Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (2024)

Mass Effect Legendary Edition includes almost all of the content from the series, outside of a rather forgettable downloadable mission from the first game and Mass Effect 3’s multiplayer, which BioWare has said could still happen if the demand is big enough.

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Even if we don’t see any other updates to the Mass Effect universe until the new game, there is still an abundance of content to be enjoyed within the single-player story mode. It was a little easier to keep track of what was new and extra content in the original game in 2012 since it all had to be downloaded separately.

The Legendary Edition is the best way to play the Mass Effect series but it can feel a little overwhelming since everything is already in the game. Some parts feel extra and add to the experience and others feel like they should have been included in the base game from the start.

This guide will help you smoothly sequence the missions that were originally DLC so the game feels and operates best from both a gameplay and role-playing perspective.

Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3’s DLC

Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (1)

From Ashes

I would recommend playing this as soon as the game gives you full control and lets you choose destinations and missions. This was day-one DLC, which was incredibly controversial at the time.

Most people misunderstood day-one DLC and thought it was held back for release, instead of being developed months before the game’s release and finished right before launch. Regardless, this should have been a free update at the time.

It doesn’t feel extra and feels essential for the game’s story and structure.You can start this mission by going to Eden Prime, where you’ll fight off a Cerberus assault and learn more about the protheans and their demise. This mission gives you a prothean squadmate named Javik.

He’s the last living Prothean and so there’s some really neat story bits that come as a result of having him on your squad even after this mission is finished. Javik was suspended in stasis for 50,000 years and so he’s completely removed from the politics and disagreements of the present day.

He offers a neutral perspective that adds to conversations. You won’t always agree with him but he’s good to have on the team. It’s wild that BioWare and EA thought using the last living prothean as an optional $10 DLC was acceptable from a storytelling perspective.

Start this one as soon as possible for a quick and fun mission on Eden Prime that brings you more story, a powerful squadmate, and a new weapon.


Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (2)

Leviathan can be started as soon as Priority: Palaven is finished but I’d recommend waiting until after you finish the story section on Thessia.

Leviathan expands on story details that are brought up on the asari homeworld and Shepard comments on some information you learn on Thessia like it’s new information, which doesn’t work as well if you’ve already completed the Leviathan content.

You can start it by visiting Dr. Bryson’s lab on the Citadel. There are several smaller parts in Leviathan’s main mission and they don’t all have to be completed at once. I think the story flows best if it’s tackled all at once but that’s your decision to make.

The detective work and combat encounters build up to some interesting lore that ties into the larger plot while also revealing much more about the reapers.

Omega: Aria T’Loak

Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (3)

It’s best to play Omega: Aria T’Loak after completing Citadel II. It fits really nicely into the narrative and the main plot slows down a tad, making it a great time to help Aria. This mission is pretty fun and involves working with Aria to take back Omega, which was stolen from her shortly before the game’s main story starts.

It ends up being really difficult but it’s a fun mission that lets you team up with Aria and gives you some good rewards. In addition to credits you find in the levels, you also get 15,000 credits and new weapons and abilities upon completion.

You can start this mission by meeting Aria at Dock 42 on the Citadel. This is when she will bring up her plan to take back Omega.


Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (4)

Mass Effect 3: Citadel was the last paid downloadable content pack released for the 360/PS3 version of Mass Effect 3 and it was a really great sendoff for the game. It provides you with extra equipment, credits, and more (like all of the extra packs released) but it also gives you lots of fun moments with squadmates from the first two games.

It’s really nice and it makes the stressful and thrilling final act of the game easier to enjoy. Shepard gets some time and special moments with their friends during a time of war and conflict.Play Citadel after finishing Priority: Horizon. More characters can be present and it’s the best place in the story to enjoy the time with squadmates.

Some players like starting it after the main story is finished, but there are continuity issues regardless of the ending you get. It’s an incredible mission pack with bonuses for your stats and your soul that’s best experienced right after Priority: Horizon.

Related:Best Order to Play Mass Effect 2’s DLC

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Best Order to Play Mass Effect 3's DLC (2024)


What order should I do Mass Effect 3 DLC? ›

Do Leviathan after Thessia. I prefer to do the entire Citadel DLC after Horizon. If you want to break it up, do the main mission after Rannoch and the party after Horizon. From Ashes I usually do before Palaven.

