair, or maintenance on the water lines, the marked spot won’t be touched.

It’s vital to avoid the spot marked with the yellow flags. Since they are placed to mark gas lines, removing them will defeat the purpose of protecting the lines. And a damaged gas line can cause soil contamination and even explosion.

Why Are Those White Flags In My Yard?

White flags usually mark the area where there is a proposed excavation. They are often placed in the city. If you see plenty of white flags wrapped around an area, that should give you an idea of how big the project is. Removing these flags could disrupt any project planned in the area.

What Are The Green Flags In My Yard?

Green flags are put up to mark drain lines and sewers. Be mindful of these flags; you may not like seeing green flags on your yard but don’t consider removing them. Sewer lines need to be preserved if there are in-ground projects. Damaging this line could release poisonous gases and may cause a flood in the neighborhood.

Other Colors

Have you ever wondered about orange flags? If you’re asking, what color will CATV flags in my yard or at&T flags in my yard be, then the answer is orange. This color is used for communication systems, TV cables and alarm lines.

Placing orange flags means companies should be careful about digging this area, especially when people are expecting a big game on TV.

Other colors to watch out for include:

  • Red -it is the most common color and it’s used to mark electric utilities or power lines Marking an area with red will help to avoid a power outage that can affect the whole neighborhood.
  • Blue – Water, slurry, and irrigation lines. Usually, this involves potable water. If the line is damaged, the neighborhood could experience a flood or that water will not be safe for drinking for days.
  • Pink – this color is used as temporary survey markings. As surveyors measure the area, they put up pink flags to mark their work. Pink can also be used to mark unknown utility lines.

Is It Illegal To Remove Utility Flags

You may be so tempted to remove utility color flags from your yard. You may have no idea what it is and you just see it as something that ruins the overall aesthetics of your yard. But keep in mind that removing these flags are a big no-no. In most cases, it is illegal to tamper with these markings.

Depending on the state you’re in, there should be a law that prohibits any person from removing or tampering with utility flags. Doing so could result in fines. In addition, you will be held responsible for damages to the utility.

What To Do When You Accidentally Removed The Flags

Accidental removal of the flags is inevitable. You may have removed it before realizing its purpose. Children may also accidentally take those flags out. To children, those colorful flags could be very attractive. It can be very tempting to play with them or even remove them.

If this happens, do not plant the flags to the ground as you may not know where they were exactly located. Instead, call 811 dig hotline, report what happened, and request for them to mark the utility lines again.

Who Should Remove Those Flags?

Technically, you shouldn’t be removing flags the moment you see them. These will help workers locate important marked spots. The only person who should be removing them is the one responsible for the placement of the flags. The removal usually happens when the job is done.

How Long Do You Have To Leave Utility Flags In My Yard?

In instances where you’ve seen the flag on your yard for 14 days without someone doing any work, you can remove them. Other states place a validity of the flags for 30 calendar days. If you’re unsure, a more helpful way to deal with this is to call 811. You can get more details as to who requested the placement by calling the hotline.

You can speak with the operator at 811 and ask for the details about the project in your area. The operator should be able to provide the name of the company or individual who requested the dig and their contact information. You can then call the person or company and ask about the status of the project or if the flags are still necessary.

If you are unable to gather the information from the state 811, you can simply refer to the color of the flag. If you have blue flags, you can call the water company, and so on. Also, most flags bear the name of the company that placed them, so you should be able to see the contact information.


It’s expected of a property owner to be bothered by the sight of colorful flags in their yard. It’s even more frustrating to see people come to your yard and put up flags without permission.

However tempting it may be, one should not remove those flags. They are there for a purpose, which is to protect underground lines that may be damaged during digging. Digging works could involve installation, repair,and maintenance of underground lines.

The flags won’t be there for long. They usually have a validity of 30 calendar days. In some, they are valid for only two weeks especially if you haven’t observed any activity. Generally, flags should not be taken off. Doing so is illegal and you could pay a fine. In cases where you accidentally removed it, it’s best to call 811 for help.

Can I Remove Utility Flags In My Yard: Is this Illegal? (2024)


When can I remove utility flags in my yard Iowa? ›

Any paint markings aren't permanent and should fade over time. If locate flags are in place for more than 14 days without any activity, the property owner can remove them because they are no longer valid at that point.

How long do I have to leave utility flags in my yard Michigan? ›

Leave the flags in place until your underground work is complete. You must begin digging within 14 days of the start date listed on the ticket. Make sure children and neighbors know not to remove the flags until the work is done.

