26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26 (2024)

Founder's Story

26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26 (1)

I turned 26 in 2016. There are many things I want to accomplish before I become a year older. Also it gives me a reason to accomplish 26 things before I turned 26.

26 to me doesn’t mean I am “old” just means I have the opportunity to continue to reach more goals and become a stronger person. I have been working on my goals every year. I set them and try to accomplish them, some maybe small and some maybe big but to me they are important. Since I turned 25, I have put together a list of things I want to accomplish and with only four more months until I turn 26, I have still have things to accomplish. I figured I would share with everyone because we each have dreams and goals of our own.

  1. Pitch a new idea to my boss

  2. Do 1,000 crunches a week

  3. Buy a stranger a meal

  4. Capture photos of God’s beauty

  5. Go to my first ski resort

  6. Try a church other than my domination

  7. Write a card to a friend each month

  8. Run a marathon

  9. Try swimming

  10. Sponsor a kid in a third world country

  11. Redesign my blog

  12. Apply for my small business ID

  13. Try hot yoga

  14. Plan a medical mission trip

  15. Try a barre class

  16. Do something that scares

  17. Collaborate with other businesses to advertise Self Love Beauty

  18. Stop my nervous habit of biting my nails

  19. Visit the hometown dive bar

  20. Sign up for my first blogging conference

  21. Stand up for someone else

  22. Go hiking

  23. Do Mission Work in Haiti

  24. Apologize to someone I did wrong

  25. Buy a camera and start taking more professional photos

  26. Collaborate with four bloggers

I have crossed off what I have already accomplished and will continue to share my stories. I have a lot of dreams. Some that may seem bigger than others but at the end of the day that are dreams. I cannot wait use this list to get out of my comfort zone and work toward accomplishing more on my life.


26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26 (2)

Written byLisa Thompson

Lisa Thompson is Founder and Executive Director of the non-profit Self Love Beauty and host of 'The Confident Podcast'. She is an established confidence and self-love workshop leader and keynote speaker. She received a Bachelors in Arts in Communications and Public Relations from Michigan State University, degree in Social Impact Strategy from the University of Pennsylvania, certified in Positive Psychology and Creating Wellbeing, certified in Fundraising and Philanthropy from the Lilly Family School of Philanthropy at Indiana University and trained in mindfulness from the Search Inside Yourself Leadership Institute. Currently, she sits on the MiHIA Adverse Childhood Experience (ACEs) steering team to build resilience in adults and children in Michigan, Great Lakes Bay Mental Health Partnership and a Rotary member.Her mission is to use her gifts, strengths and talents in speaking and writing to connect with people and empower them to love themselves, get unstuck and take personal action for self-improvements. She resides in Michigan, loves to run, sip on Americanos and has a dog named Denver.

26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26 (2024)


26 Things To Do Before I Turn 26? ›

Turning 26 is a milestone birthday when it comes to health insurance because you're no longer eligible to stay on your parents' health plan. However, turning 26 is considered a qualifying life event—which makes you eligible (qualifies you) to buy health insurance during a special enrollment period.

What is special about turning 26? ›

Turning 26 is a milestone birthday when it comes to health insurance because you're no longer eligible to stay on your parents' health plan. However, turning 26 is considered a qualifying life event—which makes you eligible (qualifies you) to buy health insurance during a special enrollment period.

What can I do now that I'm 26? ›

26 Things To Do While I'm 26
  • Visit a new country.
  • Visit at least one new state. | Colorado!
  • Get a new tattoo. ...
  • Get my first professional body massage.
  • Get my first professional facial.
  • Read 10 new books. ...
  • Watch all the Marvel movies in chronological order.
  • Speak on a panel, at a conference, or in a classroom.
Jan 20, 2020

Do I lose my parents' insurance on my 26th birthday? ›

You can stay on your parent's plan until coverage ends December 31, even if you turn 26 mid-year. But be sure to apply for your own Marketplace plan for next year during Open Enrollment (November 1 – January 15 each year).

What do you say on your 26th birthday? ›

These short 26th birthday captions pack a punch in just a few words, perfect for capturing those memorable moments without any extra fluff.
  • 26 and loving it!
  • Birthday bliss!
  • Making the most of 26!
  • Cheers to another year!
  • 26 and thriving!
  • Grateful for 26 years!
  • Age is just a number. Celebrating 26!
  • Another year wiser.

Is 26 too old to start over? ›

You're Never Too Old To Make A Change

Despite age, one can still pursue a career transition if it promises to improve their life circ*mstances. It may seem daunting, but with careful assessment and planning, you can successfully transition into something new.

Is a 26 year old man mature? ›

There is no exact age that men emotionally mature.

While all men's brains fully develop by the age of about 25, their emotional maturity is heavily influenced by a number of psychological factors. These factors include: independence, self-esteem, and the ability to handle stress.

Is 26 too late to change my life? ›

No matter what age you are, you can still improve whatever it is you want to change in your life. Nobody is going to do the job for you. You need to motivate yourself and start taking action on the goals that you set for yourself. Don't wallow on what you don't have now.

Why is age 25 important? ›

The frontal cortex is the part of the brain responsible for aiding our memory, attention, judgment, and many other vital functions key to survival. This part of the brain doesn't finish developing or reach “maturation” until a person turns 25 on average.

Is 27 years old old? ›

Typically, people in their 20s are still considered young adults. Middle age generally begins around the mid-30s to early 40s and extends into the late 50s or early 60s, while old age is usually associated with the later stages of life, starting around 60 or 65 years old and beyond.

What's special about turning 27? ›

At age 27, we start to set the tone for the life we're living in the coming 60 years. Of course, I do believe changes are, and should be made at any age of our lives, but I'll say 27 is the sweet spot we should make important decisions.

What is it like being 25? ›

Often, when you're 25, you may be in your first job. You may be used to being managed. But feeling older at 25 may mean you're taking on greater responsibility such as leading a team, introducing certain policies, and making certain changes in the world. Take time to celebrate that.

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Author: Nicola Considine CPA

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Author information

Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.