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Development and release

At the time of its release, Omega was Mass Effect 3's biggest DLC pack to date. According to BioWare Montreal producer Fabrice Condominas, Omega was not originally designed to be four hours long and nearly 2GB in size.

When to do Omega DLC ME3? ›

After the Citadel coup, or immediately after Rannoch. There are lulls in the story there where it makes sense to take a detour. This. Omega is truly a side story in every way, so any break in the story provides a natural leeway into it.

When should I do side quests Mass Effect 3? ›

Side Missions ALWAYS first. Preferably after you've tapped all available War Assets at the current moment. If you couldn't because of Reapers, they will disappear after you clear ANY mission. If you do Priority Missions first, you can lose out on those Side quests forever.

Should I start the Citadel DLC before or after Cerberus? ›

Definitely right before Cerberus HQ because by then, all of your past squadmate's missions including Miranda's will be finished and can be invited to the party at the apartment. So you get the most out of it if you wait until that period.

When should I play the Citadel DLC Mass Effect 3? ›

The citadel DLC should be completed after Horizon to get the most out of It. You can't have everyone from your squad involved in the Citadel dlc until after you've completed the mission on Sanctuary with Miranda.

Does Andromeda take place 600 years after ME3? ›

The Tempest embarks on a 600 year journey to the Andromeda Galaxy. Its main mission is to find a new world for humanity to colonise and thrive. Even though the game does start in the middle of the original Mass Effect trilogy it technically doesn't officially get going until centuries after the end of Mass Effect 3.

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SP: Level 60 is the highest level you can obtain in Mass Effect 3.

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There are eight different endings for Mass Effect 3: three core choices (two of which have two variations, and the other having three) and one alternative ending available only in the Extended Cut. Your options and their variations are influenced by three factors: The big choice you made at the end of Mass Effect 2.

Can you save Nyreen in Mass Effect 3? ›

The lack of repercussions makes this choice unimportant and the whole mission disappointing and stressful. However, as Aria and Nyreen will survive no matter what the player chooses to do, then the only real difference is Aria's attitude to Shepard at the end of the DLC.

How early can you recruit Tali ME3? ›

There are two steps players must complete in order to get Tali as a squadmate in Mass Effect 3: Tali must survive the suicide mission at the end of Mass Effect 2. Players must make peace between the geth and the quarians, or side with the quarians during "Priority: Rannoch."

When should you do Leviathan DLC ME3? ›

Leviathan is best done after Thessia. This prevents Shepard and Liara from looking like idiots. Omega is best done either right after the coup or right after Rannoch.

What is the best ending requirement in Mass Effect 3? ›

To get the Perfect Ending in Mass Effect 3 Legendary Edition, you will need to amass at least 7800 Military Strength. The Military Strength in the Legendary Edition is calculated based on all War Assets Shepard acquires. These War Assets can be acquired via choices made throughout the Mass Effect trilogy.

Does the order of missions matter in Mass Effect 3? ›

It's important to note not every player will want to complete the main story of Mass Effect 3 the same way, and there is no wrong way to order missions. Generally, the Priority missions will need to take place in a certain order. Beyond that, players can explore when and where they feel most fits their Shepard's story.

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It is entirely up to the player's interpretation to determine which ending they feel is the best conclusion for Shepard's story, but the choice to control the Reapers offers the most satisfying ending to the fight for survival in the Milky Way galaxy.

Should I play Shadow Broker before or after? ›

You have the option to do it before or after. It activates as soon as you get to Disc 2. There isn't much reason to not do it before the end of the game.

Does the order of missions matter in ME3? ›

Yes, the mission order does matter

However, most of the missions where the order does matter can be ignored if you're willing to skip portions of the content available in the game.

When to do from ashes DLC ME3? ›

Assuming Garrus is alive, From Ashes is best done after Palaven. Javik's dialogue makes a bit more sense if Garrus was there. Leviathan is meant to be played very late in the game. The final segment at the very least must be played after Thessia to prevent Shepard and Liara from looking like idiots.

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