What does a white flag in the ground mean? ›

GREEN – Sewers and Drain Lines. PINK – Temporary Survey Markings. WHITE – Proposed Excavation.

What does a blue flag on a lawn mean? ›

Blue flags – Blue means water, irrigation or slurry. Usually this is drinking water. Damage this line and you could flood your home or find yourself without drinking water for a few days.

Can I remove ATT flags from my yard? ›

We work with local utility companies to identify gas, electric, and water lines that are already in your yard. They mark these existing utilities with painted lines and flags to help our crew determine where they'll bury the new cable. We would advise that you do not remove the markings or flags.

Does AT&T have the right to dig on my property? ›

They have the ability to track any digs or sites that are in your area, and will be able to tell you why they are digging and what your next step would be. Let us know if you have any further questions! Thank you for being a part of our AT&T Community! Still need help?

How close to utility markings can I dig? ›


Try to avoid digging on top of or within 18-24” on all sides of utility marks, which may mean moving your project to another part of your yard less congested with buried lines.

What does a green utility flag mean? ›

The colors have become the standard across the industries. The meanings assigned to flag colors include the following: Blue: Potable, or drinkable, water. Green: Sewers and drain lines. Orange: Communication, alarm or signal lines, and cables or conduit.

What are the color flags for utilities? ›

Red – electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables. Yellow – natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or gaseous materials. Orange - communications, alarm/signal lines, cables, or conduit. Blue – potable water lines.

What does black mean on a flag? ›

• Black: Often used to represent determination, ethnic heritage and/or the defeat of enemies. It can also be used as a symbol of death or mourning. • White: Seen as a symbol of peace, purity and harmony, and has also been used to represent surrender in times of battle.

What does a GREY flag mean? ›

Flag Meaning

Black: Asexuality. Grey: Grey-asexuality and demi-sexuality. White: Non-asexual partners and allies.

What does a pink flag mean? ›

The flag was first flown at a Pride Parade in Phoenix in 2000. The light blue represents boys, and the pink represents girls. The white is used to symbolize those who are transitioning, those who feel they have a neutral gender or no gender and those who are intersex.

What does a purple flag in the ground mean? ›

The Meaning Of Marking Flag Colors

Orange is for telecommunication lines, cable TV and alarm or signal lines. Blue indicates drinkable water. Green is for sewers lines and drains. White is for proposed excavation routes and limits. Purple is for irrigation, reclaimed water or slurry.

What does a red black and green striped flag mean? ›

Also known as the UNIA flag, the Afro-American flag, and the Black Liberation flag, the distinct red, black, and green Pan-African flag was created in 1920. Sometimes also called the Marcus Garvey flag, it was meant to serve as a marker of freedom, pride, and the political power of Black Americans.

What do white utility markings mean? ›

White stands for the proposed borders of an excavation. When crews need to mark the limits of the excavation needed for a basem*nt, or even just a trench, they mark the outlines in white paint. This is usually the first step before any underground infrastructure is precisely located.

What does the ATT D flag mean? ›

Know here, it'd mean Miss Dig was called by someone planning an excavation there, not necessarily ATT. Any appropriate utilties are marked beforehand. 😉

Where should garden flag be placed in yard? ›


The porch and patio are the two most favorite places to display a garden flag. That makes sense because the flag will be visible from both sides of the house.

Can AT&T go in your backyard without permission? ›

Yes, if you have a utility easem*nt they have a right to access it.

Is dig alert a law? ›

Yes. The law states that anyone doing any type of digging, with power driven equipment or when a permit is required MUST contact DigAlert prior to excavation. The consequences for not doing so are not only severe but could lead to injury or loss of life.

How deep does AT&T bury their lines? ›

Fiber to the home would be 6-12 inches below ground. Main lines along the street 2-3 feet or deeper.

How close can you dig next to a house? ›

As long as your foundation is structurally secure, you can dig right beside it without compromising its integrity -- until you reach the footing. Potential problems with the dig include trench collapse and the unintended disturbance of utility lines or pipes.

What happens when you call the number 811? ›

When you dial 811, you will automatically be connected to a representative from your state's 811 center who will ask you simple questions about the location and details of your digging project. If you make your request online, you will enter the same information into a form.

What is the number 811 for? ›

811 is the national call-before-you-dig phone number. Anyone who plans to dig should call 811 or go to their state 811 center's website before digging to request that the approximate location of buried utilities be marked with paint or flags so that you don't unintentionally dig into an underground utility line.

