Bingo Rules (2024)

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Bingo Rules (1)

Rules of Bingo

Welcome to Bingo Support! To start playing you have to take into account the rules of the game.

Upon entering the game you can choose between three types of game modes:

  • Bingo 90: where you can play bingo all the time: by winning 1 line, 2 lines and Bingo (full cardboard).

  • Tómbola 90: where you can play Tómbola: by winning duplo, triple, fourth, fifth, Tombola and Tombolino.

  • Bingo 75: (only available on mobile devices), you will be able to play games with a maximum of 4 cards, marking the numbers manually, and helping yourself winning by using the new boosters.

A game will always start when the previous one ends. Remember that if you want to play a game you must buy at least one card.


  1. Price of each card

  2. Maximum number of cards you can buy

  3. The jackpot of each game.

  4. Number of players in the room

  5. Extra ball

  6. Gift card option.


Bingo is a game of chance that is played with 90 numbered balls and minimum one card per person.

The bingo cards have 15 numbers, divided into 3 lines of 5 numbers each.

The objective of the game is to be the first to get all the numbers until you fill the entire card (called Bingo in the Bingo 90 mode and Tombola in the Tombola 90 mode).


To start playing you’ll have to buy cards. The number of cards per player depends on the room you have chosen to play your game. The more cards you buy, the more chances you have to win. The price per card is indicated in the room settings.

In addition, you will also have the possibility to buy two special balls:

  • Lucky ball: you can choose the number you like the most and when it comes out during the game, you will win an additional prize.

  • Extra ball: this special ball will help you scream Bingo by giving you an extra number; you can only get it when you have one number left on the card before you scream Bingo!

A game must have at least 3 players to start. If you leave the room after buying cards, you will

continue to play in the game with your purchased cards and you can re-enter at any time. This

means that you can play in several rooms at the same time and that if you leave your game, you

can still win prizes inside that room on the condition you have bought at least one card.

Each room has a countdown timer that indicates how much time is left before the next game starts. If you have bought at least 1 card and there are enough players, you will start playing when the timer hits 00:00.


You can gift your cards to anyone who so that they can continue play with you.

To do so, you must click on the button "Gift Cards", which will take you to a window from which you can choose to who you want to give your cards to (your friends or many other people). And finally, you can also choose the option of how many cards you want to give.

Important: You can select as many players as you wish to give them cards as well as the amount of cards, by moving the bar to the right or pressing the "+" or "-" buttons, and finally you must press the "Give" button. We inform you that the maximum number of cards you can have are 99 cards and that if you already have them, you will not be able to accumulate more.

For this reason, we advise you to always use the cards you have received. Because if you receive new ones, and you exceed the maximum allowed, these boxes will be lost for you and the person who wanted to give them to you. On the other hand, it is also not allowed to offer more than 99 boxes in the same day. If you do this, you will also lose your cards. To use the cards that have been given to you, click on the "Free Cards" button so you can automatically use all the cards you have or allow you to maximize the room. This is only possible during the purchase phase, before the game starts.

Until the bingo pot does not reach the minimum price of a card, you will not be able to play the free cards. When the pot of that room is greater than the price of a card you can click on your gift cards and use them.


Once the game has started, numbered balls will appear one by one continuously.

If a number comes out and corresponds to a number on your cardboard(s), it will be automatically marked (if you activate the automatic "self-marking" mode).

The cards will be sorted automatically, so that those who are closer to win a line or a Bingo will always be placed at the top.

The cards that are missing a single number to get a prize, will change color. Remember that this is a random game and if your card has been highlighted in another color, it means that you are close to winning a prize, but it does not mean that you will always win it, as there are many other players who are maybe also close to winning the prize.


In addition, randomly, instead of marking a normal number in the cardboard, some of the numbers may come out with a special prize in the form of a treasure chest. When the number corresponding to the safe comes out, you will win a special prize. These prizes can be experience points, Playspace credits or coins.

The more cards you buy, the more likely you are to get special treasure chests!


Win 1 line, 2 lines, Bingo and Loco Bingo!

If in one of your cards you manage to mark all the numbers in a horizontal line (5 in total), the game will automatically win you a line, thus obtaining the prize corresponding to the line.

The same will happen with the price of 2 lines (10 numbers in total) and with Bingo (all numbers marked).

When someone in the room shout Bingo, the game ends and the cardboard purchase screen appears for the next round.

Until now, by playing Loco Bingo you could win the three prizes you already know: one line, double line and Bingo. With the new Bingo 90 modality you will now have the opportunity to win a new prize: the Loco Bingo super prize!

How can you get it? If you get all the numbers from your cardboard before you get to the number of the separate ball (on fire). The Loco Bingo is a special prize that replaces the Bingo prize in case you win. This prize consists of an accumulated pot of the previous games including the Bingo of the current game.