What does orange paint on the ground mean? ›

YELLOW: Gas, Oil, Steam, Petroleum or Gaseous Materials. ORANGE: Communication, Alarm or Signal Lines, Cables or Conduits.

What does red mean for utilities? ›

Red: electric power lines, cables, conduit and lighting cables. Orange: telecommunication, alarm or signal lines, cables or conduit. Yellow: natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum or other flammable.

Can I plant flowers over utility lines? ›

You should never plant over an underground utility, but if your desired spot is near a utility line, some plants are better picks than others. Plants with non-invasive roots, meaning roots that are less likely to poke at below-ground pipes, are the most utility friendly.

Is Dig Alert free? ›

It's free for anyone that is digging to get a DigAlert ticket. Our services are paid for by the owners of underground facilities.

Can you break a gas line with a shovel? ›

Gas lines are typically metal or plastic. If plastic, they're very likely thick enough to withstand most hand digging with a shovel. Laws typically require hand digging within some distance (18" in my state) of a marked line.

What does pink spray paint on road mean? ›

White – Proposed excavation areas or routes that show where digging is proposed. Pink – Temporary survey markings indicating the legal boundaries that affect the project.

Is utility marking paint permanent? ›

Paint for marking underground utilities is water based and designed for temporary marking of underground utilities. Being temporary, it is designed to fade and wash away without harm with time passing, so it does not become permanent "ground graffiti".

What does a yellow flag stand for? ›

Red flag is high hazard meaning high surf and/or strong currents. Yellow flag is medium hazard meaning moderate surf and/or currents. Green flag is low hazard meaning calm conditions, exercise caution. Purple flag means dangerous marine life spotted.

What does an upside down flag mean? ›

According to the U.S. Flag Code, flying the American flag upside down is only meant to be done "as a signal of dire distress in instances of extreme danger to life or property." But lately, hanging the stars and stripes upside down is seen more of a symbol — a symbol increasingly used by those on both sides of the ...

What do the 7 red stripes on the flag mean? ›

Today the flag consists of 13 horizontal stripes, seven red alternating with six white. The stripes represent the original 13 Colonies and the stars represent the 50 states of the Union.

Is The Thin red Line flag disrespectful? ›

The meaning of the red line flag was certainly not meant to be disrespectful. It's purpose is to honor fallen firefighters and the department, but there has been some controversy. Because it's an altercation of the American flag, some people do not agree with it.

What does the thin gold line flag mean? ›

The Thin Gold Line is representative of Emergency Dispatchers. Although they are not always thought of when referring to first responders, their support to EMS workers is said to be 'truly gold'. Gold is meant to symbolize loyalty and strength.

What does a black American flag mean with a blue stripe? ›

What does the "Thin Blue Line" flag mean? While the meaning of a totally black or black-and-white American flag is that no quarter will be given, the "Thin Blue Line" (while also mostly black and white) is different. It is used to signify support for law enforcement.

What does a black American flag mean Tiktok? ›

Photos and videos of monochromatic black American flags have popped up online. Tweets and TikToks claim they were first flown by the Confederates during the American Civil War. The posters claim they mean “no quarter,” or in other words, “no mercy” will be given to the enemy.

What does a black and white flag mean? ›

The black and white American flag originated during the American Civil War between 1861 and 1865. It was created as an opposing symbol to the white flag, which symbolizes surrender. Confederate army soldiers flew the black flag to demonstrate they would not give in or surrender to the enemy.

What does the black gray white and purple flag mean? ›

Asexual Pride Flag

The flag consists of four horizontal stripes: black, grey, white, and purple from top to bottom. The black stripe represents asexuality, the grey stripe representing the grey-area between sexual and asexual, the white stripe sexuality, and the purple stripe community.

What does blue mean on a flag? ›

Answer: According to custom and tradition, white signifies purity and innocence; red, hardiness and valor; and blue signifies vigilance, perseverance, and justice.

Why is purple a forbidden flag color? ›

Why Don't Country Flags Use The Color Purple? - YouTube

Why is flag Forbidden purple? ›

Professor Q explains to his class why purple was omitted on country flags. The real reason was that for thousands of years purple dye was far too expensive. It was possible the most expensive product available being worth more than gold, jewels, castles, ships, silk, spices, and silver.

What does a double purple flag mean? ›

-Purple flags indicate the presence of dangerous marine life, such as jellyfish.

What does the grey striped flag mean? ›

The black stripe represents asexuality, the grey stripe the grey-are between sexual and asexual, the white stripe sexuality, and the purple stripe community. The Transgender Pride flag was designed by Monica Helms. It was first shown at a pride parade in Phoenix, Arizona, USA in 2000.

Is Juneteenth a flag? ›

The Juneteenth flag is a symbol for the Juneteenth holiday in the United States. The first version was created in 1997 by activist Ben Haith and that early version was displayed in 1997. The present version was first flown in 2000. The colors and symbols on the flag are representative of freedom and the end of slavery.

What does a black American flag with a purple line mean? ›

The symbol is used by the law enforcement profession and the public alike and has come to symbolize the relationship law enforcement has in the communities as the protectors of fellow civilians.

How close to utility markings can I dig? ›


Try to avoid digging on top of or within 18-24” on all sides of utility marks, which may mean moving your project to another part of your yard less congested with buried lines.

How long does a permit to dig last? ›

A monthly permit is valid for one month from the date of purchase. Why do I need consent? All the foreshore in the UK has an owner. Metal detecting, searching or digging is not a public right and as such it needs the permission of the landowner.

What are the green flags in my yard? ›

For red flags, try to call your Electric Company. For orange flags, you could try to call your telephone or Cable TV company. For yellow flags, try to call your natural gas provider, and for green flags try to call your local sanitary sewer authority or DPW.

What are the color flags for utilities? ›

Red – electric power lines, cables, conduit, and lighting cables. Yellow – natural gas, oil, steam, petroleum, or gaseous materials. Orange - communications, alarm/signal lines, cables, or conduit. Blue – potable water lines.

How deep are electric lines buried? ›

On average it's usually anywhere from 900 mm to 1800 mm of 18 inches to 36 inches deep. Not everyone will need to dig deep, and they may have less experience digging than you. Just make sure that you have the type of conduit that is deep enough.

How deep are most utilities buried? ›

Typically, sewage lines, electrical lines, and telephone lines not in a conduit are buried approximately two feet underground. Finally, water pipes, electrical lines, and larger sewage pipes are typically buried three feet underground.

How close can you dig next to a house? ›

As long as your foundation is structurally secure, you can dig right beside it without compromising its integrity -- until you reach the footing. Potential problems with the dig include trench collapse and the unintended disturbance of utility lines or pipes.

How far can you dig down in your backyard? ›

However, for practical purposes (leaving the legal requirements aside), it is generally safe to dig holes no more than 300mm deep (12 inches) on your property, and it's much safer and non-risky to dig holes no more than 100mm deep (4 inches).

What is a permit to break ground? ›

A permit to break ground or as it's more commonly know as, a permit to dig is required when breaking ground (e.g. excavating by hand, mechanical excavation, digging for post holes, or even knocking in kerb pins). This is especially important when working near live services.

Can I dig up a road? ›

Certain companies or public bodies have a legal right (under the New Roads and Street Works Act) to dig up roads in order to install new pipes, cables, etc, or to maintain their existing ones. These are known as statutory undertakers.

What does a black yard flag mean? ›

When translated into modern language, this means that captured enemy combatants will be killed rather than taken prisoner.” Some Americans have now found a civilian use for the black flag.

What does green flagging mean? ›

“A green flag means this [person] is safe and you should proceed.” —Laurel House, relationship expert. Green flags can also serve as signposts to help you determine whether or not you're interested in getting to know a person better and pursue a romantic relationship.

What does a green survey flag mean? ›

The Meaning Of Marking Flag Colors

Orange is for telecommunication lines, cable TV and alarm or signal lines. Blue indicates drinkable water. Green is for sewers lines and drains. White is for proposed excavation routes and limits. Purple is for irrigation, reclaimed water or slurry.

What does blue spray paint on grass mean? ›

BLUE: Potable, Water. GREEN: Sewers and Drain Lines. PURPLE: Reclaimed Water, Irrigation and Slurry Lines.

Is utility marking paint permanent? ›

Paint for marking underground utilities is water based and designed for temporary marking of underground utilities. Being temporary, it is designed to fade and wash away without harm with time passing, so it does not become permanent "ground graffiti".

What does a yellow flag stand for? ›

Red flag is high hazard meaning high surf and/or strong currents. Yellow flag is medium hazard meaning moderate surf and/or currents. Green flag is low hazard meaning calm conditions, exercise caution. Purple flag means dangerous marine life spotted.

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Name: Domingo Moore

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Hobby: Kayaking, Roller skating, Cabaret, Rugby, Homebrewing, Creative writing, amateur radio

Introduction: My name is Domingo Moore, I am a attractive, gorgeous, funny, jolly, spotless, nice, fantastic person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.