Win duplo, triple, fourth, fifth, tombola, tombolino and Loco Bingo.

If you play the Tombola 90 mode, you will have the chance to win the following prizes:

  • Duplo: mark 2 numbers on the same line.

  • Triple: mark 3 numbers on the same line, except for lines with a double reward.

  • Fourth: mark 4 numbers on the same line, except for the lines with a triple prize.

  • Fifth: mark 5 numbers on the same line, except on lines with a fourth prize.

  • Tómbola: mark all the numbers from the cardboard.

  • Tombolino: mark all the numbers of the second card. The game continues once a player has already marked all the numbers on his card. The prize of the Tombolino is a cardboard and not coins.

  • Crazy Bingo: Mark all the numbers on your card before reaching the number of the separate ball (on fire).


Winning 1 line, 1 column, 1 diagonal or 4 corners are the possible combinations to shout Bingo or win prizes.

Other prizes: If you have one or more cards where you already have won the Bingo, this cards will participate in another round for the accumulated pot. The balls are going much faster and you need to find the pattern before the special ball as fast as possible. If you win you get the prize which is the accumulated pot form the previous game. The models of the accumulated pot vary according to the chosen room.

Multi accounts: The use of more than one account per player is not allowed and the breach of this rule may entail sanctions such as the permanent closure of all your accounts and the expulsion of all Playspace games.

Now that you know the rules of Loco Bingo, you can go and win prizes like a pro!

If you like BINGO of Playspace, try all our online games, like Dominoes, Ludo or Toma 2.

Bingo Rules (2024)


What is the secret to winning bingo? ›

Come early, come caffeinated, and listen closely. Maximize your chances of winning by playing games with fewer competitors and playing multiple cards at once. Choose cards that are more likely to win. For instance, look for a bingo card with many median numbers and very few repeated numbers.

What are the rules for bingo? ›

You will receive a bingo card with a grid of 25 numbers. A caller then calls out random numbers. If the number called is present on your board, you daub it off. The first player to get five numbers in a row, either vertically, horizontally, or diagonally, wins bingo.

How do you play bingo question and answer? ›

The game starts with the first player picking a question from the Bingo board and answering it. If another player has the same question on their board, they can mark it off. The game continues until someone gets a row of five marked off in a horizontal, vertical, or diagonal pattern and shouts "BINGO!"

What number wins the most in bingo? ›

According to a study published by Play OJO, one of the UK's bingo operators, they found that the number six is the most called number. The next one is followed by four. This applies to any match, including online bingo games. These numbers are often called for a game of chance despite the game relying on luck.

Is bingo a luck or a strategy? ›

Bingo is a game of chance where players mark off numbers on cards as they are randomly drawn by a caller. It's a thrilling game that combines luck and strategy, keeping players on the edge of their seats.

What not to do at bingo? ›

Smoking is not allowed in the front of the facility or within 10 feet of any door. Cell phones need to be silenced during the play of the games. If you must take or make a call, please step away from the playing area and keep your voice down.

Is bingo 100% luck? ›

The bottom line is that yes, bingo has a luck element, and you will need a fair bit of luck if you are to win. However, there is also undoubtedly a certain number and type of skills that you need to play good bingo. So, it is a game that is not all about luck at all, but instead a mixture of skill, strategy, and luck.

What is the two line rule in bingo? ›

The second prize is for two lines. These two lines must be within the same house and again must be horizontal. If you have this you call BINGO. For one and two lines it is the first person we see calling bingo.

What do you shout in bingo? ›

When all the numbers required to win a prize have been marked off, the player shouts in order to attract the caller's attention. There are no formal rules as to what can be shouted, but most players will shout "yes" or "bingo".

What does 69 mean in bingo? ›

66 – Clickety click. 67 – Stairway to heaven. 68 – Saving Grace. 69 – Favourite of mine.

How many options do you need for bingo? ›

Number of random values and number of draws

If you play a standard bingo game (numbers from 1 to 75) and you have 100 players (100 cards), you will need to play about 35 random values to get an average of 25 winning lines.

What is the Granville strategy in bingo? ›

Granville's strategy requires players to select their cards based on the balance of the numbers and their long-run probability of being drawn. Based on Granville's strategy, players must assume that operators will call an equal amount of low, high, even, and odd numbers.

Can bingo be fixed? ›

So, let's answer the big question, can bingo games be fixed? If you're using the wrong bingo website, yes, they can. But, if you choose a platform that meets the above criteria, you can make your deposit and create different winning bingo patterns with peace of mind.

How many chances to win bingo? ›

In general, bingo games are completed within 75 calls. If you play a game with that number of calls, your odds of winning are around 20 to 1. According to several calculation tables, getting a 'full house' combination is impossible under 15 calls.

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